16 The Great Fatherland War and Postwar Stalinism



16 The Great Fatherland War and Postwar Stalinism. Overview. Themes Soviet Foreign Policy in the Thirties “Great Fatherland War” Postwar Stalinism. A. Main Themes. Troubled foreign policy of thirties War preparations and shortcomings Disaster of 22 June 1941 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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16 The Great Fatherland War and

Postwar Stalinism


A. Themes

B. Soviet Foreign Policy in the Thirties

C. “Great Fatherland War”

D. Postwar Stalinism

A. Main Themes

1. Troubled foreign policy of thirties

2. War preparations and shortcomings

3. Disaster of 22 June 1941

4. Reasons for Soviet victory: intelligence, German occupation, war administration, leadership, and Allied material aid

5. Impact of war

6. Postwar: declining vozhd’, crisis of Stalinism

7. From allies to confrontation: Cold War

B. Soviet Foreign Policy in the Thirties

1. Issues and Interpretations

2. NKID: Chicherin, Litvinov, Molotov

3. Stalin’s Conceptions

4. Collective Security Debates, 1933-39

5. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (23.08.1939)

Trotsky, Nazis, and Japanese (1937)

“If War Comes” (1938)

Signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (23 Aug 1939)

1939: Children and War Games

C. Great Fatherland War

1. War Preparedness Issue

2. 22 June 1941 and Nazi Blitzkrieg

3. Great Battles: Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk

4. Total War and War Crimes

5. Why the USSR Prevailed

6. Impact of the War

Operation “Barbarossa”

Soviet Military Offensive in WWII

Moscow: Listening to News about the German Invasion (1941)

Stalin Speech to the Nation (1941)

1941 Poster: “The Motherland Is Calling You!”

1941: German Execution of Red Army Soldiers

German POWs (1941)

Leningrad: Kirov Workers Armed as Militia (1941)

Moscow: Citizens Build Defense Barricades (1941)

Tula: Barricades against Germans (1941)

Moscow: Civilians Slain by Germans (1941)

Stalingrad: German Execution of Soviet Citizens (1941)

Leningrad: German POWs on Nevskii (1941)

Leningrad: Building Tanks (1942)

Leningrad: “Road of Life” (1942)

Leningrad: Bombardment of Nevskii (1942)

Leningrad: Partisans Destroy German Train (1942)

Battle of Stalingrad (Dec 1941)

Moscow Factory: Making Molotov Cocktails (1941)

German Destruction of Iasnaia Polana (Tolstoi Estate), 1941

Moscow: November 7 Parade(1941)

November 7 Parade (1941)

Stalingrad Military Council: Khrushchev & Eremenko (1942)

Stalingrad: Forced Labor Sent to Germany (1942)

Ukrainian Slave Labor to Germany (1942)

After Stalingrad: German POWs (1942)

German POWs from Stalingrad

Stalingrad: General Paulus Capitulates (1942)

November 1943: Liberation of Center of Kiev

American Supplies to Red Army (1943)

German POWs March in Moscow (1944)

German POWs Paraded in Moscow (May 1945)

Leningrad Oblast: Partisan-Priest as War Hero (1944)

Bishop Luka: War Surgeon

Battle for Berlin: Firing “Katiusha” Rockets (May 1945)

Soviet Troops: Fighting in BerlinMay 1945

Soviet Flag over Reichstag(May 1945)

German Military Banners Displayed in Red Square (May 1945)

Victory Day, 9 May 1945Stravropol

D. Postwar Stalinism

1. Expiring Vozhd’ and Power Struggle

2. Postwar Restoration

3. Economic Reconstruction

4. Social Policy

5. Into the Cold War

6. Crisis of Late Stalinism

Big Three at Yalta (Feb 1945)

Potsdam (July-Aug 1945)

Children Celebrate the October Revolution (1947)

Vorkuta Labor Camp (1946)

1950 November Parade: Bulganin, Stalin, Malenkov, Beria, Molotov

The “Near Dacha”: Main Dining Room

Office in the “Near Dacha”

Stalin’s Bedroom in the “Near Dacha”

The Great Stalin: Banner of Friendship of the Soviet Peoples

Stalin: Women’s Progress (1950)

Stalin: Peace to the Peoples (1952)

Stalin: Reader, Thinker (1949)

Thank you, Dear Stalin, for a Happy Childhood (1950)