1J11nrtbn arnuftrtutt !ltt4nbist tpisrnpttl Ql4urr4history/journal... · Wesleyan Wesleyan Female...


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~txty-111 nurt~ i\uuual ~tssinu

iltttmbtr 12-1.6. 1902'


Wesleyan Wesleyan

Female Conservatory :

College J



of Music


I NSTRUCTION in Departments of Art, Expression, Physical Culture, Bookkeeping, Stenography and

Typewriting, also the very best. Students received at any time when there is room,

and there will be a few vacancies when the Spring Term opens on the first of February. ·

Those desiring to attend during the present school year, should reserve at once. ·

Expenses less than at any similar Institution in the country. '>

Catalogue Free.

DuPONT GUERRY, Pre8ident.







Hyde Park, Tampa, Florida, December 12-16, 1907







fl Plaoo. I Convened.

~ Tla:has:e. Fla .. I Feb __ _

I President.


2 Monticello, Fla ____ l " 9 3 Quincy, Fla_ . . . .. .. " 10 4 Waynesville, Ga__ _ __ _ 5 Albany; Ga _______ Jan. 3 6 Madison, Fla ______ Feb __ _ 7 Thomasville, Ga ___ Jan. 22 ~~ Tal_lahassee, Fla.. .. ;; 28

Qumcy, Fla _____ _ 10


Monticollo, Fla ____ D.~c __ _ 11 Madison, Fla______ ...



. Bainbridge, Ga ___ _

13, Alligator, Fla_____ :; 24 14

11 Thomasville, Ga __

15 Jacksonville, Fla__ 15 16 Micanopy, Fla____ 28 17 Monticello, Fla____ 12 18 Quincy, Fla______ 12 191 Tallahassee, Fla 12 20 Thomasville, Ga .. _ 16 21 Monticello, Fla____ 14 22 Madison. Fla ______ Nov. 29 23 Quincy, Fla _______ Dec. 13 24 Monticello, Fla.. . " 6 25 Jacksonville, Fla __ Jan. 13 26 Lake City, Fla ____ Dec. 20 27 Tallahasse, Fla__ Jan. 4 28 Madison, Fla______ " 4 29 Fernandina, Fla._ 8 80 Jackscnville, Fla. . 7 81 "Live Oak, Fla ____ .. Dec. 16 32' Quincy, Fla ______ Jan. 5 33 Monticello, Fla..... " 11 34 Tampa, Fla ________ Nov.15 35 Gainesville, Fla._ . " 13 36 Tallahassee, Fla .. Dec.17 37 Ocala, Fla._______ " lt.: 38 Monticello, Fla ____ Jan. 18 391 Jacksonville, Fla.. " 3 40 Madison, Fla______ 8 41 Gainesville. i< la __ _ 42 Orlando, Fla______ !i 43 Tallahassee, Fla__ Dec. 16 44 Leesburg, Fla____ " 14 45 Bartow, Fla _______ Jan. 9 46 Gainesville, Fla___ " 8 47 Monticello, Fla... 7 48 Tampa,Fla________ fi 49 Ocala, Fla________ 4 50 Palatka, Fla._____ 3 51 Jacksonville, Fla.. 9 52 Orlando, Fla ______ Dec. 18 53 Tallahassee, Fla... " f~ 54 Tampa, Fla_______ " 17 55 Gainesville, Fla.... " 14 56 Monticello, Fla____ 13 57 Bartow, Fla______ " 13 g~ Li~e Oak,, Fla ______ Ja .. n. 1~

Qumcy, Fla .. _____ _ 6~ Lake City. Fla ...... D.~c. 1


6 Orlando. Fla _____ _ 6: Ocala, Fla________ .. 1~ 6 Palatka, Fla. ____ _

64 H.f~~!~r;ia _____ - " 12

1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 18fi5

Bishop J. Soule .. _______ _ Bishop J.O. Andrew ___ _ Bishop W. Capers _____ _ Bishop J. 0. Andrew .... Bishop W. Capers .. _____ _

Ira L. Potter ___ _ Bishop R. Paine ________ _ Bishop J. 0. Andrew .. __ Bishep W. Capers _____ _

R. H. Howren .... Bishop W. Capers _____ _

S.P.Richardson I Bishop J. 0. Andrew .. f

1856 Bishop J. 0. Andrew .... 1857 Bishop J. Early .. _______ _ 1858 Bishop J. 0. Andrew .. ---1859 Bishop H.H. Kavanaugh 18CO Bishop G. F. Pierce .. ___ _ 1861 Bishop G. F. Pierce .. ___ _ 1862 Bishop J. 0. Andrew ___ _ 1863 Bishop J. 0. Andrew ___ _ 1864 S. P. Richardson .. 1865 Bishop G. F. Pierce _____ _ 1866 Bishop H. N. McTyeire .. 1867 Bishop G. F. Pierce .. ___ _ 1869 Bishop W.M.Wightman 1869 Bishop D. S. Doggett .. __ 1871 Bishop W.M.Wightman 1872 ;Bishop W.M.Wightman 1873 Bishop E. M. Marvin ___ _ 187 J Bishop G. F. Pierce-----1874 Bishop W.M.Wrightman 1876 Bishop W.M.W•·ightman 1877 Bishop G. F. Pierce ... __ _ 1877 Bishop G. F. Pierce .. ___ _ 1878 Bishop H.H.Kavanaugh 1879 Bishop D. S. Doggett_ __ _ 1880 Bishop G. F. Pierce .. ___ _ 1882 Bishop H. N. MeTyeire .. 1883 Bishop H.H.Kavanaugn 1884 Bishop J. C. Keener ___ _ 1l'85 Bishop Linus Parker ___ _ 1886 Bishop R. K. Hargrove .. 1886 Bishop E. R. Hendrix ___ _ 1887 Bishop J.S. Key _______ _ 1889 Bishop C. B. Galloway 1890 Bishop J. C. Keener ___ _ 1891 Bishop W. W. Duncan .. 1892 Bishop J. C. Granberry .. 1893 Bishop 0. P. Fitzgerald .. 1894 Bishop A. G. Haygood ... 1895 Bishop W. W. Dunean __ 1895 Bishop J. C. Granberry .. 1896 Bishop C. B. Galloway __ 1897 Bishov W. W. Duncan _ 1898 Bishop W. A. Candler __ 1899 Bishop W. A. Candler __ 1900 Bishop W. A. Candler. 19fJ1 Bishop Jno. C. Granbery 1903 Bishop A. Coke Smith __ 1903 BisLop A. W. Wilson ..... 1904 Bishop W. A. Candler __ 1905 Bishop W. A. Candler __ 190 _ Bishop H. C. Morrison ..

1907 Bishop C. B. Galloway __


T .C. Benning. P. P. Sll!~th.

T. N. Gardner.

P. P. Sm},th.

J. C. Ley. P. P. Sll!jth.

F. A. Br~nch.

J.P. DePass. U.S. Bi.t:~·

Frederich Pasco.


OFFICERS. Bishop C. B. Galloway ......................... President Frederick Pasco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary John E. Mickler ....................... Assistant Secretary C. H. Summers ........................ Assistant Secretary A. H. Cole ............................ Assistant Secretary A. M. Daiger .................. , ....... Assistant Secretary


President Frederick Pasco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary J. C. Cooper .................................. Treasurer


H. Dutill, President; T. J. ·watkins, Vice-President; R. H. Johnson, Treasurer; T. J. Nixon, Secretary. I. S. Patterson, J. F. Bell, F. Pixton, N. H. Williams, J. C. Little, G. I. Davil::l, F. M. Hudson, D. J. Caldwell.

BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION. W. J. Carpenter, President; T. W Tompkies, Vice-Presi­

dent; B. F. Mason, Secretary; \V. J. Gray, Treasurer. J. B. Mitchell, J. S. Collier, L. J. Cooper, C. W. White. J. C. Carter, of Lakeland; J L. McCrory, C. Brinkley, J. H. Perkins.


R. H. Barnett, President; E. A. Harrison, Secretary; S. Hardin, Treasurer. J. R. Cason, J. P. Hilburn, L. D. Lowe, A. W. McLeran, \V. N. Sheats, W M. Gist, S. J. Hilburn, 'Vm. Boswell, D. C. McMullen.


John E. Mickler, President; F. E. Steinmeyer, Secretary; J. Lawton Moon, A. M. Daiger, J. T. Mitchell, R. Ira Barne.tt, A. D. Penny, C. W. Armentrout, E. L. Greer, F. W. Bishop, A. F. Turner, F. A. Curtis.


SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD. G. S. Roberts, President; J. B. Ley, Secretary and Treas­

urer; C. W. White, H. Hice, F. E. Steinmeyer, U. S. Tabor, H. J. Davis, D. R. Zetrouer, E. M. Goodbread, Geo. C. ;Branning, S. G. Wilson, J. C. Carter of Dade City.

ORPHANAGE BOARH. J. R. Cason, President; Isaac C. Jenkins, Secretary; J. R.

Crandell, W. A. Wier, E. J. Gates, G. W. Mitchell, W. J. Nease, N.J. Tilghman, J. E. Hendry, J. M. Fowler, Wm. Himes.

BOARD OF TRGSTEES FOR ORPHANAGE. L. W. Moore, President; W. A. Wier, Secretary; S. Hardin,

Treasurer; T. J. Nixon, C. W. Inman, W. R. Thomas, C. W. Smith, J. B. Cromartie, S. J. Hilburn

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY BOARD. E. J. Hardee, R. L. Honiker, F. M. C. Eads, J. S. Crandell,

C. L. Wilson, Thos W Hartley, H L Phifer, Wm Tilghman, James Lights, J N. Carn.

CONFERENCE RELATIONS. D. A. Cole, H. S. Miller, M. H. Outland, J. E. Mickler, R.

V. Atkisson, C. W. Inman, T. L. Z. Barr, W. B. Tresca, A. M. Mann, Samuel Scott, vV. M. Steinmeyer.

COMMITTEE ON MEMOIRS. B. K. Thrower, R. M. Williams, F. A. Taylor, T. S. Armis­

tead, J. F. Bell, H. E. Partridge.

TRUSTEES PREACHERS' RELIEF FUND. E. J. Gates, President; H. W. Long, Treasurttr; B. T. Rape,

Secretary; M. T. Bell, S. J. Hilburn, F. M Hudson. Carter, J. E. Wood, J. B. Cromartie, L. R. Phillips.

PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. Florida Christian Advocate: L. W. Moore, W. J. Carpen­

ter, T. J. Nixon, J. P. Hilburn, G. I. Davis, W. N. Sheats, G. ll. Glover.

TRUSTEES SOUTHERN COLLEGE. J. P. Hilburn, W. C. Richardson, J. B. Ley, R. M. Evans,

A. C. Clevis, S. vV. Lawler, J. A. Hendry, D. A. Cole, I. S.


Giddens, I. S. Patterson, J. C. Little, L. J. Cooper, W. M. Poage, D. C. McMullen, J. E. Hendry, C. W. Smith, W. N. Sheats, T . .J. Nixon, J. T. Watkins.

JOINT BOARD OF FINANCE. T. J. Nixon, Chairman; C. E. Earnest, Secretary and

Treasurer; E. A. Harrison, S. Hardin, J. T. Mitchell, H. E. Partridge, B. T. Rape, D. J. Caldwell, G. B. Glover, S. J. Hil­

/ burn, T. M. Strickland, L. E. Roberson.

COl\IlUlTTEES OF EXAl\IINATION. On Admissious:----J. Edgar Wilson, J. B. Ley, A. E. Hous­

holder. Admission on Trial:-F. E. Steinmeyer, J. B. Mitchell,

Isaac C'. Jenldns. First Yem·:--E. A. Harrison, A. M. Doiger, B. T. Rape. Second Yc~n·:--H. E. Partridge, C. F. Blackburn, A. lVI.

Mann. Third 'ic:n·:-R. L. Honiker, J. R. Cason, E. J. Gates. Fourth Yt:':u:---H. Dutill, S. Hardin, Geo. H. York.


BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. L. W. Moore, F. A. Taylor, F. M. C. Eads, H. Hice, E. A.

Townsend, D. Lee Switzer, M. H. Norton, G I. Davis, L. E. Roberson, F. Boyer, J. M. Jackson, C. B. Foster.

DISTRICT CONFERENCE RECORDS. C. W. Inman, Thos. Williams, E. J. Gates, W. B. Tresca,

T. F. Roland, H. Hice, N. J. Wicker, W. H. Mitchell, J. C. Carter, J. E. Wood, J. B. Cromartie, L. R. Phillips.

SABBATH OBSERVANCE. T. S. Armistead, W. C. Norton, M. H. Outland, J. R. Taylor

B. F. Mason, Olin Boggess.

TEMPERANCE. R. H. Barnett, C. W. Matheson, W. J. Carpenter, J. B.

Mitchell, J. F. Bell, R. J. Wells, J. W. Knight, C. Brinkley, W. L. Palmer, J. H. Perkins, S. J. Hilburn, J. M. Dieffenwerth.

PUBLIC WORSHIP. W. M. Poage, W. J. Carpenter, D. C. McMullen.

VISITING COMMITTEE. To Southern College:



Josephus Anderson, a Sd ........................ Leesburg W. F. Alexander, Sd ....................... St. Petersburg R. V. Atkisson ................................ Live Oak J. W. Austin .................................. Maitland T. S. Armistead ................................. Seffner Olin Boggess ................................. Plant Ci~y C. F. Blackburn ............................... Madison J. F. Bell ................................ St. Petersburg M. T. Bell ..................................... Parrish F. R. Bridges .................................... Ocala T. L. Z. Barr ................................... Melrose H. W. Baker, a Sy ............................. Key West J. Beers ..................................... Ft. Myers T. C. Bradford ................................. Madison J. S. Brooke ................................. Dade City J. W. Bi~ham .............................. Jacksonville R. H. Barnett .................................... Ocala R. I. Barnett ................................. Lake City H. P. Blocker ................................. Mulberry F. L. Crowson ............................ Crawrfordville C. C. Cecil .................................. Sutherland W. J. Carpenter ................................. Tampa D. A. Cole ....................................... Largq A. H. Cole ................................... Inverne.3s J. R. Cason ................................... Lakeland J. S. Crandell .................................. Bronson J. R. Crandell ............................ Bowling Green J. S. Collier ................................. Floral City J. T. Coleman .............................. Grand Island H. Dutill ....................................... Palatka: A. M. Daiger ................................. Key W e·.;t M. DeLofeu, a ............................ Havana, Cuba J. P. Durrence ............................... Sutherlanj E. K. Denton .......................... West Palm Beach R. lVL Evans .................................... Durant F. M. C. Eads .................................. Nocatee


H. B. Frazee ............................... Jacksonville W. F. Fletcher ................................. Madison W. G. Fletcher, a ......................... Santiago, Cubq, E. F. Gates, Sd ................................. Manatt:le E. J. Gates ................................... Williston E. H. Giles, Sd ................................. Arcadia F. T. Griffith, a ................................. Alachua E. A. Gray, a Sd ................................ ----W. J. Gray ..................................... Hinson A. M. Gardner ..................... ~ ............ Miakka R. L. Honiker .............................. Clear Water E. J. Holmes, a Sd ......................... Dixie, Georgia E. J. ·Hardee .................................. Wauchula H. F. Harris ................................... DeLand H. J. Haeflinger .................................. MaJO S. Hardin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monticello J. P. Hilburn ................................ Sutherland J. A. Hendry ............................... Jacksonville A. E. Housholder ......•......................... Quincy E. A. Harrison .............................. Jacksonville L. D. Haynes ............................... Jacksonville Henry Hice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leesburg C. W. Inman .................................... Starke A. P. johntry .................................. Blanton Isaac C. Jenkins ............................. Sutherland J. L .. Jones, a Sy ............................. Interlachen G. J. Kennelly .............................. _ ... Hastings L. D. Lowe ....................................... Miami J.D. Lewis ................................... Ybor City S. W. Lawler ................................... Bartow J. B. Ley .................................. Jacksonville E. F. Ley ................. : ................ Jacksonville L. W. Moore .......................... , ......... Tampa J. Lawton Moon ............................ Jacksonville A. M. Mann ................................... Manatee B. F. Mason ..................................... Jasper C. W. Matheson ................................ Rochelle .J. H. D. McRae, Sd .............................. ---G. W. Mitchell, Sd ......................... Safety Harbor

. J. B. Mitchell .................................. Orlando J. T. Mitchell. .................................... Alva ~· S. Miller, Sy ............................. Lake But'ler W. A. Myres ................................... Bartow


V. V. Morgan ................................ Sutherland J. E. Mickler ..... -.............................. Chaires W. J. Nease ............................... Lake Butler T. J. Nixon .................................. Gainesville M. H. Norton .............................. Apalachicola W. C. Norton ................................. Sycamore J. H. Owens .................................. Kathleen L. Oser ......................................... Cuba M. H. Outland ................................... Martel W. M. Poage .................................... Tampa H. B. Perritt, a ................................. Aucilla F. Pixton .................................... Ft. Meade T. J. Phillips ........... , ...................... Bushnell W. K. Piner .................................... Tamr1a I. S. Patterson ............................... Tallahassee Frederick Pasco ................................. Tampa H. E. Partridge ............................. Bradentow'l J. D. Rogers, a Sd ........................... Clear Water W. H. F. Robarts ................................ Webstel' G. S. Roberts ............................... Jacksonvllle B. T. Rape ................................... Wellborn T. F. Roland ............................... Waukeenah Samuel Scott ................................ Brooksville R. L. Sprinkle .............................. Fernandina R. L. Sumner, a Sd ............................. Maitlaud C. A. Saunders .................................. Apopka D. B. Sweat .................................... Sanford D. L. Switzer .............................. Bloomingdal~ R. N. Sanders .............................. Mt. Pleasant C. H. Summers .................................. Tampa F. E. Steinmeyer ................................ Havana W. H. Steinmeyer .......... · ................. Jacksonv1lle T. II. Sistrunk ................................ Micanopy W. F. Shoemaker .......................... Demorest, Ga E .. A. Townsend ............................. Green Cove J. R. Taylor .................................. Carabelle F. A. Taylor .................................... Bristol T. W. Tomkies ................................. Tampa

W. B. Tresca ............................. White Springs

B. K. Thrower ............................... Sutherland

u·. S. Tabor ................................... Sarasota

I. A. Vernon ................................... Curlew


R. J. Wells .................................. Fort White J. T. Waters, a Sd ....................... Muncie, Indiana Thos. Williams ................................ Madison R. M. Williams ................................... Citra W. A. Wier ................................... Palmetl:.o N. H. Williams ............................. Jacksonvill~ E. Wilson ..................................... Chipley J. Edgar Wilson ............................. Tallahassee C. W. White ................................... Arcadia G. H. York .................................... Coleman J. L. Yeats ................................ High Springs

Sd-Superannuated. By-Supernumerary. A-Absent. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132


E. W. Armentrout .......................... Apalachicola J. B. Cromartie .................................. Lloyd J. H. Perkins ................................ Monticello W. S. Mickler ............................... Tallahassee

Jacksonville District. C. Brinkley ................................ Jacksonville F. P. McCall. ................................. Titusville L. F. Smith ................................ Lake Butler

Gainesville District. J. W. Knight ................................ Floral City D. R. Zetrouer ................................ Micanopy N. J. Wicker .................................. Coleman H. L. Phifer ................................. Gainesville

East Coast District. C. F. Kemp .................................. Key West L. R. Philips ................................... Sanford W. G. Tilghman ................................ Palatka S. J. Hilburn .................................. Palatka

Orlando District. W. M. Boswell ................................ Lakeland C. E. Earnest ................................... Bartow W. L. Palmer .................................. Orlando

Tampa District. J. M. Dieffenwerth ............................ Hernando S. G. Curry ................................... ----Isaas Brandon ............................... ----C. E. Wilder .................................. ----


CLASS OF FIRST YEAR. Mills M. Lord ................................. Anthony Joseph E. Woodward ......................... Tallahassee Chas. L. Eaddy ................................ Inverness Geo. S. Henderson .............................. Arcadia E. C. Hudson .............................. Punta Gorda J. F. Clarke .................................. Old Town Ignatio Gonzales ................................. Tampa Salvatore Panteleone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tampa Frank P. McCall .............................. Titusville Mack 0. ·williams ............................. Columbia Thos. R. Adams ............................... Sebastian W. H. G. Slaymaker .............................. Naples

CJ.JASS OF SECOND YEAR. M. Dominguez, a ................. : . ........... Key We·3t W. F. Allen .................................. Key West F. L. Crowson ............................. Crawfordville J. R. Blocker ................................... Delray Fred L. Glennan ....................... South Jacksonville Samuel I. Hendrix ........................... Lemon City Finly J. Patterson ............................... Tampa B. H. Freeman ................................ Callahan


J. Lawton Moon ............................. Jacksonville L. Oser ......................................... Cuba W. G. Fletcher, a ......................... Sttntiago, Cuba J. \V. Austin .................................. Maitland H. P. Blocker ................................. Mulberry L. D. Lowe ...................................... Miami

· \V. F. Fletcher ................................. Madison A. M. Gardner .................................. Miakka Augustus P. Johntry ............................ Blantofl A. L. Woodward ............................. Kissimmee


Reuben N. Sanders .......................... Mt. Pleasant Daniel B. Sweat ................................ Sanford C. W. Matheson ............................... Rochelle W. J. Nease ................................ Lake Butler R. L. Sumner, a ................................ Maitland M. De Lofeu, a ........................... Havana, Cuba R. I. Barnett ................................. Lake City

M. E. CHURCH, SouTH 11

H. B. Perritt ................................... Aucilla A-Absent.

BISHOPS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOGTH. Alpheus W. Wilson ........................ Baltimore, Md Wm. W. Duncan ........................ Spartanburg, S. C Charles B. Galloway ....................... Jackson, Miss Eugene R. Hendrix ....................... Kansas City, M-J Joseph S. Key ........................... Sherman, Texas Oscar P. Fitzgerald, Sd .................... Nashville, Tenu Warren A. Candler .......................... Atlanta, Ga Henry C. Morrison .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birmingham, Ala E. Embree Ross ....................... Mount Eagle, Tenn Seth Ward .............................. Houston, Texas James D. Atkins ....................... ~Waynesboro, N. C


Missionary Secretaries. Rev. W. R. Lambuth, D. D ................. Nashville, Tenn Rev. W. W. Pinson, D. D .................. Nashville, Tenn Rev. J. R. Nelson, D. D (Domestic Mission) .... Nashville, Tena

Secretary of Church Extension. Rev. W. F. McMurry, D. D .................. Louisville, Ky

Secretary of Education. Rev. J. D. Hammond, D. D ................. Nashville, Tenn

Superintendent of Sunday School Training Work. Rev. H. M. Hamill, D. D ................... Nashville, Tenn

Secretary of Epworth Leagues. Rev. N. M. DuBose, D. D ................... Nashville, Tenn

Sunday School.Editor. Rev. E. B. Chappell, D. D ................. Nashville, Tenn

Book Editor and Editor Quarterly R~view. Rev. Gross Alexander, D. D ................ Nashville, Tenn

Christian Advocate Editor. Rev. G. B. Winton, D. D ................... Nashville, Tenn

Publishing Agents. Smith & Lamar .......................... Nashville, Tenn



The Sixty-fourth session of the Florida Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, convened in the Hyde Park Methodist Church, Tampa, Florida, at 9 A. M., Decembtr 12, 1907, Bishop Charles B. Galloway, in the chair, who con­ducted the opening religious service.

The roll was called by the Secretary of the last Confer­ence and 85 preachers and 15 lay delegatE;ls responded present. (See Roll.)

Conference completed its organization by the reelection of Frederick Pasco, Secretary, with J. E. Mickler, C. H. Summers, A. H. Cole, A. M. Daiger, assistants.

Hours of meeting and adjournment fixed at 9 a m., and 12 m.

Bar of Conference fixed to include the first seven rows of seats.

Hon. Don C. McMullen, in behalf of the Methodist Churches and the citizens of Tampa, delivered a cordial ad­dress of welcome to which Bishop Galloway, in behalf of tho Conference, made a suitable reply.

The following Committees were appointed on nomination of the presiding elders, (see Boards and Committees).

Sundry communications were presented and referred to appropriate boards.

Question 2 0 was taken up the presiding elders were called,· represented their districts and their characters passed.

J. A. Hendry-Jacksonville District. S. W. Lawler-East Coast District. J. E. Wilson-Tallahassee District. F. R. Bridges-Gainesv1lle District. J. W. Bigham-Orlando District. W. M. Poage-Tampa District. J. L. Jones, H. W. Baker characters passed and they were

referred to Committee on Conference Relations for Super­numerary relation.

J. Anderson, J. D. Rogers, J. T. Waters, E. H. Giles, E. Wilson, W. F. Shoemaker, E. J. Holmes, E. F. Gates, J. T.


Coleman, H. B. Frazee, J.P. Durrence, J. H. D. McRae, G. W. Mitchell, T. W. Moore, C. D. Ward, J. S. Colller, E A. Gray, characters passed and referred to same committee for Super­annuated relation.

J. L. Moon, W. S. McMannen, characters passed and they were located at their own request.

On motion R. M. Evans was referred to a Committee of Investigation. The Bishop appointed T. J. Nixon, T. W. Tomkies, L. W. Moore as the Committee.

Question 2 0 resumed the following elders were called and their characters passed. J. B. Ley, R. H. Barnett, N. H. Williams, E. F. Ley, H. J. Haeflinger, H. S. Miller, W. H. Steinmeyer, W. B. Tresca, B. T. Rape, H. Dutill, I. S. Patter­son, S. Hardin, A. E. Housholder, F. A. Taylor, T. F. Roland, A. M. Mann, T. C. Bradford, R. L. Honiker, J. R. Taylor, G. S. Roberts, F. E. Steinmeyer, W. J. Gray and Frederick Pasco Editor of the Florida Christian Advocate, who read his report which was referred to Committee on Books and Periodicals.

The folowing transfers were announced: B. A. Winn from Western Virginia Conference. R. L. Sprinkle, Los Angeles Conference. V. V. Morgan, West Texas Conference. The following were introduced: Rev. C. W. Irvin, a

superannuate of the Northwest Texas Conference and Presi­dent of the Live Oak Publishing Co., the Publishers of the Florida Christian Advocate; Rev. P. W. Sinks, pastor of the Congregational Church, Tampa; Rev. Mr. Davis, pastor of M. E. Church, Tampa; Dr. Gross Alexander, Book Editor; Mr. D. M. Smith, one of the Publishing Agents; Dr. John R. Nel­son, one of the Missionary Secretaries; Rev. John S. Jenkins of Griffin, North Georgia Conference.

After various announcements Conference adjourned with the doxology and the benediction by the Bishop.

SECOND DAY. Conference convened at 9 a. m., Bishop in the chair.

Opened. with religious service conducted by Chas. D. Tillman. Roll was called and 11 additional preachers and 2 lay

delegates responded present. ( Seee Roll). On motion further calling of the roll was dispensed with. Report of Dr. J. E. Dickey, President of Emory College,

referred to Board of Education. Question 1 was taken up. Who are admitted on trial?


J. E. Woodward was recommended by Tallahassee Dis­

trict Conference. Chas. L. Eaddy recommended by Gainesville District

Conference. George S. Henderson recommended by Orlando District

Conference. E. C. Hudson, J. F. Clark, Ignatio Gonzales, Salvatore

Panteleone recommended by Tampa District Conference. Mack 0. Williams by Harrison District Conference, Ar­

kansas Annual Conference and Frank P. McCall recommended by Jacksonville District Conference. The Examining Com­mittee and Committee on Admission, reporting favorably, were admitted on trial.

Question 2 was taken up. Who are continued on trial? Finly J. Patterson, Samuel I. Hendrix, Fred L. Glennan,

J. R. Blocker, B. H. Freeman were called, characters passed, and the Examining Committee reporting favorably, they were advanced to the Class of the Second year.

Question 3 was taken up. Who are discontinued? Miles D. Cunningham, of Class of First year, character

passed and at his own request was discontinued. On motion the appeal of Mills M. Lord from the verdict of

. a Committee of Trial appointed by J. W. Bigham, P. E. Or­lando District, was on motion entertained.

Question 7 was taken up. Who are the deacons of one year?

Reuben N. Sanders, Daniel B. Sweat, C. VI. Matheson, W. J. Nease, R. Ira Barnett, characters passed and the Examin­ing Committee reporting favorably, they were advanced to the Class of Fourth year.

Question 4. J. M. Glazier transferred to Denver Confer­ence, character passed; J. Lawton Moon, H. P. Blocker, I... Oser, W. Gregory Fletcher, J. W. Austin, characters passed and not being before the Examining Committee, they were left in the Class of the Third year.

Bishop announced the following committee on appeal in the case of M. M. Lord:

A. E. Housholder, chairman; G. S. Roberts, R. L. Honi­ker, R. H. Barnett, J. F. Bell, T. S. Armistead, G. J. Kennelly, S. Hardin, H. Hice, D. A. Cole, J. E. Mickler, Secretary.

