129 issue Friday 26th April 2013



129 issue Friday 26th April 2013

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No 129 Friday 26th April 2013

In your child’s book bag this week: Attain Magazine Years 4 & 5 Nursery—Year 5 Curriculum Letters

Dear Parents, I hope you have all had an enjoyable Easter break. We are looking forward to an action-packed Summer Term. We are delighted to welcome our new member of staff, Miss Joanna Townsend, who will be Deputy Head next term and is currently working with various year groups in the school. She has settled in very quickly and will receive a true baptism of fire next week when she accompanies Year 6 on their trip to France. It is a pleasure to have her with us. Later in the term Year 5 will be going on a residential trip to Hooke Court in Dorset and next week, for the first time, Year 4 will also go on a one-night residential trip to Bowles Outdoor Centre on the Kent/Sussex border. We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return. Today was Election Day for our new school charity. After a year of very successful fund-raising for Médecins sans Frontières, we have decided to focus on more local charities this year as there is unfortunately plenty of need for help closer to home. In assembly this morning the three houses presented their chosen charities: The Autism Trust, the RNIB lo-cal branches and Small Steps, a charity for children with physical disabilities. The presenta-tions this morning, and also all those that were given on Wednesday within House meetings, were truly impressive. The children had clearly thought very carefully about their charities, taken the trouble to research them and to prepare presentations which were pro-fessional, confident and persuasive. They should all feel very proud of themselves. A demo-cratic, secret ballot was held and we will announce the result next week. All these charities are worthy of our support. I trust you have received my email concerning Measles. This outbreak is clearly a serious one and not something to be taken lightly. I would urge you to make sure that your chil-dren’s vaccinations are up to date for the benefit of the whole school community. Thank you.

Anne Dobell Headteacher

Monday 29th April

Year 4 Residential Trip to Bowles Children to be in school by 7.00am

Coach 7.30am

Year 6 Cycling Proficiency at Kew College Helmets to be worn and padlocks provided for the children’s bikes.

2 sessions at 9.00am and 11.00am

Monday Clubs Library Club in Sedum Recorder Club Year 4 in the Sedum Debating Club Years 5 & 6 in 6B Classroom Table Tennis Year 4 in the Main Hall El Club Espanol Kindergarten – Y1 in Nursery Junior Choral Club Years 3 & 4 in the Sedum Pottery Club Years 5 & 6 in the Sedum

1.00 – 1.30pm 1.00 – 1.30pm 1.00 – 1.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.40 – 4.40pm

Tuesday 30th April

Talk to Year 5 Parents on Senior Schools in the Sedum 8.30am

Tuesday Clubs Recorder Club Year 3 in the Sedum Arts and Crafts Years 4 – 6 Computer Club Years 2 – 6 in the Sedum Jazz Dance Years 2 – 4 in the Main Hall Drama Club Years 5 & 6 in the Sedum Jewellery Club Years 1 & 2 in 3B

8.00 – 8.25am 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.40 – 4.40pm 3.30 – 4.30pm

Year 4 Return from Bowles. Please collect your children from Kew College

Coach 6.00pm

Wednesday 1st May

Wednesday Clubs New Kew Strings Years 3 – 6 in the Sedum Games Club – Years 3 – 6 in the Playground Little Golfers Years 1 & 2 in the Main Hall Arts and Crafts Years 2 & 3 in the Sedum Kew College Singers in the Sedum

8.00 – 8.30am 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.40 – 4.30pm


Thursday 2nd May

Perform Drama Workshops in school for the Infant House 8.50am

Thursday Clubs Fencing Club Y4 in the Sedum Keyboard Ensemble Years 3 – 6 in the Sedum Cookery Club Years 1 - 3 in Nursery Jewellery Club Years 3 - 6 in the Sedum Drama Club Years 3 – 4 in the Main Hall Key Stage 1 Choral Club Years 1 & 2 in 4H Fencing Club Years 5 & 6 in the Sedum Years 5 & 6 Fencing Club members stay in school and bring a snack

