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2 |15The customer magazine

of ABB TurbochargingSwitzerlandcharge!

“A good product has been created” 4The application potential of second-generation Power2A milestone on the way to green shipping 12 ABB turbochargers on China’s first low-speed engine with SCRUpgrades optimize loco operational cost 18A smart move to reduce Total Cost of Ownership

A boost for precise maneuvering

2 ABB charge! 2 |15

From the editor

charge! 2 |15

Magdalena OkopskaHead of Market Communication ABB Turbocharging

ABB Turbocharging is proud of its two-stage turbocharging system – Power2800-M. Thanks to a well-coordinateddevelopment effort inside the companyand equally well-coordinated collabora-tions with engine builders, the system is now in its second generation andready for marine four-stroke applications.Application Engineer Thomas Matt, whowas part of the development team fromday one, shares his experiences from theproduct development process in aninterview starting on page 4.

While two-stage turbocharging is the talkof the industry, our single-stage A100-Mturbochargers still have great potential toimprove engine emissions, fuel consump-tion, power density and, importantly, TotalCost of Ownership. The latest A150-Mand A155-M frame sizes represent ABB’slargest radial turbochargers and arecharacterized by their excellent combi-nation of high performance and high reli-ability.

Please take time to have a look at thesetwo fascinating pieces of technology atMarintec, Shanghai, from December 1 to 4, Hall N1, Stand J31.

This issue of charge! also elaborates onthe benefits of our service offering. Wewrite about service agreements (pages16 to 17) and the numerous advantagesof turbocharger upgrades on rail tractionapplications are presented by RobertDötl, starting on page 18.

And you can learn even more about ouractivities in the railway industry by visiting us at Automation Power WorldIndia, ABB’s flagship event taking placein the Manekshaw Centre in Delhi fromNovember 4 to 6. It would give us a greatpleasure to see you there, but in the mean-time: Please enjoy this issue of charge!

Second-generation Power2The quantum leap for large engines, now targeting marine applications.04 New frame sizes for A100

Ongoing product development continues to extendthe A100 performance envelope.8

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Technology4 “A good product has been created”

Thomas Matt on the application potential of second-generation Power2

8 A100 – a single performer in a class of its ownNew frame sizes for state-of-the-art single-stage turbochargers

Applications12 A milestone on the way to green shipping

Turbocharging China’s first low-speed engine with anSCR system

Production14 One brand – one quality

ABB Turbocharging’s commitment to ensuring the samehigh quality standards worldwide

Service16 OPAC for long-term benefits

New service agreement signed with COSCON and with DFDS and J. Lauritzen Group

Upgrades18 Upgrades optimize loco operational costs

Technical and economic benefits that add up to lowerTotal Cost of Ownership

News23 New charge! app, Records, Network

Tips for the operator24 The importance of keeping the compressor side clean

Compressor cleaning for good engine performance

Recipe26 Eating for good fortune

A delicacy from Shanghai: Mandarin fish

Consistently high quality – worldwideThe global advantages of ABB’s centrally managed production network.14 OPAC

New service agreement with COSCON ensures predictable operational costs.16

4 ABB charge! 2 |15


Low-pressure and high-pressure turbocharger of ABB’s second-generation Power2.

“A good producthas been created”Second-generation Power2® represents a quantum leap in turbocharging technology for large engines. Newly launched on the four-stroke marine market, its strengths and potential are discussed in this interview with Thomas Matt of ABB Turbocharging.

Interview Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur, Photography Dominik Baur, Frederic Meyer

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charge!: Second-generation two-stageturbocharging for large engines isconsidered a quantum leap. Why?

Thomas Matt: With the second-generation Power2 series 800-M we havedeveloped a system that is in advance ofanything that has gone before, and animprovement in all important points. Withan achievable turbocharging pressure ratioof 12, combined with 75 percent plusturbocharging efficiency, this two-stageturbocharging system is an absoluteinnovation. Power2 800-M gives enginebuilders the options of a 20 percentincrease in engine power output, fuelconsumption savings of up to 10 g /kWhor reductions in NOx emissions by asmuch as 60 percent. These represent significant leaps forward, in addition tohaving great benefits for customers.

Where will second-generation Power2be used?

An important field of application is andremains power stations, where the firstgeneration of Power2 two-stage turbo -charging is already being used. Onengines in power plants the main benefitfrom Power2 800-M is a significantlylower level of fuel consumption, whichtranslates directly into more profit for the

“With an achievable turbocharging pressure ratio of12, combined with 75 percent plus turbocharging efficiency, this two-stage turbocharging system is anabsolute innovation.”

engine operator. In addition, power plantscan gain a great advantage from the system’s increased pressure ratio. This isespecially interesting for power stationsat high altitudes. Engines for power sta-tions can be run at high power density(bmep > 30 bar) at 2,000 meters abovesea level without having to reduce theirpower – i. e. derating.

6 ABB charge! 2 |15


Thomas Matt at the Power2 test bed Jungfrau.

Marine engines are now joining thefield of applications.

Exactly. The application possibilities ofsecond-generation Power2 are enormous.There are potential uses in the offshore oiland gas industry as well as for marinemain propulsion and auxiliary engines ingeneral shipping. For example, the powerrange of Wärtsilä’s W31 engine, the firstmarine engine to use Power2 800-M, nowcovers 4,200 to 9,800 kW.

What effect does two-stage turbo -charging have on an engine’s runningcharacteristics?

In combination with variable valvetiming a user will notice considerablybetter engine response in the importantpart load operating range; for example,when accelerating the engine from idlingto full load. This is important for shipswith frequent changes of load and speed

and especially for maneuvering. An ice-breaker or offshore vessel can movemore rapidly and be positioned moreprecisely. The end user will also noticethat he will need considerably less fuel atthe engine’s design power rating thanwith single-stage turbocharging. Althoughit should also be emphasized that thefuel savings will be measurable almosteverywhere over the engine’s completeload range.

