1111 Michael Way Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 - Tel: 702-647


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Parochial Administrator Fr. Rogelio Molina Parochial Vicar Fr. Lucas Kimario Special Assistants Fr. James J. Bevan, Jr. Deacon Felipe Rivas Parish Office Staff Patricia Padilla, Bilingual Secretary Elizabeth Alejo Schoeter, Bulletin Editor/Secretary Religious Education Staff Charlene Domschot, Faith Formation Director Ruth E. Arias, Assistant to Faith Formation Director St. Francis de Sales School Mrs. Carol Wilson, Principal Deandra Chirpac, Administrative Assistant Maintenance Staff Frank Villanueva Jessica Wattenbarger, Msgr. LaVoy Hall Custodian

PARISH OFFICE /OFICINA PARROQUIAL Phone -Teléfono (702) 647-3440 Fax: (702) 646-3587

Parish Website : www.stfrancisdesaleslv.org Parish Email: parishinfo@sfdslv.org Faith Formation/ Formación de Fe (Located in Msgr. LaVoy Hall) (Localizada en el Salón Parroquial) Phone / Teléfono (702) 646-2266 Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes 10:00 AM-12:00 PM 1:30 PM-6:00 PM Closed at noon on first Friday St. Francis de Sales School / Escuela de San Francisco de Sales Office hours /Horario de Oficina Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes 8am - 3pm Phone / Teléfono: (702) 647-2828 Fax: (702) 647-0284 Website: www.sfdslv.org

1111 Michael Way Las Vegas, Nevada 89108 - Tel: 702-647-3440 www.stfrancisdesaleslv.org - email: parishinfo@sfdslv.org


Sunday, August 29 6:30 AM †Melaviades Dizon by Evelyn Brady & Loenisa Puziss 8:30 AM †Ricardo Cortes Cruz by the Cortez Family 11:00 AM Rebecca Mojica In Thanksgiving

1:00 PM †Alejandra Velasquez by the Nunez Family 5:00 PM †Trinida Montoro by Victor Montoro 7:00 PM †Encarnacion Garcia by Family Members Monday, August 30 7:30 AM †Linda Young by Paula & Rico Tuesday, August 31 7:30 AM †Linda Young by K. Brown Wednesday, September 1 7:30AM Santiago Vega Nevarez by Patricia Vega Thursday, September 2 7:30 AM †Linda Young by Paula & Rico Friday, September 3 7:30 AM Michael Maurice 8:30 AM †Randy Garber Sr. by Jeff & Marion Larson Saturday, September 4 8:00AM Michael Maurice 4:00PM †Joe Brown by K. Brown 7:00PM †Octavio Manco by the Manco Rendon Family Sunday, September 5 6:30 AM Santiago Villa Villanueva by Patricia Vega 8:30 AM La Virgencita 11:00 AM †Clare Ketchledge by her Sister 1:00 PM †Adelaida Ramirez by Nuñez Family

5:00 PM In Thanksgiving 7:00 PM Jeri Pulido-Ortiz by Patricia Vega

Flowers for the Altar

St. Francis de Sales places fresh flowers in the sanctuary area of the church. If you would like to donate the cost of the

flowers on behalf of your family or a loved one, please contact the parish office at

702-647-3440 for details. This week the cost of the altar flowers is

donated by The Díaz family in honor of

Oscar & Rosa Díaz

Done las flores para el altar Si usted quiere donar el costo de las flores un

domingo en nombre de su familia o en memoria de un ser querido, por favor llame a la oficina

parroquial al 702-647-3440

Las flores en el altar esta semana son donada por la familia Díaz en

honor de

Oscar y Rosa Díaz

INCH FOR LIFE: If you or anyone you know has an

unplanned pregnancy and needs help, please call (702) 737-1672.

Women Resource Center of Southern NV 702-366-1247 Rachel Vineyard/ Viñedo de Raquel 702-737-1672 First Choice Pregnancy Services 702-294-2273 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Call 616-4900 for information, and to learn about other Women’s Health Care programs. For more information Log on to www.strosehospitals.org

Bereavement Support Group-Nathan Adelson Hospice Tenaya (Mountain View Medical Bldg.) 3150 N. Tenaya Way, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV 89128. Please call for dates and time (702) 796-3157

St. Elizabeth's Bereavement Group: the group is open to anyone for up to 2 years post lost. . Please call 702- 228-8311 for more information.

