1951 - flandreau.k12.sd.us · F-Club Track Band CHARLES CHAMLEY Homecoming King Candidate Sophomore...


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THE 1951






To the men of the Flandreau National Guard. Battery B of the 147th Field Artillery Bat­talion, who have been called to the aid of our country, we, the 1951 Annual Staff, proudly dedicate this yearbook. This small token is our way of expressing our gratitude for the aacriflcea made by these men in this time of need, and our b e a t w i s h e s fol l o w t h e m wherever they may go.






Senior Class Pr sident Junior Class Secretary

Student Council Eagle Scout Baskl!iball

Football F-Club Track FFA


Senior Class Secretary Vocal Music


Senior Class Vice-President National Honor Society

Student Council Vocal Music

Annual Staff Basketball

Football F-Club Track Band


Homecoming King Candidate

Sophomore Class President Senior Class Tr asurer

Student Council Eagle Scout

Basketball Football F-Club Track


Here they are. The Senior Class of '51. 39 in

number and, thank heavens, no more. These

are the elite of the scliool. at least they'll tell

you that, and we'll have to grant they weren't

entirely worthless. During their short so­

journ here they accomplished much toward

bettering the old home place, so we'll give

them credit. Holding them to reasonable

restraint in some things and getting them

moving on others was their class adviser,

Clyde Cotton, and a right smart job he did,

too. Though they may not admit it now,

we're quite sure most of them enjoyed their

stay and will be looking back to F .H.S. in the

future. So we bid them "so long," but not

good-bye, and extend our hopes for the best

that life has to offer.



ational Honor Society Secretary-Treasurer

Annual Staff Buameaa Manag r Junior Clau Vice-Pr id nt

Homecoming Queen Candidate Sophomore Class Treasurer

Quill and Scroll Girls' State

Camera Club Journalism



Journalism Camera Club


Fr ahman Clau Secretary-Treasurer

National Honor Society Annual SJaff EdiJor

Homecoming Xing Bukeiball

Fooiball F-Club Track





Fr hman Clau PreaidenJ aiional Honor Society

Junior Clau Treasurer DAR Candidate

Vocal Music


Homecoming Queen Candidate Vocal Music Journalism


Vocal Music Band



National Honor Society Vice-President

Sweetheart Queen Cand.ida.t. Vocal Music


Annual Staff Assistant Editor Sweetheart King Candidate

FF A President Basketball

Football Track




FF A Vice-President

BYRON HARVISON Freshman Class Presidenl

Junior Class Play Studenl Council

Basketball Football

F-Club Track Band


Freshman Class Vice-Preaidenl Homecoming King Candidate

Sweetheart King Candidate Sophomore Vice-Presidenl

Junior Class Presid Dl National Honor Society Studenl Body Pr id Dl

Studenl Council Annual Staff

Basketball Football F-Club Debate S})MCh Track Band


Physical Educatioa Journalism



Eagle Scout Cr.mera Club

Journaliam Speech


Cheerle diDg Vocal Music




FFA Report.r Journaliam



Vocal Music Speec:h


National Honor Society Pnaident Annual Staff

Visual Aida Eagl Scout

Camera Club Journalism


Speec:h Debate



Homecoming Qu"n

Vocal Music Band


Physical Education Vocal Music


Sophomore Clau Treasurer Student Council

Vocal Music Basketball

Football F-Club Track




Physical Education

FF A Sec:retary


Physical Educai1on




Physical Educaiion Libruian



Junior Class Vice·Pre ident Sophomore Class Treasurer

National Honor Society Basketball

Softball Track Band


State T. B. t.uay Winner

Vocal Music

Camera Club Journalism

Scouts D baie



Naiional Honor Soci ty Annual Staff Treasurer

Girls' State Vocal Music



PAUL PALM Php1cal Educ:atloa

Vocal Music Camera Club

Basketball Football



Voc 1 Music Sp ch


Vocal Music


Physi 1 Educ lion Vocal Music

B nd


FF A Reporter Vocal Music

Studeni Manager


Vocal Music Cheer leading



J. R. OI"V�dahl; Harold Keating; G�org A. Rice, chairman; Mra. Myrtle E:hricha; Kenneth Rewalt, cr tary; Harry Oaw· aon (onaert).

ADMINISTRATION Superintendent Harold Engberg Is right be­tween the public, the faculty and the school board, which is a bad spot any way you look at U and a very busy one. But, although he Ia always busy, he is always ready to talk with anyone who needs information at any time In his own pleasant. cheerful way.