Do the fuel savings work with everyfuel?

Yes. Power2 works with all fuels andthe increase in engine efficiency it enablesis also valid for all fuels. For example,with the combination of Power2 800-Mand the VCM® variable valve timing sys-tem from ABB Turbocharging, users ofgas engines will have an excellent setupat their disposal.

Second-generationPower2 800-M: Benefits at a glance

– Increased pressure ratio capabilities up to 12

– Turbocharging efficiency beyond 75 percent (single-stage:65 – 70 percent)

– 20 percent higher power density– Fast service due to the

extractable cartridge concept– Fuel flexibility – Fuel savings of up to 10 g /kWh

(compared to the same enginewith single-stage turbocharging)

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Can you forecast with which fuel Power2 will be used the most: distil-late diesel oil, heavy fuel or dual-fuel,i. e. gas?

This will depend on the way the mar-kets for the fuels develop. There are, ofcourse, overall trends. On the power sta-tion side, gas is constantly gaining inimportance. In the marine sector there isa strong trend towards LNG. Dual-fuelengines are an obvious move in severalrespects, whether in terms of the avail-ability of LNG, its economics or withregard to IMO Tier III. With Power2 theuser can operate his dual-fuel engine ingas mode in an ECA and be in full com-pliance with the Tier III emissions limits.Outside the ECA he can switch to heavyfuel. For engines burning only liquid fuel,IMO Tier III can be attained using selec-tive catalytic reduction (SCR). In combi-nation with Power2 800-M, both fuelconsumption and raw NOx emissionscan be significantly reduced on dieselengines, leading to lower consumptionof urea in the SCR catalyst.

Let’s talk about engine rooms. DoesPower2 need more space? After all,there are two turbochargers toaccommodate.

At first glance it would seem so, butyou have to look at the complete picture.Let’s take the case where a ship needs atotal output of 30,000 kW. With single-stage turbocharging an end user wouldneed five 12-cylinder engines producing6,000 kW each. Two-stage turbocharging

will give him an extra 20 percent outputper engine, so he can fit either five 10-cylinder engines or two 12-cylinderengines and two 14-cylinder engines. Thisenables the required engine room spaceto be considerably reduced – and thecargo payload increased.

Additionally, with Power2 800-M verycompact turbocharger arrangements canbe realized by applying rational design.However, care must be taken to keeppressure losses as low as possible. On

the Wärtsilä W31 engines a very com-pact configuration has been realized.

A further important point during thedevelopment of Power2 800-M wasservice friendliness. Can you tell us abit more?

There are, of course, two turbo-chargers to be maintained, but theextractable cartridge concept dramati-cally reduces the complexity of servicing.Only the inlet casing and air filtersilencer, together with the compressorinsert wall, need to be dismantled inorder to remove the cartridge. Thatmeans that all the other application-specific connections can stay in place.Service work is thus rapid and relativelyuncomplicated. Also, by using speciallydeveloped tools the turbocharger can be overhauled directly on site. In this way engine downtime is massivelyreduced.

What will be the further stages in theevolution of Power2?

This year we have seen the industrialrelease of the frame size Power2 850-M,and we are working intensively on thedevelopment of the Power2 845-M framesize.

Looking back, how is a quantum leapmade to happen?

It was an exciting time. In the pastthree years we were involved in numer-ous discussions with engine builders.First, the product objectives had to be

defined: what mustthe product beable to do andwhat air deliveryrange should it beable to cover? Inthis early phase themajor decisionswere taken regard-ing concept, size,etc. We developed

the two-stage turbocharging system inparallel with the development work beingcarried out by the engine builders. Prod-uct development is something dynamicand requires continuous engagementwith potential customers. As alreadymentioned, a major goal in the designphase was to achieve a compact systemwith high levels of efficiency and servicefriendliness. All in all, we progressedstep by step and a really good producthas been created.

“The application possibilities of second-generation Power2 are enor-mous. There are potential uses in theoffshore oil and gas industry as well as for marine main propulsion andauxiliary engines in general shipping.”

Thomas Matt was involved as anApplication Engineer on the second-generation Power2 development project from day one. He acted as the point of contact between ABB Turbocharging and Wärtsilä asthe customer. His task was to bringthe customer’s requirements into ABB Turbocharging’s internal devel-opment processes, while taking intoaccount the views of other potentialengine builder customers. ThomasMatt gained a degree in mechanical engineering from HTWG Konstanz,Germany, in 1997.

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A100 – a single performerin a class of its ownWhile two-stage turbocharging is the talk of the industry, single-stage turbocharging is still very much the state of the art.In a continuing product development process, ABB is stillexploring and extending the performance envelope of its A100series.

Text Jonathan Walker, Photography Michael Reinhard, iStockphoto, ABB

Cartridge assembly of the currently largest radial type turbocharger from ABB Turbocharging.

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During their development, A100turbochargers set record levelsof turbocharging efficiency,combined with a pressure ratio

potential of up to 5.8. These twoaspects, together with a wide compres-sor map put the A100 series at the cut-ting edge of turbocharger technologyand performance.

A100 for medium-speed enginesFor the medium-speed engines that

represent one of the true workhorses ofthe global economy, ABB Turbocharging’smainstay contender is the A100-M familyof single-stage turbochargers. “Especiallythe larger A100-M family members weredeveloped for medium-speed enginesthat need the highest turbocharger pres-sure ratios and turbocharging efficiencyfrom a single-stage turbocharger,” notesOliver Heinrich, Senior Manager Salesand Application Engineering.

Fishing vessels

With more than one operating mode,fishing vessels require high powerand wide compressor maps so thattheir main engines deliver efficientpower when both trawling their netsat lower speeds and steaming to andfrom fishing grounds at their designspeeds. At the same time, highengine power density means moreroom for the catch of fish, while turbocharging efficiency ensures low fuel costs.


