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Kashmir DisputeTerrorism and Freedom Fight Line of control; boundaries in red


More than 60 year after the independence Pakistan and India are still to behave as good neighbors. Both countries have their stand for not having friendship and cordial relations. It has always been the Issue of Kashmir. Several times during these past decades leaders of India and Pakistan have tried to sit together to solve the problems. India insists that Kashmir is part of India; Pakistan argues that it is a disputed territory. One part is controlled by India by deploying a very strong contingent of Indian army and the rest is controlled by Pakistan of course not with the military might. Indians argue that Pakistan should vacate the territory under its control. Pakistan insists that Kashmir is the core issue and should be solved according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir. Several occasions have come when these two countries sat together to discuss issues. Many a times it seemed as if finally they will resolve the differences. Something drastic happens; every time, either someone starts shooting in the galleries of Indian parliament, or some mysterious hand burns several innocent people in a train and as a repercussion hundreds of innocent die in the riot and the train itself. Same has happened once again in Mumbai; like always India has got out of the negotiations and insists that there can be no talks unless Mumbai case is solved. Right from the beginning India has tried to convince the world through its lobbying and through the international forms that Kashmir is not an issue. Both parts of Kashmir started with a prime minister designated for each side. Kashmir with Pakistan still has a prime minister, but India stripped off the title from its Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah and staged a play to include the disputed territory in the Indian union. Indians seem convinced that what they have done to include the territory of Kashmir into the Indian union has been successful. But even after more than half a century voices reverberate to say: India should realize that UN resolutions should be the base for the settlement of the dispute. Miliband says settle Kashmir issue, Delhi not amused http://www.indianexpress.com/news/ Mumbai: British Foreign Secretary David Milibands first visit to India ended on a controversial note today as New Delhi took offence to his comments seeking to link the Kashmir dispute to Lashkar-e-Toiba and terrorism in the region even as he expressed faith in Pakistans judicial system to try the perpetrators of 26/11 and referred to the poor status of Muslims in India. David Miliband comments on Kashmir welcomed by 'terrorist' group http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ The statement will cause further discomfort for Mr Miliband after India reacted angrily to his 'interference' in the issue and senior politicians branded his trip a 'disaster'. In an article ahead of his visit to India last week, the foreign secretary said the 'war on terror' had been mistaken and that individual groups like LeT should be targeted and brought to justice. But solving the Kashmir issue would deny LeT its 'call to arms' and free Pakistan to fight al-Qaeda and Taliban militants in its tribal areas. Miliband Comments Spark India Row Foreign Secretary David Miliband is at the centre of a media storm in India after his recent trip to the country. http://news.sky.com/skynews


He has managed to stir up a hornet's nest of a controversy by publicly airing his views on the most sensitive of Indian topics - Kashmir - during his visit last week. He has apparently managed to upset the Indian establishment so much that the current trip by the Business Secretary Peter Mandelson looks like being overshadowed. Newspapers here say the Indian Prime Minister has written to Gordon Brown about the matter - although Downing Street stresses no such letter has been received. And Mr Mandelson has found himself having to explain away his cabinet colleague's remarks, which have dogged his own trip. India rattled http://news.bbc.co.uk/ India is waiting to see how President Obama deals with the nuclear agreement signed with Bush. India has already been rattled by a comment by Mr Obama on CNN that the US should help resolve the Kashmir dispute. The Indian media has criticised an essay that I wrote with fellow Afghan analysts, Barnett Rubin in Foreign Affairs magazine this month urging the US to pressure Delhi to do more to resolve its disputes with Islamabad so that the Pakistan army could feel less threatened by India and divert more resources to fighting militancy.

A couple of years back I used to take part in discussions on different topics, which I usually do when I am jobless, Kashmir was one of them. Following pages will give you an idea of how common people in India, Pakistan and elsewhere in the world feel about the Kashmir problem. A few threads covering the discussion have been included in this collection. The participants, those who took part in the discussions, have their profiles which have been kept as these were chosen by those individuals and almost every thing has been include without any correction, as much as possible, or change in the format. I dedicate this collection of mine to those who took part in the following discussions, to my My late Father Syed Allah Bux, My late uncle Syed Najiullah, friends, and family who have always helped me at the time of need.

Syed Jaffer


Contents (Discussion Threads)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Preface Bhuttos speech to the un Instrument of accretion on East Pakistan the end game What s the solution of Kashmir in ur mind Instrument of accession on IPFC Brazil in security council do you agree India and Kashmir issue Kashmir issue Musharraf refused offer of Indian helicopters Pakistans plea to India PLZ FOR GOD SAKE ITS TIME FOR PEACE Terrorism strikes India once again Time to take notice 0.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.1 12.1 13.1 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 0.5 1.8 2.23 3.13 4.5 5.28 6.14 7.66 8.27 9.23 10.19 11.11 12.27 13.3


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redCommunity Zulfikar Ali Bhutto http://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx?cmm=187664&tid=24310497&start=1 Topic: Bhutto's speech to the un Bhutto's speech to the un 9/17/2005 10:41 AM i really want to read the text of the speech that bhutto gave to the un security council, i thnk in 1965......... the one where he said "we will wage war for a thousand years......" i know that there are books on bhutto's speeches but i would really like to get my hands on this particualr speech ASAP. could some one be nice enough to tell me what website i could look up. thanx 9/21/2005 10:18 AM yaaa he said that my country izzz in danger n we r waisting our time over here n crop da paper n all pakiz cum out from de assembly.......but sorry 2 say he was drunk at dat time...i listen 4m my elderz...


A.J(asad) 9/22/2005 6:45 AM Jammu and Kashmir is not an integral part of India and has never been an integral part of India. Jammu and Kashmir is a territory disputed between India and Pakistan. It is more a part of Pakistan than it can ever be of India, with all the eloquence and with all the extravagance with words displayed by India. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are part of the people of Pakistan in blood, in flesh, in life-----kith and kin of ours, in culture, in geography, in history and in every way and in every form. They are a part of the people of Pakistan. We will wage war for a thousand years, a war of defence. I told that to the Security Council a year ago when that body, in all its wisdom and in all its power, was not prepared to give us even a resolution. The Security Council felt that we had brought a dead horse to this council that we were trying to make internal propaganda. But the world must know that the 100 million people of Pakistan will never abandon their pledges and promises. The Indians many abandon their pledges and promises; we shall never abandon ours, irrespective of our size and of our resources. We shall fight to the end, but we shall fight in self- defence; we shall fight for honor. We are not aggressors; we are the victims of aggression. It was the duty of the Security Council to pronounce itself on who is the aggressor and who is the aggressed; it is Pakistan that is the victim of aggression. These are two paragraphs form the Address to the Twelve Hundred and Forty-fourth Meeting of the Security Council on September 22, 1965. The book is Important Speeches and Press Conferences of Zulfikar ali Bhutto Foreign Minister of Pakistan. The book has around 760 pages, printed at the Inter Services Press Ltd., Karachi J-228 June 1966 9/22/2005 6:46 AM Recalling those days I like to put my own views here. Like it is today in those days also the UN was unable to solve any of the problems which were contrary to the wishes of the super powers the USSR and the USA. To each action which went in favour of Pakistan USSR was always there to Veto the move. We the youth in the weaker countries were seriously thinking of quitting the UNO, I was a college boy in those days. It was speculated in those days that Dr. Ahmed Suikarno of Indonesia was actually planning such an event where all the poor and helpless countries of the third world were to join the organization of the poor. Below I like to copy the last paragraph of the same speech. It is very difficult to feel the pain felt by ZAB due to the ineffectiveness of the organization just by reading the extracts; you should read the whole speech to grasp the heat of the event. I dont know how many of you have faced a situation when you are on correct path and still punished for no reason. I am not saying that in the form of an ultimatum. I am saying it as I am honour bound to respect the very purposes of the Charter. In leaving the United Nations, Pakistan will be fulfilling the Charter of the United Nations. And then one third or more of the world will be outside the organization.