Report of Committee of Investigation in case of R. M. Evans read as follows: and on motion the report was adopted and the character of R. M. Evans passed and he was referred


to the Committe on Conference Relations for a Superannuate relation.

To the Bishop and brethren of the Florida Annual Con­ference: Your Committee in the case of Rev. R. M. Evans, report as follows: After careful investigation of the case, and in view of the written statement herewith submitted by him, we deem no further proceedings necessary, and we re­commend the passage of his character.

T. J. NIXON, Chairman. Signed, THOS. W. TOMKIES,

L. W. MOORE, Secretary.

To The Committee: Whereas there has been some misunderstanding in

different sections of our Conference growing out of my con­nection with the Pentecostal movement, I wish to make the following statement:

1. That in submitting to immersion I did not intend to advocate immersion as the exclusive mode of baptism, or to renounce my former water baptism, but to remove a possible prejudice in my own mind that might have grown out of my former antagonism to that mode.

2. I here affirm that no one is authorized to use my name as in sympathy with any attacks made upon the doc­trines and ministry of our Church, and I am, and ever have been, in perfect accord with the doctrines of our Church, including water baptism. Fraternally,


Dr. Gross Alexander, Book Editor, addressed the Con­ference.

Greetings of the Hyde Park Woman's Christian Temper­ance Union presented to the Conference.

Report of General Secretary Epworth League presented and referred to the Conference Epworth League Board.

Communication from Bishop Cottrell of C. M. E. Church was referred to Board of Education.

J. P. Hilburn was appointed by the Bishop to represent the Church in appeal case of M. M. Lord.

Rev. Dr. G. L. Thompson, of the New York East Confer-­ence, and Rev. Mr. Cooper, Indiana Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, and Dr. Waterhouse, President Emory and Henry College, were introduced.


Report of Trustees of Southern College read and on motion referred to Board of Education.

Question 12. M. H. Norton, T. L. Z. Barr, characters passed and the Examining Committee reporting favorably, they were elected elders.

Question 7 resumed. M. DeLofeu, R. L. Sumner not be­ing before Examining Committee, characters passed and they were left in the Class of the Fourth year.

Question 10 was taken up. What local preachers are elected deacons?

Milliard T. Huntley recommended by Gainesville District Conference was elected deacon.

· Question 14 taken up. What local preachers are elected elders? None.

Orders of W. F. Yocum an elder from M. E. Church were recognized, he presenting certificate of adherence to our doc­trines and discipline.

Question 8. What traveling preachers are elected deacons?

Wm. F. Fletcher, Augustus P. Johntry, Albert M. Gard· ner, the Examining Committee reporting favorably, charac· ters passed and they were elected deacons.

Question 2 resumed. M. Dominguez, F. L. Crowson, W. F. Allen not having been before the Examining Committee, characters passed and they were left in Class of Second Year.

On motion Conference voted to meet at 7: 30 p. m., to hear the report of the Board of Education.

E. Ghidoni of Class of Second Year, surrendered his cre­dentials through W. M. Poage, P. E., Tampa District, and they were placed in the hands of the Secretary.

B. C. Sharp, local elder surrendered his credentials through J. A. Hendry, P. E., Jacksonville District, and they were placed in hands of the Secretary.

B. A. Winn introduced, transfer from Western Va., Con­ference, who represented the Italian Mission work in Tampa.

Question 20 was resumed, the following were called and their characters passed: T. J. Nixon, J. L. Yeats, C. W. In­man, F. M. C. Eads, T. H. Sistrunk, G. H. York, R. V. At­kisson, D. L. Switzer. On motion time was extended indefi­nitey.

J. B. Cromartie was placed on Board of Trustees for Orphanage in place of H. J. Davis, and E. J. Gates on Board of Trustees Preachers' Relief Fund.


After announcements on motion adjourned with benedic­tion by Dr. Waterhouse.

SECOND DAY-NIGHT SESSION. Conference convened at 7:30 p. m., Bishop Galloway in

the chair. R. H. Barnett conducted the opening religious service. The object of the session being the consideration of the

report of the Board of Education, reports I and II were read by the Secretary of the Board and after some discussion, on motion were adopted.

Adjourned with benediction by the Bishop.

THIRD DAY. Conference convened at 9 o'clock a. m., Bishop Galloway

in the chair. Opened with religious service conducted by Rev. Charlie

D. Tillman. Minutes of last night's session read and approved. Report of Editor of Conference Minutes read and

adopted. Question 4 was taken up. Who are received into full

connection? A. L. Woodward and L. D. Lowe. Examining Committee

reporting favorably, their characters passed. Wm. F. Fletcher Augustus P. Johntry, Albert M. Gardner, reported yesterday under election of deacons, all these were called forward and having answered the usual Disciplinary questions, were ad­dressed by the Bishop and received into full connection.

Report of Committee on Appeal in case of M. M. Lord was read, reversing decision of Committee of Trial.

Question 2 was resumed. M. M. Lord character passed, and not having been before the Examining Committee, he was left in the Class of First Year.

J. L. Cunninggim, director of Correspondence School, introduced and addressed the Conference briefly.

Dr. J. R. Nelson, Missionary Secretary and the BishoP. addressed the Conference on the Men's Missionary Movement.

M. T. Bell in place of J. F. Bell, was made one of the Trustees of the Preachers' Relief Fund.

Hon. DuPont Guerry, President Wesleyan Female Col­lege, was introduced and addressed the Conference. ·

Committee on Conference Relations, reported as follows: answering Questions 17 and 18.


Questipn 2 0 resumed. H. S. Miller character passed and on motion, he was referred to Committee on Conference Re­lation for a Supernumerary relation.

W. H. Ftmk character passed he has retired from our Conference to take work in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church.

Transfers announced as follows: J. D. Lewis from North Georgia Conference. F. T. Griffith from Baltimore Conference. C. F. Blackburn from St. Louis Conference. H. B. Perritt from Mississippi Conference. J. R. Cason was placed on Orphanage Board in place

of J. P. DePass, deceased. W. S. Mickler on Committee on Books and Periodicals

in place of G. I. Davis. Memorial service fixed for 3 p. m., to-morrow. Minutes read and approved. After announcements, adjourned with doxology and ben- ,

ediction by Bishop.

SUNHA Y AFTl1~RNOON-MElUORIAL SERVICE. Conference convened pursuant to adjournment at 3 p. m.

in Memorial Service, Bishop Galloway in chair. Opened with religious service conducted by H. E.

Partridge. Question 19 was called. What preachers ·have died dur­

ing the year? James P. DePass, John C. Ley. Memoir of Bro. DePass was read by H. E. Partridge, of

Bro. Ley by B. K. Thrower. The Secretary read a tribute to the memory of Bro.

Ley written by Rev. J. A. Castel, a former member of this body.

R. M. Williams read the memoir of Mrs. Wm. H. Funk, wife of a member of the Conference.

After touching tributes had been given to our departe•l ones by several of the brethren, Conference adjourned.

FOURTH DAY. Conference convened at 9 a. m., Bishop Galloway in the

chair. Opened with religious service conducted by T. W. Tomkiea. Minutes of memorial service read and approved.


Bishop announced the ordinations yesterday answering the following questions:

Question 9. What traveling preachers are ordained dea­cons? Augustus P. Johntry, Albert M. Gardner.

Question 11. What local preachers are ordained deacons? Milliard F. Huntley.

Question 13. What traveling preachers are ordained elders? Marvin H. Norton, Theodore L. Z. Barr.

Question 15. What local preachers are ordained elders? None.

Question 2 0 was resumed. The following were called and their characters passed. H. Rice, Olin Boggess, C. A. Saunders, J. F. Bell, G. K. Kennelly, H. F. Harris, W. C. Davis, tranferred to South Georgia Conference; M. H. Outland, A. H. Cole, J. E. Mickler, A. M. Daiger, R. M. Williams, W. A. Wier, J. B. l\1itchell, E. J. Gates, L. D. Haynes, J. R Crandell, W A. Myres, J. P. Hilburn, J. R. Cason, F. Pixton, T. S. Armistead, C. W. White, J. H. Owens, John Beers, J. T. Mitchell, E. J. Hardee, W. K. Piner, C. H. Summers, W. J. Carpenter, L. W. Moore, T. J. Phillips, J. Norwood, Thomas Williams, T. W. Tomkies, H. E. Partridge, W. C. Norton, U. S. Tabor, H. B. Margeson, D. A. Cole, I. A. Vernon, S. Scott, J. S. Brook, W. H. F. Rob­arts, S. W. Walker, B. K. Thrower, C. C Cecil, I C Jenkins, M. T. Bell.

Question 16 resumed. J. A. Morrow character passed and he was located.

On motion, $600 of the amount received from sale of Church property at St. Augustine, was recommended to be loaned without interest to the Church at Hastings for five years to pay on the parsonage. .

Rev. Jas. F. Winnard, pastor Presbyterian church, Tampa Heights, was introduced.

Thos. Williams called and at his own request a Commit­tee .of Investigation was appointed by the Bishop as follows: J. P. Hilburn, L. W. Moore, H. Dutill.

Question 1 resumed. The following were called, the Ex­amining Committee and the Committee on Admissions report­ing favorably, they were admitted on trial. W. H. G. Slay­maker, Orlando District; Thos. R. Adams, East Coast District.

Question 5. Who are readmitted? None. Sundry resolutions and reports were adopted. (See Re­

solutions and Reports.

Sundry Minute question called. (See General Minutes.


Miami selected as place for next session. V. V. Morgan, professor at Southern College introduced. Vacancies on Boards filled. Minutes read and approved. Adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m., with the benediction

by the Bishop.

FOURTH DAY-NIGHT SESSION. Conference met pursuant to adjournment at 7:30 p. m.,

Bishop in the chair. J. W. Bigham conducted the opening religious service.

Sundry reports and resolutions adopted. (See Reports and Resolutions.)

Minute Question answered. (See General Minutes.) Committee of Investigation in case of Thos Williams re-

ported no trial necessary and his character passed. Minute Questions answered. (See General Minutes. Visiting Committee to Southern College announced. Question 4 6 was called. Where are the preachers

stationed this year? Bishop announced the appointments, after which Cpnference adjourned sine die with the doxology and benediction by the Bishop. (See Appointments.)

M. E. CHURCH, SouTH 21


Figures show the number of years incumbent has been on the work.


Apalachicola and Mission .... ; ..•..... ·1· .. M. H. Norton 2 one to be supplied by .................... J. A. Silva 1

Aucilla ............................... H. B. Perritt 1 Blue Creek Circuit. . . . . . to be supplied by C. E. Boland 2 Bristol ................................ F. A. Taylor 1 Carrabelle . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... W. T. Brantley, Supply 1 Concord Circuit. .......................... W. J. Gray 2 Crawfordville Circuit .................... F. L. Crowson 1 Fenholloway Circuit .. To be supplied by W. M. Scarborough 1 Greenville ........................... T. C. Bradford 1 Havana ............................ F. E. Steinmeyer 1 Leon Circuit. .......................... J. E. Mickler 1 Madison .......................... C. Fred Blackburn 2

Madison Circuit ....................... Thos. Williams 1 Mayo and Mission ..................... H. J. Haeflinger 1

and one to be supplied by ............... L. W. Higgs 1 • Midway Circuit ........ To be supplied by D. G. McDaniel 2 •

Monticello .............................. :S. Hardin 3 Mt. Pleasant .......................... R. N. Sanders 1 Old Town ............................... J. F. Clark l Perry ................. To be supplied by H. C. Hoffman 1 Quincy ............................ A. E. Housholder 2 Quincy Circuit. ......................... J. R. Taylor 1 Sycamore ............................. W. C. Norton 1 Tallahassee; Trinity ................ 0 • 0 0 I. So Patterson 2

and Mission ..•..... 0 ••••••••••••••• J. E. Woodward 1 Waukeenah ............................ T. F. Roland 2 West Madison Circuit ................... W. F. Fletcher 1 Woodville ............. To be supplied by H. B. Fletcher 1 Missionary to Cuba ..................... W. G. Fletcher


Jacksonville, First Church .......... 0 ••••• J. W. Bigham 1


Jacksonville, Riverside .................. E. A. Harrison 1 Jacksonville, Springfield and Mission ..... N. H. Williams 2 Jacksonville, St. Matthews and Mission .... J. Lawton Moon 1 Jacksonville, Highway Ave Mission ......... G. S. Roberts 1 South Jacksonville and Parker street. ...... F. L. Glennan 1 Park Mission ........................... L. D. Haynes 1 Fernandina ........................... R. L. Sprinkle 2 King's Ferry and Crandell ..... To be SUl)pl:ed by 0. Fans Callahan ............................ B. H. Freeman Green Cove Mission .................... E. A. Townsend Lake Butler Circuit .......... ~ ........... W. J. Nease

.................................. H. S. Miller, Sy McClenny Mission .................... W. H. Steinmeyer Lake City .............................. R. I. Barnett Columbia Circuit ...................... M. 0. Williams White Springs Circuit ................... W. B. Tresca Wellborn Circuit .......................... B. T. Rape Fort White Circuit ........................ R. J. Wells Live Oak and Mission .................. R. V. Atkisson

................................... F. J. Patterson Pine Mount Mission .................... To be supplied Jasper ................................. B. F. Mason Jennings and Spring Hill Mission ......... To be supplied Swift Creek Mission ...... To be supplied by J. M. Tolbert Middleburg .......... To be supplied by E. W. Barrington Conference Missionary Secretary .......... N. H. Williams

GAINESVILLE DISTRICT-F. R. Bridges, P. E. Gainesville .............................. T. J. Nixon Alachua ............................... F. T. Grifilth La Crosse ................. Supplied by T. S. Eddington High Springs ............................. J. L. Yeats Starke ................................ C. W. Inman Melrose Circuit ......................... T. L. Z. Barr Interlachen Circuit ........ To be supplied by T. L. Cooper Bushnell Circuit ......................... T. J. Phillips Coleman ................................ G. H. York Ocala ............................... R. H. Barnett Umatilla ..................... Supplied by G. D. Turner Lady Lake .............. Supplied by J. N. Weatherford Leesburg .................................. H. Rice Martel Cirooit ......................... M. H. Outland Inverness Circuit .......................... A. H. Cole

..................................... C. L. Eaddy

1 1

1 1

2 2 1 2 2 1 1

1 1


1 1

·l 4 1 1 2


1 2 .. .L


1 1 1 1 2





Citra ............................... R. M. Williams 1 Micanopy Circuit. ...................... T. H. Sistrunk 1 Williston Circuit .......................... E. J. Gates 1 Bronson Circuit ........................ J. S·. Crandell 1 Rochelle Circuit. ..................... C. W. Matheson 2

................................... J. L. Jones Sy Anthony Circuit .......................... M. M. Lord 1

EAST COAST DISTRICT-Edward F. Ley, P. E ... 1

Key West, First Church .................. A. M. Daiger 1 Key West, Spark's Chapel .................. W. F. Allen 1 Key West, Memorial Chapel Mission and La Trinidad .....

Supplied by ....................... H. W. Baker, Sy 1 ................................... M. Dominguez 5

Lemon City Mission ...................... S. I. Hendrix 1 Delray ................................ J. R. Blocker 1 Miami .................................. L. D. Lowe 4 West Palm Beach ....................... E. K. Denton 1 Fort Pierce and Stuart ............ S. K. Jewell, Supply 1 Sebastian Mission ........................ T. R. Adams 1 Titusville .............................. F. P. McCall 1 Kingston and New Smyrna ......... J. L. Cooper, Supply 1 DeLand ................................ H. F. Harris 1 Volusia Circuit .................. W. A. Lowder, Supply 4 Palatka .................................. H. Dutill 1 Sanford ................................ D. B. Sweat 3 Hastings ............................. G. J. Kennelly 3 Oviedo .......................... J. C. Hooks, Supply 1 Missionary to Cuba ........................... L. Oser 2


Orlando .............................. J. B. Mitchell 2 Plant City ............................. Olin Boggess 1 Maitland Mission ........................ J. W. Austin 2 Apopka and Mission .. C. A. Saunders, and one to be supplied 1 Kissimmee .......................... A. L. Woodward 1 Galloway Mission ......................... J. H. Owen 1 Bartow ................................ W. A. Myres 1 Lakeland ............................... J. R. Cason 3 Mulberry Circuit. ....................... H. P. Blocker 2 Fort Meade and Homeland ................... F. Pixton 3 Bowling Green ......................... J. R. Crandell 1 Arcadia ................................ C. W. White 2 Nocatee Circuit. ........................ F. M. C. Eads 1


Fort Myers ................................. J. Beers 2 Alva ................................. J. T. Mitchell 3 Arcadia Mission ...................... G. S. Henderson 2 Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor ......... E. C. Hudson 1 Winter Haven Mission ............... T. E. York, Supply 2 Everglade Mission ................. W. H. G. Slaymaker 1 Wauchula Mission ....................... E. J. Hardee 4 Pierce Mission ........................ To be supplied Fort Myers Mission ................. H. P. Boyd, Supply 1

TAMPA DISTRICT-W. M. Poage, P. E ... 2

Tampa, First Church ..................... W. K. Piner 2 Tampa, Hyde Park .................... W. J. Carpenter 4

.................................. F. J. Patterson 1 Tampa Heights ..... ~ .................... L. W. Moore 2 Tampa, City Mission ................... C. H. Summers 3 Tampa, Gary and Port Tampa ............ T. W. Tomkies 1 Ybor City Cuban work ..................... J. D. Lewis 1

...................................... I. Gonzales 1 West Tampa Cuban work ................... J. Norwood -4:

Italian Mission School. .................... B. A. Winn 2 Little Italy ............................ F. Zito, Supply 1

.................................... S. Panteleone 1 Seffner Mission ....................... T. S. Armistead 1 Bloomingdale Circuit ..................... D. L. Switzer 1 Parrish and Oneco ......................... M. T. Bell 2 Palmetto ............................... W. A. Wier 1 Braden town .......................... H. E. Partridge 2 Manatee ................................ A. M. Mann 1 Miakka Circuit ........................ A. M. Gardner 2 Sarasota Mission .......................... U. S. Tabor 2 St. Petersburg ............................. J. F. Bell 1 Largo Circuit ............................. D. A. Cole 2 Sutherland and Tarpon Springs ........... B. K. Thrower J. Curlew Mission .......................... I. A. Vernon 2 Hernando Mission ............. J. N. Dieffenwerth, Supply 2 Blanton .............................. A. P. Johntry 1 Brooksville ................................ S. Scott 3 Dade City .............................. J. S. Brooke 3 Webster Circuit ..................... W. H. F. Robarts 2 Clear Water ........................... R. L. Honiker 1 Agel'lt Southern College ...................... J. B. Ley 1 President Southern College .............. J. P. Hilburn 2


Professor Southern College and Secretary of Education ................................. Isaac C. Jenkins 2

Professor Southern College ............... V. V. Morgan 1 Missionary Evangelist ...................... C. C. Cecil 2 Editor Florida Christian Advocate ....... Frederick Pasco 3

TRANSFERRED. To St. Louis Conference ..................... L. R. Jenkins Te Columbia Conference and stationed at Seattle, S. W. Walker To Western North Carolina Conference and stationed

at Madison ............................... B. Margeson To Denver Conference ....................... J. M. Glazier To South Georgia Conference .................. W. C. Davis



Question 1. Who are admitted on trial? Joseph Edward Woodward, Charles L. Eaddy, W. H. G. Slaymaker, George S. Henderson, Thos. R. Adams, E. C. Hudson, J. F. Clark, Ignatia Gonzales, Salvatore Panteleone, Frank P. McCall, Mack Oscar Williams.

Question 2. Who remain on trial? Class of Second Year; Finly J. Patterson, Samuel I. Hendrix, Fred L. Glennan, J. R. Blocker, B. H. Freeman, M. Dominguez, Vv'. F. Allen, F. L. Crowson. Class of First year: M. M. Lord.

Question 3. Who are discontinued? Miles D. Cunning­ham.

Question 4. Who are admitted into full connection? J. Lawton Moon, L. Oser, H. P. Blocker, W. G. Fletcher, J. W. Austin, L. D. Lowe, W. F. Fletcher, A. M. Gardner, Augus­tus P. Johntry, A. L. Woodward.

Question 5. Who are readmitted. None. Question 6. Who are received by tranfer from other Con­

ferences? E. K. Denton, St. Louis Conference; C. F. Black­burn, St. Louis Conference; V. V. Morgan, West Texas Confe;·­ence; R. L. Sprinkle, Los Angeles Conference; B. A. Winn, Western Virginia Conference; F. T. Griffith, Baltimore Confer­ence; J. D. Lewis, North Georgia Conference, H. B. Perritt, Mississippi Conference.

Question 7. Who are deacons of one year? Reuben N. Sanders, Daniel B. Sweat, C. W. Matheson, W. J. Nease, R. L. Summer, M. Delofeu, H. B. Perritt, R. I. Barnett.

Question 8. What traveling preachers are elected deacons? Wm. F. Fletcher, A. P. Johntry, Albert M. Gardner.

Question 8. What traveling preachers are ordained deacons? Augustus P. Johntry, Albert M. Gardner.

Question 10. What local preachers are elected deacons? Milliard F. Huntley.

Question 11. What local preache\'s are ordained deacons? Milliard F. Huntley.

Question 12. What traveling preachers are elected elders? Marvin H. Norton, Theodore L. z. Barr.


Question 13. What traveling preachers are ordained elders? Marvin H. Norton, Theodore L. Z. Barr.

Question 14. What local preachers are elected elders? None.

Question 15. What local preachers are ordained elder!!!? • None.

Question 16. Who are located this year? J. L. Moon, W. S. McMannen, John A. Morrow.

Question 17. Who are supernumerary? J. L. Jones, H. W. Baker, H. S. Miller.

Question 18. Who are superannuated? Josephus An­derson, E. H. Giles, W. F. Alexander, J. D. Rogers, J. T. ·waters, E. \Vilson, R. M. Evans, W. F. Shoemaker, E. J. Holmes, E. F. Gates, R. L. Sumner, J. S. Coleman, J. P. Dur­rence, H. B. Frazee, T. W. Moore, J. H. D. McRae, J. S. Collier, G. W. Mitchell, C. D. Ward, E. A. Gray.

Question 19. What preachers have died during the year? J. P. DePass, J. C. Ley. (See Memoirs.)

Question 20. Are all the preachers blameless in their life and official administration? Their names were called one by one and their characters passed.

Question 21. What is the number of local preachers and members in the several circuits, stations, and missions of the Conference? Local preachers, 99; members, 27,231.

Question 22. How many infants have been baptized dur­ing the year? 632.

Question 23. How many adults have been baptized dur­ing the year? 908.

Question 24. What is the number of Epworth Leagues? 117.

Question 2 5. · What is the number of Epworth League members? 3,816.

Question 26. What is the number of Sunday schools? 276. Question 27. What is the number of Sunday-school offi­

cers, and teachers? 2,075. Question 28. What is the number of Sunday-school

scholars enrolled during the Conference year? 18,010. Question 29. What was assessed by the last Conference

for the superannuated preachers and the widows and orphans of preachers? $5529.00.

Question 30. What has been collected on the foregoing account, and how has it been applied? $5,326.39.

Question 31. What has been contributed for Missions?


Foreign, $4,785.65; Domestic, $6,195.75. Question 3 2. What has been contributed for Church Ex~

tension? $2,623.50. Question 33. What has been contributed for the Amer~

lean Bible Soci€ty? $262.7 4. Question 34. What has been contributed for the support

of presiding elders and preachers in charge? Presiding elders, $10,990.75; Preachers in charge, $87,086.99.

Question 3 5. What has been contributed for support of Bishops? $1110.66.

Question 36. What is the number of societies, and of houses of worship owned by them? Number of societies, •o1; number of houses of worship, 341.

Question 37. What is the value of houses of worship, and what is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, $658,235; indebtedness, $15,833.00.

Question 38. What is the number of pastoral charges, and of parsonages owned by them? Pastoral charges, 13 5; number of parsonages, 120.

Question 3 9. What is the value of parsonages, and what is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, $197,185; in­debtedness, $11,989.15.

Question 40. What is the number of districts, and of district parsonages? Number of districts, 6; number of par­sonages, 6.

Question 41. What is the value of district parsonages, and what h1 the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value $18,-500; indebtedness, $5,680.00

Question 42. What number of churches have been dam­aged or destroyed during the year by fire _or storm, and what was the amount of damage? Number of churches damaged, 3; amount of damage, $4,3 7 5.

Question 43. What are the insurance statistics? Insur­ance carried, $193,555.00; losses sustained, $1,005.00; prem­iums paid, $1,095.00; collections on losses, $1,005.00.

Question 44. What are the educational statistics? South­ern College, Professors, 24; value of property, $185,000; pupils, 330.

Question 45. \Vhere shall the next session of the Confer­ence be held? ·Miami.

Question 46. Where are the preachers stationed this year? (See Appointments.)



RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS. Resolved, That the thanks of this body are hereby ex­

tended to the members of the Hyde Park Church and their friends throughout the city of Tampa, who have so hospitably entertained us.

To the pastors of the Churches who have opened their pulpits to us.

To the publishers of the newspapers who have given such large space to our proceedings.

To the railroad and steamboat companies for reduced rates and to all who in any way have contributed to this ex­ceedingly enjoyable session of our Conference.


Whereas, our lamented and much loved Brother Jas. P. DePass was called from earth in the beginning of his labors as Orphanage Agent, which he had entered upon so hopefully, and with his characteristic energy and zeal; and

Whereas, we feel that some special expression of our es­timation and appreciation is due his memory; therefore be it

Resolved, That we deeply lament his early loss to this important cause and assure his bereaved family of our high appreciation of his faithful work, and of our brotherly love and sympathy in their great loss.

For Board Trustees Conference Orphanage. W. A. WIER, L. W. MOORE,

Secretary. President.

RESOLUTION ON FLORIDA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. Resolved, That in view of the continued losses sustained

by the publishers of the Florida Christian Advocate, we as pastors and members of the Florida Conference do hereby pledge ourselves to make a special effort to secure at least one thousand new subscribers to our Conference organ, and


try as far as possible to collect all arrearage on the lists sent. us from time to time.


RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION. Whereas, Hon. S. J. Hilburn of Palatka, Fla., has by his

advice and active assistance helped the pastors and trustees of the St. Augustine church property in settling the matter successfully; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Florida Annual Conference in session at Tampa, Florida, tender to him our sincere thanks as a token of our appreciation of his services.


RESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT. Whereas, President J. P. Hilburn has secured the services

of Bishop E. E. Hoss to deliver a series of sermons on Chris­tian Education throughout the bounds of the Conference as far as practicable, during the month of February, 1908, with special reference to Southern College, therefore

Be it resolved; That we heartily endorse the action of President Hilburn in so doing and hereby pledge our cordial co-operation in this most vital interest of our Church and college.




Whereas, On many monuments in cemeteries within the bounds of the Florida Conference and elsewhere are found inscribed the names of the honored dead of our Conference who wrought well and died well, and into whose consecrated achievements we have come:

Resolved, That it is the will of this Conference that their revered names be published annually in the Minutes in the chronological order of their deaths and in the attractive man­ner of the Louisville Conference according t9 appended page from the Minutes of said Conference,. with the addition of one


column more giving the place of burial of each preacher, this page being titled "In Memoriam: The Roll of the Honored Dead."


On motion the signers of this resolution were appointed a committee to carry its provisions into effect.



Whereas, The General Secretary is planning to bold an Educational Conference in Atlanta, Ga., next year similar to the great conferences held in Dallas, Texas and St. Lou:s, Mo., and

Whereas, We believe such a conference would be a great inspiration to the cause of Christian Education in our Church, therefore be it

Resolved, First: That the Conference heartily endorse the movement

Second: That the members of our Conference Board of Education, the faculty of our College, the preachers of this Conference and one laymen from each charge appointed by the· pastor after consultation with his presiding elder, be named as members of that conference.


Upon the ·proposition referred to this Board for action to raise $110,000 within the next four years as an endowment to Southern College, the Board of Education makes the fol· lowing report:

Resolved, That it is the sense of this body that the most practicable way of raising this money will be to have the amount to be annually raised, which is one-fourth of the total sum, apportioned by the Board of Education to the various presiding elders' districts, upon the basis of other apportion­ments.

Second, That said presiding elders distribute said appor­tionments among the several charges of their districts in the most equitable manner their judgments may determine, and in consultation with the pastors, provide for collecting the same.

Third, That said apportionments in every case be kept separate and distinct from the regular assessments.


Adopted by the Board in regular session, Tampa, Fla.,

December 13, 1 9 0 7.


To the Bishop and members of the Florida Annual Conference:

Dear Father and Brethren: -Securing our information

from the most reliable sources, we are glad to be able to state

to this Conference that the interest of our own people, and

also the people at large in the matter of all classes of educa­

tional 'work, is increasing and is evidencing itself in larger liberality for the equipment and sustenance of all grades of our institutions of learning throughout the bounds of the Church.