Drill rigs, Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV)or Platform Supply Vessels (PSV): Offshore oil and gas industry using mid-sized four-stroke applications requirenot only power density but robustnessand absolute reliability. The A100 seriesperfectly fits the demands of this kind ofapplication.

Power plants

The majority of power generationplants using large four-stroke enginesrun on heavy fuel and cover the so-called baseload of the electrical gridthey serve, supplying households,industry or hospitals with dependableelectricity. Power plant engines needcompact, robust and reliable turbo -chargers. They should be capable ofproviding combustion air to enginesthat can run economically and cleanlyat full power for up to 8,000 of the8,760 hours in a year and with mini-mum maintenance for optimum Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Application examples

The entire series targets engines withoutputs of 500 to 6,000 kW output per turbocharger – i. e. potentially up to 12 MW for a V-configuration engine withtwo turbochargers. In this engine powerclass are many of the applications whichmake medium-speed diesel and gasengines essential to economic activity anddevelopment. “These are ideal enablers

for robust prime movers that are charac-terized by their excellent combination of power density and high reliability,”Heinrich continues.

They are thus ideal engines in mediumsized ships such as offshore supply vessels, drill rigs, dredgers and tugs.Additionally, a wide range of engine typesis engaged in electrical power generation.

For the medium-speed engines that represent one of the true workhorses of the global economy, ABB Turbocharging’s mainstay contender is theA100-M family of single-stage turbochargers.

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Specific ambient conditionsIt is on this class of engine that two-

stage turbocharging will have a greatimpact, but the A100-M series still haspotential to improve engine performancewith respect to emissions, fuel consump-tion, power density and TCO.

“Engine builders use the high pres-sure ratios of the A100-M to realize anincreased power output or the applica-tion of stronger Miller timings, naturallyreducing the engines raw NOx emissions.The latter means that in the case of anSCR installation its overall size can besmaller and its consumption of urea lower,” Heinrich observes.

In addition, the A100-M allowsengines to be tuned for specific purposes.This enables just one engine platform tobe sold as a high efficiency version in themarine market, capable of dealing withhot ambient conditions, or be applied asan electrical power generator at high alti-tudes – not de-rated and thus savinginstalled equipment.

The achievements behind the benefits As stated, the excellent performance

of the A100 turbocharger family is basedon the success of ABB’s developmentengineers in terms of the three majoryardsticks of turbocharger performance: – Its high turbocharging efficiency.– Its high pressure ratio.– Its wide compressor maps.

The features behind the benefitsKey to the A100 series benefits is its

thermodynamic performance, based onnew compressor stages, executed inaluminum with optional compressor

wheel cooling to facilitate highest achiev-able pressure ratios. It is these compo-nents that enable wide compressormaps at the 5.8 full load pressure ratio in combination with a state-of-the-artcompressor efficiency.

On the turbine side, a new generationof mixed-flow designs was developed togive an extended operating range, thuspowering the new compressor stagesover a very wide range of applications.Moreover, the turbine designs have beenoptimized in such a way that they exhibitefficiencies to complement those of thecompressor designs. Further develop-ment of sealing technologies has alsoreduced blow-by, enabling a substantialimprovement in turbocharging perform-ance at higher boost pressures.

Total Cost of OwnershipWith their ability to save consumption

of fuel and urea in the case of installedSCR systems, A100 turbochargers ensuretwo of the major preconditions for favor-able TCO. Third and fourth TCO essen-tials are high availability and uptime incombination with ease of work on theturbocharger, either in situ or at one of ABB Turbocharging’s 100 Service Stations around the globe. Here, a dedi-cated design offers ease of removal ofturbocharger parts or of the completeturbocharger.

A wide and modular range of compressor stages is available for every turbocharger frame size in theA100 series, allowing optimal matching to every application.

“The A100-M turbo -chargers are idealenablers for robustprime movers that arecharacterized by theirexcellent combination ofpower density and highreliability.”

New frame sizes

The latest frame sizes of the A100-Mfamily are A150-M and A155-M.They represent the largest radialtype turbochargers from ABB andare key enablers of engine poweroutputs currently close to 6,000 kWper turbocharger on medium-speedengines, while at the same timemeeting the highest levels of effi-ciency.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8











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The A100-M allowsengines to be tuned for specific purposes.

12 ABB charge! 2 |15


A milestone on the way to greenshipping

The SCR system is an after-treat-ment device in which urea reactswith nitrogen oxides (NOx) toconvert the latter into harmless

nitrogen and water, thereby reducingengine emissions. Actual values show thatwith this system WinGD’s 5RT-flex58T-Dlow-speed engine – manufactured byHudong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (HHM)– is able to reduce NOx emissions bynearly eight percent to only 2.58 g /kWh,

thereby easily meeting the Tier III emis-sions standard developed by the Interna-tional Maritime Organization (IMO).

As is well known, sulfur oxides (SOx),NOx and particulate matters (PM) are thethree primary air pollutants emitted byships. Shipping is a significant and inregions of major ports the dominantemitter of NOx. Seven of the world’s tenlargest container ports are in China.Therefore, comprehensive and rigorous

control of NOx emissions and effectiveemission reduction measures are of far-reaching environmental significance notonly for China but for the whole world.The successful development of China’sfirst low-speed engine equipped with anSCR emission reduction system is a mile-stone in engine external after-treatmentfor Chinese marine engine manufacturersand an embodiment of their commitmentto green shipping.

The WinGD low-speed diesel engine featuring a selective catalytic reduction (SCR)system recently completed its one-week trial run. This event marks the successfuldeployment of the A270-L turbocharger produced by ABB Jiangjin Turbo SystemsCo., Ltd. on China’s first low-speed engine equipped with an SCR system.

Text Shengyi Wang, Yuanjiang Yang, Photography iStockphoto, HHM, Michael Reinhard

Port of Shanghai, China.

