14-094 rfsoq document - RTC


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Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS i February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

General Instructions



NO. 14-094





Issued: February 13, 2014

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS ii February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

General Instructions

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Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS i February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

General Instructions



1.0 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................ 3

1.1 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 PROJECT GOALS ....................................................................................................................... 7

1.3 ROLE OF THE RTC .................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 ROLE OF THE DESIGN-BUILDER ........................................................................................... 8


1.6 PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 9

1.7 CONTRACT TYPE ...................................................................................................................... 9

1.8 PAYMENT AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ........................................................................... 9

1.9 GOVERNING LAW ..................................................................................................................... 9

1.10 QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE ..................................................................... 9

1.11 INSURANCE, BONDING, LICENSING AND SECURITIES ................................................... 9

1.12 RESTRICTIONS ON LOBBYING AND RTC CONTACTS .................................................... 10

1.13 COST .......................................................................................................................................... 10

1.14 INELIGIBLE FIRMS ................................................................................................................. 10

1.15 PRE-SOQ MEETING ................................................................................................................. 11

1.16 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ..................................................................................................... 11

1.17 BIDDER’S PREFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 13

2.0 PROCUREMENT PROCESS ........................................................................................................ 13

2.1 OVERALL PROCUREMENT PROCESS ................................................................................. 14

2.1.1 RFSOQ Step .................................................................................................................. 14

2.1.2 RFP Step ........................................................................................................................ 14

2.2 PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................. 15

2.3 RESPONDENT QUESTIONS ................................................................................................... 15

2.4 RFSOQ ADDENDA ................................................................................................................... 15

2.5 NOTIFICATION OF FIRMS ON THE SHORT-LIST ............................................................. 16


3.1 EVALUATION OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................. 16



3.3.1 Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors .......................................................................................... 16

3.3.2 Qualification Evaluation Factors ................................................................................... 17

3.4 REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION ........................................................................................ 20

3.5 DETERMINATION OF THE SHORT-LIST ............................................................................. 20

3.6 CHALLENGE ............................................................................................................................ 21

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS ii February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

General Instructions


4.1 DATE AND TIME OF RECEIPT .............................................................................................. 21

4.2 SUBMITTAL ADDRESS .......................................................................................................... 21

4.3 PAGE LIMIT, FORMAT AND QUANTITIES ......................................................................... 21

4.4 CONTENT OF STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................... 21

4.4.1 Confidential/Proprietary Information ............................................................................ 22

4.4.2 Evaluation Factor Objectives and Requirements ........................................................... 23 PACKAGE A – BACKGROUND AND CERTIFICATIONS ............................... 23

TAB A-1 Submittal Letter ............................................................................................. 23

TAB A-2 Evidence of good standing and licenses; Authorized Execution ................... 23

TAB A-3 Statutory Statement on Past Performance...................................................... 24

TAB A-4 Bonding, Insurance, Financial and Related Information ............................... 24 PACKAGE B – QUALIFICATION EVALUATION FACTORS.......................... 25

TAB B-1 Staffing Plan and Management//Organizational Structure of Team .............. 25

TAB B-2 Qualifications, Experience and References ................................................... 26

TAB B-3 Work Plan ...................................................................................................... 27

TAB B-4 Local Knowledge and Experience ................................................................. 27

TAB B-5 Subcontracting Plan ....................................................................................... 28

TAB B-6 Safety ............................................................................................................. 28

TAB B-7 Geographical Eligibility ................................................................................ 29

5.0 PROTESTS ...................................................................................................................................... 30

6.0 RTC RIGHTS AND DISCLAIMERS ........................................................................................... 32

6.1 RTC RIGHTS ............................................................................................................................. 32

6.2 RTC DISCLAIMERS ................................................................................................................. 33

7.0 RESOLUTION 315 ......................................................................................................................... 33

8.0 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ............................................................................... 34

9.0 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS ........................................................................... 34







If you are interested in this invitation, immediately upon receipt, please email this

confirmation form to the email address provided at the bottom of this page.

Failure to do so means you are not interested in the project and do not want any associated

addenda information or other project notifications emailed to you.


RFSOQ NO. 14-094, CL-2014-135




Company Name: ________________________________________________________

Company Address: ______________________________________________________

City / State / Zip: ________________________________________________________

Contact Name / Title: _____________________________________________________

Area Code/Telephone Number: _____________________________________________

Area Code/Fax Number: ___________________________________________________

Email Address: __________________________________________________________



Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS 3 February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications


This Request for Statements of Qualifications (RFSOQ) is issued by the Regional Transportation

Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) to select a limited number of qualified Design-Builders (DB) for

a design, construct, and conduct other identified activities for the Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) project.

Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) will only be accepted from DB Respondents intending to provide all

services required under the Contract. Responses from individual engineering, construction, or consultant

firms not offering to provide all required services will not be accepted.

It is imperative that you fill out and return the confirmation page to Debra Coleman at

colemand@rtcsnv.com immediately, or you will not receive any additional information regarding the

solicitation (including addendum notices). Each Respondent is responsible for acknowledging in its

submittal letter that it has received all addenda issued. A list of potential respondents will be generated

from these confirmation pages and will be updated on the website regularly.

This RFSOQ is being issued subsequent to the projects approved under Fuel Revenue Indexing.


This RFSOQ includes abbreviations and specific defined terms as indicated below.

1.1.1 Abbreviations

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

DB Design-Build

DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

DRB Disputes Review Board

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

IA Independent Assurance

ITR Instructions to Respondents

ITS Intelligent Transportation System

JV Joint Venture

LD Liquidated Damages

LLC Limited Liability Company

N/A Not Applicable

NDOT Nevada Department of Transportation

NRS Nevada Revised Statute

NTP Notice to Proceed

PI Public Information

QA Quality Assurance

QC Quality Control

QCM Quality Control Manager

RFP Request for Proposals

RFSOQ Request for Statements of Qualifications

RTC Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

ROW Right(s)-of-Way

SOQ Statement of Qualifications

US United States

US DOT United States Department of Transportation

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Request for Qualifications

1.1.2 Definitions

“Addenda/Addendum” means supplemental additions, deletions, and modifications to the

provisions of the RFSOQ after the Advertisement date of the RFSOQ.

“Advertisement” means a public announcement inviting prospective Respondents to obtain a

Request for Qualifications (RFSOQ) and submit a SOQ. The Advertisement shall include a brief

description of the Work proposed to be the subject of the procurement, with an announcement

where the RFSOQ may be obtained, the terms and conditions under which SOQ will be received,

and such other matters as the RTC may deem advisable to include therein.

“Affiliate” means the following:

A) Any Person which directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is

controlled by, or is under common control with the following:

1) The Design-Builder; or

2) Any other Principal Participant.

B) An Affiliate may also be any Person for which 10% or more of the equity interest in such

Person is held directly or indirectly, beneficially or of record, by the following:

1) The Design-Builder;

2) Any Principal Participant; or

3) Any Affiliate of the Design-Builder under part (A) of this definition.

For purposes of this definition, the term “control” means the possession, directly or indirectly, of

the power to cause the direction of the management of a Person, whether through voting

securities, by contract, by family relationship, or otherwise.

“Contract” means the written agreement between the RTC and the Design-Builder setting forth the

obligations of the parties thereunder, including, but not limited to, the performance of the Work,

the furnishing of labor and material, and the basis of payment. The Contract includes the Contract

Documents identified in the RFSOQ.

“Contract Documents” means the Design-Build Contract, Design Requirements, Performance

Specifications, any Addenda or amendment to the documents listed above, and all provisions

required by law to be in the Contract whether actually included or incorporated by reference.

Whenever separate publications are referenced in the Contract Documents, it is understood to

mean the publication, as amended, which are current on the date of Advertisement, unless

otherwise noted.

“Deficiency” means a material failure of a Statement of Qualification to meet the RTC’s

requirements in a SOQ that increases the risk of unsuccessful Contract performance to an

unacceptable level.

“Design-Build” means the Project’s delivery method under which the RTC contracts with a single

entity that has responsibility for the design and construction of the Project under a single contract

with the RTC.

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Request for Qualifications

“Design-Builder” means the private partner selected pursuant to the RFP that enters into the

Contract with the RTC to design and construct the Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial Intelligent

Transportation System (ITS) project (also referred to as the “Design-Build Team.

“Designer” means a Principal Participant or designer that leads the team furnishing or performing

the design of the Project.

“Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” means a for-profit small business concern which meets the

definition set forth in 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 26.

“Governing Body of the RTC” means the elected representatives of the entities of Clark County,

Nevada, including the County of Clark and the cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson,

Boulder City and Mesquite, who make up the voting membership of the Regional Transportation

Commission of Southern Nevada.

“Independent Assurance” means activities that are an unbiased and independent evaluation of all

the sampling and testing procedures, equipment calibration, and qualifications of personnel

(Design-Builder’s or RTC’s) used in the Acceptance Program, including the Design-Builder’s

Quality Control (QC).

“Key Personnel” means the Design Builder’s Project Manager, Design Manager, Construction

Manager, Quality Control Manager, Safety Manager, and Project Scheduler.

“Lead Principal Participant” means the Principal Participant that is designated by the Respondent

as having the lead responsibility for managing the Design-Builder’s organization.

“Person” means any individual, firm, corporation, company, Limited Liability Company (LLC),

Joint Venture (JV), voluntary association, partnership, trust, or unincorporated organization, or

combination thereof.

“Principal Participant” means any of the following entities:

A) The Design-Builder (or Respondent);

B) An individual firm, all general partners or JV members of the Design-Builder (or

Respondent); and/or

C) All Persons and legal entities holding (directly or indirectly) a 15% or greater interest in

the Design-Builder (or Respondent).

“Public-Private Partnership” or “P3” means a contract entered into by the RTC and a private

partner under which the private partner:

A) Assists the RTC in defining a project and negotiates terms for potentially carrying out the

planning, designing, financing, constructing, improving, maintaining, operating or acquiring

rights-of-way for, or any combination thereof, the project or any portion thereof; or

B) Assumes responsibility for planning, designing, financing, constructing, improving,

maintaining, operating or acquiring rights-of-way for the project or any portion thereof.

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Request for Qualifications

“Project” means the improvements to be designed and constructed by the Design-Builder and all

other Work product to be provided by the Design-Builder in accordance with the Contract


“Proposal” means the offer of the Proposer for the Work, when executed and submitted in

response to an RFP in the prescribed format and on the prescribed forms. The Proposal includes

the Technical Qualification Proposal and the Price Proposal.

“Proposer” means a Shortlisted Respondent submitting a Proposal for the Project in response to

the RFP.

“Quality Assurance” means all planned and systematic oversight actions necessary to provide

confidence that the Design-Builder is performing Quality Control in accordance with the Quality

Management Plan, that all Work complies with the Contract and that all materials incorporated in

the Work, all equipment, and all elements of the Work will perform satisfactorily for the purpose

intended. Oversight actions include, but are not limited to, monitoring and verification of design

through auditing, spot-checking and participation in the review of the design, and monitoring and

verification of construction through auditing, spot inspections and Verification Sampling and

Testing at production sites and the Project site.

