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  • WINAre you a massive fan of sports? Do Do you play Tennis or Badminton? Do you swim? Are you a gymnast? Do you love your sport? If so this compe-tition is for you! You can be in a chance to win £100 worth of sports equiptment! for three lucky people! One hundred pounds of sports equiptment equiptment for your sport. It could be your lucky day. YOU could be a winner and win with your sport. All you have to do is the following.

    Email RedbridgeReportNewsletter@gmail.com with your name, age and return email address. State the name of your sport. State information about your sport and give a short descrip-tion about it. For examjple. State when when you started your sport and why. Tell us how many hors a week you participate in your sport. Do you do competitions? Have you won any com-petitions? You can include all this in-formation in your email. We will choose three lucky readers to wiin this amazing prize!We will contact you if you have won by 31 May. Competition ends on the 24 May. Good luck.



    By doing sports, it is a great way to stay healthy and work out. As it’s spring, it’s time to start getting ready for summer. Start now and get your spring and summer body ready. We have came up with a great excersise routine which is grgreat way to get ready for summer. Here it is: Try and do this excersise routine everday for 2 hours!25 Star Jumps.Star jumps are quick and easy. They are a great way to work your arm and leg muscles.10 Press upsPPress ups can be hard, but once you start doing them every day they get easier and easier. Press ups are a great way to get muscles, and an ad-ditional point - to show off to all of your friends.Running on the spot for 60 sec-ondsTo build up your heart rate, run on the spot everyday. Running also gives you a healthy complection.25 Sit-UpsSit ups are a great way to become stronger and to feel stronger. It also gives you a toned look so you will look amazing in all of your outts.IIf you want you can even try and double the amount of excersisies you do! For best results try and do this every day. A great way to track your progress is to take pictures of yourself before annd after your exc-ersising. Yoyu will be garunteed to hhave great results. If you would like to, send us your thoughts: at RedbridgeReporterNewsletter@Gmail.com. Or you can leave a comment on our Website. At www.RedbridgeReport@gmail.com

    For our spring sports page special. We invited in aa very special guest to give us her story and the tips she would give to any aspiring sports stars. We have invited in Simone Biles! Below she has given her story and she has given us her top tips for stastarting a new sport. Make sure to tell us your thoughts by emailing us, instagraming us or tweeting us. We always like to stay in contact with our fans. Here you go, let’s hand it onto Simone Biles!Simone Biles“I wasn’t always a great gymnast, unlike most olympian gymnasts, I didn’t start young. Most peopl;e say to be an olympian you have to start at two years of age. This is not true I started ‘late’ but I still got there in the end. Never give up. You are never too oldold to do what you believe in. I didn’t go to a sports club. Many people think to be good at a sport you have to join a club.. This is not the case. As long as you stick at your sport, you can do it anywhere if you are dedi-cated and you are safe. I joined the Olympic Team in 2013. and I love being a gymnast. I would advise anyone to start this sport as it is a great way to keep t and it is a great way to show off to your friends.”If you decide to take up gymnastics send us your photos and videos to RedbridgeReportNewsletter@gmail.com. The best shots and videos will make it into our next newsletter. Or you can tweet us @RedbridgeReport, make sure to tag @SimoneBiles @SimoneBiles too!

    WORLD STARS@RedbridgeReporterRedbridgeReporter

    Make sure to try our excersise routine out. @Simone Biles has had great results from this routine!



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    Remeber these tips aren’t just for gymnasts you can apply it to whatever sport you like ranging from Tennis to Basketball!ball