14283066 Routine Format Templates


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First things first, until you have a solid strength base that is all you should be worried about. At this stage strength = size. What is a fair strength base? Well, powerlifters will laugh at the numbers, but for a typical bodybuilder you should be at least at these figures before you even need to start thinking about pure hypertrophy work:

A bench of at LEAST 250-315 lbs for at least a few repsDipping with at LEAST 50-75+ strapped to your waist for 6-8 repsRows and/or pull-downs with at LEAST 200-275 for 6-8 repsMilitary or dumbbell shoulder press with at LEAST 150-175 for 6-8 repsSquatting/deadlifting at LEAST 350-450 for 6-8 reps

These figures have spreads in them because we are not all the same size. A 5’6 guy will not USUALLY have the same strength potential and therefore doesn’t need a 450 lb squat to be considered advanced. The lower numbers work well for shorter lighter guys, the higher ones for taller heavier lifters. And they are ranges only, I know some guys that squat and deadlift in the 500’s that can barely do 225 for 5 bent rows. That doesn’t mean they are not advanced, just that their bent rows need work—lol.

I am not including sets because this is just to get an idea of various splits used, and to go over some I have found to work well. Doesn’t make much difference anyway. If I put down 6 most lifters will do 12 anyway—lol.

Hardgainer Style Routine. Doesn’t look like much but if you are a TRUE hardgainer. This is what you will need for awhile until metabolic issues are addressed, and/or work capacity comes up. Everything hit 4 x a month. If you haven’t been exposed to this type of training don’t knock it and say it is worthless. It may a poor way to train for lots of people, but it is a saving grace for others.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayUpper Body Rest Rest Lower Body Rest Rest Rest

Upper Body Rest Rest Lower Body Rest Rest Rest

Upper Body Rest Rest Lower Body Rest Rest Rest

Upper Body Rest Rest Lower Body Rest Rest Rest

Push/Pull/Leg split. This is a very common split and one that works wonders for those with limited recovery/work capacity. It allows more work per bodypart than a two day upper/lower, and keeps CNS fatigue at bay. Good way to go if you find you don’t recover well and need to get your work capacity up while making solid gains. Bodyparts hit 4 times a month.

Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayChest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Hardgainer style full body routine. Much more frequency than many other HG type routines and still leaves CNS in good shape for most. Bodyparts hit 8 times a month.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayFull Body Rest Rest Full Body Rest Rest RestFull Body Rest Rest Full Body Rest Rest RestFull Body Rest Rest Full Body Rest Rest RestFull Body Rest Rest Full Body Rest Rest Rest

Classic full body 3 times a week routine. If periodized it can work wonders, especially for beginners. If not periodized you will soon be in deep stuff. Bodyparts hit 12 x a month. Lots of great routines use this format. Most 5 x 5’s are structured this way, HST, etc.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayFull Body Rest Full Body Rest Full Body Rest RestFull Body Rest Full Body Rest Full Body Rest RestFull Body Rest Full Body Rest Full Body Rest RestFull Body Rest Full Body Rest Full Body Rest Rest

This is the classic old school 4 day a week bodybuilding format. Everything is hit 8 times a month, but it is one I don’t like because the back to back days don’t allow the CNS recovery MANY lifters need. Works well for those it works for and leaves the weekends free.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest Rest

This is the basic Westside Barbell Template and a great format if the routine is structured correctly. Heavy indicated ME, light DE, but it can be used by BB’ers as is, or using rep work instead of DE. Everything hit 8 times a month. VERY proven format. Highly recommended if your recovery allows its use. Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayLegs/back/posteriorHeavy

Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight

This is a basic upper lower split done on rotating format. Bodyparts are hit 6 times a month, or once over 4 or 5 days. Different lifts are done for each different upper or lower body day. This format allows a lot of recovery while still providing more frequency than once a week training. This is an EXTREMELY effective format and one I use a lot with training clients. Let me emphasize again, this is a GREAT way to setup a routine. Most lifters pass something like this up in favor of something more “flashy”. But this format plain flat out works for a large percentage of lifters.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayLegs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Rest

Legs/Upper Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper Rest Rest

back/posterior back/posterior

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Rest

Popular BB’ing split, and one Poliquin made popular with his 10 x 10. Legs are hit 6 times a month, and upper body is hit directly or indirectly 12 times a month. A deload after a short time on this is needed.

Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayBack/chest Legs rest arms rest Back/chest Legs

rest arms rest Back/chest Legs rest armsrest Back/chest Legs rest arms rest Back/chest

Legs rest arms rest Back/chest Legs rest

Here is the same split stretched a bit allowing a bit more recovery. Legs hit 5 times, and upper body is hit directly or indirectly 10 times a month. Good format for higher volume training without having so many days in the gym each week week CNS gets beat.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayBack/chest Legs rest arms rest rest Back/chest

Legs rest arms rest rest Back/chest Legs

rest arms rest rest Back/chest Legs rest

arms rest rest Back/chest Legs rest arms

This is the same schedule as above with more rest and is a great way to specialize on upper body for a time for people that have so-so to average recovery. Legs hit 4 x a month, upper body directly or indirectly 8 times depending on the lifts used. Good format for higher volume training without having so many days in the gym each week week CNS gets beat.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayBack/chest rest Legs rest arms rest rest

Back/chest rest Legs rest arms rest rest

Back/chest rest Legs rest arms rest rest

Back/chest rest Legs rest arms rest rest

This is a typical 4 day BB’ing split with lots of overlap. Too many days too closely spaced between things that were already hit and too many back to back days for my tastes. Works poorly for most average lifters IME. But can work well IF you are advanced and mostly working on hypertrophy.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayChest/Biceps Back/triceps Rest Quads/Calves Hams/Shoulders Rest RestChest/Biceps Back/triceps Rest Quads/Calves Hams/Shoulders Rest RestChest/Biceps Back/triceps Rest Quads/Calves Hams/Shoulders Rest RestChest/Biceps Back/triceps Rest Quads/Calves Hams/Shoulders Rest Rest

This is a 5 day a week one 1-2 bodypart a day schedule to “bomb and blast” everything with LOTS of sets. This format is by no means the only way they are setup, the variations of bodyparts on different days are almost limitless. It is fine if you are very advanced, but there are better ways if you are still building your strength base. Without bothering to type it, you can know many people add another day, sometimes two and spread it out even more, as in one bodypart a day.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayChest Back Quads/hams/Calve

sBicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Arnolds famous 6 day split, there is so much overlap for upper body that most is worked 16 times a month. Does it work? For Arnold and a few genetic freaks. Maybe for mortals for a few weeks, but long term use of this type of routine for average lifters not doing steroids is pretty useless. Too bad so many attempt it—lol.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayLegs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulde

rTri’s/Bi’s Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulde

rTri’s/Bi’s Rest

Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Rest

Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Rest

Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Legs/calves/abs Back/Chest/Shoulder

Tri’s/Bi’s Rest

Of course I left out a zillion and six formats commonly used but these cover a lot of ground. What do I like best?

For hardgainers, or de-loading a beat up lifter:Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayChest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Back/Biceps/Abs Rest Legs Rest Rest

For average gainers building their strength/size base:Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayLegs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Rest

Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Rest

Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Legs/Upper back/posterior

Rest Chest/shoulders/tri Rest Rest

For people with a bit better recovery building their strength base or working on strength/hypertrophy:Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayLegs/back/posteriorHeavy

Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight


Rest Chest/shoulders/triHeavy

Rest Legs/back/posterior Light

Rest Chest/shoulders/triLight

For advanced lifters doing hypertrophy:Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayBack/chest Legs rest arms rest Back/chest Legs

rest arms rest Back/chest Legs rest armsrest Back/chest Legs rest arms rest Back/chest

Legs rest arms rest Back/chest Legs rest

Or something along these lines can work.Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayChest Back Quads/hams/Calve

sBicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Chest Back Quads/hams/Calves

Bicep/triceps Shoulders/Abs Rest Rest

Monday Tues Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest RestUpper Lower Rest Upper Lower Rest Rest

Iron Addict