Our General Board of Education reports an increase of its revenue during the last six years of $21,599.80. During the same period the Annual Confere_nces have increased their assessment for local education from $69,411.85 to $144,485.17 and this collection for the same from $52,475.58 to $132,604.-22, showing a growth in assessments of $75,073.32, and in collections of $80,218.64~ The increase in the value of the gro~nds, buildings and endowments of our institutions over theri value the preceding year was $16,664.40, a larger financial growth than that which resulted directly from the whole twentieth century campaigning. The increase for the prece,t­ing year was almost as large. The total increase last year in the number of students attending our own institutions 5,368, by far the largest increase in any year since the Board began its work, and making a total of 34,446 students in ou~ insti­tutions."

It was Charles Kingley who said, "I hold that what ever natural rights a human being brings into the world with him

··at his birth, one right he indubitably brings, namely, tha right of education," But we hold that ignorance is not simply the a.bsence of knowledge, but the presence of wrong knowledge, it is not the dead calm of motionless mind, but it is mind moving in the wrongdirection. Let it be the business, therfore, of our schools to reverse this motion, and set i~

· going in the right direction, with proper aims for its good. Not religion and education, but religion in education is what we want. We submit the following data concerning those schools in which we are specially interested.

M. E. CHURCH, SouTH 35

Emory College. Value of grounds, buildings, etc $200,000; endowment, ·

$204,640; income from endowment, $8,628; tuition, $10, 722; from Conference assessments $3,055; it has 14 professors and teachers and 275 students with 10,000 volumes in its library.

Wesleyan. Value of buildings, etc., $300,000; volumes in library,

3,500; endowment, $23,000; income from same, $1,200; from tuition, $34,587; from aEsessments, $3,055; other sources, $45,000; professors and teachers, 3 2; students, 465.

Southern College. Value of buildings, etc., $185,000; volumes, 3,500; $3,000

endowment; income from tutition, $5,500; assessments, $1,-800; from other sources, $4,800; value of gifts and legacies last year, $5,500; total income last year, $12,100; floating debt $6,000; professors and teaehers, 17; average salary of same, $600; students, 330; studying for the ministry, 12.

Ruth Hargrove Seminary-l{ey West. Value of buildings, etc., $20,000: new buildings erected

during the yeat:, 1; cost $1,400; volumes in library, 600; no endowment; income from tuition, $1,250; from other sources, $5,837; total income last year, $7,087; total teachers, 12; average salary, $630; students, 400; attending summer school, 40; studying for ministry, 1.

We make the following apportionments of the endow­ment fund for Sputhern College: Tallahassee District .............................. $4,260 Jacksonville District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,813 Gainesville District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,223 Orlando District. ................................ 4,341 ·· Tampa District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,366 East Coast District. .............................. 3,497

$27,500 We make the following educational assessments:

District Conference Board General Board Total Tallahassee ........ $478 ............ $142 ........ $620 Jacksonville . . . . . . . 540 . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 . . . . . . . . 700 Gainesville . . . . . . . . 586 . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4 . . . • . . . . 760 Orlando .......... 487 ............ 145 ........ 632


Tampa· ........... 602 ............ 178 ........ 780 East Coast ........ 392 ............ 116 ........ 588

Total ........ $3085 ........... $ 915 ........ $4000

We request the Bishop to appoint Rev. J. P. Hilburn in place of Rev. S. W. Walker, and Rev. L. D. Lowe in p:ace of Rev. W. H. Funk, as members of this Board. Also the appoint­ment of Rev. J. B. Ley as Agent of Southern College.

Also the appointment of J. P. Hilburn, W. C. Richardson, J. B. Ley, R. M. Evans, A. C. Clewis, S. W. Lawler, J. A. Hen­dry, D. A. Cole, I S Giddens, I. S. Patterson. J. C. Little. L. J. Cooper, W. M. Poage, D. C. McMullen, J. E. Hendry. C. \V. Smith, W. N. Sheats, T. J. Nixon and J. T. Watkins, as Trustees of Southern College.

We also recommend Rev. I. S. Jenkins to be appo!nted as Conference Secretary of Education.

We are requested to call attention to the fact that the last General Conference authorized and requested the General Board of Education to lead the church in a movement looking to the improvement of the home conditions of our people, and the inauguration of an effort to promote a more thorough study of child life and its needs.

We cannot close this report without a brief reference to the work now being done at our own Southern College. We firmly believe that what we have referred to as the work needed to be done in the education of our youth, is now being accom­plished in this school. We have the utmost confidence in the ability and disposition of its president and his able assistants, to train and develop the young men and women, boys and girls, committed to their care in such a way that they shall be an honor to their parentage, a credit to the church, and faith­ful disciples of the blessed Christ. We specially commend this institution to the most liberal patronage, the heartiest and most efficient support ha he means and opporunity of our peo­ple may afford.

Respectfully submitted,


The work of the year has been most gratifying. There has been an awakening interest in the matter of effort and meaning for the Sunday school.

Since the Sunday-school has in such large measure sup-


planted the Church service in the religious training of the child mind, it is the aim to make the school as potent a factor as possible.

The significance of the Sunday-school is no longer, if it ever was, confined to a weekly gathering, a perfunctory rec­itation, a.nd n e poor rendition of one or two songs. Intelligent and instructive measures are adopted-better plans are pur­sued and vastly better results are achieved.

During the year your board has had oversight of the school work, and are greatly pleased to report material ad-

ance. We have sent out over 1000 letters and cards to superintendents and workers, and have succeeded in awakening much interest in Institute work. Dr. H. M. Hamill, assisted by h:s excellent wife, conducted a series of Institutes in the bounds of the Tallahassee District under the auspices of the

. Board and the Presiding Elder, Rev, J. E. Wilson. In a lim­ited way similar work was done by the board through its Secretary.

The following table of comparisons is significant of our work:

1906 19 07 Differencu No. of Schools ............ 313 ........ 276 .......... 37 Officers and Teachers ...... 2148 ....... 2075 .......... 7!l Pupils ................. 17634 ...... 18010 .......... 376 Schools ob'ing Child's Day. 49... . . . 62 .......... 13 Mission Day........... . . 113...... 107.......... 6 Am't Children's Day ...... $ 218 ..... $375.08 ...... $156.21 Amt for Miss Day ...... 4,381.26 ..... 5,078.94 ...... 697.68

Total for all purposes 15,138.86 17,606.67 2,467.81


E. F. Ley, Treas ............................... $125.00 E. J. Gates, for Treas ........................... 207.42 E. F. Ley, Treas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.11

$353.53 Disbursed.

20% remittance to J. D. Hammond ............... $ 43.66 Sundry postage account ........................ . Stationery and Printing blanks .................... ·

11.65 10.25


Institute work.................................. 86.00 Sunday School supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5.30

Balance Receipts Collected 1907.

$326.86 $ 26.76

E. F. Ley, treasurer ............................ $116.33 W. F. Fletcher, Mayo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 H. F. Harris, Oviedo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.54 E. F. Ley, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.00

Balance on hand ........................... $401.84 Respectfully submitted,

J. B. LEY, Sec's Treas. Presented to auditing Committee: endorsed.

BOARD OF EPWORTH LEAGUE. One million young people reached, five hundred young

men given to the pulpit, seventy-five workers sent to the for­eign fields: these are some of the fruits of the Epworth Leagues of our Methodism which we have gathered during th~ past seven teen years.

We find that within the bounds of our Conference there are 66 Senior Epworth Leagues with an aggregate membership of 1,894, and 34 Junior Leagues with a total membership of 1,148. These societies of our youth have raised during this past year $2,229.57. Of this amount $532.38 has been directed to missions.

Grateful for all that this summary of statistics stands for, we nevertheless believe that the possibilities for good in our young people have as yet never been fully realized by our pas­tors and people. \Ve, therefore,

1. Insist upon the organization of a Senior and a Junior League in every Church wherever it is possible.

2. We call the attention of pastors to the multiple pur­poFe of the Leagues as expressed in their plans of organization and urge the proper development and utiJ.ization of all depart­ments of these societies.

3. We heartily commend the Boys' League as affering the solution of the vexing and all-important "boy prob1em."

4. We recommend the Mission Study Class as being one of the finest features of the League work and exhort all pastors to encourage this study in their charge.


5. We request that each presiding elder of the coming year, hold an Epworth League Conference in his district.

6. We commend the Epworth Era as worthy of exten­sive circulation and as an indispensible aid toward realizing the best success with the Leagues.

7. We advise a liberal use of the free literature offered by our Publishing House setting forth the plans and purposes and best methods of League work.

We nominate E. W. Armentrout as a substitute on this Board in place of W. E. Dean.

R. IRA BARNETT, Secretary of Committee.

STATrS OF EMORY COLLEGE. We your committee ap;>o!nted to inquire into the status

of this Conference as to its joint ownership with North and South Georgia Conference of the Wesleyan Female College and Emory College, beg to report that this Conference has no property rights in said college plants; that while the charters of the respective colleges admit a joint right in the Florida Conference to control and support the said institutions with the North and South Georgia Conferences, and while the charter_ of Wesleyan. Female College recognizes a joint pro.p­prietorship in the college property, it is the op:nion o-f your committee that these provisions in the charters of these col­leges do not convey any property rights wbich the Florida Conference can appropriate ·Or enjoy, except by patronizing the respective colleges.


REPORT 0~' EDITOR OF CONFERENC~1 ::\11 NrTES. 1906-Dr. December 17, to Joint Board of Finance ............ $150.00 Dece111ber 17, to Advertisements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00

Total ..................................... $174.00 1907-Ct•.

January l,Bal due from last year .................. $ 3.93 March 1, Times-Union for Cut, Voucher 1... . .. . . . . . . 2.25 March 16, Printing Minutes, Voucher 2 ............. 135.00 October 30, Publishing House for Cuts, Voucher 3.... .70 November 12, Times-Union for Cuts, Voucher 4...... 2.50


December 12, Postage etc., Voucher 5.............. 28.70

Total ..................................... $173.01; Balance on hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 2 We have for several years been printing 1200 copies of

the Conference Minutes and this number is entirely inadequate to supply the demands in a Conference with a membership of more than 25,000. The amount assessed on the Conference is not sufficient to meet the necessary expenses of the Secre­taries and the Conference Treasurer, and in order to provide properly for this work and to increase the number of Minutes printed to 2,000, I recommend that an increased assessme!tt be made upon the Conference. This is legitimate business and we should provide for the necessary expense attending it. We ought to assess at least $225.00 for the extra Minutes and postage.

FREDERICK PASCO, Editor Conference Minutes.


We, your committee beg leave to report as follows: 1. We note with pleasure the increasing patronage of

our Publishing House at Nashvllle and Dallas, the net sales of which amounted to over a half million dollars, and a net gain of nearly $4,400.

2. The Christian Advocate is reported to us as having an increased number of subscribers, though the increase has not been large. During the past year it has been printed o~ improved type and in the modern form, which, together with its editorial work, makes it a paper of superior merit, an~ should be in every Methodist home. The same may be said of the Epworth Era, and our Sunday School Literature, which cannot be surpassed anywhere. '

3. The Review continues upon its high plane of thought and literary excellence, and every preacher and every lover of the best thought on present day questions, should include it !n the list of good things for religious and intellectual food.

4. The Florida Christian Advocate is reported to have received a goodly number· of new subscribers during the year, but the losses through the cutting off of delinquents have ex­ceeded the additions. With the evident need of a Confer­ence organ in every home,-an organ through which we rna): be brought in touch with every nook and corner of our Florida


Methodism, and creating a keener taste for a pure, religious literature,-it is unfortunate that there should be so many failures to renew subscriptions. It is this fa'lure to pay up arrearages that bas put the expenditures for ahead of the re­ceipts. Your committee would kindly suggest that the preachers make repeated mention of the Advocate in the homes of our people and seek a cash renewal, especially where therP­is something due. We do not only need the paper, but we must be honest with the publishers. They have been prompt in bring!ng out the paper on time, and their kindly dealing with us, and their continued patience deserve more at our hands. In view of the fact the Advocate continues to be pub­lished at a loss, we suggest that the Conference return to the publishers the two percent of the gross proceeds for this year, a check for which is now in the hands of the Board o~ Finance.

5. That the chair appoint a committee of one to be known as the Florida Conference Historical Committee, who9e duty it shall be to collect and keep safely and accessibly, all available letters, diaries, reminiscences, documents, etc., which are necessary for the writing of a full history of Florida Methodism. We recommend that Rev. E. A. Townsend be appointed as such committee.

L. W. MOORE, Chairman.


Having received the report of our late agent, Bro. Jas. P . . DePass, we find in the short time of his agency he was doing excellent work. Having secured in subscriptions $7 50.50 and in cash, $227.93, making a total of $978.43 for the borne.

Out of the $227.93 cash collected by .Bro. DePass, we would advise that his expense account of $30.53 be allowed and his widow be paid his salary of $150.00, leaving balance due of $47.40.

In view of certain offers made this board for the home we recommend that the Conference impower the Board of Trustees of The Florida Conference Orphanage to accept such offer ·as they deem for the best interest of the borne in fe•d simple without recourse. It being understood that no prop­erty shall be accepted that is incumbered with any indebted-


ness that would prove a burden to the Conference. Respectfully submitted,

J. B. CROMARTIE, C. H. INMAN, Secretary Pro tern. Chairman.

REPORT OF ORPHANAGE BOARD. We, the orphanage board, beg to submit the following

report: 1. . No report has been before us from the Orphan's

Home in Georgia. 2. Owing to the decease early in the year of our Agent,

Dr. DePaEs, not a great deal bas been realized in the way of funds, though he did remarkably well for the brief time of his service.

3. Recognizing the need of a home for our orphans we beg to recommend:

I That this Board be authorized to send a representative to district conferences and like gatherings, who shall represent this ·cause and endeavor to create sentiment for an Orphanage, and whose traveling expenses shall be paid out of the orphan­age funds.

II In view of the fact that two desirable offers of prop­erty are pending, that the Boar~ of Orpbange trustees be author'zed to accept any property which in their judgment will meet the approval of the Conference, provided that the titles be in fee simple, and that there be no embarrassing indebted-:­ness.

J. R. CASON, I. C. JENKINS, President. Secretary.


In making our annual report, we wish first of all to thank God for permitting us to labor together with Him in the work of human redemption. Our Church is becoming more and more alive to the great privilege of saving the lost. There if, more missionary information disseminated, and consequently there is more missionary inspiration in the hearts of the people.

An epochal movement was inaugurated last September in the meeting of fifty-three laymen in Knoxville, Tenn., when the "laymen's Missionary Movement" was enterprised. A plan of organization was agreed upon and a great "Laymen'3 Missionary Conference is to be held in Chattanooga, Tenn. April 21-23, 1908. Our Conference Board of Missions has


elected its quoto of s:xty on the plan suggested by the Secretar' of the Laymen's Mission Conference, and they are as follow:.

Tallaha~see District:-Dr. G. B. Glover, B. W. Partridgt, Monticello; Geo. W. Saxon, Jno. L. Neely, TallahassEK: H. J. Davis, Quincy; B. H. Beverly, Apalachicola; B. H. Hill son, Hinson; J. C. Inman, Greensboro; J. E. Pound, Perry; D1 W. S. Mitchell, Lee.

Jacksonville District:-J. C. Little, E. L. Greer, W. K. Bartleson, J. L. Rast, Jacksonville; L. E. Roberson, W. J. Hill­man, Live Oak; A. W. McLeran, Wellborn; J. W. Stephens, Lake City; E. A. Pabor, South Jacksonville; J. W. Pennington, Jasper . . . . . Orlanda District:-\\'. !d. Hendry, Ft. Myers; W. H. Mitchell, Arcadia; W. H. Lewis, Ft. Meade; W. N. Duckworth, Orlando; Claude Lee, Kissimmee; T. W. Conrad, Lakeland; W. H. Roux, Plant City; S. G. Wilson and C. L. Wilson, Bartow; T. J. Watkins, Orlando.

GainesvHie District:-W. R. McKinstry, Gainesville; F. B. Godfrey, Alachua; L. F. Blalock, Ocala; P. N. King, W1111s­ton; Z. V. DeValt, Umatilla; J. C. Lee, Leesburg; E. P. Dun­can, s·arke; Y. M. Halm, Hawthorne, C. C. Priest, Kendrick, D. R. Zetrouer, Micanopy.

East Coast District:-S .J. Hilburn, Palatka; W. G. Tilgh­man, Palatka; J. M. Jackson, Miami; Geo. L. Branning, West Palm Beach; J. A. Groves, Sebastian; J. L. McRory, DeLand; J. H. Lee, Ov!edo; C. F. Kemp, Key West; D. F. Morrison, Barberville, L. R. Philips, Sanford.

Tampa District:-R. H. Johnson, Manatee; C. E. Ball, I. S. Giddens, A. F. Turner, L. J. Cooper, D. C. McMullen, Tampa; J. H. Lord, Sarasota; W. N. Ferguson, Dade City; J. C. Talley, St. Petersburg, E. W. McMullen, Sutherland.

The results of our efforts at home and abroad have been gratifying. These items from the foreign fields are given for encouragement. An increase of 881 members; 1,325 Sunday school pupils; 405 day and boarding school pupils; 29-churches erected; 102 congregation organized and 11 new missionaries sent out.

Our finances have shown increase. The whole church has increaEed $78,836.00 in amount raised for missions alone last year. We are now giving on an average of 68cents per mem­ber for m:ssions.

The Gen~ral Board has set $500,000 as our target for .next year. This does not contemplate an increas.ed ,assess-


ment to this amount; but means that we will not arrest the growth of liberality by the assessment boards. The Confer­ence Board heartily endorses the action of the General Board in this matter.

Our Conference has been peculiarly favored this year with the presence of Dr. Jno. R. Nelson, one of the Secre­tar:es of the General Board of Missions. The Conference Board of Missions endorses the plan that Mission work b~ conducted under the city Methodist Union. The City Meth­odist Union is a sublimation of all the best features of all the plans used heretofore in conducting the missionary and church extension work in our cities.

We wish to call espec·al attention to the literature of the Board of Missions. The Go Forward, is to have new features added the coming year. We must he:p in subscription list to 25000 next year.

We urge all who are interested in better equipment for t:erv'ce at home or abroad, or who wish to organize Mission Study Clafses, to correspond with J. E. McCulloch or Ed F. Cook, Nashville, Tennessee.

Our Conference Beard has aided fifty charges and one d:strict the past year. Some charges have been developed into self-support~ others have been continue!. Our cities continue to present problems with which we are grappling to the best of our ability. We are glad to report the great work of our Conference Missionary Evangelist. He reports the conversion and reclamation of 1,200 souls, and that three hundred h~ve joined the church.

Respectfully submitted for the Board, N. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary.

APPROPRIATIONS BOARD OF l\IISSIONS FOR 1908. Tallahassee District-Tallahassee Mission, $300; Green­

ville, $150; Bristol, $200; Blue Creek, $1 00; Crawfordville, $200: Old Town, $150; Mayo Mission, $100; Fenholloway, $100. Total $1,300.

Jacksonville District-Park Mission, $100; Highway and Atlantic Ave, $200; South Jacksonville and Parker street, $390; St. Matthew and King's Road, $100; Macclenny, $100; Swift Creek, $100; Jennings and Spring Hill, $100, Green Cove Mission, $100. Total $1,100. ,

East Coast District-Presiding elder, $300; Hastings, $250; Kingston, and New Smyrna, $200; DeLand, $200; Seb-

M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH 45 --------------astian, $125; W. P. Beach, $100; Delray, $100; Lemon City, $100; Key Largo, $100; Memorial, Key West, $200. Total $1,675.

Gainesville District-Alachua, $100, Leesburg and Mis­sion, $100. Total $200.

Orlartdo District-Apopka and Mission, $150; Maitland, $100; Galloway, $100; Winter Haven, $150; Pierces Mission, $150; Wauchula, $100; Brownville, $100; Punta Gorda, $100; Ft. Myers Mission, $200; Everglade Mission, $150. Total, $1,300 .

. . Tampa nistrict-City Mission $300; Gary and Port Tam­pa, $75; Sarasota, $150; Hernando Mission, $100; Curleu, $100; Seffner, $100; West Tampa Mission, $200; Miakka Mis­sion, $100. Total, $1,125.

Grand total $6, 700,00.

BOARD OF l\IISSIONS. Assessments for Missions.

District For. Mission Dom. Miss:ons Miss. Evan. Tallar.assee ... $ 758.00 ...... $1,148.00 ......... $230.00 Jacksonville . . . 887.00 1,343.00 ......... 269.00 East Coast . . . . 619.00 938.00 ......... 188.00 Gainesville . . . 941.00 1,425.00 ......... 285.00 Orlando . . . . . 837.00 1,268.00 ......... 254.00 Tampa . . . . . . 911.00 1,380.00 ......... 276.00

N. H. WILLIAMS, Secretary.

\\rOMAN'S l-.,OREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Woma.n's Foreign Missionary Socity of the Florida

Conference has had a fairly good year. District Secretari0s bave been active, most of the soc'eties have ben steadfast, and several new ones have been organized, making 80 societies of Women and 50 of Young People and Children; with an enroll­ment of 3,124. Total contributions of money $5,406.15.

The Conference Society has felt keenly the loss of Mrs. S. S. Harris, who gave up her place as Conference Secretary, to take work in China under the Woman's Board. We are grateful, however, for the honor of furnishing another mission­ary to the foreign field, Mrs. Harris being the seventh to go from Florida. Three of these, Miss Stewart, of Brazil; Miss Nichols, of Korea, and Mrs. Harris, of China, are supported by our Florida Conference Society. Our pledges outside of dues made to cover the salaries of these three, a small contri-


bution to Scarritt Bible and Training School, eight Bible Women and e'ght Scholarships.

The misionary spirit is growing among the women of our church. The United Study Course, planned by an interdenom­inational committee from Women's Boards just after the Ecumenical Conference of 1900, is being adopted ·gradually by our Florida Societies, and is doing much to broaden the outlook of our women and deepen their interest in Foreign Missions. Our young people are catching the spirit and offer­ing themselves for service.

F. V. S. HOLLAND, Conf. Cor Secretary, W. F. M. S.


To the Bishop and Brethren:-There are adult auxiliaries, 102; members of same, 1,980; Young People's and Children's Societies, 12; members, 310. Total members, 2,290. Sub­scribers to Our Homes, 510; visits to sick and strangers, 18,-000; prayer meetings and Bible readings, 3 50; parsonages helped, 7; to the amount of $850; sent to Conference Treas­urer, $5,483.15; local work $2,624. 88. Very much local work is done that is not reported, and we feel that the whole church is the gainer in the fact that there are 520 pledged to tithing.

Our aim is a parsonage in every charge in the Con1\~rence. Respectfully submitted,

MRS. W. F. ALEXANDI'~R. Corresponding Secn-t~uy.


Dear Bishop and Brethren:-We are glad to be able tore­port an improvement this year over any previous year in the school's history, except in the number of pupils in attendance.

Extensive and greatly needed repairs have been made in the girls' dormitory consisting in part of new sills, repairing the roof, replastering and kalsomining the walls and ceilings, repairing the windows, new bath tubs and toilet facilities, and a new cooking range in the· kitchen, costlng $3 50. A new bo:ler has been purchased for the laundry, which is doing bet­ter work than ever before, and a wood saw has been set up which is operated with steam from the laundry, which largely reduces the expense of fuel for the entire establishment.


The boys' dormitory, which is under the supervision of Prof. V. V. Morgan, has also been renovated from first to third floors, and while it is not adequate to the needs, it has been made much more comfortable and homelike.

Other improvements have been introduced in making. a garden, buying a large flock of chickens, a drove of bogs. and two cows, which are fed largely an scraps coming from the college kitchen. This will help to reduce the expense of the boarding department and add to the comfort of the boarders, in supplying fresh vegetables.. The boarding department is under the management of a competent steward, and is giving so far, a very sat'sfactory service. The enrollment so far is 182 oply, but ttey are nearly ali boarding pupils, and are a choice lot of students, and there is a prospect for a consid­erable increase at the opening of the Spring term.

The religious state and condition of the student body and the faculty since the opening of the term, have been most excellent; on.e boy was gloriously converted at a prayermeeting in the boys' dormitory, and voluntarily witnessed to the fact at the next mid-week prayer meeting in the chapel, and the revival meeting is now in progress i11 which there are numer­ous manifestations of spiritual power, after the most approve1 scriptural pattern and forms of Methodist. tradition and usage.

During the last session of this annual conference, Dr, Walker gave notice to the trustees that unless his health im­proved, he would be compelled to relinquish his position by the close of the S;;>ring term, as President of the College, which he did by offering his resignation, which was accepted by the Board, May 20, 1908, to take effect the lOth of June foliowing, or as near that date as possible.

Rev. J. P. Hillburn was ele.cted to fill the vacant position and has entered •upon the discharge of his duties with the same energy and fidelity that have characterized him in the other relations which he has sustained to this Conference, and it is his personal effort largely, that we are indebted for the extensive and much needed repairs mentioned in this report.· You all know him, and te is here to speak for himself.

In view of the increased cost of living expense, and the In view of the increased cost of I:ving expenses, and the

College work, the trustees found it necessary to increase the cost of board from $50 to $60 per term, and of tuition in the literary department 10%. In this way we are glad to repor~ gre_at improvement in the culinary service, and that we hav9.


·been able to make eminently satisfactory arrangement for in­creased eff.ciency in our college force. The salaries of several members of the faculty have been advanced, thus enab;ing us to mainta·n the highest standard in the curriculum. We com­mend them as a strong body, who are doing an increased amount of class recitation work, and are laying themselves out to build up the school.

The time has come, in the judgment of your trustees, when a movement should be made looking to a permanent en.., dowment, and we recommend for your consideration the fol­lowing plan: That the Board of Education be authorized to make an apportionment of the sum of $110,000, In four annual installments, dividing the amount yearly in the different Dis~ tricts according to the pro rata used in dividing the regular assessment for education. That the district stewards divide the amount so apportioned, as a special for SOUTHERN COL­LEGE, among the various pastoral charges till the entire sum of $110,000 be collected. Each charge to collect the sum so apportioned as the pastor and presid:ng elder may direct, antl ot the amount thus collected, $10,000 be set apart for im­provement and repairs. We hope this plan or a better one will meet with your endorsement. The reports of the various officers have been filed and audited, and are open for the in­spection of the. brethren.


The Board of Trustees of the Florida Conference College desire to report that in accordance with the authority given by the last Conference to this Board, efforts have been made to secure the sale of the college property held in Leesburg and parties have practically eccepted the offer of the Board and it. is expected that in a few day the sale win be made and in accordance with a previous resolution, the proceeds will bd turned over to the Board of the Trustees of Southern College. In view of the progress being made by the Board in this matter, we would request that further time be granted in which to carry out the wishes of this body.

Respectfully submitted, EDWARD F. LEY,

For the Board.

TEMPERANCE. Brethren:-Few questions are more in the public m~nd


today than that of the prohibit'on of the liquor traffic. No longer is it merely a local question, but is rapidly monopoliz­ing the attention of our States, and bids fair to play a con­spicuous part in our National election.

We rejoice that business men are awakening to the fact that the licensed saloon is a hideous vampire lulling to sleep with the false promise of prosperity while it saps the arteries of legitimate commerce, that politicians are beginning to ree­ognize that, with its big corrupting fund, the saloon is a serious menace to political purity; and that Jurists are dh;­covering that according to principles of common law no state or nation has the legal right to license that which jeodardizes the public welfare.

But we must not forget that after all the question is a religious one, and that the burden of the fight is on the Church. It is Jesus against Barabbas. Christ against Belial. The Kingdom of Heaven against the "powers of darkness" The Church of God against the "Gates of Hell." We are devoutly thankful to the Great Head of the Church for tha victories that have been won in the past year. Three states have swept the saloon entirely from their borders, numbers of counties have out-lawed it, and especially are we thankful that five more counties in our own beloved State have this year, taken their places in the "dry" ranks while the issue is being relentlessly pursued in three others.

But we must not under-estimate the strength of the enemy. Already he is marshaling his forces for a mighty attack along all lines. We call attention to the convention of liquor dealers held some days ago in which it was deter­mined to raise the stupendous sum of $33,000,000 for th~J

purpose of fighting prohibition. To meet this great corrupt­ing influence, the Church of God has the "Sword of the Spirit'' and the promise of Christ that the "Gates of Hell" shall not prevail against it.