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red9/22/2005 7:14 AM @A.J(asad) Dear Asad. What you are referring to is the polish resolution. Your elders might have given you their perspective. I like you to read what I have to say, and judge for yourself, in the given situation what would you do. It was the 1971 war and resulting UN meeting. This was the time when Pakistan was about to breakup. India and its allies were delaying any resolution and waiting for the Dhaka to fall in the Indian hands. I have not seen the text of polish resolutions. But know for sure that the resolution was not in favour of Pakistan and all the movers of that resolution were worst enemies of our country. All those in favour of the polish resolution were having military pacts with India. Thank You 9/23/2005 5:32 AM First of all, let me thank you Syed Sahib, for making us aware of our national history. But beyond that i had like a favour, can you please create an entire online version of this very speech...or do you know where i could find the video on the internet.Thank You. Regards


Ayesha 9/23/2005 8:13 PM It hurts to admit that we as a nation have a very rich heritage and how we preserve it. The PTV had a rich collection of videos and films pertaining to all the events relating to Bhutto. During Zias regime that record was systematically burnt, if at all the videos are available these will be from the personal collections of people who love Bhutto. Syed As for the speech subject of present discussion I have requested my daughter to type it out. I will put that on this very thread 9/24/2005 1:38 AM Address by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to the twelve Hundred and Forty-Fourth Meeting of the Security Council on September 22, 1965 Mr. President, I am thankful to you and to the members of the Security Council for having met at this late hour to discuss a matter of vital importance to my people, to the sub-continent, to Asia, and perhaps to the world at large. In expressing my gratitude I would like to address not only the permanent members but also the other members of the Security Council for having taken the trouble to be with us this morning. I have come direct from Pakistan, and I have requested this meeting because the issues that face us are indeed so fundamental and important that it is necessary for us to meet to dilate upon them. I am thankful also to the Secretary-General for his endeavors to bring about a meaningful settlement between India and Pakistan. We are aware of all his efforts; we are grateful to him and to the Security Council; we are grateful to all peace-loving countries for having taken such a direct interest in a war which we do not want, which has been imposed on us by a predatory aggressor. Syed Pakistan is a small country. You have only to look at a map of the world and see our size to be aware of our resources and our ability. We are facing a great monster, a great aggressor always given to aggression. During the sixteen or seventeen years of our independence we have seen India commit aggression time and again. Ever since 1947, India has followed the road of aggression. It committed aggression against Junagadh, against Manavadar, against Mangrol, against Hyderabad and against Gova. It brought about a situation which has caused the Sino-Indian conflict. It has committed aggression against Pakistan. And Pakistan, according to Indian leaders, is its enemy number one. Pakistan is supposed to be the country which is the fulcrum of Indias fundamental policies. From 1947 we have been faced with this situation. We have always known that India is determined to annihilate


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red9/24/2005 1:39 AM food-neighbourly relations with India. He knows that from the very beginning our President, from the time he came into office, has made positive gestures to India to establish goodneighbourly relations with his country. We have taken many initiatives to bring peace, tranquility and friendship between Pakistan and India. These are matters of record, not a question of propaganda, of trying to get kudos. These are tangible and well-known facts of history: that ever since he has become President of Pakistan he has gone out of his way to establish good relations with India by co-operation in every field-co-operation in trade, in economics and in politics. Has the world forgotten that in 1959 it was the President of Pakistan who made an offer to India to disengage, to bring about a meaningful settlement so that our armies do not face each other in an eyeball-to-eyeball stance, so that we may take care of our own difficulties? These are matters of record, matters of history. Thus we want good-neighbourly relations with India; we want peace and friendship with India. But that peace and friendship must be peace with honour and it must be peace of a self-respecting sovereign State. India must accept that. India must know that peace can be established only on the basis of selfrespect and honour, on the basis of its own commitments, on the basis of its won pledges, on the basis of its own promises to the people of Pakistan, to the people of India, to the world at large and, above all, to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir is not an integral part of India and has never been an integral part of India. Jammu and Kashmir is a territory disputed between India and Pakistan. It is more a part of Pakistan than it can ever be if India, with all the eloquence and with all the extravagance with words displayed by India. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are part of the people of Pakistan in blood, in flesh, in life-kith and kin of ours, in 9/24/2005 1:40 AM Pakistan. Pakistans basic principle was the bringing about of a permanent settlement between the two major communities. For seven hundred years we sought to achieve equilibrium between the people of the two major communities. We believed eventually that the only way to live in lasting peace with India was to establish our own homeland, to establish a country smaller in are, but nevertheless capable of having a relationship, a modus vivendi, with a great and powerful neighbor. That was one of the prime factors responsible for the creation of Pakistan. We know that in Europe certain countries have had the separate in order to get closer together; Sweden and Norway, for instance, had to separate in order to get closer to on another. We believed that with the creation of Pakistan we would be able to establish a permanent peace, a permanent understanding, b between the people of India and people of Pakistan. Syed We are a smaller country and, as said, our resources are limited; one has only to look at a map of the world and a map of the sub-continent to see that. We are not interested in war. We do not want aggression; we do not want conflict. We want peace in order that our people can develop. This is the age of rising expectation. We should like to see all our energies and all our efforts directed towards economic well-being. It is not the low of God that people in Asia and Africa should be poor. It is not a predestined rule or an immutable law that they should always remain in poverty. We want to break the barriers of poverty; we want to give our people a better life; we want our children to have a better future. The leaders of Asia and Africa are determined to break the barriers and legacies of the past. In order to do so we must channel all our resources for productive ends, for a peaceful and purposeful future. This is a dire need for a country such as Pakistan. 9/24/2005 1:41 AM We do not want conflict. We are not for war. We do not want to see the extermination of peoples. We respect and have regard for the people of India. A few years ago we were part of the same country, but, for the reason which I have stated, we were obliged to separate. By means of separation we had thought that our people would be brought closer together, that we should bring about harmony, understanding and tranquility. The basic idea in the creation of Pakistan was that the areas occupied by the Muslim majority should form Pakistan. This basic principle was accepted by the Indian leaders. All we ask is to live in peace, friendship and goodwill with India on the basis of the understanding and agreements which the Indian government and the Indian leaders themselves solemnly pledged to my people and my country.




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redToday we are fighting a war, a war imposed on us by India, a naked, predatory, unwarranted aggression by 450 million people against 100 million people, a war of chauvinism and aggrandizement by a mighty neighbor against a smaller country. It is as if, in Europe, France or Germany committed aggression against Denmark. It is as if a small country in South America were subjected to aggression by Argentina or Brazil. It is as if the United States waged a war against a small country. We don not want to be exterminated. We cherish life. We want to live; we want our people to live; we want our people to progress. But today our cities are being bombed indiscriminately by the might of India, by the formidable machine of the Indian armed forces. This will not, however, deter us from seeking justice. We are resolved to fight for our honour, to fight for Pakistan, because we are the victims of aggression. Aggression has been committed against the soil of Pakistan. Irrespective of our size, irrespective of our resources, we have the resolve, we have the will, to fight because ours is a just cause. Ours is a righteous cause. We are wedded to principle. We are wedded to our 9/24/2005 1:41 AM own pledges. We believe in the right of self-determination------a Wilsonian right, as I told you this evening, sir, a concept which has inspired the whole of Asia and Africa. It is a phenomenon that cannot be stopped; and that is why we are fighting. We are fighting with our backs to the wall, but we shall fight with all determination, irrespective of the odds and of all the forces that are pitted against us. The secretary-general, as I have already said, has made some very constructive suggestions, and we are grateful to him. He is not only the Secretary-General of the United Nations; he is also a great Asian from a great Asian neighbor of Pakistan and of India. And we should like to co-operate with him both in his capacity as the Secretary-General and as a leader of a great Asian country. We have had useful discussions with him in Pakistan, and we told him that are for peace. We do not want war, we do not want destruction and we do not want disaster. But it should be a meaningful peace, a purposeful peace, a peace for all time, a peace in which India and Pakistan can live as good neighbours. We are neighbours and we want to live as good neighbours. We do not want to have conflict and trouble with India for all time. No people would want that We are a smaller country. The cardinal principle of Pakistans foreign policy has been to establish good-neighbourly relations with all countries, with all its neighbours----and India is our principal neighbours. All our efforts to establish good-neighbourly relations with all other countries would be in vain if we are not able to establish good-neighbourly relations with India, which, as I have said, for historical political and geographical reasons is our principal neighbor. We will make every endeavor to establish such relations. The Indian representative, whom I know well and for whom I have great regard, is aware of the efforts we have made to establish 9/24/2005 1:42 AM principles to be negated and destroyed by sheer force and power. Having made those remarks, I have the honour to transmit the following message from the President of Pakistan, which I have just received from Rawalpindi. Pakistan considers Security Council resolution 211 of 20 September as unsatisfactory. However, in the interests of international peace and in order to enable the Security Council to evolve a self-executing procedure which will lead to an honorable settlement of the root cause of the present conflict_ Namely, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute_ I have issued the following order to the Pakistan armed forces they will stop fighting as from 1205 hours West Pakistan time today. As from that time they will not fire on enemy forces unless fired upon, provided the Indian Government issues similar orders to its armed forces Thus, in response to the call of international peace and international goodwill, we have ordered our troops to cease hostilities, provided India agrees to such a cessation of hostilities. But a cessation of hostilities is not enough. The Security Council-the most important organ of the United Nations-must now address itself to the heart of the problem. For eighteen




