1955 Chacahoula



This is the 1955 yearbook for Northeast Louisiana State College in Monroe, LA

Citation preview

  • ,

  • ,


  • ' .

  • 1 9

  • , ,

    Footba ll

    Freshman Day

    Registra tion

  • , , , ,

    htistmas Dance

    Mid-Semesrer Exams

    Basketba ll

  • Baseball

    \'V'asher Game

    Military BaU

    / r

    " , ,

  • , , ,

    Dixie "Ball

    Summer Outfits

    (lrad uation


  • AlmCI Mate,. All hOllor 10 0111' Alma iH(Jle", by Ihe btl)'olI'J

    dear bille tvaler.

    Deel) wilhin 0/1.1' he(/rls we ,reek her lofly gO(tiJ of life.

    N.L.S.C. I)), IUlnJe we call her, b), the bt/Joll's clear blue waler;

    Gracious name for "Il who know her bealll)' clear and bright.

    We bow 10 thee 0111' Alnul Maler, b), the bayolI'f clear blue ulater.

    May Ihy glories glow hI splOfldOl' eve,' ill 0111' sighl.

    N.L. .C. by lIame we c(til her. by the ba)'ol/'J clear blue WaleI'"

    Deep within 0111' hetll'lJ we seek her lofty goals of life.

    AI/ hail /0 thee N.LS.C. Faithflll we will be to thee!

    - .". ~.-

  • Home on the range .

    Just like the girl that married dear old Dad .

    Ltt's take 3 vote!

    May we have your autograph '

  • Enrollment for Yearbook Clinic .. .

    A heart for Redskins . . .

    Music for (he basketball games ..

    RalslIlg the new Eta,l! ..

  • Home Fe fun ..

    Oil, it"s real !

    Commerce Clull takes" tflP ...

    Show uS YOli r student pass, ..Hook,e" , 12

  • R.O.T . p
  • Girls In dOrm find lime for study .

    far awnile.

    Gl'Olagists take to the

    mountain~ .

    Time for lunch!

    "Lady" nll.$ a birtnday

  • nveiling memorial toJournalism majors visit news plant ... servicemen ...

    Rear vIew window .. .

    At home ill the boys' dorm ...

    how us ho.... [oo!

  • B.S.U. sets a goal ... Time to registe.r for classes .



    learn how for a big game.

    Homecoming parade float ...

    Some. important gutSts . .

  • Frat pledges are greeted by sponsor _ , , A clOWn for Redskin, __ _

    A student opera , _ .

    MI, Mitchell teaches future scientist. , ,

    Looking over laSt year's annua l

  • St41


    Sevza~~, &~


    Pat 4IUte4, ~&~

    "D~ ~~, S~~&~

    od&; fltH:- (Jete, P~

    SaHuWf 1

  • ~ ~ Sft-MU


    ::B ~ ;

    ~ OlT0~4>...NEP





    Northeast Louisiana State College has its

    $2,000,000 bUilding program well under way. We

    feel that our operating appropriation has been

    sufficiently increased to permit expansion to be

    carried out in an orderly and efficient manner. Our increase in enrollment over the c orre

    sponding periods of the previous year continues

    to run more than 20 per cent. There has been no

    ten dency, as yet, for the enrollment t o level


    Sincerely yours,




  • CLINT O. H.ANN.A , ACiing Director 0/ AdmjsJlonJ aIJd Spewd Services;

    WILLIAM M. SMITH, Dean 0/ Ihe B.S., Union University; M.A., Ed . D., College; B,A., M.A., Lou isian a State George Pea body College.Un iversity.

    The administrative staff of Northeast is an integral part of the college. Friendliness, efficiency and determinat ion of desirable growth in knowledge imparted by the college characterize their intense collective interest in students.

    BUEL S. HAMNER, ReJ'" (faf'; B.A., M.A., Louisiana

    State Un iversi ty.

    ARNOLD R. KILPATRICK, A/hi"" ARTHUR L. TATUM, Directo, 0/ J CLARENCE BALL, Business Managl Diredor; B.A., Northwestern State SlJldent Ar.flt,ity; B.S., Centenary CoL B.S ., Louisiana Polytechn ic Institute. College ; M.A., Louisiana State U ni Lege; M.A ., Uni versit y of Texas. versity.

  • ERNEST D. HOLLOWAY. Dean ot Afell; A.B. , University of Mississippi; B.D., Pcioceton Theological Seminary; B.D., Th .D ., Union Theological Seminary; D.O. Southwestern at Memphis.

    Managing Northeast, a college that is growing rapidly in all categories, is a chalJenge to this group of people. Many services are rendered by them that are overlooked in the daily routines o f their associates. Theirs is to guide the coJlege in its tremendous growth and to receive the gratitude of the a[u'TInj and all those whom they have assisted.

    IDA LEE KI N G WILBERT. Ow, ot W omen: B.A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; M.Ed ., l ouisiana State University .

    ANNIE LEE WEST STAHL. Director of PII-b/iclltiotls; B.A., Southwestern Louisiana Insti

    tute; M.A., Louisiana Stale

    University. _, '

    EVELYN McGEE OTTS. O;mlo, of HENRY W . SAGESER. G" j" an" ., MAUD MERRITT COOK BENTRUP (oTm,re/or ant! D iret:!O f of Student Teacher T raining; B.A., Louisian a H fnd Librarian: B.A., Louisiana Statt PtrJonne/; B.A., University o f Louis Polytechnic Institu te ; M.S., University Universit y; B.S. in Library Science ville; B.S.M .E.. M.S.. Ph.D .. Purdue -0f -Arkansas . Unjversity of Illinois. Universit y.

  • BILLY ADCOCK President, Della Deml ler

    L L. PRICE, Head, DepM'menlo/ Agricff/Jllre and Home Eco nomlcJ.

    The department offers agronomy, general ag riculture, general home economics, home economics education, and pre-professional courses in agricultura l engineering, forestry, veterinary science and vocational agricultural education. Scienti fic research and experiments hel p students to be better prepared for a future in these areas.

    Studen t Center

  • WILBUR LEE PERKINS, HeeJ.d, Department oj Business AdminiJlralion.

    General business, accounting, business administration and secretaIia t science curricula are offered by this department to give complete training for positions in commerce, either as an employee or employer.. The department keeps abreast of current trends in the business world,


    ROLAND KELLEY PreJidct1l, F.BL.A.

    Brown Hall

  • -Fine Arts Building

    CHARLES STOYALL Pre.tuit'l1l, AlENe


    DR. HARRY LEMERT. Hea d. Deparfmtf1l 01 FlJJ e Arl!.

    This department, which offers art, music and speech, adds to the cultural background of many students. It provides opportunities for clinics, dramatic productions, frequent recitals and performances before large audiences. A number of departmental organizations enrich the lives of those who participate.

  • BERT DELOACH PreJidenl . S ocial SCIf"nee Club

    DR W. R. HAMMOND. Head, Department oj LibeMI Art.r and SOCIal 5cienceJ.

    The department of Liberal Arts combines socia l studies, English, journalism and foreign languages. Anyone of these phases of stud} aids the student by increasing his horizon of general knowledge and strengthening his background for a specific occupa tion.



    C(/ del Lt . Col.

    \ )

    MAJ . DERWOOD CAl'll' , Head, ,'f iJi"lr y DepaFlmtn/.


    The Reserve Officer Training Corps at Northeast, designed to develop military leaders while they are college students, is an admired de partment On the campus. Members of the Corps are considered we ll adjus ted students, enter ing thei r adult years with confidence in themselves and in their fellow Americans. Successful completion of a four-year CQurse in military science and tactics leads to a commission as 2nd Lieu tenant in the United States Army Reserve.

  • DR. G E 0 R G E LOU1S STIEHL. I-iedd, Depmlmenl oj Plttt tllld ApplIed SOl'flctJ.

    The Department of Pure and Applied Sciences embraces biological and natural sciences and mathematics. Seven curricula are offered: botany, chemistry, geology, mathematics, medical technology, zoology, arts and sciences. Included, also , are pre-engineering, pre-dental, pre-medical, pre-nursing and pre-pharmacy.

    THOMA S SPURLOCK Prt'JldenJ, SJildml _-1IJiliate 0/ AnJtrl(f/n Chemical Sonel)'.

    ,~ . ( (11 /(" ,I, ~' " '-rIll, .I (, 1,u!t~'I(/ , ==j,,,. '., 1 '"""1 1{,'/" , - '

    ,. , n.lII '.I1JJIJlllllJurrr.7"'r.Jllldbll, /.t Science Building

  • Prejidtnl, F.T.A.


    WILLIAM M. SM IT H, Hend, Depal"tmem of Tf/(/{,"her Ed,, cat lOt! .

    The Department of T eacher Education annuall y sends out many graduates to continue the American tradition of imparting knowledge to others. Curricu la are offered in business education, English, foreign languages, health 'and physical education , home economics education, mathematics, music, science, library science, social studies and speech.

  • Northeast is fortunate in having an active faculty. Each member is always wjlling to help students or to cooperate with his colleagues. Many times they perform behind-the-scenes services which are not recognized by the recipients. Sponsoring various campus organizations , counseling students and instructingthrough it all the faculty appear to enjoy their part in helping Northeast grow.

    Presideofs Home

  • Stded



    .... .

    PERRY ELDER, JR. Student C OllnC" PreJirienl

    (9 )4. 5;

    President Perry Elder presents trophy to Donald Bussey, the council 's select ion as the outstanding member ef _th~ Senior class.

    JOHN EARL TAYLOR Silden; COfl1}ci/ Pre .lidel1/


    The Student Council consists of two men and two women from each class. They are elected by popular vote in secret ballot. The president and vice president are chosen by the student body from the junior class in the last month of the second semester of th e year. Within one week following, two men and two women are selected from each of the lower classes and the other two from the junior class. During the first month of the fall semester the freshman class names its representatives to serve on the council. The secretary and treasurer are elected by and from the council members.

    DIXIE BALL- annual Studen t Counc il event hooorjng members of the graduating class.

  • Mernbtrs of this year's Student Council are, left to right , around the table: lloyd Posey, Freshman; Grace Glass, Junior; C J. Melancon, Sophomore; Terri Lee Fields, Freshman; Jo Ann McDonald, Secretary-Treasurer, Senior; Perry Elder, President, Senior; Sally Ann Taylor, Senior; Carolyn McKAY, Reporter. Freshm~n; Donnie Wilburn, Freshman; Nell Rogers, Sophomore; Bob Currey, Junior. At the extreme left is Bobby Joe Oden, Sophomore, and extreme right, Arthur L Tatum, Faculty Sponsor and Director of Student Activity, Missing from the picture is Joe Milner, Vice President, Senior.

    Students vote for council president and vice president and class representatives in annual campus election,

  • I )' --.


    Sara Hinton , Fealure Edit or

    Sa mmy K D anna, SpOf/f Edilo r

    Covering the campus, the Pow Wow is published bi-weekly and carries news and features) cartoons, editorial s and photographs, written and prepared for publication by the student staff. Ethical standards are stressed and students Jearn that journalism is a highly professional occupation.

    Pat Barnes, Proo!aader

  • Lady Stahl and Johnile Johnson, Fawlly Rpport"J. Ken McLellan, Dan Andrews and Ace Rep orurJ, Ginger Henry and Ann Advisors Ezra Adams Griffith

    Coffee time for hard working Pow Wow staffers as deadline nears.

    PholographpI', Bobby Joe Oden R,pon"s, Pete Finlayson, Maude Marie Holmes and Dave Corbin in foreground ; Bob Luckett and Kimball Canterbury in background .

  • The Chacahoula, Northeast yea rbook, reveals the many and varied activities of the college adcninistrative staff, facu lty and studen ts. It seeks to preserve moments fcom a period of transition in life for students and to recail o ld friendships.