3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 5.00pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 – 4.15pm 4.40 – 5.40pm

Friday 3rd May Year 2 Cake Sale 8.20am

Sunday 5th May

Year 6 Residential Trip to France Children to arrive at Pools on the Park Car Park, Richmond Coach leaves for the Ferry

4.15am 4.30am

Monday 6th May School Closed Bank Holiday

SPACES IN SUMMER TERM AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Clubs Begin w/c Monday 29th April There are still places left in the following Clubs. If you wish your child to join any of them please contact either Julia or Nicola in the Office. Thank you Mondays Table Tennis Pottery Club Tuesdays Arts and Crafts Years 4 - 6 Computer Club Jazz Dance Club Jewellery Club Years 1 & 2

Wednesdays Little Golfers Kew College Singers Years 5 & 6 Thursdays Fencing Year 4 Cookery Club Years 1 - 3 Keyboard Ensemble Drama Club Years 3 – 4 Drama Club Years 3—4


Kew College Singers SINGERS FROM YEARS 5 AND 6 In July, both Year 5 and Year 6 will present plays and entertainment for their parents which will include songs. Year 6 will be learn-ing all the music for Smike, a pop musical with rap, rock and roll, jazz and ballad style songs, together with a large number of character solos. Year 5 will be sing-ing, dancing and playing music about Antarctica to enhance their project work. Take this excellent opportunity to practise and develop your voices. Sign up for Kew College Singers on Wednesdays 3.40 to 4.30 with Mrs. Allison in the Sedum. All are welcome, no audition needed. Mrs Allison and Mrs Thompson

ATTENTION YEAR 2 PARENTS Apologies to those Year 2 parents who were invoiced in error for a recorder. Due to an administra-tive error, all year 2 children were invoiced for a recorder instead of the 13 children who had re-ceived one from Mrs Thompson. The price of the recorder has been deducted from the relevant accounts and will show as a credit against next term’s fees for those parents who paid their invoices in full. I am sorry for the confusion caused. Joanna Brackenbury Bursar

Complaints from neighbours

I hope that we will all continue to take great care to park considerately in order to maintain good relations with our neighbours. Thank you for your support with this.

Unfortunately, I have also received a complaint from a neighbour about inconsiderate dog pooing on the

pavement in Cumberland Road! Kew College families are clearly identifiable by the children’s blazers and

this is a very understandable complaint. Please could dog owners make good use of bags for this purpose.

Thank you.

Readathon Deadline! I hope you all had a fantastic time recharging your batteries over the Easter holidays – and hopefully, doing lots of reading to help raise sponsorship money! Thank you to all those children who have already given me their money. If not, please could you hand this to myself or Mrs Mogilner by Monday 29th April. Mrs Belshaw

Dear Kew College, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who so generously sponsored me for taking part in the Brighton Marathon. I am delighted to say that despite the very warm weather I completed the marathon and am so proud to have raised £1263 for Great Ormand Street Hospital. It certainly was the hardest thing I have ever done, but the support I received was wonderful and I am so grateful to those of you who not only sponsored me but also wished me well for the race. I have such respect for anyone who undertakes a marathon and understand some Kew College parents did London last weekend, so congratulations to you all and I hope you are recovering well. Hannah Rosenthal

Triathlon triumph

On Sunday 21st April, Lachie, Luca and Oliver from 5S completed a triathlon. After a

200m swim in Pools on the Park they cycled through Richmond park for 9km followed

by a 4km run. The boys and their Dad's thoroughly enjoyed the tough challenge and

managed to raise a significant amount for charity.

They are raising money for the Shooting Stars children's hospice and have raised

over £1000 so far. Thank you to all of those that have supported them. If you would still

like to make a contribution please do so via www.justgiving.com/Pippa-Riddle2/.