Sup�rintendent Harold E:ngberg

To keep the community which support th school happy, as well as the faculty and the tu­dents who attend the Flandreau Public School , Is a pretty tough job, but the e very competent members of the school board come through wi:th flying colors. Not only do they have to cope with all the minor troubles which crop up from time to time, but they now have the problem of what to do with the increased enrollment. We are sure that they will find a olution which will be satisfactory to all, even the taxpayers, In record time.

Mrs. Heckt Is responsible for holding the school together. She has all the little dete.lla about who dld what, where, at her fingertips and is ready to supply them as needed at a moment's notice.

FIR T ROW: Paul Rollons, History; lden amp, Band, Engloah: Clyd�

Cotton, Coach, Mathematoa; Harry Thompson, Vocatoonal Agroculture ,

Wayn Rundell ociology. SECOND ROW: ra. Engstrom, Hom Eco·

nomica. Miss H,'llan, ngllah. THIRD ROW: Donal Garroets, coenc : Bar·

bara White, Commercial; Neal Tracy, Pr�ncopal. FOURTH ROW: Mrs Roc •

Engloah, Journalism; Mrs. R walt, Hoatory, Muaoc. FIFTH ROW: Moss Rudd,

English, Government: Mrs. Helg son, panosh, Engloah, Library.


The FHS faculty. all posed prettily, are re­sponsible for pounding some facts. figures, and not a few fancies into the head of the students. All in all. the association of the faculty members and students is pretty satisfying on both sides. except for the occas­ional student who doesn't want to cooperate and the other fellow who asks questions that the teacher can't answer. The teachers are the ones who, by dint of much struggle and an occasional vocal outburst, keep the stu­dents going long enough to graduate most of them. A big share of the credit for the school's excellent record goes to the school staff.


FRONT ROW: Madonna Neloon, Collett Lamme,... Glenda Fuio, Jerry Faria. BACK ROW: Byron Harv aon, Paul Haavold,

Roger Johnaon, Deane Antoone, Roehard tlmpoon.



These sharp looking students are the ruling hands of FHS. Or, are they? They attempt to keep all social and entertaining function.a planned and carried out along with any other problems arising. When the time comes for Homecoming, the Student Council does all the planning and carrying on of the activltlM in which all of the students participate. With Mr. Tracy as their adviser, these students try to carry out their responsibilities to Fland­reau High School. Don't you think they do pretty good Job? Anyway, they make a good impre ion trying to bring about a little order in our schooL

In the corner you'll find Paul Hasvold. The expre ion on his face is the one of dignity, or, "Gosh, my ulcers hurt." All this is undoubtedly due to the mighty labors performed in hia capacity of student body president.


TOP: Mary Ziebar-th and JoAnn Johnaon. MIDDLE: Mary Louia Laraon and Eunoce Eode. BOTTOM: Janet Fuller and B verly Heln mann.

A N N u A l

s T A F F

TOP: Bu11ne11 Manager Janet Beatty, Edotor Charlet Burna and All atant Edotor Ed Goehrong. MIDDLE: Paul Huvold and Homer Ken11on. BOTTOM: Byron Ha.-viaon, ecretary. Treaaurer; Boo keeper Glady a Nasa and Ronn e Whalen.

Maybe the less said about this outfit the better. but then. since we've cussed and discussed the rest of you. and hold the power of print over you, we shall elaborate on our better points. though they be few. Thia in itself presents a problem. so you can see what a time we had finding something nice to say about you. We came around every week to spend a couple of hours and finally got the job done. Thia ia it. We hope you like it.

TOP ROW: President, Glenda Faris; Vice·President, James Pottebaum; ecretary, Dawn Wynn Taylor: Treasurer, Janet Fuller. MIDDL ROW: Gerald Acheson. Johnny Andrewa, Deane Antoine, Barbara Atkins. Lyle B son, Emory Boteler, Warren Bullis, Roy Clark, Barbara Crot er. BOTTOM ROW: Rocha d Doerks, Eunice Eide, Bob Ellefson, Marlys Eng, Larry Evans, Charles Gageby, Caroline Gllmo , Dwayne Gulick, Dorothy Gullickson.


Juniors spend all their time ai ball games peek­ing through doors, selling popcorn, peddling hoi dogs and pushing warm pop off on the public. All thai time they see very little of the game. The whole purpose of this effort is to make more money then last year's juniors, to put on a bigger and beUer prom.

