1105-1130 Dr. Sanjay Kapur+CV€¦ · 6dqmd\ .dsxu 0' %lrjudsk\ 'u...


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Sanjay Kapur, MD

BiographyDr. Sanjay Kapur is the CEO at AYUMETRIX, a Research and

Diagnostic Organization that offers specialized high complexityfunctional laboratory consulting services for platform technology firmsand diagnostic companies. He is an internationally known andrecognized anti-aging expert, with dozens of peer-reviewedpublications and abstracts, as well as numerous invited presentations.He is a highly-sought speaker on health and wellness at internationalmedical conferences. Dr. Kapur’s strong desire and passion toeducate physicians all around the world motivated him to found theSociety for Regenerative, Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Society of India.He also serves on Editorial and Scientific Boards of several scientificjournals and international anti-aging societies.

Stress and Cardiovascular Disease:Is Cortisol the Key?

Dr. Sanjay KapurFounder President & CEO

If you say “NO” then Sit Down

• You are NOT a smoker• Your BMI ≤ 25 Kg/m2

• You exercise at least 30 min/ day for 5 days a week• You eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and

vegetables every day• You don’t consume alcohol or only once or twice

every week ( not more than one drink each time)• You have no stress

Cardiovascular Disease

950,000 Americans die of CVD each year

1 Death every 34 seconds

>150,000 who die of CVD are <65 years of age

Diabetes Mellitus

23.6 Million Americans have diabetes

Prevalence has increased by 61% since 1990

Diagnosed: 17.9 million

Undiagnosed: 5.7 million

What Happened? Where Did We Go Wrong?

Changes in our lifestyle

Changes in Eating Patterns

Is It Sugar Consumption?

Changes in Physical Activity

Increased Lifestyle Stress (Loss of Normal Rhythms

Adrenal Hormones


Zona Glomerulosa

Zona Reticularis

Zona Fasciculata

Adrenal Cortex


Cortisol and Cortisone

Pregnenolone, Progesterone, estrogens, testosterone, DHEA, androstenedione

Epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine(noradrenalin)



The principle stress hormone

Increases heart rate

Increases blood pressure

Dilates airways, increases respiratory rate

Increases blood sugar

Releases fatty acids into the blood

Suppresses immune function

Breaks down muscle

Positive Effects of Increased Cortisol

A quick burst of energy for survival reasons

Heightened memory functions

A burst of increased immunity

Lower sensitivity to pain

Helps maintain homeostasis in the body

Negative Effects of Increased Cortisol

Impaired cognitive performance

Suppressed thyroid function

Blood sugar imbalance like hyperglycemia

Decreased bone density

Decrease in muscle tissue

Lowered immunity and inflammatory response

Increased abdominal fat

The stress-response is supposed to be short-lived

Biphasic Response to Stress

Effects of Chronically High Cortisol

Cushing’s Syndrome (Hypercortisolism)

Weight gain, abdominal obesity, rounded face

Weakened bones and muscle

Easily bruised skin, other skin problems

High blood pressure

Chronic Stress Response- Pregnenolone Steal






Chronic Stress Response- Pregnenolone Steal

Salivary Testing of Cortisol

Obesity: What happens in the adipocyte?

Android (Apple) vs. Gynoid (Pear) Obesity

Jean Vague (1947)


to a Pioneer:

Vague J. Presse Med 1947;30:339–340.

The Metabolic Syndrome: Integration of Multiple CV Risk Factors

Body SizeBMI

Central Adiposity

Insulin Resistance

Glucose Metabolism

Uric AcidMetabolism Dyslipidemia Hemodynamic Hypercoag

Uric AcidUrinary uric acid clearance


TGPP lipemiaHDL-CPHLASmall, denseLDL

SNS ActivityNa retentionHypertension


Coronary Heart Disease

Neuroendocrine stress axes are activated in Metabolic Syndrome.

The case control study provides the first evidence that chronic stressMay be a cause of Metabolic Syndrome.

Waist-to-hip ratio in men positively correlated with cortisol response to waking.