In view of the fact that the great final issue seems to be at hand, espec:any in the South, therefore be it

Resolved, First: That our preachers give special atten­tion to this subject, ndt only preaching the evils of intemper­ance, but openly attacking the licensing of saloons, that they draw the lines closely in their congregations, teaching that the member of the Church who persistently advocates the licensed £aloon and votes for it is not only disloyal to hi:J Lord but is in open rebelion against his Church,


Resolved, Second: That our ministers in every county cooperate with the anti-saloon League i~. so organizing their rEspective counties that in the election of.the. n,ex;t Legislature, Constitutional Prohibition shall be the predominant issue,

Resolved, Third: That we commend the work of the Anti-fa:oon League in our State and pledge it our hearty support,

Resolved, Fourth: That our Secretary communicate with our U. S. Senators and Representatives, urging them, in to support the He?)burn-Doliver Bill now pending, which looks to the amendment of the Interstate Common Law so that each State may determine for itself whether or not intoxicat­ing liquors may be shipped from outside territory into its borders. That trey support the measure now pending for the prohibition of the liquor traffic in the District of Columbia and that tl:ey do all in their power to defeat the repeal of the army canteen law.

Respectfully, J. B. MITCHELL, Chariman, C. W. MATHESON, Secretary


We would stir up your sincere mind by putting you in remembrance; that ye should remember the words spoken" by our Conference in its session only one year ago, when it adopted the report of this Board containing the following recommendation:

"We recommend that an amount equal to one per centum of the pastor's salary be considered the minimum which each should collect during the year for this important cause."

Had this been done during the present year, taking the total of salaries last year as a basis, the amount reported a::; collected this year would rave been at least, $785.40. Instead of this we have collected $269.57, a decrease of $16.43 from the amount collected last year.

Therefore we do not recommend any new resolutions, but earnestly call your attention once more to paragraph 13 4 of our book of Discipline which makes it obligatory upon every preacher in charge "to present once a year to each congrega­tion in his charge the claims of the American Bible Society. We sincerely believe that if this were faithfully done our collectons would be more than double what they are without


in any way, interfering with the other collections ordered by the fliscipline.

Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH NORWOOD, Chairman.

SABBATH OBSERVANCE. The Sabbath was instituted by God at the close of His

work of creation. In the 20th chapter of Exodus Moses, lJf divine authority, gave the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Notwithstanding the theory of many in regard to Christ's statement, the Sabbath was made for man and not man fort he Sabbath, we cannot under­stand how "according to God's promises and threatenings" we can for a moment entertain the thought that in keeping a few hours occasionally we are in obedience to the divine will. We think God meant just what be said, "Keep the Sabbath day holy. We try to justify our actions on the plea, that changed conditions brought about by our present so-called higher civilization, make the violation of its sanctity a necessity and we are really to justify ourselves on that plea. We believe that the violation of the Sabbath will lead to the downfall of Christian civilization.

We would therefore recommend that we do all in our power to restore the sanctity of the Sabbath. To do this the work must begin in the home. We believe that nations, cor­porations and individuals should remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.,A day of meditation, prayer and praise, thus directing the mind to him who bath redeemed us from the curse of the law, that we might be the children of God.

Our general rule teach that we are prohibited the pro­faning of the Lord's day either by doing ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling. May God help us to do it that we may save ourselves from the curse pronounced against tho:;e who violate his Sabbath.

Christ said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and his right­eousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Lifg, health, peace, pleasure, honor. We therefore request our pastors to preach otener upon this subject considering the maintaining the sanctity of Sabbath absolutely essential to the saftey of all we hold dear in this life.

Respectfully, T. S. ARMISTEAD,

For Committee.



To Florida Conference, 1907: We have had before us for examination records from five Districts and beg to report them as follows:

Tallahassee District: This record is neatly and accurately kept, except we note the entire absence of dates of proceed­ings. We note further that they need a nw Record Book.

Gainesville District: This record we find neatly and ac­curately kept.

Orlando District This record is in good shape and well kept. We note the absence of a copy of Report on Everglade Boat fund as called for by minutes of the Conference.

Tampa District: We find this record well and accurate1y kept.

East Coast District: We find this record neatly kept. JacksonviiJe District: This record has not come into our

hands. C. W. INMAN, Chairman.



Whereas The Loan Fund of the Board of Church Exten­s!on is a most important factor in its work, and so necessary to the enlargement of our building enterprises; and

Whereas, The Florida Conference has done but little to enlarge this fund so vital to our interests;

Therefore, Resolved, That this Board ask the Florida Con­ference to accept an assessment on each presiding elders' dis­trict, an amount of $100,00 at least over and above the reg­ular assessment, for such a number of years as wlll provide as a fund of at least $5,000.

Resolved also, That this Loan Fund be named the John C. Ley Loan Fund of the Florida Conference, as a memorial to one of our pioneers, who did so much to establish Method­ism in our fair state.

W. J. CARPENTER, B. F. MASON, President. Secretary.



Florida Annual Oonference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South: Dear Brethren-Your Joint Board of Finance beg to sub­

mit the following report: First-We find 48 claimants on our list for the past year,

to which number seven have been added, and three have been discontinued, making 52 for the ensuing year.

Second--On account of the addition to the 1:st of claim­ants, we find it necesary to add $1,000 to the assessment for the coming year, making it $6,500.

Third-We thank the pastors and churches for their faith­fulness in collecting the Conference Claimants' Fund. All the d:stricts except one t ave paid the assessment in full or ove1·. The Tampa District has a deficit of $79.00.

Fourth-We call the attention of pastors to the law of the Church requiring an annual collection for the Superannuate Endowment Fund. We bave requested the Chairman of thi::; Board to appoint a preacher in each Distr· ct as soon as pos3ible to present this matter at the District Conferences and help in taking collections whenever it is practicable.

T. J. NIXON, Chairman.


Dear Fathers and Brethren: We come to you with our annual report with glad ami

grateful hearts, because of the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon us in the past twenty-five years of the exist­ence of the Board of Church Extension.

In this time the Board has disbursed no less than $2,116,· 800.91 in grants to Churches. This amount includes the whole connect:on. The number of Churches aided in this period by both th-e General and Conference Boards is 3,637, and of this number 1,005 have received aid from both Boards.

Last year we reported an excess, but when the money came into the hands of the Treasurer, we found that instead of an excess there was a deficit.

This year the assessment was increased 25%, which amounted to $2,562. Of this amount there has been reported ~aid $2,317 .05, wh'ch leaves a deftca of $258.70.

We had eight applications before us for aid, and disposed of them as follows:


Report of Board of Church Extension, 1907.

Green Cove Springs ........................... $ 125 00 Wauchula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 Medella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 100 00 Havana ............................. · · · .. · · · Concord .................................... . Crawfordsville .............................. . Lake City ................................. . Nichoals ................................. · · ·

100 00 175 00 150 00 225 00 100 00

Total ................................... $1,100 00

The apportionment to the Districts is as follows: Tallahassee District, regular .................... $ 4 91 0 0 Special, John C. Ley, loan fund.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00

Total .................................. $ 591 00

Jacksonville District, regular ................... $ Special, John C. Ley, loan fund ................ .

574 00 100 00

Total ................................... $ 6 7 4 0 0

East Coast District, regular ..................... $ 401 00 Special, John C. Ley, loan fund................ 100 00

Total ................................... $ 501 00

Gainesville District, regular .................... $ 609 00 Special, John C. Ley, loan fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00

Total ................................... $ 709 00

Orlando District, regular ...................... $ 542 00 Special, John C. Ley, loan fund.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00

Total ...................... · ............. $ 642 00

Tampa District, regular ....................... $ · 59 0 0 0 Special, John C. Ley, loan fund.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00

Total ................................... $ 690 00

The grants have been made with the understanding that the buildings must be insured for at least one and a third times as much as the Board has granted.

It has also been ordered that hereafter all grants will be


made on condition that the Board of Trustees receiving the grants sign a refunding bond.

Respectfully submitted, B. F. MASON, Secretary.

W. J. CARPENTER, President.

JOINT BOARD OF FINANCF..-REPORT NO. 2. Conference Claimants' Fund.

Balance on hand from last year ...... $ 564 29 Received from Calvin Fund........... 12 00 Received from E. F. Ley, Treasurer, dur-

ing year ...................... 3,548 35 Received from E. F. Ley, Treasurer, at

Conference .................... 1,778 04--:-$5,902 68 Hisbursements.

Paid claims during year ............ $2,865 00 Paid cla;ms at Conference ........... 2,875 00 Balance on hand................... 162 68-$5,902 68

Conference J<Jxpense Fund. Balance from last year .............. $ 11 3 8 Received from E. F. Ley, Treasurer.. . 285 48-$ 296 86

Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 29

Total ................................... $ 307 1'·l


Paid Conference Treasurer's bill ..... $ 76 75 Paid Joint Board Treasurer's bill. ... 5 40 Paid for printing Minutes .......... 200 00 Paid for Conference entertainment .... 25 00--$ 307 15

Assessments for 1908 .

Tallahassee . . $ 995 00 $ 180 00 $ 72 00 $ 54 00 Jacksonville .. 1,163 00 210 00 84 00 63 00 East Coast .... 813 00 147 00 59 00 44 00 Gainesville ... 1,235 00 223 00 89 00 66 0(). Orlando ..... 1,098 00 199 00 80 00 59 00 Tampa . ·.· ... 1,196 00 216 00 86 00 64 00

-----Total ... $6,500 00 $1,175 00 $470 00 $350 00 Apportioned to claimants as follows:

Mrs. Mary A. Blake ........................... $ 225 00 Rev. J. D. Regers ............................ 100 00 Mrs. Rosetta Scott ••••••••••••• 4 ••••••••••••• 40 00


Mrs. L. B. Robinson ......................... . Mrs. A. E. Munden ........................... . Mrs. C. E. Pelot .......................... . Mrs. Mary· A. Taylor ........................ . Mrs. Caroline L. Stokes ....................... . Mrs. G. C. Leavel ........................... . Mrs .. S. A. Eady ............................. . Mrs. Kate Davies ............................ . Mrs. W. J. Morris ............................ . Mrs. L. B. Tydings ......................... . Mrs. L. C. McCook .......................... . Mrs. J. C. Ley ............................... . Rev. E. J. Holmes ........................... . Mrs. A. A. Barnett Mrs. Anna C. Sale Mrs. Jessie Bisqop ........................... . Miss Belle Bishop : ........................... . Mrs. Martha Williams ........................ . Rev. E. Wilson ............................. . Mrs. Laura E. Booth ......................... . Mrs. Mary T. B:rd ........................... . Mrs. E. F. Taylor ............................ . Mrs. A. E. Barnett .......................... . Children of R. Stork .......................... . Rev. E. F. Gates ............................. . Mrs. W. C. Collins .......................... . Mrs. S. E. Norton ............................ . Rev. E. H. Giles ............................. . Mrs. M. E. Parker ............................ . Mrs. T. H. Capers ............................ . Rev. J. Anderson ............................. . Rev. R. L. Sumner .................. · ......... . Mrs. E. Diaz ................................ . Rev. W. F. Alexander ......................... . Rev. W. F. Shoemaker ........................ . Roy Howland ............................... . Mrs. F. E. Shipp ............................. . Mrs. C. A. Fulwood ........................... . Fred C. White .............................. . Rev. J. T. Waters ........................... . Rev. R. M. Evans ............................ . Rev. R. J. Wells ............................. . Rev. T. J. Coleman ........................... .

55 00 100 00

40 00 80 00

125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00

50 00 125 00 175 00 250 00 100 00 100 00 175 00

50 00 30 00 75 00

200 00 100 00

75 00 75 00

125 00 75 00 50 00

100 00 150 00 150 00 125 00 200 00 300 00 200 00

60 00 100 00 100 00

30 00 300 00 150 00

50 00 100 00 175 00 150 00 150 00


Rev. H. B. Frazee ............................ . Rev. J. P. Durrance ........................... .


30 00 150 00

Total ................................... $5,7 40 00

TREASURER BOARD OF EDUCATION. Since Conference I have received of Rev. E. F. Ley,

Treasurer, $3,148.62 for the State Board of Education 27 2.00 for General Board of Education, mak:ng $3,420.6::! received for both Boards. Paid out to Rev. J. P. Hilburn for the State Board of Education $3,148.62, and to Dr. J. D. Hammond paid out. This is every cent received last year from the collec­tion for education in our Conference.

We have on hand in the General Fund, carried over from last year, $101.29, and in the Loan Fund $2,089.32. Since Conference I received $10.00 from Brother J. F. Bell, which makes $2,089.32 at present on hand in the Loan Fund, which is bearing 4 per cent. interest in the Jefferson County State Bank.

In looking over the notes due the Loan Fund I think that our Board shoulld be a little more careful to whom they loan this sacred fund.

Respectfully, SMITH HARDIN,

Treasurer Florida Conference Board of Education. Monticello, Fla.

CONFERENCE TREASURER'S REPORT. Edward F. Ley, Treasurer, in account with the Florida

Annual Conference. To Bishop's Fund ............................ $ To Conference Claims ...................... . To Foreign Claims ......................... . T Foreign Mission ......................... . To Church Extension ........................ . To Education (Conference Board) ............. . To Education (General Board) ................ . To Expenses Annual Conference ............... . 'l'o American Bible Society .................. : .. To Children's Day Fund ....................... . To South Georgia Orphanage .................. . To Cuba Special ............................ . To Southern College ........................ .

1,105 66 5,325 23 4,719 03 4, 719 03 2,306 55 3,148 62

272 00 285 48 260 74 366 98

37 85 399 50

90 00


To Superannuate Endowment Fund ............ .

To Florida 0 rphanage ....................... .

To Jacksonville District Parsonage Fund ........ .

To Hiroshima School ....................... .

To China Relief Fund ......................... .

To Missionary Rally Day Fund ................ .

To Songdo Special ......................... .

To Missionary Evangelist .................... .

5 85

61 67

638 00

216 50

229 71

5 00

440 00

553 05

Total ................................. $26,708 90

By sundry checks, R. H. Johnson, Treasurer,

count Conference Claimants' Fund .......... $ By check Smith & Lamar, account of Bishop's Fund By sundry checks to R. H. Johnson, Treasurer,

Foreign Missions ....................... . By check, W. J. Gray, Treasurer, Church Extens:on, By check, S. Hardin, Treasurer, Christian Educa-

tion, General Board .................... . By check, C. E. Earnest, Treasurer, Annual

Conference En terta lnmen t Fund ........... . By check, American Bible Society .............. . By sundry checks to J. B. Ley, account of Children's

Day Fund .......... -_ .... : . ......... : ... . By sundry checks toW. A. Huckabee, account South

Georgia Orphanage ..................... . By sundry checks to R. H. Johnson, Treasurer,

Cuba Special ........................... . By check to S. W. Walker, President, account

Southern College ........................ . By check to John R. Stuart, Superannuate Endow-

ment Fund ............................ . On account Hiroshima School ................ . By sundry checks to R. H. Johnson, Treasurer,

Missionary Evangelist ................... . By sundry checks to R. H. Johnson, Treasurer,

Songdo Special ........................ . By checks of J. A. Hendry, account of Jacksonville

District Parsonage ....................... . By checks of J. D. Hamilton, account China Relief

Fund ................................. . By check in hand Florida Orphanage ........... .

5,325 32 1,105 66

4,719 03 2,306 55

272 00

285 48 260 74

366 98


399 50

90 00

5 R5 216 05

553 05

440 00

638 00

229 71 61 67


By check, R. H. Johnson, account Missionary Rally Day ...............•................... 5 00

To Balance ............................. $26,708 90

MEMOIRS. Rev. John C. Ley was born in Burke County, Georgia,

December 20, 1822; "was born again" August 25, 1837; was licensed to preach December 16, 1843, in his twenty-first year. He was admitted on trial by the Georgia Conference in Janu­ary, 1845, and was transferred to the Florida Conference the same year. The holy hands of the Apostolic B!shop Capers were laid upon his head after he had assumed the solemn vows, setting him apart for the work and office of deacon and elder in the Church of God. He was happily married in July, 1855, to Miss Martha C. Pottle, of St. Marys, Georgia, who survives him.

Brother Ley was an active and useful member of the Florida Conference for more than fifty years, serving faith­fully, circuits, stations and districts, filling with great accepta­bility some of the most important appointments. One who knew him well, has written the following just tribute. He was a preacher of unusual ability, a diligent student, an able the­ologian, and a guileless Christian minister and friend, admired, he went in and out as a Christian minister and friend, admired, reverenced and loved him. As a presiding elder, he magnified his office and was loved and honored by his preachers and peo­ple. Simplicity, sincerity and gentleness were among the lead­ing traits of his character.

"He was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith, and much people was added unto the Lord. He did the work of an evangelist and gave full proof of his ministry, in the pioneer days, that tried the souls of men. Before the days of steam and electric railways and of other conveniences an<:~

comforts, while the red men were here, hostile to the whites, he went forward in his great and self-sacrificing labors, in pain­fulness and weariness, saying with St. Paul, "None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy and the minstry which I have received· of the Lord Jesus Chrlst to testify the gospel of the grace of God." His successors in the ministry are enter­ing into his labors while the whole state is a beneficiary of his life and toils. The world's and Church's richest asset is not in


towering mountains and beautiful valleys, not in the wealth of mines and fields and forests, not in literature and art and sc·ence, not in steamships and railroads and cities, but in the apostolic lives and labors, of holy men and the purity and gentleness of holy women. Brother Ley made a large contri­bution to the weal of the world. "He served his own genera­tion by tb e will of God."

He has left the impress of a large and generous character upon many who live today. The good that he did has not been interred with h's bones. The spiritual forces projected by him upon the lives of many are imperishable. -The immortality of his holy life is secure. Though no monument of marble or brass marks, as yet, the spot where his sacred ashes rest, his memory is enshrined in the hearts of his brethren and friends. We shall not forget him nor cease to feel the helpful forces and influences of his character. It was in his home, however, that his virtues shown most brightly and his best work was done. It would have been pathetic indeed if he had failed there. His son, Rev. John B. Ley, says: "The words 'my father' fill the periphery of my little world. When a little boy of six years, 1 stood in the garden with him, helping to plant seeds. I looked up into his face while faith prompted the question, 'Papa, ain't you the b!ggest man in the world?' I thought he was. He never grew less. I measured him by every man I ever knew. Love saw him stand well the test and love was not wholly blind. He was a large man intellectually. He did not know everything but he knew many things, and he knew some things thoroughly. He knew history and poetry. Milton, Byron, Shakespeare and latterly Tennyson were familiar to him. But he knew something of more value. If his intellectual percep­tions were clear, his moral perceptions were cloudless, "Homo unius libre" was a familiar quotation with him, and he was in­deed a man of one book. An omniverous reader, possessed of a retentive memory, he read many authors, but invariably squared conclusion~ and theories by t~e Word. He knew his Bible. It was the man of his counsel. He was a concordance of Bible texts and an encyclpedia of Bible truth. On an aver­age of once a month, for years before his death, he read his Bible through, not as a fetish, but as an act of intelligent ap­preciation. Notes in his own hand only a few weeks before his death ind'cate his patient re-search. He was always rewarded by finding new depths of meaning and new heights of anticipa­tion and new revelations of divine glory. My father filled my


little childhood world with love; he has filled my manhood with much of its lofty purpose and of reverence-for holy things. H!s faith has inspired my own. His confidence in men has held mine, when it was rudely shocked by misplaced friendship. His heroic self-forgetfulness has shamed me into silence when speech would hove munded self-laudatory . He was brave with­out boasting, gentle without effeminacy, firm without hardness, a precious father, a devoted husband and a faithful friend. We know where to find him and follow on.

Rev. Edward F. Ley, another son, who labors with us in the gospel says: When the call of God to preach became so insistent, that I felt it impossible to resist it any longer, I took my father into my confidence and the obstacles that appeared in surmountable were entirely removed when he said, "If thd call be of God, which I do not doubt, some way will be opened, my dear boy, for you as it has been opened for me through many years. It was not the words but •the strong faith and unselfish devotion that prompted them that brought comfort and assur­ance. A closer companionship followed as the years passed on until he was translated a few months ago, and even now I can almost feel his presence and his hands in holy benediction resting on me. There were no favorities in the home, but all shared alike in his love and solitude. I can now get inspira­tion by looking back to the Christian home of my childhood,· and by looking forward to our future home which by faith, I can see will b~ unbroken. His gentle and loving companion of many years, writes, my dear husband lived in reference to th~ reward that "awaited him in the skies"-to him to live was Christ and to die was gain.

One morning, about daybreak, as I sat alone with him, he said: "glory to God," and afterward when far down the valley of the shadow of death, he repeated the hymn.

"Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep,

From which none ever awake to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose Unbroken by the last of foes."

He lived well and died as he lived. It is with sadness that we give up our father in the ministry. We would have retained him longer. We stand in awe, in the presence of his ascending cha,.iot, and cry, "My father! My father! the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof." God help us to take of his mantle and do the work of our ascended Elijah.



REV. JAMES P. DePASS. James Perryman DePass was born of pious parents in

Camden, S. C., April 26, 1839; and died in Miami, Fla., July 29, 1907.

He was converted in early life; licensed to preach in 1860; in December of the same year he was admitted on trial into the South Carolina Conference and appointed as junior preacher on Union Circuit. During this year he enlisted as a private in the Confederate Army, and as such served until appointed chaplain in the Sixteenth South Carolina Volunteers.

In 1862 he was admitted into full connection and ordained Deacon by Bishop Early. Continuing in the army, he located in 1836, but was re-admitted in 1865. December, 1866, he was ordained elder by Bishop Wightman; transferred to Flori­da, and appointed to Lake City for 1867 and 1868. On Decem­ber 2, 1866, he married Miss Anna M. Gunnels, whose faithful co-operation and loving sympathy blest and cheered his itiner­ant life and made for him and their children a happy home. His third year in Florida was on the Columbia Circuit, and at its close he was appointed for three years as Presid:ng Elder on the Jacksonville District. In 1873 and 1874 he was again pastor at Lake City. In 1875 and 1876 he served Monticello, from whence he was appointed to Live Oak District, which he served during1877, 1878 and 1879; then on Gainesville District during 1880 and 1881. In 1882 he was pastor at Gainesville; and 1883, 1884 and 1885 on the Bronson and Cedar Key charge. In 1886, he became the first editor of the Florida Christian Advocate, and served in this capacity_ for four years. From 1890 to 1893 he was director of the Government Agricultural Experiment Station at Lake City, but during these years served as pastor of adjacent charges. In 18 9 4 he was pastor at Lees­burg; in 1895 to 1897 on the Bronson c:rcuit; and 1898 and 1899 at first charge, Key West. Here he went through an epi­demic of yellow fever, losing his colleague and friend, W. S. Richardson, and himself taking the fever. In 1900 and 1901 be was pastor at Live Oak; in 1902 at Quincy; iJ! 1903 and 1904 in Jasper; and in 1905 and 1906 at Arcadia. During the latter year, be became deeply interested in the question of an Orphan Home for the Florida Conference, and at the Palatka Conference, December, 1906, was appointed agent to collect funds for its establishment. With his usual energy he took up this important work. After having visited several points, he started for Key West; and while in the station at Miami, wait-

M. E. CHURCH, SouTH 63

ing for a train, he was stricken with something like apoplexy;

became u'nconsc:ous, was taken to the home of his friend, Dr.

J. M. Jackson, Jr., and there, away frm home and loved ones,

passed away from active service to heavenly rest and reward.

Our brother was a man of magnificent physical powers,

commanding presence, ardent temperament, strong will, keen

perceptions and possessing many qualities as a leader. He was

a forceful and often eloquent preacher, a ready debater, and

an untiring worker in the Master's serv!ce. While his pro­

nounced opinions and aggressive disposition made for him some opponents aiid created some antagonism, his loyalty to the Church, his love to the brethren, his sympathy for the weak and his genial good nature won for him many friends. Prompt to combat opinions and measures he did not concur in, he was magnanimous in victory, cheerful in defeat, and too broad minded and big-hearted to carry a grudge. He was a "man among men," and had many friends among the laymen of the Church. In many homes where he was guest, he is remembered and loved for his sunny disposition and hearty sympathy.

Brother DePass served the Church in Florida in years whencharges were weak and salaries small; but uncomplainingly and cheerfully he toiled on; sparing not h,imself, nor shrinkin:~ from any duty; and this was no small factor in laying the foun­dations on which others have builded, and sowing seed for har­vests which others are reaping. As he grew older he realized the fact that he was "settling down in the ranks" where befo't"e he had been a leader; and yet he lost not courage nor cheerful­ness, nor willingness to labor; nor did he fail to command a hearing or carry an influence where important interests of the Church were at stake.

Those loved him who knew him best. To his hime he gave the wealth ofastrongandtender heart;

to his friends a confidence and love that was unstinted; to hi::; Church a service that was hearty and loyal. We shall miss him from our annual gatherings-his manly form, cheerful counte­nance, flashing eye, ring'ng laugh, and hearty grasp. We shall remember and honor him for what he bore and wrought for Florida Methodism. We shall love him for what he was that was good, noble and loving. We shall hope to meet him among thoEe who earnestly served our Lord here and sha1l reign with Him hereafter. HENRY E. PARTRIDGE.


Mary Lersen, beloved wife of Re'v. W. H. Funk, was born in Mansfield, Richland county, Ohio, March 15, 1864; was hap­pily married on June 1, 1892, to W. H. Funk and moved with her husband to Orange county, Fla., in 1896. Brother Funk joined the Florida Conference in December, 1901, and from that time Sister Funk was an ideal itinerant preacher's wife, until her death, which occurred in Madison, Fla., May 14, 1907. She was ready for the call of the Master, and quietly her spirit entered into rest. Her reesidence in Madison was short, but sufficiently long to endear her to the hearts of all with whom she met. In conversation, she was always inspiring, her one idea being to spiritualize the homeliest occupation. Her sympa­thetic d:sposition made it easy for those in trouble or sorrow to open their hearts to her.

She was cultured, intellectual, and had a gift of voice wihch in harmony with her purpose in life, rendered her a successful winner of souls. She was a devoted wife and mother, performing her duties in the home with Christian love and integrity.

Her body was laid to rest May 15, 1907, in the cemetery at Madison, Fla. She leaves her husband and four little chil­dren to mourn her loss. May the God of all grace sustain them.




~ ] £ .a~ .e Q)

-; 1l ~ ~ i -~ ~ "9, [:? j ~ 8. ~ ..., c31l -~ ] t:S .2 -..Po. ~~ § ~ zo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~] s:: ~ ~ ~ gj ~ I ~~ ~.!! ~ ~ § 2 ~ t ~ I ~ ~£ ~~ £ ~ ~ ~

- - --TALLAHAss-ii.orsrRiCT - --! \ ------ ---;----·--- --------:-----------

1 Tallahassee........................... .. ...... , 273 12 38 I 375 4 6 1

: r=~'C.~~~.. i 1 ~! ~ I ~ I l~ , g ! f f~~ti.~~:~ ::: ::·-:::· !:·····:·····:··:····.:·· t~ JLi 'i lfi I lL i i 9 63 1~ l"""'io'"l! 2~~ l"""io-- ..... 1 .. 5.... a

10 ~~cy~~~~~~~~.:::::·:: .. :::::::::: .. : . .. . ...::::::1 . . .1... 218 I 6 }~ Old Town Mission... ..... . .. ... . . ..........


1 1 I 1~g .... 1 .. 59· .. ,::::::

3::9:::: ~1~25 1! ....... 3

8 .... /


:_._·:_._· .. ·._· .. ·_::_._· .. ·:_1

~ 13 Perry................... . . . . .. .... . . 1 86 2

~i ~riE;~::~·i:::.-:.':.:.-.-.:-:: .. --.~~--:·.-_·:·:·.·.-_ .... _ .. :: ::::::-::·_·: : ... 11

H~ ii ...... ~r'' i~ ~i l ...... i: .. -1 ! 17 West Madison Circuit.. ... . . . . .. ...


........... 231 65 4

1 210103 2

6 I 41 I 4

18 Carrabelle Circuit..... .. .. . .. . . .. . 1 94 / 1 19 Crawfordville.... . ... . . .. . .. ..... 1. I 230 27 11 261 9 12 7 20 Apalachicola . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 18S 42 13 243 30 I 10 I' 1

~ ig':.,::::~······ ..... 1

1 :i M ~ ~ ~ I l ~

··--w$~:~~i~~-•:•:•::•••2II••••••••• -··~lE1f •. r ... :~--- .· ... ~--- . ::~c.:~~~··-~:1~~~~.


JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT 1 Jacksonville, First Church........................... 1 505 59 56 585 37 10 1 2 Jacksonville, Riverside................................ ............ 256 14 24 243 1 9 1 3 Jacksonville, Springfield.............................. 2 125 34 80 197 17 12 1 4 Jacksonville, St. Mathews and City Mission ............ 181 4 21 1~5 1 ..5 1 5 Jacksonville, Highwav Avenue.................... 1 83 17 12 100 8 2 1 6 South Jacksonvllle & Park Church Mission.. ............ 54 5 36 95 1 3 2 7 Duval Mission......................................... 2 99 4 6 106 4 4 8 Fernandina .... .. .. ........ ...... ............ . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . 155 1 4 11 167 4 1 9 Kings Ferry and Crandall............................. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 I 6 1 <iS 2 1 2

}~ g~~!~~o~e-Mi~~-i~;;:::::::.:.:·_·::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~~~ ...... 1 .. 08... 1i l~ ........ i ........... 9... !