“Quality Control” means the total of all activities performed by the Design-Builder, Designer,

Subcontractor, producer or manufacturer to ensure that the Work meets Contract requirements.

For design this includes, but is not limited to, procedures for design quality, checking, design

review including reviews for constructability, and review and approval of working plans. For

construction this includes, but is not limited to, procedures for materials handling and

construction quality, inspection, sampling and testing of materials, plants, production and

construction; material certifications, calibration and maintenance of equipment; production

process control; and monitoring of environmental compliance. Quality Control (QC) also

includes documentation for all QC design and construction efforts.

“Quality Control Manager” means the individual employed by the Design-Builder who is

responsible for the overall QC program of the Design-Builder, including the quality of

management, design and construction.

“Reference Documents” means the documents provided with and so designated in the RFP. The

Reference Documents, including plans contained therein and/or so designated, are not Contract

Documents and are provided to the Design-Builder for informational purposes only and are relied

upon at the Design-Builder’s own risk.

“Request for Proposals and RFP” means a document identifying the Project and the Work to be

performed and materials to be furnished, in response to which a Proposal may be submitted by a

Proposer. The RFP will include the Instructions to Proposers (ITP), Contract Documents, and

Reference Documents. The RFP will be issued only to Respondents who are on the Short-List.

“Request for Statements of Qualifications and RFSOQ” means the written solicitation issued by

the RTC seeking Statements of Qualifications to be used to identify and short-list the

Respondents to receive the RFP for the Project.

“Respondent” means a Person submitting a SOQ for the Project in response to this RFSOQ.

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Request for Qualifications

“RTC” means the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada.

“RTC’s Project Manager” means the engineer representing the RTC and having direct

supervision of the administration and execution of the Contract.

“Short-List” means the list of those Respondents that have submitted Statements of Qualifications

that the RTC determines, through evaluation, are eligible to receive an RFP and to be invited to

submit Proposals


“Specialty Subcontractor” means those consultants or Subcontractors identified by the

Respondent/Design-Builder to perform Work critical to the success of the Project such as the

Subcontractor for blasting, bridges, retaining structures, pavement, landscaping, ITS, public

information, or other specialty work.

“Statement of Qualifications and SOQ” mean the response to this RFSOQ.

“Subcontractor” means an individual, person, or entity having a direct contract with the Design-

Builder for the performance of a part of the Work

“Verification Sampling and Testing” means sampling and testing performed to validate the

quality of the product. The RTC, or a firm retained by the RTC, will perform Verification

Sampling and Testing.

“Work” means the furnishing of all labor, material, equipment, and other incidentals necessary or

convenient to the successful completion of the Project, the performance of all administrative,

design, engineering, and other services required for the Project, and the carrying out of all other

duties and obligations imposed by the Contract.


The RTC’s goals for the Project are as follows:

A) A high quality, durable, maintainable, aesthetic and safe project;

B) Cost below or matching budget;

C) Minimization of impacts to the traveling and adjacent public during construction;


In the context of the Project, the RTC is responsible for the following activities:

A) Overall program administration;

B) Preparation of the RFSOQ and RFP, evaluation of the Statements of Qualifications,

determination of the Short-List, evaluation of Proposals, and selection of the Design-


C) Design-Build Contract procurement and administration;

D) Quality Assurance oversight and audit of the Design-Builder’s design and construction

processes; Acceptance Sampling and Testing; and Independent Assurance Inspection,

Sampling and Testing, including Verification Testing;

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Request for Qualifications

E) Provision of information and data included in the RFP;

F) Review of Work and payment for Work; and

G) Final acceptance of the Work.

At the RTC’s sole discretion, it may use its consultants in fulfilling the responsibilities noted in this

Section 1.3.


The Design-Builder shall be responsible for furnishing all labor, material, plant, equipment, services and

support facilities for the following (this list is not intended to be all-inclusive):

1) Design and construction of all Project elements;

2) Project design management and construction management;

3) Project-related public information activities;

4) Coordination with Project stakeholders, other contractors and utility owners;

5) Preparation of a comprehensive Quality Management Plan and provision all design and

construction Quality Control in compliance with an approved Quality Management Plan

for the Project;

7) Maintenance of traffic and access to properties (both temporary and permanent access);

8) Project safety and security;

9) Construction waste disposal and handling;

10) Required clearances, licenses, construction easements and permits for Design-Builder

Work, work sites, and storage areas, on and off site;

11) Obtain and comply with all required and necessary construction permits and all other

assigned permits and supporting the RTC with permits to be obtained after DB contract


12) Coordinate utility relocations that are designated to be designed and constructed by utility


13) Coordinate the design of the Project with the utility companies to avoid conflicts and

provide required clearances to existing power transmission facilities not designated for


14) Maintenance of the Project during the Contract period;

15) Meet or exceed Minority Business Enterprise goals


A Principal Participant and Designer, as well as Affiliates of a Principal Participant or Designer, may

only be a member of a single Design-Build/Respondent Team. However, the RTC is not requiring that

Subcontractors be exclusive to a single Design-Build/Respondent Team.

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Request for Qualifications


The anticipated time of Contract award is June 12, 2014, with completion not to exceed 12 months from

notice to proceed. The actual completion date will be determined by the Design-Builder, and submitted

as part of its Proposal.

See Section 2.2 for the procurement schedule.


The Contract will be a fixed price, lump sum, Design-Build Contract.


The Contract will provide for periodic progress or milestone payments with a 5% retention. The final

retention amount and the amount of the Contract will be paid upon final acceptance of the Project. The

form of retention will be specified in the RFP.

The Contract will provide for Liquidated Damages relating to failure to meet the specified completion

dates. The calculation of Liquidated Damages will be set forth in the RFP.


The laws of the State of Nevada will govern the RFSOQ, RFP, and the Contract.


The Design-Builder will be required to implement quality control in accordance with the Quality

Management Plan for the Work. This plan shall be developed by the Design-Builder using ISO 9001


The Design-Builder's Quality Management Plan must follow the requirements of 23 CFR Part 637 and

the Contract Documents. The RTC will review the Design-Builder’s plan to assure that it meets

guidelines and minimum requirements established by the RTC. RTC approval of the plan will

constitute RTC agreement that it meets these criteria, but the Design-Builder shall maintain ownership

of the plan, shall be fully responsible for its execution, and shall maintain sole responsibility for the

quality and workmanship of the Work.

The RTC may establish and maintain its own QA and/or an independent QA organization to oversee

and/or perform quality audits of the Design-Builder’s management, design, construction, and

maintenance activities, the Design-Builder’s QC procedures, Verification Sampling and Testing, and

the quality of the final product.


The Design-Builder shall provide specified insurance, including commercial general liability, workers’

compensations, and professional liability insurance covering design, project management, and

construction management. Details of the insurance requirements will be provided in the RFP.

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Request for Qualifications

The Design-Builder will be required to provide performance and payment bonds and/or other security

acceptable to the RTC as provided in the RFP.

To be eligible for Contract award, all Persons participating in this procurement and/or the Contract must

obtain all licenses and permits and take all necessary steps to conduct business in the State of Nevada

and perform the Work required under the Contract, including proposing and carrying out contracts

consistent with the laws of the State of Nevada.

The Design-Builder may, in the discretion of the RTC, be required to provide a number of other

commitments including the following, where applicable:

A) Parent company and other guaranties;

B) Statements of joint and several liability by Principal Participants;

C) Parent company securities; and

D) Warranties.


A) Prohibition on Commissioner Contacts. During the period beginning on the date of

issuance of this RFSOQ by the RTC and ending on the date of determination of the Short

List of Respondents by the Governing Body of the RTC, no person or firm submitting a

SOQ in response to this RFSOQ, nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or

consultant representing such a person or firm, shall contact through any means or engage

in any discussion with any member of the RTC Governing Body, or his or her personal

staff, regarding this RFSOQ, a SOQ submitted in response to this RFSOQ, or the scope of

services described herein. Any contact in contravention of this prohibition shall be

grounds for the disqualification of the Respondent.

B) Limitation on RTC Staff Contacts. During the period beginning on the date of issuance of

this RFSOQ by the RTC and ending on the date of determination of the Short List of

Respondents by the Governing Body of the RTC, no person or firm submitting a SOQ in

response to this RFSOQ, nor any officer, employee, representative, agent, or consultant

representing such a person or firm shall communicate with any RTC staff, employees, or

agents regarding this RFSOQ, a SOQ submitted in response to this RFSOQ, or the scope

of services described herein. The only exceptions shall be for (1) requests for clarifications

or other communications with the RTC’s Purchasing and Contracts Analyst identified in

Section 3.4 of this RFSOQ; and (2) communications/discussions with RTC staff and/or

evaluators during the course of any interviews (if applicable). Any contact in

contravention of this restriction shall be grounds for the disqualification of the


1.13 COSTS

Respondents are solely responsible for all costs and expenses of any nature associated with responding

to this RFSOQ, attending briefing(s), providing supplemental information and all subsequent costs and


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Request for Qualifications


Respondents are responsible for being aware of the conflict of interest requirements of 23 CFR 636.116

and for submitting the RTC Organizational Conflict of Interest Statement with their SOQ, as required

by Section 1.17D hereof. In addition, any firm that is rendered ineligible through any State or federal

action is ineligible to participate on any Design-Build Team.


Attendance by at least one person from a Principal Participant of a Respondent team at the Pre-Proposal

Meeting is mandatory. A Pre-SOQ Meeting for this Project will be held from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.,

local time, February 20, 2014 at the offices of the RTC, 600 Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV



A) Individual Conflict of Interest. No employee, officer, or agent of the RTC shall

participate in the selection, or in the award or administration, of the Contract (including

the determination of the Short-List pursuant to this RFSOQ) if a conflict of interest, real or

apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when one of the following has a

financial or other interest in any firm proposing on or selected for the award:

1) The employee, or an officer or agent of the employee;

2) Any member of the employee’s immediate family;

3) The employee’s business partner; or

4) An organization which employs, or is about to employ, any of the above.

B) Gratuities. The RTC’s officers, employees, and agents shall neither solicit nor accept

gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from Respondents, prospective

Respondents, Subcontractors to Respondents, or other parties to sub agreements whereby

the intent could reasonably be inferred as influencing the employee in the performance of

his or her duties or was intended as a reward for any official act on his or her part.

C) RTC Employees. The RTC seeks to eliminate and avoid actual or perceived conflicts of

interest and unethical conduct by current or former RTC employees in transactions with

the RTC.

1) Consistent with this concept, no current or former RTC employee may contract with,

influence, advocate, advise, or consult with a third party about an RTC transaction, or

assist with the preparation of SOQs or Proposals submitted to the RTC while employed

by the RTC or within one (1) year after leaving the RTC’s employment if he/she was

substantially involved in determining the work to be done or process to be followed

while an RTC employee.

2) All Respondents, vendors, or contractors who anticipate contracting with the RTC must

identify, in their SOQ (or Proposal if there is a subsequent change) submission, any

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Request for Qualifications

such current or former RTC employees involved in the preparation of their SOQ or

Proposal or the anticipated performance of work or services if awarded the Contract.