TOP ROW: Boyce Hager, Mavis Hahn, John Hammil, Alice Harwood, Nad•ne Headrick, Norma Headrick, Ro emary Hawkins, Orvan Hec t. Beverly Heonemann. MIDDLE ROW: Donald Keith, Charles Kelly, JoAnn Johnson, Donald Meyer, Rota Knutson. Ruth Kro d ger, Mary Larson. Dorothy McKellips, Edward Moiler. BOTTOM ROW: Gladys Milne, Lenore Paulsen, Ralph Stephenson, Ronal Randall, Geof'11• Thoelson, Franc11 Thom, Laurel Thoreson, Rosa Wade, Mary Ziebarth.

1. lumb r Party. 2. Square dancang Ia rough I 3. Holdin' 'em down. 41. Baby aatt r. 6. Females. a. More f maleal 7. tall more femaleall 1. 01' pal, ol' pall t Milne and Friend.

10. Beatty. 11. Huvold. 12. o graceful! 13. unning. 14. Hold that pose. 1&. Bet he can't drive ltl 141. Leg how. 17. Kenison again. 11. Got a boy fraend7 19. All the tame, practice. 20. Hold tightl

FIRST ROW: Eleanor F"ox, Monnle Duncan, Mary Z ebarth, Marlys Eng. SECOND ROW: Gladyo Nus. Janet Fuller, a v­erly He•nemann, Homer Keo;loon, Janet Beatty, Dorothy McK llopa. THIRD ROW: Tommy McMahon Ronn 8 Whal n Charleo Bumo. Deane Antoone, Rochard Dlerko, Paul Haovold, Warren Bullio. ' '


From the looks on the faces on some of the members pictured here, one would think it hurt to have brains. It must be they're just trying to look the part of the exalted, if that is what we could call them. They have a few good points, however, u they put their grey ;matter to good use and come up with the higher grades, in addition to sponsoring a Halloween Party and helping around the school. As they probably know more about their accomplishments than we do (and never speak of their shortcomings), we bid them adieu and wish them all that's coming to them, be lt good or Ul.


OFFICER : Preoident, Homer Kenleon: Vice·preol· dent, Eleanor Fox; ecreury.treaourer, Janet Beatty.

FRONT ROW: Mary Zo barth, Orvan Heckt, Janet B atty, C arolon Gllmor and Barba�• C �tber. MIDOLIE ROW: Gladya Moine, Ma�lyc Dockotad �. R Jean E�ockaon and Mary C�w. BACK ROW: Rut K� ger, Ma�lya Eng, Nadone Head�oc and Lenore Paulaen.



You can hear the crack of that whip 'way upstairs. It's Mrs. Rice seeing that the HIGH FLIER gets out this week­or possibly next. Every Monday morn­ing members of the taff rush madly hither, thither and yon searching for every particle of news that is fit to print and a little of the gossip that isn't. By Wednesday things have usually settled down to the point where Mrs. Rice thinks that there will be a paper this week- maybe. All in all, they keep a faithful record of the happenings of importance around the school.

Mary has been editor of this organ of the press for the past two years and hu struggled mightily to carry out Mrs. Rice's wishes. So far she has succeeded very well, and a large part of each Is ue is the direct result of Mary's effort.

FIRST ROW: Pftaident Rochard Stompaon, Vice-preaident Jerome Harvison, Treaaurer Wayne Alita and Secretary Janice Wllaley. SECONO ROW: JoAnn Anderaon, Marcella Beach, Shorley Burrell, Robert Chamber! n, Jame Colllna, Wolda Dawaon, Marlyee Dock·

atader, Richard Duncan, Wilma Duncan. TH IRD ROW: Marian Erockaon, Marjorie Erickaon, R•Jean Erockaon, Marlya Evana, Jean Foala, Clar11 Goehrong, Marlene Hamotton, Donald Hammer, Vergene Hanson.

SOPHOMORES FIRST ROW: Dale Duncan, Delorea Hill, Barbara Jonea, Donna Kappelman, Vera Jean Kean, George Kinney, Collette Lamme,... Her· bert Lohnes. SECOND ROW: Jon Marble, Mark McGlone, Shorley McKellips, Betty McLoud, Richard Munaon, Ronald Myera, Shirley Myera, Sylvia Nelaon, Renee Neprud. THIRD ROW: Alice Orvedahl, Edward Paulaen, Dennoa Pharea, Mary Ann Pottebaum, Arlyee Pulcher. Juan ta Redwong, Peggy Robb, Carol Roaheim, Janet Sch hinz. FOURTH ROW: Dean Scofield, Kenneth Staack, Evelyn Stem• baugh, Elaine Teal, MarJor e Thom, Ted Tollefaon, Carol Varna, Joan Wandell, Mary Willard,

FIRST ROW: Preaident, Madonna Nelaon: Vice· Preaident, Arvin Schultz: Secretary, Billy Cone: and Treuurer, Diane l!lde. SECOND ROW: Shorley Allen, Joanne Ambroaon. Lonny Amundaon. Donald Andrewa, Rochard Bebo, Marian Boron, Jamea Burna, Margaret Collina, and Tommy Culhane. THIRD ROW: Roaemary Oobben, Patrocia Coyle, Glen Foala, Janet Engelbrecht. Beverly Erockaon, Jerr-y Faria, Mary Fleming, George Gullockaon, and Margaret Gullickaon.