12 Lake Butler Circuit...................................... 1 240 6 232 5 1 6 13 MacClenny Mission...................................... 1 129 7 ......

3 .. 1.... 136 ....... 4 ........... 2.... 3

14 Lake City..................................................... 1 287 7 306 1 15 Columbia Circuit.......................................... . .. .. . .. .. .. 375 38 9 40( 13 10 5 16 White Springs Circuit ...... ............ ............... ...... .. .... 266 26 35 302 18 4 3 17 Welbourn Circuit......................................... 2 496 23 7 525 13 4 5 18 Fort White Circuit....................................... 1 242 42 28 292 23 4 5 19 Live O~k...... ................. ..................... .......... ...... .. .. .. 353 32 35 376 18 10 1 ~ Pine Mount Mission...................................... ............ 232 14 11 227 5 ....... 1'.. 5 21 Jasper......................................................... 1 158 1 10 139 1 1 22 Hamilton Circuit .......................... -............... ............ 224 2 21 218 ....... if" 2 6 23 Middleburg................................................... .... .. .... .. 65 18 73 2 ----------------- ------------------------

TOTAL................................................. ... 13 4,662 375 461 5,243 17lt 97 65 TOTAL LAST YEAR................................. 16 276 504 120 123 73 INCREASE ........................................................................................................................................... .. DF..CREASE ............................................................................................................................................. ..

il 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-Continued. 67



DESTROY'D ----------~-1--------=---1

~ ~~ "'~ .;;~ 0'-<

0 z


1l .a ~ 't) .5

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s s~u f 0

< < ~ Q

----- -- --- -----

.......................... ~ 1,393 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,200 $. 46 50 ........... .

.. .. .. .. .. .. $ 100 50 00 .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 6,500 25 00 ......... .


200 60

275 00 .... .. .... ..... ... 400 12 00 .:7 ........ .. 199 85 .. .... .... .. ...... 2,000 ..................... .. 150 00 ............................................ , ............ .

35 00 ..................................................... .. 27 45 ...................................................... ..


1 $ 45,000 $2,750 1 $10,000 $2,093 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $ 14,000 $ 36 00 .......... ..

l ~:~ ..... ij~7s... ~ ~:m i4 . .'4oo... 3·~~g fs:si9.oo :::::: ::.:.-.:.-.::: ~:~~ "i27·oo :::::::::::: 1 7,000 1 S,500 500 200 00 ...... . .. . . ... 3,00~ 60 00 .......... .. 2 2,250 236· --·- ............... 3,430 00 ...... ............ 700 11'~ :.: ......... .

~ 1.ggg ......................... 1 ... ~~ .................... ~ ... ~~ ....... ~:~~~ .. ~ ::::::.1:::::::::::: 2,000 1 ........ ,:·: ............ .

1 3.ooo ............... 1 1.sov .............................................................. i5oo ... :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~ tm t 1 d~ ::::~~::: ·.:::::::::::::: J~ ~ :::i:: ~::~:~: ..... E~ ....... ~f~ :~::i~~ 6 2,600 1 ' 1,100 ............ ............... 68 00 ...... 1,400 .................................... : ..

l ~:~ } I i:E ::::~~::: ::::::::::::::: ... ;~~~f~l:::::: :::::::::::: ""}~ ... :':::::~::~ ::::::::::::. i tm t ::5 ................... ~ ......... Hf~ :::::: ::::::::::.:~ .: ... ~~~ ... ::::~::~ :~::::·:::::: ~ ~:ggg .................. i .......... soo ...................... 2oo... ............... ...... ............ 9'000 ....................... .

1 3.500 1 2.000 ................................. 7oo·oo :::::: :::::::::::: ..... a')>oo ....... aa.oo :::::::::::: 6 1,800 1 100 ............ 100 31 00 ........................................................ . 1 1,000 1 1,000 800 250 00 ................................................... ~~ ... .

:~:::·~~:::~.~~ ... ~1~~~~~~3~~~~·

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

68 STATISTICAL TABLE No. t--contfnued.


GAINESNILLE DISTRICT Gainesville--------- ----·---····----------------------------- 2 406 90 86 509 47 10 l Alachua------------- ---·-------------------------- --· ....... 106 2 15 118 2 1 LaCrosse--------------····------------·-····------------------ 125 15 26 151 12 2 5 High Springs Circuit-------------------···· .. ·····-·----- 140 7 10 143 4 3 a Starke -------------------------------------------- 136 32 28 196 12 3 1 Waldo Circuit .. --------- ---- . -----------·-···-·-------- 120 7 126 10 a Melrose Circuit------------------------------------· 256 10 8 155 3 4 4 Interlachen Circuit-------------·------------------------ 102 20 19 145 6 3 6 Bushnell Circuit-------------------------------·-----------· 192 59 27 253 16 1 4 Altoona Mission-------··------------············-·········· 70 6 5 75 6 3 6 Wildwood ----------------- ....•...... ---· 122 3 7 132 2 2 5 Oeala-------------·---------···--------------·--- -----·--···--· -- 292 9 48 313 2 a 1 Umatilla Circuit-------------------------·····--····---···. 112 25 8 138 12 5 7 Lady Lake .................. ---······--··-·--··-······· ----- 135 9 10 134 7 5 5 Leesburg ....... : ........................................ ------ 88 13 3 102 11 3 2 Crystal River MiBBion -·········-----·--················· 74 1 75 4 Martel Circuit ............................................... -----······· 153 11 140 5 4 Inverness Circuit..-·····-···-···-----··--·-·····--·-----· ..... --·--- 144 2 15 147 5 4 Reddick Circuit .. --·-····················-·········-------------·- 174 1 1 175 2 4 Citra-···-------·······--·-···-··········-··-···-········· ...... 1 142 3 138 2 3

Et~:iat _ Ti ~ j :~1 ~I :: ! i Anthony Circuit................................. ........ 1 , 197 1 lo 191 1 3


TOTAL .. --········----········-···················------·-· 1314034" ··m-------m-1---;a;- -m 78 -St l~~~~~~~~:~~~~:::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::. 1: : _': ::·.. ~-- ___ i~~ --'-~:~--- -----~- .... :: .. ~--


Key West, First Church----····---·-···········- 422 6 10 422 33 Key West. Sparks Chapel. ........................... . Key West, Memorial Chapel Mission .......... .. Key West. LaTrinidad---····· ---·--·····-·-····-······ Key Largo .................................................. . Biacayne Bay MiBBion ............................... . Lemon City ................................... , ............. .

&i~:r :::::::::::::::::::::·:·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· West Palm Beach Mission--···--·······--·--········ Fort Pierce and Stewart-----------------------------­Indian River Mission------------·-···-----------­Titusville Mission. -------- ----------- -·--------------­New Smyrna and Port Orange Mission--------· Daytona and Espanola Mission------------Deland Mission ............................... . Fruitland------··------·------------------------Volusia Mission---------------------------·--·· Palatka ............. ----------------------------Sanfard ------------------------------------------ ... ---------Hastings ....................... --------------·--·· Oviedo_ .................. : .................................. ..

TOTAL ·--------------------·----------------------------· TOTAL LAsT YEAR-----~---: ...................... . INCRJ:ASB ............................................. . DECREASE --------------- --······------------

2 541 11 260 1 29 1 54 50 4 59 12 63 23

196 13 157 6

2 123 8 3 65 9

105 5 75 , ............. 54

122 2 83

to:; ············· 230 4 169 3 74 8

152 5

--~-3- 31s8Tli9-------~-4--· ::::::~:::::L. .. ~~-~---

1 ······ ..... : 298

2 545 10 6 224 28

30 77 54 2 54 1

35 98 J 2 1 86 l

29 212 2 7 1 10 154 2 5 1 15 133 6 3 2 2 75 7 2 1 4 90 5 6 4

············ 75 ············ 30 1

111 2 2 85 8

16 112 3 4 20 244 2 7 1 75 177 1 3 1 6 82 3 4 1 157 3 --------- --- --.. , ..... 31 190 15 149 3,188 22 279

- .......... 62 96 ------------ 9 89

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-Continued. 69 --------------------------------------------





----------- -----:---;;:---- t e "" ~ DESTROYEDI----------


~ 1 5~ I ~~ 'g ~ ~ Ill

-~ ::s

0 "; z >

1 $ 15,000 1 1,800 5 2.800 2 1,800 1 6,000 3 3,000 4 6,790 5 5.f50 4 4,800 3 1,200 5 6,000 1 10,500 2 2,250 4 3,450 2 3,500 2 700 4 3,100 4 4,350 4 4.000 2 2,300 4 3,500 4 4,400 2 3,000 4 5,000 4 6,900

77 $111,690 76 104,785 1 6,905

0 z

'tl I ~ ~ I ~..c: .... s .... f'i s 'tl

~ ~~ ~~ g~ g~-~ l~ ~~ 'tl II "; I ><0 0 s s .... o ~ll. >-l-8-..:: >I~ z < < ll. - -;:.~-; ==·t~--,11-~0 00,--- $ 8.~ -----

1,000 ...... ····· --- - -- - 47 30 2,000 $ 10 00

l:m ··· · i ~; .. :1 2.~ fil .... rx: .. 00

1,000 40 I 150 00 600 2,000 100 94 501-

400 53~ : --500

~ 6.~gg 2,000 4~g gg, :·:· ~::: 1 500 100 43 64i -- 1,330500 1 500 1 2,000 175 00 - 1,500 1 300 1 500 1 500 I

1 1,000 I

286 ()() 90 00 29 00 ---27 00

1,000 1,000

,:::::::::::: __ ~ 1,~

~ ~:E · --~1~ __ 1 ~: :


_ :____ _ 1.~ ~ :: · --

1 700 _ 1 907 oo 2.100 16 oo

$ 550 00 25 30,200 $100 00 2,950 5,350 15 30,900 1~4 251 --

·-·-·· ------------

----- -- -J-;s $30.s00 --_ -~-12.780'1 $6,632 54-'~--- $31,9;-J $132 75 ---

550 oo 350 -- ·l'io- _ 1:~ 391 · --- --~·-~~0 .. ----5i 50! ______ _

1 1 1 I 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4

s 30.000 ---~--=~~~~--~---~=-~~=~---1 350 1 675 721----1-------- ----------1--------1--------18.000 1 3,000 -------- 4,500 227 6? ---- -------- ---------- -------- c-------2,500 1 1,000 -------- 1,000 ---------- ---- -------- ---------- -------- --------4,000 1 1,800 -------- ---------- 30 20 ------ ------- ---------- -------- --------

450 1 250 -------- ---------- ------------- ---- -------- ---------- -------- --------600

1,800 1,400 5,500 s 3,500 6,500

800 6,500

350 00 210 00 600 00

415 978 50---- -------- ---------- -------- --------

4.ggg 2.sso ~gg ----676-is ==== ======== -·-s:ooo·- ---67-90 ======== 2,000 300 65 ---------- ---- -------- 600 10 00 --------2,000 .......... ---------- 2,900 00---- -------- 4,000 70 00--------

800 310 92 79---- -------- ---------- -------- --------800 200 600 400 00 ---- -------- 3,200 31 50--------

~: --i- -----2~500-- ---------- ---- ---------- -------- ---------- 3 375 00 ---- -------- ---------- -------- --------

---- ---~:~-- ======== -----250-- ------2-ss ==== ======== ---2:ooo·-- ---29-oo ======== 16 2 5,300 17 3 1,300 18 4 2.300 19 1 5,000 29 1 4,500 21 4 2,900 60000 22 2 2,400-

36 29


• 107,750 s 1,760 00 95,00) 560 00

:.• 12,750 1,200 00

1 I 300 ________ __________ 135 00 ____________ --------·--· _______________ _

--i- ---iooo-- ======== ------~-- -----43-oo ==== ======== ---i:soo·· ======== ::::::::

--~-~---~~=-- ~~~==·==·= -----~~-- ~ 5 ~~== ======== ---~~:--- ~-~~-~==== ===-===== ~:I $24:~ u:~~ ·~:~ •1~·r~ ~ -T --"-50- 'ir·m ~ ~- ~: __ 75--2 5,700 ---------- 925 3 412 81 ---- -------- 11,100 41 40 --------

---- ---------- s 625 ---------- ---------- 1 4 50-.------------------ 75

70 STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-Continued. ------------ ··--···-- --------------------------------- ---

~ 'g ~ :5.~ ~ ~ ~ ~J.< &! t~ J.< "d 'g .t: ~ 8. ~ .... c3] ~ .] -~ 0

.... P:: ~ ~ § ~ $0 § ~ ~ ·= ~ ~ ~ :'J ;§ ·~ §] .... ~ .a ~ .~ ~j ]~ ~~- ~: §lS ~ 1: -E , E I "C o "C ..., w o ::1 ~ -~


::1 • Ql "CP:: I "lj(l$ ~E-< "0 I .... . g ,_:_:_::_1_-: _ _::_:_ _: __ < __ .s_ -~-1 Orlando.·.?~~~~~.?. .. ~~-~:~~~.?.:· I 335 14 23 346 2 Plant City ... ...... .... ... . . . . 1 281 15 H> 290 3 Maitland Mission........... ........ 303 18 17 :321 4 ApopkaCircuit....... .............. .................... ...1 158 7 8 163 5 Ki,simmee . .. .......... .. .. .. j 215 14 7 192 G Galloway Mission...... 150 ·1 138

~ ~:k~~:'n·,r::::~~~~::~~-· : ......... ::::.:~....... -· ·2 · i ~gg !~ ~~ ~b5 9 Mulberry Circuit......................... ............... 2 1 120

1 30 24 174

f~ ~~~l~~a~~eae~~-~~.~-~~~~~::·::::::::::::·:::::::::::1- · ! ~~~ ' 1~ i~ ~~~

12 Arcadia.................................... ' 206 74 69 3:38 13 Nocatee Circuit ....................... ,... 171 28 9 188 14 Fort Myers .. .. . .. .. ' 152 2·1 34 210 15 Alva Circuit............ .. .......... 184 14 178 16 Brownsville Circuit........................ 114 31 119

4 1

11 6 6 1

30 30 15 13 2

22 14

7 5


2 1 (i

2 1 1 6 6 1 7 1 2 :3

2 4 4 2 1 I :3

1 5 4 5 ;{

17 Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor. 2 ' 118 118 18 Winter Haven Mission.. 2 44 22 8 71 ~- . 2 1

i~ ~~~.j~~~dMf'!~~~~~~:::::::::::::. ...... . . ... . .1 59 57 ..... s 21 Wau<:!hula and Zolfo Mission.... - ... ---. ...'z .. l 159 , 20 84 172 ....... 6 2 1

21 -,-.. ~1--:122 374- 4,200-1194_1 __ 4_5_ ----;-

2: ._1 _3 .. ~~:S. ~---~~~- __ 8::~-3._i~~~--~-~~~~:-~~:-~~~-·: .. ~~ TOTAL .......... TOTAL LAST YEAR .. lNCRiEASE ........ . DECREASE·· .. . ----- .. -~-------

------------------------- ------------------------- -------------·-

1 Taorpa, F1r~~~~:.~s-~~-~~~ ................... j 1 710 14 81 776 6 12 1 2 Tampa, City Mission.................................... 1 45 14 44 102 5 4 3 3 Tampa, Hyde Park.................................... ............ 197 1 32 223 1 19 1 4 Tampa, Tampa Heights................................ 1 433 5 60 448 4 2 1 5 Gary and Port Tampa Mission..................... 1 135 3 40 160 1 5 2 6 Tamua. Ybor City and W. Tampa Cuban Ms. 3 3a 10 11 50 3 · 23 3 7 Little Italy................................................... 1 85 ............ ............ 86 1 1 9 Seffner Mission............................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 6 5 128 3 6 8 Alafia Circuit.... . ....................................... ............ 365 7 11 832 4 4 5

10 Parrish Circu t........ .. .. .. .. .................. .... .... .. 1 116 3 5 121 4 5 11 Palmetto Mission.......................................... 1 85 24 22 120 12 2 1 12 Bradentown ............................................... ;. ............ 139 ap 32 157 17 1 13 Manatee........................................................ 1 117 24 24 156 3 1 1 14 Oneco Circuit............................................... 1 202 5 11 216 2 3 5 15 ~arasota Mission.......................................... ............ 60 5 12 72 4 2 1 16 St. Petersburg............................................. 3 236 51 246 1 1 17 Laryo Circuit............................................... 1 214 1 28 225 1 2 4 18 Sutherland and Tarpon 'Sprincs ................ :... · 7 202 27 25 211 10 2

~ \i~=cf..iift::i~~·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i ~~ 5 zg ~: .................. i" ~ 21 Blanton .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 1 I 400 2 4 367 .. .. .. . .. . .. 16 6 22 Brook•ville................................................... 2 232 2 19 249 ................ ,....... 1 23 Dade City...................................... . .. .. .... .. .. 1 220 12 40 231 4 16 3 24 Weclster Circuit... ............... ...................... ... ...... .. ... 219 62 H 280 23 ... .. .. ..... 5 25 CI•rwaterCirclJit....................................... 1 ~-'-..!-~~~--7-~--2-

~.:.~= : ::· : . .: ·~~· ~= . ··~ .~:~J ·~~ ..... :: ······~···

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


111 . 12 13

~~I 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-Continued. 71


0 z



~ §' 0 DESTROYED -------~ gJ -B~ ~ ~ I <1l 1--Q)----:---

~ o.~: 11~ : ~ ~ I g"C "' 11 ~ ~ '8 e I ~ § ~ ~ ·~ § "0

z :> .s :> r.:l z < < ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~_g t § Alj § ~ r~ '§ ~;

0 c;; l "0 c;; xu I 0 s S'""''"' <!) ......

----- ---~------~---------1 $ 9,000 $ 3,000 1 ~ 3,000 00 . . . . . . .. . $ 300 00 . 1 $ 8,000 .. .. . .. .. . .. . . 1 4,ooo 1 2,ooo oo $ soo oo ...... ..... 250 ool .............. 1! 2,500 20 oo . . .. ... . 6 2,090 1 555 00 ......... ... 850 001

! ti8g t 2'~~g gg ·:::::::::>...... ~~~ ~g 1 :::::: :::::::::·:f>~.~~~~< :~>~~0~ ::::·:~:::~· 1 16,000 1,350 1 1,500 00 ...... .... .. 350 00 1,183 00 ................. i 10,000 ...................... ..

! U1 4,0~ ·! ::H~ ~ • noo oO !~: ~ ~::R HI ~'-~ ••·••·•••••• •·•·•·••••·· ! ,!:~! 250 : ::~og :2; '~' 001 ;;g~ I :!~ ~' I;:~& :~ ~ .... . ~ Hgg 1~~~000':· .. ~~.~.~~ ...... ~~~ .. ~.~::::::: ::::::::::::: ..... ~:.:~.~ ....... ~~ .. ~.~ ........ .

~ I :::1 .. ••••···•·· ·~. i I :: ::I ~1 5~ :: : :: tl H I 2 • H 2 461 $ 91,965 *8.525 1161$30,155 ool$2301 sol $3,050 80 $15,524 oo[ .... .. ......... 1 $29,450 $ 10s 12 ........... . 39 78,275 4.862 16 18,200 00, 2140 00 3,060 00 17,342 26 ...... .. .. . . $30,300 142 75 ........ .

7 13,690 3,663 ...... 11,955 ooi 161 so . ... .. .................. !... .. . .... ... .............. .. .................... . ...... .. .......... .. . .... .. .. ... . .. . . . . . 9 20 1,818 541 .. .. . 850 37 63 .......... .

] 2 2 1 2 2 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4

$ 32,000 2,500

28,000 4,600 3,000 3,750 3,000 3,300 4,000

600 2,000 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,000 8,000 4,000


1 $ 2,500 00 ............ 20,000 00$ 850 00 .................. $ 6,700 $ 35 20j .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . 4,000 00 1, 775 00 1 $ 125 00 1,600 ....................... .

1 3,500 00 .. . .. .. .. .. . ............... 19,230 00 .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . 5,500 ....................... . 1 2,600 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. 8,500 100 00 .......... .. 1 2,000 00 ............ ............... 617 00 ........................................................ . 1 2,500 00 .. . . . .. . . .. . 300 00 60 00 . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . 3,000 ...................... .. 1 2,500 00 .. .. . .. .. .. . 8,000 00 50 00 ....................................................... .. 1 1,000 00 ................................................................................................ . 1 600 00 ____ ...... 400 00 88 00 ........................................................ . 1 60000 ............................................................ 400 ...................... .. 1 1,000 00 .. . .. .. ..... 500 00 100 00 .... .. .. .... ...... 2,150 50 50 .......... .. 1 2,000 00 .................................................................................................. . 1 2,500 00 .. .. .. . .. .. . 1,500 00 850 00 ....................................................... ..

... .. ............... ............ ............... 134 00 ........................................................ . 1 2,000 00 $ 187 00 ...................................................................................... . 1 2,000 00 . .... . .. .. .. 50 00 143 10 ....................................................... .. 1 1,000 00 .. .. . .. .. .. . 300 00 761 00 .. .. .. ..... • .. . .. . 500 9 00 5 00

~: "'if '''"'1:200'"" ............. .. 1 1,500 00 ............ 17,500 00 900 00 ........................................................ .

.. ... soo .. oo :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ........ 94·50 :::::: :::::::::::: ....... 500 ... :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~ ~ '~:~ .. ""200'"" 1,000 00 25 00 250 00 200 00 . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . 500 ...................... .. = ~ :::: ....... 73'"' ~ ~ ~::: ...... ioo ....

2,000 00 .. .. .. .... .. 500 00 150 00 1 250 00 ...................................... . 2,000 00 .. .. . .. .. . .. 335 OQ 365 00 ...... .. .. .. .. . .. . 3,500 .............. _ ...... .. 1,000 00 ...... .. .. .. 200 00 150 00 ..................................................... .

1 80000 ................................................................................................. .. -------------------------------$129,150 $ 6,298

' 109,235 325 19,925 4,973

21 $36,180 00' 212 00 211,335 00 $26,617 60 2 $ 375 00$ 27.850 $ 201 70 5 00 25 41.193 93 1205 oo 199,100 oo 15,330 at .... .. ... .. . .. .. .. 69,250 419 ao ........... .

...... ............... ............ 11,635 00 11,197 29 2 375 00 ............... ............ 5 00 ,s 5,313 93 993 00 .. ... . ......... .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... .. ............ 31,400 215 81) ........... .

12 STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-(Recapitulation.)

<1.1 .... = !l ~ <1.1 0

"' j ·;; "' Q) Q) () ~ ..= gj ~

~ () ] :;;Q.J

~ "' 8 ~o<<t.l )! '1:1 Q)

"' a~·- 'i Q)

"' p.. 0~ .!:! p.. 0

3 ~ ..c

Q P. 0 NAME OF DISTRICT Cii Q) =-= ~£ ~ o .... 0 ~ "' .5 () riJ·; ~ "' ~ 0 <1.1'"' §r:<. ~0 ~ rn ..:I '"'"' :3'8 .... ~ !l ~ .... $Q) ~~ =·- "' 0 s~ ;ao ;a"' a~-= .... = Q) <tJOO ~ ~ 0 Q) '1:l '1:l Q)

'1:l ·u

'"' .5 0 z )1 < < p.. < 00

------ ---- ---------------1 Tallahassee................................................... 7 4,288 397 359 4,673 223 104 77 2 Jacksonville.................................................. 13 4,662 375 461 5,243 173 97 65 3 East Coast................................................... 13 ~.188 119 53 3,250 31 190 47 4 Gainesville .................................................... 13 4,034 371 375 4,326 175 78 91 5 Orlando .. .... ...... ... ... . ..... .. .. .. ............ .. . . . . . . .. .. .. 21 3, 798 422 374 4,200 194 45 ' 52 6 Tampa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... 32 4,67fi 271 605 5,345 112 118 69

TOTAL ..................................................... --99- 24,646- 1,955-,2.227- 27,231-~-----oos- --s32-~-TOTAL LAST YEAR................................. 116 ............ 1,687 2,267 24,646 671 SaO 407

ffE~~~~s~:·.::::·.::::·.·.:::·.::::.·.·.·.·.·.-.~:::::::::::::::::r···"i"7···1~ ~~~r=~~~ ~]~~ ~~~ ~

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 1-(Recapitulation.) 73


.s:: ..::: DESTROYED u u "" St 4) ~ ., Q,l lf -5t> ::S'tl ·; ] rll gj .... ~

"¢~ rllQI

rll 0;.. =- ~ Q,l Q,l

I 'iS .... t Jl = c "¢~ ...,Q Ill aPI

] ., .,f = .... u e 0 Q) Q,l

.2:l <ll"" cas ::s =w .s u ,.Q ,.Q ::sil< ~il< Q s<:J e ~ Q) ::s Q,l 0 e I! 0 ., 0 "i ., "i ~ e§ Q,l z < "" Q z > ..s z > ..s > f.i;l < il< ~ - ------ - - ------

2.710 oo I $ 10.432 95

--------~ --67 $ 96,150 $ 250 Oil 21 $ 29,950 00 $ 700 00 $ ...... ............ $ 26,000 •$ 204 00 58 121,530 ··············· 21 44,400 00 5,626 00 8,793 00 16,658 00 1 $ 4,000 55,505 241 80 $1,000 36 107,750 1,760 001 16 26,350 00 3,150 00 8,940 00 10,517 03 ...... .. ····---- 22.800 208 40 ......... 77 111,690 ... ~:~~f~l 25 30,550 00 ·················· 2,780 00 6,632 54 ······ ············ 31,950 132 75 ......... 45 91,965 16 30,155 00 2,301 50 3,050 80 15,524 72 ...... ············ 29,450 105 12 ......... 58 129,150 21 35,780 00 212 00 211,335 00 26,517 60 2 375 27,850 203 70 5 --------~--

$197,185001 $ 11,989 50 ---- ---- - ----------

341 $658,2351$15,833 00; 120 $237,608 80 $ 86,282 84 3 $ 4,375 $193,555 $1,095 77 $1,005 345 592,975 9,591 201119 170,368 93 10,1iJ8 60 222,045 00 68,216 05 5 1,090 197,250 1,305 75 130

-------- ---------

~--~:-~~1 .... ~:~.~~--~-~17 ----~-~:~-~~--?.:.! ...... ~:~? .. ~. $ 15,563 80 $ 18,066 79 $ 3,285 $ 6,305 ·i···2o9.9s· $ 875 4 ·················· .................. 2



NAME OF CHARGE s s s s ~ s at "d"'

I ] ~ ~ Ql ~ '§ "' '§ ~ ~ ~ .._ "' 'H :B ,; ~

' ~~ ~ii ;~ ;ti ~i il:i il~ ~3 -:----------------- ~.3 ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~0 ~z

1 TALLAHASSEE DISTRICT ~-------~------~---

1 Tallahassee.................. ' 1 I 60 1 781138 $ 100 0011 $ 190 00 $ 290 00 2 Monticello .... ·........... .......... .... ..... 1 , 74 1 :l2 106 48 50 28 50 77 00 3 Leon Circuit.............. 2 I 60 1 24 84 10 00 100 00 110 CO 4 Quincy...................... .. .. .. .. ....... .. .... . 1 ' 50 I 50 .. 3 .. 6 .. ·O·u·· _


_ .. _116 18 152 18 5 Gadsden Circuit ........

~ .:id~:;a8ir~~~~i~····· 47 22 65 1 00 23 65 8 Blue Creek Circuit.. ·:·. ~·.:··.:::·:.. . .... 1..... " 1

9 Bristol Circuit........ ::::: : 10 Au cilia Circuit.. .. . 11 Mayo Mission ........ . 12 Old Town Mission .... . . . l . .

:::1. 13 reny............................ I 14 ray lor MtSSlOn.......... .. ' 15 Madison.................................


24 12 00

16 Madison Circuit.................. .. ....................... _1 •

17 West Madison Circuit 18 Carrabelle Circuit.. ..

ilO ..... : .. 1

19 Crawfordville ........... .. 24 24

15 56

....... I ... ·ii .. oo· 11 00

30 00 20 Apalachicola ............... .. 30 00 21 Woodville Mission .......... . 22 Havana ..... , .................. . 23 Sycamore ................... . 24 Concord Circuit.. ..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20 21 22 23

-~~~~ .. r.·~=~YEAii:::::::: ................ -- 'i[~n ~~ -1~~ ~~~ $ i~~ ~~ 1$ ~~~ ~~ 1

$ ~~~ ~! INCREASE . .. ...... .. .. .. . 2 88 3 94 182 24 02 327 47 351 49 DECREASE......... ........................... ... .. .. . .. .. ..................................... ..

JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT I I Jackksonville, First Church........................