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Design improvements at the turbocharger compressor end

As a global leader in turbochargertechnology for high-power diesel andgas engines, ABB Turbocharging is along-term strategic partner of WinGD –Winterthur Gas & Diesel AG (formerlyWärtsilä Schweiz AG). The key feature ofthis WinGD two-stroke diesel engineequipped with an SCR system is that theSCR reactor has to be installed in front ofthe turbocharger, resulting in a reductionin gas pressure and energy before theexhaust enters the turbocharger. There-fore, the working efficiency of the turbo -charger needs to improve accordingly inorder to meet the diesel engine’s pres-sure ratio and air flow requirements.Thanks to a major design improvementat the compressor end, the ABB A200-Lseries of turbochargers can ensure highefficiency while increasing the air flow bymore than 30 percent and significantly

including the WinGD two-stroke dieselengine, to be met in full. Based on theactual space structure in the engineroom, ABB Turbocharging’s applicationengineering team proposed an axial gasinlet casing improvement scheme thatenables a more compact arrangement ofthe turbocharger, the SCR system andthe engine.

The A270-L turbocharger is producedat ABB Jiangjin Turbo Systems Co., Ltd.,which has been successfully introducingthe latest turbocharging technologiesand products, including the TPS andA100/200 series, to China as part of thecompany’s ongoing commitment to pro-viding a better service for local cus-tomers.

The WinGD engine is deployed on a22,000 TEU multi-purpose vessel, whichstarted sea trials in August 2015.

A270-L turbocharger.

improving the pressure ratio, enablingthe performance requirements of allavailable low-speed diesel engines,

The “warmly celebrated” engine.

Delivery celebration ceremony of the first low-speed engine with SCR system.

Based on the actualspace structure, ABBTurbocharging proposedan axial gas inlet casingimprovement schemethat enables a morecompact arrangement ofthe turbocharger, theSCR system and theengine.

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98 percent of all spare parts are guaranteed to be available from the warehouse in Baden, Switzerland.

One brand – one qualityWherever products from ABB Turbocharging are made, they areproduced to the same exacting quality standards. This is thanksto a highly efficient network of engineering, production andsales, managed centrally by ABB Turbo Systems Ltd in Baden,Switzerland. Text Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur, Photography Frederic Meyer

The warehouse complex at ABB Turbo Systems in Baden,Switzerland, is impressive. Ona total area as large as a foot-

ball field stand storage racks ten metershigh. Here are the Original Parts for ser-vicing ABB turbochargers of all series inoperation around the world. They can beaccessed 24 hours a day, 365 days ayear. Whatever the customer requires, it can be dispatched within 48 hours towhere it is needed, anywhere in the world.

Indeed, 98 percent of all spare parts areguaranteed to be available from the ware-house. Thanks to the flexible manufac-turing strategy and agility of ABB Turbo -charging in Switzerland, the remainingtwo percent can, at any time, be manu-factured in lots as small as one piece.Even an ABB turbocharger of 1938 vin-tage has been brought back to effectivelife thanks to Baden’s standby reproduc-tion capabilities. This spare parts setupis what enables ABB Turbocharging to

ensure the highest standards of turbo -charger service. And their primary aim:maximum customer benefit.

ABB’s around-the-world service has asingle central hub. Supplying new turbo -chargers to the world functions differently.As well as the production facilities inBaden, Switzerland, ABB Turbocharginghas works or joint ventures in China,Japan and India (see map below). Andwith Hyundai Heavy Industries andDoosan Engine, ABB is represented in


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Korea by licensees. In this way, ABB Turbocharging maintains its proximity toits Asian rail, marine and power genera-tion customers.

Top quality everywhereTogether with the ABB Turbo Systems

headquarters in Baden, these manufac-turing works form a production networkthat has been continuously improvedand extended for forty years. It is set upto deliver quality. Not all the works makeeverything. A structured parts exchangeprocess enables materials and compo-nents to be moved smoothly around the network. With its specialized mix of machine tools, Baden contributes themajority of rotating components for all

turbochargers produced. The whole net-work profits from this arrangement. Theparts exchange process reduces costs,saves time and guarantees the global uni-formity of ABB Turbocharging’s products.

Within the network Baden also actsas the design center, which ensures that a turbocharger like the A100-L isabsolutely equal in quality, whether fromChinese, Swiss or licensee production,both on the inside and in its outwardappearance. Any turbocharger designedby Baden that leaves any ABB works, orthe works of a licensee, heading for thecustomer will fulfill all of its technicalspecifications in every respect. Whereverthe turbocharger is made, customerseverywhere can count on the high qualitythey have a right to expect from a turbo -charger bearing the ABB brand.

Only excellence is good enoughEvery series-produced turbocharger

must be manufactured in line with thenetwork’s prescribed standards. In all its own works worldwide, and at itslicensees, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd auditsthe incoming goods processes, the man-ufacturing and assembly processes andthe machine tools needed specifically forproduction of ABB turbochargers.

The auditing system goes even further,taking in the sub-suppliers who delivermaterials, semi-finished products andcomponents. These must undergo aparts release process: material specifica-tions and component geometry are sub-ject to close and exacting examination –sometimes literally under a microscope.Only those parts and materials that exhibit100 percent compliance are allowed tobe used in the production of ABB turbo -chargers. The responsible experts at ABBknow the critical factors in high qualityproduction and accompany its process-es, actively and in a consulting capacity,whether in their own works, at licenseesor at sub-suppliers. At any time they areready to give technical support, from thevery first stages of localized production.

Audits assure quality Professionalism creates quality. This

statement sets the overall framework, for example in everything to do with safety at the place of work. As a result,ABB Turbocharging audits its suppliersand its supply chain, not only in a purelytechnical sense but also in terms ofemployment law and environmentalimpact, and by insisting on the ABBSupplier Code of Conduct. Indeed, ABBTurbocharging is subject to exactly thiskind of auditing by its customers andinvariably gains full approval.

