1787-1812. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Established the Northwest Territory. Established that...


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Expansion & Conflict


Northwest Ordinance of 1787Established the Northwest

Territory.Established that westward

expansion would occur by admission of NEW STATES…

Rather than the growth of existing states.

Slavery was OUTLAWED…Making the Ohio River the

official boundary between slave states and free states…

Freedom of religion…Trial by jury…And public education were

also established in the Northwest Territory.

Which aspect of the Northwest Ordinance had the most troubling consequences

(take an educated guess)?A.) public education was established

in the United States.B.) the process of national growth was defined.

C.) the country became officially divided between "free" and "slave" territory.D.) the right of trial by jury became recognized as a fundamental right.

The Jefferson AdministrationThomas Jefferson defeated

John Adams in the election of 1800.

And in keeping with his views about government, he set out to SLASH its size…

Government jobs were cut by the hundreds…

And the US Army was reduced from 12,000 soldiers to 3,000.

His greatest critic and rival—Alexander Hamilton…Was shot to death in a duel,

silencing an important supporter of large, powerful government.

With the death of Alexander Hamilton, the greatest champion of....WHICH....governmental philosophy was silenced?A.) strict constructionism.

B.) free soil.

C.) loose constructionism.

D.) anti-Federalism.

Louisiana At the conclusion of the French and

Indian War, the Spanish Empire was granted control of all lands WEST of the Mississippi River…

In 1800, in exchange for Italian territory, Spain ceded LOUISIANA to France.

The territory was basically unexplored wilderness…

With one VERY IMPORTANT exception…

New Orleans—the gateway to the Mississippi River—was located in Louisiana.

Control of New Orleans meant control of the Mississippi.

The Louisiana Purchase The French made a practice of

charging American ships HIGH PRICES for access to the Mississippi…

And, in 1803, Thomas Jefferson sent an envoy to Paris…

In order to seek a deal to buy the city.

The French Emperor—Napoleon—said the city was NOT FOR SALE…

But he would be willing to sell the entire Louisiana Territory for $15 million.

Jefferson Betrays His Ideals Jefferson considered himself a

STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST… Meaning that he did not believe the

President could do ANYTHING, unless…

The Constitution SPECFICIALLY gave him permission to do it.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Constitution which says the President can buy property…

And Jefferson almost turned the deal down…

However, the price was so SENSATIONAL…the land so VALUABLE…

That despite his beliefs, he issued the authorization.

Which of the following presented the BIGGEST obstacle to the completion of the Louisiana Purchase?

A.) the reluctance of the French emperor to authorize the sale.

B.) the inability of the US treasury to come up with sufficient funds.

C.) the violent protest of several powerful Native American tribes.

D.) the strict constructionist philosophy of Thomas Jefferson.

The Mission

But WHAT was in Louisiana? Nobody knew—it was essentially

unexplored territory. After completing the deal,

Jefferson undertook to create the US Corps of Discovery…

Whose mission would be to map the Louisiana Territory…

To search for a waterway across the continent…

And to account for the economic value of the region’s natural resources.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition Led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark,

the expedition consisted of 33 people… Who sailed west from St. Louis on the

Missouri River in May of 1804. They reached the Pacific Ocean in the

winter of 1805... And returned to St. Louis in September of

1806. They produced the first detailed maps of

what would become the western United States…

And established the first-ever contact with numerous Native American nations.

Despite incredible hardship, near starvation and several Indian attacks…

Only one member of the expedition died en route.

Tension Between Britain and AmericaAs the nation expanded,

Indian attacks on pioneer settlements continued to occur…

In many cases the Indians were SUPPORTED and ENCOURAGED by the British.

When the Shawnee Indians—led by the warrior Tecumseh—signed a formal alliance with British…

Calls for WAR with Britain began to be heard in the US Congress.

Tension on the

High Seas

• The British had some longstanding practices that were also INFURIATING to the Americas…

1. The British Navy regularly stopped American vessels bound for France and SEIZED all the cargo…

2. And they KIDNAPPED any American sailor they suspected of having British origins, and forced them into the British Navy.

• This was called IMPRESSMENT—• And it revealed the extent to which the British government

DISRESPECTED the USA. • How should this disrespect be answered?

America Declares WarAs Indian attacks

increased…And seizures and high-

seas arrests of American citizens continued…

President James Madison submitted a Declaration of War to the US Congress in June of 1812…

In a close vote, the declaration was accepted…

And the US was now at WAR with Great Britain.

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the US' declaration of war on Great Britain in 1812?

A.) Britain's policy of supporting Indian attacks on American settlements in the West.

B.) Britain's seizure of US cargo on the high seas.

C.) British tax policies and the imbalance of trade.

D.) Britain's policy of stopping American ships and arresting suspected deserters.

America vs. BritainAs a result of Thomas

Jefferson’s small-government policies…

The US Army was small and weak…


The US received NO OFFERS of foreign assistance…

And the British military was still by far the MOST POWERFUL in the world.

The Land War

Americans’ battle plans centered on a lightning invasion of Canada…

However, the attack was demolished by the British-Indian counterattack…

That drove the Americans out of Canada and went on to capture the city of Detroit.

The Americans eventually lost most of the land battles of the war.

The Naval War

Despite a dramatic naval victory on Lake Erie that allowed the Americans to retake Detroit…

The US Navy—outnumbered 20-1—lost most of the important naval battles of the war…

The US Navy was also unable to prevent a British BLOCKADE of the East Coast…

Which caused tremendous damage to the American economy.

The Burning of Washington D.C.The low point of the war

came in the summer of 1814…

When the British invaded Washington D.C. from the sea…

And set fire to the American capital…

Destroying the original President’s mansion and the Capitol Building.

Dolley Madison—the President’s wife—fled the White House with a portrait of George Washington and a copy of the original Constitution…

Stuffed under her dress.

The Treaty of GhentThe Americans

realized that war with Britain had been a mistake.

Britain, although victorious in most battles, could not win the war.

In 1814, representatives met in Ghent, Belgium to sign a treaty.

All the old boundaries between the US and British territories were restored.

Which of the following is the MOST LIKELY reason for Great Britain's inability to decisively defeat the US in the War of 1812?A.) Britain’s underfunded and inexperienced navy could

not compete with the US Navy.

B.) the British people were generally not supportive of the war.

C.) the American military leadership was vastly superior to that of Great Britain.

D.) as a small nation, Britain was simply unable to subdue and control America's large territory.

The Battle of New Orleans

It took six weeks for news of the Treaty of Ghent to reach the US.

Two weeks after the signing of the treaty, the British attacked New Orleans with 11,000 men.

General Andrew Jackson defended the city with 4,500 men.

The British suffered 2,036 casualties; the American 21. News of the victory reached the public just before news

of the Treaty of Ghent. This made people think that Britain’s great defeat in

New Orleans caused them to give up the fight. Andrew Jackson became a national hero, and started his

political career.

The Results of the War

Although the official results were meaningless…

The war had an important effect on American spirit.

The Battle of New Orleans allowed Americans to believe they had DEFEATED the British…

Which led to a tremendous increase in CONFIDENCE and NATIONAL UNITY…

The war also forced the British to stop thinking of America as its COLONY.

As one historian said, “We fought for our chance to grow up.”

The MOST IMPORTANT result of the War of 1812 from the Americans' standpoint was that...

A.) it created a sense of national unity and American identity.

B.) it allowed the US to gain control of New Orleans.

C.) both Canada and the city of Detroit became part of US territory.

D.) it led to the reelection of James Monroe as US President.