2365 1

3206 61 $ 10 00 1$ 25 00 $ 35 00

Jao sonville, Riverside.............................. 1 56 25 00 26 64 51 64 Jacksonville, Springfield........................... 38 2 75 113 11 50 187 75 199 25 Jacksonville. St. Mathews & City Mission 1 20 1 25 45 5 00 50 00 55 00 Jacksonville, Highway Avenue................. ......... 2 25 25 88 00 88 00 Seuth Jacksonville and Park Mission ........................................................................................................... . Duval Mission ............................................................................................................................................. .. Fernandina ............................................................................................................................................... . King's Ferry and Crandall ........................ ! 1 14 ......... ............ 14 ............... 4 00 4 00 Callahan ..................................................... · ................................................................................................. ..

~~~:~!1:MfJ!~~~:.::::.::.:_:_:_:_:.:_:.:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:_:.:::·::·::·:·:·:·:·:·:!:::::~::: ::::::~~::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::['::::::~:~::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::~::~:: ::::::::~::~. Lake City ........................... _ .................... 1 1 33 1 47 80 25 00 26 85 51 85

~~i:b~J~:~~~~i'i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.·.:,:: .. :::.: :::::::::::: :::::::.: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::

~~~:.::::::~:::~;:-: ·~i :::J ..... L ... J ... ::::::::: ::::::;.::: ... J. ::::::::~:~: ::::::~:~: ::::::~ ~: 5;\~~:~~i~~~~~:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:···J::::~::: ::::::~:~::: :::::i::: ::::::~::: ...... : .......... ~·=· ::::::::::::::: ....... ~·=· 5':~~;:: ::::::: .. :.: . ).}~ . ..[. .... ~- .J ....... ~ ...... ~ ..... ~:.: ... ~ .. ;. ...... ~ .. ~.

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2-Continued. 75 'WoMAN'SFOR'GN ltl

SUNDAY SCHOOLS M~~~~~::y -~ >. I ~ I 2 -~I ~ ->.-- ~ .g 'g UJ c ·§ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ] B ~ I ~ ~ ~'"'

oS '"' ~ "' '""~ - ·;;; ;:: Ol t) ~ 0 ~.!!l \l)l ~ "'5::: "' "00 •w ~ as .. .; .... ~ o !t) ..c I "'"' '"' $ -~ .::;-~ 2 '"' ~ ~ g """ """ :::: ai

'S ,.8 ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ .;!: • g C1i ~ ~ ai >.-5 'S I 'S ai ·; 'Cj

o~ Et-t ~ ~>-< ::a ::a ::a~ ::a0 C) ..Cell o o o~ ~ z 0 ell u u u t-t ~~~-2- -----------~

1 ~ -:-: :-:-:i~~~~2 00 ;-:0 00 321,, 104~!$ 339 00 2 84$ 222 00$ 561 00 ........ 2 1 20 218 448 00 !'$ 10 00 24:3 OOI 701 00 u 320 00 1 2:3 191 00 511 00 $ 110 0(1 3 4 23 138 16 00 .. .. .. .. 42 001 58 00 1 i 9 7 00 3 251 29 00 36 00 ...... .. 4 1 14 114 100 71 8 81 85 85 195 37 1) 3:3 227 10 1 54 11i5 47 392 57 ...... .. 5 4 21 220 13 00 8 80 10 00. 31 80 2 301 35 00 1 15 20 00 55 00 10 00 ~ 4 2s 193 12 65 I 2 70 .......... I.

4 50 11 21 32 42 1 nl 24 oo 56 42 ........

tf J J )I )lii ::: l!!!' g~ ·.·•.1

.•_·:_• •. 1.·:·.·.~·-··:·········· 'I. I. :

40 001 ···40:001/. H : · ." :::, :::: H! . ::: :! :1 ;, .7 · · ~~·~~ H ~I -:: :· • ::t1••~:: II l !II :HI J ~ i ft I i: gg .:: ~121


23 °0

T 1 ~~ t ~ Jro . : • • •: ~¥ ~ 12 1~g~ .... ~~-~~.!::::::::l 1n ~~ 1i~ ~~ -l-~~ .... ~~.?? . .. ~-~ ... ~ ..... :~.~~ .... ~~~-~~ :::::::: 22 1 '/ 721 40 00 I 7 00 40 00 87 00 .. .. .. ~ ..........

1 1 30 125 00 125 00 ...... ..

23 1 6 42 26 00 1- . . . . . . . 17 00 43 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I 20 9 00 9 00 I ....... . 24 2 11 94 40 oo 1........ 23 oo 63 oo .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. 1 9 7 oo 7 oo

1 ...... ..

47 308 2,822 $9so 56 $71261$919 52$ 1,92319 15 337 $1,1<7-;· 211 "'' $ 1,830 62 s 2,9'78 u's 203 oo

.. ~: -~:~ .. ~~-~~-~!.);~.~~.! .. ~~.;~ ..... :::-:~1 .. ~:~~~-~~ ~~ -~~~ ... ~~~-~~. -~~- -~;~1 .. ~:~~~.;~ .. ~:~~~-~~~ ... ~;-~~

1 2 001 3801$ 300 00 $ 5 00 $ 1,077 46 $ 1,382 46 2 691$ 196 19 2 mil 1,191 26 $ 1,387 45 ........

2 2 22 321 160 42 10 50 143 05 451 70 1 201 119 00 1 30 165 26 274 25 $ 110 00 3 1 ~11 275 69 11 b 25 149 15 223 51 1 22 40 25 1 65 854 54 894 79 ........ 4 1 150 120 00 ........ 260 00 380 00 1 10 10 00 1 22 200 00 210 00 . ....... 5 2

121 120 38 00 ........ 58 00 9600 .. . ... ·········· 1 22 162 00 162 00 10 00

6 1 10 66 15 00 ········ 32 09 47 09 .. .... ·········· 1 26 238 33 ·········· ........ 7 2 12 76 24 00 ........ .......... 24 00 .. .... ·········· .... ., ...... 8 1 12 65 .......... ........ .......... 57 65 1 17 17 00 1 35 349 12 366 12 9 2 9i 49 500 ........ 44 00 49 00 1 12 26 00 .... . ... .......... 26 00 . .......

10 3 1ol 75 3 05 700 10 00 20 05 .. .... ·········· 1 10 150 00 UiO 00 ........ 11 3 12 75 400 ........ 15 00 19 00 .. .... .......... 1 13 198 00 198 00 . ....... 12 1 8 60 700 ........ 5000 57 00 .. .... ·········· 1 22 50 00 5000 . ....... 13 2 10 80 7 00 100 10 00 18 00 .. .... ·········· .... .... .. , ......... .......... · . . ....... 14 1 15 190 57 20 5 45 110 73 173 36 1 23 58 35 1 25 131 27 189 62 ........ 15 5 23 180 1190 200 29 10. 43 00 ··········· 1 17 115 00 11600 ·······-16 2 14 130 45 00 ........ 26 00 7100 1 19 21 51 1 12 .......... 21 61 . .... ,,. 17 5 25 175 16 17 ········ 43 75 59 92 1 8 8 15 .... .... ·········· 8 lli •••••'!'' 18 4 16 135 600 ········ 2o oo 3100 .. .... .......... .... ..... , .. 19 1 17 258 8600 500 120 00 211 00 3 97 230 00 1 42 242 00 412 00 20 3 15 90 400 ........ 20 00 24 00 1 13 2200 .... . ... ·········· ::: ..... ,· .. 11 1 11 20 5000 400 7 OJ 11100 1 30 9000 1 33 275 00 22 2 10. 85 500 ......... 2000 25 00 . ..... .......... .... . ... .. ......... 23 2 16 102 700 ......... ·········· 700 ...... ·········· 1 10 ..•..•. ' .. ·······-~·· . ....... - -----------------~------

~ 13) 00 48 ~ 2.897 $1.033 85 $ 45 20 f 2,200 34 $ 3,524 74 15 340 $ 838 45 17 496 $ Ull 77 $ 1.81189 55 288 2.548 71t 91

··~·:· .. ~:~.~ .}:~.~ ~~ -~~1 ... ~.~-~-~;, .~;~ .. ~:~~-~ .. ~:~.~ 21.98 99 349 313 94

7 .......... ·········· 164 9

76 STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2--Continued.


NAME OF CHARGE '"' '"' '"' '"' '"' '"'!l .2 .2 .2 .2 ~ .;: .;: 1i: "i gj § ·~ § <1l § <1l § (IJ t>ll <1l <1l 1:11 <1l :B .~ ::I

I oo~ 00~~ ~~ t-a~] ~] ~~§ ~~0 ~i 1 -s~ -s~~ -s~ -sr~ =~ "i~·i 1l:] .... H I o.3 o.3::a o.3 oH::a ~::a ·;.3~ ·;.3o 1 ~~

ORLANDO DISTRICT ~~ ~-~ ~--~-~--~---~-1 Orlando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . ..... · · .. 2 Plant City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 18 .......... $ 5 00 $ 5 00 3 Maitland Missson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 38 38 2 00 2 00

~ ~fs~f~~~~r~~i:. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ i~ 10 ~~ $ 1g gg 10 00 ~g gg

6 Galloway Mission ....................... ..

~ · ~CI:nd':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9 Mulberry Circuit ......................... .

10 Fort Meade and Homeland ............... . 11 Bowling Green .......................... .

31 35 30 62

12 Arcadia................................... 62 13 Nocatee Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 14 Fort Myers....................... . . . . . . . . 23 15 Alva Circuit............................... 1 31 16 Brownville Circuit ........................................... . 17 Punta Gorda ................................................. .




31 35 30 90

62 64 23 59

13 90

7 20 19 43


20 00 50 00 5 00

17 40

36 80 1 36


20 00 5000 500

31 30

44 00 20 79

40 00

18 Winter Haven Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......


........ .. 19 Everglade Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 . . . . . . 15 · · ... · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 20 Gardner Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... · . · · · . · · · · · · · · · · 21 WauchulaandZolfoMission .................... ~.:..:..:..:. __ 1 ___ ~~-~--2~-~~~

TOTAL ................................. 14 393 7 178 I 571 $ 92 53 $ 160 56 $ 253 09 TOTAL LAST YEAR· .............. ,,... 12 427 5 151 555 87 81 389 85 448 12

IfE~RREE~SEE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 ""34" 2 .... ~~ .. ) .... ~~ ....... ~.~~. ~9 29~9s'oo~

TAMPA DISTRICT 1 Tampa. First Church ..................... . 2 Tampa, City Mission ..................... . 3 Tampa, Hyde Park ....................... . 4 Tampa, Tampa Heights .................. . 5 Tampa. Garey and Port Tampa City ..... . 6 Tampa, Ybor City and West Tampa ...... . 7 Tampa, Little Italy ........ · ..... ·.· .... ··· 8 Seffner Circuit ........................... . 9 Alafia Circuit ............................ .

10 Parrish Circuit ........................... .

1 1 1 1

11 Palmetto Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 Braden town ......... · ... • .............. · · · · · · · .. 13 Manatee ................................. · · 1 14 Oneco Circuit ........................... · . . .... . 15 Sarasota Mission ......................... .


30 20 30 46




16 St. t•etersbllrg .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . 1 40 17 Largo Circuit.............................. 2 30 18 Sutherland and Tarpon . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . 2 115 19 Curlew Mission ................ · · · . · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 20 Henando Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .




21 Blanton ....................... ··.·.· .. ···· · · · · ·. · · · · · ..... · .. . 22 Brooksville ............................... · 1 50 . . . . . . . . • .... . 23 Dade City .............................. · · · 1 45 · · · · ......... . 24 Webster Circuit.; ...................... ··· · · .. ·. · · · · ·. · · · · · · · · · .. · .. · · · ..


50 20

105 46


18 36 36

40 30


50 45

25 Clear Water Mission ............................ · ..... • ...................... .

$ 2000 .......... $ 2000

10 00 $ 2000 4 40 15 60



300 900 650 550


·········· .......... 17 30

500 552

86 47 400

15 00

~2 20

3000 2000 3000


12 00 12 00 3050

103 77 400

15 00

500 37 72

-- --··--- -·-· --- -·-. ----------TOTAL······"''''"'"'"''''''''''''' 14 472 3 131 603 71 72 221 27 292 99 ToTAL J.AST YEAR··················· 13 481 8 193 624 ·tao 20 224 65 354 85 INCRBA.SII: ............................... ~ 41 ...... ········ 52 Dae&t:ASE· • • • .... • ............. :· .. , ·, .. ........ .. 5 62 21 5900 238 61 86 ...

STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2-Conttnued.. 77

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 4 3

17 12 31 11 15 5

15 20 20 18 12 13 15 16 23 10

203 290 00 -------- 185 00 475 00 1 118 80 00 2 50 150 00 232 50 1 292 3700 ········ 5600 93001 132 !i 00 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 1 100 60 00 7 00 105 00 172 00 1 35·········· ........ 2000 2000 1

212 164 00 11 00 189 30 364 30 1 220 194 00 10 00 300 00 504 ()() 1

30 250 00 17 47 00 16 16 00

7 ........ .. 13 30 00 8 800

67 318 00 30 100 00

100 .. .. . . .. . . 5 75 51 78 57 53 175 63 20 4 50 148 80 216 50 2 27 40 00 137 14 55 6 00 52 97 73 52 210 72 63 40 08 228 81 341 52 167 27 66 . • . • . . . • 30 46 58 12 105 51 00 5 00 77 00 133 00 220 17 00 6 00 75 00 98 00 133 ..................................... .

1 22 2 17 1 24 2 17

57 01 16 09 8300 11 00

17 .... ...... .......... ........ .......... .. ............ .. 18 4 14 103 19 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 00 . . . . . . . ........ . 19 7 26 . . . . . . 13 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 33 . . . . . . '• ........ .

~ .. i l' ii 90 13 71 : :: :: : : : ..... 49.29 63 00 : : : :: : ..... 7. i5 .

J!-~1.~.~ ·; ~-~ J~l ·;_~J: 1:.: ~I :l .. :.J.~ I I I I

1 1 31 240 90 27 12 34 304 75 407 36 1 52 199 81 2 2 17 275 10 27 ······· 1 075 1)0 1 085 27 .. ······ .... 3 1 19 310 8039 ······· 1 064 95 1 145 34 1 45 264 00 4 1 25 320 47 00 ······· 150 00 197 00 1 47 130 00 5 2 15 175 2700 2 75 5000 79 75 .. .... ...... . ... 6 5 14 216 8 75 ······· 21 25 30 00 1 9 11 40 7 1 4 312 ········· ······· ·········· .......... .. .... ...... .... 8 4 19 96 7 70 300 39 21i 49 96 .. .... .... 9 4 26 214 2050 550 5000 76 00 2 51 33 00

10 1 6 52 3 24, ........ 8 co 11 24 .. .... ...... . ... 11 1 8 66 1~ ~ · .. 5·oo· 25 lO 37 00 .. .... ······ . ... 12 1 21 140 128 62 236 62 1 11 34 00 13 1 13 115 233001 500 9601J 33400 1 22 182 00 14 4 21 180 25 84 : ........ 75 00 100 84 .. .... ...... 15 1 9 80 600 ········ 40 00 4600 1 16 80 00 16 1 13 180 5000 10 50 82 39 142 89 1 21 9 60 17 4 27 203 28 00 12 00 6.1!00 108 00 4 58 66 00 18 2 20 450 6000 ........ 175 00 23500 2 45 120 00 19 1 4 ...... 20 00 ········ ·········· 20 00 .. .... ...... .... 20 3 18 100 ·········· 1 70 25 00 26 70 .. .... ...... . ... 21 4 28 ...... 12 00 400 5000 6600 .. .... ...... . ... 22 1 16 163 4300 356 332 92 379 48 1 10 18 50 23 2 17 194 2366 450 71 44 996() 2 44 222 45 24 3 18 139 6 49 ········ 3l! 21 38 70 1 .... ······ .... 25 2 15. 127 . 21 78 ........ .......... 21 78 .. .... ······ . ... - ~-.... 1 ...... -, $69 .. , .. 164 ,. t5 0'74 53 20 ' 431

----32 420 $1 370 86 67 471 4 403 943 93 86 69 2 688 22 3 684 59 22 416 853 69

.. • .. . .. .. . .. .. . 33 16 1 476 57 1 589 94 .. 16 517 17 25 61 .368 4(t4 .................. .......... , 2 ...


1 33 1 23 1 4 1 11 1 20

1 45 1 40 1 30 2 32

1 37 2 27 1 23 1 28

700 00 240 00

600 125 00 386 00

79 00 400 00 250 00 140 75

9786 37 45

105 00 121 00

950 00 ..•.••.• 287 00 25 00 22 00 ..•.••..

125 00 ....... . 416 QO ...... ..

8 00 ....... . 397 00 20 ® 50006 250 ()() 12 00 180 75 ....... .

154 87 ....... . 5854 ~69

188 00 10 flO 132 00 ........

1 13 .......•.....•......•..••.••

.:..::..::..:.:..::.:.:..:..:..:.:..:.:..:1~:..:.:.:..:..:.:...,·:_: 16 366 $2 688 06 $3 664 16 $9$ 69 11 401 2 242 63 2 m u .a. as

. . . . . . . . 445 43 690 91 00 u 1 35 ......•.......•.....•......•


1 60 520 00 719 81 ········ .... .... ·········· ·········· ········ 1 59 2 844 00 3 089 00 100 00 1 56 300 00 430 00 ........ 1 20 24700 247 00 ········ 3 101 98 87 110 27 ········ .... .... ·········· ·········· ........ .... .... . ......... ·········· ········ .... 3300 10 00 1 7 267 00 26700 . ....... 1 15 36 00 8600 ........ 1 30 245 78 279'78 ········ .... .... ·········· 182 00 ········ . ... .... . ......... ·········· . ....... .... .... .......... 8000 ........ 1 33 144 24 t53 84 19., 1 18 6500 131 00 2 30 219 00 389 00 ......... .... .... . ......... . ......... ········ . ... .... .......... ........ 2 16 2.'i 00 2500 . ....... 1 15 180 00 198 60 ........ 1 27 211 60 43406 ........ 1 . ... .... ..... . ... : ........ 1 15 87 38 87 38 ········ - - --- ---~·-, --

20 502 ..... 871 ..... "I UJI .. 22 484 2 671 90 3 630 06 ·. 1~ "' 18 2-~~~.~! .. ~. ~ •••••• 06 2

78 STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2-Continued. --------------------------------------~----------~------------------------------


-~ -~ I -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ NAME OP CHARGE rJ5 ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ ] ~] ~t $~ § »~g -~ ~

~~ ~~~ ~~ ~l: 5 ~~ -g~·~ I ;~~ I ~~ o-3 o.3:g · o-3 o~)1 .g)1 ·8.3~ -~.3o ~.3

------------------~~ ~-~~ _z ___ l~_ ~-1__!__1~-1 I Gainesv<fl~~~-~~~-~-~~~. ~~~-~~~.~~. . . . . . . I I $ 0 $ 00 2 Alachua··································· · · · -~· ·, · · .~ · · ···-~~··I···~~~-· · · · -~~. ·~-~~-· .~~.~~-~-· · .:~ · · · ·

II r~~~l~i?H //::!/ : •.•. • .. _:.: ..•.• _il •..•.•. ~.:.:. :::,,4 ::; •..•.•..•. ,_:_ .• _:_:_ .• _1:,.··_·•.1.;_;_ .• _;.·;_· •. ~_•• .•. ~.:;_;_• •. ;.:;_ .• _:

~~ I ~~ta~~~~~~~i:~~:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : 10 111 13·UmatillaCi.-cuit........................... i~ 1 ... ~.. 30 .... ~~-~-[ 5~g~ 6~g~ 14: Lady Lake................................. I

~~ : ~~::{~i~~~ Ml~~i~~:::: : :: : :: ::: ::: : :: : : : ..... 'I ::::: : : :I:: :::: ........ :: : : 23,:9• i. ·. •. •. •. :.'1 : .••.•.•.•.•. :: i,: / ~ ~;~n;~~;; / •• :: >> .1 i ~. i ::: • : ·.·.-_._:_:.-.-.:.··.·.·.·.-.:_·_~_:.--.. ·-.·.·.~.:.:~:.:\1 :::::~:~;: 23 Bronson Circuit ........................... -~ ...... , ........


...... I ...... .. 24 I Rochelle Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I' 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

1 • • • • • • • • • • 75 00 I 75 00

25 .Anthony Circuit ........... - ............... ___ 1_ -~ ~~~ -~1·..:..:..:..:._:_:_:_:_:_ 1~~ ~~ TOTAL ................................ ·118 I 552 I 3 I 147 699 1$ 115 60 1$ 405 521$ 521 12 TOTAL LAST YEAR.................... 17 : 514 I 3 99 604 I 163 04 444 06 604 10

~Ec~:::s~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... ~ .. I ... -~~ .. I::::: :1 ... -~~ ...... :~ .. 1· · · '47'44'!' · · '38'54'1' · · · 82' 98'


1 Key West •. First Church................... 58 12 70 ·$ 13 50 $ 51 62 $ 65 12 2 Key West; Sparks Chapel................. 89 I 85 174 I 6 66 158 03 164 69 3 Key West, Memorial....................... 20 26 46 i 75 65 93 75 169 40

: i:;~~~~.~~.~~i~i~.~~:::::::::::::::::::: ~~ 1 I 64 85 , .......... 1 19 35 19 35 6 Biscayne Bay Mission - · · · · ...... · · · · · · · · · · : : : : : : : :I : : : : : : [: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : : :. : : : : : : : : : : 7 Lemon City .......... · .. ·.................. 2 40 i 1 1· 22 62 i ..... • .. "I · 43 00 43 00 8 Delray····································· · · · ·30 · ·) · .. i ...... i5 .... "45"


, • .. "4 · i7 ·I, .... i4' 85 · .. "i9'o2 · 1~ I ~=s~~~~~·B~~~h.Mf~~i~~:: ::::::::::::::: ... ~.. . . .. .. .. 1 I 42 42 I 3 25 .... ·...... 3 25 11 Fort Pierce and Stewart .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . I 1 1 25 1 25 5 00 I 3 00 8 00 12 Indian River MiSAion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · . · · · · · ' . I

~i · ~=::?a~!:1~!a~iif ?~~~~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }I : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ : : : : : : : : : : 16 DeLand Mission ........... :............... 1 · 29 I 1 16 45 1 7 00 37 00 44 00 17' Fruitland.; ..... · ............... ; .......... ··············,······ .; ...... /'········1··········· ·········· f~ ~:::::. .~.i~~~~~. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 Sanford .. ·:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 J I 65 ,. 100 I 45 oo 60 oo 21 Hastings.;; .............................................


•• _ .......................................... .

22 OviedO· • ••• •• · · •• · · · · · •· ·· · ·· · ·· ••• · ·· ··· · · 1 . 32 , · · • • • • · .·. ·· · · .! 32 · ··· · ·· • · · ····· · •• • · · · · · • ·•· • ·

. ~:~=••::::••••:•••:••:•• J ..... ~JJ ..... ~J .. ~ .. r_l~·~· · .. ~.~ · .. ~.¥.. 105 00


STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2-Continued. 79


§ ';J

1 1 ! ·+ 1,228 ,.!. 1,289 ......... .

! ::~!:~~I : :~ l:: ~:~~::~:~ i i a J J~ i~-- ~~ :stt :;::~::::~~~ l :fi~1 :::i~:::::::: ~~ ~ ig ~~ ..... ~.~ .... ~.~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ·2 ··34 ····55·oo· ::~: ::~1:::::~~:~~: ..... ~~.~ ... ~.~ ~~ 4 20 166 6 oo . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 6 oo · · .. · 6 · .... 5· 4o· 1 10 112 101 118 10 ....... . 14 2 8 30 ...............................................................................•....•.•... 15 1 8 98 800 ........ 4000 4800 ................ 12 2500 25()() ....... . 16 1 9 69 11 00 .. .. . .. . 32 00 43 00 9 13 00 9 33 00 4(; 00 ...... .. 17 2 10 30 4 00 10 00 14 00 .................................................. .. 18 2 10 60 .. .. .. .. .. 22 00 22 00 .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . ......... ·" ..... . 19 1 31 00 .. . . .. .. 64 34 95 36 16 29 68 14 55 15 84 83 ...... ..

~~ ~ ~~ 1~1 s; gg 1g gg 1~ ~ ~~ gg .... ~: .... ~.~ ....... ~~ .... ~~.~ .... ~:~.'~ :::::::: 22 2 7 651""""'' ........ ',"""'" ............................................................. .

89 314 2,522 $ 420 67 s 38 99 s 1,526 161$ 1,985 83 9 180 s 280 62 121262 $ 2,282 68 $2.563 30. 127 50

.! .. ~~ .~:~~1 ... ~.;~, .. ~.~- .. ~:~~-, .. ~:~.~ -~ -~~~- .. ~·~:· :~: -~~~ ... ~:~.~ .. ~:~~.~ .. :.:

80 STATISTICAL TABLE No. 2.-(Recapitulation.)


NAME OF DISTRICT 0,.. ,.. .2"" .~ Ql .... ~ ""o t CD

.sa ~~~ ~ CD j 111 111 ..... ~ ~ ~ ·~ il ~ Q) ... § ill ::s Ql ... ... » Q) ~ » ·~ ; 110 fiJ ::s fiJ '.8 '"II ::1 '"II'.! .! ,.Qj.2 ,.QjQI... j!

, ~~ '"0~~ ~r '"0~~ -~ 1 .~ 1 J! -i o~ o..:l::Jl o~ o..:l::Jl ~~ ·~ ~ ·~ o ~.t

-----------------~~ _,z __ ,~ _z __ ,_E-4 ____ ~:~:; ____ ~:~:; _____ E-t __

1 Tallahassee________________________________ 11 ' 407 6 167 574 217 15 $ 488 68 t 705 83 2 JackiiOnville ____________________ ,,__________ 11 323 11 320 643 92 30 429 24 r 621 54 3 East Coast _______ ,________________________ 10 354 10 372 726 160 23 480 60 6((1 83

4 Orlando -------------··-----"-------------- 14 393 7 178 571 92 53 160 56 253 09 5 Gainesville ________________________________ 18 552 3 147 699 115 60 406 52 62112 6 Tampa,.____________________________________ 14 472 3 131 603 71 72 221 27 292 99

-TOTAL-~=~---- .. ·---------------178 2 501 ---:- 1 315- 3 816- $749 53 12186 ~ f2 935 40 TOTAL LAsT Ytua____________________ 72 2 339 32 961 3 249 816 72 1 924 33 2 596 43 INCREASE----------------------------- 6 162. 7 354 567 261 54 338 97 DI!ICREA8E ____________ .. ________________ -····· -------- ------ -------- -------- 67 19 ---------- ----------·------- ------ -~-. -------.------

STATISTICAL TAJU ... E No. 2.-(Hecapitulation.) 81




~ • ~ I ·~ 8 :2 >. 8 .~ ~ >. ~I j-, ->.-- ·~ j ~ ~~ :E ] "' S ~ ~ ~ .,... "' 0 ~ ""'..c Q) o: ·~ S ~ 1 ·~ 8 ;:l :::::: o "' ~-. ...... - "" Q) "'..... ~ 1:: ~ ~ 0 ·~ 1l ~ 0 Q) 0 ~ 0 Ql 0 ~ 8 ~ :3 .8

. "5 ~ Ql 0 0 Q) Q) ·~ Ql Q) ~ ~ Qj >. ~ ': ~ ':\l ;§ 0 ~ "; ·; _., 0 0 '8 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~] ~ t ·~ t ~ I ] ~ I ~ ~] ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ I 00 ~ ~ ~ ':\l -5 ·~ ':\l om !E~ "5 ::..~ ~~ ~~ cO ~..coo o o c;..... j o o ~~ ~~oo Q) z 0 rJ1 Q Q Q E-< z z E-< I z z ~ 1:""' ~

1 ~~ ~:1! 2822 $ 950~;11~-:- ;-:~:11$ 1 86~ : ~: ~4~:-:- ~: $ 1 &3~: $ 2 97:-: ~:~~ 2 48 332 28&7 L 033 85 I 45 20 2 200 34 3 524 74 15 340 838 45 17 496 4 311 77 4 811 891 120 00 3 39 314. 2522 420 67 . 38 99 1 526 16 1 985 83 9 180 280 62 12 262 2 282 68 2 563 30 127 50 4 46 304 2752 1 122 o8 I r,-;- 83 1 719 41 2 939 32 16 3o5 983 25 16 366 2 688 o6 s 664 16 93 69 5 66 408 3076 651 79 ·1111 21 1 406 591 2 272 08 18 376 883 80 20 369 2 228 09 3 111 89 156 31 6 32 420 4035 939 89 69 85 4 164 79 5 074 53 20 431 1 370 86 20 502 5 490 87 6 842 73 129 40

~: 2086 78104 i5 118 84 [ ... ,-;:-1$11 93::$17 71~~ :,:.~ 1:s~:-:-:::: :~:;: $23 :~~: S29-:

3:: ~~~~ ~~~~~- -~-~~~-~~J~~~-~~ --~-~i!_~~ -~~-~~~-~~ ~~~~0~~ _!_~~~-~~ i~_ ~~;~ -~~-~~:~~ -~~-~~~-~~-·~c-~~~--~~

Church School and Lodge Furniture

----- ~- -- ~ ------

c:.Assembly Chairs

and Court House


FURNITURE fine enough for any city church, also good, nice, comfortable Furniture at prices within

reach of most country churches.