Failure to identify former RTC employees involved in this transaction may result in the

RTC denying or terminating the successful Proposer’s contract.

D) Organizational Conflict of Interest. Prior to entering into the Contract, the Design-Builder

is required to inform the RTC of any real or apparent organizational conflict of interest.

Such organizational conflict of interest exists when the nature of the work to be performed

under a contract may, without some restriction on future activities, result in an unfair

competitive advantage to the Design-Builder, or may impact the Design-Builder’s

objectivity in performing the Contract work.

Each Proposer (Respondents on the Short-List) will be required to sign and submit with

their Proposal in response to the RFP, an Organizational Conflict of Interest Statement

certifying that it has no organization conflicts of interest with the RTC. An organizational

conflict of interest exists when a person or business entity has an unfair competitive

advantage because of other activities or relationships with other persons. An

organizational conflict of interest exists when any of the following circumstances arise:

1) Lack of Impartiality or Impaired Objectivity – when the Respondent is unable, or

potentially unable, to provide impartial and objective assistance or advice to the RTC

due to other activities, relationships, contracts, or circumstances.

2) Unequal Access to Information – The Respondent has an unfair competitive advantage

through obtaining access to nonpublic information during the performance of an earlier


3) Biased Ground Rules – During the conduct of an earlier procurement, the Respondent

has established the ground rules for a future procurement by developing the

specifications, evaluation factors, or similar documents.

E) Disclosure of Ownership/Principals. Respondents are hereby notified that for the contract

which will be awarded by the Governing Body of the RTC, the Proposer who will be

recommended for award must complete and sign the Disclosure of Ownership/Principals

form. The purpose of the Disclosure of Ownership/Principals form is to gather ownership

information pertaining to the business entity for use by the RTC Commissioners (RTC) in

determining whether members of the RTC should exclude themselves from voting on

agenda items where they have, or may be perceived as having a conflict of interest, and to

determine compliance with Nevada Revised Statute 281A.430, contracts in which a public

officer or employee has interest is prohibited. The Disclosure of Ownership/Principals

form can be found on the RTC Purchasing & Contracts website at

http://rtcsnv.com/about/business/index.cfm, and must be completed and signed by the

Respondent/Proposer who will be recommended for the award of the project, within 24

hours of the Purchasing Representative’s request.


The bidders preference on this project is in accordance with NRS 338.1727(3).


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Request for Qualifications


The authority of the RTC for the procurement of the Work to be performed under this Contract is

authorized by and will be in accordance with 23 CFR 636 and Nevada Revised Statutes 338.1721

through 338.1727, and SB 506 (Nevada Legislature 2011) using “best value” as the basis of selection.

The intent of the RTC is to award the Contract to the Proposer who provides the Proposal with the best

combination of price and qualifications.

The procurement process will include the following two steps:

A) RFSOQ (determination of no more than 3 Short-Listed firms); and

B) RFP (selection of a Design-Builder from Short-Listed firms that submit Proposals).

Evaluation of the Statements of Qualifications and Proposals will be based on information submitted in

the Statements of Qualifications and Proposals to the RTC. Pass/fail and qualification evaluation factors

will be present in both the RFSOQ and RFP phases. The selection of the Design-Builder for the

Contract will be based on both pass/fail factors and a combined evaluation of qualification and price

factors contained in the RFSOQ or RFP, as applicable. The selected Design-Builder for the Contract

will not be eligible to be selected for other RTC Design Build ITS projects and this Contract is

substantially complete.

2.1.1 RFSOQ Step

Statements of Qualifications submitted in response to this RFSOQ must include a response to each

pass/fail and each qualification evaluation factor. This RFSOQ sets out what is required during the

RFSOQ step of the procurement (see Section 4.0 for Statement of Qualification Submittal


Following the SOQ evaluations, based on the evaluation of pass/fail and qualification factors set forth

herein, the RTC will determine a “Short-List” of Respondents. Only the Respondents on the Short-

List will be provided with a RFP and will be given access to other information necessary for

submitting Proposals.

2.1.2 RFP Step

No more than three Respondents will be placed on the Short-List, based on the evaluation of their

SOQs. Those Respondents will be issued a RFP.

The RFP will provide further specific instructions on the information required to be submitted in

proposals by Shortlisted Respondents, the proposal, evaluation factors, the price proposal information

required, the objectives and requirements for evaluation of proposals and the evaluation rating

guidelines for the RFP step of the procurement. The RFP will solicit both price proposals and

technical qualification submissions from the Proposers. Technical submissions included in each

proposal will be evaluated based on RFP Qualification Evaluation Factors.

The weighting of price versus qualification in the selection of the successful Proposer will be set forth

in the RFP. The RTC anticipates a Design-Build Contract in the amount of approximately $7.6

million. The Contract award will be made to the responsive and responsible Proposer offering Best

Value to the RTC, based on the price and qualification factors and weights set forth in the RFP. The

procurement process may include Best and Final Offers.

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The selected Design Builder will be responsible for performing the scope of work comprised of

required components which will be outlined in the RFP.


The following represents the current schedule for the Project. The schedule is subject to change at the

discretion of the RTC.

Activity Due Date

Issue RFSOQ February 13, 2014

Pre-SOQ Meeting February 20, 2014

Final date for receipt of Respondent’s questions February 27, 2014

Issue date for Addendum and/or answers to Respondent’s questions (RFSOQ) March 5, 2014

Statement of Qualifications due date March 12, 2014

RTC Commission approval of Short-List April 10, 2014

Issue Final RFP April 14, 2014

Pre-Proposal Meeting April 21, 2014

Final date for receipt of Respondent’s questions April 28, 2014

Issue date for Addendum and/or answers to Respondent’s questions (RFP) May 5, 2014

Proposals due May 12, 2014

RTC Commission approval of Contract June 10, 2014


The Pre-SOQ Meeting will be held at 9::00 a.m. on February 20, 2014 at the RTC Administration

Building located at 600 South Grand Central Parkway, Suite 210, Las Vegas, NV 89106.


The RTC will consider questions submitted in writing by Respondents regarding the RFSOQ, including

requests for additional information, clarifications or modifications, and requests to correct errors. All

such requests must be submitted in writing or electronically to the RTC’s representative:

Debra Coleman, C.P.M. Purchasing and Contracts Analyst,

(RFSOQ 14-094 Respondent Questions),

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada,

600 Grand Central Parkway

Las Vegas, NV 89106

or colemand@rtcsnv.com.

Only written requests submitted as indicated above and within the time limits set herein will be

considered. No oral requests will be considered. No questions or requests for additional information to

any other RTC office, consultant, employee will be considered.

Only requests received by 5:00 p.m., local time, on the date specified in Section 2.2 will be addressed.

Questions will not be accepted other than described in this section 2.3.

Questions must include the potential Respondent’s name, address, telephone, email address, and fax

numbers, and the potential Respondent he/she represents.

A response to questions will be in writing and will be issued without attribution and sent to all

recipients of this RFSOQ not later than the date specified in Section 2.2. Verbal statements or

responses by staff of the RTC will not be binding on the RTC.

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If necessary, the RTC will issue addenda to modify conditions or requirements of this RFSOQ to

recipients of this RFSOQ not later than the date specified in Section 2.2.


Each Respondent will be notified in writing via e-mail and a hard copy letter whether or not it has been

selected for the Short-List.



The objective of the RFSOQ step of the procurement is to create a Short-List of the most highly

qualified Respondents with the capability (technical, financial and management), capacity and

experience necessary to successfully undertake and complete the Work. The selected Design-Builder

will have primary responsibility to plan, design, manage and control the Project and to complete the

Project on or ahead of schedule and at or under budget. The RTC has set high responsibility standards

for the Design-Builder that are reflected in the qualification evaluation factors of this RFSOQ and will

be reflected in the RFP and the Contract.

Specific objectives relating to each of the evaluation factors listed in Section 3.3 are included in

Sections through of this RFSOQ.


The information submitted in accordance with Section 4.0 will be evaluated in accordance with both the

pass/fail factors listed in Section 3.3.1 and the factors for qualification rating for the RFSOQ provided

in Section 3.3.2.


This Section 3.3 outlines the evaluation factors for the RFSOQ phase of the procurement. The RTC has

identified for this project the following factors and/or subfactors that are of particular importance to the


3.3.1 Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors

B) The pass/fail evaluation factors are as follows:

1) SOQ Responsiveness: All information requested in this RFSOQ is to be provided in the

format specified.

2) Legal: The Respondent has presented evidence showing its organization has the legal

ability to enter into and perform the Contract to design and build the Project as

demonstrated by:

a. Proper identification of all Principal Participants;

b. Demonstrated capability to enter into a contractual relationship with the RTC and a

declaration of willingness to do so;

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c. Not having been found liable for breach of contract with respect to a previous project,

other than a breach for a legitimate cause, during the 5 years immediately preceding

the date of the advertisement for statements of qualification.

d. Not having been disqualified from being awarded a contract pursuant to NRS

338.017, 338.13895, 338.1475, or 408.333

e. Possessing the licenses and certificates required to carry out the functions of their

respective professions within the State.

3) Financial: Demonstrated capability to provide required bonds, insurance, and

guaranties and meet other financial requirements identified in Tab A-5, of undertaking

and completing the Work.

If a SOQ passes all pass/fail evaluations, it will be further evaluated using the factors for qualification

rating in Section 3.3.2. If a SOQ fails any single pass/fail requirement resulting in a Deficiency, the

SOQ shall FAIL, and therefore the qualification factors will not be rated nor will the Respondent be

considered for inclusion on the Short-List.

3.3.2 Quality Evaluation Factors

The qualification evaluation factors and associated weightings are as follows:

Criteria Weighting



The Proposer shall provide an explanation of the Proposer’s proposed

management structure and key personnel for the services and/or product.

It should include the following:

1. An identification of the proposed Project Manager and other key

personnel (project staff) who will be responsible, with resumes

(limited to one page per person), describing their qualifications for

each position. Include at least 2 business references per key

personnel, including current contact number and email address. Ensure

that references have given permission to be contacted.

2. Indication of the present workload of the project staff to demonstrate

their ability to devote sufficient time to meet the proposed schedule.

3. A description of the role and responsibilities of each of the key


4. A description of the project team’s experience in working together on

similar work.

5. An organizational chart.

6. Estimate the percentage and kinds of work to be accomplished by the

Proposer with staff presently residing locally.



The Proposer shall provide an explanation of the Proposer’s qualification,

experience and business references. The Proposer must include the

following and will be evaluated on the demonstration of the factor and the


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quality of its submission:

1. Provide a brief description of the Proposer’s business history and

number of years in operation. If the Project is to be accomplished

through an affiliation or joint venture of several firms, the names and

addresses of those firms must be furnished, including the roles and

responsibilities for each.

2. The Proposer shall provide a listing of the entities, public and/or

private, for which the Proposer has provided similar services and/or

products in the last 5 years.

3. For each listed entity specified in Section 2 above, the Proposer shall

provide the contact information for references that have knowledge of

the background, character and technical competence of the Proposer.