Negative correlation of waking response and HDL.

Positive correlation with LDL.

CS induces not only LV hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction but alsoSubclinical LV systolic dysfunction, which reverses upon normalization ofCorticosteroid excess

…revealed that endothelial dysfunction in CS patients is related to hypercortisolemia and is reversible after treatment, suggesting the possible role of cortisol excess in development of endothelial dysfunction,thereby possibly leading to increased cardiovascular complications

Strong association between Cushing’s syndrome, characterized by a Cluster of systemic complications and increased cardiovascular risk.

The biological link is cortisol overproduction.


Vascular damage

Hypertension Left ventricular remodellingdysfunction

Prothrombotic state Central obesity and Metabolic alterations

Increased cardiovascular risk

Mechanisms of increased cardiovascular risk mediated by hypercortisolism

Laboratory Hormone Assessment

Lab assessment of adrenal hormones-Cortisol and DHEA

Measure Androgen levels- Testosterone

Test for changes in sex hormones-Estrogens and Progesterone

Test for Insulin Resistance and glucose dysregulation


Salivary cortisol seem to be a good screening tool based on itsnon-invasive nature, remarkable reproducibility anddiagnostic performance.


The Science of MEDITATION

Reversal of atherosclerosis Reduction of myocardial ischemia Reduced health insurance claims for CVD Reduced mortality

Encouraging Exercise

Recommend atleast 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic or 90 minutes vigorous aerobic activity to improve glycemic control, weight management and reduce CVD risk.

Advise patients to start slowly and gradually build intensity.

Discuss benefits with patients (social, psychological, physical).

Monitor patient’s progress.

Source: ADA

Encouraging Exercise

Source: ADA

Diet Emphasize good quality proteins. Combine unrefined carbohydrates (whole grains)

with good quality protein and oils (nuts and seeds) Use cold pressed oils - olive, walnut, filbert, flax Especially avoid hydrogenated fats and caffeine Emphasize vegetables (alkaline foods) Allow unrefined salt to be added

ad. lib. according to taste

Encouraging Healthy Eating

Eat by 10 AM and again before noon Eat regular meals – chew food well Avoid

Hydrogenated fats Caffeine containing foods and beverages Chocolate White carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour) Junk foods Allergenic or sensitive foods

Digestive aids will be needed by most until recovery is more complete.

Encouraging Healthy Eating

Nutrients that Support Adrenal Function

Vitamin C B Vitamins Calcium and magnesium Zinc, selenium, copper Sodium Manganese

Adrenal glandular


Digestive aids will be needed by most until recovery is more complete

Dietary Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue

Vitamin C 2,000 - 5,000 mg/day 1:2 ratio of bio-flavinoids to C

Vitamin E with mixed tocopherols 800 IU/day

Panthothenic acid (B5) 1500 mg daily

Calcium (malate/citrate) 800 mg

Magnesium (glycinate/citrate) 400 mg

Organic trace minerals - calming effect


Ashwagandha Root Powder 3-6 grams daily Note: some products are more concentrated

Siberian Ginseng 2-8 Grams per day dried root 2-4 ml daily of fluid extract (1:1dilution)

Licorice Root Powder Standardize extract 2 to 3 grams per day (200-300 mg glycyrrhiza)

Maca Root 5-10 g bid dried root powder

Rhodiola 250 mg 1-3 times a day

Holy Basil 400-800 mg bid (standardized. to 1% ursolic acid)

Cortisol has connection with heart disease but it may be possible to

prevent or reverse the adverse effects

Thank You





Siberian Ginseng




Holy Basil


•BacopaUsed to control high or fluctuating cortisollevels without dropping normal or low levels


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Cardiotropic Cardioprotective Anticoagulant properties Anabolic activity Immunomodulator

(Dhuley JN. J Ethnopharmacol 2000 Apr;70(1):57-63


Ashwagandha root powder (0.7 and 1.4 g/kg body weight/day) for 30 days produced the following results: Significant decrease in lipid peroxidation

A significant increase in superoxide dismutase

A significant increase in catalase.

