1754-1763. Britain has many more settlers near the Ohio River. Both countries claim this area....


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Britain has many more settlers near the Ohio River.

Both countries claim this area.British settlers have conflicts with the Native

population in this area French = Huron and Algonquin British = Iroquois

France and Britain fear each other.

Both countries wish to increase their land holdings

The French begin to build forts in the area.

George Washington Leader of a militia

A force made up of civilians trained as soldier but not part of the regular army.

“He told me the Country belong’d to them, that no English Man had the right to trade upon them Waters; & that he had Orders to make every Person Prisoner that attempted it on the Ohio or the Waters of it.”

Washington returns

Fort Duquesne

Fort Necessity


The British call a meeting in Albany, New York to deal with the threat of war.

Invite the Iroquois

What it does Organize armies Collect taxes


“Weak noodles”?

Make sure you are taking notes on the provided note sheet!

New Leadership

A new prime minster Borrows money to pay colonial troops

New generals

British take Fort Louisbourg (1758)Battle at Fort Duquesne

The British, with a force of 6000, force the French and their Native allies to retreat.

Renamed Fort Pitt (Now Pittsburg)The Iroquois side with the British

Led by James Wolfe

Leads his forces up a mountain path at night to prepare an attack

Defeats Montcalm’s forces

Both men die

France agrees to sign the Treaty of Paris (Feb. 10, 1763)

France looses almost all of it’s land holdings in North America.

Britain get Spanish Florida

How do you think the British felt about the French and Indian War? The Colonists? The Natives?

Be prepared to discuss the video once it is over!

Why did Pontiac decide to take matters into his own hands?

Do you think Pontiac’s actions were brave or ill advised?

What would you if you were the King to stop these conflicts from happening?

Banned colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

This is done for several reasons: To avoid more conflicts with Natives To protect the fur trade To keep expansion in the hands of Britain

Britain stations 10,000 troops along the frontier. (Costs 250,000 pounds/year)

How would you react?