    SARA HINTON Ed, lor

    Ginger Henry, A ui.ltanl Edilo r

    Pat Barnes , Cla.rr Editor

  • DANNY HOAK SAMMY R. DANNA BOBBY JOE ODEN Sports Cop), EdilOI BUJi"eH Manage, Photographer

    "Chac" staff members and sponsors discuss copy styles and layout designs.

    Contributors to the yea rbook clinic were : J B. Murphree, Shreveport Four students insp

  • 42

  • Men of Northeast's R.O .T.c. fully realize they may be called upon to bear part of their nation's future responsibility for world peace. Here they acquire the abilities and skills necessary to be of real assistance to the cause of freedom. Traits of courage, sincerity, honesty and devotion to duty are developing and playing a part in encouraging these men to greater accomplishments. They are leaders of tomorrow.




  • Cadet Doyle Holstead rece ives the President's Award from Col. Hattan. member of the Fourth Army inspection team, College Pres ident , Lewis Slater. looks over the R.O.T.C. battalion.

    off icers and spon to right : Cadet Bat

    Executi ve Officer Joe

    Lt. Co l. Barbara Rag.

    i Sponsor; Ca p!.

    Mitchell , Band; Capt.

    Ann Hayes. Sponsor;

    . Billy Adcock. Company

    Capt. PhyJj is Renfro,

    Capt. Haro ld Scott ,

    ...,ml',ny " B"; Capt. Virgini.1 ; Cap I. J. W

    Co mp a n y " C ' :

    Nell Rogers. Sponsor;

    James Counts, Com

    "D" ; and Capt. Dora Hudson. Sponsor.

    Cadet U . Col. Bill Harrington and Maj. Derwood -C..m , meet R.O.T .e. Rifle Team. visiting Fourth Army Officiais.

  • They crowned a Military Ball queen- Barba ra Rogers.

    They taught dril l procedure

    Cadet Lt. Hersch. Edmund Wi lliamson Cadet Lt. Col. Bill H arr ington became Gentry received

    a distinguished military srudent . was commissioned . . awards

  • They went to summer camp . ..

    Learned terrain tactics ...

    Stood for inspection . . . Fired in competition . Played for drills and parades ...

  • Charlene Miller

  • ~, , ,

    Dorothy Cox

  • I ~

  • Because the progress of a coli relies heavily on the merits of its dent body, the Chaeahoula and No east State are proud to present individuals selected by various deF ments for WHO'S W HO of 195:

    FERN K. FOGLEMAN-Represen ting N ortheast's Music Department in WHO'S W HO, Mrs. Fogleman has won this dis tinction hy hav ing demonstr ated , with her abili ty to e nrich li fe in a musica l manner , that she deserves special recognition.

    DILL HARR J GTON- Popular (or his active participati on in extr acur ri cul ar activities, Harrington was an R.O .T.C. ba tt alion comma nde r a nd an outstanding student o r Military Science.

    JOE STREET- Chemical analyses come easy loc Stree who is the Chemistry Section's choice for 1 9~5 .

  • In. some cases decisions were not asy, so keen was the competition after ach student's campus achievements ad been tallied. Persons presented ere have given much to Northeast, -rule gathering for themselves a wide mge of knowledge for well ad ju sted .ltures.

    SARA HIN TON- Journalism at Northeast wi ll lose a va luable student because of Miss Hin ton 's g raduation . Her tireless and nOteworthy con tributions to the departmen tal functions have won fo r her space in (his

    SALLY ANN HA YES- Outstaoding in the Language section of distinguished students . classroom, Miss Hayes was an instructor substjtute, which added to her pOpularity among students and BOBBY ODE - Excellent student newspaper photographer and memo faculty . She was active in several campus organ iza ber of the Studeot Council, has tied with Miss Hin ton for WHO'S WHO tions. io Journalism.

    BILLY \'

  • A s

    Pall high

    BILL KING-It appears that engineering is King's logi cal choice of t))( professions. (oc he has shown abilities in that direction to be o( high quality.

    ROBERT FANT- The well.qoa lified (illing of doctors ' prescrip. tions wiJl be, someday, Fa nt's chief occupation, jf he continues to excel in Pharmacy.

    JOE H. MONROE- Moncoe's many accomplishments 0 Northeast campus havE' meant much to extracurrieula tivities and in the fields of English and Mosie. his majoc subject was English .

    GEORGE PATTON- The Biological Science Section named its ou tstanding student because he has consistently maintained ages and camp.us p~pulacity.


  • ZANONA FU NN "Exceptional" describes both her qualities

    PERCY W HEELER-Making a thocou,gh study o f geolo,gica l sc ienc W heeler is one o f that section's most outstanding students, in and 0 of cl ass.

    of personality and her knowledge of Library Science. which are

    so necessary to success in any lihrary.

    VIRGIN IA MULli NS- Numbers and their manipulations have proved to be small problems for Mrs. Mu ll ins who is an honor student of mathematics and wife of Nor theast's band director, Joe Barey Mullins.

    JOE MILNER-The list of student activities, honors we and positions held by Milner at N ortheast is too Ion for publication ; we'll just say he was a "natural" f( Social Science'. WHO'S WHO,

  • fRA)JCES DELOUCHE-As an award for her ou tstanding posit ion in Northeast's Education Department, tt,-(iss De Louche wi ll widen he( horizon further by doing graduate ',,"ork on an L.S.U. s(holarsh ip.

    EliZABETH JANE SHIPP- M;ss Sh;pp. who became Mrs. Perry Elder during the spring semester, was given excellent ratings in the Commerce Department and we think she could give the machines of any modern off ice a eeaJ and understanding workou t.

    ALlCE MAE TARPLEY- The art of correct speech is the major study of Miss Tarpley, who has bee n increasingly popular in student functions, especially plays and television shows.

  • .

    MARY ROSS BRYAN-\X/e believe the Home Economics Department had li ttle difficulty in the selection of Mes. Brya n for its cepresentalive in WHO'S WHO because she was outstanding in classwork and popular among students.

    B. NOLAN- Men's jntramura ls at Northeast have aided signi ficant ly by Heal th and Physical Educ l.

    major, j. B. Nolan. as a ttested by hi s being named the W HO'S W HO sect ion.

    BOOTS SLOCUM- One of the most acti ve in women's sports at Northeast and a Health and Physica l Education major, Miss Slocum, who is a senior, is well known as a member of several campus cl ubs.

  • o

  • l

    Athlelie Director ARNOLD R. KILPATRICK

    Coach Arnold R . Kilpatrick has, besides his duty of conducting Northeast' s athletic activi ties, acted as head basketball coach since his coming to this schoo l in 1952. This year he received the high honor of being voted "Coach of the Year" by the GSC W riters Association for his outstanding coaching of the Indian basketball team.

    Congratulations for a job well done '

    DEVONE PAYNE. head [oot,ba ll (oach, came to NOrlhe3s t this ye:tr to take uver th{' Tribe') .~ r id5tcf5. After a year of suc(ss fld getting acquainted and . along with hls P3St splendid record in ('oach ing footbnll. we a re lookinp, forw: lrcl to Northeast victories under hi!) g uid;loce.

    GEORGE l UFFEY, also io his first year at No rtheast, is g rid SC(lu ter and ass istant football coach. In the spring he took (lver the head coach

    pn~itio n in baseba ll after the de parture of "W oody" BoyJes. His previous football - and ba~('b :'lll experience incl udes three years' servin: as tine (Qach (Or N eville High School and pro fessiona l baseba ll playing,

    LEON MAN LEY. jo assuming the lioe (Oad posit jon this year, look on 1m first

  • inaugura ted champions,


    'Own Score OppOl/enl opponelll' j Store

    0 ........ ............. Solltheastern ....... ......... 58

    12.... ... ..Texas A.&l. ........... 13

    lL . ...... Delta Slate 30

    6.. ..Southwestern .... ... . .. ........ 41

    L. ....... Western Kentucky 19

    6... ... McNeese .... .. ... _ 27

    44. .. .... Liviogston State ....... ...... .. '" 28

    6 .... ..... ..... Northwestern 51

    19 ... ... L . College 19

    6........ ... ............La. Tech......... . 51

    18 1 8 1 337 ola/ ltvon-Losl-- T ied oPpOl1entJ'

    VillI] PoinJs

    FOOTBALL RESUME The '5 4 football seaSOn opener was

    against the Gulf Sta tes Conference

    Southeastern Lo uisiana State College of Hammond.

    The Northeast Indi ans sta rted the year with nine

    lettermen and thirtyon e freshmen. Due to the lack

    CO CAPTAINS: francis "Red" Yocom and Sherrod McKoin of experienced pl ayers the team fell with a 580

    defea t.


    I - It ', : .

    an upset. With the aid of quarterback Pete Chambless, Carey Pearson, substitute Alton McCready, and end Dan An drews, the tribe led wi th a 127 SCOre at half time. The second half was fought on even terms un til late in the final stanza when the Texas team managed to push across another TD and win a 13 12 thri ller.

    For the third game Coach Payne took his squad to Delta State College in Cleveland, Mi ss. Because of fumbles in the early part of the game the Delta Statesmen scored twice before the Indians could get settled to stop them. In the third period halfback Bob Scogin and fullback Clayton Cox scored while still a third . to uchdown drive fi zz led deep in the enemy's territory. Del ta State once again intercepted a pass which broke the Indians' spirit, and the Statesmen won with a 30 12 victory.

    The fourth game, against Southwestern Louisiana Institute, was highlighted by long runs on_the part of the Bulldogs who only compiled five first downs as compared to thi rteen for the T ribe. N o rtheast moved at will between the twenty yard stripes but was unable to penetrate into the goa l zone. Southwestern won by a score of 416.

    Bradley attem ts k assists in a tackle . ..P to SCOre against th e enemy . " oak qllarterbac . . Danny n

  • '~-~..


    4 Cooper , Donald Guard Freshm an La ke Providence 8 N ugent, Howdy Fullback Freshman Alexandria 9 Smith , Dalton fullback, Center Junior Natchez, Miss. 10 Chambless, Pete ' Quarterback Junior Madison, Tenn . II Hoak, Danny Quarterback Freshman Hopwood, Pa. 12 McCready, AIton Quarterback Freshman Monroe 22 Leos, Tommy' Right H alfback Sophomo re Monroe 24 Scogin , Bob Right Halfback freshman Atlanta, Ga. 33 McLell an, Ken Le ft B ltl.fback freshman Alexand ria 38 Bradley, J immy' Left H alfback Freshman N atchez, Miss. 44 Powell, Mack* Fullback Freshman Monroe 49 D illing ham, Rex Fullback Freshman Monroe 50 H olstead, D oyle Center Freshman West Monroe 51 Moore, Sammy' Center Junior New Iberia 52 Calboun, Cha rl!,s Cen ter Sophomore Monroe 60 Melancon , C. J* G uard Junior N ew Iberia 62 Cox, Clayton F ullback Freshman T allulah 64 W indle, Bob G uard Junior Reform, Ala. 6S Boyles, T ommy Guard Freshman Monroe * Staften



    67 Dozier, Sonny Left Halfback Lacaze, Bobby Guard Yocom, Francis* Tackle Bradley, William Tackle

    73 McKoin, Sherrod' Tackle 78 Andrews, Bobby Tackle 80 Roark, E. C. Left Halfback 82 Lee, Ed End 83 Collins, Pete End

    Berry, Jimmy' Guard Busby, Jarrell " End Andrews, Dan' End Cobb, Phillip Left H al fback Dupriest, Guy Left Halfback

    : Kilpatrick, Payne, and Luffey

    CLASSIFICATION Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman Senior Freshman Freshman Sophomore Freshman Sophomore Sophomore Freshman Freshman Freshman


    Delhi Monroe Pascagoula, Miss. Tallu lah Jones Farmervi lle West Monroe Bastrop Delhi West Monroe Crowville Jena '1// innsboro Monroe


  • roan duri.ng for came{a

    nd pO,e s to rest a d trips ...