FROSH After successfully surviving the initiation week last falL these young'uns are striving to work their way up to becom­ing sophomores. With a little elbow grease they'll manage to get to the top and graduate, in eight or ten years!

FIRST ROW: Judy Hove, R chard Jenaen, Robert Jewett, Dwaine Johnson, Jacquelyn Jonea, Ooana Julson. Donna Keatong, Delbert Keoth, and Emil Kroeger. SECOND ROW: Patty Kuhle, Nila Lamp, Donna Larson, Charlotte �ovejoy, Kenneth Ludwig, Rochard McAtee, Ronnie McConnell, Harroet McKelllpa, Wayne McMahon. THIRD ROW: James Moiler, Lane Moller, Shorley Meyer, Betty Munson. Arthur Myers. Roberta Myers, Marlene Nace, Lee Olson, Phyllis P'alm. FOURTH ROW: Blayne Peteraon, Harroet Peteraon, Larry Peteraon, Joyce Re d, Eleanora Robertson, Wally Roaheom, Beverly Scofield, Vorgene Smallfoeld, Ronald Sorenson. FIFTH ROW: Dean Spear, Roger Suhr, Nyla Thoreson, Harlan Tordoff, Robert U nderland, Joan Varna, Con Wade, Robert Byrne, Roberta Hay.


ETery morning at 9:00 the students of FHS hear the melodious blending of musical tones creeping down the stal.rs and into the classroom. And where does this fine display of musical depreciation originate? The attic, of course, where the high school band does Us practicing. We haven't got either Harry JamN or Glenn Miller playing here, but the students we do have are working hard and have made our band the best in these parts (a little help from Mr. Samp, please). They run a pretty tough schedule which ln· cludes three concerts, a music contest and dozens of appearances u a marching band in the year, plus many individual and small group shows for the town. We are proud of our band and their excellent record.

PERCUSS ION: Evelyn Stembaugh, Renee Neprud, Donald Allen, B. G. Lohnu, Ed Moller, Chuck Burne. MAJORETTES: Margaret Daw• eon, Audrey Armotrong, Renee Neprud, Mary Pottebaum, Nancy Haleo. SAXOP HONES: Roberta Myera, Kenny Staack, Deloreo Eater• OUrd, Juanota Taylor. BASS CLARINET: JoAnn Anderoon. ALTO CLARINET: Audrey Armotrong, CLARINETS, BACK ROWI Nancy Haleo, Lawrence Gutterman, Marcia Holvog, LeeAnn Johnoon, Patty Whalen, Shorfey Jonea, Ellen Pottebaum. MIDDLE ROW: AeJean Erockoon, Wolma Duncan, D•ana Juloon, Lola Johnoon, Shirley Hahn, Dorio Ady, FRONT ROW: Gladye Nue, Janet Fuller, Janet Beatty.

BASSES: Paul Haavold, Carol Vama, Bill Marble, Byron Hai"Yieon. HORNS: Olenda Fane, Mary Pottebeum, Marilyn Zaroeeky, Joan Vame. BARITONES: Jerome Hei"Yieon, Ronnie McConnell, Jordan Gutte,..,en, Jack Hammil. FLUTES: Patricia Kuhle. Welly Roeheim. OBOE: MII"QI,...t Dawaon. TROMBONES: Tommy Millman, Gary T homu, Alice Knut.on, Delbert Keith, Bob Ellefaon. CORNETS: Nul Heckt, Chari•• Na•, DeVonna Keith, Rodney Johneon, FMlncle Thom, Donald Keith, Darlene Tot, Ronnie Whalen, William Byrne (not pictu,..d). DIRECTOR, Elden Samp.

1. Freshmen getting there the hard way. 2. The royal party and their limousine. s. Our pride and Joy.


Take a bonfire, mix in a parade and Little Orpheum, add a couple hundred excited studenta, top U off with a football game and what do you have?- Homecoming at FHS, the mo t mem· orable week in one's school life. This year being no exception, the gala event took place, much to the joy of all involved and the many onlookers. Starting things off with a bang wu the Little Orpheum, followed the next night by the bonfire and snake dance, with a parade and the Fliers' 13-0 win over Madison bringing the week t.:> a happy conclusion and establish· ing this as one of the best homecomings the old grads' eyes have ever seen.