SUMMER TERM SWIMMING Kew College Inter-House Gala - Friday 7th June 6 - 8pm at Pools on the Park. All chil-dren from Years 3-6 are expected to attend. They will be able to choose two strokes from front crawl, breaststroke and backstroke and each child will be timed during their school swimming lessons so that they can race with swimmers of a similar abil-ity. Look out for forms in book bags next week. Latymer Prep - Wednesday 12th June 4 - 5.30pm Years 3-6 A and B teams Best of luck to our swimmers competing in the London Schools Primary Champion-ships tonight, with a special mention to Olivia, Bella, Oscar, Molly and Toby who have shown great dedication to the team!

Clare Buckle



Friday 28th June Form 5S Performance—3.30pm in the Sedum Form 5L Performance —4.30pm in the Sedum Monday 1st July Nursery Performance —3.00pm in the Marquee Tuesday 2nd July Kindergarten Performance—3.00pm in the Marquee Wednesday 3rd July Year 1 Performance—3.00pm in the Marquee Year 3 Performance—6.00pm in the Marquee Thursday 4th July Year 2 Performance—3.00pm in the Marquee Friday 5th July Year 4 Performance—6.00pm in the Marquee Monday 8th July Year 6 Performance—7.00pm in the Marquee Tuesday 9th July Year 6 Performance—7.00pm in the Marquee


1.00PM - 3.30PM Venue: University of Westmin-ster Sports Ground Address: Cavendish Road, Chis-wick, London W4 3UH Please collect Nursery Red at the usual pick up time and Kindergarten - Year 6 early from school at 11.30am. Nursery Yellow go straight to the sports ground. Parents and children are wel-come to picnic at the sports ground from noon.

A gentle reminder to all Kindergarten Parents During morning drop-off please would all parents with children in Kindergarten Blue and Green leave their children at the School’s front door. This will not only help in building up your child’s independence in readi-ness for Year 1 but also greatly help in keeping the foyer clear. The Yellow Reading Record Book should be used to relay any minor messages and comments to your child’s teacher regarding your child. If you need to discuss anything further, the afternoon pick– up time is a good opportunity to do so. Alternatively, for any other matters or concerns requiring discussion in more detail please make an appointment through the office. We thank you for your support and understanding regarding this matter. Mrs Rizzo Head of Early Years





Sign up forms go out w/c Monday

10th June

Kindergarten welcomes a new member to the class Kindergarten Blue and Green were extremely excited to welcome a new member to their class this term. His name is Percy the Penguin. He will be taking it in turns to come and stay with each of your children for a few days. During his stay we would like your child to write a short account of Percy’s visit. This is to help develop your child’s independent and creative writing. Please accompany this with an illustration or photograph. Percy has come all the way from Birdworld, which is where we will be going on our summer term trip. As Kew College have been such loyal supporters to Birdworld over the years, we have been given the opportunity to adopt a penguin! The children are all very excited to meet our penguin when we visit Birdworld on Tuesday 4th


Charity Election This morning the Junior House, Staff and Kew College Friends gathered in assembly to hear presen-

tations from George 6B in Mercury, Olivia M 4F in Mars and Jasmine 4F and Olivia 4H in Neptune. All

of the children had clearly spent a great deal of time researching and preparing their presentations

and they displayed their facts, figures and images in impressive PowerPoint presentations. Having

heard persuasive speeches urging us to elect RNIB, Small Steps and Autism Trust, votes were posted

into the ballot box for counting. We would like to thank Sarah Rennie, Alexis Coleman, Ali Palmer,

Carole Holland, Stacy Faiola and Kathy Martin, of the Kew College Friends, for attending and voting

in our assembly this morning. And I would like to acknowledge all the children who prepared

presentations for their Houses on Wednesday as the standard of their presentations was very high.

Our new school charity will be announced in assembly on Monday.