    'The tea.m stop o.oe of thei r rOa

    Coming up for the fifth game for the Tribe was Western Kentucky in Bowling Green. After journeying there, Northeast gave the undefeated , untied Hilltoppers a run for their money. Paced by the outstanding defensive work of the line and the hard running of fullback, Mack Powell , the Indians managed to hold the Kentucky team to a 12-7 half time lead . The second half found both squads threatening

    to score several times. Late in the fin al quarter, Northeast seemed to forge ahead with a winning spiri t only to see it fade awa y on the 10 yard stripe. Unable to stop a last minute touchdown by the Kentuckians, the team had to take a 19-7 loss.

    The McNeese State College took advantage of early Northeast fumbles to score three times in the first half which allowed them to take tbe Indians' sca lp by a 27-6 score. Playing on even terms for the rest of th e game, the team, however, found it too late for a victory.

    Playing inspired ball before a large homecoming crowd, the Tribe came from behind in the second half to overcome a 21-13 deficit at half time and win by a 44-28 margm over Livingston State College. Sparked by halfback Tommy Leos and quarterback Pete Chambless, the Indians rolled up 35 points in the third and fourth periods to the delight of homecoming alumni. Tbis defeat of Livingston State earned th e squad and their classmates a holiday.

  • The Ind ians get ready to lea ve for outoE-town game . .

  • Football award winners are, left to right: Mack Powell, Best Back ; Jimmy Berry, Best Blocker; Dan Andrews, Outstanding Freshman; Francis "Red" Yocom, Outstanding Player ; Sammy Moore, Sportsmanship; Sherrod McKoin, Outstanding Lineman; and Doyle Holstead, Best Trainer.

    78 k nd Busby be'

    Bo.a a

    . b \\ caui.er k InO aooa\.see 0d. {or "

  • Coaches Payne and Luff er take to the fie ld to give their team winning pointers in practice .. .

    The Demons from Northwestern State College proved to be too swift and strong for Nor theast in her eighth game of the season. Although the first half of the game was played evenly, the reserve strength of the opposi tion began to show in the third period, and it continued to roll on to g ive the Indians a 51-6 defeat.

    In the game against Louisiana College, played in Pineville, Coach Payne pitted his men against his old former team. Starting fas t, the Indians scored two touchdowns before the enemy could SCore even once. The men for La. College came back after the half to command a 19-13 lead, going into the final minutes of play. Determined to give Coach Payne a victory over his oJd school, the Northeast squad made a last desperate drive which culminated in a game tieing touchdown. The kick for an extra point was no good and the game ended in a dead lock-19-19.

  • PETE FINLAYSON WAS TEAM STATISTICI AN for the '54 season. He was also active in team pub licity by writing for the school and local papers.

    Sammy Moore receives ~h e Ed Lockhart Sportsmanship awan presented by Dave McKenzie.

    A host of Indian gridders chase an unidentified opposition ba ll carrier.

  • Tommy Leos makes ground gain against Louisiana Tech.

    The last and all-important game of the season for the Northeast Indians was played against the Bulldogs of Louisiana Tech in Ru ston. The Tribe held the mighty team do\vn during the first half with a Tech lead of 13-6. The second half began to tell the lack of reserve strength for the Indians, and the visitors from Ruston chewed up the yardage and rolled up the score. As a result of being out-manned and out-weighed, the Northeast team went down defeated 51-6.

    Former Hea d Coach Jim Malone presents hjs Best Bl ocker She r(od McKo in receives the Best Lineman Award from Dr. Award and the Guara nt y In come Life Insurance Company's W . L Bendel. Best Trainer trophy. Winners were Jimmy Berry and DoyJe Holstead, respectively.

  • ARNOLD R. KILPATRICK, Northeast's head basketball coach, led his squad to high honors this year by tieing McNeese for third place in the GSc. Two of his teamsters, Mel Gibson and Bill Bradley, were placed on the first and second , respectively, All -Gulf Conference teams. Coach ''Ki l, '' himself, was named "Coach of the Year" by GSC sports writers.

    The traveling squad and managers for the '54-'5.5 basketball season were as follows, first row, left to right : Joe Jordan, Melvin Gibson,

    Junior Austin, Bill Crowe, Dick Ford, Bob Patterson, and H arold Dayis. Back row: Assistant Manager, Danny Wingate ; Bill 1fcDonald.

    Lloyd Crocker, Coach Kilpatrick, Earl Miles, Henry Willis, Bill Bradley, and Manager Freddy Bond.





    PRE-SEASON WORK OUT N ortheast. 82 East Baptist _ 79 NortheasL. _ . .... 103 William Carey 66

    -"Northeast .. 68 fort SiJJ ._ .. .... -.. " 82 Northeast-. 64 East Tex. Baptist 73 Northeast.. . . 101 Fort Sill . 72 Northeast __ 79 Miss. College 80 Northeast .. 84 Barksdale Air Force 63 Northeast __ 69 William Carey .. 54

    The team takes a rest during its pre -season workout tour .

  • "Gibbie" gets third award, besides his two for Bes t Foul Shot and CoCaptain, from da te, Sybil Perkins.

    Melvin G ibso n gets t be award for

    Best Poul Shot from Coach Ar nold

    R. Kilpatrick.

    Lady Stahl presents BiJl Crowe with an award for serving as CoCaptain of the ' )4-')~ seClson.

    Bill Bradley accepts the Most Valuable President Lewis Slater presents Earl Ll oyd Crocker receives from EdwaJ"(

    Player award from Dr. WiHiam Ben Miles with an award for being the Vii. Lockhart an award for being th.

    del. He a lso received the conference Best Trainl:r in the ')4 '~~ basketball Best Sport of the year.

    High-scoring award. squad.

  • The team and guests enjoy the banquet given in their honor at the end of the successful '54-"55 season" PLAYERS AND TOTAL NO. POINTS SCORED IN SEASON

    Bill Bradley ....................................... 686

    Melvin Gibson .. ..... ............................. 638

    Bill Crowe .......................................... 282

    Bob Patterson ................................ ...... 280

    Lloyd Crocker ...................................... 239

    Harold Davis .. ...................................... 174

    Earl Miles ...... ..................................... 149

    Junior Austin ..................................... 78

    Henry Willis ...................................... 78

    Jim Henderson ................... ............. 54

    Joe Jordan ......... ............... .................... 18

    Bill McDonald .. ................................. 9

    Bob Betz .................... ............................ 2

    Dick Ford ...... .. ...... .............. ................ 1



    Crowe "walks on air" as he gets set to make a goa


    Bradley and Davis get set to make a rebound _ .

    ...... .. ~ - ~- -- .~. : -" ....--' . ..., .

    J UNIOR AUSTIN, Fo",;",d

    Coach "Kil," his daughter, and team show th eir pride in having won another trophy,

    BILL CROWE, ForWt1fd

  • 1


    In the '54'55 basketball season Bill Bradley, center, broke the GSC scoring record and was named to the second AlIGSC team ; Melvin G ibson, guard, was placed on the AllGSC first team; and Coach Kilpatrick was given the title of "Coach of the Year" by the GSC sports writers-the following scores were made by North. east and their opponents :

    NortheasL...... .... 62 Delta State .................. 59 Northeast ........... 84 Louisiana College ...... 83 Northeast .... ..... .. 62 Arkansas A&M ... ....... 78 NortheasL......... . 9 1 Howard College ....... ... 80 NortheasL.......... 83 Mississippi College .... 87 NortheasL.......... 84 Central Oklahoma ...... 70 Northeast........... 86 Mississippi College ...... 63 NortheasL.......... I04 Arkansas State .... ........ 91 NortheasL ... ........ 70 Southeastern ................ 68 N ortheasL .... ...... 94 Northwestern ............ 101 NortheasL.......... 87 Louisiana College ........ 72 NortheasL...... .... 95 Louisiana Tech ............ 92

    AlI GSC guard, Melvin Gibson, takes to the air as he shoots

    Northeast........ 83 Little Rock ._--------- 8 Northeast ........ 78 Arkansas State ........ 9 Northeast........ 79 Mississippi College 8 Northeast .... .... 91 Southwestern


    Northeast ........ 59 MeNeese State ........ 5 Northeast.._... 59 Delta State


    Northeas!.... .... 83 Southeastern --------- 7

    Northeasl.. ...... 58 McNeese ---_ ....._--_ . . . 7


    Bill Crowe leaps above a goal-guarding Techster to shoot Gibson uses his jump-shot aga inst McNeese a good one .

  • ./

    FREDDIE BOND, BIlJkeJbaJJ jUanager


    The team gathers around the coach and his family for a winners' portrait ...




    '55 SEASON

    lVe They NE..... 1 Miss. College 0 NE. ..... ..... . 7 Miss. College 2 NE. 3 ,Delta State 0 NE,. 0 Delta State .............. ~ NE. ........ .. 10 McNeese ..... ....... 7 NE 0 Alexandria Aces 3 NE I Southwestern 2 NE 9 La, College 0 NE............ 2 Northwestern 3 NE...... .. .... 3 La. Tech 1 NE.... .. ..... 2 Southwestern ) NE.... ....... 1 1 Southwestern 1 NE..... ....... 17 McNeese .... ) NE.. .. .. ... 1 Southeastern 9 NE 6 La. Tech 7 NE.......... 0 La . College. NE........... 2 Northwestern

    Manager, Sammy Moore; Head BasebaH Coach, George Luffey; and Scorekeeper, Ok Campbell .

    Front row, left to right: Guy Dupriest, Harold Moore, Jackie Neal, Donald Stewart, Harold Davis, Jimmy Bradley, Tom Hudson, Torr Leos, Charles Mahaffey, Back row: Bill Thompson, "Be" Lai rd , Charles McBeth, Joe Jordan , Coach Luffey, Manager Sammy Moore Carol George, Tommy Boyles, Bobby Mays, BObby Watts, Bob Betz.

  • The '55 pitchjng staff, left to right, were : Bob Betz, Carol George, "Bo" Laird, Joe Jordan, Tom Hudson, and Bobby Watts.

    Outfielders Tommy Leos, Charles Mehaffey, Guy DuPriest, and Jackie Neal.

  • ' niieldm: Donald Stewa rt, Harold Moore, Bobby Mays, Sam Campbell , Jimmy Bradley, and Harold Davis.

    Sam CampbeJl makes a hit and heads for first .

    Catchers: Reserve catcher Tommy Boyles and starter Billy Thompson.



    With only seven lettermen returning for the 1954

    Northeast s'luad, this baseball season had to be a job of rebuilding for Coach George Luffey, who was in his freshman year as manager. However, Northeast's inexperienced , freshman-laden outfit stayed in competition all season for the Gulf State Conference title, winding up with a record of nine wins and eigh t losses for the year. H aving a six won six loss conference record, left fielder Tommy Leos cracked the balloting for the All-Gulf State Conference team, wi th "Bo" Laird as pitcher also making the team. Given consideration in the balloting was Joe Jordan, pitcher.

    Shortstop, Don Stewart , leads off f irst in cooferen(e .'Same wi th McNeese State .

    T ommy Leos led the s'luad in hitting with a .342 mark, followed by H arold Moore with .318 and J immy Bradley with .313.

    Northeast scored two wins each over Mississippi College and McNeese State; lost to the professional Alexandria "Aces"; and split with Delta State, Southwes tern, Northwestern, Louisiana College, and Louisiana Tech. The champion Southeastern nine proved a jinx to the Indians as th ey lost both games to this opponent.

    Northeast finished the season in a third place tie with Louisiana Tech in conference standings.

    Ou tfi elder, Tommy Leos

    Catcher Billy Thompson stretches his stride to try to beat out an infield hi t.


    "Bo" Laird, who was placed on the All GSC team for his performances in the '55 baseball season, posted a 3-4 record . Joe Jordan, receiving honorable mention for the AJJ -GSC team, had an even 3-3 taJley ; reserve rookie pitcher Bob Watts had a 2-0 mark.