A further quality assurance stageinvolves gaining approvals from bodiessuch as the marine classification societiesand national authorities and ministrieswith their criteria for product conformity.These criteria are not only stringent butin many cases identical and internation-ally valid. They also play their part inensuring that ABB products attain thesame high standards irrespective ofwhere they were manufactured in ABB’sglobal production network.

The inspection and evaluation of ABBTurbo Systems’ production and salessystems is ongoing. Optimizing produc-tion costs while maintaining or improvingproduct quality demands an alert eye.Major investments at all facilities in thepast ten years have led to ever more efficient production processes. Thesethings happen for the benefit of the cus-tomers. Irrespective of where the order isplaced they will always obtain a productrepresenting the latest state of the art,and will never have to forgo the innova-tion and quality for which the name ABBhas always stood.



Production countriesSwitzerland (Baden )India (Vadodara )China (Jiangjin)

Joint venturesJapan: Turbo Systems United Co. Ltd.China: ABB Jiangjin Turbo Systems Co. Ltd.

Licence productionChina: CNTUS and JTP Korea: Hyundai and DoosanJapan: IHI / ICMIndia: INABB

Over 100 Sales and Service Stations

Business Unit ABB Turbocharging overview.

Only those parts andmaterials that exhibit 100 percent complianceare allowed to be used in the production of ABB turbochargers.

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OPAC for long-term benefitsThe new service agreement between ABB Turbocharging andCOSCON is now operational.Text Shengyi Wang, Yongjian Luo, Photography COSCON

20 COSCON vessels new to operation are covered by the new five-year OPAC service agreement.

In April 2015 ABB Turbochargingsigned a five-year Operation Perform-ance Package (OPAC) service agree-ment with COSCO Container Lines

Co., Ltd. (COSCON), which covers 120ABB turbochargers in 20 COSCON vessels new to operation. This is so farone of the largest service agreements

between ABB Turbocharging and amarine customer in China, but it is notthe first one sealed between these twoparties.

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Newly signedOriginal Parts service agreement

Text Alexandra Christie

ABB Turbocharging has signed a service agreement with DFDS and J. Lauritzen Group covering 152 ABB turbochargers under a MaintenanceManagement Agreement (MMA). TheMMA allows for proactive planning of turbocharger maintenance in collab-oration with customer requirements.This optimizes the work involved inmaintenance and repair of turbo -chargers, and for customer peace ofmind passes the responsibility formanaging the service scheduling toABB.

Under this agreement, ABB will provide service to DFDS and J. Lauritzen Group jointly, collaborat-ing across five countries: Denmark,France, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.

The turbochargers are installed on board a range of vessel types,including Ro-Ro, offshore accommo-dation rigs, tankers, bulkers andcruise vessels.

According to Jacob Lundholm,Sales Manager ABB Scandinavia,“Customers are increasingly lookingto work with OEMs to better manageservicing and overall maintenance of their turbocharging products, forimproved cost management, opti-mum turbocharging performance andincreased uptime.” ABB now hasover 400 MMAs in place, covering awide range of customers and appli-cations.

Shi YongXin, GeneralManager of the Safetyand Technology Management Division ofCOSCON: “Our opera-tional costs are evidentlymore predictable andmanageable in the longrun.”

Since 2010, ABB Turbocharging hasbeen providing three COSCON containerships with a customized service package,including condition monitoring of turbo -chargers, individualized technical supportand Original Parts and Original Service atABB workshops around the globe.

“The reliable service, including opti-mized planning of maintenance andspare parts deliveries, well prepare us for unforeseeable incidents in advance,thus allowing us to stay focused on thecore of our business. Our operationalcosts are evidently more predictable andmanageable in the long run,” commentsMr. Shi YongXin, General Manager of the Safety and Technology ManagementDivision of COSCON.

“We are always committed to a flexi-ble, reliable, and cost effective approach

to turbocharger servicing tailored to theexact needs of our customers. Afterlaunching the unique care package herein China over five years ago, we are verypleased that our Chinese customersappreciate the long-term benefits thepackage has to offer. Their willingness toextend the agreement or to sign anotheris a mark of trust and faith in our offeringand in our ongoing commitment to deliv-ering value for customers,” says RolandSchwarz, ABB Turbocharging China LBUManager.

China Shipping Container Lines Co.Ltd. (CSCL) is also among those Chinesecustomers. Since 2009 this global con-tainer liner service provider has contractedABB Turbocharging for servicing 226 unitsof ABB turbochargers under OPAC serviceagreements.

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Diesel-electric DF11G dual body locomotive with four VTC254-13 turbochargers in China.

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Upgrades optimize loco operational costsWhether for main line or shunting applications, locomotiveengine upgrades have technical and economic benefits guaranteed to boost operator performance. Extended TimeBetween Overhauls (TBO), increased reliability, durability and flexibility make upgrades a very smart move.

Text Robert Dötl, Photography QSY, Lalam Mandavkar, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Michael Reinhard

In recent years, ABB Turbocharginghas presented to the worldwide rail-way market a raft of new, innovativesolutions based on its tailor-made

TPR turbocharger platform. The secondframe size of the TPR portfolio, theTPR 56, has been introduced in a highpressure version as well as with theoption of Variable Turbine Geometry(VTG) to the Chinese market. Parallel tothis, its bigger brother, the TPR 61, sawthe roll-out of serial number 2,000 inIndia, and many specific variants provid-ing even higher boost pressures havebeen tested on prototype engines. Plus,there have been a number of radial turbochargers adapted to locomotiveengines in Russia and the USA.

With this broad portfolio of specificrailway turbochargers available, it goeswithout saying that not only new enginesbut also well-proven and reliable enginesthat are running can benefit from thetechnological edge TPR is offering. Thisis possible in two ways: through anupgrade of an existing turbochargingsystem with only minor changes or byretrofitting an existing air managementsystem in order to enhance engine capa-bilities, improve emissions and increasethe flexibility of the overall power pack. Fig. 1: TPR axial volume flow versus compressor pressure ratio.

