14 Blog Curation Models



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  • Harlan Kilstein Ed.D. h1p://supersiteformula.com

  • Rule Number One of Cura?on: Thou Shall Not Be Boring!

  • How it works: You collect ar?cles/posts/photos of interest You link to them on your site Examples: www.DrudgeReport.com www.CityOwls.com www.Pictarine.com www.Punchfork.com

    Advantages: There is very li1le work involved Legal issues arent likely to occur

    Disadvatages: No content on your site = poor Google rankings You should change headlines and dont steal photos.

  • How it works Create a numbered list for something specic. Combine text and photos in a slider for best eect Example: www.hungtonpost.com www.whitehouse.gov

    www.bleacherreport.com www.mashable.com

    Advantages These posts are viral These posts are memorable

    Disadvantages Technical seUng up the slide show

  • How it works Create a list of ?ps regarding your niche. Combine text, photos and videos as proof Example: www.celebrityballa.com www.food52.com www.diyfather.com www.gawker.com

    Advantages These posts are very informa?ve These posts get a lot of social sharing and comments

    Disadvantages None

  • How it works Create a numbered list about a passionate topic. Take a posi?on Can be list, photos, or slider. Example: www.policymic.com www.techcrunch.com www.forbes.com www.thesavyreader.ca

    Advantages These produce a lot of opinions These posts get a lot of social sharing and comments

    Disadvantages None

  • How it works Stake out both sides of an argument. Bring photo, video, ar?cles as proof Example: www.balancedpoli?cs.com www.digicamguides.com www.cnn.com

    Advantages These produce a lot of opinions These posts get a lot of social sharing and comments

    Disadvantages Lots of research to do the job well.

  • How it works Find all the ques?ons on a par?cular topic. Put them together in a list (5 ques?ons before you) Example: www.forbes.com www.shape.com www.usnews.com

    Advantages You are helping readers with some crucial decisions. These posts connect you with the reader and build trust

    Disadvantages None

  • How it works Find the best videos on a par?cular topic. Put them together in a post Example: www.hockeyghts.com www.magnify.net www.foodnetwork.com

    Advantages People love video and will spend ?me watching them.

    Disadvantages None just make sure to watch all of the videos rst! They maybe seeing ads that you dont get credit for. Make sure you have rights to use that video.

  • How it works Find the best podcasts on a par?cular topic (or best episodes)

    Put them together in a post www.girlfriendology.com www.denofgeek.com www.stockmarket101.com

    Advantages You are saving people a lot of ?me.

    Disadvantages None dont be afraid to disagree with one of the podcasts. People want your opinion.

  • How it works Curate material from sites that ac?vely protect their content. Most newspapers and wire services.

    You post the content, they nd it, and you get a legal le1er in the mail.

    The Services and Contents are protected by copyright pursuant to U.S. and interna?onal copyright laws. You may not modify, publish, transmit, par?cipate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as provided in Sec?on 2.3 of these Terms of Service), create new works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the Content or the Services (including sodware) in whole or in part.

    Advantages None

    Disadvantages Massive legal liability

  • How it works You create a list of your favorite websites on a topic You add the good/bad points of each website

    Advantages Much higher respect from your tribe

    Disadvantages Some people fear that sending people to other sites will cause you to lose trac.

  • How it works You use a Twi1er tool with a search func?on. You search the most popular keywords in your niche on Twi1er

    Advantages You become known as the person with the fastest news on the topic.

    Disadvantages You have to fact check the sources and make sure its true.

  • How it works You nd interes?ng content and rewrite it in your own words.

    You link to the original source. Advantages You can use material that otherwise is o limits. You get original content

    Disadvantages There are some very few sites that even prohibit you from this. Probably not very enforceable.

  • How it works You go out and nd the best photos on your topic or ques?on.

    You ask permission to use them and link to them. If no permission, just link to them

    Advantages People love looking at photos.

    Disadvantages For this to work, you need someone asking permission to use photos or use public domain photos.

  • How it works You use Long Tail Obscure Keywords as your ar?cle keywords.

    You use these keywords in your intro, your outro, and with an tag before the curated content.

    Link back to the source one ?me Advantages You are building Google love. Con?nue this un?l your posts consistently rank on page one.

    Disadvantages At the ?me you do this, you have very li1le trac. People arent searching for these terms.

  • How it works You switch Long Tail Buyer Keywords as your ar?cle keywords. You use these keywords in your intro, your outro, and with an tag before the curated content.

    Link back to the source one ?me Advantages

    You will dominate the searches for all long tail buyer keywords.

    You can make some good money selling products, aliates, or AdSense.

    Disadvantages You are going to get small trac but its the right trac. You get to deal with idiots who ask why you arent on page 1.

  • Do not use pictures without permission. Ge1y Images makes signicant income sending legal le1ers out to bloggers who (stupidly) use their images. If someone puts a copyright image on a photo sharing site and you use it, you have no defense.

    Use only: Public domain images Site where you are allowed to use images. Images you buy yourself

  • h1p://supersiteformula.com/replay/