Provide a name, current phone number and email address of each

entity’s contact person(s). Ensure that references have given

permission to be contacted. In addition, this Section shall include:

a. A description of the projects listed.

b. An identification of the particular scope of services and/or

products provided on the identified projects and a statement as to

whether the Proposer was the lead firm on the project.

c. Experience of meeting the schedule(s) and budget(s) for the

projects listed.

d. Identification of any termination action taken by an owner.

e. Identification of any liquidated damages assessed by an owner.

4. Claims, Liquidated Damages, Termination for Cause or Default and

Disciplinary Action:

a. Provide a list of all claims, dispute proceedings, litigation and

arbitration proceedings involving amounts in excess of $50,000 and related

to performance in which any Proposer, Principal Participant, or other firms

has been involved during the past 10 years. Include all claims, dispute

proceedings, litigation and arbitration proceedings initiated by or against

owners and federal, State and local regulatory agencies. Indicate whether

the claim, dispute proceeding, litigation or arbitration proceeding was

resolved against the participant(s) or its insurers/sureties or resulted in

reduction in compensation to the participant. Indicate any unresolved,

outstanding claims, dispute proceedings, litigation, and arbitration

proceedings. For litigation proceedings, indicate if the litigation was

preceded by a Disputes Review Board (DRB), mediation or arbitration


b. Liquidated Damages (LDs): Describe any contract which resulted in

assessment of LDs exceeding $50,000 against any Proposer, Principal

Participant over the past 5 years. Describe the causes of the delays and the

amounts assessed. Describe any outstanding damage claims by or damages

due and owing to any owner/agency;

c. Termination for Cause or Default: Describe the conditions surrounding

any contract (or portion thereof) entered into by any Proposer, Principal

Participant, or other firm over the past 10 years that has been terminated

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for cause or default, or which required completion by another party.

Describe the reasons for termination and the amounts involved;

d. Disciplinary Action: Indicate any disciplinary action taken against any

Proposer, Principal Participant, or other firm within the past 10 years by

any governmental agency or licensing board, including suspension from

the right to propose or removal from any list.


The Proposer shall provide an explanation of the Proposer’s proposed

work plan documenting Proposer’s ability to perform the Scope of Work

(or provide the Specifications) set forth in this RFP. The Proposer must

include the following and will be evaluated on the demonstration of the

factor and the quality of its submission:

1. A description of the Proposer’s management capacity, and

2. A proposed plan to accomplish the Scope of Work (or provide the

Specifications, as applicable) by the required schedule and within the

RTC’s budget.

3. Provide samples of the documentation format(s) that will be used to

complete the project.



The Proposer shall provide evidence of extensive knowledge of the

Southern Nevada region and an understanding of the key transportation

challenges facing the region. The Proposer must include the following and

will be evaluated on the demonstration of the factor and the quality of its


Provide a summary of transportation related projects completed in

Southern Nevada in the past 10 years. The summary should include, at

a minimum, the scope of work for the project, including location; the

project time frame, including completion date; the specific tasks

performed by the Proposer in the project; the total budget for the

project; contact information for the local agencies involved, including

the sponsoring agency; and the names, titles and technical expertise of

Proposers staff involved in the project.



Subcontracting Plan: Proposed plan for allocating work between

self-performance and subcontracting (including use of Minority,

Women, and small business firms in the performance of the work).

The RTC’s Minority, Women, and Small Business goal for this

project is 4.1%.



The Safety Program and records of the members of the Respondent

and its team members for the last 5 years.


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If desiring local preference in the evaluation, provide a description of the

Proposer’s ability to meet the requirements of Nevada Revised Statue

(NRS) 338.0117 as a minimum, and other related sections as applicable.


During this evaluation, ratings will be assigned for various requirements (see Section 4.4.2) within

each qualification evaluation factor. The ratings assigned to each requirement will be compiled to

determine an overall qualification evaluation factor rating. The ratings assigned to the qualification

evaluation factors will be compiled to determine an overall qualification rating for the SOQ.

Numerical scores will be assigned but not compiled.


The Respondent shall provide accurate and complete information to the RTC in its SOQ. If information

submitted in the SOQ is not complete, the RTC may, in its sole discretion, either declare the SOQ non-

responsive or notify the Respondents of the insufficiency and request clarifications and/or supplemental

information . Minor informalities, irregularities, and apparent clerical mistakes or minor omissions in a

SOQ, which are unrelated to the qualifications content of the SOQ, shall not be the basis for finding a

SOQ to be non-responsive, if corrected promptly by the Respondent upon receipt of notification from

the RTC.

If such a clarification is requested, Respondents must submit follow-up responses to the request to the

RTC at the address indicated below within two working days of receipt of the clarification request,

except as otherwise specified in writing by the RTC. The Respondent will not be allowed to participate

further in the procurement of this Project until all information required is provided through submittal of

corrected, supplemental or missing documents. If a response is not provided by the deadline established

by the RTC in its request for clarification, the SOQ may be declared non-responsive.

All responses to a request for clarification shall be in writing or e-mail. If in writing, the Respondent

shall be responsible for obtaining a written receipt appropriate to the means of delivery and, if by e-

mail, confirmed by priority mail/express delivery service. Responses shall be limited to answering the

specific information requested by the RTC in the Clarification.

Responses to requests for clarification shall be submitted to the following address:

Debra Coleman, C.P.M. Purchasing and Contracts Analyst

(RFSOQ 14-094 Response to Clarification Request)

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

600 Grand Central Parkway, Suite 350

Las Vegas, NV 89106



The RTC will establish a Short-List of no more than the three (3) most highly qualified Respondents in

order to ensure adequate competition. The Short-List will be created by eliminating the lowest rated

Respondents until a maximum of the three most highly qualified Respondents remain. Neither the

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overall ratings nor the ranking of the Respondents on the Short-List will be disclosed to Respondents

during the procurement process.

The RTC does not anticipate conducting interviews during the RFSOQ phase in order to establish the

Short-List, but reserves the right to do so. If the RTC elects to conduct interviews, the Respondents

shall be notified in writing.

In the event a material error is discovered in the RFSOQ during the SOQ evaluation process, the RTC

will issue an Addendum to all Respondents that have submitted Statements of Qualifications requesting

revised Statements of Qualifications based upon the corrected RFSOQ.


The decision of the RTC on the Short-List shall be final and shall not be appealable, reviewable, or

reopened in any way, except as provided in the Protest Procedures in Section 5.0. Parties participating

in the RFSOQ phase of this procurement shall be deemed to have accepted this condition and the other

requirements of this RFSOQ.

Subject to applicable Nevada law, the contents of Statements of Qualifications (other than proprietary

information to the extent protected under applicable Nevada law) will become public information upon

execution of the Contract.



All Statements of Qualifications must be received at the RTC no later than 5:00 p.m., local time, on the

SOQ due date specified in Section 2.2. The Statements of Qualifications must be clearly identified and

marked “RFSOQ No. 14-094 and be enclosed in sealed containers. Late submittals will not be

considered and will be returned unopened to the address indicated on the cover of the package.


Statements of Qualifications shall be delivered to the following address:

Debra Coleman, C.P.M. Purchasing and Contracts Analyst

(RFSOQ 14-094)

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

600 South Grand Central Parkway

Las Vegas, NV 89106

Each Respondent shall be responsible for obtaining a written receipt appropriate to the means of

delivery from the RTC office specified in this Section 4.2 at time of delivery of its SOQ . It is the

Respondents sole responsibility to ensure delivery of its SOQ to the RTC at the time and place

specified herein, and the RTC shall have no liability or responsibility therefore.


The SOQ shall be limited to no more than 20 pages in Tabs B-1 through B-7 of the SOQ. Information

in Tabs A-1 through A-4 do not count towards the 20 page limit. Pages shall be 8-1/2 x 11 single

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sided. Type shall be a minimum of 12 font. The SOQ submissions must be delivered as follows: one

electronic copy, one original and four hard copies of the SOQ Statement of Qualifications and

appendices shall be provided. The original SOQ must be signed in ink by a duly authorized officer of

the Respondent, and must be identified as the original on the cover(s) and marked as “Copy 1 of 4

Copies”. All copies shall be provided in loose-leaf binders. Each copy shall be identified on the cover(s)

as “Copy # of 4 Copies”. The SOQ document must be organized to correspond with the outline

presented in Sections and


This section describes the specific information that must be included in the SOQ.

Each SOQ shall include Package A and Package B, which shall provide all of the required information

and materials identified in Section and Section 4.4..2.2, respectively, in the precise order

specified and labeled or “tabbed” in accordance with the Tabs set forth below.

Responders should provide brief, concise information that addresses the objectives and the

requirements of the Project consistent with the evaluation factors described in Section 4.4.2. Lengthy

narratives containing extraneous information are discouraged.

The RTC will maintain a confidential process for the duration of this DB procurement. All records

related to this procurement, including, but not limited to, Statements of Qualifications, Evaluation and

Short-List Procedures, Proposals, evaluation and selection procedures, and any records created during

the evaluation and selection process, will remain confidential until the Contract has been executed by

all necessary officials of the Design-Builder and the RTC.

4.4.1 Confidential/Proprietary Information

The RTC is a public agency as defined by state law, and as such, it is subject to the Nevada Public

Records Law (Chapter 239 of the Nevada Revised Statutes). Under that law, all of the RTC's records

are public records (unless otherwise declared by law to be confidential) and are subject to inspection

and copying by any person. However, in accordance with NRS 332.061(2), a proposal that requires

negotiation or evaluation by the RTC may not be disclosed until the proposal is recommended for

award of a contract. Respondents are advised that at that point, a proposal’s contents will become a

public record and nothing contained in the proposal will be deemed to be confidential, except

proprietary information. Respondents shall not include any information in their SOQ that is

proprietary in nature or that they would not want to be released to the public, except in accordance

with the procedures specified below. SOQs must contain sufficient information to be evaluated

without reference to any proprietary information.

If a Respondent believes that it cannot submit its SOQ without including proprietary information, it

must adhere to the following procedure or its SOQ may be deemed non-responsive and not subject to

further evaluation and review by the RTC.

1) Respondents must submit any alleged proprietary information in a separate, sealed

envelope labeled "Proprietary Information" with the RFSOQ number. The “Proprietary

Information” must be submitted on a separate Compact Disk from the non-proprietary

portion of the submittal.

2) The envelope shall contain a letter from the Respondent’s legal counsel describing the

documents in the envelope, representing in good faith that the information in each

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document meets the narrow definitions of proprietary information set forth in NRS

332.025, 332.061 and NRS Chapter 600A, and briefly stating the reasons why each

document meets such definitions.

3) Upon receipt of a SOQ accompanied by such a separate, sealed envelope, the RTC will

open the envelope to determine whether the procedure described above has been

followed. If the procedure has not been followed, the RTC will not consider the

information submitted as confidential or proprietary.

Any information submitted pursuant to the above procedure will be used by the RTC only for the

purposes of evaluating SOQs, and might never be used at all.

If a lawsuit or other court action is initiated to obtain proprietary information, a Respondent who

submits the proprietary information according to the above procedure must have legal counsel

intervene in the court action and defend the proprietary status of the information, at its own cost.