DF11G upgrade with a TPR 56-F28 As early as 2001 ABB started to

develop a turbocharging solution for theChinese locomotive DF11G. This loco-motive has now been in commercialoperation since 2005 on 160 km/h passenger trains between Beijing andShanghai, marking a first step on the

way to a fully developed high-speed con-nection between these two fast growingcenters. The DF11G is a dual body, singlecab loco providing 2 � 3,860 kW ofengine power for traction by means of two 16V280ZJA engines with fourVTC 254-13 turbochargers.

1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

TPR 56-F3 .

Volume flow




r p


re r


�C [-]







V [m3/s]

TPR 61-F3 .

TPR 56-F2 .

TPR 56-F6 . TPR 61-F6 .

TPR 61-F2 .

Coverage of the axial TPR variants

20 ABB charge! 2 |15


Reliability is essential on this routeand to keep to their tight schedules,maintenance of the DF11G units hasbeen a key factor from the very begin-ning. ABB offered a tailored service concept for the complete useful lifetimeof the turbocharging system up to3,600,000 km, at which point a mid-lifeoverhaul / rebuild of the complete loco-motive is indicated. Systematic bearinginspections and exchange, combinedwith a carefully chosen time range for theexchange of the rotating components,are at the core of this service concept.

Now that the mid-life time of the loco-motives is about to be reached, a systemupgrade using the next generation of turbocharging technology, namely theTPR 56-F28, is planned. The procedureforesees a complete drop-in solution, so

that all the existing interfaces on theengines can be matched – see fig. 2. Thenew solution will provide a genuine ben-efit in terms of performance that trans-lates into fuel savings, while, as a matterof course, the engine will comply with allmandatory emission regulations now inforce.

Another substantial benefit of the re-built locomotive will be the new servicescope. This will stretch out the lifetime ofindividual components, compared withthe former VTC 254 turbocharging solu-tion. The result is minimization of theTotal Cost of Ownership (TCO) – rangingfrom the cost of upgrading and overhaulsto the beneficial effects of the extendedservice intervals, and the attendantincrease in durability and fuel saving.

Upgrading from VTC to TPS on ALCO 6-cylinder engines

India has many shunting locomotivesequipped with 6-cylinder ALCO enginesrunning on railways or in the yards of pri-vate operators of steel mills, ports andother industrial plants. Hundreds of theselocomotives, for example types WDS6and YDM4, are in operation and remain a popular choice for shunting tasks.Their engines, ALCO 6L251Ds, deliver1,350 hp and have been boosted byVTC 214 turbochargers for ten years. Inorder to move to the next technologicalstep and at the same time reduce opera-tional costs, ABB proposed equippingthe 6L251D engine with the next genera-tion of turbochargers i. e. the TPS 52.

To this end, ABB has developed adrop-in concept. First tests have beenconducted and the results indicate sev-eral additional benefits over the formerturbocharging solution. One is the higherperformance compared with the VTC 214,resulting in a fuel saving for operators.

Fig. 2: Drop-in upgrade from VTC 254 (left) to TPR 56 (right).

WDS6 locomotive with ALCO 6L251D engine in India.

The procedure foreseesa complete drop-in solution, so that all theexisting interfaces on the engines can bematched.

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Another benefit is the increased timebetween overhauls (TBO). This will giveoperators an additional TCO advantageby extending the TBO from three yearsfor a VTC 214 to four years for theTPS 52.

Upgrading an ALCO engine to Miller timing

Another project currently under way inIndia involves the upgrade of a turbo -charging module that focuses more onfuel savings and emissions reduction.Most of the 5,200 diesel locomotives run-ning in India are equipped with ALCO 16-cylinder engines, rated at 3,100 and3,300 hp. After 18 years of operation,these locomotives are undergoing anextensive rehabilitation program and theengines are being upgraded to the latesttechnical standards. As part of thisprocess ABB has proposed introducingso-called Miller timing on the rebuiltengines, using turbochargers able todeliver higher boost pressures to com-

pensate for the reduced opening periodsof the engine intake valves of the so-called Miller cycle.

Performance tests are scheduled andit is expected that they will show thebenefit of a two percent reduction in fuelconsumption over the standard dutycycle of the locomotives. Given that thefuel cost makes up the largest part of the

operational costs of locomotives, theTCO of these units’ second life span of18 years will, as a consequence, be sub-stantially reduced. In addition, Miller timing will reduce peak temperatures ofthe combustion cycle and subsequentlybring NOx emissions down, which is verywelcome in view of the forthcoming,stricter emission regulations.

16-cylinder ALCO diesel locomotives being built at the Parel Workshop, Mumbai, India.

The operational costs ofthe ALCO locomotives’second life span will besubstantially reduced.

Upgrades on rail: Benefits at a glance

– Improved reliability – Increased operational flexibility

(ambient temperature and altitude variation)

– Extended durability – Fuel saving – Emissions compliance– All benefits reduce Total Cost

of Ownership (TCO)

22 ABB charge! 2 |15


Robert Dötl holds a master’s degreein mechanical engineering from GrazUniversity of Technology, Austria, anda postgraduate diploma in interna-tional management from the BernerFachhochschule, Switzerland. Hejoined ABB Turbocharging in 1993.The TPR series was developed underDötl’s responsibility and released in2002. In 2008 he became licensesupport manager for cooperations inChina and India. Since 2012 Dötl isSenior Manager Rail Projects.

Upgrades from fix to VTG have strongpotential benefits

Recently, ABB broadened its applica-tion of Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG)technology to railway engines. Serialproduction has become a standard for

high-horsepower locomotives. VTG couldalso be a smart way to upgrade an exist-ing engine, with a focus on fuel economyand flexibility in operation. Whether aspart of a locomotive’s mid-life rebuild oras an interim upgrade project, a change-over to VTG offers major benefits to theoperators.