    The first game of the season was opened with Sheriff Bailey Grant pitching the first ball, Clarence Ball batting and Coach Devone Payne covering behind the plate .

    Ifs batting practice for Leos, Campbell, and Bradley ...

    BASEBALL LETTERMEN FOR '5-5 Bill T hompson Tom Leos Don Stewart Jackie Neal Guy DuPriest Charies Mahaffey Bobby Mays Sa m Cam pbe II Jimmy Bradley Harold Davis Haro ld Moore Billy Joe "Bo" Laird Joe Jordan Manager Sammy Moore

  • Guy DuPriest, Outfielder

    "Boi' Lai rd receives the award for the "Most Outstanding Player" of the year .

    The umpire makes a decision at the: plate in a game against McN eese . . .

  • TRACK TEAM-First row: Phillip Cobb, Harry "Red" Rushing, Mack Powell, Jarrell Busby, Bob Scogin, Don Walker, Wallace Hargan Second row: Coach Devone Payne, Bob "Red" Walker, Al Johnston, Donald Hoyem, Bill McDonald, Dick Richard, Danny Hoak, Ker McLellan, Coach Albert Kay. Third rOw: Howard Nugent, Dan Andrews, Clayton Cox, Coach Leon Manley, Alton McCre ady, Franci, "Red" Yocom, Bill Bradley and Doyle Holstead.

    NORTHEAST LETTERMEN CLUB-First row : C. J. Melancon, Johnny Schmidt, Sammy Moore, Sherrod McKoin, Francis "Red" Yo com, Jarrell Busby, Howa rd Nugent, Jim Roberts . Second row : Harold Davis, Ken Morgan, Dob Windle, Jimmy Bradley, Dill Bradley Jim Knox. Third row: Joe Jordan, Jack Neal, Press Berry, Tommy Leos, Ed Lee, Kenneth' Greer. Fourth row : Buster Crowley, Bob Scogin. Mel Gibson, Roy Aston, Doyle Holstead.

  • CHEERLEADERS Jo Ann Walsworth JO Ann Abraham

    Barbara Bradley Barbara Rogers Mary Ann Pitarro

    Dixie Brown


  • FIELD PERFORMERS-left right: David Tschabold, drum n jor; Glenda Wright, majoret Faye Davis, majorette ; Char Swanson, drum major.

    GOLD)ACKETS - Organized perform at Northeast's athletic tivities . Violet Venable is '54President.


    TION-Back row, left to right: Barbara

    Jo Payne, Milly Roberson, Faye Davis,

    Ann Lane, Joyce Dumas, President,

    Melba Hill , and Maria Maggio, Front row: Sara Gambrell, Mary Currie, Carol May, Betty Fuller, and Jo ' Ann Buswell. Sponsors are : Miss Ada Bess Hart and Mrs, Dorothy Humphrey.

    Girls' Intramural Basketbal1 Champions

    Girls' Intramural

    Softball Ch~mpjons


  • Each year the conege freshmen from coast to coase are introduced to life around the campus. Beginning with registration, his life is made miserable by upperclassmen. He must succumb to such indignities and upperclass whims as shaved heads, being painted like circus clowns, .dressing like small children and being his superior's general flunkie, In spite of all this, most freshmen live to be sophomores and deal misery to that year's freshmen,

    Northeast' s freshman hazing ends with homecom1l1g,

    Freshman, Percy D ePrang, becomes acquainted with college life,

    I suppose fre shmen should study also.

    I '


  • "Me. Elder, what may we do today? We have been good freshmen," declare Barbara Bradley and Conn ie Pickering.

    Upperclassmen Max Smilow and Bilbo W ilson dance with ireslunCfl, Verda Hardy and Pat Morris, in the Student Center.

    Even freshmen learn guickly to go to the Friend for cold cokes and milk. Seated in the booth ar~... Sonny Dozier, Virginia You ng, Howdy Nugent and Carolyn McKay.

  • Nell Rogers, sophomore Home Economics major of West Monroe, was chosen Queen of the 1954 Homecoming which honored the class of 1934. Nell and Maid of Honor, Jo Ann McDonald of Monroe, were elected by popular vote of the student body.

    Queen Nell and escort Ted Jones at the Homecoming dance.

    The Homecoming court, Fran Hooper, Joan McPherson, Jo A McDonald, Maid of Honor, 1\ Rogers, Queen, Barbara Rogers Martha Jane Oden.



  • Sigma Alpha Chi's first place float. Student Council Pres ident, Pl:rry EI
  • The R.O.T.C's annual Military Ball is one of the major social events on the Northeast campus. Highlighting the dance is the crowning of a Military Queen. "The Little Colonel," as the queen is called, is the battalion sponsor and holds the rank of Lt. Colonel. This year' title went to Barbara Rogers.


    sponsors at the B.II : Dot Hudson, P RenffO, Barbara Rogers. Sally Ann Hayes, Nell R and Virginia Young.


  • Cadet Lt. Col. Bill H arrington escorts Queen

    Barbara Rogers through a mili fary sabre arch.

    Cozy conversation for the married folks .

    R.O.T.C. cadets and dates. It's a great life.

  • 000 la la I C est Paris, n' est pas ? ( T ..amlal;on-lVow ' lVhal a f;gure l )

    (I I, Eddie Fisher-Northeast style . ,


    Oh! What a bjg mouth you have !

  • Southern 'beJles" watch dice game on the banks of Ole Man Ri ver.

    Dig that craz)' dance !

    Gamma Zeta 's animated ca lendar was one of the special features of . "Redskins."

    Alice Mae Ta rpley, Assistant Director: lorna Mon tgomery. Business Manager; Sammy Danna . Di rector: and Lynn Phillips , Assistant Director.

  • Humperdinck 's two-act fairy opera, "Hansel and Gretel," was the seventh annual production by the Fine Arts Department. These yearly operas serve a two-fold purpose. They provide opportunities for students of the college to study and perform major musical works for the stage under realistic conditions and they offer the public an opportunity to enjoy the operas.

    "But we can't let the

    children starve."

    The Witch

    "Look Hansel' .It's the mean old Witch."

  • Gee, this gingerbcead house tastes good!

    The W itch captu res Hansel and Gretel.

    "Now the childcen ace lost," says father.


    Fa iries dance around sleeping Hansel and Gcetel.

  • 114

  • The Northeast Players annually present two or more threeact productions. Selections for this year were "The Great Big Doorstep" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Edmond Rostand . Both productions were directed by George C. Brian, assistant professor of speech.


    George C Brian

    Alice MontgomeryJ sen i speech major, played lead part of Mrs. Crochet "The Great Big Doorstef


    The Crochet family eats. Throughout the three-act comedy, which takes place on the Mississippi River, the fami ly experiences a life of humor, jnterspersed with hardships.


  • Cyrano and companion .soldier meet on their way to war.

    jentry Jones as Cyrano and Sandra M

  • Featured below are acts from the talent show sponsored by the T. O . Brown Chapter, Future Teachers of America. High schools throughout Northeast Louisiana contributed a variety of entertainment to the production. Trophies were awarded for the three highest rating performances.

    TEEN AGE JAZZ BAND, Rayville High School, Jetol1d place.

    WAYNE HEFNER, Ba strop High School, first plare.

    MARTHA K. WILLIAMS, Neville High School , third place.


    Delh i High School' s Can-e'n Girls.

  • ~tted Stated



    tJwe eampee4

    French Horn


    HARRY SPAULDING Bass Drummer

    Herald Trumpe.ts Trumpet Trio

  • I

  • C B. Roberts President

    Stephen Brown Willjam Case

    Howard Jackson Harold King Wayne Noland Charles Swanson

    Jordan Terral Bobby Walker Jack White Don Wilkes

  • Alpha Theta Chi sponso rs, fcont row : Sand ra McAdams, Hildred Adair and Wilma Ann Adcock. Back row: Pat White and Virginia Young.

    Cha rles Swanson, Sweet heart Faye Davis, and President C. B. Roberts at banquet.

    Alpha Theta Chi g roup chats with coed gues t, Sa,a Batton, at frat pa rty.

    Domino game calls for deep con centration at an nual fraterni ty smoker.


  • Donald Bussey Presidenl

    ; i

    Staoley Burkett Wa yoe Ell iot

    Bill Harrington Bi ll Lacey Bob Mitchell

    Joe Monroe Bobby Moody Bobby Joe Odeo Lloyd Posey

    Lavelle Ray James Richard Billy Roark Bilbo Wilson

  • Sigma Alpha Chi house.

    Pres ident Don Bussey and Frat Sweetheart Pat Nolan.

    Fraternity members and gues t enjoy evening a l the Herschel Gentry home. Sigma Alpha Chi Chr istmas D ance.

    Maj . Derwood Cano , facu lty sponsor, chats with Charlene Mill er and Martha Jane Oden at Frat party.

  • Jo Ann McDonald PreJiJent

    Pat Barnes Sarah Batton

    Barbara Bradley

    Doing the Bunny Hop.

    Mickey Brown .Marianne Blice Bi ll ie Joe Cook Dorothy Cox Betty Craig Pat N . Danna Faye Davis

    Joyce Dumas Terri lee Fields Linda Gaar Carolyn Graham Barbara Gresham Carleen Griffin Emma Jean Hall

    SaUy Ann Hayes Sue Hollingshead Louise Hollis Sylvia Jones Carolyn McKay Carol May Alice Montgomery

    Marilyn Mussett Martha Jane Oden Pat Patterson Mary Ann Pitarro Barbara Rogers Nell Rogers Patricia Simmons

    Elizabeth Struben AJjce Mae Tarple}1 Mona Lee Ticheli Beatrice Varina Jo Ann Walsworth Pat White Marie Wjlliamson

  • ,

    Dorothy Cox, Violet Venable and Ma rianne Buce between dances.

    Informal chat.

    Phi Mu entertains Gamma Zeta with Mardj Gras party.

    Reviewing Gamma Zeta's history.


  • Janet Cash PreJidenl

    Sylvia Crosby Louise McLawchJin

    Patsy Rasberry Bon ita T uckec

    Member not pictured Betty Bandy


  • Phi Lambda Tau President, Janet Cash, greets Connie Pickering and Linda Gaar at Rush Week party.

    Pat Danna, Betty Bandy and Marie WilJiamson chat around the punch bowl.

    Carol May, Betty Marie Hurst, Marilyn Nectoux and Jo Ann Walsworth become acquainted and enjoy pleasant conversation over a cup of coffee during Rush Week activities.


  • FLORENCE ZlEGLER ALLBRITTON, Ass;st,nt Professor, Music; M.M., Chieago Musical College.

    EDWARD HAMILTON ALLEN, Ins tructor, Animal In clustrv ; M.S., Louisiana Sta le Uni...-ersirv.

    FRANCES PRYOR BALDWIN, Assistant Professor, for a Day caught three scient ists in a jovial mood. Chemistry; M.S., Lou isiana State University. Stieh l and Miss Frances Baldwin chat with Dr. C. D .

    Ian, extreme right, speaker from LSU.

    First row: CLOMA GERTRUDE BARRON, Assistant Professor, Library Science ; B.A., Universit), of Arkansas.

    MAUD MERR ITT COOK BENTRUP, Head Libra rian and Assistant Professor. Library Science; B.S., Library Science, Unive rsity of llJinoLs.

    HENRY WOODWARD BOYLES, Instructor, Health and Physica l Education; RE. , Tulane University.

    "GEORGE CRAFT BRIAN, JR ., Assi~tant Professor, Speech; M.A., Louisiana State Vni"versity.

    JOSEPH ROBERT BROWN, Ass istant Professor, History ; Ph.D. , Louisiana State University.

    Second row: W. C. BUCHANAN, Assistant Professor, Geography;' M.A. , George ~eabody College. EVELYN SANDERS CHILTON, Instructor, English; M.A. , Universi ty of Mississippi. PRENTJSS EDWARD COX, Instructor, Journalism ; M.T., the Iliff School of Theology. WJLLA CLAIRE COX, Associale Professor, English; Ph.D., George Peabody College. ROBBIE LEE CaXE, Instructor, Home &'onomics; M.S., Louisiana State University.