Church and School Bells Book and File Cases

Black-boards, Erasers, Crayons, Globes, Church and School Maps, Dictionaries and Cyclopedias. Charts of all kinds.


All Goods Direct From Factory to Consumer



STATISTICAL TABLE No. 3.-.Finaooml .


~ ~.1 ~ I -- -~- ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ! ~i - ~

I Sl"e .! ~ l ~ aJ ·~ 5 ~ ~ I 8 ~ . :0~ § ~ ~


~ ..... 0 .. " -1l 1l t ll 1l 1l 'i 1l 1l , 1l 1l ~ 1l 1l e ....:~ a; 1l ~ ~ ! 00 a) 00 ".1;. tl.l a) ' :IJ tn ~ 00 Cll Q) PQ' ri.J rtJ

Q) rr: ~ ~ "a ~ "'0 a3 ~ ~ "0 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Q) gj I "C !i ,.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ""d r:l ·; ~ I ·; "' ·- "' . ·- r:l ·; ill ·- 00 :9 "' 'tl l "' :9 "' :9 "" "' I ·- ., ·- I ::l ol "' I ·- i!l ·-

- < Po. < Po. < Q! < I Q! < I ll.. < ~ < ~ < ~ < ~ < ~ ~ < ~ < ~ ~ ~ < Q! < ~ TALLAHASSEE DISTRICT. I I I 't . i -- --- I I' I I ' . l

( 1 1 i I , , I I i Talla~assee _______________________ , ____ $270001 $27000$180000 li180000 $2900 $2900• $12:>00 H2500' $11500 $115001 $150001 $15000 ........ , 257001. $50001 $50ooi _________ _l __________ ' $1500. . $1800_______ $6001. $600$701 ______________ 1 ...... , $7500!1. $75001 ~-2000 $2000 $74800: $273000 $59.€500 Mont•c~llo~----------------------------- 205 ooj 206 oo 1100 oo 1100 oo as oo 35 ool no oo 132 oo[ teo oo 115 oo 125 oo· 140 oo ----------1 71 ool 48 oo 80 ool ... -------j----------'------ .... ' s oo·--.-.-------' 11 ool 12 oo' 6 oo _______ ----~--------~------'------: ss oo. 126 ool 15 oo 40 oo 3 065 oo:. 3 535 oot 6 ~zo cg LEJ<?nC•rcUJt. ................... _________ 65 oo 65 oo 684 oo 6~4 oo 6 oo 6 oo! 30 oo 30 oo1 25 oo 25 oo: 40 oot 40 oo ____ _ 1 91 ooJ' 15 oo 1s ool __________ ...... _ .. _!_____ 5 oo _ 6 oo Goo. 2 001 2 oo ____ --------~------'----··, 17 oot 17 oo: 5 oo 5 oo -------·--, 991 oo 1 ~ -18 o Qumcy ---: --:-- ------- -------- --- 200 00 200 00 1350 00 1 551 OOj 21 00 21 oo' 88 00 38 OOI 100 00 115 00 115 OOI 100 00 _________ _! 86 00 43 00 43 ooi __________ , ___ --·- -'----- ... - -I . --- 13 00 5 001' 5 00---- -------- ______ I _____ , 55 oo: 55 001 15 00 15 00 681 50 2 787 001 -~ 596 26 Gadsden Clrcu~t--,----- .. ·------------- 1\5 001 47 00 450 00 420 00


5 00 5 00 25 00 25 001 23 00 23 00 30 oo 1 :o 00 ______ -]---------- 13 00 13 OO'_ . ----~ _____ ,_____ 100 __ -------, 5 00 _______ . ,::! 00.. 2 00----1-.------- ------J--- 15 oo; 15 001 4 00 4 00---------- 118 001 622 00 W.aukee~h Circmt._____ . --- 6& 00 40 27 600 00 45165 5 00 5 ooi 25 00 25 00 23 00 23 00 30 00 30 00 _ _ _________ 13 001 13 ool__________ ___ ---. 5 00'----- ____ , 2 OOi 2 00' ..... 1. ______ ------------ 15 00[ 15 00 5 00 5 001----------1 609 88, 7~? 30 M•dwayC•rcu;t--~--------------------- 55 oo 4150 500 oo 415 69 5 oo 5 oo1 25 oo 25 oo 18 oo 1 18 oo' so oo! 30 oo ___ ----1--------- 13 oo 13 oo' ____________ ,____ .i 5 oo, 5 oo 2 OO' 2 ooJ.--'~--------1------~ .. ----- 15 oo 1 5 ool 4 oo 2 OOI---- -- - 562 46 ~ 1 2 oo BlueCreek C1rcmt.___________________ 40 oo] 40 oo 210 oo 1~0 oo 4 oo 4 oo 17 oo1 17 ool 15 oo 15 oo 20 oo 1 20 oo 8 oo

1 s oo 6 oo 5 oo1=====--- ___ /____ · '? 001 --·-- 1 oo! 1 00:----,-------· ....... ! _____ ' 5 001 4 o~ 3 oo 2 ool 7 001 306 oo 307 67

Bristol_____ ------- - -· ----- 40 00, 27 50 300 00 242 51 4 00 2 00 17 00 5 00 15 00 1 15 00 1 20 00' 20 00 _ _ _ __ _ _____ _I 6 00 2 151 -----I--------- 2 OO! 2 OOi 1 oo! 1 OOr ____ -------- ..... 1 $1 00 1 5 OOI 2 00, 3 OO: - - --- 47 18 367 34 480 99 ~~~~~:u?!f~~it~=-- ------- ---=- ---:- ~g ~~~---- ~~-:~ ~~ ~g -~~1-~:: g ~~~~------~-~~~ ~~ 88 1----2~-0~~ ~g ~~~ ~3-~~~ ~g g~~ ----~~-0~ -------:-=1=-:=·----=1 }~ g~~-----~~-~:~~~~:=:::-1---- -----1- _ 5 oo, _ _ ~ gg: 4 oo ~ g~j ____ 4_o~ll::::.l:::_::::l::::::l::::::: i~ ~~- -~~-()0, ! gg: __ :::_:::· ____ 4~~-o·oil·---~-~~~-=~ --~-~~~-:.4 OldTown MISSIOn-------------------- 40 oo, 35 00 225 00 162 591 4 00---------- 17 00 __________ ! 15 oo] 15 00, 20 00 20 001 9 00 9 001 6 ool ___ -----1----------J---- ------------ ' 2 00! 3 00 1001 1 0() -·-I ________ -- ---1------: 5 oo! 5 OOr 3 00----------. -·--- 250 59 2 2~g ;;g Perry___________________________________ 60 oo

1 60 oo 600 oo 600 ool 6 ool 6 oo 30 oo 30 ool 25 oo 25 oo 30 oo so oo ____ _ __ _________ 15 ooJ 15 oo _ _ _ __________ __________ . ' 6 oo_______ 2 001 2 oo ___ _(_ ____________ ---· . 1 17 oo 1 . ----~ 5 oo ________ .. ---------- 1 254 oo

Taylor MissiOn.-- - ----------------- 20 00, 17 50 1u0 00 134 94 2 00 2 00 9 00 9 001 6 OO' 6 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 7 00 1 E 00 3 001 _______________________ 1... 1001 1 00 l 001 1 00 __________________ -----' 4 0), __ ------ 3 00---------- 48 06' 187 44 ,187 44 Madison------,-------------------- 85 oo. 85 oo soo oo 750 oo 9 oo 9 oo 49 ool 49 oo: 42 oo 42 ool 55 oo 55 oo 53 oo 53 oo ~o oo 20 oo,-- ::_:: __ ,_____ ____ _ _____ 5 ool... s ooi 3 oo: ______ I______ _____ ____ 20 ool 25 oo s oo 8 oo 226 ool I 327 co 2 817 oo Madison C:ircmt. ---.-- --- ------ - 45 oo: 45 00 500 00 505 00 5 00 5 oo! 25 001 40 00 23 ool 23 00, 30 00 30 20 20 00 42 00 13 ooi 13 OOr_______ I" 1 ool_________ 5 001---------- 2 OOI . 2 00 ____ :_ ------ ----- 15 001 15 00 4 00 4 00 254. 00! 978 co 1 803 00 WestMad!sonCircu•t ______ , ---------- 50 001 50 00 550 00 500 001 5 001 5 ool 20 00 20 001 2100 21 00' 25 00 25 00 ____________ -~ 13 00 5 001------ _____ ·----- ________ --------1---------- 5 00: --------·' 2 001- I;) 001 6 00 5 00 __ ------- 50 001 682 00 737 00 Ca:ubelle ------------ ------------- __ 55 001 55 oo 500 ooJ 525 oo 5 oo 5 oo; 25 ool 25 oo 23 oo! 23 oo' ao oo so oo _________ _________ 13 oo 1 13 oo _ --------1----- 5 001 5 oo 2 oo. 2 001---- ________ ___ I5 oo, 15 oo 4 oo 4 oo 181 so 883 ~5 1 019 05 Crawfordville Circuit - - -- -- 55 001 42 22 400 00 321 88 5 00 3 1:51 25 00 16 65 :3 00 15 35 30 00 20 00 13 00 8 651 - I I . 5 00 ---------- 2 00 1 30 ----1-------- ----- 15 oo, 10 00 4 001 2 50-- - -- 4.41 9C 1 444 10 Apalac_hicola ... 0 --- --- ... ----------- so oo 1 80 oo 750 ool soo oo

1 9 oo[ 9 oo• 44 ool 44 001 40 ool


40 ool 50 on 50 oo ----53 ool -53-oii 20 ooJ 20 oo1:::.=::::: ·: - ____ 1 _______ : __ ,1

........ ----~----------- 6 oo 2 oo 2 ool ____ ·1________ ____ 25 001 25 oo 8 oo s oo 388 oo, 1 423 o~IJ 1 892 oo

Woodville MissiOn ____ ---------· --- 40 oo 33 00' 400 oo 308 55 4 oo1 I oat 17 oo! 12 oot 14 oo 10 oo1 17 oo 12 oo 1 oo 5 ool 1 oo'______ _ _ I _ . 1 oo __________ , 2 oo 1 oo' I oo ______ _j ___ ________ _ ___ _ 5 ooi 2 oo 3 oo 1 oo 1---- ... 1 3~3 5" 443 56 Havana-------------- . .. J_______ 55 00, 5') oof 650 00 650 001 6 601 6 00 1 30 00, 32 00' 20 001 20 00· 40 00 40 OG 26 00 26 00 15 00 15 00 ---------- ____________________ ·---- ... _ . 6 00 6 00! 2 00, 2 00----1-------- ------ -- 17 001 17 00 5 00 5 00 --• 812 00 4 y86 00

~=.:r Ci,:OO;i - ~ ~; ., 001 :: zg 600 ''i ; g:: 5 '"I ii m:; 25 ''. l! ggl~' M ::::~ 25-w 26 oo· - 2600 ll L -" 00 r I 21l5 I : ::g ~~: : :::: 2 : : i j -- --~~8::1 = "'" : zg ----'::[--'.: g:l :_: "'' ~l""' 10

ToTAL---------·----------------~ $1 soo ooll $1 60u 35$14 7C9 ooj$13 103 931 $182 oo $173 35! $853 ooiJ $799 65! $768 ool $745 351 $1 oos ool' s933~ $203 ~ $727 oo 1395 001 J373 80 ==~=--~- ~--= ~ ~--------·· s137 oo $51 oo' $55 ooi MO 301$70 1----- lj ____ f478 oo M64 oolj $142 oo $129 5o1 ~6 065 04\ $23 565 811$41164 oo

TOTAL LAST YEAR - - - 1600 00 1 606 81 12 204 00 12 061201 139 00 139 001 740 00 759 501 730 00 790 OOI 890 00 1 004 00 _ _ _ 308 00 30100 --------·- _____ 48 65 ----------i ---------1 52 00: 50 00 ____ -------- ------ -- -~ 444 00--------- .. -1-- -- --- 488 321 25 870 H 43191 45 INCREASE-- -----------· -------- 200 00---------- 2 565 00 1042 731 43 00 24 35/ 112 001 40 151 38 00 -- -- I 118 001 ------ 203 00 727 001 87 00 92 80---------- -------- 1---------- ---------- . - -----: 137 00 51 00 3 001 -- .I 70 1-------- - -- ----- i 34 oo,--------- ----------,--- -----1 5 577 I2 -- 2--· -- --2-o27"45 DECREASE .... - -------------- _ 5 96 ______________ ---------- ___ ----- __ ------ ........... ---------- 46 f\51_·------- 7100---------- ---------- _____________________________________ ---------- 7 80---------- ___ ---------- _ 19 70 ____ . ---------- ___ ------ -------- 304 34


] "' ~ ] ., "' < ll..

GAINESVILLE DISTRICT. I. . I I .i I I I ,. -----: - I 'I I ' ! ·. ! I I lc~kEla~ ' I I I I! ! I I . - I I • I I I . I I I I - - I $ . l

Gamesvllle. ________ , _____ ----· $225 001 $225 00 $1 800 00 $1 800 oo: $25 00 $25 oo: $115 00 $117 00; $110 001. $117 OOI $129 00] $130 00 ----------i $223 00 $35 00 $42 001 $65 00 $65 00 -- $1~ GO - .I $36 00: $36 001 $6 001 $6 ool - - '------1 ----- ---- -~·. --- - ---~----·-····1---------·1 $705 001 3 914 00: $5 300 00 Alachua .... ------------ .. ·-------------1 7500


56 251 600 79j 526 791 8 00 8 oo: 40 00 40 00[ 40 00. 69 ooi 48 oo 48 00---------- ·--------- 14 00 14 00[ 29 00 29 00----------1 2 80 __________ 12 00~ _______ :~ 00 _______ ----1 $35 001 ____ -- -- ------- ---- ------------- ---------· ---------- 793 84, 793 84 LaCross_------------------------ ·----i 56 00 46 22 450 93 358 93 5 001 4 001 25 oo 25 oo: 21 oo! 12 40 28 oo; 20 oo -----·----j 1 50 10 oo 10 oo 20 oo I3 oo __________ 50__________ 8 oo: 5 0~ 1 2 oo __________ ---- ___ ------1------ -- - I ---- -- 1-----· - -- ------ 10 00 507 551 507 55 HighSpringsCircuit. ........ ----------1 8700, 7625 70000 62000 sool 5001 4000 3000, 3500[ 3000\ 4600 3500 .......... ,---------- 1400 1500 3000 2000----------1 350 _________ 1400j ·-·-·· 300 300. _____________ $1425----------,------ .. - .. -------- 1------ ...... 1!5000 101600 107101) Starke .. ,---:------------- .. ·-----------1 125 oo: 100 oo 1 ooo oo\1 ooo 00' 9 00


1 9 oo; 42 oo 42 ooj 38 ool 38 ooJ'· 48 oo: 48 oo --·-------: IO oo 13 oo 20 ool 30 oo 30 oo -------.---~.· 1 oo -.--- __ 2J oo1. 14 ~~ 3 oo.! 3 oo __ __1.--------.------ -- ----------~------·--- ---·--·--·~ .... _____


__ ------- 1 315 o~ 3 967 49 Waldo Clrcmt. _________ ···------------- 87 00, 4I 90, 700 001 510 00 8 00 2 00, 40 00 13 001 35 00. 11 00 46 00, 14 31 __________ I 10 00 12 00 4 OO; 29 00 6 00 ------·---1 14 00 1 12 vO 2 OJ ________ ----1--------j------ ------~---------- ---------- ----------1 --------- ----------~ 625 7 625 71 Melrose------------.--------------------! 75 OOj 67 50 600 00 542 43 8 00 8 OOI 40 00 40 001 35 oo; 35 OOJ 46 001 46 00 __________ )__________ 12 ool 19 00! 29 00 29 oo 1 _________ _1 --------- ____ 1'2 OOr __ .... . 2 0~,-------- $19i .. ---,------ ------ ----------1------ ..... ---------- 1 --------- 60 00 ~66 23 992 23 lnterlatch~nC!rcmt ________ .. _ -------, 62 001 55 00 500 00 447 00 5 001 3 00, 25 00 23 001 22 00. 20 00. 30 OO! 22 00~--- __ -1 2 50 10 00 7 OJj 25 00 15 oo 1 ______ ... 1 3 00 ·---------~ 10 00! __________ 1 I OJ, 100 ----:--------!------ ------ ---------- ------ --- ------! ---- --- 166 00 ,85 38 785 38 BushnellCm;mt. ______________________ [ 100 00.. 100 00 800 00!' 800 00: 10 00,. 10 00[ 42 O? 42 oo: 38 001 38 001 48 OO! 48 00 ----------'- ________ 16 00 22 001 32 00 . 32 00:.----------. l 8 00 $3 OO! 16 OOj 16 001 3 OJI 3 00 1 10 00,------ ------ ---------- ------- --- ' .... 1 253 00 2 835 00 3 445 00

¢)Jt'ct";~r;ll~l~~~~::::~::·::::::::::: :! ~~ gg! 38 75 ~ ~~ 3~~ gg. ~ 8~: ~ ~· ~~ g~ 2~ gg, ~~ ggl ~~ gg; ~g gg; ~g g~,::::=:::::~::::·: :=:I 1g gg ::=::::=::1 ~g 88 ::=·:~·:::1:::::::::-i 1_50

::=:::::·:1 1t g~: 1& ggi ~ g~ "----~~~~=-:::==:·::::::::::1::=::: :::: ~:: : :::::::::_,_::_ -I -· .32-ooj m ~ ~~~ ~g Ocala;----------.------------------------1 187 ooi 187 00 1 500 oo, 1 500 00 23 OJ, 23 OOj. 101 00 100 001 100 00 100 oo: 125 001 H5 001----------~---------- 30 00 38 00 55 00 55 00----------1 3 00---- I 30 00!----------' 5 OJ: 5 00 ----'--------:------ ----- ----- ---- --------·-! .... .-----··--------- 483 001 2 619 00 3 622 00 UmatlllaClrcmt. ______ --·· ......... i 62 00, 62 50 500 001 500 00 1 6 001 3 00 1 -29 00 27 00 2:~ 00 34 OOi 40 00 35 00 --~ _____ 10 001 10 00 28 00 26 00 ----------'~ 3 04 _____ ---i 10 OO; 5 64 2 00, 2 Oa ____ I 5 00~------1------ ..... ···-------~----- i.. -· ---------1 71318 887 44 Lady Lake ______ ------------ --------~ 62 oo 62 001 500 oo

1. 500 oo. 6 oo, 6 oo. 29 oo 29 oo: 22 OO· 22 oo!, 40 ool 40 oc,_ 31 oo' 10 oo, 15 oo 26 oo 25 oo _ _______ 7 oo -------··-~ 1~ oll; 10 OJ 2 oo 2 oo ___ 1 50 oo ------~------ ------·--- __________ ----------:---------- 99 25[ 899 25 1 030 oo

Leesburg,------:-·;·------------------ 62 00 62 501 500 oo, 507 00: 9 00 9 OOI 40 00 40 ooj 35 00 35 OOr 48 00 40 oc, __________ ----------' 14 001 14 00 30 00 30 00---------- -- ----- ----------1 10 00, 10 00 3 OJ 3 00----1---- ---~------ ------ -------------- ----,-----· -- 345 00, 1095 50 1095 50 Crystal~Ive:r; M1sswn .. __________ ----- 50 00, 24 07 400 00 192 72 5 00 2 601 23 00 13 oo; 19 00 13 oo: 30 00 1100 ____ _____ _ _ 10 00 4 00 23 00 4 00 _________

1 _______ -_____________

1 8 OJ: 2 51 2 OJ I 00----1 2 50----------------- ----~----------j ___ _ --·-------- -----] 211 29 31181

MartelCirC"::IL,----------------------.1 100 00'


76 06, 800 001 609 26' 9 00 · 9 OOi 42 0:) 42 00 38 00 38 OJI 48 00 4~ 001 _________ 1 ________ __\ 16 00 23 00 32 00 32 00 __________ : 100 __________ , 1~ 00: U 00 3 00 3 00 ___________ ----- ------ ---- -- -- ---------- _ --- _____ ---~-- ----- i 895 32 139157 lnver_ness9•rc"::IL ............. _______ I 100 00 89 001 800 00! 711 95 10 00 10 OOJ 42 00 , 42 00, 38 00 38 00 4S 00 48 001 _ i- ______ ' I6 00 I7 00 32 00 25 00, __________ ---------- __ _ ____ 16 0() 14 00 3 00[ 3 01 ___________ ------1----------------,----- _ 1- - 65 181 1 043 13 123112 R~dd1ck C1rcmt. ... ------------ ---.. 75 00 69 81 1 600 00[ 558 89 9 00 9 00 42 00 44 40 38 OJ 42 0)' 13 00 54 17l 23 O:.l: 30 OOf 15 oo: 21 00


30 00 33 001

_ _ .1 1 35 851 12 0)1 12 00 1 3 001 3 00 ___ J _______ ----T·---- ------- --~-·--------1. __ ------ ---- -- -- : 879 47 1 018£9 C1~ra -----·:···:·----------------------1 75 00 70 00, 600 OOI 560 00 9 00 9 00: 42 00 42 00 38 00 38 00 t8 00 48 00;----------i 7 00 16 00, 19 00 30 00 30 00 ----------' 2 00---------- 12 001 8 00 3 001 3 OJ ----1-------- ______ , ______ ---------- .......... [. --- 25 001 86100 $1280 91 Ml_c~nopyCirCUit. _______________ .. _. __ l 87 00 83 80. 700 001 670 30 10 00 10 oo, 42 00 42 00 3S 00 38 ool 4~ 00 48 001 .. -- : 10 co, 16 001 20 00 32 00 32 001 ---- --1 7 00----------1 14 001 14 0~ 3 00 3 00 ·---1 15 00 -- -1------ ------.---! --- .. ___ ._ -- - ---·---I 37 00 103010 1 03:) 10 Williston----------------------------- 87 OOi 87 50

1 700 001 700 00 10 00 10 001 42 CO ~! O'l 38 00 38 00, 4~ 00 48 001 _________ , 61 00' 16 001 22 00 30 00 30 oo 1________ 7 00 -1 14 00 14 00 3 00 3 OJ ____________ ----~10 OJ---------,----- ___________ --------1 180 OOj 1390 50 1 910 50

Bronson-.·-; .. _. ... --.-.------.-------------, 87 00. 75 001 700 00 600 00 8 00 8 OOf 42 00 3o 00 38 00 38 001 48 00 48 00 _______ I 10 oo, 14 001 10 00 30 00 10 00, ___________________ ------ ---] 14 00, 7 00 3 00 . ------ ___ ____ _ - --- --- --- ---- ---r -- ~---- ---- 1 833 00 1 007 00 Rochelle MISSIOn ____________________ 'I 62 oo, 62 501 500 001 500 00 7 oo, 7 O?·r 40 00 40 00' 35 00 35 00 46 00 45 00 10 00, - ' 12 OOr Hi 0() 29 00 29 00:--- ---- - --1 10 ool _________ I 2 00 ------------ -------- ----- - ~---- -i --- - -- --- --- -- ------ 200 001 1100 00 1 100 00 Anthony~~---~~--~-------------------- 75 00; 67 00 600 CO 536 00 8 00 8 OJ 40 00 4') 00 35 00 35 oo: 413 OJ 46 oo: ___ -----~------ ---~ 14 OO[ 15 00 30 OOI 29 OOj----------' 150


_______ --1 12 OOI· 12 0\ll 3 00 2 001 ___________ - ---- 21 0~ ---- ---1 ----- _______________ ---- --------- !!12 50 1578 ~:>

-- ---~:AL----------~------- ________ : $2 150 oo. :t1 885 61!$17 250 J~ ~~ ~~ $1 045 oo; $1 o24 40-$940 o~ ---;;49 401 -$~-235 01.~-1~~~~~.---;95 ooi $360 oo $397 oo $761 oo' $630 ool _____ ~1

-- -;-3-~~ $344 oo 1 $2l3 6411

$68 oo $49 501-;;l $it7 sol ____ -_ $4'> 25~~~ - - ---~~~~- $3 910 43\ $27 693 70


1$36 812·u TOTAL LAST YEAR ______________ : 1850 OOi 1707191 14 850 00

1.... 183 00; 17100 975 00; 955 80 934 00 898 05 1170 001 1092 10j, ___ .. .i 779 701 360 00 303 00 585 00 511501---------- 62 60: 25 QQ. ________ ~~---------- 68 00 57 50---- _____ ---------------------------- ----1---- .. 1 ------ ----------

INCREASE -----------------------1 300 OOJ 178 421 2 400 001_ - 40 00' 35 50i 70 001

68 51. _ ----·-- i 65 00, 39 38j 35 00 --··- ·----1-- _ ----: 94 001 176 00: 118 50i__________ G9 ----------1 344 00 206 64.. ______ --------' 191 117 501 4!i 25 ---:- - --- -- ---- - ----~·~!l_E~S~..::==.o:..:-..:.:.:.~::::.:.:.:===-·--- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----- ----------'---------- ----------'- -------- 24 00' l~~-6~c.::.:·__::_:_:::..:c:._::..:.:..:.:..~::..:.:. . .-=:..:.:.:.:.:.::__ ____ ~84 70'-.:..::.: . .-.:..:..:~~.c....:.:--------' _______ ---------- ' 2115------------------------- .. -- 8 00---- · ---- ------ ----------- ---- :·c.-.·_·.:..-..'::. _ _:.:._ _____ ~.:.::..::..:.c.:___:.:.c ... c..::·..:.: __ __:::..::..:..:..:.-=:...:.:.=.:..::.:..:....._

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- ATATTS'riCAJ_, 'TARU~ Yo. !1.-FlnanciaJ. -----·------~----~-----·--------·--~---------~--------


JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT First Church ___________ ~ _________ _ St. Matthew's _____________ _ Highway ____________________________ _ Riverside------------------- __ _ Springfield _______ -- ____________ _ South Jacksonville and Park ___ _ Duval Mission __________ _ Green Cove Spring ______ --·---Middleburg-____ --.-----------Callahan _______________ ~ ___ _ King's Ferry and CrandalL ______ --.----Fernandina __ McClenny __________ _ Pine Mount_ __ _ Lake Bu tier_ Fort White __ _ Live Oak ______ ~--- ------White Spring ___ ~ ______ ----~ __________ _ Hamilton ____________________ .. ~-- _____ _ Jasper ______ _ Lake City _____________ ~-- _____________ _ Columbia_ Welborn. _____________________________ _

TOTAL------------- _______ _ TOTAL LAST YEAR _______________ _

INCREASE---------- _ -------------­DECREASE_


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$225 00 $ 2'25 001$ 1,SOO 0011$ 1,800 00

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3 55 , so o:> 305 oo 4 001'· too[. _ ~~~ _ I _ 46 oo 46 oo 14 ool u oo 377 31i 2,621 83 10 001 10 00 48 00 48 OG 43 00 4:-l 00 fi7 00 57 00,----- 23 00

1 23 00 ________ ·_ I - 5 42 _____ 3.5 OJ 3 001 3 00, ~ ___ _ ________ ~- 27 00 27 00 8 00 8 00 1,120 00, 2,249 70

4 oo· 4 oo 20 oo 20 oo 18 oo 18 oo 24 ooi 21001 ___ _______ 10 oo1 10 oo 1 ___ _ 1 ool----- 15 oo 2 25 1 001 1 ool. , _________ , 12 oo 12 oo s ou1

3 001 134 oo: 877 25 2 oo1. 3 oo 10 oo.· 14 ool 9 oo 12 oo 12 oo: 15 5o1

1 .. --~ ~---~- 5 oo 1 5 oo ----1----------~ 4 oo _____ 7 oo 9 50 1 oo _ __ ~~ __ --------1 __ _ ____ _ ____ 5 oo s oo 2 oo~- 2 ool 336 oo, 769 oo 6 00 6 00 30 00 30 00 28 00 28 00 36 00• 36 00--- u 0~1 14 00 ------- - 1 001.----~' 2100 10 00 2 00' 1 001 ~--1 --- ' 17 00-- 5 00 5 00 11 001 77~ co

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~.544 89 1,474 00 4,666 00 3,399 43 7,424 00 2,797 62 7,697 69 5,053 00

789 00 930 00 785 00

1,879 89 H3 3:1 h17 00

15 001. 7 00 68 00, 40 001 62 00 35 00 82 00[ 50 00------ --'---- ~---- 32 00: 20 00 1_ - ---1 -- -.~---- -~-----1--- ' 50 00 38 00 4 OOI 2 001____ I 1.- __ : ___ ~ I 39 00 25 00 11 001-- - ---~ ------ ~--- 1.323 67 3001 300 1500 15001 1300 1:{00 17001 17001 ~---~---------- 100: 700 , 100.. 1000 1800 100• 100 _____ 1 _ I 800 800 2001 200 1800 41333 3 oo: 3 oo 20 oo 20 oo 18 oo 18 oo 24 oo 24 00

