125 members – Member profiles range from large IT companies to family-based small AT companies...


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• 125 members – www.atia.org• Member profiles range from large IT companies to family-based

small AT companies• ATIA members and RERCs

– Some have long standing successful partnerships– Some have heard of the RERCs but little experience – Many do not know the RERCs or their potential value

• Opportunities to bridge the communication gap:– ATIA annual conference held in January in FL

• 2,400+ attendees in January ’07• RERC meeting at ATIA• NEW! RERC discounted registration program• NEW! Poster session opportunities• Networking with AT vendors - partnership building opportunities

– ATOB Journal – www.atobjournal.org– Accessible webinars – with AT manufacturers and RERCs

Question #1

We have discussed the perceived barriers to the flow of intellectual property between academics and manufacturers. Select the #1 barrier from the list below that you think is the most important:A.Different timelinesB.Difference goals/agendasC.Publish academic research demands Vs Business revenue/marketing demands D.Control and ownershipE.Something else

Question #2

Which of the following ATIA programs is of most interest to you as an RERC? Select all that apply.A.Free webinars with AT manufacturersB.Publishing in the ATOB Journal C.Participation in ATIA 2008 D.All of the aboveE.None of the above