A one-to-one comparison on a trac-tion engine has confirmed a potential oftwo to four percent fuel saving for a typi-cal duty cycle. Fig. 3 illustrates thesebenefits and emphasizes the advantageVTG offers in part load. Additionally, theflexibility demanded of a rail engine interms of temperature fluctuation and alti-tude variation is well covered, allowing fullload to be made available up to 2,500 mabove sea level.

Indian Railways have expressed theirinterest in VTG being used on theirALCO locomotives, as has the RussianJSC Kolomna Plant, which has takendelivery of first test units and startedtesting the VTG on a new engine plat-form.

SummaryUpgrading traction engines offers a

number of key advantages to operators.Depending on the operator’s focus, anupgrade can improve fuel economy,extend TBOs, increase reliability andoperational flexibility or enhance theemissions compliance capabilities of thepower packs. In each and every case,however, it leads to lower Total Cost ofOwnership.














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0 20 40 60 80 100

Engine load [%]

TPR 56-F fixed geometry

TPR 56FV variable geometry

variation from idling to 100 % engine load


Fig. 3: Test results: fixed geometry versus VTGon a traction engine.

An upgrade with VTGenhances the opera-tional flexibility substan-tially and increases fueleconomy.

TPR 56 with VTG.

ABB charge! 2 |15 23


ABB turbochargers chosen once again to powerrecord holding shipRecord. ABB turbochargers are set topower what will be the world’s largestcruise ship, currently under constructionand scheduled for completion in the firsthalf of 2016. Harmony of the Seas isowned by Royal Caribbean Internationaland is the third vessel to join the Oasisclass of ships. On completion the vesselwill be 362 m long.

ABB has received an order to delivertwo different sizes of its highly efficientTPL series turbochargers designed fortwo- and four-stroke engines. ABB turbo-chargers are also on Royal Caribbean’sthree largest cruise ships to date: Allureof the Seas, Oasis of the Seas andQuantum of the Seas.

Oasis of the Seas – one of Royal Caribbean’s largest cruise ships with ABB turbochargers.


charge! availableas mobile app

Mobile app. charge! is now availableas a mobile app for downloading toyour iPad or iPhone on Apple’s AppStore.

The mobile version of charge!offers you a rich user experience withembedded videos, animations andmany other interactive elements,allowing you to engage with the content in a more immersive way.

Get connected

Social media. Follow ABB Turbo -charging on social media to stay ontop of the latest industry trends andcompany updates.

Our social media platforms alsooffer you an excellent opportunity to network with experts and peersfor inspirational knowledge sharing.

Service networkgrowth in 2015

Network. Already with an extensive net-work of more than 100 fully owned service operations around the world,ABB Turbocharging this year has furtherdeveloped this network by openinganother six service locations acrossAfrica, the Middle East and South Amer-ica. In addition, the Kyushu Service Station in Japan relocated within theKyushu area to offer customers fasterand more efficient service in a more con-venient location. This service networkexpansion meets the need for large ship-ping companies to work more closely inpartnership with their suppliers.

MSC Oscar’s sister ships

Record. This is not the first time ABBhas been associated with world recordholding ships. The two container vesselsannounced as the largest in the worldearlier this year, with over 19,000 TEU(CSCL and MSC), have turbochargersdesigned by ABB installed on their mainengines. In 2015, two of MSC Oscar’ssister ships, MSC Oliver and MSC Zoe(19,224 TEU), also powered by ABBdesigned turbochargers, were taken intooperation. The fourth and fifth box shipsin this so-called Olympic series arescheduled for the end of 2015. All areexpected to be fitted with ABB designedturbochargers.

Download app

24 ABB charge! 2 |15

Tips for the operator

The importance of keepingthe compressor side cleanA properly working turbocharger compressor is a key element in good engine performance. This tip shows what needs to bemaintained, and how.

Text Peter Schellenberg, Photography Michael Reinhard, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd

Let’s first define the system: Thecompressor side is more thanjust the rotating impeller; in fact,it starts at the air intake section

and ends after the engine cooler.

Air inletEvery pressure loss at the air inlet will

result in a reduction in the pressure of thecompressed air after the turbocharger.This can be explained using a simpleexample: If the compressor ratio is 5 andthe ambient pressure is 1 bar, there willbe 4 bar of compressed air relative to theambient condition after the turbocharger(5 � 1 bar = 5 bar absolute, or 4 bar more

than ambient). If there is a loss of e.g.0.1 bar somewhere in front of the turbo -charger it will simply be multiplied in the compressor (5 � 0.9 bar = 4.5 barabsolute or 3.5 bar more than ambient).For the engine, this means 0.5 bar lessreceiver pressure. Higher exhaust gastemperatures can be the result, or theturbocharger could tend to surge.

ABB Turbocharging provides turbo -chargers fitted with a silencer with a gridaround the silencer to prevent larger foreign objects reaching the impeller. Asmany customers also install filter matsaround the silencer, it is only a matter oftime before these mats become clogged.

This clogging will inevitably lead to anincrease in pressure loss across thesilencer and to the described effect. ABBtherefore recommends frequent checkingof the silencer losses by means of a U-type manometer and that the condition ofthe silencer be checked when the pres-sure losses exceed the limit of 30 mbar.To prevent such conditions arising in thefirst place, ABB recommends washing orreplacing the filter mats.

For turbochargers without a silencerand which are connected to an air filtra-tion system on the installation side, thesame applies. The filters must be kept ingood condition to prevent any losses

A clean compressor promotes high turbocharger performance.

ABB charge! 2 |15 25

Tips for the operator

In 1999 Peter Schellenberg receiveda bachelor’s degree in science fromFachhochschule NordwestschweizFHNW, Switzerland, followed by amaster’s degree from the BernerFachhochschule, Switzerland (2004).He joined ABB Turbo Systems Ltd in2000, starting in the turbochargerengineering devision where he ledseveral development projects. In 2008he was appointed head of design,medium size turbochargers. SinceOctober 2013 Schellenberg is TeamManager Technical Service for turbochargers.