The Rosary will be prayed in English Monday– Thursday after daily Mass & on Fridays 30 minutes before the daily Mass.

El Santo Rosario se rezará en español 30 minutos antes de cada misa en español y en inglés después de cada misa lunes a jueves.




Pope Francis on December 8th announced a special year dedicated to St. Joseph starting with the announcement and lasting through December 8, 2021, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The special year marks the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church. The Apostolic Penitentiary also issued a decree granting special indulgences for the duration of the special year to celebrate the anniversary and “to perpetuate the entrustment of the whole Church to the powerful patronage of the Custodian of Jesus.” During this period, the faithful will have the opportunity to commit themselves “with prayer and good works, to obtain, with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family of Nazareth, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today.” The decree notes that devotion to St. Joseph has grown extensively throughout the history of the Church, “which not only attributes to him high reverence after that of the Mother of God his spouse, but has also given him multiple patronages.” At the same time, the Magisterium of the Church continues to discover “old and new greatness in this treasure which is St. Joseph, like the master in the Gospel of Matthew who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.” Therefore, the gift of indulgences granted through a decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary by mandate of the Holy Father “will be of great benefit to the perfect attainment of the appointed purpose.”

Conditions for the plenary indulgence The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions) to Christians who, with a spirit detached from any sin, participate in the Year of St. Joseph on these occasions and manners indicated by the Apostolic Penitentiary: – The plenary indulgence is granted to those who will meditate for at least 30 minutes on the Lord’s Prayer, or take part in a Spiritual Retreat of at least one day that includes a meditation on St. Joseph. “St. Joseph, an authentic man of faith, invites us”, the decree reads, “to rediscover our filial relationship with the Father, to renew fidelity to prayer, to listen and correspond with profound discernment to God’s will.” The indulgence can also be obtained by those who, following St. Joseph’s example, will perform a spiritual or corporal work of mercy. St. Joseph “encourages us to rediscover the value of silence, prudence, and loyalty in carrying out our duties,” the decree notes. The recitation of the Holy Rosary in families and among engaged couples is another way of obtaining indulgences, in order that “all Christian families may recreate the same atmosphere of intimate communion, love and prayer that was in the Holy Family.” - Everyone who entrusts their daily activity to the protection of St. Joseph, and every faithful who invokes the intercession of St. Joseph so that those seeking work can find dignifying work can also obtain the plenary indulgence. On 1 May 1955, Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of St. Joseph “with the intent that the dignity of work be recognized by all, and that it inspires social life and laws, based on the fair distribution of duties.” In addition to these, the Apostolic Penitentiary grants a plenary indulgence to the faithful who will recite any legitimately approved prayer or act of piety in honor of St. Joseph, for example, “To you, O blessed Joseph” especially on “March 19, on May 1, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph [the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s Day], on St. Joseph’s Sunday on the 19th of each month, and every Wednesday, a day dedicated to the memory of the saint according to the Latin tradition.” Amid the ongoing Covid-19 health crisis, the gift of the plenary indulgence is also extended to the sick, the elderly, the dying and those who are unable to leave their homes. They can obtain the plenary indulgences if they are detached from any sin and have the intention of fulfilling, as soon as possible, the three usual conditions and recite an act of piety in honor of St. Joseph, offering to God the pains and hardships of their lives.


St Francis de Sales

School Information

Monday, August 30, 2021 The Life Skill of The Week is “Respect- To willingly show considera!on or apprecia!on for others.” Welcome APEX! Fundraising starts today! Tuesday, August 31, 2021 Choir Prac!ce this morning at 7:50 AM. Cheer Prac!ce: 3:00-4:30 PM. Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Prayer and Flag Ceremony will be hosted by our 7th Grade this morning at 8:20 AM! Cheer Prac!ce: 3:00-4:30 PM. Thursday, September 2, 2021 Choir Prac!ce this morning at 7:50 AM. Friday, September 3, 2021 School Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 AM.

School is open- drive carefully! Please be sure to use the crosswalks and park in designated parking areas (parking or dropping off in front of the school, parish, and religious educa!on buildings is not permi$ed.) We also ask that you obey our dedicated students who volunteer to serve as crossing guards- keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your support and coopera!on! School Web-site: For addi!onal and up-to-date informa!on please be sure to visit our school web-site at www.sfdslv.org We are con!nuing to accept applica!ons for the 2021-2022 school. In order for children to be considered for enrollment, the following documents must accompany your applica!on: birth cer!ficate, Bap!smal cer!ficate, immuniza!on record, and most recent report card. The applica!on fee is $25 and is non-refundable. If placed on our wai!ng list, please be sure to update your applica!on this month. Thank you!

