1.How do you feel about evolution right now? 2.How do you...


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1. How do you feel about evolution right now?

2.How do you feel about Charles Darwin right now?

Charles Darwin• We will learn about Charles Darwin

• We will discuss a few highlights of the history of evolutionary thought

• Then there are stations to practice these ideas

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• The movie Creation focuses on two

main ideas:• Darwin’s personal struggle

• Darwin’s path to publishing

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7X33g6eoOc

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• Was from a wealthy upper class

family of “free thinkers”

• Followed in his father and grandfather’s footsteps by going to medical school, but he didn’t like blood and dropped out

Charles Darwin• Went to Cambridge to study

“Divinity” i.e. be ordained

• In his spare time he studied beetles

• Graduated as a clergyman

• Received the opportunity to sail on the HMS Beagle from 1831-1836

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• Came home and married his first

cousin, Emma

• Documented and described all of the specimens he collected during the voyage of the HMS Beagle

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• As he went through his observations

he noticed a pattern and formed an idea

• This idea, and what it could mean for

the world made him physically sick through anxiety attacks

Charles Darwin• He and Emma had 10 children, 3 of

them died

• The first was Annie

• This traumatized him, through his studies he noticed that inbreeding orchids led to weaker plants

Charles Darwin• He believed that by marrying his

first cousin he made his children weak, and felt tremendous guilt

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• He worked for more than 20 years

researching all kinds of things to collect data, but put off publishing because it was stressful

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin• He AGONIZED over whether to

publish his book or not

• He believed in God and did not want to “go against God”

• His wife was a devout Christian and urged him not to publish

• His science friends urged him to publish because they knew it would change how the world was viewed

Charles Darwin• He AGONIZED over whether to

publish his book or not

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE7ctcJzts0

Charles Darwin• He did publish for fear that Alfred

Russel Wallace would publish before him and get credit

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Heraclitus500 B.C.E.

Aristotle & co.350 B.C.E.

Spontaneous Generation

Aristotle & co.350 B.C.E.


Aristotle & co.350 B.C.E.

Scala naturae

Cuvier1750 A.C.E.

Linnaeus1750 A.C.E.

Buffon1750 A.C.E.

Lamarck1750 A.C.E.

Erasmus Darwin1750 A.C.E.

Hilaire1850 A.C.E.

Chambers1850 A.C.E.

Race Through History• Around the room there are 16


• Take your notebook with you, with lines 1-16 numbered

• For each station write the name of the scientist that would have made the statement given

Race Through History• Number your paper 1-16

• You only need one line per number

Race Through History• Around the room there are 16


• Your job is to match the scientist/concept with the statement

Race Through History• One partner will sit at a desk with

the notes

• The other will go to ONE station and identify the scientist/concept

• Then you will switch positions

Race Through History• There should be NO TALKING

between partners while one is working


Race Through History• The winning pair will be rewarded