Heavily contaminated static parts of a compressor stage.

occurring before the compressor stage.Losses in front of the turbocharger canlead to:– Reduced receiver pressure.– Higher turbocharger speed.– Higher exhaust gas temperatures.– Reduced scavenging of the engine.– A reduced control margin (gas engines).

Compressor stageA clean compressor stage is a guar-

antor for reliability and high performance.Contamination in the compressor stagewill reduce the performance of the turbo -charger, leading to:– Reduced receiver pressure.– Higher fuel consumption.– Higher exhaust gas temperatures.– Reduced scavenging of the engine.– A reduced control margin (gas engines).– In the worst case: surging of the


To keep the compressor stage clean,good air filtration is essential. What ismore, contaminated air will affect all theequipment after the turbocharger. By fol-lowing these points you can help to pre-vent the compressor stage from earlyfouling: – Make sure the air surrounding the

turbocharger is clean.– Prevent exhaust gas from entering the

air suction side.– Avoid oil in the air as this will act like a

glue for any dust to stick to.– Follow the washing instructions in the

operation manual and use pure water.– If the air inlet is removed by the crew,

clean the impeller and the wall insertwith a soft rag and water; this will helpto keep the compressor stage clean.

Air coolerThe compressed air after the turbo -

charger is cooled down in the air cooler.If the air cooler is dirty, the pressure lossin the cooler will increase and the receiverpressure will be lower as a result. Further,the cooling efficiency will be reduced.This translates into a loss of valuablework done by the turbocharger, with thefollowing consequences for the engine:– Lower receiver pressure.– Higher exhaust gas temperatures.– In the worst case, surging of the


ABB therefore recommends frequentchecking of the engine cooler losses.Regular cleaning of the cooler can pre-vent these losses becoming higher thanthose recommended by the cooler man-ufacturer and the resulting possibility ofsevere problems.

A turbocharger that is maintainedproperly, including those parts on thecold air side, helps to save money.

The better the turbocharger perform-ance, the lower the fuel consumptionand the lower the exhaust gas tempera-tures. Also, the equipment will sufferfrom less thermal fatigue. Note: In thetroubleshooting section of the operationmanual you will find more hints on keep-ing your turbochargers top fit. This willsupport reliable operation of the engine.

Washing or replacing the filter mat is recommended.

26 ABB charge! 2 |15


Today’s international recipe No.10, Mandarin fish, is a homageto Shanghai, the host city ofthis year’s major marine trade

show Marintec, and to the abundant fishin the waters off its coast.

But first consider this quaint little story.According to legend a restaurant in thesouthern region of the Yangtze Riverserved Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty (1711 – 1799) Mandarin fish. The

cook had put in a great effort not only tocook an excellent meal but also to makethe dish look like a sculpture. So heformed the fish into the shape of a squir-rel. Not only was the aromatic dish verymuch to the Emperor’s liking; from thatday on the recipe has also been calledthe “squirrel-shaped Mandarin fish”.

Good things stand the test of time.Mandarin fish is still widely cooked in theregion around Shanghai and counts as a

dish for special occasions. It has twoauspicious semiotic meanings. The fishis in red tomato sauce, a color which is asymbol for joy and good fortune in China.And: 鱼 (yu, which means fish), in Chi-nese, is a homophone for another char-acter 余 (yu), meaning abundance. Tohave fish on special occasions is a wishfor health, wealth and happiness.

Eating for good fortuneSometimes food is more than an enjoyable meal. Mandarin fish, adelicacy from Shanghai, can be a wish for better things to come.Text Tiziana Ossola Auf der Maur, Photography iStockphoto

ABB charge! 2 |15 27


Published byABB Turbo Systems Ltd

AddressP.O. BoxCH-5401 Baden/SwitzerlandPhone: +41 58 585 7777Fax: +41 58 585 5144www.abb.com/turbocharginge-mail: charge@ch.abb.com

EditorTiziana Ossola Auf der Maur

PhotosDominik BaurFrederic MeyerMichael ReinhardiStockphotoABBHHMCOSCONQSYLalam MandavkarABB Turbo Systems LtdRoyal Caribbean International

Cover photo: Corbis

PrinterDietschi Print & Design AG, Olten /Switzerland

Layout, typography, electronic publishingDomino Style & Type AG, Gebenstorf /Switzerland

Reprints require the publisher’s written consent.

© 2015 ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Baden /SwitzerlandAll rights reserved

Mandarin fish

for two people

Ingredients ca. 600 g Mandarin fish A handful each of pine nuts, corn

kernels and petits pois150 – 200 g tomato sauce2 dl rice wine5 g ginger 1 – 2 green shallots1 tbs. starchSugar and salt to season.

(Quantities can be varied as required)

Preparation1. Slice open the Mandarin fish

from head to tail along its spine,remove the spine and smallbones on the sides, and cut theflesh into skin deep strips.

2. Marinate the fish in salted ricewine with ginger and the greenshallots for about an hour.

3. Coat the marinated fish withstarch before frying it in hot oiluntil the fish turns golden brown.

4. Warm the tomato sauce, oil, saltand sugar according to your per-sonal preference.

5. Add water to the sauce andcook the corn kernels, pine nutsand petits pois until soft.

6. Pour the sauce all over thecooked fish.

Enjoy your Mandarin fish with ourbest wishes for the future.

Turbocharging Service. Secure your investment.

Assuring the availability of your application is a critical part of securing your business.The right service reduces downtimes and increases your application’s performanceand lifetime. You also save costs by preventing repeat maintenance and redundantspare part purchases. Getting your service plan from ABB Turbocharging guaranteesdependable delivery of results and lower total cost of ownership of your turbocharger.We are dedicated to providing our customers a comprehensive turbocharging serviceoffering 24 /7, 365 days a year at any one of our 100+ ABB-owned Service Stations in50+ countries across the globe. Get the right service. www.abb.com/turbocharging