Office Phone / teléfono 702-646-2266 M - F 10am to 12 Noon & 1:30 - 4:30pm

We still have openings for communion classes for elementary, junior high and high school students. You can register online at stfrancisdesaleslv.org. Scroll down to the red heart and click on WESHARE – you will be taken to the registration site. If you are having trouble registering online please come by our office for assistance! If you prefer to register in person please bring a copy of your child’s birth and baptism certificate to our office. Communion classes are a two year program of instruction, the cost for the first year is $150. Todavía tenemos vacantes para las clases de comunión para estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y bachillerato. Puede registrarse en línea en stfrancisdesaleslv.org. Desplácese hacia abajo hasta el corazón rojo y haga clic en WESHARE; será llevado al sitio de registro. Si tiene problemas para registrarse en línea, ¡acérquese a nuestra oficina para recibir ayuda! Si prefiere registrarse en persona, traiga una copia del certificado de nacimiento y bautismo de su hijo a nuestra oficina. Las clases de comunión son un programa de instrucción de dos años, el costo del primer año es de $ 150.

Colecta para la Administración Católica de la diócesis de Las Vegas

CSA 2021 (Diezmo para los Católicos de la Diócesis de Las

Vegas 2021) La porción asignada a St. Francis de Sales este año es la

cantidad de $136,836.00

Reporte del Diezmo 2021 CSA Actualización de hoy:

Familias inscritas en la Parroquia: 2200. Total en Promesas: $116,039.62

Total acumulado hasta la fecha de hoy: $92,789.62

St. Francis de Sales CSA 2021 Catholic Stewardship Appeal 2021

With 2200 registered families in our parish we have received a total of $116,039.62 in pledges and a total

amount of $92.789.62 dollars received. That means we are still short

$44,046.38 to complete our goal. Please help our parish meet it’s goal and receive our rebates!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the parish office at (702) 647-3440.

Las oficinas parroquiales estarán

cerradas el lunes 6 de septiembre

en observación del Día del Trabajador

The Parish

offices will be closed on Monday, September 6th

for Labor Day.


The English Baptism class is held the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Religious Education Building/LaVoy Hall. You do not need to register for the class there is a sign in sheet as you enter. The duration of the class is an hour and 30 minutes. We ask that you please do not bring children. You will receive the packet, instructions and your certificate of completion at the class. 1. Godparents must be at least 16 years old, must have received the sacrament of confirmation and if married, they must be married in the Roman Catholic Church. Proof of sacraments is required. 2. The child must be no older than 6 and a half years old. If the child is older, please contact the faith formation office to enroll them in catechism at 702-646-2266. 3. Baptisms are held on most Saturdays in English and in Spanish. We will help you pick a Saturday to baptize your child when you turn your completed and signed packet including the child's birth certificate, godparents sacramental records, certificate of completion for the class and the fee into the office.

Please do not make travel or celebration plans until you have turned in your completed Baptism packet to the office.


PARA BAUTIZAR. LA CLASE SE IMPARTIRÁ EN LA IGLESIA EL PRIMERO LUNES DEL MES A LAS 6:30PM, POR EL MES DE SEPTIEMBRE EL CLASE ES EL SEGUNDO LUNES 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE. NO ES NECESARIO DE ANOTARSE PARA ASISTIR LA CLASE. LES PEDIMOS SER PUNTUALES. FAVOR DE NO TRAER NIÑOS. LA CLASE ES PARA ADULTOS. REQUISITOS: 1.) Los niños deben ser menores de los 6 años y medio. Mayores de esta edad, los niños necesitan asistir a clases de catecismo en preparación para el Bautismo y Primera Comunión. 2.) PADRINOS: los padrinos necesitan ser católicos practicantes; haber recibido sus sacramentos incluyendo la confirmación; si viven juntos como pareja, deben estar casados por la iglesia y ser mayores de los 16 años. Se requerirá prueba de los sacramentos de cada padrino. Los bautismos se celebran los Sábados a las 11:00 am en español. Para apartar la fecha de bautismo necesitan traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño, pagar la tarifa, los certificados de los sacramentos y el sobre que les demos COMPLETO Y FIRMADO por los dos padres. Llame a la oficina por más información al 702-647-3440. Nota Especial: Por Favor no hagan preparaciones de invitaciones o fiesta hasta haber apartado la fecha en la oficina. INCH FOR LIFE