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redyears it has played and toyed with the future of Kashmir. It can no longer make a plaything or a toy out of 5 million people. It is the moral responsibility of the Security Council to address itself to a meaningful and lasting solution of the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. The Security Council has been seized of this problem for eighteen years. There are more documents, more resolution on Jammu and Kashmir- the most fundamental problem facing the world today-than on any other problem. Is it not ironical that with regard to a conflict that may lead to world conflagration-and the present situation has shown that it is possible for this conflict to lead to world conflagration-the Security Council has shown lethargy and indolence? 9/24/2005 1:43 AM I was here a year ago, and the Security Council was not prepared to give Pakistan a piece of paper called a resolution. It did not even want to consider the problem. It thought that this was a dead issue, or that it was dormant. This can never be a dead issue; it can never be dormant. This is now the last chance for the Security Council to put all its force, all its energy, all its moral responsibility behind a fair and equitable and honorable solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. History does not wait for councils, organizations or institutions, just as it does not wait for individuals. Ultimately we shall have to be the final determiners of our own course. Let me tell the Security Council, on behalf of my government, that if now, after this last chance that we are giving the Security Council, it does not put its full force, full moral responsibility and full weight behind and equitable and honorable settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, Pakistan will have to leave the United Nations. Syed We have decided to give the untied nations a last opportunity to determine what it can do towards a purposeful, peaceful and lasting settlement of the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. We shall give the United Nations a time-limit. Within a certain period of time, if the Security Council is not able to act in accordance with the responsibility placed on it, in accordance with its honour under the Charter which believes in self-determination, Pakistan will have to withdraw from the United Nations. I am not saying that in form of an ultimatum. I am saying it as I am honour bound to respect the very purposes of the Charter. In leaving the United Nations, Pakistan will be fulfilling that charter of the United Nations. And then one third or more of the world will be outside this Organization. 9/24/2005 1:43 AM culture, in geography, in history and in every way in every form. They are a part of the people of Pakistan. We will wage war for a thousand years, a war of defence. I told that to the Security Council a year ago when that body, in all its wisdom and in all its power, was not prepared to give us even a resolution. The Security Council felt that we had brought a dead horse to this Council that we were trying to make internal propaganda. But the world must know that the 100 million people of Pakistan will abandon their pledges and promises; we shall never abandon ours irrespective of our size and of our resources. We shall fight to the end, but we shall fight in self-defence; we shall fight for the honour. We are not aggressors; we are the victims of aggression. It was the duty of the Security Council to pronounce itself on who is the aggressor and who is the aggressed; it is Pakistan that is the victim of aggression. I am not referring here to some of the remarks made by countries which have no right to be here; they are not even countries. I am referring to the great powers; I am referring to those who believe in the cause of justice, in the cause of righteousness and in the cause of honour. After all, history is not in vain. Wars have been fought in the past ad people have upheld great causes. I am referring to the great powers and also to those other countries in the Security Council which have espoused the cause of righteousness. We are grateful to all of you for whatever you have done to uphold the cause of justice because, finally and ultimately, justice must prevail. We believe more than ever before that justice is bound to prevail for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Five million people must have the right to decide their own future. Why should they be made an exception? Should the whole phenomenon of self-determination, stretching from Asia and Africa, apply to the whole world excepting the people of Jammu and Kashmir? Are they



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red9/24/2005 1:43 AM some outcasts of Indian society? Are they some untouchable pariahs that they should not be given the right to self-determination, that they should not be allowed to have the right to their own future? The great country of France permitted the Algerians to exercise the right of self-determination. The right of self determination is a Wilsonian concept. The Soviet Union believes in the right of self-determination of all peoples. The whole world believes in the right of self-determination. Must it be denied to the people of Jammu and Kashmir merely because power must prevail over principle? Power shall never prevail over principle. Finally and ultimately, principle must prevail over power. This is a Christian concept, it is an Islamic concept, and it is a civilized concept. Those nations which do not believe in such a concept must face the ultimate consequences. India is isolated today. India, in spite of its size and its resources, has no one to support it openly. The whole of Asia and Africa supports the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir. The Arab countries, in Casablanca, have supported the right of selfdetermination for the people of Kashmir. European countries have supported the right of self-determination for the people of Kashmir. The Secretary of State of the United States of America, Mr. Dean Rusk, said that the historical position is a plebiscite in Kashmir. On the one hand, you have the whole world arrayed on the side of the cause of right and justice and morality, and, on the other hand, you have a war machine, an arrogant and chauvinistic state breaking its pledges, breaking its promises and wanting to destroy the will and the spirit of people. The will and spirit of our people can never be destroyed. Let me tell you: you can have one cease-fire, you can have another cease-fire, but the 100 million people of Pakistan shall face extermination rather than forsake their principles or allow their 9/24/2005 5:40 AM principles or allow their principles to be negated and destroyed by sheer force and power. Having made those remarks, I have the honour to transmit the following message from the President of Pakistan, which I have just received from Rawalpindi. Pakistan considers Security Council resolution 211 of 20 September as unsatisfactory. However, in the interests of international peace and in order to enable the Security Council to evolve a self-executing procedure which will lead to an honorable settlement of the root cause of the present conflict_ Namely, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute_ I have issued the following order to the Pakistan armed forces they will stop fighting as from 1205 hours West Pakistan time today. As from that time they will not fire on enemy forces unless fired upon, provided the Indian Government issues similar orders to its armed forces Thus, in response to the call of international peace and international goodwill, we have ordered our troops to cease hostilities, provided India agrees to such a cessation of hostilities. But a cessation of hostilities is not enough. The Security Council-the most important organ of the United Nations-must now address itself to the heart of the problem. For eighteen years it has played and toyed with the future of Kashmir. It can no longer make a plaything or a toy out of 5 million people. It is the moral responsibility of the Security Council to address itself to a meaningful and lasting solution of the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. The Security Council has been seized of this problem for eighteen years. There are more documents, more resolution on Jammu and Kashmir- the most fundamental problem facing the world today-than on any other problem. Is it not ironical that with regard to a conflict that may lead to world conflagration-and the present situation has shown that it is possible for this conflict to lead to world conflagration-the Security Council has shown lethargy and indolence? 9/24/2005 5:41 AM I was here a year ago, and the Security Council was not prepared to give Pakistan a piece of paper called a resolution. It did not even want to consider the problem. It thought that this was a dead issue, or that it was dormant. This can never be a dead issue; it can never be dormant. This is now the last chance for the Security Council to put all its force, all its energy, all its moral responsibility behind a fair and equitable and honorable solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. History does not wait for councils, organizations or institutions, just as it does not wait for individuals. Ultimately we shall have to be the final determiners of our





Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redown course. Let me tell the Security Council, on behalf of my government, that if now, after this last chance that we are giving the Security Council, it does not put its full force, full moral responsibility and full weight behind and equitable and honorable settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, Pakistan will have to leave the United Nations. We have decided to give the untied nations a last opportunity to determine what it can do towards a purposeful, peaceful and lasting settlement of the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. We shall give the United Nations a time-limit. Within a certain period of time, if the Security Council is not able to act in accordance with the responsibility placed on it, in accordance with its honour under the Charter which believes in self-determination, Pakistan will have to withdraw from the United Nations. I am not saying that in form of an ultimatum. I am saying it as I am honour bound to respect the very purposes of the Charter. In leaving the United Nations, Pakistan will be fulfilling that charter of the United Nations. And then one third or more of the world will be outside this Organization. Thank u SYED Sahib... 9/30/2005 6:22 AM Dear Syed Sahib, I don't know about other's but i am very thankful to you for this speech i love Bhutto sahib very much but i love also those people's who love's Bhutto. Syed Sahib you are included in my ideal personalities & one day inshallah i'll meet u when i am able to meet u, if you don't mind may i add you in orkut i promise i don't disturb you i think i can learn much from you thank you 10/1/2005 8:27 PM Audio recording of the last part of the speech: http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/archive/speech_19.html