THESE ARE THE ROYAL. ATTENDANTS: Jacqueline Ellefson and Paul Hasvold; Janet Beatty and Charles Cham• ley.

R 0

y A


To one boy and to one gir 1 of the •nior clau go the honors of being chosen Homecoming king and queen respectively. This repr aenta the wholehearted ap­proval of their fellow students and is earned through being the ideal of high school boys and girlL This year Charles Burn.. and Alice Knutson were chosen u Homecoming king and queen to reign over the three days of Homecoming festivities. They enoyed U. and everyone wu proud and happy to hu·e them u the royal couple.


1. That'a a real eow, eomplimenta of the FFA boya. 2. ThoM are loving etatuea, bronzed paint, no lea. S. Proza wonnel"'.


LEFT: Chuck Burna. Chuck Chamley, Wayne Ailt , Ronnoe Whalen, Roger Johnoon. ABOVE: Ed Goehrong, Paul Hao· void, Jerry Acheson, RIChard 0Jerka, Dean Ant1one, B. Q, Lohneo.

BACK ROW: Coach Cotton, Dwayne Guhck, Ed Moller, George Tho loon, Ronnie Randall, Jack Hammol, Boyce Hager, Chuck Gageby, Herb Lohneo, Bob Ellehon, Warren Bulloa, Boll Cone, Coach Lester. FRONT ROW: Ronn•e Whalen, Wayne Aoltl, B. G. Lohnu, Rochard D•erko. Ed Goehrong, Roger John· aon, Paul Huvold, Jerry Acheoon, Deane Antoon , Chuck Chamley, Chuck Burna.

Po .. d for ua hoN we have

head coach, Howard Lomr.

He could afford to ahow a bettor amllo, wo think, bo·

cauM ho led h a team to an·

other undefeated .. a .. n.

Hie know·how and under·

atondong have b n an In·

apiratoon to tho team and

have account d for much of

tho toam'a aucco ...

Th rr y of grunt nd mo n boys pictured on this p g re the proud holders of the enviable record of 33 straight win , a st te record. Rolling over seven opponents thi ye r. the Fliers cored 199 points to their opponent • 31. Chuck Ch mley, with ble help, again led his mates in the offensive de­P rtment. scoring 67 points. Chuck Burn , quarterback, was chosen captain by the 22 lettering stalwarts. With 7 of the first te m lo t vi graduation. r placements will be in order, but with 14 returning lettermen this

hould be solved with little difficulty and provide the Fliers with a promising lineup for next ve . With thl as a p rUng word, we extend our congrats to the champs and success in the coming year.

L FT: Jack Hammll, G orv Thielaon, Warren uu,., Ed Moller, Bob Ellefson, Byron Harviaon. BELOW: Chuc Gage·

by, Ronn e Randall, H rb Lohne•, Bill Cone, Dwayne Gulick, 8oyc Hager.

1. Oopa, my error.

2. Paille wale es.

3. Gett1n11 In good with the IUP • 4 01d you catch hlm, Ma�y7

5. Sailor gal.

II. Please, Mr. Senior.

7. Sewing c1rcle.

•• Glamour Girl •

t. Hard day at the initJation.

10. outh end going north.

11. Sprong,

12. You'll fall off,

13. He'a taller now ..

14. HI, Cec.

15. C. Buma.

111. Loot Love.

1. Follow the leader.

2. What a chestl

3. Hold at II, pleue.

4. A person could get dizzy.

6. Glamorpuu.

1. Ohl that loo I

7. Little helper.

1. Any boya aroundf

II. My ach ng bonn.

10. Camera ahy.

11. o plac like a<:hoon

RONALD W A LEN - It looka good and It wul JERRY ACHESO J rry'a up on th aor over tome­thong. DEA E A TOINE-Tho extra-lnchea pay off. C H U C K CHA M LEY - Cham! y'a got com• petition. CHUCK BUR - P 11•

leg hooka one n.











Posed about the page, locked In mort 1 comb t, r th fi players who shouldered m�t of the burden in bringing

nother ucc ful n to Flandreau High. This well­balanced quint had th driv and spirit to grab the llon'a ahara of victories and earn them our re peel and con­grata.