Failure to do so shall be deemed to be the Respondent’s consent to the disclosure of the information

by the RTC, Respondent’s waiver of claims for wrongful disclosure by the RTC, and Respondent’s

covenant not to sue the RTC for such a disclosure.

The Respondent also agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless the RTC if the RTC is assessed any

fine, judgment, court cost, or attorney’s fees as a result of a challenge to the designation of

information as proprietary.

4.4.2 Evaluation Factors, Objectives and Requirements

In providing the SOQ, Respondents should be guided by the Project goals in Section 1.2 and the

objectives listed in Sections and An objective is stated for each qualification

evaluation factor to provide Respondents the expectations of the RTC. The requirements for each

qualification evaluation factor and the information to be submitted are listed and described in detail.

The SOQ evaluation ratings of Section 3.3 will be based on how well the SOQ responds to the

requirements and meets or exceeds the Project goals and the objectives for each of the evaluation


Each Respondent shall submit Package A that includes each of the materials set forth below.

Package A materials will be reviewed on a Pass/Fail basis. Each Tab in Package A shall be

separated by a divider and include the information set forth below. Exhibit forms are provided in

Attachment A. Where forms are provided, the information shall be typed onto each Exhibit and

included in the appropriate tabbed section.

TAB A-1 Submittal Letter

Each Respondent shall provide a Submittal Letter, in the form provided in Exhibit 1 (without

alterations), which shall identify the Respondent and all Principal Participants and shall be signed

by an authorized representative of the Respondent.

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Request for Qualifications

TAB A-2 Evidence of Good Standing and Licenses; Authorized Execution.

Each Respondent shall provide the Respondent’s organizational information, which shall identify

the Lead Principal Participant, other Principal Participants, the Designer and the Quality Control

firm(s). In addition, the Respondent shall provide the following information:

1) Each Respondent shall provide evidence that it (and each Principal Participant and the

Designer) is in good standing in the State of its incorporation/organization and that it is

qualified to do business in the State of Nevada.

2) Each Respondent shall provide evidence that it and the Principal Participants and the

Designer possess the licenses and certificates required to carry out the functions of their

respective professions within the State, including qualifications to bid on a public work

of the State pursuant to NRS 338.1379, or explain how they will obtain such licenses

and certificates prior to the issuance of the RFP.

3) Each Respondent shall provide evidence that (A) it is authorized to submit the SOQ;

and (B) if placed on the Short-List by the RTC pursuant to this RFSOQ process, it is

authorized to submit a Proposal in response to the RTC’s Request for Proposals. If the

Respondent is a corporation, it shall provide such evidence in the form of a resolution

of its governing body; if the Respondent is a Joint Venture or general partnership, it

shall provide such evidence in the form of a resolution by each Joint Venture member

or general partner.

4) If the Respondent is a Joint Venture, it shall also provide: (A) a power of attorney

executed by each Joint Venture member evidencing the capacity of the person signing

the SOQ to act on behalf of the Joint Venture; (B) a copy of the executed Joint Venture

Agreement; and (C) an affirmative statement by each of the Joint Venture members that

they will, if shortlisted pursuant to this RFSOQ process and subsequently selected for

Contract award, be jointly and severally liable for performance of all of the

Contractor’s obligations under the Contract.

5) Each Respondent shall identify a designated contact(s) that is authorized to act on its

behalf on all matters relating to the RFSOQ.

6) Each Respondent shall provide a signed Organizational Conflict of Interest Statement

indicating that the Principal Participants, Designer and Subcontractors do not have an

organizational conflict of interest or explaining in detail the nature of any

organizational conflict of interest.

TAB A-3 Statutory Statement on Past Performance.

Each Respondent must provide a statement as to whether the Respondent (and each Principal

Participant and the Designer) has:

1) Been found liable for breach of contract with respect to a previous project during the

five (5) years preceding the date of advertisement for this RFSOQ, other than a breach

for legitimate cause; or

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2) Been disqualified from being awarded a contract pursuant to NRS 338.017, 338.13895,

338.1475, or 408.333;

TAB A-4 Bonding, Insurance, Financial and Related Information.

Each Respondent shall provide the following information:

1) Each Respondent shall provide a letter from a surety or insurance company indicating

that the Proposer is capable of obtaining (A) a Proposal Bond equal to 5% of the

estimated amount of the Contract; (B) a Payment Bond not less than 50% of the

estimated amount of the Contract; and (C) a Performance Bond not less than 50% of

the estimated amount of the Contract.

2) The surety or insurance company submitting the above required letters must be licensed

to practice in the State of Nevada and must be rated A-VII or better by A.M. Best and


3) Each Respondent shall affirm that if it is shortlisted by the RTC and invited to submit a

Proposal in response to the RFP, it will, if required by the RTC, execute and provide a

Parent Guaranty.

4) Short listed Respondents will be required to provide, in their Proposals in response to

the RFP, evidence of capacity to obtain specified insurance, including commercial

general liability, workers’ compensation, and professional liability insurance covering

design, project management, and construction management. Details of the insurance

requirements will be provided in the RFP. PACKAGE B – QUALIFICATION EVALUATION FACTORS

Each Respondent shall submit Package B that includes each of the materials set forth below in Tabs

B-1 through B-7. Each Tab in Package B shall be separated by a divider. Package B materials will

be evaluated and rated based on the criteria outlined in Section 3.2.2.

TAB B-1 Staffing Plan and Management / Organization Structure of Team

A) Objective:

1) To identify Respondents who will effectively manage all aspects of the Contract in a

quality, timely and effective manner; and

2) To identify Respondents that have the technical and management experience and

expertise to plan, organize, execute the design and construction and assure the quality

and safety of the Project.

B) Requirements and information to be submitted:

1) Description of the organizational structure of the Respondent’s Team, including

Principal Participants, Designer, Subcontractors and/or Specialty Subcontractors;

2) Proposed Key Personnel Information. If more than one key position is filled by the

same person, so indicate. Provide two references for the Project Manager nominee and

at least one reference for all other Key Personnel. Indicate the name, position, company

or agency and current telephone and fax numbers for each reference. References shall

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Request for Qualifications

be owners or clients for whom the Key Personnel have worked within the past five

years and shall not be current or past employers of the Key Personnel;

3) Resumes outlining Key Personnel’s experience and qualifications. Resumes shall be a

maximum of one page each. Resumes should highlight the following information:

a) Proposed role on Project and experience in area of responsibility;

b) History of employment with participant;

c) Experience in the management, design and/or construction of projects, especially

any DB projects; and

d) Project role, if any, in projects included in firm experience (Tab B-3);

4) An organizational chart identifying the management structure, teaming arrangements

and reporting requirements of the Respondent organizations. This should include all

participating firms responsible for major functions to be performed in designing,

constructing, providing QC, environmental compliance and public information services

for the Respondent organization. All Principal Participants, the Designer,

Subcontractors and/or Specialty Subcontractors must be identified on the chart.

Provide a brief description of the significant functional relationships among these

firms. The critical support elements of project management, project/contract

administration, construction management, design management, environmental

compliance and Quality Control shall be identified. Describe prior experience (if any)

the members of the Respondent team have working together.

C) It is a requirement of the RTC that Respondent organizations, including Principal

Participants, Designer, Subcontractors, Specialty Subcontractors, and Key Personnel

identified in the Statement of Qualification remain intact for the duration of the

procurement process including the subsequent Contract. A Respondent may propose

substitutions for participants or additional participants after the Statement of Qualification

submittal; however, such changes will require written approval by the RTC, which

approval may be granted or withheld in the RTC’s sole discretion. Requests for changes

must be made in writing no later than thirty calendar days prior to the due date for

Proposals. Requests for changes in any of the Principal Participants, Designer, or Specialty

Subcontractors will be particularly scrutinized;

TAB B-2 Qualifications, Experience and References

A) Objective:

1) To identify those Respondents demonstrating an understanding of the management and

technical issues and risks associated with a the Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS

Project; and

2) To identify those Respondents demonstrating an understanding of how the DB process

and the Respondent’s organization will contribute to the success of the Project and

meet the RTC’s Project goals, demonstrating an understanding of the risk sharing and

the teaming relationship between the Design-Builder and the RTC.

B) Requirements and information to be submitted:

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1) List and briefly describe the significant management and technical issues and risks

facing the selected Respondents and/or the RTC; and

2) Briefly describe how the Respondents will use its organization and the DB process to

ensure a successful Project, considering the RTC’s Project goals listed in Section 1.2.

Experience of the Firms

A) Objective:

1) To identify the best design and construction firms available with demonstrated

experience and expertise in, capacity for, and record of producing quality Work on

projects similar in nature to the Project, particularly DB projects.

2) To identify Respondents that have the following:

a) Experience in successfully managing, designing and constructing projects of

the size and complexity of this Project;

b) Superior records of completing contracts on time and within budget;

c) Experience in successfully managing large scale rock excavation projects

similar to this Project; and

d) Records of managing contracts to minimize delays, claims, dispute

proceedings, litigation and arbitration;

3) To identify Respondents who will effectively manage all aspects of the Contract in a

quality, timely and effective manner and will integrate the different parts of its

organization collectively and with the RTC in a cohesive and seamless manner; and

4) To identify Respondents that have the technical and management experience and

expertise to plan, organize, and execute the design and construction, and assure the

quality and safety of the Project.

B) Requirements and information to be submitted:

1) Firm Experience: Past Project Description, provide no more than ten past project

descriptions, with a minimum of 3 past projects per each Principal Participant and the

Designer and additional project descriptions from other team members and Specialty

Subcontractors, highlighting experience in the last 10 years relevant to the Project.

Describe those projects having a scope comparable to that anticipated for the Project

with particular emphasis on DB projects; and describe the experience/track record in

meeting schedule and budget requirements for each of the Projects listed; and

2) Company brochures may be included as an Appendix and will not count toward the

page limit.

TAB B-3 Work Plan

The proposer shall provide an explanation of the Proposer’s proposed work plan documenting

Proposer’s ability to perform the Scope of Work (or provide the Specifications) set forth in this

RFP. The Proposer must include the following and will be evaluated on the demonstration of the

factor and the quality of its submission:

1. A description of the proposer’s management capacity, and

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2. A proposed plan to accomplish the Scope of Work (or provide the Specifications, as

applicable) by the required schedule and within the RTC’s budget.

3. Provide samples of the documentation format(s) that will be used to complete the project.

TAB B-4 Local Knowledge and Experience

A) Objective:

1) To identify those Respondents demonstrating an understanding of the project location

and the characteristics of the freeway corridor and the community it serves.

2) To identify Respondents with Key Personnel demonstrating in-depth knowledge of the

codes, standards and development processes used by local jurisdictions and other

critical stakeholders such as utilities necessary for the successful development of the


B) Requirements and Information to be submitted

1) Describe team’s knowledge and experience on freeway, arterial or heavy civil projects

in the vicinity of the project.

2) Describe key member’s knowledge of codes, standards and development processes

used by local jurisdictions and other stakeholders.

3) Describe the Respondent’s general approach to delivering the project including key

areas of project risk.

TAB B-5 Subcontracting Plan

A) Objective:

1) To identify those Respondents having a logical plan for allocating work between self-

performance and subcontracting and an effective plan for utilizing Minority and small

business firms in the Work.