Mujji Back 2 da future... 10/5/2005 4:52 AM you should go the www.bhutto.org where there are all the speeches Martyr Bhutto, did. Thanks. SsarFarazZ 10/5/2005 10:18 AM i once read an itneresting detail in a very interesting book. it was regarding the much romanticized speech that dear zulfi cut short while tearing his notes in a sensational gesture, and saying, with all his eloquence, "my country harkens me.." left the UN, at the time of war with india. the interesting detail in the book says that bhutto sahab had it all planned out, his theatrics, and so excited was the teenage benazir about it all, that she called up one of her friends and told her to watch the UN proceedings the next day and see how dashingly her famous papa will behave. none of my making up. its in the book. a very interesting one, i must say. called "The Terrorist Prince" about Mir Murtaza Bhutto 10/20/2005 9:01 PM Not all the books are to bring you what is true. Please always remember that the book reflects the political philosophy of the respective author and made colourful to make it commercially viable. Leave alone a particular book, the contemporary history 99 % of the time is biased in favour of the ruler. Please see the following link and the following paragraphs copied for you convenience. You will find some discussion on a related topic you may find it interesting. http://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx?cmm=927339&tid=5043269&start=1&na=2&nid= Syed Bajwa and Rabbani are not honest people if they were honest they should have produced the text of the Simla Agreement in the text books and argued point by point to make their point. I know of these books my own children have read these books in their O Levels and in foundation year of professional degree. I taught to them that this is the truth but you



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redmust write what is taught to you in the schools and colleges. As a student of O Levels you have the liberty to put both the views and can get away securing the marks. But if you are appearing through some Pakistani board you have no chance of getting marks and praising Bhutto at the same time. Our ruling clique can do any thing to remain in absolute power. Bhutto died 28 years ago but our ruling establishment and bureaucrats with or without uniform are afraid of him. They can mislead their own coming generations to discredit Bhutto. My additional post is to make sure that trying to speak the truth you may fail in your exams. In my BSc I have been a victim of such situation. I failed trying to write the logic and truth in the examination. If the examiner is a Bhutto fan you will get away but if the examiner happens to be one of the disciples of Bajwa/Rabbani then you had it. All the kids please take care.


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redhttp://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx?cmm=4608&tid=20216690 United Nations Topic: Kashmir - Instrument of Accession! Kashmir - Instrument of Accession! 8/12/2005 6:02 AM The Instrument of Accession is a standard document which India used to sign in as many as 550 odd Princely States and Kingdoms into the Indian Union. This legal document was an unconditional document entered into by the said Principlaity/Kingdom and India. This was the standard document that was signed by the Maharaja of Kashmir on October 26, 1947. Read the scanned copy of the Original Instrument of Accession and note that the entire agreement has been filled in a standardised format. The signatory for India was the Governor General of independent India, Lord Mountbatten. I specifically created this thread so that the international community may read the document as also the Pakistanis who have been fed lies on the subject as part of their curriculum. The Instrument of Accession forms the basis of India's claim of Jammu and Kashmir. Naturally, only one country can have a sole and legal claim over land and in this case it is India. It is a legally binding and valid claim on Kashmir just as India has a legal and valid claim on all the 550 odd states that were thus signed and incorporated into the Indian Union in 1947. ----------------------------------------Do not post on this thread unless you have anything meaningful and relevant to say about the Instrument of Accession. That is the topic here. ----------------------------------------8/15/2005 4:26 AM I have gone through the scanned images of the so called document. The quality of the images does not reflect the advancement India claims to have made in information technology. The official website of your home office where the document in question exists is designed and hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC) Driving the next generation Government. The page entitled Accession and Consolidation under Jammu and Kashmir has links to Overview History & Civilization Accession & Consolidation Militancy, Peace. The link militancy and peace lead us to no where. The home office is yet to decide what to write about militancy and peace how to feed their population with lies and twisted facts. This webpage gives you the chronology of event full of twisted facts and half truths which the Indian government has always been feeding to its subjects. If you go through the image the so-called document of accession does not bear any seal of the governor general of India or the maharaja. Mount Batten being poor in English like me did not ask his secretary for editing correcting and retyping the document before putting his signature on it. And the clauses 5, 7 and 8 of the so-called instrument of accession say: 5. The terms of this my Instrument of Accession shall not be varied by any amendment of the Act or the Indian Independence Act, 1947, unless such amendment is accepted by me by Instrument supplementary to this Instrument. 7. Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or to fetter my discretion to enter into arrangement with the Government of India under any such future constitution. 8/15/2005 4:29 AM 8. Nothing in this Instrument affects the continuance of my Sovereignty in and over this State, or, save as provided by or under this Instrument, the exercise of any powers, authority and rights now enjoyed by me as Ruler of this State or the validity of any law at present in force in this State. Syed Bhasker when will you grow up why you and your leaders are so stupid?




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red

Your web page says: The All Jammu & Kashmir National Conference - resolution - convening a constituent assembly - adult suffrage - determining its future shape and affiliation, including its accession to India - to frame a Constitution - October, 1950. The Constituent Assembly formed after elections - September, 1951. The historic "Delhi Agreement" - Kashmiri leaders and the Government of India - dynamic nature of constitutional relationship between the state of Jammu & Kashmir and the Indian Union - reaffirmed its accession to India - July 24, 1952. The Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir adopted by the Constituent Assembly - November, 1956 - came into effect - January 26, 1957 Un Resolution adopted by the Security Council at its 765th meeting on 24 January 1957, concerning the IndiaPakistan Question says Reminding the Governments and authorities concerned of the principle embodied in its resolutions of 21 April 1948 (S/726), 3 June 1948 , 14 March 1950 (S/1469) and 30 March 1951 (S/2017/Rev. 1), and the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan resolutions of 13 August 1948 (S/1100, para. 75) and 5 January 1949 (S/1196, para. 15), that the final disposition of that State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations, 8/15/2005 4:32 AM 1. Reaffirms the affirmation in its resolution of 30 March 1951 and declares that the convening of a Constituent Assembly as recommended by the General Council of the All Jammu and Kashmir National Conference and any action that Assembly may have taken or might attempt to take to determine the future shape and affiliation of the entire State or any part thereof, or action by the parties concerned in support of any such action by the Assembly, would not constitute a disposition of the State in accordance with the above principles; 2. Decides to continue its consideration of the dispute. Your web site says: The historic "Shimla Agreement" - between India and Pakistan - all previous pronouncements on Kashmir superceded - all issues relating to Jammu & Kashmir to be settled bilaterally - the cease-fire line converted to the Line of Control (LOC) - July 3, 1972. The Kashmir accord concluded - Prime Minister of India - "Clock cannot be put back"; Kashmiri leadership - "Accession of the state of Jammu & Kashmir to India is not a matter in issue" - February, 1975. Syed The simla pact says: In Jammu and Kashmir, the line of control resulting from the cease-fire of December 17, 1971, shall be respected by both sides without prejudice to the recognised position of either side. Neither side shall seek to alter it unilaterally, irrespective of mutual differences and legal interpretations. Both sides further undertake to refrain from the threat or the use of force in violation of this line. Both Governments agree that their respective heads will meet again at a mutually convenient time in the future and that in the meanwhile the representatives of the two sides will meet to discuss further the modalities and arrangements for the establishment of durable peace and normalisation of relations, including the questions of repatriation of prisoners of war and civilian internees, a final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir and the resumption of diplomatic relations. 8/15/2005 4:35 AM Your say: I specifically created this thread so that the international community may read the document as also the Pakistanis who have been fed lies on the subject as part of their curriculum. I write: I specifically reply this thread so that the international community may read the document as also the Indians who have been fed lies on the subject as part of their curriculum. Who says that people from the international community want to read what you write. Syed 8/15/2005 4:39 AM I notice that as usual you have nothing meaningful to say other than remark on the quality of the scan put up, comment on the non-availability of certain links in this particular govt web-site and comment on the English. I presume you have kept other imaginative avenues of digression from topic for future use.




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redThough nothing can be done about the English in an already signed original document that is now close to 58 years old, India would definitely try to work on scan quality and updation of all its links to better suit your tastes. Syed 8/15/2005 4:47 AM 13 August 1948 (S/1100, para. 75) and 5 January 1949 (S/1196, para. 15), that the final disposition of that State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations, There you go again bringing in the UN whenever it suits you. When I ask you questions you suddenly disappear from the thread and only to spout the same garbage months later. I repeat my question to you. The UN asked Pakistan in 1948 to vacate the Kashmir area occupied by Pakistan as a result of invasion, of all its civilians, material and army, so that a plebiscite could be held.