Excluding the boys whom we saw across the way, we have here the re­serves, ranging from the second five to the scrubs down below. Pictured with Rundell ia the team that played and won most of the "B" games. Next is the second five, who were depended upon to fill in for the "big" boys, and a commendable job they did. Below is the tail end of this outfit, but most of them started here, so keep your eyes on them. They'll be up there someday to take over. BACK ROW: Coach Rundell, Jel"r)' Harv oon, Arvoe Schultz. Wayne Alita, Jack Hammol, Chuck Gageby, Bong Lohneo, Boll Cone, Ed Miller. FRONT ROW: John Andrewo. Tom Culhane, Laurel Thoreoon, R•ch McAt�e. Dwayne Guhck, Lonnoe Amundson. G�orge Gullickson. LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom McMahon, B. G. Lohneo. Byron Harv••on, Ronnie RandaU, Chuck Chamley, Deane Antoln , Jerry A c h e s o n , C h u c k Burna. Ed Ooehrong, Ronnie Whalen. BACK ROW: Edward Paulson, Ronn•• McConnell, Don Wade, Layne Miller, Jerry Faria. FRONT ROW: Rochard Dun· can, Mark McGlone, Don Andrewo, Jim Burna,

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• ... �o �0· ocn !T�?

FRONT ROW: orm.a Headrock and Joyce Jewett. SECO 0 ROW: Glenda Farts, Shtrley M yen and Mar· cella Beach.


These girls not only keep in trim with the xer­cise. but do something useful and entertaining whUe they're at it. They're the one who put th spirit into the yells and wake the crowd up to the fact that the team needs their upport. Whenever the occasion arises they blossom forth with a new and rousing cheer. If it weren't for the cheer­leaders, half the fun of the games would be gone.

"B"' CHEERLEADERS: Or�ne Etde, Martlyn Zar cky, and Phyllis Palm.

BACK ROW: Herb Lohnes. Lane Miller. Ronnie McConnell, Rochard McAtee. Byron Harvison, Chuck Chamley, Rosa Wade, Georg Tho lson, B. G. Lohnes. FRONT ROW: Emroy Biteler, Richard Bebo, J rome Harvison, Dwayne Guile , Paul Huvold, Ed Go hrmg, Bob Ell fson, Robert Jewett.


These are the boys who plan to represent Flandreau in track this spring. We didn't get them all decked out in their short-sleeved shirts and shorter pants. because it was just about 15 below when we took the picture. In spite of the fact thai their muscles don't show, there is no doubt thai they have them and by using same wlll be able to give Flandreau a successful track season.

Since we didn't have any track pictures we thought you wouldn't mind if we threw in a couple basketball action shots.


If ever you should see omeone walking down the hall and muttering to hims If. don't be 1 rmed and think that he h<!s lost orne of his marbles. Probably it is only some harra ed speech tud nt using the time to practice on his oration. For practice th y must. in order to out-r nk som riv 1 and cop the top honors in the contest. As soon a they have fini hed with flying colors in either the poetry, oratory. dramatic. or humorou divisions. they mu t begin to think bout on · ct plays, extemporaneous speaking. or some other thing in the same catagory. To orne. Just looking at wh t had to be memorized would care them. but not these kid • for all year they mu t memoriz and memorize some more. But they increase their vocabulary and become more poised by their effort , so maybe it's worthwhile after all. This year the declam tudents got as far as the divi ion 1 declamation contest under the direction of Paul Rollins. Mrs. Helgeson was director of the three one-act plays put on in the auditorium in February.



A ov : Debatera Jam a Pottebaum, Paul Haavold, Jon Marble, Homer Kenlaon, AI ce Orvedahl, Shirley Me·

Kellipa, Janice Whaley, Marcella B"ach, Jean Fiala and Barbara LoveJoy.

OPPO ITE PAG : D claim ra Marcella B ach, Barbara Lovejoy, Elaone T al, Ruth Johnaon, Delorea Hill. ECOND ROW: hirley Thompaon, Marjorie Thom, Marlene Ludwog, Aile Harwood, Joan Wandell, THIRD

ROW: Paul Haavold, Arlyce Pulacher, Janice Whaley, Renee Neprud and Jerry Jelloffe.

OPPO ITE PAGE BOTTOM: Declamation wonnera Paul Haavold, oratory; Janice Whaley, dramatic; RenH

Neprud, poetry; and Jerry Jell ffe, humoroua.

Play actora Nola Thoreaon, Carol Varna, Ro mary Dob n, aroan ron, Sh rl y Allen, Mark McGlone, Herb Lohnes, Joan Wandell, Rob rta Myera, Donna Keating, Judy Hove, Joyce Re d, Margaret Collons. Mary Flem•

lng, Collette Lammera, Shirley Thompaon, Allee Harwood, Dolorea Holl, Marcella Beach, Patty Kuhle, Janoce Whaley, Renee Neprud, Mary Pottebaum, Ruth Joh

.naon, Arlyoe Pulacher, Marl ne Ludwig. Jean Fiala, Beverly

cofield, Nola Lamp, Jon Marble, Ahce Orv dahl, Shirley McKellipa, Jerry Jelloffe, MarJorie Thorn, Barbara

Lov Joy, Elaone Teal, M nn e Belle Duncan, Kenny Staack, Don Andrewa, and Wayne Ailta.