    RUBY MAE BROWN CRAWFORD, Assistant Professor, Education; M.Ed ., Louisiana Sta te University.

    RANDALL AUGUSTUS D ETRO, Assistant Librarian; M. S., Louisiana State Unjversity.

  • NORMA LEE SWAZEY D ICKSON. Ass ista nt , Science; 8.5., Louisi;! na Poly technic Institute.

    ELOY FOM INAYA, Assistant Professor, Music; M.M., Non h Texas State ColJege.

    EMMETT J EFFERSON FOSTER, Assistant P rofessor, Chell1istry; M.A., Lou isiana Sta te U niversi ty.

    First row: ROBERT EDWARD GORDON, Ass istan.t Pro fessor, Biolo,g ica l Sciences; M.S., Un i vers ity of Georg ia.

    MORRIS NE\X'TON GRANT, Assistan t Professor, Phys ics; M.A., Columbia Univers it y. W ILLIAM RICH ARD HAMMOND, Head, Depa;tmcn t of Libera l Arts and Professor of Economics; Ph.D., George Peabody College.

    JASPER GLEN HAMMONS, Ass istant Professor. f.s r.onomy; Ph.D., Pennsylva nia Sta te Coll ege.

    BUEL S . .HAMNER, Re,gist ra r and Assistant Professor, English; M.A ., Louisiana State University.

    Second row : CLI T OLIVER HANNA, Acting Director of Admissions and Special Services; As

    sistant P rofessor, Educa tion; Ed.D., George Peabody College. ADA BESS HART, Assistant Professor . .Health nnd Physica L Educa tion; M.A., George Peabody College.

    BEATRICE HICKMAN, Instructor, Commerce; B.S., Louisia na Polytecbnic Institute. RODERICK AUGUSTUS HICKMAN, JR., Assistant P rofessor, Mathematics; M.A., George Peabody College.

    FOST ER HALLEY HOLDEMAN, Assistant Professor, Agr icultural Engineering; M.S., Lou isiana Sta te University .

    ERNEST DUNCAN HOLLOWAY, Dean of Men ; D .D., Southwestern at Memphis. ALV A STEPHENSON HUFFMA ,Assistant Profe ssor, Health and Physical Education; M.S., Louisiana State Cniversity.

  • Christmas parties at the President's home always set the perfect hol iday mood for the facuit r .

    DOROTHY T URN LEY H UMPHREY, Inst ructor, Hea and Physical Educat ion; ~f.S. , Louisiana State Uni ... sit\'.

    HUGH HARVEY HYMAN, Associate Professor, Mati matics; Ph.D ., University of California .

    JOHN ILE CURRY JOHN SON, Instructor, lournalis B.A., Lou jsiana Polytechnic Institute.

    I First rov.: ~ ALBERT LEO KAY, Instructor, Health and Physica l Educa tion ; M.S., North Texas

    State College. FRANCES STILES K ELSO, Assistant ProfessQr, Home Economics; M.A., George Peabody College.

    ARNOLD ROY KILPATRICK, Assistant Professor, Health and Phys ical Education ; M.A., Louisiana Sta te University.

    LEfTA MAE KING, Instructor, Art ; B.A., Kansas City Art Insti tute. HARRY MARION LEMERT, Associate Professor, Music; Ph.D ., University of Texas.

    Second row ; LOUISE GRAY LEMERT, Ass istant Professor, English ; B.A ., Louisia na State University. JESSIE M. LOCKHART, Instructor, English; M.A., University of Alabama . GEORGE LOUIS LUFFEY, Iostrun or. Health and Phys ica l Educa tion ; B.S., South

    western Louisiana Institute. JOHN LOU IS LUFFEY. Assistant Professor, Commerce: M.B.A ., University of Texas. T HOMAS RALPH McCAN N , Ass istant Professor, Social Sciences; M.S., Miss issippi State College.

    JO HN HOWARD McCARTER, JR., Associa te Professor, Geology ; M.S., l ouisiana State University.

    LEWIS MARVIN McKNEELY, Associate Professor, Eng lish; ,M .A" Emory University.

  • WILUAM LEON MANLEY, Coach, Instructor, Physical Education ; B.S., Unive rsity of Oklahoma.

    MARCUS BUFORD MAPP, Assistanc Professor, Geology ; M.S., Mississippi College.

    HAZEL H AYNES MITCHELL, Assistant Professor, Spanish; M . A., Louisiana State Unive rsit y.

    First row : PAT MITCHELL, Assistant Professor, B;iological Sciences; M.A. , George Peabody College.

    EMMA FERGUSON MIXON, Assistant Professor, Mathematics; M.S., louisiana State University.

    JAMES FRANK MONROE, Assistant Professor, Music; M.M., American Conservatory of Music.

    HOWARD WILBANKS MORTON, Assistant Prfessor, Commerce; M.B.E., Uni ve rsity o f Mississippi.

    JOE BARRY MULLINS, Assistant Professor, Music; M.M., George Peabody College.

    Second row : EVELYN McGEE OTTS. Director of Teacher Training, Assistant Professor, Educa tion; M.S., University of Arkansas.

    JAMES WOODROW PARKERSON, Assistan Pro fessor, Speech; M.A., State Univer sity of Iowa.

    HOWARD DEVONE PAYNE, Head Football Coach, Assistant Professor. Health and Physical Education; B.A., Louisiana CoJlege.

    \XlILBUR LEE PERKINS. Head, Department of Business Administration and Associate Professor, Commerce; M.A., Univers ity of Oklahoma .

    LUSTER LEON PRICE. Head, Department of Agricu lture and Home Economics and Associate Professor, Agriculture; M.S., Louisiana Sta te University.

    JOHN ALFRED PRITCHETT, JR ., Assistant Professor, Socia l Sciences; M.A ., George Peabod y College.

    WILKINS BREESE RICKERSON, Assistant Professor, Engineering; M.S., Louisiana State University.

  • packages go to Lt. CoL and Mrs . Melville H. Griffith Colonel bids farewell to his R.O.T. c. f oc foreign service.

    WILLIAM KJRTLEY RUSSELL. Assistant Professor, Education ; Ed. D., University of Houston.

    JERRY H. RUST, JR., Assistant Professor, Commerce; M .A., George Peabody College.

    OLGA T ALLEDA RUST, Part-time Instruc tor, Business Administration; B.S., George Peabody College.

    First row : HENR Y WALTON SAGESER, Gu idance Counselor, A.ssi sta nt Professor, Psychology;

    Ph.D ., Purdue University. GERTRUDE MARTHA SANDROCK, Assistant Professoc ..... Musk; M. Mus. Ed., Uni

    versity of Pittsburgh ; Diploma, Universit y of Berlin. MABEL SKINNER SLAY, Instructor, Mathema tics ; M.A., George Peabody CoHege. 6 N NIE LEE WEST STAHL; Assistant Professor,. Jou rnalism; M.A., Louisiana Sta te Oni":ersity.

    ELOISE CALHOUN STANHOPE, Assis tant Professor, Music; M.M ., Chicago Con servatory of Music.

    Second row : GEORGE LOUIS STIEHL, JR.. Associate Pro fessor, Chemistry; Ph.D ., Louisiana Sta te University.

    ARTHUR 1. TATUM, Associate Professor, Socia l Sciences; M.A., University o f Texas. WIN NETTA THOMAS, Instructor, French ; M.A. , Middlebury French School. ELTON ]. UPSHAW. Assistant Professor, Education ; M .A., George Peabody College. EDWARD CALDWELL WHATLEY. Assistant Professor, Bi ological Sciences; M.S.,

    Universit y of Arkansas.

    IDA LEE KING .\'V'ILBERT, Dean of Women : M.Ed., Louisiana Stale University. DOROTHY N IX01'\' YOUt;lSE, Assis tant Professor, Englisb; M.A., Columbia University .

  • BETH ANDER SO N , Secretary 10 the Registrar. BETTY jO BAMBURG BARR, Account Clerk, Business

    Office , OPAL LEIGH BECKHAM, Stenograpber-Clerk , Business Offi ce_

    First row: MELBA G. CLOUD, Typjst-C1er~ in Business Office. BETTY JUNOT DOWD, Bookstore Managee.

    BIRDIE LO UISE FRAGALA, Library Assistant,

    GLADYS KE N DALL KI NG, Switchboa,d Ope,ator,

    L. LUCILLE McLEOD. Account Clerk in Business Office.

    Second row : HURVIE M . MOAK, Superintendent of Buddings. SYL VESTER OLANo Carpenter in Maintenance D epartment. URIAH WILLIAM PICKENS, Maintenance Rep airman, MAY READ, Secretary to the Pres ident . BILLIE RUTH MARTIN ROBINSON, Typist -Clerk in the Lib,ary_

    CARLA ,BETH SOU LIER, Lib,,,y Assistant, STELLA P. WHITECOTTON, Secretary, Military Science.

  • SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS--Dorothy Works, Joe Milner, ,Pn'S1d,cnt, )0 Ann McDonald, and Charles Traylor, stand mg.

    BROWNIN G, JERREL .................... 011"

    BRUNSON, MARY JEAN ........ Rayville

    AD AIR, OPAL . ....Bastrop

    ADAMS, ARLON .. ..... ......... . W inmboro

    ....M onroe First row :

    ADCOCK, BILLY ....... ... __........ .. ... ....... .. ..... . _ ...... _

    ATKINS, JIMMY .__ ... _._._ .... _ ............ .. ..... ... .... ....... _.. .. "'lnT/ l"oe

    BATEY, CARL ...... .... _..... _.... .... ........................ ...... .... W ime..

    BATMAN, DOLL ............ ............ .'~.................. R(I.rvilie

    Second rOw ,

    BIGGS, WALLY _.......... ................. _ ... ........ .. ..... ....... ....D elhi

    BOUTWELL, ELOISE .__ ........... ..................... ..... _ ....... Mo11 ..oe

    BRAD SH AW, K ENNETH ........ ....... .. .......... ... ...... A rchibald

    BROOKS, PAUL ........................... ... ....... ........ W est M onroe

  • BRYAN, PAT ROSS .......... .... Winnsbo lO

    BUSSEY, DONALD TROY .... .... Monme

    First row: CALCOTE, CH ARLES .................. .... ......... .... .... .............Eppr

    CARTLlDGE, DOROTH y .. .. .... .......... . .. .... j,langhom

    CERNIGLIA, FRANK .................. .......... ......... ....... . .IWonme

    CHARLES, GLORIA ............ .................... .... .. W eit Monroe

    Second row :

    CLARK, JOHN R. ... .............. ......... .. ..... ...... ...... .....GrO)'i OIl

    COBB, M ARTHA JEAN ...................... ..... ........... .. Boiti'Op

    COUNTS, JAMES ... ......... ................... .............. ... W e it Monroe Spring Graduates

    CROTW ELL, EDNA .............................................. ..iv/onroe

  • CROWE, BILL ...........FOfe.rt

    Spring Graduates CURRIE, MARY ___ ............. . Pioneer

    GENTRY, HERSCHEL __.___________ Momoe GillSON, MELVIN ._______ Bismarck, Mo_

    First rOw: DELOUCHE, FRANCES ____ __ ___ . ____ __ ____ _______ WeJI Mom oe DOUGHTY, MADELLE ___ ........_ ... __________ ______ _l>lonroe DURR, CARL __ ___________________________ ___ D elhi EDGAR, ROY _____________ ____ ______ __ _________________________ -'''lo111"oe

    Second row: r ANT, ELMER ____ ________ _________________ _________ Monroe FINBARR, SISTER MARIE ___ ____ _____ __ ____________________ Monroe FORE, ROY _____________ ____ ____ __________________ __._________G,-ayson FOREMAN, JIMMIE SUE ____________ __ ________ _______..___ .. __ ..i'v1omoe