If you or anyone you know has an unplanned pregnancy and needs help,

please call (702) 737-1672. Women Resource Center of Southern NV

702-366-1247 Rachel Vineyard/ Viñedo de Raquel

702-737-1672 First Choice Pregnancy Services


St. Elizabeth's Bereavement Group; the group is open to anyone for up to 2 years post lost. Please call 702- 228-8311 for more information. Bereavement Support Group-Nathan Adelson

Hospice Tenaya (Mountain View Medical Bldg.) 3150 N. Tenaya Way, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV 89128. Please call

for dates and time (702) 796-3157

To begin marriage preparation please call the parish office. Please do not set a marriage date before you consult a priest. Marriage requires six months of preparation. We will contact

you to schedule a meeting with one of our priest once you have brought in the required documents.

Weddings that will be taking place outside the United States require one year of


El SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Les informamos que para el

Sacramento del Matrimonio, las parejas deben de hacer su cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Les pedimos no hacer arreglos de recepción ni de invitaciones sin antes de

dicha presentación parroquial.




Las lecturas de la semana del 29 de agosto de 2021

Domingo: Dt 4, 1-2. 6-8/Sal 14, 2-3. 3-4. 4-5 [1]/Sant 1, 17-18.

21-22. 27/Mc 7, 1-8. 14-15. 21-23

Lunes: 1 Tes 4, 13-18/Sal 95, 1 y 3. 4-5. 11-12. 13 [13]/Lc 4,


Martes: 1 Tes 5, 1-6. 9-11/Sal 26, 1. 4. 13-14 [13]/Lc 4, 31-37

Miércoles: Col 1, 1-8/Sal 51, 10. 11 [10]/Lc 4, 38-44

Jueves: Col 1, 9-14/Sal 97, 2-3. 3-4. 5-6 [2]/Lc 5, 1-11

Viernes: Col 1, 15-20/Sal 99, 1-2. 3. 4. 5 [2]/Lc 5, 33-39

Sábado: Col 1, 21-23/Sal 53, 3-4. 6 y 8 [6]/Lc 6, 1-5

Grupo Pueblo Agua Viva

Readings for the week of August 29, 2021

Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5 [1a]/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18/Ps 96:1 and 3, 4-5, 11-12, 13 [13b]/Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [13]/Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8/Ps 52:10, 11 [10]/Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14/Ps 98:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6 [2]/Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Col 1:15-20/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 [2b]/Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Col 1:21-23/Ps 54:3-4, 6 and 8 [6]/Lk 6:1-5


¿Está pasando por dificultades en su matrimonio? ¿ Se sienten frustrados y molestos? ¿Pelean o han dejado de hablarse? ¡Hay Esperanza! Renovación Matrimonial (REMA) les ofrece las herramientas para renovar su relación. REMA es un programa en español especialmente diseñado para parejas latinas con problemas, incluso si ya están separados o divorciados pero buscan ayuda y desean sinceramente restaurar su matrimonio. Para información de el próximo retiro, llama a Oscar y Norma Díaz (702) 702-296-3852 y (702) 439-7075 o Antonio y Shadia Casimiro (702) 448-0413.

1.Visite; sfdslv.weshareonline.org 2.Escoge la opción a la cual quieras donar.

3. Escoge “Donación Recurrente”

y pon la cantidad de tu donación y la


Do not forget to support your parish financially during this time of crisis! Our church

depends on your contributions to be able to contin-ue to minister to you.

Mail in your offerings, use online giving or bring them to the Sacristy door drop box.

We thank you for your continued support through-

out this crisis, your gifts are needed. Please be aware that our parish Priests are keeping you in


WeShare Support is available to you. https://sfdslv.weshareonline.org/



MISAS EN INGLÉS Sábados a las 4:00PM

Domingos a las 6:30AM, 11:00AM, 1:00PM, y 5:00PM



MISAS ENTRE SEMANA Lunes a viernes de 7:30am en inglés.

Sábados 8AM en inglés. Miércoles 7PM en español.