BACK ROW: Riu Knut.on, Marion Erickaon, Donna Faye Laraon, Jan1ce Whaley, h rley Allen. MIDDLE ROW: Shirley Thompaon, Janet Englebrecht, Har­roet Petei"IOn. Margaret Gulllckaon, Madonna Nel· aon. BOTTOM ROW: Aloce Or-vedahl, Shorley Mc· Kelllpa, GladyC Nau, Carol Vama, Alice Harwood.

BOTTOM PICTURE: BACK ROW: Alice Knut.on, Eleanor Fox, Doi'Othy McKellopa, Renee Nepr-ud, Marilyn Zarec y. BOT· TOM ROW: Dawn Wynn Taylor, Harriet McKeiJ1pe, Ruth Johnaon, Sylv1a Nelaon, Jackie Jon a,

TOP PICTURE: BACK ROW: Vergene Hanaon, Patty Kuhle, Mar­cella Beach, Marlene Hamilton, Jean Fiala. MIDDLE ROW: Roaemary Hawkina, Jack e Elletaon, or-ma Headr•ck, Donna Kappelman, Wilma Duncan. BOT· TOM ROW: JoAnn Johnaon, Fem Krogman, Beverly Heonemann, Marlya Eng, Gladya Milne.

BOTTOM PICTURE: BACK ROW: Minnie Duncan, Marlene Allen, Janet Fuller, Eunice Eide, Mary Loulae Lai"IOn. MIDDLE ROW: Glenda Faroa, Caroline Gilmore, Joyce Jewett. ReJean Erickaon, Joanne Ambroaon. BOT­TOM ROW: Dorothy GullickaoJl- Shirley Myen, Mary Pottebaum, Shirley Burrell, JoAnn Ander.on.




They say that mu ic soothe th aavage beast and here ta proof to up­port U. Just look at th coni nt male faces across the way. In d­dltion to these I!lystic powers. the gals also produce some mighty ple ing sounds for the re t of us to enjoy. and enjoy them we do. Under the guiding hand of Mrs. Rewalt. th groups bring many satisfying mo­ment to the community aff ir nd r e p r e s e n t the s c h o o l very well wherever they go.




TOP PICTURE WAY BACK: Emory B1tefer and Glen F1ala, MIDDLE ROW: Don Wade, Lane M11fer, Jamea Miller, Arvin Schultz. Bill Marble, FRONT ROW: John Andrewa, Oeane Anto1ne, R•ehard Dierka, Jamea Pottebaum and Roger Suhr. BOTTOM P ICTURE BACK ROW: Ronnie McConnell, Roy Clark, Ward Vama, Ronn•• Whalen, Kenny Staac • FRONT ROW: Wally Roahe•m, Jerry Far••· Richard JenMn, Ronald Soreneon, and Don Andrewa.

Here we have the contented beasts previously mentioned. So contented that they no longer give out with growls and roars but only sweet sounc:b that befit their position. They. too. will be off to the contests soon and. in company with the girls. will take part in one of the finest musical exper­Iences of any school. the spring music festival at Madison. It took a little time to get the boys into the mood to sing. but by midyear these had their minc:b made up. and so we're due for another succeaful season.


1. Good old oumme� tome. 2. All together now. 3. Club foot. 4. Fancy oweate� atuffing, 5. Watch the bl�doe, please, 8. Give Ul a chee�, hlriey. 7 Th�e muoket·earo I. G�owed oome. 9, Loo out, Johnoon, you'll otep on ot. 10. Juat owallowed a omall cana�. 11. Want to bo�w a book? 12. Hove and froendo.


FIRST ROW: Mark Me· Olone, Lonny Amundaon, Wayne Alita, LaiTY Peter• eon, Don Wade, Lane Mil·

er, Dwayne Myers. Bob Underland, Glen Fiala, SEC· OND ROW: Richard Dun· can, Richard S t i m p a o n , K'!nneth Ludw1g, Edward Herrick, E:mll Kroeger, Har• lan Tordoff, R1chard Bebo, Delbert K e i t h . T H I R D ROW: Bob Jewett, Donald H a m m e r , Dean Scofield, R1chard Munaon, B l a y n e Peteraon, Lee Olaon.



