13 Colonies 4 th Grade History Jonathan Curnow Main Menu Click on one of the following pictures to...


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13 Colonies

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New Hampshire

New Hampshire gained Independence in 1741.Its first governor was Benning Wentworth. New Hampshire became a state on June 21st, 1788.

Please Try AgainMassachusetts was known for The Salem Witchcraft Trials. Return To QuestionDelaware

Delaware was known as a breadbasket colony, because it grew wheat. In 1664, Delaware became an English Colony. Delaware was the very first colony to become a state.

North CarolinaThe North Carolina Colony was founded in 1653 by the Virginia colonists. One of the major cities in North Carolina is Raleigh. North Carolina received statehood on November 21st, 1789.


Virginias main city was Jamestown. Virginia was found in 1607 by John Smith.It was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England.

South Carolina

South Carolina had the largest slave population on the farms.The crops were traded for goods such as shoes, farming tools, and dishes. South Carolina became a separate colony in 1712.


Also known as The Massachusetts Bay Colony. In 1692 the Salem Witchcraft Trials took place. Traded goods such as fish, ships, and livestock.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island was known as the Providence of Plantations Colony.Founded in 1636 by Roger Williams. Rhode Island is the smallest of the thirteen colonies, and is the smallest state today in The United States.

New JerseyIn 1664 the British took control of New Jersey from the Dutch.Then in 1676, New Jersey is divided into West and East Jersey. 1702, West and East Jersey were combined into one colony, what is today known as New Jersey.


Named after King George II of England. William Stephens was named the first president of the entire colony of Georgia. Trading included rice, dye, lumber, cotton, and tobacco.


The colony was known for fishing and shipping.In 1637, The Pequot War took place. The most known city in Connecticut was Hartford. (Hartford is today the capital of Connecticut)