Los confesiones en español son los miércoles a las 5:00PM

Mass in English Saturdays: 4:00PM

Sundays: 6:30AM English Mass, 11:00AM English Mass, 1:00PM English ,5:00PM English Mass

Mass in Spanish SATURDAYS 7:00PM, SUNDAYS AT 8:30AM & 7:00PM


Monday: through Friday 7:30AM Mass in English Saturday: 8:00AM Mass in English

Wednesday: 7:00PM Mass in Spanish Confession in English

Saturdays 3:00PM– 4:00PM



Today’s Date_______________________________

I would like to be a member of this parish Community because: □I just moved here □Marriage □Baptism □Religious Education □Quinceañera □Other

Quiero ser miembro de esta Comunidad Parroquial por que; □Nos acabamos de cambiar aquí □Matrimonio □Bautismo □Educación Religiosa □Quinceañera □Otro Motivo

Please check one / Marque uno: □ New Member/Feligrés nuevo □ Change in address, phone or name/ Cambio de nombre, teléfono, o dirección Family Last Name / Apellido de la Familia_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Head of Household / Primer Nombre de El ____________________________________Spouse / Ella ___________________________________________

Weekly Offertory Envelopes /Sobrecitos Semanales: □ Yes / Si □No Work Phone /Tel. del Trabajo _______________________ Home Phone/Tel. de Casa _________________________ Cell # _______________________________ Address/ Dirección:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Apt. __________________ City/Ciudad:______________________State/Estado: ____________________Zip/Código Postal:_______________________

EMAIL ADDRESS/CORREO ELECTRÓNICO_______________________________________________________________

WHY REGISTER IN THE PARISH: It is important for every adult over the age of 18 to be registered and for you to use your donation envelopes so that if you ever request a letter, whether its for being a godparent, sponsor, marriage, confirmation, tax statement or any other purpose, we can check our records and see that you attend mass here. This would also benefit you if you would like to have your child enrolled in our Religious Ed-ucation program or in our school, you would be able to get pa-rishioner rates. If you are not registered in the parish, we cannot issue or sign any type of letter, stating that you are a member of the parish even if you do attend mass here. You must be a registered active parishioner for a minimum of 3 months in order to get a signature or letter.

INSCRIPCION PARROQUIAL: Las personas que requieren la firma del sacerdote para cualquier documento, o el descuento por los clases de formación de fe o la carta de su donaciones anuales se requiere que sean miembros registrados y activos por un mínimo de 3 meses. Después de que se inscriban en la parroquia, necesitan solicitar sobres dominicales y usarlos. La parroquia necesita verificar que están inscritos y activos. Usando los sobres en la Misa es la única manera que sabemos que vienen ustedes a Misa. Para registrarse en la parroquia deben llenar el formulario en esta página y déjelo en la canasta de ofertorio en Misa, envíenlo por correo o trajelo a la oficina parroquial para ser registrada.

Primera Lectura Mientras Moisés preparaba a los israelitas para establecerse y vivir en la Tierra Prometida, los instó a permanecer cerca de

los mandamientos y estatutos de Dios para convertirse en una "gran nación". ¿Por qué crees que tantas naciones se desvían de

esta idea?

Segunda Lectura En los primeros versículos de su carta, Santiago insta a sus

lectores a que "pongan en práctica esa palabra y no se limiten a escucharla,

engañándose a ustedes mismos." ¿Por qué crees que este es un

buen consejo?

Evangelio Volviendo al Evangelio de Marcos,

escuchamos hoy cómo los líderes religiosos de Jerusalén cuestionaron a

Jesús acerca de mantener "la tradición de sus mayores." Jesús respondió con la

importancia de tener un corazón limpio. ¿Por qué es este un ejercicio espiritual tan


First Reading: As Moses prepared the Israelites to settle and live in the Promised Land he urged them to stay close to God’s commandments and statutes in order to become a “great nation.” Why do you think so many nations stray from this idea? Second Reading: In the opening verses of his letter, James urges his readers to be “doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” Why do you think this is wise advice? Gospel: In returning to the Gospel of Mark, we hear today how the religious leaders from Jerusalem questioned Jesus about keeping “the tradition of the elders.” Jesus responded with the importance of being clean of heart. Why is this such a challenging spiritual exercise?

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¿Busca COMPRAR o VENDER Casa? Yo le asisto en una formahonesta y profesional. ¡Nada más llámame!