1. Why didn't Pakistan do it? 2. Why is Pakistan talking about the UN after being a signatory to the Simla Agreement in 1972 that all Kashmir related issues will be resolved bilaterally? Answer this and don't run away again without doing so. Syed 8/15/2005 4:59 AM There is absolutely no contradiction between what the website states and the Simla Agreement. The website only reiterates that the Instrument of Accession of Kashmir is not under any question, contention or dispute and this reaffirms the fact that Kashmir acceded to India. Are you disputing the fact that Kashmir acceded to India, like you disputed the fact that Pakistanis invaded Kashmir in Sep-Oct 1947 and then had to keep quiet when confronted with proof, earlier in this very community? Further, it only indicates your deep felt embarrassment and resultant hatred at being shown poorly by India that Kashmir rightfully belongs to it, when you say nobody in this community would bother to read the scan of the original Instrument of Accession of Kashmir to India . You shouldn't have then been replying to this topic at all in the first place. It must really burn your heart to see the scan and prove the liars that you all are. Guys like you have shamelessly lied to several generations of Pakis and feel no remorse for it. You should be really proud of the Paki school curriculum that preached hate for India and Hindus that I had put up earlier. So proud that you did not dare comment on it here. 8/15/2005 3:31 PM Bhaskar & Co. is failed to bash Pakistan this time.. I must say "Well done Bhaskar". If you dont waist time here to degrade Pakistan & use this time for the development of your own country, I'm sure, your country will progress. The Patriotic Such long posts help no body, reality doesn't change with such topics/posts on Orkut. Reality is something different. Try to realize that you've done good for your country, I mean to say, you're running on the track your Govt provided. Now its time to do something extraordinary for your dearest country. Happy Independence Day! May God make your country peaceful. 8/16/2005 11:38 AM May God make your country peaceful. Kedar look who is speaking!!!



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red8/16/2005 12:00 PM http://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx?cmm=4608&tid=19025678 i remember there were more posts in there than 7 n i have asked u a question there i m still waiting


8/17/2005 11:33 PM Poor Bhasker I specifically created this thread so that the international community may read the document as also the Pakistanis who have been fed lies on the subject as part of their curriculum. I was waiting to see the reaction of the international community on your post. I conclude that no one takes you seriously. Every one knows that what you write and the official stand of your Indian government is based on lies. Syed If at all there was any instrument of accession in existence as early as October 26, 1947, why India failed to make it official and bring it on the official record of UN. Please check and let me know if it is on the UN record. I will take your reply to answer it point by point giving time gaps so that the topic remains highlighted and is able to attract the attention of international community as you desire. Syed et al 8/17/2005 11:43 PM If at all there was any instrument of accession in existence as early as October 26, 1947, why India failed to make it official and bring it on the official record of UN. Please check and let me know if it is on the UN record. You seem to suffer from a terrible case of foot in the mouth disease, as do several of your countrymen. The copy of the Instrument of Accession is very much part of the UN records. A couple of months back, I gave you several links on the topic including one that presented India's case on Kashmir to the UN in 1957. You obviously didn't bother to read it. If you had, you would've known that all Kashmir related documentation copies related to India's case formed part of the document set provided to the UN then. You still function from your own hole of ignorance and denial despite being pointed to the fact that Pakistan has never have questioned the authenticity of the IoA at the UN. I've on several occasions asked many a Paki for Pakistan's official position on the matter, but have never got a response on the matter. Do you guys even know what your country's position is? I have no doubt that you don't. 8/17/2005 11:45 PM You have mischievous mind and child like attitude it becomes necessary to explain why we respond to you posts. To keep the record straight. Syed 8/17/2005 11:49 PM Give me the UN link not the Indian one or some private web by an Indian.


Syed 8/17/2005 11:58 PM Give me the UN link not the Indian one or some private web by an Indian.


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redBhaskar Why don't you read the links that I've already given you, you moron. And I have given you a scanned copy of the document, and that seems to have kept you tongue tied. The scanned copy of an original official document of India will only be hosted by India on its official webistes and not by the UN which was not disputing or questioning the Accession in any case. Pakistan didn't go to the UN disputing the Accession. They just decided to invade Kashmir instead even before the Maharaja could make up his mind, and present the Maharaja with a fait accompli. As usual you have nothing of substance to say on the Kashmir issue. 8/18/2005 12:02 AM To keep the record straight. You guys are neither straight nor do you have records that you can furnish. Little wonder Pakis pull out all their arguments, on any subject, out of the air and are unable to back them up or substantiate them. 8/18/2005 12:08 AM JUST TELL ME IS IT ON THE UN OFFICIAL RECORD OR NOT. If it is give me the link. 8/18/2005 12:19 AM JUST TELL ME IS IT ON THE UN OFFICIAL RECORD OR NOT. Bhaskar When documents are provided to the UN they go on official record don't they, as part of the submissions made by a country on an issue? Did I have to explain this to you? 8/18/2005 12:33 AM It means only you and the Indian government are the ones who know that the instrument of accession is on the UN record. Your profile: passion says Dreaming. Please wake up you are wasting peoples time. 8/18/2005 12:48 AM I'll say it slowly this time. When documents get submitted to the UN they go on record as having been provided to the UN. The fact of submission is known to not only India and the UN but to PAKISTAN too. Since morons like you didn't know about it, you also now know about it. You couldn't have trusted your army govt to have kept you posted can you? Bhaskar Have you asked yourself why Pakistan has never ever questioned the Instrument of Accession at the UN? You are really pathetic. 8/18/2005 12:56 AM The fact remains that you are tongue tied by the scanned copy of the Instrument of Accession. Now that it is on display, what can you say, eh? Please show the same to me at another website? How pathetic! The Instrument of Accession thus conclusively proves that Pakistan has no locus standi let alone any claim on Kashmir. The only option for them is to stop dreaming about Kashmir and walk out of the land occupied by them.






Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redYes, that and change the name of their country. K in Pakistan will no longer represent Kashmir! LOL! 8/18/2005 1:09 AM Morons = a taboo term that deliberately insults somebodys intelligence Calm down I can understand you state of mind you may hurt yourself. I know how the records are kept; have an experience of 40 years here and abroad. Syed As I said earlier I like to give some time for the international community to see your state of mind and console you. 8/18/2005 1:33 AM Yeah. Your state of mind is pretty dead right now and understandably so, as you have now come across the dreaded Instrument of Accession. Your experience counts for nothing, from what I have seen of you so far in this community over the last 6 months. Some people remain idiots all their lives. Syed. Why are you so scared of this legal document? It speaks for itself and exposes your country doesn't it? C'mon don't hide inside a hole. Tell us all how the Instrument of Accession makes you feel. It further hurts your case that Kashmir was sold to the Maharaja Gulab Singh, Maharaja Hari Singh's forefather, by the British for a consideration and that is recorded by another official document signed in the 1840s. Have you read that document too? LOL. y r u ppl fighting?? 8/18/2005 3:55 AM bhaskar, isn't it good if we let the govts decide wht should they do abt kashmir?? i hope everyone here knows that "bilateral talks" in simla accord doesn't at all refer to each n every indian n pakistani, its abt govts, so we better let them do it while we all should atleast try to live peacefully:) Sadia take care........dia 8/18/2005 11:43 AM @bas kar i already asked this question to u in some other thread n u never came to answer me now i ask it again if u think all kashmiries love to live ith india y than u dont hold referendomn in kashmir ?


Mutawassa m 8/18/2005 2:13 PM Indian looser (Bhaskar) is trying again & again to win verbal war here on Orkut. But reality doesn't change my looser brother. We know the facts, you dont need to come with such shits like Instrument of Accession. The Patriotic Such posts will never change the facts that Indian army have killed more than 90,000 innocent Kashmiri Muslims in Kashmir. It will not change the fact that India is denying Kashmiri Muslims their right of self determination as per UNSC resolutions which was also promised to them by Nehru. It can not change the fact that Indian Army is slaughtering, raping, burning and killing innocent Kashmiri Muslims and denying their freedom. 8/18/2005 10:27 PM The document posted on an Indian web has got no legal standing Be very clear in you mind that The document posted on an Indian web has got no legal standing. Suppose I agree with your wrong stand than how do you explain the clause 5 and 7 of the instrument. 5. The terms of this my Instrument of Accession shall not be varied by any amendment of the Act or the Indian Independence Act, 1947, unless such amendment is accepted by me by Instrument supplementary to this Instrument. Where is the supplementary to this instrument?