  • s~ GRAVES, FRED ............. ............. Mo"'"oe

    GREER, KENNETH ................. ... Mom oe

    First rOw:

    GRIFFIS, BILLY JOE ................................................ Bastrap

    HARRINGTON, WILLIAM W ., JR . .................. ....l\1ol1roe

    HAYWOOD, ETTIE ...... .................................... .......... Delhi

    HEAD, POLLY ANN ............ .................... .......... ..... Mol11'oe

    Second rOW : HELAMS, JULIA ......................................................... ....Delhi HENDERSON, JIM ........ .... .. .. .... ..... _.,.. . , ..... Hallllibal, Mo. HICKS, DONALD ............................ .......... : ................ Monroe

    HI CKS, JOHN .........................................................Ster!ingt011

    Spring Graduates

  • HINTON, SARA ____ _____ ___ ____ ________ Monro HOLLIS, LOUISE _ ___ ______ ______ ________ .HailSpri ng Graduates

    First row:

    HOLLOWAY, EVEl,YN _____ __ ____ ________ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ Bastrop

    HOLMES, MAUD!! MARIE ______ ___ ___ ___ __ _____ ___ _______ Monroe HOOPER, MARY FRANCES __ ___ ____ ____ ______ ______ ___ W illnsboro HOUSE, ADDIE MAE ____ ____ ____ ______ __ ____ ______ __ __ __ __ __Bast1'D p

    Second rOw : HUDSON, JAMES ________ _____ ________ ___ ____ ______ __ _________ ___ _____ Gallion JOHNSON, JOHNNY ___________ ___ ____ __ ________ __ ______ _______ __ Monroe JONES, BERNICE _____ _ __ ___ __ ____ _____ __ _____ ____ ____ __ __ __ Monroe JONES, TED __ ____ _________ __ __ _____ ______ __ __ __________ ___ ____ _Baton Rouge

    KANNON, LARRY __ _____ ____ ______ ___ Mon.-oe KELLEY, ROLAND ___ __ _________ __ ___ Monroe

  • s~

    KIMBALL, JACK ........................ Mol1 foe

    LANDRUM, JANE ............ W est Monroe

    First row : LANGSTON, SYDNEY ... ......... ........... .............. . Collillg.flon

    LEE, RUTH MOORE ................... ..... .. ....... ....... .. ........ Mon1'Oe

    LIPSON, LARR Y ................. .................. ... .... .... .. ........ Monroe

    McDONALD, JO ANN ...... ...... ... ............. ....... .... ..... Monroe

    Second row :

    McHARDY, COR RINNE .... ...... ..... ....... .... ............ Col"rnbia

    McKNIGHT, ALINE ............ ........... ~ ...... ~ .......... ..... GrayJOn

    McKOI N, SHERROD .................... .........:.~ .................... Jones

    MAGEE, AL1;ON ..... ...... .................. ...............5"l12mil, Min

    Spring Graduates

  • and Mrs. Slater honor graduatjng seniors with garden MALLETTE, PEGGY __ __ _____ _____ __ __ BaJlrOp

    MEACHUM, MARY LOU ____ ____ Calhoun

    First rOw : MILNER, JOE __ ___ _____________ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ _.__ _____ __ _______ __ __ Monroe MILSTEAD, BILLY JOE ___ ____ __ ______ ____ ______________ WeJt Momoe MONTGOMERY, ALICE ____ ___ __ ___ __ __ __ ____ _______ __ ___ __ ____ Momoe MONROE, JOE __ __________ __ __ ___ ____ _______ .__ __ .__ ____ __ __ _______ ____ __ _Mol1foe

    Second row: MOUNGER, VIVI AN __ __ __ __ ___.__ .___ _____::.____ .__ __ .__ __ ___ __ _Ferriday NEWCOMER, BONNY B. __ _____ __ __ .. __ .. ____ __ _____ __ ___ __ __ ___ M011fOe PARRISH, GARY ____________ __ __ __ ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ ... Well Monfoe PATTON, GEORGE ___ ...__ _______.. __ ________ __ ________ __ __ __ ___ __ __ BaJlfOp

    PLUNKETT, MAUREEN Y. _______ ___ __ EppJ RHYMES, SARAH HODGE __ ____ Monroe

  • s~ ROARK, THELMA S . ........ WeJI Monroe ROBERTSON, BONN1E JEAN..Feniday

    First rOW : ROBERTS, J1M ........ ......... ... .. ......... ........ ..... CharieJ/ol1, Mo. ROBINSON , GLENN ... .... ......... ................................ Mol1foe RUIZ, RUBEN ..... ..... .. ... ..... ............. ................... BatOil ROllge

    RUSSELL, JAMES ........ .... ......... : .... ..... ..... ........ ...... .... Monroe

    Second rOw :

    SCOTT, HAROLD ..... ..... .................... ....... ......... ....... .5wartz

    SHELTON, LOUISE ....... ................. " .. ...................... Mol1roe

    SHELTON, MURPHY ........ .................~.. ~.:... ....... ..S/erling/ol1

    SHIPP, BETTY JANE ............... .... .... ............. ....... .. ...Mol1me

    Seniors enjoy garden party .

  • SHIPP, JACQUELYN ______ ____ Wimer Future Business Leaders of America-Roland Kelle}', President , SLADE, ROSA JONES _________ ______ Baskin not pictured.

    First row: SLOCUM, BOOTS _______________________________________________ _______ -- -Jon es SMITH, SALLY WARE '_______________________________ ______ ___ ____ Monroe TAYLOR, KATHERINE ____ _ ________________________ ___________ Baskin TAYLOR, SALLY ANN __________________________________ __ ____ IUyvilie

    Second Row: THARPE, DWAIN ________________________ _______ _____ ___ ___ ____ __ ______ Epps THARPE, MAXINE __________________________________________ ______ ________ Epps THOMPSON, CHARLES ______ ____ _______ _______ _Bolly Ridge TRAYLOR, CHARLES ______________________ ___ __ __________ __ ___ _Columbia

    ruCKER, LARRY ___ ______ _____ ___ __ __ _Monroe

    TYLER, RICHARD ___ _________________ Monroe


    i"langha", VINCENT, BONNIE .................. Mo",-oe

    First rOW: VIN ING, ANNETTE ....... ......... ..................... ... ..... ... Piolleer

    WASHINGTON, LOUISE .... ..... ......... .............. ........ Baltrop

    WEAVER, CHARLES ....... ................ .. .......... .... .. .......Monroe

    WELCH, SUE .... .. . .. ................ .................. .... ...........Monroe

    Second row: WHEELER, PERCY ............ ... _........................ .... .... ... Monroe

    WINGATE, DAN NY ............ ....... ~ ................ . Baton Rouge

    WILLIAMS, ROBERT EARL ............ : ..:.:........ ... . Winnsbo.-o

    WILLlAMSOl , EDMU D .. ............... .......... _ .......... M ol1l"Oe

    WOOLIE, FRANKLIN D . ...... .... M ol11"Oe

    W ORKS, DOROTHY ........W est Monroe

  • Teachers in elementary education- Frances DeLouche, Presi of T. O. Brown Chapter of f.T.A.

    AARON. SHIRLEy .. ... . ... Darnrll AN DERSON, JEAN ... ..W imubo ro ANDERSON, CHARLES BaJlrop




    .Calhonn . .. iWonrof

    ... .. .. . M onroe

    ...... ... M onroe .. M onroe

    ...... j\1onror .Bi$Tfli/rck. Mo. ... Weft Monroe

    ..... .. W rit Monroe . ...... . Ray,,ille

    . Jr/ eJl Monro e ...... ..Mo nr oe

    ...Er01 ... ... .. .. ... G'rapon

    . .. Monroe

    TES, JOE Hani.ronbllrg BILUE ...... ... .. ........ .. .. .. .... .. Rayville

    JU loHIKI\ ,N , BILLy ...... .. . .. .. .... ... ... . Rayt,jlle

  • )) ~!

    CROSL Y. JESSE _i\ 1onroe CURREY. BOB __ Ftli,banj i DANNA. SAMMY _j\J onroe

    First row : EASON, FREDDIE 51t'dmgl on EMANUEl. JOHNNY MAX RtI,rJrop ENSMINGER, JOHN . , \ll onloe FEASEL, j ETTIE .. . IY/ ell ''''omo l' FJNLA YSON, PETE ... TtdIJddh


  • HARE. GERALD ."'1 onl'oe HEADRICK. MARGUERITE ,./I'fonroe HOLLEY. CARROLL . Plonn r

    Bapti st Student Union- Jimmy Raymjck, not pictured, PresjdenL

    McKAY, HARRY ..Archibald McKAY, LANNIE .. Archlhtdd McKAIR, BILLY __ .. . 8a.rklll

    First row : HOLLINGSHEAD, SUE .. .... ..... ... ...M onroe HOLLIS, LOUISE . ......... . ... .. . .. ........ .. H llile HON EYCUTT, SHIRLEY ... ______ .Farm eft,ille HORTMAN, JOE . . . . ......... __ ...... ....... iWonroe HOSKI NS, OATHER LEE __ . __ ____ ....... Mollroe

    Second row: JONES, BETTY JEAN .Monroe JONES, JEANETTE .. Monroe JONES, SYLVIA ........ . ..Mangham JONES, THOMAS . ..D owniville JONES, WILLIAM HARVEY .... .. Olla

    Third row: JORDON, CLEO ......Slerlington LIVINGSTON. ANN ... ... ... ... ... . Ray.ville LOLLEY, THOMAS .... .... Calhoun McCARTNEY, MARY .... ... .. Wimlfield McGOUGH, LAWRENCE .. ..... . BaJlfOp

  • MADDEN, MARIE .. '/Wonroe MACHEN, BOB . ....Raytjlle MEACHUM, MARY LOU ... __ Calho"rI

    First rOw: MILES, EARL . ... Grenada, M Uf, MOORE, LEONARD ....... _. Mer ROIlj,c MOORE, SAMMY .. .W eeAJ MORGAN , KENNETH . .sIMi MU LLICA N, LAMAR .. W il!nJ/Joro Inter-Faith CouncLl-Elmer Fant. left front, President.

    Second row : MYERS, E. C. ... ....................._...... ........... ......... 1-1 arrisollbllYg NORRIS, RAY .. Bas/rop NORTH. JOSEPH PAUL ..... .... .. 1P'esl Afoflro e ODOM, JERRY ........ .BI/skin OLDENBURG, JOHN ROBERT ...... .. ............... .. Monroe

    Third row: PARDUE, GUY .. i"f anghl/Tn PARKS, JAMES .... .. . .... ....... Wirm.cboro PERKINS, ELVA RUTH ...... Monroe PHILLIPS, ADALENE K. .. . ..... Ray1)iJle PIPPIN, CHARLES ...... .. ..... ........... i\.fonroe

  • Wesley Foundat ion


    Fi(st [ow:





    .Mangham ... Monroe . ./\fonroe

    .... Fairbanl.>. r ... ll:i' e.rl J)ifonroe

    ... U'/ eJl .Monroe ......... JI,1om oe

    . U'/ eJl Jl,1onroe . ......... ..... Delh;

    .. ..... Alhens

    ..... Ray-vi/le

    .51. JOHph . .. jHonroe

    . ........... ........ . Monroe . .......... lH onroe

  • TUBBS. CHARLES ....... ...... ... . ___ W U I Monroe VA UGHAN, CATHERINE ... Monroe VENABLE, VIOLET ...... . . lY/ eJI M onroe

    First row : WARD, CONNIE ....Monroe WHITEHEAD, MARY )0 ... .. ... ChoJld,anl WIGGINS, MARY . .. .. .. ..... . .. Pioneer WILD ER, THOMAS .. . . .... Calhollll WILLIS, HENRY ... A t/an lfl, T e:c

    Second row : WINDLE, BOB .. .. .W e.rt MOllfoe WOOD, CHARLES .... MonroeWOMACK, LEROY ... .. .... .. .. MolJfoe WYATT , DONALD ........... M ollfoe YOCOM, FRANCIS ..... . _...... Gtlfllier , M iss .

