13 Superlative the Amazon River is 4000 Miles


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Read the statements. Use the superlative

� Do not use the comparative.

1. (long) The Amazon River is 4,000 miles long. 4,145 miles long. The Chang Jiang

_____________________ is _________

2. (expensive) Canon Powershot Online Prices: Dell: $399 Of the three stores, ___________ is ________

place to buy a Canon Powershot camera.

3. (chilly*) *Chilly means cold. AVERAGE HIGH TEMPERATURES IN JANUARY:

Beijing, China: 34º F. Vancouver, Canada Of the three cities, _________ is _________

4. (hard) Number of students Mr. Trego: 4 Ms. Meanie

Of the three classes, ______

5. (fattening) A serving of roast chicken has 160 calories. One portion of mashed potatoes has 200 calories. One serving of bacon on toast has 400 calories.

Of the three dishes, __________________

6. (dangerous) New Orleans had 401 mu

Of the three cities, _______

7. (wealthy*) *Wealthy means

Warren Buffett is worth $36 billion. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is worth $46 billion. Alice Walton, of Wal

_____________ is ___________________ of the three people.

8. (crowded) Mr. Trego’s 10:00 class 3:30 class at SFSU has 18.

9. (far) Sacramento Chicago Miami

Of the three cities, _____________ is _________

10. (bad) light rain a thunderstorm 1tormenta eléctrica, 雷暴雨, гроза,

Of the three weather conditions, ______________ is _______________.

5020104 ©Roland Trego 09/17/94

the superlative.

use the comparative.

is 4,000 miles long. The Nile River is The Chang Jiang-Yangtze is 3,964 miles long.

____ is ___________________ river in the world.

Canon Powershot camera Gateway: $449 RitzCamera: $400

___________ is _____________________________

Powershot camera.


º F. Vancouver, Canada 42º F. Moscow, Russia 21Of the three cities, _________ is _________________________ in January

mber of students who got a final grade of “F” last semesterMr. Trego: 4 Ms. Meanie: 9 Mr. Greene: 2

classes, ______________’s class was __________________

) A serving of roast chicken has 160 calories. One portion of mashed potatoes has 200 calories. One serving of bacon on toast has 400 calories.

____________________ is _____________________.

) New Orleans had 401 murders last year. Detroit had 320. Paris

_________ was ____________________________ last year.

means rich.

Warren Buffett is worth $36 billion. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is worth $46 billion. Alice Walton, of Wal-Mart, is worth $20.5 billion.

_____________ is ___________________ of the three people.

) Mr. Trego’s 10:00 class has 45 students in it. His 12:00 Mr. Trego’s _______ class is ____________


Chicago Miami

____________ is _____________________ from San Francisco.

a thunderstorm1 a hurricane2 ,إعصار ,2huracán, ураган, 飓风 العواص�����ف الرعدي�����ة ,

conditions, ______________ is _______________.

a weather map

shows a hurricane

revised 2/9/2014 5:06 PM

in the world.


oscow, Russia 21º F. January.

who got a final grade of “F” last semester:

___________ last semester.

) A serving of roast chicken has 160 calories. One portion of mashed potatoes has 200 calories. One serving of bacon on toast has 400 calories.

_______ is _____________________.

had 320. Paris had 135.

______ last year.

Warren Buffett is worth $36 billion. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, Mart, is worth $20.5 billion.

only has 22. His ________________.

_______ from San Francisco.

حاصب ,

conditions, ______________ is _______________.

a weather map that

a hurricane