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red"7. Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or to fetter my discretion to enter into arrangement with the Government of India under any such future constitution". Mean that the Indian government did deceive and tricked the Maharaja also. I repeat again The document posted on an Indian web has got no legal standing Syed 8/18/2005 11:10 PM [ The document posted on an Indian web has got no legal standing] Syed, do you believe US govt documents put up on US govy websites and those of Pak put up on Pak govt websites. The fact that the scan of an official copy is put up on a website and that too a govt one, does not take away the merit of the document in any way. You really have all sense of reason, how pathetic.


[5. The terms of this my Instrument of Accession shall not be varied by any amendment of the Act or the Indian Independence Act, 1947, unless such amendment is accepted by me by Instrument supplementary to this Instrument.] Where is the supplementary to this instrument? Did you even understand the clause before you wrote the question? And you calim to have 40 years of international experience? Read it again, I'm not going to spoon feed you. 8/18/2005 11:37 PM Syed, do you believe US govt documents put up on US govy websites and those of Pak put up on Pak govt websites. NO I judge them on merit and the reaction of the honest people with credibility. Example:


All the references by Collin Powell at the presentation to United Nations regarding the WMD and al-Qadir links of Saddam were a pack of lies. So is the document you are referring to. 8/18/2005 11:56 PM Did you even understand the clause before you wrote the question? And you calim to have 40 years of international experience? Read it again, I'm not going to spoon feed you. NO I specifically created this thread so that the international community may read the document as also the Pakistanis who have been fed lies on the subject as part of their curriculum.


Can you please enlighten me, Pakistanis and the international community? Ironically no one from the international community seems interested in reading and replying to your lies. 8/19/2005 1:05 AM [Syed, do you believe US govt documents put up on US govy websites and those of Pak put up on Pak govt websites.] NO I judge them on merit and the reaction of the honest people with credibility. Disbelieving a scan? What more credible evidence can one ask for. It just goes to show that you are intellectually dishonest. Bhaskar

All the references by Collin Powell at the presentation to United Nations regarding the WMD and al-Qadir links of Saddam were a pack of lies.


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red

Colin Powell put up a presentation to prove a point based on lies. This is fact, but I'm hardly surprised that you can't tell fact from lies. 8/19/2005 1:09 AM [Did you even understand the clause before you wrote the question? And you claim to have 40 years of international experience? Read it again, I'm not going to spoon feed you.] NO Bhaskar Clearly indicates your state of mind that lives in deep denial inside an even deeper hole. 8/19/2005 1:13 AM Collin Powels presentation and Indian presentation are lies of same category; to support an unjust action.

Syed 8/19/2005 1:20 AM Why dont you elaborate and explain the clause so that I pull you in to more stupid position of yours.

Syed 8/19/2005 2:01 AM Entree in your profile: from my past relationships i learned: You scribe: I need to grow up! Why dont you do the needful? An Indian king once had a donkey with frozen neck and would not move his neck. The king called all the specialists from all over the world. Many took chance reward for the success was plentiful but the punishment was death. All who took chance failed except one; he went to the donkey and said something in his ear. The donkey started swinging his head at the neck joints. King was astonished and asked the person the secret of his remedy. The person said it is my secret. King offered more reward. The person who cured the donkey said. mai ney kadhay say pucha oos kay kan mey tu bihari tow nahi hai. (I asked the donkey in his ear if he is a bihari, bihar is the place in India to which Mr. Bhasker belongs.) No offences to other Biharies some of my very dear friends are form Bihar. They accept that being Bihari is a feeling that can attack any body in the world. Which part of east India do you belong to? 8/19/2005 2:16 AM Collin Powels presentation and Indian presentation are lies of same category; to support an unjust action. Bhaskar You saying that an original scanned copy is a lie, which stares you in the face, is a lie doesn't make it so. It just goes to show that you have lived an entire life believing and propagating a lie. 8/19/2005 2:18 AM Why dont you elaborate and explain the clause so that I pull you in to more stupid position of yours. What's the matter, 40 years of international experience finds you inept to understand a simple sentence? You just proved my point that experience doesn't count for anything when one is an idiot. 8/19/2005 2:20 AM Entree in your profile: from my past relationships i learned: Having run out of arguments, not that you had any to begin with, you are searching for clues to replies for the Instrument of Accession in my profile? How pathetic.





Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in red8/19/2005 2:28 AM bihar is the place in India to which Mr. Bhasker belongs. No offences to other Biharies some of my very dear friends are form Bihar. They accept that being Bihari is a feeling that can attack any body in the world. Which part of east India do you belong to? If this is what you have inferred from my profile, then you are not only ignorant but stupid and any Indian here would confirm that. But that's no news. All Pakis are stupid and every Indian knows that. No offense to some Pakis who may read this who are my dear friends. In any case, I see the senile Paki here has run out of arguments and is now trying to figure out about my Indianness. What a moron. 8/19/2005 2:30 AM Actually I was trying to ascertain your age so that I approach you at your level. And came across you ethnicity and recalled a joke to share with you. No offence. As for further arguments you will have to wait for the next time when I have the time. In the mean time be patient and behave like a good kid. 8/19/2005 2:58 AM Check out the Replies Bhaskar received ,esp. the Crabby's smashes to Bhaskar. They are awesome.- Smashes to Bhaskar-



Tanzeel 8/19/2005 3:00 AM And came across you ethnicity Pray tell me, how did you figure out I was a Bihari or from East India? I'm still rolling in laughter. Bhaskar As for my age, you sure don't match up intellectually and that is self-evident. Only a fool would think that he doesn't need to grow up, at any age. That's age old wisdom for you, not to be found in any BOOK. 8/20/2005 7:39 AM Thanks Tanzeel I liked the following Para. But looks like you are only interested in showing the document, and not dealing with the history how it came...just one suggestion for your mental satisfaction...take a print-out, and then put it on a frame, and hang it in your bed room so that every morning you wake up you can see it and shout "Kashmir is mine, Kashmir is mine"... Just a friendly suggestion... Crabby and I second. Agreements treaties are serious documents a number of copies of such documents are normally made and every signatory gets one. In this case the record of India Pakistan, Kashmir, and UK should posses the true copies. Check all the UK libraries and let me know if you find any trace. Syed This document doesnt exist any where in the world except for Indian links. People who have written books about it have never admitted having seen it any where until Bhasker pointed out the existence of its scanned copy on an Indian government website. What they have displayed is a forged document. Raja Singh signs the document on 26 and Mountbatten on the 27 as the dates are available on the forged document venue may be miles apart. There are three different hand writings means three different persons using these papers. Ironically all are using the same ballpoint pen even before it was invented. Enlarge the images with some good image editor change the contrast brightness you will


Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redfind out that the document was forged then a black/white photocopy was made out of the forged on and there after scanned. If one ever gets to see the original forgery it will not be difficult to note down the quality of the ball pen how it missing the gell deposit at every rollover of certain alphabet. Bashkar, 8/20/2005 10:07 AM There is some controversy on the authenticity of the document. It was not submitted to the UN until the 90's, being reported as missing. How come? Some analists even say that the Maharaja wasn't even in office at the day it was supposedly signed. How did that happen? I'm not taking sides, by any mean, since my comprehension on the subject is very limited. These are just some questions I'd like to see answered. Dani 8/20/2005 10:33 AM Can you substantiate any of what you say? Bhaskar 8/20/2005 10:51 AM "Alastair Lamb (in his book, Kashmir - A disputed legacy 1846-1990)points out that the Instrument of Accession could not have been signed by the Mahrajah on 26th October as he was travelling by road to Jammu (a distance of over 350 Km). There is no evidence to suggest that a meeting or communication of any kind took place on 26th October 1947. In fact it was on 27th October 1947 that the Mahrajah was informed by his MC Mahajan and VP Menon (who had flown into Srinagar), the the Instrument of Accession had already been negotiated in Dehli. The Mahrajah did not in fact sign the Instrument of Accession, if at all, until 27th October 1947."