    Wesley Foundation Officers-Elmer Fane, left th ird, President.

  • First row:

    N~wman Club Representatives- Mona Lee Tjcheli. front right, Presidenl.


    Semnd row : COX.

    ..M orlroe ............ .. .............. WeJt M onroe

    ___ ._......... lPn/ M onr()e_ ......... ..... .... . W eJJ M onrot'

    ................. __ .................. BaJfro/>

    COX. DIXIE . .............. . . ... D ow1HfJil!e

    COX. DOROTHY .........._.... _.......... ra{/N/ah

    COSSE. MARIE ........... ... M~llroe

    First JOW: ABRAHAM. JO ANN ... ... .... M OW Of ADAIR. HILDRED .M ol/rot ADAMS. EZRA . ... M or/rot ADCOCK. BOB ..... _M ol1roe

    Second row: ALDERMAN..MARY ANN ..... Ddm eJi ARMSTRONG. lL'O LLE ... ....... ........ .......... ......... ,V,[h, AULDS. JOYE ....... .............. ....____ ..... .Fa'mer fJill, BACON, DORIS .. .. .. . ....... lPnt M onroe


    Second row: BOND. FREDDY BRADDOCK. ALTON BRADFORD. MELBA BRADSHAW. PEGGY BRANCH. ANN ................. . BROWN. MICHAEL ........ ..... .......... .


    ._. 8(1t071 RONge .. .... .......... M onroe ....... . _._._ ..... M onroe

    ........Slinf!eJ!. T eXll J OlSk G ra,.e

    __ .. /I'107lfoe

    J01leJb01"O ..... ... ... ...... ........ ...... GfdJJOn

    ..................... .... ...___ Monroe

    ..... .. ___ ..;\1 onroe ...../rl. onroe

    . ... ... LAlu P1"011ide11ce

    ... _ .. MlSnghanz .... .... Archibald ....... IV i"nIbOlo

    ............. .. ...... .. IFil1nJboro ......Harrhonbllrg . .... IV ert M onroe

  • First row: LOVE, VIVI MAGGIO, M, RI



    Second cow: McBETH , CH ARL ES ....... . McDA N IEL. IMOGEN E


  • first row: MEACHUM, DALE CU RTIS . .___ Dowll !1:jl/e MITCHELL, BOBBY. .. .. ___ .... _._ ..Wesl Mo nroe MOODY, BOBBy ........ ...... ... ...... _._. __ .._... __ M onroe MOORE. BENNIE _______ ..BaJtrop

    Second row : 1fUCKElRATH, VINA SUE .. ....... _WinnJboro MURPHY, ELSIE .... .... .. .. ...... ........ __ . __ ..._......M oJll"oe MUSSETT. MARILYN .... . ..... __ M ollroe ODEN, BOBBy ........... .. ._________ __M onroe

    First row: PALMER. MERLE .... .................. .. ..... . M onroe PARKER, MO RRIS . ...... M o1lroe PERK INS. W ILL ENE .................... .. ......Motlroe PETTY, H AR RY . ..... M omot PHILLI PS. EMO RY .. .. .. RayfliJ/e PHILLI PS, LYNN ................. .. .... ..... .. ...... M Olll"oe

    Second row:

    PINTON, DOY LE .. ... ...... .. ..... ....... ... . ......... )t/eJI M OlrrOlJ

    PITARRO, MARY ANN ... .. .............................. ..M omoe

    POLLARD, fRANCES .................... . .. ..... Iy/ esl M ONroe

    POULAN, JAMEY NA y ...... ............ .. .. . ... ........ M otlroe

    PORTER, MARY LOL' ................. .. ... ....... .......... .. ....BOI"Op

    POWERS, JAN IS ................ .................. .... ...... .. If/il1!1sbor o

    T hird l OW: PRICE , DUKE. .... IF eSl M OIII'oe PL:G H , CLIFFO RD ... W en M omoe QUICK, CA RSON .. ... ... . W esl Aloltroe RHODES, CAROl . . ....... ... Fairbanlt.s

    ROARK, BILLY , .......... ..Fairb(l!1JtJ

    ROBERTS, C. B. ......... EppJ

    Speech Club Officers-Alice Mae Tarpley, center standing, President.

  • Social Science Club

    First row: ROYE, PAM _______ ____ MOllfcU SATERFIELD , SARA Fairbank ... SA V AGE. BOBBY _.Mol/rut SCHON FARBER, HEZZJE " .. . .. ___ Lake PrO'i"denct

    Second '"ow: SCOTT, ALA N ...... M Uliror SHELL, JAMES ________ J PeJJ Mouroe SIMMONS, KENNET H _5iJu .! SMITH, CA RL .RIlYIJ;l/e

    Social Science Club OHicers- Bert Deloach, ex treme right , back row, President.

    f irst row: SMITH, JlMMY ... _____ ..........Hui le SMITH, L015 ______ ........... . ............... ........ .. .... __ ........... ..... _______ M or1Yoe SMITH, MARILYN SMITH, NORA LEE SMOTHERS, NELDA SOLOMON, FAYE

    _ .... .. ........__ .._...

    ....._...... ........ ... . .


    .. ........ ..

    ___ __ .. Farmeft'ille . ... West M onroe _____________ -Monroe ........ .._._~onroe

    Second row; STEWART, GRACIE, ................ , .. .,_.,.,

    .. ____ ..Jone.f

    STEVENS, IRMA GRACE ... .,.,." .......... ..

    . .... Moflfoe

    STRONG, MEEKS .... , .. ,.. .. .. ........

    . ... BaJ/fOp


    SWETT, GLENN , ......... .. .. ,.. ..

    . .. ............ ............. .....Heber!

    TARPLEY. ALICE MAY ..... ..... __ .... . ..... ...... __ .......... ._______ __ M Ofl r oe

  • First row: TARVER, TOMMIE ..... ... ..... ... ... ........ ....... Co/umbi(J THORNTON, DOROTHY .. ,,, .,,,,, " " """." "." " "".Si." TICHELl, MONA LEE .......... ... .... ... ....... ... .... ..... . ltiontoe

    'TIDWELL, GLENN ......... ..... ... ..... .. DownJtnlle


  • Delta Psi Omega Representatives-Betty Jean Jones, seated, President.


    Sf'(ond .cow: BRO'IX' N. DIXIE ... .. . BRO'IX' N. EMMETTE L. BRO'IX' N, STEPH~N ..... .. .

    BRYA N. EDWIN . .... ........ .

    ... .... ... TgUJllah

    ..... .. M onroe

    .... Mourttt' .. . Epp;

    .. ... .1WeJl MO I, roe .. ....... Ray! ille

    ..W /!!l A{o!l1"oe ...... W inNsboro



  • First row: BRUNSON, VIRGIN!A ..... ........ . Sler/iT/llOn

    BUFK!N. ED ... . Weu M onroe

    BURDEAU X, TOMMY . .... .... .... . Calhollfl

    BURKETT. STAN LEY ..... .... .. ....... .lP'tSI M OflfO f

    Second row: BURNETT. DORIS . .. WeII Monroe BUTLER, THURTON ...... W en M OTlroe CANTERBURY, DOYLE .......... RaJI.'ille CARROLL, COY .....LAke ChrJes

    First row; CARTER, ELSIE .... .. . ..Ra)tJilie CARTER, JERRy .... .......... .. .. M onroI' CARTER, RAY .. .... Moflf oe CARTLIDGE, MARY KATHERINE ...... Mal/ gham CASE, BETTY ... ....... .. Monroe CHEEK, KENNETH .Tfafl .fy/r'Iwia

    Second row : CLACK, CARESSA .: ..RaJ1,jli e CLEMENT. CAROLYN .... ... T rlulJyi Jlal1ia COATS, LOU ..MollrOt COBB, PHILLIP ....Winnsboro COON , KENNETH .. ...... .. ChoNdra"J COOPER, WILLIAM ..... Ra)'",/Ie

    Third row: CROSBY, SYLVIA .. .. .. .. Mom oe CUMMINS, BUNNIE .M onroe DANNA, PAT LYNN .. .. .... ... .............. ... .. M onroe DANNA , PAT N . .. .. .. .... .... ... ... ..... .. .... M OT/roe DARK, W ILL ED .. .. .. .... ..... ..... .. Rayville DAY, NORMA .......Ba.r',.op

    Honor Society Representatives - Dorothy W orks, center, front, Presid

  • !w :

    Writers Club

    .... _________ .Mofljoe MACK .. .........Dowfw..ille

    :DY. .............................ulke Prol ,idel1ct :PER, _______.Otlk Gf()j,t row:

    ~Kl"'S, CI.AUDINE ___ .Oak GrGl e ' " ES, BILLY _ ..... ................ P;oneer ' GOOD, BOBHIE _______ Hat"riJonburf!, .D, BILLIE JEAN _.. _.Monroi'

    First ro\v' DEAN, MARGIE ........ BaJtrop DELCOURE, DARRELL ___ .GICI)'JOII DEPRANG, PERCY _________ .Bo.ffli'l" City DOUCIER, ANI': Hebert

    Second row: DREASLER, MARY JANE ___ .W'eft Monroe DURDEN, BEVERLY ___ .Monroe ELLIOTT, '\(fAYNE G. . . __ Mamoe ERVIN, TOMMY _ .-Tallulah

    EVANS, HENRY __ ._._ .................... ..............Mollfoe

    EWING, BILLY GENE _ ____ ...Wes! Monroe

    FELTER, JESSE E. ____ ....WiJller

    FERRINGTON, LLOYD ____ .___ .__ .Enli'rpyiJe

    FIELDS, TERRI LEE .................................................... .West Monroe tFONTANA, GEORGE _.Monroe

    Second row: FOREMAN. DIXIE IV01 Monroe FOREMAN, NORMA J. .__ Monroe GAAR, LINDA ........... .. .. _.__ .. __.. . ........... __ Mollroe GATES, WILEY JOE ___ Monroe GEORGE, HELEN ___________ IVeJI Mornoe

    GEORGE, LENA MAE. . ............ _West MOT/foe

    Third row: GEORGE, PHYLLlS Bastrop GRAHAM, CAROLYN .. _____ Monroe GRAY, BETTY Monroe GRESHAM, BARBARA ___ ..MOflfoe GRIFFING, GEORGE ___ .Gilbert GRUBBS, GEORGE _.......... _.. IV~st Monfoe



    First row: HUDSON, SHIRLEY HUMPHRIES, MARY JO HUNTER, FREDDIE .. HURST, BETI!' .. .. .. .. ...... .. JACKSON, THOMAS J INKS. ALLEN .... .. .... ..... .... .



    ... . Lake Prol;idefJre .. ....... Bo.r.rier Cil>,

    .... ...... M ollroe ... .... .. ..... ..M OfJrOe

    ....... .5hreve/Jo" ...... ..... ... . JPeJl M onroe

    ... BaJ/ rOp ......Gallioll

    ...W esl M onroe ...... . OaJc Grol,e

    ... .................... ......... DeJhi . .... .... .. .... .......... .... .. ....DeJhi

    ... ... .... ..... ...........Sirily Is/ana__ ..... ......... ........ ...... .. . .. .......... Ri nggold

    ....... ....... Monroe .. ...... M (Jnroe

    ........... .... ... . ,Shreveport

    ... .. .. .... .......... W eJI M ot/foe

    ...Forl Nunsity ..... ...... .... 8aJtrop

    . ..... Oak Rl(lge ........ .. .... .... ....... Raylliile

    ..... ... ....... . . ... CalhOlm

    ..... .. ..... ... W t?J" M onroe

    .............WillllJboro .....Lolu Prdl;idenre

    Writers Club Officers- Richard Tyler, left second President .