B) Requirements and Information to be Submitted:

1) Initial draft of subcontracting plan, identifying the elements of the design build scope

of work the Respondent intends to self-perform and the elements of the scope of work

anticipated to be subcontracted.

2) For the work to be subcontracted, identify the procurement method to be used (i.e., low

bid or best value) and identify the specific work anticipated to be performed by

Minority and small business firms. A more detailed version of the Subcontracting Plan

will be required in the Proposal in response to the RFP, and the final Subcontracting

Plan will be a requirement of the Design-Build Contract.

The RTC’s Minority, Women, and Small Business non-mandatory goal for this project

is 4.1%, and participation will be tracked.

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TAB B-6 Safety

A) Objective:

1) To demonstrate that the Respondent has a track record of implementing effective public

and worker safety programs in accordance with the safety plan and thereby avoid

selecting Respondents with a history of safety problems;

B) Requirements and Information to be Submitted:

1) Safety: Provide information for the last five (5) years indicating number of workdays

lost out of total workdays worked; number of accident reports and. the Workers’

Compensation experience modification factors.

2) Provide a summary of the Respondent’s approach for development and execution of

their construction safety and training program, including how the safety team will be

organized. The summary is to address public safety, and the safety of employees,

subcontractors, and other contractors on site as well as describing how the Proposer

will provide protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to: (a) all employees of the

Design-Builder and its Subcontractors performing the Work and other persons who are

on the site, and the public; (b) the Work, materials, and equipment on the site; and (c)

all other property on the site.

TAB B-7 Geographical Eligibility

If desiring local preference in the evaluation, provide a description of the Proposer’s

ability to meet the requirements of Nevada Revised Statute NRS 338.00117 as a

minimum, and other related sections as applicable.


A) General. Protests of an Interested Party (as defined below) regarding the procurement actions of

the RTC will be considered and determined in accordance with the following procedures. A protest

which is submitted by a party that is not an Interested Party or which is not in accordance with these

procedures shall not be considered by the RTC, and will be returned to the submitting party without any

further action by the RTC.

B) Definitions.

For purposes of this Section:

(1) The term “Days” means, unless otherwise provided, calendar days but if any day of a

time period under this procedure falls on a weekend or holiday, the last day of such

period shall be the next business day of the RTC. Business days of the RTC are Monday

through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time.

(2) The term “Interested Party” means any person (a) who is an actual or prospective

Proposer in the procurement involved, and (b) whose direct economic interest would be

affected by the pending procurement action or decision of the RTC Governing Body.

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(3) The term “Solicitation” means an invitation to Bid, Request for Qualifications, or

Request for Proposals, as applicable, or other form of document used in a procurement

process to obtain services, equipment, or construction work.

C) Grounds for Protests. An Interested Party may file a protest with the RTC on the following

grounds or bases for protests only:

(1) The RTC has failed to comply with applicable Federal or State law;

(2) The RTC has failed to comply with its procurement procedures; and

(3) The RTC has failed to comply with the terms of this solicitation.

Protests alleging other grounds or bases will not be considered by the RTC.

D) Time Deadlines for Filing Protests. Any protest of an Interested Party regarding the procurement

process, or the proposed Short List of Respondents must be filed with the RTC no later than five (5) Days

after the posting of the RTC’s agenda for action by the Governing Body of the RTC on the prosed Short

List of Respondents. Any protest filed after that date will not be considered by the RTC.

E) Protest Bond. Any party filing a protest is required by the RTC, at the time the protest is filed, to

post a bond with a good and solvent surety authorized to do business in this State or submit other security,

in a form approved by the RTC, to the RTC who shall hold the bond or other security until a

determination is made on the protest. A bond posted or other security submitted with a protest must be in

the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000).

The RTC will not consider any protest that is not accompanied by the required bond. If the protest is

unsuccessful, the RTC will submit a claim for reimbursement of agency administrative and agent costs.

F) Contents. A protest must be filed in writing and must include:

(1) The name and address of the protestor.

(2) The name and number of the Solicitation.

(3) A detailed statement of the grounds for the protest, including all relevant facts, and the

Federal or State law, the provision of the RTC procurement procedures, or specific term

of the solicitation alleged to have been violated.

(4) Any relevant supporting documentation the protesting party desires the RTC to consider

in making its decision.

(5) The desired relief, action, or ruling.

Protests should be submitted to:

Purchasing and Contracts Manager

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

600 South Grand Central Parkway

Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

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Request for Qualifications

All protests must be received at the RTC offices during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Pacific Time, Monday through Thursday.

G) Review of Protests by the RTC.

(1) Review Process. The RTC will notify the protestor as to the timely receipt of a protest

and may, where appropriate, request additional information from the protestor within a

time certain to be specified in the notice by the RTC. The RTC will also give notice to

other Respondents in the Solicitation involved and may, in its discretion, permit any

such party to submit information regarding the merits of the protest. The RTC may, in

its discretion, hold a conference with the protestor to review the issues raised by the

protest and may allow the protestor to submit a rebuttal regarding information submitted

to another party.

(2) Effect on Pending Action. Subject to paragraph (3) below, the RTC will defer the

pending action or determination of the Governing Body of the RTC, as posted in the

agenda item that is the subject of the protest, until resolution of the protest. However, if

the review of the protest has been completed, the Governing Body may, in its discretion,

both dispose of the protest and act on the agenda item at its next meeting.

(3) Ability to proceed. Notwithstanding the pendency of a protest, the RTC reserves the

right to proceed with the appropriate next step or action in the procurement process, and

to not defer or suspend an action, in the following circumstances:

a. Where the service to be procured is urgently required;

b. Where the RTC determines, in writing, that the protest is vexatious or frivolous;

c. Where delivery or performance will be unduly delayed, or other undue harm will

occur, by failure to proceed with the procurement;

d. Where the RTC determines that delay will adversely impact the overall

procurement schedule for the Project;

e. Where the RTC determines that proceeding with the procurement is otherwise in

the public interest.

(4) Summary Dismissal. The RTC also reserves the right, by action of the RTC General

Manager, to summarily dismiss all or any portion of a protest that raises legal or factual

arguments or allegations that have been considered and adjudicated by the RTC in a

previous protest in the same solicitation or procurement action.

H) Decision on Protest.

(1) After review of a protest submitted under this Section, the RTC General Manager shall

make a recommendation to the Governing Body of the RTC on the appropriate disposition of such

protest. The recommendation shall be made on the basis of the information provided by the protestor and

other parties, the results of any conferences with the protestor, and the RTC’s own investigation and

analysis. The decision of the Governing Body shall be in writing and shall be the final and binding

agency action. Except in exceptional circumstances, the decision of the Governing Body will be rendered

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as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days after the time deadline for filing the protest under

subsection D, or the date all relevant information is submitted or the date of the conference pursuant to

subsection G (1), whichever last occurs.

(2) If the protest is upheld, the RTC will take appropriate action to correct the procurement

process and protect the rights of the protestor, including re-solicitation, or revised evaluations. If the

protest is denied, the RTC will lift any suspension imposed and proceed with the appropriate stage of the

procurement process.

I) Appeals. A protestor adversely affected by a decision of the RTC may appeal such decision to

the Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada.



The RTC may investigate the qualifications of any Respondent under consideration, may require

confirmation of information furnished by a Respondent, and may require additional evidence of

qualifications to perform the Work described in this RFSOQ. The RTC reserves the right, in its sole

discretion, to do any of the following:

A) Reject any or all SOQs;

B) Issue a new RFSOQ;

C) Cancel, modify or withdraw the RFSOQ;

D) Issue Addenda, supplements and modifications to this RFSOQ;

E) Modify the RFSOQ process (with appropriate notice to Respondents);

F) Appoint a Team(s) and/or evaluation committee(s) (collectively referred to as the

Committees) to review and assist in the review of the SOQ;

G) Approve or disapprove the use of particular subcontractors and/or substitutions and/or

changes in Statements of Qualifications;

H) Revise and modify, at any time before the SOQ due date, the factors it will consider in

evaluating Statements of Qualifications and to otherwise revise or expand its evaluation

methodology. If such revisions or modifications are made, the RTC shall circulate an

Addendum to all registered Respondents setting forth the changes to the evaluation criteria

or methodology. The RTC may extend the SOQ due date if such changes are deemed by

the RTC, in its sole discretion, to be material and substantive;

I) Hold pre-submittal meetings and exchange correspondence with the Respondents

responding to this RFSOQ to seek an improved understanding and evaluation of the SOQ .

J) Seek or obtain data from any source that has the potential to improve the understanding

and evaluation of the SOQ ;

K) Waive weaknesses, informalities and minor irregularities in Statements of Qualifications;


L) Disqualify any team that changes its SOQ without RTC written approval.

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The RFSOQ does not commit the RTC to enter into a Contract, nor does it obligate the RTC to pay for

any costs incurred in preparation and submission of the Statements of Qualifications or in anticipation

of a Contract. By submitting a SOQ , a Respondent disclaims any right to be paid for such costs.

The execution and performance of a Contract pursuant to this RFSOQ and any subsequent RFP is

contingent upon sufficient appropriations and authorizations being made by the RTC, the Clark County

Board of Commissioners, the Legislature of the State of Nevada, or the Congress of the United States

(US) if federal funds are involved, for performance of a Contract between the successful Proposer and

the RTC.

In no event shall the RTC be bound by, or liable for, any obligations with respect to the Work or the

Project until such time (if at all) as the Contract, in form and substance satisfactory to the RTC, has

been executed and authorized by the RTC and approved by all required parties and, then, only to the

extent set forth therein.


In issuing this RFSOQ and undertaking the procurement process contemplated hereby, the RTC

specifically disclaims the following:

A) Any obligation to award or execute a Contract pursuant to this RFSOQ or the subsequent

RFP; and

B) Any obligation to reimburse a Respondent for any costs it incurs under this procurement.

In submitting a Statement of Qualifications in response to this RFSOQ, the Respondent is specifically

acknowledging these disclaimers.


The RTC shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and

performance of any US Department of Transportation (US DOT) assisted contract or in the

administration of 49 CFR Part 26. The Proposers shall take necessary and reasonable steps to ensure

that businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals are

provided with a fair opportunity to participate in this Project. Please review Resolution 315, Exhibit 3.


In connection with this RFSOQ and the Contract, Respondents/Proposers shall not discriminate against

any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, age,

disability, or marital status. Respondents/Proposers shall take affirmative action to ensure that all

applicants are treated fairly during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, sex, national

origin, age, disability, or marital status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; employment, job assignment,

upgrading, demotion, transfer recruitment/recruitment advertising and selection for training, including

apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship and/or on-the-job training.


In connection with this RFSOQ and the Contract, Respondents shall comply with all applicable laws in all

aspects in connection with the procurement process of this Project and the performance of the Contract.