FIR T ROW: Laurel Thore•

aon, R1chard D1erka, Dean

A n t o i n e , J rry Acheaon,

Rob rt J o h a n a o n , Larry

Evana, Tom Goth er. EC·

OND ROW: George Thtel·

aon, Roy Clark, Wai'Tfln

Bulha, Emroy Btteler, Roaa

Wade, Ward Varna. Tf.IIRD

ROW: Donald Ketth, Lyle

Btuon, Franc a Thom, Ed

Go hr ng, Vincent Lorang.

All of these fine-looking gents are ag students who belong to the Future Farmers of America organiza­tion. Their aim is to learn how to be better farmers and have fun while they're doing it. They have the luck of being able to get out of school occasionally. by going on judging trips and to faraway places like Kansas City to conventions for a week at a time. Probably more belong to U for those reasons than to learn what they're supposed to, but dispensing wilh the jokes, Mr. Thompson, the adviser of the Fland­reau chapter, manages to beat much of the lore of farming into th ir skulls.

Barbara Atkins, Jon Marble, John Max Hammll, Wally Roahoem, Mavis Hahn, Dawn Wynn Taylor,

Marlene Hamilton, Janet Schlolnz.


Despite the various names, shutter bugs, camera fiends. etc .. tagged to this group. they still remC�in. in their own minds, simply the Camera Club and continue to invade our privacy with their snooping lenses. trying to catch us off guard. Most of them. however, possess a genuine interest in their "work" and spend many pleasant moments at it. They must produce something worthwhile, or else they wouldn't rate a full page spread to ex­hibit their wares.


P a u l s e n and M a r b l e examining the product of their art.

1. Sooo toredl 2. Found, one midget. s. Sunahine gal. 4 Late eomera. 5. Camera hounda. a. Wreatling match. 7. Sophia· tieate. I. Badman Heekt. 1. Balloon ueenaion. 10. Froah. 11. Braggin'. 12. Frogman. 13. Hold him down, Randall. 14. Joyce, Eleanor and Delorea. 15. Sen· iora, footlooae and fane)'. 11. Graaa akirt Gert. 17, Goon' awimmongf I. On a

bicycle built for one.


We're told that the best Ia often the lut, and now we know that la true. The merchants below are .

the ones who, through their donations. haTe made possible the publication of thla yearbook. Thua.

ln our minds, they're the best, and they're lut. too, u you can see. Wherever they come they rate

our and your appreciation and a ''Thank you, kindly."

Farmers' Union Co-op Flandreau Co-op. Creamery Flandreau Co-op. Locker Flandreau Co-op. Produce

Gng's Studio Red Owl Store Vogue Cleaners "aaol�-..-d!Dn Keck'sGrocerr Beatty's Jewe� Burna' Barber Shop Haner's Jewelry Fuller's Radio Shop

Kudan's Ekern's Hardware Han·old Auto Co. Ben Fl-anldin ..

P. V.EleYalon­Hayes-Lucu Lumber Co. Sunshine Slate Halchery

Firestone Dr. Mac Benjamin Coff .. Cup Mallory's Jewelry

n.uaea-IIG"'�m!,.,r.ml�i8o-a.ep Rolfe's Drug Stora­Pilling's Station Cherney's Motor Co. Independent Lumber Co. Marly's Station Duebch Clothing Co. Bidn 's Shoe Slo!e

. H. Light s. L. May

Grinden's Variety St:on..-.... B Olson-Cooper's op 1-

Gamble"s-N 's Cafe -Ethel's Dreu Shop -Coast-to-Coast -

Hansen Furniture --­

Beatty's Grocery­Fanners Slate Bank

Enterprise -

Elde Iznp,lenlteni

Chamle�s Be Dr. L. W. San.., L E. Locke -.

Henry SchF R. o. u

West Side Grocery­Tillman's nower Shop Marshall Welb Store ·

Be ll Elechic Co. -

Flandreau Utilltia Ray Zarec:ky

Rudy 1

Velu .

'Norman R. Johnson Herb Lohn ..

Corner Cafe -

·TUlle's Eat Shop Oscar Smith Lloyd Nac:e.,.

�dreau Radiator Shoo Fulton's Beauty Shop

Dick's Dairy Weise's Parkway

Jimmie's Food Store •••P. SJ•n••Y Joe's Produce •

Midwest-Beach Co.

BowllDg An.,. -� y Land Co.

Claflin Radio s.-� ...

Mc:Laren's Dray and • .... -lei ' s

Palm Cheftolel •

'sugar Bowl

cw.. Senice Sla:tlon Dr. C. D. Youel

Dr. R. R.

OrYedahl Furaltu.re Ford olOl' Co.

