119 Beginnings, Origins & Survival of the Fittest


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8/14/2019 119 Beginnings, Origins & Survival of the Fittest

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158 Beginnings, Origins and Survival of the FittestDecember 2, 2009 by mcdozer

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth , the light, the dry land, vegetation, and onlythen (according to the biblical account) – as unbelievable to our evolution-framed minds as it maysound – the rest of the matter in the universe: the stars and other planets and the moons, then the fishesand birds, land animals, and finally, His crowning creation, man, took a rib from his side and made awoman from it. As outrageously bizarre as all that may sound to us, when God saw it, He begged todiffer and deemed it “ good. “

It was a spotless, you might say just about perfect world, bubbling with the knowledge of good, thesheer evidence of a divine Creator as visible by His handiwork, truly deserving of this attribute:“good.”

Then along came the first lie, well presented by the mind of an obviously skilled debater and“debunker,” mind you, and as innocent and perhaps gullible and naive as the first human couple was,they swallowed it – hook line and sinker, introducing into that pure world the factor that wouldchange everything – well, nearly everything: evil.

However long or short their existence in a good and perfect world had been, the difference betweenwhat had been and was now was as vast as night and day, as life and death itself. They may not havedied physically, but was this really life? Not when you’ve known the real thing…


In the beginning was the Word – the Word so unlike those empty, hollow, vain and idle sounds proceeding from human mouths that may say one thing and mean another – the Word of truth , perhapshard to believe for those who prefer a lie; and as scarce as it always has been in this world, the supplyof that truth was always greater than the demand for it by a race that always seems to have had agreater knack for the darkness than the light, the lie, rather than the truth.

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Along came Charles Darwin with a proposition of an idea and theory he would have meant to be perhaps carefully considered, but when people heard it, they immediately embraced it as their newtruth: “This is IT!” they exclaimed! “This is going to be our new truth! Let us banish the old one andteach this teaching as the sole and principal foundation of all that shall be called knowledge fromhenceforth. From now on, our children will grow up being taught the new truth!”

Great men arose, basing their lives’ philosophy on “The Origin of Species,” names that would changethe world as it had previously been known (similar to the way it had so drastically changed once

before, millennia ago), names like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao – only to name a few – who proved by their unprecedented slaughter of millions that truly, this was a world of “the survival of the fittest.”

New sciences were created and billions and yet billions of dollars and other currencies were pumpedinto new “evidence” that would support the new paradigm and the abolition of the old, (for there wasno illusion that enough money could not create and make it appear deceivingly real if it was beingrepeated often enough), simultaneously increasing the machinery that would continuously support thesurvival and domination of the fittest: ever more powerful weapons, capable of annihilating every

breath that would dare to rise up against them.

Soon, mankind would be ready for the arrival of the dawn of a New Age and World Order, headed bythe one in whom the mindset of liberation from the old truth would culminate, and who would fillmankind’s atrocious need for a god by his own forceful assumption of that position: a time of triumphfor some, and one of greater sorrow than they had ever known for those who refused to embrace thisfinal manifestation of the “new truth.”

In order to make a final statement underlining the universal paradigm of “the survival of the fittest,”the new world leader at last declared all-out war on those who refused to bow down to him, and on theOne Himself who dwells in the heavens , a time of great persecution, bloodshed and tribulation ,culminating in one final battle , which was won with one great shout and yet another outrageous act of defying all that humans would have deemed possible or even thinkable, just as He had done it in the



In the new beginning , there was love. Love in the hearts of a people who had been saved from thedarkness, from the lies and from the evil they had brought upon themselves by ever welcoming thesethings and preferring them to the light, to the truth, and over that which was good. Love that had beenacquired from the painful lesson of where all these lies, the evil and the accompanying sins wouldlead. Love for a God, Who, in the End turned out to have known better than all the proclaimed wisemen of ages past, and – as outrageously unbelievable as it may sound once again – love, at long last,for one another.

Books , Collective Sin , Education , Endtime , History , Jesus , New World Order , Politically Incorrect ,Radical Christianity , Science? , Spirituality , The System , World-changers , bible prophecy , big brother ,creationism , disinformation Outrageous truth , in the beginning , new beginning