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Request for Qualifications





Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

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Request for Qualifications



Debra Coleman, C.P.M., Purchasing and Contracts Analyst

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

600 S. Grand Central Parkway

Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4512

RE: RFSOQ No. 14-094, Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Dear Ms. Coleman:

[ name of company ] is hereby submitting its Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to serve as Design-

Builder Private Partner in response to RFSOQ No. 14-094 issued by the Regional Transportation Commission

of Southern Nevada (RTC). This Statement of Qualifications includes the following Principal Participants

which constitute our proposed Design-Build Team


[ name of company ] is a [corporation] [general partnership] [joint venture} organized under the laws of

the State of __________, and authorized to do business in the State of Nevada. (Organizations not presently

authorized to do business in Nevada but with the intention of becoming legally constituted under the laws of

Nevada prior to award of contract shall so indicate.)

We understand that all costs and expenses incurred by us in preparing this SOQ and participating in the

RFSOQ process will be borne solely by us, and that any errors or omissions in this SOQ are solely our


We agree that if we are shortlisted by the RTC pursuant to this RFSOQ process, we will submit a

responsive Proposal in response to the Request for Proposals to be issued by the RTC for this project.

We agree to comply with the Restrictions on Lobbying and RTC Contacts provisions in Section 1.12 of

the RFSOQ and acknowledge that contacts in contravention of those restrictions shall be the basis for

disqualification of the offending Respondent.

[If applicable: We acknowledge receipt of the following Addenda to the RFSOQ: Addendum #1, dated


Our contact person for all issues relating to this SOQ and the RFSOQ process generally is

_______________ [phone number, email, and address].

Signature Block


Print Name:


Company Name:

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

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Request for Qualifications







This project is an approved funding initiative by the State of Nevada (AB 413, Index Fuel Tax) and the

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC). Through this project, ITS Infrastructure will

be installed, configured and tested onto the new FAST IP/Ethernet Communication Network which includes but

not limited to; Fiber-Optic Cable, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV), Traffic

Information Detector Stations (TIDS), Service Pedestals for power, connectivity to existing traffic signals, and

other ITS Infrastructure will be installed along various portions of the Northern 215 Bruce Woodbury Beltway

between Tenaya Way and Aliante Parkway. Through this project, Fiber-Optic Cable, Emergency Pre-Emption,

Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV), Traffic Signal Controllers and other ITS Infrastructure will also be

installed on Nellis Blvd. between Lake Mead Blvd. and Flamingo Rd., on Stewart Ave. between Nellis Blvd.

and Pecos Road and along various arterial corridors within the Las Vegas Valley. This network will provide

connectivity to traffic signals via fiber optic cable and will improve capabilities to manage coordinated traffic

signal timing on the roadway network. ITS Equipment and Software that is not installed will be furnished and

delivered to RTC-FAST.


CONTRACTOR, which could be some combination of a construction contractor firm and one or more

architectural and design firms, if needed, will undertake a program of designing and implementing various

infrastructure elements as described in the Schedule of Basic Services. These services are likely to be slightly

adjusted by RTC after award of contract, and possibly throughout the course of the project. Any such

adjustments up or down in quantity will be accommodated by CONTRACTOR at the unit prices proposed and

contracted for. The RTC may negotiate with the CONTRACTOR and accept or deny the proposal. A contract

amendment will be executed by both parties if the proposal is accepted.

In addition, RTC may choose to supplement the contract with negotiated additional services that are not

identified in the Basic Services.

Whenever CONTRACTOR, in the course of performing the Basic Services, is requested to present

recommendation’s to the RTC with respect to the advisability of or the need for any Special Service, such

recommendation will be in writing and shall include a recommended scope of work for such Special Services

and a recommended fee. If CONTRACTOR recommends subcontract services, the recommendation shall also

include the name(s) of the subcontractor(s) recommended by CONTRACTOR and a copy of the subcontract

proposal(s) and schedule. The RTC may negotiate with CONTRACTOR and accept the proposal. A contract

amendment will be executed by both parties if the proposal is accepted.

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Request for Qualifications

Price proposals for the Basic Services and the Special Services shall indicate unit prices as well as the extended

amount for each item based on the quantities identified.

Design/Professional Services Fees shall be incorporated in the unit prices for each item, as solely determined by

CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall identify a proposed progress payment schedule through the duration of

each Task ID, and for the entire project.

The term “installation” means design, installation, testing, restoration, energizing, integration and successful

commissioning of all systems and components to provide a fully operational system. Prior to the RTC

accepting the work, CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of RTC that all systems and

components are fully operational.

The CONTRACTOR shall have 5 years of experience on similar types of projects.


Upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed (NTP) by RTC, CONTRACTOR shall propose, design, permit, furnish,

and install fiber optic cable, communication devices, power, conduits, wires and ITS devices within the project

limits. The specific tasks shall include and not be limited to the items A through P listed below:

A. Perform detailed investigation of existing on-site conditions including but not limited to pull boxes,

splice vaults, conduits, cabinets, ITS conduits, power conduits, service for power and other pertinent


B. Contact utility agencies, perform research, and obtain information regarding electrical, telephone, gas,

water, sewer, cable television, traffic signal interconnect conduit, pipelines, and other utility facilities from the

utility agencies operating existing facilities or planning to install additional facilities within the construction

limits of the Project, such information to include mapping, utility plats, plans, data on electronic media and in

other forms. If CONTRACTOR requires any Detail or As-Built drawings, those may be obtained from the


C. Conduct a visual and field investigation of the Project site to determine conditions of existing pull

boxes, conduits, wires and make appropriate recommendations to relocate, remove or replace where such are in

conflict with CONTRACTOR’s design. These recommendations shall be reflected in the design plans.

D. Perform quality control/quality assurance reviews and make all corrections and/or revisions on all

drawings, specifications and any other documents prior to submittal to the RTC for review and comment. All

submittals made to the RTC shall include a letter from CONTRACTOR certifying that all quality

control/quality assurance reviews have been performed by CONTRACTOR and corrections made prior to

submittal to the RTC.

E. Prepare plans for the Project to include but not be limited to the installation of a Fiber Optic Interconnect

System for the Beltway Segments and Arterial including installation of, at a minimum, 72 strand single mode

fiber optic cable for the entire length, 12 strand communications distribution cable assembly (CDCA)

connection into existing traffic signal cabinets and proposed cabinets, service pedestals for power, Dynamic

Message Signs (DMS), DMS with support structures and DMS cabinets with the associated controller

equipment, Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV) with the associated equipment, Traffic Information Detector

Stations (TIDS), TIDS with support structures and TIDS cabinets with the associated controller equipment,

Traffic Information Detector Stations (TIDS), Travel Time Signs (TTS) with support structures and TTS

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Request for Qualifications

cabinets with the associated controller equipment, splicing of fiber optic cables, upgrading of existing

interconnect/ITS conduit, pull boxes, splice vaults, guard rail to protect ITS device and cabinets, removal and

installation of sidewalk, removal and installation of asphalt, removal and installation of conduits, pull boxes,

splice vaults and the installation of any missing conduits required to accommodate fiber optic cable installation.

The DMS shall be Daktronics Type 1 or Type 2 per NDOT Qualified Products List (QPL) and be compatible

with the FAST Field Device Communication Protocol and FAST Central Software System. The Traffic

Information Detector Station (TIDS) shall be Wavetronic’s Smart Sensor HD Series or approved equivalent and

be compatible with the FAST Field Device Communication Protocol and FAST Central Software System. The

Traffic Signal Controller shall be Naztec 980 ATC and be compatible with the FAST ATMS Software System.

Prepare plans for the Project to also include but not be limited to the connection into new TVM cabinets,

splicing of fiber optic cables, upgrading of existing interconnect/ITS conduit and pull boxes, upgrading of

existing power conduit and pull boxes, removal and installation of sidewalk, trenching, asphalt installation,

installation of conduits, pull boxes and splice vaults and the installation of any missing conduits required to

accommodate both power and fiber optic cable installation. Install RTC Fuel Revenue Index Funded Projects

construction sign per RTC requirements.

F. Prepare all engineering and architectural data and applications and obtain permits from, local, state and

federal authorities. Separate engineering and architectural data, plans, specifications and applications to obtain

permits will be required for each separate local, state and federal authority. The design shall be such that the

utility relocation and conflicts is kept to a minimum. All submitted applications shall include notices of utility

removal or relocation if necessary. CONTRACTOR shall procure all required permits to successfully complete

this project. CONTRACTOR shall include a sum of $42,000 in the price proposal as “Allocated Permit Fee

Contingency”. CONTRACTOR shall also include a sum of $42,000 in the price proposal as “Inspection Fee

Contingency”. No work shall be performed under these items without prior written approval from RTC. RTC

will reimburse CONTRACTOR only for actual fees paid to the entities for such Permit and/or Inspection


G. Prepare and furnish six sets of progress (11” x 17”) drawings and special provisions to the RTC for

review and comments at the 70 percent complete, and final stages. In addition, six copies of a summary of all

reviews and comments made on the previous submittals shall be provided on subsequent submittals, complete

with appropriate responses. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate all plan-checking and activities through RTC.

CONTRACTOR shall allocate 30 calendar days in the project schedule for these review and plan-check

activities. Deviations from this assumed duration and their impact on the overall project schedule shall be

determined on a case-by-case basis.

H. Provide utility companies and governmental agencies with plans, specifications for the Project, and

other information concerning the relocation of utility facilities necessary to construct the Project; all

correspondence between utilities and CONTRACTOR to be copied to the RTC. CONTRACTOR shall be

responsible for coordinating with all utility companies. CONTRACTOR shall include a sum of $32,500 in the

price proposal as “Allocated Utility Relocation Cost Contingency”. No work shall be performed under this item

without prior written approval from RTC. RTC will reimburse CONTRACTOR only for actual fees paid to the

entities or utility company for such Relocation activities.

I. Document the resolution of all utility conflicts and coordinate such with the respective utility owner and

the RTC. RTC does not anticipate relocation of utilities during this project. CONTRACTOR shall make

assumptions pertaining to the installation of components; and any utility conflicts observed in the field shall be

resolved by routing/installing components to avoid such conflicts. Cost differences due to such actions may be

determined based on unit prices provided by CONTRACTOR in their price-proposals, and paid for by the

Allocated Utility Contingency fee explained above.

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Request for Qualifications

J. Obtain utility company signatures and approvals of utility modifications and relocations, with a copy to


K. Complete final one hundred percent plans and specifications ready for construction and furnish to the

RTC one set each of final full size (24”x36” Mylar and 11”x17” Bond) drawings, and specifications, stamped

and sealed by a Professional Engineer or Architect registered in Nevada as required by the Agency requiring

approval of the plans and permits. Also submit electronic copies of the final drawings and specifications in a

format approved by the RTC and suitable for reproduction.

L. Prepare and furnish Progress sets and Complete final one hundred percent plans and any specifications

requested, to the Agency. The plans and specifications are to be stamped and sealed by a Professional Engineer

or Architect registered in Nevada as required by the Agency requiring approval of the plans and permits. Also,

submit electronic copies of the final drawings and specifications in a format approved by the RTC and suitable

for reproduction.