  • Northeast Loui siana Geologjca l Society

    First JOW : KRAFT. OPAL .. .. ... , G I (.I) $O /J LABORDE. DAVID .. .. IVuIIHboro LACEY. BIJ.L . ... . IVe SJ Momo t' LACEY. JOHN .W' e ll M011/ ol'

    S(:cond row : LAMB. GEORGIA DeIhl LANI ER. JOYCE Mo nroe LARKAN. MARGARETTE l\fOl}ro t' LE BRUN. MARY ELOI SE .. Bllstrop

    First row:


    fi rs! row: __ Monro, LEE. ED .. /3(.1 SIrOP .. ... Blfld, LEE. SARA ... _.... .. .Oak GtOlt'

    McLELLA Ahxand,.,;, L1TfLETON. ROBBIE LEE ...DownJtHllt' McMURR .. Gllberl LIPSEY. AllCE JO ....Slef l lfl [!,loH

    UPSON, ALVIN ... .... .... .. .. .MI.Jllroe


    Second CO\l.: : LOFLI N. BETTY ....... _.. Mo nroe McPHERSON. JOAN .. O(lk GroN MAGNON. MARILYN ... ;\-lol/ fot' Second row : MALONE, fLORINELL .. .. ... Kdbo lJ) 11 (' LOGAN. DELORES ... .... . .. .lHOlll"Oe MANSOCR, YVONNE _M Ol/me LONG. BILLY ... .... .CoJumb;a

    LORD, CLAUDE _.. .BrJski" LORD, SHIRLEY __--""1 onne LOVE. BERNARD ...... .Mo,/roe McADAMS, SANDRA ... ..... Monl"oe

    Third {ow: McALLISTER, BESSIE ..._M oNroe McCARTY, SHIRLEY

    . . --J Ollt'J McCORMlCK. DEJUANA ... .Itvess Monf oe McDONA LD, BILL ...... .. .. R(.I)'!IIJ/e MdNTYRE, ERMA JEAN . ..BaSirop McKA Y. BENNIE ... .. .... Arch;bald

  • First row : MORGAN, MARION .. .. CoUJhQ!JQ MILLER. CHARLENE .... JV'eJ{ M Ortroe MITCH ELL, CLAYTON ...... G1'dJ'!on MONCRiEf. RICHARD . .. .vidttlid

    Secood row: MORRIS, HUEY ...... ..Rfl)f}jii ~ MURPHY, PAT ... ....... BaJtrop NAFf, )OE ..M onroe NEAL, JACKIE .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. . ..Monro~

    First l OW ; NECTOUX, MARILYN .. .....M ortfoe NETTERVILLE, CHARLES ... N eweliion NEWSOM, ))MMIE RAY ..Siker NOLAN, PATRICIA YVONNE. ............. IV PSI M onroe NOLAND, WAYNE ~ .... ~ .. .... Lnke ProviderJu NUGENT, HOWARD ..... ........... .......AlextlfJdr;{/

    Second row: ODEN, MARTHA )ANE .... flf oflrOt Geological Society Officers-Larry Tucker, extreme O'QUINN, )'OLLY ..... De/hi rjght, President. OSBORK. GWEN ...... M onroe

    PAGE, BILLIE ..... ...... WeJl M om'ot

    PARKER, ARTHURITTE . ......... .... Sirlger

    PARRISH, ZOLA MAE .... .... ... Fa;rbanks

    Third row: PASCAL, BRUCE ....... . W est M onroe PASCAL, FRANK .. Ir'eft Monroe PATTERSON, BOB ........ ... . Farm ill .?IOII, M o. PATTERSON, PATRICIA ....... ... M omoe PAYNE. BARBARA )0 ... .......... ...... . ...... .......... Delhi PHILLIPS, JOHNNIE . ......... Fairbfffiks

  • Home Economics Club

    ;irst row: RUSH ING, HA ..... ..Plonte, Rl'SSELL. DOR ...... .1tvefJ M OIII'Ol RUSSELL, LA N .... ..... } t'lta SAtTER, BILL ............Ero$

    ood l OW: SANDDIDGE, GLEN ..... ..M oNroe SANDERS, LOl' IS . ... Dodson SCARBORO UGH , LOY ...... W tJI /lfOlll'oe SCH UMAKER. GEORGIA .............. .. !I10 nl'Ot

    First row:

    PICKERING. CONNIE .... ....... .... . ...... M onroe

    PITTS, BA RR Y G. . ...... .......... .. Delhi

    POLLARD, BUDDY ............ ....... ....Talll/Iah

    POOLE. N fN A . ....... ............ . .. . . . ...... I\tI on;"Ot'

    Second row: POSEY, LLOYD ... . .. Ltke Prof;;dence PRITCHE1T, HELEN .......BaJlrOp PUCKET. CHARLES ........... Sur/i!lgJon RAINBOW, KARLEN ... . 1VeJJ M Oflfoe

    first row: RASBERRY, PATR ICIA . ........ M Ollroe RA WLS, BARBARA ............. .. ....... ltv~W Monroe RA WLS, CE LIA ..... ..M onroe RAWLS, NELL .... ... .... ............. ... M onroe REN fRO, PHYLISS ..M oM ot! REPPOND. BETTY ANN ..... .... ................ ..M drion

    Second rOw: RHODES, MARY SUE ........ . WIIU fpI'OO!

    RICE, GRADy ..... .. .. . .. lY/eJI M Ol1foe

    RICKERSON. ANITA FAE ..... ........ ......... ................ .W eJl M Ol1l'oe

    RICHARD, JAMES A . .. .... ..Alextlndritt

    ROARK, E. C. .. ................... ................................. ......Wesl Afollroe

    ROARK, WILLIAM S. . .............. .. .........Rdyville

    Third row: ROBERTS, BARBARA ........ M omoe ROBERTS, DOROTHY ........ .... ..... .. ros ROBERSON, MILDRED .. ..... .............. ...... H aile ROBINSON, ROGER ............. ............ .. . ....... .... ... Afonroe ROGERS, PEGGY . ................. .. .. ............... ..... If/eSl AfOflfoe

    RUSHING, A. D....... ... ..... .... .. . . ... .spetJCfr


    ..... .............

    IA . ....... AJI:uita, Ga.

    ...M Ollroe ......M onfoe

    ____ . ___ Lake Pr01:;dence

    St'cond row: SMITH, ANN ..... ____ lPefl Mom'oe SMITH. BILLY ... ........ ............ ...... Lake Pro ll/dellCt! SMITH, CHARLES _. __ M o",oe SMITH, DUDL Y JAMES. . .... ............. fPeJ"J Monroe

    Home Economics Gub- Carol May, center seated, Presi dent.

    First Row:

    SMITH. KENNETH .. . .......... ... ... .. ... .......... .... ... .. ...... .Monroe

    SMITH , ROBERT ........ .... ........ ... ....... . ............. .... ....... . WfJt M onroe

    SMITH, SALLY .......... ... .... ............ ....... Monroe

    SMOTHERS, DONALD ....... ~ ..... ... .. .... ....... ......... .... .. Monroe

    ST ARK. BILLy ......... ...... ........ ... ........... _........ . ... Lake Providflue STEW ART , JOE E. .. ...... .... ........ .... .... ..... ..... ... .....M onroe

    Second row: STRUBEN, MARTHA ................ . .. fairbankJ

    STUTSON. ELIZABETH ................... . . ....... .s,cily hland

    SU J.LIVAN. JOHN L ....... ............... .. ...... Ra)'ville

    SWANSON, CHARLES ......... .. ........ ................ .. ... T . 'Mah

    TAYLOR, BARR \x' AYNE .. .. . . ... _._.......... .. .. DoumJf:ille

    TAYLOR, EARLEN E ..............______ ..... .. ..... ..._..... .... .... .. Fer,-iday

    Third cow: TEMPLE . RAy .. ...... ....... Rayville TERRAL, JORDAN ... . .. DQrunJ viile THIGPEN, WilLIAM ..Ta'h"ah THOMAS, WARREN ...... Chalhllm THORNTON, JOHN ........ SikeJ THURMAN, CECIL ... .... .... .............. ........... . ...... Sici/y IS/lind

  • Firsl row: VINING. TOM

    National Conference- Charles Stova ll , righ(

    Fi rst row: WOMAC EANETTE M Ol1lfJe WOOD. ROY H . M Ol11oi'

    5u'rl:. ... .. .. $t.flll op



    ..... ..MQRlo~ . ... M Olllot

    BaJ/' (lP .M onroe

    ... M ONroe ... Farmen,.,J!e

    MONroe ... Alomoe

    Oa G'JOI e WALKER, DON ALD ....... Winnrboro \'(/ALL, JUANITA .. .TJ'/101 WALSWORTH , JO ANN .. . AJomot' WATTS. EMMA JO .... ......... . 51M' WEBB. JAMES IWes/ fti OflJoe

    Second row: WELLS. PAT .CollJmbltt WEST, HILDA ...... lA/ie WILBURN . DONNIE RAY .... Delhj WI LDER. CARL .... M onroe W ILKES. DON 51ml WILLIAMS, ELAINE ...... ....... . M vlHoe

    Third row: WILLIAMS, JERRY ........ IVi ,UHbol 0 WILSON, ED .Monroe WILSON, GAYLE .. .. . M ONroi' WHITAKER. GAY .. .. ... Epp r WHITE, PAT M omoe W HITE, PATSY A. . ..... BOj,o

  • We Acknowledge Our Genuine Feel ing

    Of Friendship and Goodwill

    Toward Those Building

    Citizenship for a

    Better World





  • Congratulations, Class of '55


    "An Institution for the Care of Fabrics" SHOE STORE SERVING NORTHEAST LOUISIANA OVER 50 YEARS338 DeSiard St. Phone 3-4661


    436 South Grand St. Dial 7191 MONROE, LA.


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  • Compliments and Best Wishes from


    KNOE WNOE Monroe, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana 1390 on Your Dial 1060 on Your Dial

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    Dial 3-1250 2930 Commerce Monroe. La .

    119 N. 2nd St. Monroe. La.

    H. R. HAYES


    Our Best Wishes for the Future Guardians of Democracy


    Getting the Facts

    Harmonizing sextet? 173



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    Representing Only Capital Stock Fire dnd Casualty Insurance Companies

    Abington Insurance Agency A. J. Lester Insurance Agency Amman & Fluker, Inc. M G M In,urance Agency B. J. Breard Insurance Agency McKenzie & Mouk Wharton Brown Insurance Agency McReynold, & Company Cole & Leigh Montgomery Insurance Agency Colvin-Wilson Agency Clyde C. Na,h, Generalln,urance Gordon Cummings Insurance Agency Luther Reed Insurance Agency Robert C. Ervin Insurance Agency Rodriguez Insurance Agency Farr Insurance Agency Seymour Insurance Agency Faulk & Fo,ter Sherrouse Insurance Agency L. U. Fourmy Insurance Agency Smith-Taylor In,urance Agency, Inc.

    Girault Insurance Agency H. R. Speed In,urance Agency, Inc.

    Godfrey Insurance Agency Alan F. Sugar

    George W. Guerriero Insurance Agency Taylor & Holme,

    Humphries Insurance Agency Trousdale Company, Inc.

    Jackson I{lsurance Agency Cha,. G. Wall , Jr. In,urance Agency

    Sidney Kahn Stanley M. Wyatt, Agent

    W. D. Kramer Insurance Agency

    F.T.A. annual banquet finale as Pres. Frances DeLouche concludes: " until reunion."


  • Rock Hounds on the loose

    Compliments of SOUTHWEST


    CO., INC.

    1309 Louisville Avenue Monroe, Louisiana

    Best of Luck to the Class of '55 from

    HOWARD GRIFFIN Power Lawn Mowers

    Outboard Motors - Harley Davidson


    712 South Grand St. Monroe, Louisiana



    (Affiliated With Weaks Supply Co.,' Inc.

    Natchez, Miss.)




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