#13 Exercise Challenge€¦ · C) Cardio Blast: Jump Squats- (touch the floor)/ Mountain Climbers/...


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#13 Exercise Challenge

A) Triceps/ Biceps workout: Biceps curl/ Triceps Extension/ Hammer curls/Triceps Dips Biceps Curl Triceps Extension

Hammer Curls Triceps Dips

B) Back workout: Lat pull downs/ Reverse fly / Bent over rows Lat Pull down Reverse Fly

Bent over Rows

C) Cardio Blast: Jump Squats- (touch the floor)/ Mountain Climbers/ Jumping Jacks Jump Squats Mountain Climbers Jumping Jacks

Description A) Triceps/ Biceps workout: Biceps curl/ Triceps Extension/ Hammer curls/Triceps Dips

Bicep Curl-Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent. Place feet hip distance apart. Keep shoulders even as you complete this exercise. Hold weights in both hands, palms facing upward, with elbows slightly bent positioned next to waist and rib cage. Exhale as you slowly and evenly lift both forearms upright to shoulders to a full bicep curl. Inhale as you evenly and slowly lower both arms down to starting position. Remember to squeeze your bicep muscles as you lift down, instead of letting gravity do the work.

Triceps Extension Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a pair of dumbbells overhead, arms straight, elbows close to your ears, palms facing inward. Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows using your forearms only, lowering the weights behind your head. Exhale as you extend your forearms back overhead to return to the start position. Hammer Curls Stand straight up with your arms by your side and you palms facing towards your body. With the dumbbells exhale as you raise your arms until your forearms are parallel with the floor. Pause at the top of the hammer curl, then inhale and slowly lower back down to the starting position

Triceps Dips-Sit on a bench or chair. Begin with the hands next to or slightly under the hips. Lift up onto the hands and bring the hips forward. Inhale and bend the elbows (no lower than 90 degrees) and lower the hips down, keeping them very close to the chair. Keep the shoulders down. Exhale and push back up without locking the elbows. Keep the shoulders down and away from the ears to protect them from injury. Modification move the feet closer to the body

B) Back workout: Lat pull downs/ Reverse fly / Bent over rows Lat pull down-Sit on the seat and adjust the thigh pads so that your quads sit comfortably under the support. Grasp the cable bar with a wide overhand grip, knuckles up. You should be able to just reach the bar when you stretch up. If you can not, adjust the seat or bar hanger cable or chain. A slight stretch upward to grab the bar is not harmful but you don't want the bar so high that you have to drag it down. Keeping the back straight, exhale and pull the bar down to about chin level or a little lower in a smooth movement while squeezing the shoulder blades together. Inhale and slow raise arms to starting position

Reverse Fly-Using light/medium dumbbells begin with your torso bent at a 45 degree angle, back flat abs engaged and knees slightly bent. With the elbows slightly bent, exhale and lift the arms out to the sides, up to shoulder level, squeezing shoulder blades together. Inhale and slowly lower back down by your side.

Bent over rows-Bend over at the waist until torso parallel to floor or at 45 degree angle, abs engaged and knees slightly bent. Hold the weights straight down without locking the elbows. Bend the elbows and pull the weights up until the elbows are level with the torso. Try to keep the shoulders relaxed and away from the ears.

C) Cardio Blast: Jump Squats- (touch the floor)/ Mountain Climbers/ Push-ups Jump Squats- start in a deep squat position with your arms out in front of your body. From this position, explosively jump up as high as you can and reach for the ceiling with your hands as you jump. Land on your toes before coming back down onto your heels, you should land in the beginning squat position.

Mountain Climbers- mimic the push-up position shoulders over hands legs extended straight back. Switch legs quickly, moving one forward and one back by bending one knee at a time. Support the weight of the body with the bent leg and hands. Repeat the switches to resemble climbing up a mountain.

Jumping Jacks-