"Finally, there is some doubt as to whether the treaty was ever signed. International law clearly states that every treaty entered into by a member of the United Nations must be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations.27 The Instrument of Accession was neither presented to the United Nations nor to Pakistan. While this does not void the treaty, it does mean that India cannot invoke the treaty before any organ of the United Nations.28 Moreover, further shedding doubt on the treatys validity, in 1995 Indian authorities claimed that the original copy of the treaty was either stolen or lost." Vikas Kapur and Vipin Narang / Stanford Journal of IR. Dani 8/20/2005 11:04 AM 1. Alastair Lamb has written a book based on conjecture. The dates that he provides or the setting that he describes as the situation is not borne out by any reference that can be corroborated. This has been discussed threadbare in another community. Writers have the ability to mix and sell a book based on half truths and that is what he has done. 8/20/2005 11:16 AM "Finally, there is some doubt as to whether the treaty was ever signed. International law clearly states that every treaty entered into by a member of the United Nations must be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations.27 The Instrument of Accession was neither presented to the United Nations nor to Pakistan. While this does not void the treaty, it does mean that India cannot invoke the treaty before any organ of the United Nations.28 Moreover, further shedding doubt on the treatys validity, in 1995 Indian authorities claimed that the original copy of the treaty was either stolen or lost." Vikas Kapur and Vipin Narang / Stanford Journal of IR. 1. You put up a quote from yet another book without questioning it. 2.In January 1957, when the Indian representative gave a seven hour marathon lecture to the UN on the Kashmir issue, several documents were given to the UN as annexures to the speech and there was specific reference to the Instrument of Annexure by Krishna Menon in that speech. I have already provided the entire transcript of that speech by way of a link in this community. 3. The Instrument of Accession was a standard document that both India and Pakistan used to sign up 565 Princely States into the Union. This was approved by the British and the British had notified the Princes about the fact that they would have to either India/Pakistan. 4. This was an irrevocable Instrument of Accession and not a 'treaty' between member sovereign states of the world community, let alone of the UN. Most of the princely states



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redautomatically merged with India/Pakistan on the day the 2 countries got their independence but for a few which took some time. So the registeration part does not apply. 5. Pakistan has no locus standi between the agreement between 2 sovereign states, so there is no reason to share anything with Pakistan on the subject. 6. I have already mentioned that reference to the Instrument of Accession was made as late as 1957 at the UN. contd... Dani 8/20/2005 11:32 AM 6. The issue was taken by India to the UN in Jan 1948 only to highlight the fact that a Pakistani invasion had taken place on a State which had formally acceded to India. The reason for approaching the UN was to set out the sequence of events and get them to persuade Pakistan to withdraw its people from a State which was India's legally. 7. The Instrument of Accession that Kashmir signed with India was never ever questioned by Pakistan in the UN nor was the authority of the Maharaja of Kashmir ever called into question. 8. The signatories of the IoA were the Maharaja of Kashmir who died in 1961 and Lord Mountbatten, as India's first Governor General who died in 1979. Lord Mounbatten was asked by free India to continue as Governor General after India got its independence from the UK. So the British government too were completely in the loop on this. 9. A document is produced by a country in front of any legal/world body only when required and the Instrument of Accession was never called into question by the UN. Bhaskar 10. India's position on Kashmir is very clear and it has been so from day one. It has absolute and unquestionable legal right over Kashmir. Since the situation involved an occupation of Kashmir by Pakistan before the Instrument of Accession was signed, the UN suggested a plebiscite there which India agreed to, provided that all of Pakistani people and army were withdrawn from the area so that the free will of the Kashmiri people could be exercised. The UN accordingly passed resolutions in 1948 itself and later, which Pakistan refused to abide by, in the meanwhile indulging in forceful resettling of people in the region from outside. Thus no plebiscite was ever held. 11. Since the ground reality of Kashmir based on extensive resettlement and bifurcation of the area by PAkistan, had undergone a change, India and Pakistan realised that it was futile involving the UN anymore. They signed the 1972 Simla Agreement that the matter henceforth would be sorted out bilaterally. contd. Lastly 8/20/2005 11:40 AM All the Instrument of Accession agreements signed by India with the other 550 Princely States too form part of the confidential set of official documents. So it is only recently that India decided to put up a scan on its govt website of the Kashmir Instrument of Accession. Not surprisingly this has in one stroke demolished the conspiracy theory floated around by some authors of books that the document did not exist simply because they were not granted access to it. Bhaskar The point which needs to be remebered time and again that Pakistan, India, Britain ( through Lord Mountbatten) as well as the Maharaja and his son, who is still alive, as well as India know about the Instrument of Accession and the illegality of Pakistan's presence in Kashmir. The question to be asked then and now is what is Pakistan doing in Kashmir occupying a part of it, when they don't have a shred of a legal claim on it? I see... Thanks for clearing that up... 8/20/2005 12:46 PM Well, even though they have no legal right to claim the territory they might have a legitimate reason to do so (I'm not saying they actually do, just that they may). We all know that International Law has fragile limitations and must not be considered absolute. The control of the Kashmir region is a matter of great geopolitical importance for Pakistan although most claims are made in favor of the religious and demograpgic dispute. Isn't it legitimate to seek autarcy?



Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redDani 8/20/2005 1:15 PM Kashmir has been used by Pakistan to whip up religious passion within Pakistan for political purposes and this often goes side by side with strong anti-Hindu anti-India hate campaigns. Politicians who indulge in this are traditionally favored by the masses when it comes to power. That is the strong reason for the Mullah-Army nexus in Pakistan. All this pre-dates Afghanisan and even the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Pakistan thus converted itself as a country formed as a 'Muslim majority area' during independence, through ethnic cleansing into a 97.5% Muslim ruled area. They beleieve that Pakistan now is only for Muslims and have propagated terrorism in Kashmir since 1988 to arouse the civilian population there through acts of terrorism - terrorism carried out by Pakistan deliberately targeting Hindus, so much so that more than 300,000 Hindus, indigenous Kashmiris, fled Kashmir abandoning their property in 1990 and are now settled in refugee camps outside Delhi. Thus while Pakistan believes that it is a country only for Muslims, India believes it is a country for all religions. It is a secular country. The majority of Muslims in modern India realised the political game that the Muslim League that created Pakistan was playing, and opted to stay back in India. India thus has states with Hindu majority, Muslim majority, Chrisitan majority and even communist majority. So India obviously doesn't buy any argument on the basis of religion. North Ireland, Palestine and Pakistan were bad enough precedents set up by the British under the assumption that multi-religious cultures cannot co-exist. That mistake cannot be further compounded. 8/20/2005 1:40 PM The control of the Kashmir region is a matter of great geopolitical importance for Pakistan Every part of every country is geopolitically important particularly when it neighbours several countries. Kashmir in this case neighbours Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. Pakistan occupying a territory through invasion doesn't provide legitamcy to its occupation or to its claim as a result of such occupation particularly under a situation when another country has indisputable legal claim over that area. That is the reason India doesn't consider the Kashmir matter to be a 'dispute', as the title of India over Kashmir is clear cut. Pakistan at all times like to tag on the word 'dispute' so that they can provide a semblance of legitamacy to their occupation there. Since 1947, India has held multi party elections in Kashmir, several times, with Kashmiris exercising their free choice of vote to elect their own representatives for local governance as well as for representation in the Indian Parliament just as the people of other states of India do. Kashmir also has a separate constitution drafted and approved by the Kashmir legislative assembly in the mid-1950s, which further ratifies the fact that Kashmir is irrevocably acceded to India. Thus through democratic representation the voice, feelings and the will of the people of Kashmir is being exercised by India for more than 50 years now. Pakistan on the other hand, split Kashmir into 2 halves, one administered largely by the Army and a very small geographical piece which was called 'autonomous'. It also granted China a part of Kashmir in 1964. Given that Pakistan itself has a poor track record of democracy let alone elections, the situation is worse so in Pakistan occupied Kashmir where the people do not enjoy the same rights as the people of the 4 Pakistani provinces. Literacy levels and other social indicators in Pak occupied Kashmir are lower than the country avg. Such is the situation. 8/20/2005 9:04 PM UNITED NATIONS E Economic and Social Council Distr. GENERAL E/CN.4/1999/SR.6 8 October 1999 ENGLISH Original: FRENCH COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Fifty-fifth session SUMMARY RECORD OF THE 6th MEETING Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 26 March 1999, at 10 a.m. Chairperson: Ms. ANDERSON (Ireland) page 8 Syed 37. Kashmir had been occupied by India since 27 October 1947, although it had never