1!_ ---1---------- 10 oo; 10 ool_::::: ·_. ___ :::_::,:____ _ 2 oo'_ _ I 13 oa 27 oo 1 oo: 1 oo ---~~- __ 1 . 11 oo: 11 oo 3 ooj 3 ool__ : 451 oo ~ gg~------9-oo ~i gg- 41-oo ~~ gg 1 3e> oo ~~ ggj~ 48 oo:. ____ F:::: -- l~ ~~~ -i9 oo --:·-~ : ---- ~---- --- --- ----·:::::/:::::: 1 ~b g~- ----~- ~ ~1::::::: _ :_ :::::,::·--- ;::::::;:::::\ ~~ 8~ ::__ i ~~: ------ 1 145-iiol 886 oo 8,868 50

20 oo: 20 oo 89 oo 89 oo~ 79 oo 79 oo 104 ool I04 oo ______ --1 1,150 oo1

4:l Wll 43 ool _ ~_ --------~ 1 :···::: ::::: _____ , __ ~j 65 oo 25 oo 5 oo n ooi $1,157 oo!_ -~------:_____ 5o 001 so oG 15 oo1 15 oo 377 ooi 4,612 oo ~>,?95 oo noo, 11001 5400 5400, 4900 4900 6400 640011 _____ z;oo 2sool ______ 1 -----~~---~---- 4000_ ---~ 400 400! __ 1 -~'------·~---~ 3100 31()( 9001 900 430001 1,59800 1,68057 500! 5001 2t>OO 21)00 2400 2400 3100 3100. ------------- 12001 1800' I I --1 --- 1700 sou 200 2001___ ~~-- -1 I 1400 140t 400 400. -- ~' 61200 63700

12 00 8 00 54 00 54 00 49 00 49 00 64 001 45 00 $100 00 $100 00 27 OO, 23 00 ______ --_--_ :·::.: _ ---- ·4 001 ___ I 40 00 23 0:, 4 00 / _ _ _____ I _____ i 31001 25 00 9 00 ---------~ 30 oo! 1,383 00 2,f50 00 15 001 15 oo 65 oo 65 ooJ 59 oo 59 oo 77 oo 77 oo 21 oo: 21 oo --I _ _I___ _ 48 oo 4 oo 4 ooj ______________ I _____ :--- -~ 37 oo 37 oo 11 oo n ou 300 OOJ 1.662 25 2.962 (8 6 00 6 001 27 ()() 27 00 25 00 25 00 32 00 32 00 __ . ---- ------ --- 13 \)0 l~ 00 __ _ 1-- __ 18 00 19 5v 2 00 2 00 __ I I --'---- 15 00 15 00 5 00 • 5 00 112 00 670 00 1,873 00

19 oo' 10 oo 46 oo1 46 oo1

42 oo 42 oo 55 oo1 ·5 oo1 _ _ 20 oo 22 ool 22 oo _ .:: _______ 1

--- I s oo1_ t2 o 22 oo 2 oo 2 oo;------ _ : ------;------ 26 oo 26 oo 7 oo 7 oo 416 sol 1,421 41 1.6e6 o:;

$208 oo $192 ool $965 oo[ :r 9J7 oo 1 -;~~ :¥811 oo $1.145 oo!~s4 sol· $100 ooj :H,515 oo ---;:o~i-;424 ool __ --~~~~~-----~--~-~--~;['_~----l-;oo ool $651 25~~~~~~~ $1,157 oo1-_ --~---_ -: $ 543 ool $ 458 oo t1s2 oo~~1-oo ;5,782 n 1 $ 3o.z_5s 12'

1 $ 57,ors 5o

165 OO' 166 oo 884 oo, 1,056 60 ooo oo 979 60 1,059 oo. 1,099 20 __ ~ ___ 236 26 404 ooj 378 501 $521 oo $495 75 so 19$30 601_ __ __ _ ___ 62 oo 51 oo 42 50 __ __________ _____ ___ _____ _ ________ 5,3c 71i I9.fi34 23. 52.110 o4 43 00 26 00 81 OOi- 86 00 ------- I__________ 1,278 75 46 00 45 50 1- --- I 700 00 651 25- ----- ----- - - 1,114 00- '- ------- --- 471 411 10,821 f'9t 4,923 46

=-=-::_::_::.::_:_:_c..:_:__:__·_:_-_c_··_:_-_·-c__c__ 149 6) 29 00 168 60 ~ 44 70 ]04 9~'---------- _ _ ___ c __ _:_c_:_::._. ________ ~~-- _-_-_----52 22' 30 1)()1___ __ ____ 100 :l (l() 1 I ____ ! __________ ---------~ ---------- __ ;

EAST COAST DISTRICT I I I I I i I I I I I i I I KeyWest,FirstChurch___________ $ 135 00 $ 14100$ 900 00$ 937 00'! $14 00. $14 00 $64 00i $64 00

1 $57 00 $57 ool $75 00 $75 oo'__ $30 00 $30 oo' $46 ool $46 00 __________ ! $3 oo: _: _________________ --'1 $4 00

Key West, Spark's ChapeL 148 00 148 00 1.100 00 10,23 00 17 0)1 17 OJ! 77 00 77 001 68 00 68 001 90 00 90 oo· 35 00 32 oo' 5f> 00, 55 oo' __________ : 2 001 _____ ---------- ---------- 5 00 KeyWest.Mem<!ri_alChapel. 80 00 47 50 600 00 355 10 ~OJ: 8 001 33 001 38 OOt 34 00 34 00 1 46 00 4~ 001---------- ----------' 16 00 16 00 1 28 oo: 28 00~----------~---- I _ -j 1 00.

$ 4 00 5 00 --2 00

$ 3 ool $ 3 oo $ 421 oo $ 1.795 ooj J 3,sr:; oo t zz~ ~ ~ ~ 1.~~~ ~. 2.m ~g ~-:1:- ___ 1 ~ _____ 5:72· - ~~=:: :1· -----~~-~ Key West, LaTrm1dad ----- ---- 27 00 27 00 _ _____ _ .> 001 3 OOI 13 00 13 00( 11 001 11 001 15 00 1" 001-- ______ 5 00 5 001 9 00, ~ 9 oo1 ____ ----:---- ----------~ 2 00:

!~~&~~~~~~~~~~::~:=::~:::··:::: ~-~~:~ : ___ 3~-oo 4~~ Z8 -~~~-~gl1 -- ~ g~l ----T~~-----~f~ ---- }fg~~- --u-~, -- i~ g~ ~ i~ g~ - ~f~!-::::::::: -----2s-5o: f~~---- T~l ---lf~ 1,~- -~n~l:::::: ---- -1-001_::::: ___________ :·:·: :.j ! zg:_ Delray ____ ---------------------------- 60 00 2a 25 500 00 242 72 7 OJI 6 00

1 29 00 31 00! 25 0(), -5 001 3~ 00 34 00•------ --~ ----------' 13 001 , 001 20 oo ~-----~-- '------ _ 2 00 _

Miami----------------~---- - ~~ -- 135 00 135 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 14 00 14 001 64 0:> 64 oo: 57 00 1 57 00: 75 00 75 oo: _______ -- ---------- 30 oo: 30 00. 46 00 46 oo:__ - - I 4 OOI WestPalmBeachMission _________ ~--- 80 00 80 00 650 00 650 00 8 ooj 8 ooj 38 00 38 0); 34 Oll; 34 OOi 46 00 46 001 ..... ---- __________ : 18 ooj 16 Oil' 28 00 28 OJ_ 2 031--- '~---------•---- _____ : 2 00; For~Pie.::ceand_St_ewart. ____________ ~ 8000 8000 70000 732001 800


800,. 3800 3803:, 3400 3400[ 4?00 ~?00- 65001. 18001 1800[ 2800 3000.. 200\ . . 200[. I~dlan_RIVer.M.Issmn__________________ 40 00 40 00 30J 00 238 31 4 00 4 00· 19 00 19 00, 17 00 17 00, 23 00, 23 00,~ --------, 9 00

1 12 001 14 00 10 00 _______

1 ______ ,

1_ _______

1 1 00

T1tusvllle MISSIOn. ___________ ~-------- 68 00 68 00 500 001 540 00 7 00 7 00, 32 00 32 00. 28 OJ, 28 Oll 38 00 38 00 _______ 14 OJ. 1.1001 25 001 23 00 1 00 _ ----~ 2 00 1 __ ___ _ _ ___ 1 2 00 New Smyrna and Port Orange---___ 48 00 25 70 250 OOI 250 001 4 001 4 OOj ~~ 00 15 00: 20 001 14 37 27 00: 27 00• I 10 001 5 001 16 00 7 00 ________ 1 ______ !______ .,.-~----- 2 00 Dayton an_d~spanola_________________ 48 001 48 OJ 300 00


268 001 4 00. 4 001

22 00 22 001 20 00, • 27 00 27 00,---- 10 oot--- --.----; 16 00 ------~--- ___ ~---~---'-~----~------- 2 00 De~ndMisslon______________ 68001. 6800 60000 ~00001 700] 700I 3200 3600. 280:1! 200J 3800 2400._. ______ , __ ~~--- 1400: 13001 2300 1000~----- -~'-----:------- 200 Frmtl~nd. 0 --.------------------~------- 30 OOj 30 00 2?0 001 ~5~ 001 3 00, 3 OJ 13 00 11 00 11 OOI 10 OJ 15 00• 12 00: 5 00~ 5 001 9 00 7 00 _______ . ---,------ 100 VolusJa MISSIOn .. _____________________ 40 00 40 00 325 00 293 00 4 01 4 001 19 00 19 00, 17 0~1 17 00 23 00 23 00; ~----- 8 00: 8 001 14 00 14 OJ- -- ----- -- - ! --- --------- l 00 Palatka___ _______ ____ 135 00\ H5 00 1,000 00

1 1,000 00 14 O:J 1 14 00 64 00 64 oo: 57 00; 57 001 75 00 75 00! ... ~ _ 2~ OJ 30 001 30 001 46 00 46 OJ_ __ 2 O:l ___ ,____ _ -~-- 4 Onl

Sanford------------------------------- 121 5::11 121 501 9JO 001 900 00 9 001 9 001 45 00 5'i 00, 40 001 56 oo 53 00 82 0~ 2~ 001 22 0•) 32 0') 32 oo 5 oo 1 _ _____ 3 oo Hastings___________ _____ _ 48 00 1.'-l 00 350 001 320 00


1 1 00 2 501 22 00 16 O:ll :!0 001 13 00 27 00 19 OOI_ 10 001

7 OJ1 16 00 10 00 _ I 2 00

Oviedo________________________________ 7400~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-~~~~~- 2500 ~~------~-- ,_:__· __ - ---~; I I ' I I I I I

ToTAL______________ -~ $1,467 oo $1,409 95$11,253 00$10.677141 $153 o,: $150 i>OI $712 oo $715 ool $635 oo/ $603 371 $848 oo $814 ool $131 oo $325 oo $308 oo $514 oo $424 00 __ ___ $1 9 00$10 oo1 I $46 oo ToTAL LAST YEAR.____________ 1,105 00 1,107 50' 8,380 00 8,757 1'4 95 oo 99 oo 511 oo 505 001 500 00 407 00 600 00 580 oo

1 15 00 210 00 212 041 305 00 316 50 _ 21 oo 10 OY. ____ I 36 00

INCREASE----------------------- 362 50 302 45 1 2,873 00 1,9'.W 12 58 OOi 51 501 201 00' 210 00 135 001 111 37 248 00 234 001 116 00 116 00 95 95• 209 00 106 ()() ___ -~ 1 10 00 _______Q[,JCitEASE __ ~-"~'-=-==.::.-:::.::.c.:c_::.::.:.::_~-- _____ __::_::_c.cc.:: c.:_:: __ -_:_:~~'-----=------::.::~--=- c ___ - :_: '-=------·~-~- ~ ------- --- ::_----- ---------- ---------- ------ -- ~ :_~_ 2 Oil

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24 50 3~850 :6


$22,331 ~2 15 401 18 6,930 54

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Orlando-----------------------------·-- $225 00 $225 00 $1 800 00 !1 800 00 $21 00 $31 00 ~97 oo, $117 00 $85 00 $105 00 $111 00 $136 001 $:-15 001 $35 001 $45 00 $70 00 55 00 70 00 ---------- $5 00; ------ --- -: $~ 001 f~ ~ $ I$~ $~ :====== ~=~===.=========>========== :===~===== ==:=:::::: __________ 2 450 00~ 10 450 00 Lakeland ...... ------------------------- 1 225 oo 225 oo 1 ~oo oo 1 soo oo 2100 21 oo 97 ool 97 oo 85 oo 85 oo 111 oo 111 oo ----------,-- _______ , 45 OO· 45 oo 55 oo 55 oo ---------- ----------,---------- ---------- 1----------

5 ~~ 945o 4

41 ____________ · __________ , ____________________ ----------1 1 688 50 6170 Ql!: 3 846 oo

Bartow ...... -------------------------- 18800 18800 1.0000 150000 1800 1800 8200 5200 7100 7100 9300. 9300!--------- 20001 38001 3800 4600 4600 ... -----------------;--------------------,---------- 1----3---_ I. 2 2

_ · 1 _______________ !06100 25932o, 363660 Arcadia-------------------------------_' 125 00 139 27 1 000 OOI' 1114 00 12 oo 14 oo 54 oo 56 oo,. 48 oo 54 oo 63 oo 1 66 oo: ______ ---, 15 00.· 25 001 28 oo 31 00. 34 00·----- 5 00,---------- -----------_'_---------- ~ 0Z

3 gg,.----, 2 9 ------ ------~----------~---------'!'---- i 041 oo 4 145 OO' 4 416 00

Fort Myers......... --------------- 125 00 125 00 1000 00 1000 00 12 00 12 00 54 001 59 001 48 00 5100 62 OOt 79 00 10 001 iO 00· 25 OO: 26 00 3100 34 00 .......... 1 00 ........... ---------- 1---------- 0 1---- 1 2 Kissimn;ee ----------------------------: 125 00 125 00 1 000 00 1 000 65 12 00 12 oo .. ' 54 001 59 oo: 4~ 00 51 00 62 001 6. 6 00, 24 00 24 00' 25 00! 26 00 31 00, 34 00- --------~ 2 00 5 ~: ... ::::.=· 1::=:::==== ~ ~ r ~'::=:i_ 2 Plant CJtY------------------------------1 112 00 112 00 900 00 900 69 11 00 10 00 49 00 50 00,_ 4.~ 00 43 00 56 00 56 OOI --------1 25 oo, 23 00, 23 00 28 oo, 28 00 ---- - - ------ I ., 3 3 oo' I

Fort Meade ......... ------------------ 100 oo 100 oo 800 oo ~oo oo 10 oo 9 ool 44 oo 46 OO\ 38 oo 50 oo 50 oo 57 00'---------- 3S 00; 19 il01 20 oo 25 ooi 23 oo -- ~ ~~--- --::1:==:::===:1:========:1 3 gg ______ :·12-1

Mulberry ...... ------------------------ 93 75 93 70 750 00 160 oo 9 oo 7 oo, 42 oo1

36 oo1

36 oo 15 00 48 oo, 39 oo, .......... ---------· 18 oo 16 30 24 00


......... ------ -- --------1

, _, 3 00 3 00

1 ____ 1 Apopka-------------------------------- s2 oo so oo 650 oo 63~ oo s oo __________ , 36 oo1 10 oo, 31 oo 31 oo 41 ool 41 oo,---------- ----------, 17 oo: 3 oo 21 oo s oo ---- .....


...... 4.00 ------ --:1

: =:::::::1

:::=:=:::. 3 00 3 ooi.----1

Alva .............. ------------------------- 82 00 91 00 650 00 612 00 8 00 8 ool 36 00 36 oo, 31 00 31 00 41 00 53 00 ----- I 65 00 17 00 17 00 21 00 21 00 -- I 3 00 1 00 I

Bo~Iing Green________________________ 75 00 75 00 6?0 00 410 34 7 00 4 001 35 00 29 00 29 00 24 00 37 00 ~4 00 ----------' ___ ; 13 00


7 00 16 00 8 00 ----------~- .... 2 ... :---------:i:~===:::==::·=======:: 2 OO

9 ooi==::

Mmtland ------------------------------ 68 75 68 oo !?J5 oo 584 oo 7 oo 5 oo 30 oo 27 oo 26 oo 22 oo 35 ool 31 ooJ---------- 52 oo 12 oo 15 oo 16 oo 20 oo ----------4

~~ ...... 3.00

, __________ 1_: ________

1 2 00 2 001 ____ 1

~~nE1;~~====:=:::=::=::::=::==:::: ~ ~ -----~:-: :rz ~ ----:~;-:1 ! ~ ~-~~-~~·:~=~ ~i 8& -----~:-~: ~~ ~ =====~~=~ ~~ ~~-- - :~-~~ ==-=====::,:=:::·:::: }~ ~ ==-=~~=~ ~i g~ :_ ::~~:~ :::_:::::::=====~===:!::::::::::!:::::::::::::~:::::::1 ~ ~ =-- 2-~~:::: f ::::1::::::,·::::::1::_:::::::~========== -~------::===-====--I --32o-4o ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Wmter ~aven__________________________ 46 90 46 90 375 00 375 OOJ 4 00 5 OOj 21 00 26 00 19 00 22 00 25 00 ~~ 00 ----------, . - 12 00 12 00 12 00 14 00 ---------T -------- -------- ! I i 1 00 1 ool.... 1 ' -- 1-- -- -- 1---------- ------- ~----- 151 57 •28 78 728 78

~;!~£~J~e:=:::====:::~:~:::::::==::=:= ~ i~! -----~:-~ i~ ~ ---~:-~~~ ! ~ =====-~=~~ ~~ ~ 2


~~ gg -----~~-~: ~g ~ -----;~-~~ _:::::--·: :=:=::::::

1! ~ -=~-=~~=~ H ~ =====~~-~~-----==::: 1 :-----~:~l::::~:~:~~~=:=::=:::::::::::::J i ~ ~===~:~!==== i i==~= ===::: :::::: :::::=::==~:::::::::= ::::::::·: ::::::: ___ 11 ----15~=&~ ------~~nb~-T~tr~~ Wauchula ............................. 6300 5700 50000 33100I 700 70:> 2900 2900 2400 2400 3200 3200___ 1200 1200 1600 1600 __ 1 200 ____ ----~==-=-=--==-------=---~~- -=---------~--------~----------~---------- ---~---------~---j------ --------- ---~------------ ---~--- ---! $45 11$35 $5 oo IHo on2 71 $35 227 601$45 022 35

TOTAL ................ ---------- $2 04515 $1 92115$16 310 001$15132 021 $20100 $175 35 $900 00 $821 881 $782 00 $744 G6 $1 027 00 $1 047 45 $69 00 $204 00 $408 00 £381 00 $516 00 $437 00---------- $36 50 $16 4~~--- -------- ------ i~~ gg ~~ gg ---- I ------ ---------- -------·:: ::--·: _ .1 .......... 1 3 462 61 23 000 00145 399 45

rfiff:l~~~:~~~~==:=:~~:~:::: --~-~~-~ --~-:~-~ -~~-~~-~ -~~-~;-~~~----~:~-~ --1~6-~ ----~~-~~~----:-~~~----~:-~~-- :::: --~-~~~-~- 1-~3!-~~~:=::~:~~:: ___ 1~~ ~~~----~~ ~ ----~~;-~ ----~~~-~~- --4~:-: _:::::::J .... ;:-~~ -----~~-~i::=:~:=:: =~====:::: ----3-oo -<9-~5 :::: :~~:;:~~: :::::: :i~:~ ::::=::::~ ::::=:=:=~ ==~~::::=:1::=:~:----1 6 54o 10 - 1~-~2~-~~~ ---377-io

TAMPA DISTRICT : I . I I I I I Tampa, First Church__________________ $210 OOf $310 00 $2 500 00 $2 500 00 $29 50 $29 00 $138 50 $138 00 $125 00 $125 00 f163 00 $163 00---------- ----------~ $6100 $64 50 $100 50 $100 00 ______ _ _________ ---------------------~----------Tampa, Hyde Park_____________________ 210 00 1 210 00 1 800 00 1 800 00 21 00 2100 99 00 99 00 89 00 89 00 117 00 117 00----------1 $100 00. 46 00 46 00 72 50 72 50

1.......... $5 00 ----------~---------- ----------

Tampa, T~mp3: f~:eJghts_______________ 170 00, 165 OC 1 ~00 00! 1 458 00 , 17 00 12 00 79 00 79 00 71 00 47 00 95 00 95 00----------1 145 oo; 37 00 ~7 00 57 001

42 oo,__________ 4 00---------- --------------Tampa, CityMissJon.................... 25 00 25 O< 922 00 1 900 00 1 50 1 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 7 50 7 50 ________ -'---------- 3 25 3 26 6 00, 6 00'---------- .......... __________ ---------- ----------Ybor City and West Tampa----------- 30 00] 30 ()( 40 0 40 00 1 50 1 50 6 50, 6 75 6 50 6 00 7 50 7 25----------1---------- 3 25 3 00 6 00 5 00 _________ 5 25 ......... ---------- ----------GareyandPortTampa__ 7400 650() 50000 50000 7501 750' 3459 3400 3150 3150 4000 4000 ..........




I600 800 2600 1000 .................... ----------DadeCity·____________________ 105 ool 105 oo 'i'50 oo 750 oo 10 50 10 50 49 50 50 oo 44 50 47 oo 58 oo 58 oo __________ 55 oo 23 oo 23 oo 36 oo 36 oo __________ 8 50 _____ ... ---St. Petersburg------------------------ 100 001 100 00 1 000 00 1 000 00 10 00 10 00 43 25 46 50 41 50 42 50 54 00 55 50____ _____ __________ 21 50 21 50 ll4 00 34 00 ___ 3 73 ----------1----------'----------1 Largo ________ .... -- .. - .... -- ........... 105 001 92 00 785 00 705 00 10 00 11 00 49 50 50 00 44 50 45 00 50 00 58 00 __ .. __ ____ 60 00


23 00 23 00 36 00 36 00 __ ..... ___ 7 00 _______ . - ... -------Clearwater ____________ ------- ------- 56 00 56 00 450 00 450 00 5 75 57() 26 50 26 50 23 50 23 50 31 50 31 50 _________ 27 75 12 50 12 50 19 00 19 00 __________ 2 00 ......... SutherlandandTarponSprings ........ 10200 7000 80000 56000 10251 1000 4800 4800 4300 4:100 5550 56001'----------i 4000 2225 2200 3450 3500

1_ .----------

Webster ......... ---------------------- 84 00, 75 00 641 00 534 68 8 50 5 50 39 50 26 00 35 50 20 00 47 00 25 00 ___ ____ ______ ___ 18 50_ ___ 28 5() _____ ... __________ 3 60 _____ .... SeffenerCircuit.. 74001 7400 42500 43500 750 700 3450 3400 3151} 3100 4100 4100, 1600 1600 2500 2500 .... ·-----~------------------------------Brooksville __ --------------------- 102 00 82 20 1 000 00 738 98 10 25 10 25 48 00 48 00 43 00 43 00 56 50 56 5o::=:::·.:::::::::::::: 22 00 15 00 24 5) 26 50__________ 7 00 ________ ----------AlafiaCircuit ------------------------- 82 00 6180 575 00 45318 8 50 8 50 39 50 39 50 35 50 36 00 47 00 47 oo1____ ____ 107 00 18 50 18 59 2~ 501 28 50----------~ 3 50

1 .......... 1 .......... :----------1

Palmetto______________________________ no 00 60 00 800 00 600 00 11 50 5 00 53 00 22 00 47 00 21 00 63 00 24 001 I' 25 00 14 00 38 001 14 00' ...... - I 100----------Oneco Circuit.. ------------ -------- 82 00 80 00 605 00 585 00 8 50 7 00 39 50 34 00 35 50 26 00 47 00 47 oot=:: :::::. :::::: :=:: 18 5l 14 50 28 5} 22 oo


· ... ---- .. _ 4 !lO S.•rrasota ......... --------------------- 48 00 48 00 450 00 450 00 5 00 6 00 23 00 23 00 21 00 21 00 27 00 27 001. ---------~-------- _ 10 50 IO 5·} 17 00 17 00 _________

1 2 00 _________ _

Blanton-------------------- 84 00 53 50 600 00 349 51 8 50 8 50 39 50 6 00 35 5() _________ , 47 00 6 00]---------- __________ 18 50 2 50 28 50 __________ ... $2 00 Bradentown .... ------------------ nogg 11000 84000 84200 1150 1150 5300 5300 4700 7125 1;300 63001-------- 1500 2500 2500 3800 3800 ... -- .... i 500 .... -.--- 1--Manatee ..... -------------------------- 105 106 00 800 00 800 00 10 50 10 50 49 501 49 50 44 5') 44 50 5S 50 58 50 5' 50 23 00 23 00 36 00 3q 00 ____ 1 55 1 00 - ---'----------Curl<;>w M!ssio_n_ .... -----------------... 42 gg 42 00 340 00 301 00 4 25 4 25 I9 75 19 75 18 00 18 00 2_ ; 50 23 501:::: == =::: ____ .. ~--- 9 251 9 25 14 sol 15 501.. _ .. ----1- _ __ __ ... .. .. .. ----:- ... - --Parnsh C1rcmt ...... ---- 70

00 50 00 600 00 430 00 7 00 5 00 33 00 18 00 29 00 17 00 39 oo. IS 00 _____ ____ __________ 15 50 5 00 24 00 5 00 __________ I 00 __________ ..........

1 ........ ..

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Gainesville --2


00 1,95o 05 16,100 00 15,194 63 208 00 192 00 765 00 907 00 871 OOi 811 00 1,145 00 1,054 50 100 00· _________ 450 oo! 424 00 _ ~--------~ -----~33 97 $ 5 !!5 700 00 651 25i 61 001 48 00 $1,157 00 ___ _ ' __________ --------~ 543 00 458 00


162 00 131001

5,780 12· 30,35612 East Coast.::::=::~::-- 2,150 00 1,885 tl 17,250 00 15,622 27 223 00 205 501 1,045 00 1,G24 40; 940 00 949 40 1,235 00 1,131 48 35 00 39j 00, 360 00' 397 00 761 00 630 O:J! _____ 6::119.


________ 344 00 206 64i 68 00 49 50'----------'-----· ______ , ______ $45 25~-- !117 50· ---- --1

3,910 43! 222


702 Orlando _ ___ !J ___ ___ --

1•467 50 1,409 95 11,253 00 10,67714 153 00 150 501 715 00 712 001 635 00 1 608 37, 848 00 8i4 00 __________ , 131 001 326 ool 308 00 514 00 424 001 _____ 19 00 10 00 __________________ ! '46 001 37 501~ ____ J ____________ -~----1 3 60 ______________ , _________ ____ _ __ 37 00 24 50: 7,097 61, •• 7 Tampa ______________ :-- 2,045 00 1,921151 16,310 00 15,132 02 201 00 175 00. 900 00 821 88 782 00/ 244 66.' 1,027 00 1,047 45 69 001 204 001 408 00~. 381 00 516 00 437 00!, _____ 36 50[ 16 40 _ _ ___ I, 57 00 38 00 ----------/$45 00.$35 00 ______ 5 00,--------'-- -----! _________ __ _ ____ • 1?,002 71 3o,227 70

-- 2,325 00 _2.096 051 19,111 00 19,357 00 ~~~ 1,072 00 ~ ---905 001 859 05.-1,268 00 1,130 25 ==11---~ 25 -5~i~9 ~0 ~ 780 00 ~~-~--~~~j 64 981-~1 ~~~--~ ~-J -6~~1 43 5~~~· --~- = ~186 521~·_:_:__ ;_ ~~~<~~-~-~-~- --- ---- ~~-~_-11 3,78113 11 27000 ~,

I f I i • I ' I I I I I • ' I I I I ' TOTALI _______________ $11.88

7 50$10,990 75~~ $89,268 06$87,068 99 $1.197 oo $1.105 10 $5,550 oo $5,226. ~53[ $4.961 oo


1 $4,717 83·. i6,53I oo -6,110 68 $407 ooi $7,759 2sl $2.330 oo. $2.303 30 $2.571 oo $2,227 50 ___ ~ $26959' $ 3f~' 25i. ,:1.181 oo :!'908 89•.$355 oo $256 85' $1,220 so $45 oo $35 oo _ _ $14037 _ ----: $11~7 s~o $1,0~21 oo f922 oo $341 oo $284 oo! $35,837 54 ~156.174 051 TOTALLASTYEAR __ 10,36

5 76 10,054 091 79,268 06


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$ 41,164 00 57,033 50 36,812 41 32,992 45 45,022 35 65,577 :n --

$278,612 02 242,539 17

36,072 85




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