M. Provide written responses to requests from the RTC for technical clarifications and information during

construction of the Project when such clarifications and need for technical information are not the result of error

or omission on part of CONTRACTOR. Following completion of Project construction and within sixty days,

CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the RTC a set of hard copy record drawings (as-built markups) and all drawing

files in AutoCAD’s ‘.dwg’ format or ‘.dxf’ format incorporating all revisions and clarifications identified during

construction and as requested by the RTC. CONTRACTOR shall also geocode all fiber optic cable, pull boxes,

cabinets, and ITS devices installed as part of this project and provide the data in a format approved by the RTC.

These documents together shall constitute the ‘Record’ contract documents. Each drawing sheet shall be dated

and stamped to indicate ‘Record Drawings.’ An index of all drawing files, including reference files, shall also

be provided.

N. The CONTRACTOR will test, furnish, install, provide all communication cables, power cables,

integrate and configure the ITS equipment onto the FAST IP/Ethernet Communication Network. All equipment

must be approved by RTC-FAST, prior to purchase. All equipment shall operate within the existing Freeway

and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) Arterial Management System (AMS) and Freeway Management

System (FMS). The CONTRACTOR will test and provide a complete and operational system back to the FAST

Traffic Management Center (TMC). RTC-FAST will supply the IP scheme for the network which includes the

equipment. The CONTRACTOR will configure each equipment within the network with IP address, test

equipment and place a permanent label showing IP Address of the equipment. The RTC-FAST staff will

configure the FAST Traffic Management Center (TMC) Central Signal System Software and CCTV Central

System Software to accept the CONTRACTOR installed and configured ITS Field Devices. The

CONTRACTOR will test and provide a complete and operational system back to the FAST Traffic

Management Center (TMC) 30 days prior to Substantial Completion. The Contractor will test, furnish, install,

integrate and configure the following as a minimum:

1. Layer 2 Ethernet Switch

a. The functionality and general requirements of a Layer 2 Ethernet switch shall meet RTC

Specification 684.

2. Layer 2 Serial - Ethernet Switch (Furnish Only)

a. RuggedCom Rugged Switch RS930L.

3. Video Encoder

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

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Request for Qualifications

a. The functionality and general requirements of a Video Encoder shall meet RTC Specification


4. Existing and New Traffic Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

a. The functionality and general requirements of a CCTV system shall meet RTC Specification 687

and RTC Standard Drawing 404.766.

5. New 80’ High Mast Pole with Traffic Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

a. The functionality and general requirements of a CCTV system shall meet RTC Specification 687

and general requirements shall meet NDOT Specifications and Qualified Products List (QPL).

6. Dynamic Message Sign (DMS)

a. The functionality and general requirements of a DMS shall meet NDOT Specifications and

Qualified Products List (QPL).

7. Traffic Information Detector Station (TIDS)

a. The functionality and general requirements of a TIDS shall meet NDOT Specifications and

Qualified Products List (QPL).

8. Traffic Signal Controller (Furnish Only)

a. Naztec 980 ATC with Apogee Software, Latest Version.

b. All equipment must be approved by RTC-FAST, prior to purchase.

c. The controller shall comply with the requirements stated within this specification so as to operate

within the existing Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) Arterial Traffic

Management System (ATMS).

9. HUB 9 (CC 215 and US 93 & 95) Field Device Configuration

a. Test, furnish, install, and configure all devices associated with integrating and making Hub 9

(CC 215/ US 93 & 95) a complete and operating hub.

b. All equipment supplied and installed on this project shall be labeled clearly with the project and

location designation.

c. All equipment must be approved by RTC-FAST, prior to purchase.

d. The equipment shall comply with the requirements stated within this specification so as to

operate within the existing Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) Arterial

Management System (AMS) and Freeway Management System (FMS).

10. HUB 6 (Stewart and Pecos) Field Device Configuration

a. Test, furnish, install, and configure all devices associated with integrating and making Hub 6

(Stewart and Pecos) a complete and operating hub.

b. All equipment supplied and installed on this project shall be labeled clearly with the project and

location designation.

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

c. Layer 2 Switch for Hub - RuggedCom Rugged Switch RSG2100-F-RM-HIP-HIP-FX04-FX04-

FX04-FX04-CG01-1CG01-FX04-FX04-TX01-TX01-XX (Furnish Only).

d. All equipment must be approved by RTC-FAST, prior to purchase.

e. The equipment shall comply with the requirements stated within this specification so as to

operate within the existing Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) Arterial

Management System (AMS) and Freeway Management System (FMS).

11. TMC Device Configuration

a. Test, furnish, install, and configure all devices associated with integrating and making

operational the new ITS enhancements at Hub 6 (Stewart and Pecos) and Hub 9 (CC 215/ US 93

& 95), as well as the conversion to an IP based ITS system.

b. All equipment supplied and installed on this project shall be labeled clearly with the project and

location designation.

c. All equipment must be approved by RTC-FAST, prior to purchase.

d. The TMC Equipment shall comply with the requirements stated within this specification so as to

operate within the existing Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation (FAST) Arterial

Management System (AMS) and Freeway Management System (FMS).

O. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate power design with NVE, provide design for customer-owned

facilities, and facilitate agreements between RTC and NVE.

P. Easements may need to be obtained for the installation of this ITS infrastructure. Perform all research,

including title reports, and obtain all property owner information in order to prepare Easement Documents for

all ITS and RTC Infrastructure installed on private property. Prepare and furnish Progress sets and Complete

final one hundred percent Easement documents, to the RTC, Agency and Property Owner. The Easement

documents are to be stamped and sealed by a Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor registered in Nevada.

RTC will record the Easement Documents for each property.


The CONTRACTOR shall perform the following Special Services if, as, and when requested in writing by the

RTC provided, however, that the CONTRACTOR shall not be obligated to perform any Special Services unless

a sufficient amount of money has been mutually agreed upon for such purposes.

o Perform additional field surveys, prepare legal descriptions, perform office computations and drafting

related to the tasks in the Special Services section.

o Provide additional design and related services in the event the RTC finds it necessary to perform additional

work not specified in the Basic Services section, but required for and related to the project.


The design shall conform to the standards published in the latest edition of the “Uniform Standard Drawings

and Specifications for Public Works Construction, Clark County Area” as adopted by Clark County, the Cities

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

of Henderson, North Las Vegas and Las Vegas, and the Nevada Department of Transportation. Design criteria

for the following agencies shall also be adhered to:

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada,

Clark County Regional Flood Control District,

Nevada Department of Transportation Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction, and

Local Agency Building Codes

Specific design references to be used on this project include the most recent editions of the following:

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highways and

Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Latest Edition.

Uniform Standards Specifications for Public Works’ Construction of Off-Site Improvements, Clark

County Area, Nevada, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Latest Edition.

Uniform Standard Drawings for Public Works’ Construction of Off-Site Improvements, Clark County

Area, Nevada, Volume I and Volume II, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada,

Latest Edition.

Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Federal Highway Administration,

US Department of Transportation, Latest Edition.

Clark County Improvement Standards, Department of Public Works, Clark County, Nevada, Latest


Hydrologic Criteria and Drainage Design Manual, Clark County Regional Flood Control District, Latest


AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, Latest Edition.

NDOT QPL: http://www.nevadadot.com/reports_pubs/QPL/

Local Agency Building Codes.

Refer to www.rtcsouthernnevada.com/streets/pdf/specs for specifications and standard drawings adopted by the

RTC. RTC has finalized standard specifications for some of the ITS devices. CONTRACTOR shall use these



This project to include but not be limited to Fiber-Optic Cable, Power, TVM and other ITS Devices and

Infrastructure that will be installed that CONTRACTOR is required to design and construct.

3.1 Management and Coordination

CONTRACTOR shall provide and manage resources to effectively complete the Project. CONTRACTOR shall

coordinate with RTC, Clark County, City of Henderson, City of Las Vegas, City of North Las Vegas, and

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications

NDOT. CONTRACTOR shall also coordinate with other consultants and projects, utility companies, and

review agencies as required.

3.2 Project Meetings

CONTRACTOR shall conduct and attend semi-monthly progress meetings, during the design and construction

phases of the project. These meetings may be face to face or conference calls, to be determined by RTC.

Additional coordination meetings shall be held with RTC and other agencies, as required and as necessary to

address unforeseen developments. CONTRACTOR shall prepare and distribute meeting notes to all attendees

within five working days of the meetings.

3.3 Correspondence

Copies of all formal correspondence shall be forwarded immediately to the RTC Project Manager.

CONTRACTOR shall maintain a contact log of all project correspondence. The log will briefly note the

identity of the sender and recipient(s), the date, and the subject of the correspondence, with reference to its

location in the project file. Project-related emails and telephone conversations shall also be entered into the

contact log. CONTRACTOR shall submit and review the contact log at the project meetings.

3.4 Schedule

CONTRACTOR shall develop a schedule that reflects design and construction activities, and project

milestones. A separate Notice to Proceed for each Task IDs will be issued following the execution of the

contract and funding availability. It is expected that all tasks included in the RFP and any Addenda’s shall be

completed by December 31, 2015. CONTRACTOR shall also indicate the duration for each task from NTP for

that task.

3.5 Progress Reports

CONTRACTOR shall prepare monthly progress reports as part of the monthly invoices, and be prepared to

discuss same at the project meeting following invoice submittal. Weekly reports will be submitted once

construction commences.

3.6 Specifications

CONTRACTOR will prepare contract specifications describing the performance requirements and special

conditions for each of the components of the design. CONTRACTOR shall use the RTC, Local Agency and

NDOT Standard Specifications, Drawings and Codes.

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Northern 215 Beltway & Arterial ITS February 13, 2014

Request for Qualifications



Resolution No. 315

Resolution Supporting Local Hiring on Fuel Tax Indexing Projects

WHEREAS, Clark County’s consistent goal and challenge is to establish the County’s economic vitality and ensure ongoing job creation to ensure that the County’s unemployed persons are given opportunities to return to work and new areas of employment are created for future generations; and

WHEREAS, the construction and infrastructure industry is an essential element of Clark County's economy; and

WHEREAS, businesses, workers, governments and legislators worked together in the 77th (2013) Session of the Nevada Legislature and developed Assembly Bill 413 (“Fuel Tax Indexing”) which is intended to catalyze the construction and maintenance of Clark County’s infrastructure and was signed into law on June 12, 2013; and

WHEREAS, the Clark County Board of Commissioners adopted Fuel Tax Indexing on September 3, 2013 and indexing will provide funding for approximately $700 million of much needed roadway projects as set forth in an analysis conducted by Hobbs, Ong & Associates on July 25, 2013 and considered by the County Commissioners; and

WHEREAS, Fuel Tax Indexing will create an estimated 4,738 to 5,526 direct person years of employment within the construction and related sectors during project implementation timeframes as set forth in an analysis conducted by Hobbs, Ong & Associates on July 24, 2013 and considered by the County Commissioners; and

WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada is working with the local governments and business communities to develop opportunities for local residents to become employed on planned projects; and

WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada is dedicated to identifying opportunities to maximize the use of local workers and local companies for the Commission’s projects, especially those supported by local funds;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada reaffirms the Commission’s commitment to the goals outlined herein, subject to all applicable legal requirements, to encourage the use, retention and selection of companies especially those that support minority and women-owned businesses that show dedication to our community by holding local business licenses, generating local taxes and paying living wages.