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redformed part of that country. It would be interesting to know how the Indian authorities justified what they called the integration of the State of Jammu and Kashmir into India; they created the impression that the transfer of the sovereignty of the State of Jammu and Kashmir had taken the form of a treaty known as an instrument of accession. But that instrument had never been produced; did it really exist? On that point, the International Court of Justice had adopted a very clear position, holding that the integration of territory into a State could not take place without ascertaining the freely expressed will of the people. In its resolutions on Kashmir, the Security Council had stated that the final disposition of the State had to be through an impartial plebiscite organized under United Nations auspices. While presenting itself as the biggest democracy, India was trampling on human rights to satisfy its expansionist aims. Indias official representative present in the meeting did not refute or object. 8/20/2005 9:07 PM UNITED NATIONS E Economic and Social Council Distr. GENERAL E/CN.4/2005/NGO/203 28 February 2005 ENGLISH ONLY COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sixty-first session Item 5 of the provisional agenda THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND ITS APPLICATION TO PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL OR ALIEN DOMINATION OR FOREIGN OCCUPATION Written statement* submitted by Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JKCHR), a non-governmental organization in special consultative status The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [11 February 2005] It is a pity that when India and Pakistan emerged as two sovereign states in exercise of a Right to Self Determination in August 1947, the People of Jammu and Kashmir who were one people up until 27 October 1947, as a result of a Tribal invasion became a people divided under three administrations. The 70 year old (1877-1947) Rights Movement lost its course and an independent State lapsed into the respective controls of India and Pakistan. Under the Instrument of Accession (disputed by the people) India accrued an obligation to protect the life, property and honour of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. This obligation extended to all the people living under the three administrations on either side of the Line Of Control. In early 1947 the political environment in India and Pakistan was bedevilled by a communal bias and mistrust. Due to a paucity of information, lack of interaction and communication people did not have the ability to make a mature judgement and an informed choice. Hindu religious sentiment was pitched and poised against the Muslim sentiment and vice versa. Indian Governments erred to rule Kashmir through a mechanism of proxy-politics. It enraged the Muslim sentiment and Pakistan stepped in to advantage itself from the Muslim sentiment. 8/20/2005 9:47 PM http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN016754.pdf I can give you more, may be in thousands like the above link. The above link is for Consolidated Fund of Goa - Capital Account Disbursements (India). Isnt it funny that an insignificant document like the above is searchable on the UN record and at the same time isnt it treacherous and a conspiracy that a document which can change the lives of millions of people of Kashmir is inaccessible? What Indian government has displayed on its official website is a fraud and forged document. 8/20/2005 9:48 PM UNITED NATIONS E Economic and Social Council Since when did the UN Economic and Social Council start commenting on such matters, eh? Particularly when the UNSC was handling the matter at that time in the 1940s-50s? The Indian representative did not comment on the matter becuase the said council had no business to comment let alone act on that matter. And that after Pakistan had clearly agreed with India way back in 1972 that the matter was to be handled bilaterally. Syed, you just get increasingly stupid by the day. I gave you a link of the Indian representative's speech to the UN in Jan 1957 where all such matters are discussed with the UNSC including the IoA. You refused to read it or acknowledge it in your patently dishonest style.





Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redYou refuse to accept that your country has never questioned the IoA ever in the UNSC and you who has basic problems in understanding a one sentence legal clause in the document want to call it a fraud? You are more of an idiot than I had imagined. 8/20/2005 10:25 PM Bhasker as stupid a person as I am fail to understand that submissions at the economic and social council placed by the NGOs are circulated to the members - to the extent that what India spent in Goa is the part of UN record; what India submitted as an official record, the so called instrument of accession, was never circulated? Syed Why UN chose to brush aside the submission of the Indian government on a matter termed a nuclear flashpoint? Is it the credibility of the Indian documents? 8/20/2005 10:50 PM Does the UN take your instrument of accession as fraud? If at all something emerges from the UN graveyard now, stupid people like me will be justified in thinking that it is some kind of magic by a crook out of the strong international fraudulent Indian lobby.

Syed Syed 8/20/2005 11:05 PM You are not only dumb but stupid too as I have repeatedly pointed out. 1. What India spent in Goa did not come out of the UNSC records definitely, but from another arm of the UN. It came out of a context where the said document itself was part of the basic submission for circulation and not an annexure. 2. I have explained India's postion clearly on numerous occasions in this forum. I'll also reiterate the fact which I repeatedly mentioned that a whole host of documents were submitted to the UN as part of an annexure to the speech made by India's representative to the UN in Jan 1957. These documents included everything that Krishna Menon gave reference to his speech. If you had but read the link that I gave you, instead of trolling around here with your replies, you would realise that Krishna Menon as well as the UNSC council members remarked on the voluminous submissions made by India along with the case. The contents of the speech itself were circulated and not the annexures which became UN records available for examination if and when specifically required by the UNSC. 3. Either you are dishonest which you are well likely to be, or you are absolutely ignorant of how these things work, which is also very likely. In either case, your inferences and insinuations are just the crazed ravings of an ignoramus idiot. 8/20/2005 11:13 PM Does the UN take your instrument of accession as fraud? Having said all that, the UN never itself calls into question any document submitted by a member nation. Neither did they find cause to remark on it, nor did Pakistan, an interested party in the whole affair and which was making a case against India to justify its aggression in Kashmir, find it necessary to bring the document into question or remark on its authenticity in the UN. Bhaskar When your own Paki government has recognised the truth of the matter in this regard, why are you raving like a crazed idiot and questioning it? The only answer to this, is that you have as much credibility as the next Paki imbecile around you. Your only salvation is to keep feeding yourself on more lies and hate. Such food will help keep you in a state of psychosis that you deserve. And yes. Go read some more conspiracy sites in the meanwhile which mix half truths and outright lies to cocncoct stories. That is all that you and your like are fit for. 8/20/2005 11:40 PM To display the expenditure in Goa the UN has several arms for the so-called instrument of accession the UN is armless? How pityfull? What has not been objected or not said by Pakistani representative does not matter what has been put on record for all to see is important? Has it ever been argued by a majority and accepted by a Pakistani at the UN that the Kashmir is a settled issue on the basis of the instrument of accession?




Kashmir Dispute; Terrorism and Freedom Fight, Line of control; boundaries in redWhat ever names you like you may call me, that is your state of mind. Universally Kashmir is taken as a dispute and flashpoint historically the IoA is a fraudulent tactic. 8/20/2005 11:50 PM What has not been objected or not said by Pakistani representative does not matter Of course it matters. When the legal accession of Kashmir to India is not questioned by Pakistan, then who are you to question it, eh? This brings us to the point that Pakistan has been solely appealing to the UN on emotional grounds, having illegally occupied a part of Kashmir through invasion, to settle the 'dispute'. And when the UN passed its resolutions ordering Pakistan to vacate from Kashmir so that a free and plebiscite could be held by the Kashmiris, it refused! Bhaskar This sums up Pakistan and Pakistani attitude on the subject. They don't recognise civil law or legal documents, neither do they believe in keeping up their word to the UN, when it comes to implementation, after agreeing to the terms and conditions involved in the resolution that was passed! Pakistan behaves like a lawless criminal society on the world stage, time and again and this case stands mute testimony to that. 8/22/2005 1:35 AM i think v r in united nation community so in solving international problems u must abide by the united nation's resolution or u shud say that u dont consider united nation as a just 3rd party in such case bhaskar u shud immediately leave the community n if u think united nation is good enough u shud solve all probs as per united nations resolution and as i know united nation wants a referendom in kashmir pakistan is agreed to it i dont know y india is not, coz as they say that, all kashmiries r with them n a small group of pakistani millitant is causing probs there than they shud hold referendom there n shut up all critics wat u say bhaskar ? 8/26/2005 4:35 AM I notice that there is not much activity and interest of people in the topic Kashmir Instrument of Accession!. I like to sum up the whole thing and for the benefit of the readers have copied below the parts of different resolutions and the complete list of resolutions on India and Pakistan. There is no mention of the instrument of accession any where on the UN record, to the extent, there is no mention of the word accession any where in any of the UN resolutions. As Bhasker mention the instrument was allegedly signed on October 26 47 while India and Pakistan as per resolution 126 and as late as 1957 accept and recognize the UN resolution 38 of 17 January 1948. Syed All the resolutions after 126 pertain to actions of the UN after wars of 1965 and 1971 between India and Pakistan. There is even mention in resolution 122 of 24 January 1957 in very explicit term that the actions taken and will be taken in future by All Jammu & Kashmir National Conference are not acceptable to the UN. up till now as per UN record the Kashmir is a disputed territory. Hence the scanned copy of the instrument of accession on an Indian government website is a fraud and has no legal bearing and not recognized by the United Nations. 8/26/2005 4:36 AM 91 (1951) Resolution of 30 March 1951 Observing th