KEY DATES: 2nd Hand Uniform Selling Dates – today 26th April

Cake and Second Hand Uniform Sale in the forecourt at 2.45pm – 17th May Summer Fair – Saturday 8th June Recycling Day – Friday 21st June

Welcome back, we hope you all had a good holiday and are ready for a busy term ahead. Watch this space for more events but in the meantime save the dates above! We are working hard already on the Summer Fair. All help would be welcome. We are seek-ing auction prizes, raffle prizes, sponsorship etc. so do let us know if you can help in any-way. The fair is for the children – a fun way of ending the year, but it is also a fundraiser for the school charity and for us to be able to buy the little extras for the children to use at school! Second Hand Uniform Dates –26th April – 1-3pm only We still need larger size blazers, blue raincoats, cagoules - please hand them into the office so we can add them to the stock of items to sell. There are lots of smaller sized blazers in good condition if you need one! Please remember to call Shikha Mohanty before you go. 30 Melliss Avenue Kew Riverside TW9 4BQ 07909144077

Penny Jars We already have a few jars full of coppers and silver. It is amazing how much you can col-lect by filling a jar. Please hand them into the office when you have filled one (or more if you wish!). We are going to buy books for every classroom from the parents and children of Kew College.

Hire our fabulous Beauty Salon for 2 hrs for your daughter’s birthday party! We are now offering the perfect girls birthday party for your daughter and her friends! (A maximum of 10 girls for one party from the age’s of 5-11 years old) £250.00 Price includes; - mini manicure with nail polish - mini make-over with glittering eye-shadow, lip gloss, clear mascara and face art - mini back massage - cup-cakes and orange/apple juice Gina Hemming Health & Beauty Ltd 4 Station Approach Kew Village Richmond TW9 3QB 0208 948 3616 beauty@ginahemmings.com www.ginahemmings.com Personal Training Steve Haddleton is a personal trainer to many Kew College mums and gave up his time to make us all work hard on Kew Green for a sponsored bootcamp last term. He is available for personal training and be contacted on – 07967 644847 Speakeasy School of English Located in Chiswick, we are a small, friendly language school, teaching English to foreign students, au pairs and visitors. Accredited by the British Council, we offer flexible courses Monday to Friday, between 9.30am and 9.30pm .Please contact Nick or Maggie (Kew Col-lege parents) on 0208 995 8772 or visit www.speakeasyschool.co.uk. If you would like to advertise here next term please send the details to Ali Palmer –

alijanepalmer@hotmail.com There is no charge for a one off ad, thereafter we charge £2.50 for every issue.

Come and meet author Anthony Horowitz At the artsrichmond’s Book Picnic in the May Fair Marquee on Richmond Green from 12 noon, on Sunday 12

th May 2013

artsrichmond’s guest this year is best known as the writer of the Alex Rider series, but he is also the creator and writer of the new Foyles War series on ITV, as well as having a string of other books, TV series and films to his credit.

He will be in conversation with local author, Chair of the Society of Authors and artsrichmond’s President for 2013, Anne Sebba. Anne is a celebrated biographer, whose latest bestseller That Woman reveals some previous unknown and surprising aspects of the relationship between Mrs Simpson and the Duke of Windsor.

Tickets: £13.50 for adults* and £5.00 for under 16 year olds Family Ticket: Two adults and two children under 16 years: £30.00 *Concessions for Friends of the Arts and Libraries.

Tables and chairs provided, but you’ll need to take your own picnic! Book signing at the end of the event Further details from www.artsrichmond.org.uk

Tickets: www.ticketsource.co.uk/artsrichmond or The Open Book, 10 King Street, Rich-mond.

Best wishes Sian Morgan Executive Officer

artsrichmond Independent Charity (Reg Charity No: 251359) supporting arts organisations in and around the London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames

Unit 3 (Lower Deck) Phoenix Wharf Eel Pie Island Twickenham TW1 3DY T: 020 8892 9446 www.artsrichmond.org.uk

The office is usually open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday between 10.00am and 1.00pm and e-mails will generally only be accessed during these times.