Free radical scavenging activity

(Panda S. Kar A. Indian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology. 41(4):424-6, 1997 Oct.)

Ashwagandha is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a powder, decoction, medicated wine, mixed with clarified butter, combined with honey or sugar syrup or as a medicated oil. The most common form is as an alcoholic extract or capsules, of the powdered root.

Dosage is as follows: Powder:3-6 grams daily or up to 5 to 10 grams as an occasional

tonicDecoction:16 to 31 grams added to heated cow’s milkAlcoholic Extract:2 Tblsp., 2-4 times daily.Mixed with ghee or honey:1 tsp. 2 times dailyNarayana Taila Oil:Internally, 3-10 drops; or freely applied externally to painful, arthritic joints. Contraindications and Toxicity:

Large doses of ashwagandha may possess abortifacient properties so that it should not be taken drink pregnancy unless under the direction of an experienced health professional. It is also contraindicated in conjunction with sedatives or anxioletics (a substance that reduces anxiety) or if one is suffering from stomach ulcers. Traditionally, like other tonics such as ginseng, ashwagandha should not be taken when there are signs of inflammation or advanced arterial congestion. For this reason is may be best to precede or accompany taking it with a general detoxifying herb or formula such as Yogaraj guggul.

Ashwagandha is relatively safe when taken in the prescribed range of dosage. [18] Large doses, however, have been shown to cause gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and vomiting. Finally, because ashwagandha has been found to potentiate the effects of barbituates, it is generally recommended that it be not taken under such conditions.


Ginseng Is adaptogenic for stress reducing cortisol when it is too high and

increasing it when too low.

Anti-fatigue, anti-stress, immuno-enhancing effect, CNS activity, and anti-depressive effects.

Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) < American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) < Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) in stimulating effect

Use Korean ginseng for males


Siberian Ginseng

Typical dose of dried root is 2-8 grams daily For Chronic Fatigue, 2-4 grams tid

Typical dose of the fluid extract is 2-4 ml (1:1 dilution)

Interactions with anti-diabetic meds, cardiac glycosides, stimulants

Caution with hypertension Patients with hypertension should not consume ginseng


Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Adrenocorticoid-like activity

Specific for hypoadrenia

Reduces workload of adrenals

Anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antiviral, antiulcer, & estrogen balancing properties

Do not exceed 1/4 lb/day or 1 gram glycyrrhisin (10 grams licorice root) to avoid increase in BP Contraindicated in cases of hypertension


Elevates cortisol by blocking conversion of cortisol into cortisone by inhibiting 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(11beta-HSD).

In high doses (3.5 gm/day), it lowers testosterone in women (useful in PCOS, hirsutism)


Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

This product is not recommended if you are pregnant. Licorice may increase blood pressure and cause water retention, though some people are more sensitive to this effect than others. Long-term (more than two to three weeks) intake of products containing more than 1 gram of glycyrrhizin (the amount in approximately 10 grams of root, which is far in excess of the daily dosage recommended by this product) is the usual amount required to cause these types of effects. According to the German Commission E monograph, Licorice supplements are contraindicated in people with liver and kidney disorders.


Maca (Lepidium peruvianum) Enhance fertility in humans and animals.

Anti-stress activity

Eliminates variations in homeostasis produced by stress

Reduces or abolishes stress-induced ulcers

Reduces elevated corticosterone levels

Reduces elevated glucose

Dose: 5-10 g bid dried root powder 2 tsp. of root powder are about 5.5 g


Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Helps maintain cAMP levels in myocardium

Increased resistance to a variety of chemical, biological and physical stressors

CNS activities– affects levels of serotonin, dopamine, catecholamine, and opioid peptides

Prevents depletion of adrenal catecholamines induced by acute stress


Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

Increases recovery from stress (plasma cortisol levels) Immunomodulatory activity Improves gastric mucosal strength Helps normalize blood sugar Increases physical endurance May improve lipid levels Dopaminergic activity Modulates adrenal corticosterone levels (in animals)


Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

Antioxidant benefits Protects tissue from radiation-induced free radical damage Protects pancreatic beta cells Empirical evidence suggests anti-depressant activity Anti-ulcer activity in animal trials May protect against stress-induced immune alterations.


Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri)

Beneficial effects on anxiety, as well as mental fatigue

CNS effects believed to be GABAergic system mediated

May affect norepinephrine and serotonin levels

300 mg/day of bacopa extract decreased urinary corticoids and improved cognition, with maximal effect after 12 weeks

Adaptogens Summary

Ashwagandha Root Powder 3-6 grams daily Note: some products are more concentrated

Siberian Ginseng 2-8 Grams per day dried root 2-4 ml daily of fluid extract (1:1dilution)

Licorice Root Powder Standardize extract 2 to 3 grams per day (200-300 mg glycyrrhiza)

Maca Root 5-10 g bid dried root powder

Rhodiola 250 mg 1-3 times a day

Holy Basil 400-800 mg bid (standardized. to 1% ursolic acid)


May help to protect from overproduction of cortisol and enhance the immune system

Male dosage 25-50 mgs/day divided into 2-4 doses Female dosage 5-10 mgs/day divided into 2 doses Signs of excess DHEA supplementation:

Females – acne & facial hair usually the first signs of excess, agitation, weight gain

Males – increased aggressiveness, hostility, mood swings, irritability

Adrenal Dysfunction Patterns

Chronic stress elevates cortisol Can be all day, just at night, or during certain times of the day

depending on individual and their stressful circumstances

Adrenals pump out cortisol and other hormones, especially testosterone and DHEA

Testosterone and DHEA levels rise along with cortisol, melatonin decreases

Adrenal Dysfunction Patterns

Adrenals become low on reserves and cannot produce hormones Cortisol levels below normal parts or all the day Cortisol most commonly falls to below normal during the day, AM

cortisol often last to fall Testosterone and DHEA fall along with cortisol

Which hormones drop first varies with individuals Testosterone sometimes goes back up (Compensatory mechanism for energy)

Adrenal Protocols

Assess adrenal function Salivary testing

4 pt cortisol best, 2 pt acceptable, morning only gives limited information High morning cortisol doesn’t indicate reserve capacity of adrenals If morning cortisol low, most likely adrenal fatigue

Questionnaire in “Adrenal Fatigue” by Jim Wilson Energy/Intake 3 day diary

Rate energy level from 1 to 10 at least q 2 hrs Mark times any food, liquid, or nicotine consumed Watch for low energy with stimulant intake

Adrenal Protocols

For any stage of high or low cortisol Adrenals are being stressed and will eventually fatigue Balance stress Exercise Diet improvements Exercise! Determine thyroid function status Exercise!!

Adrenal Protocols

If cortisol is high throughout the day: “Tired but wired”


Weight in pounds ∕ 2 in ounces

Unrefined salt: ½ teaspoonful bid


PS at 4 pm and 2 hrs before bedtime

Additional Insomnia agents prn

Theanine 100-200mg 2-4 times a day


Adrenal vitamin support: Super Adrenal Stress Form. 1-5 tablets daily

Cortisol elevated AM and at night but low throughout day On way to fatigued adrenal “Wired, then tired, then restless” Water

Weight in pounds ∕ 2 in ounces Unrefined salt: ½ teaspoonful bid Adaptogens PS at 9 pm

Additional Insomnia agents prn Theanine 100-200mg 1 hr before bedtime and in evening prn Magnesium Adrenal vitamin support: Super Adrenal Stress Form. 3-5 tablets daily Adrenal Rebuilder 5-6 tablets daily Replace DHEA and testosterone if low Check Progesterone levels – converting to cortisol?

If cortisol is slightly high or high normal in am but low the rest of the day “Wired then tired” On verge of adrenal fatigue Water

Weight in pounds ∕ 2 in ounces

Unrefined salt: ½ teaspoonful bid Insomnia agents if sleep a problem Adrenal vitamin support: Super Adrenal Stress Form. 4-5 tablets daily Adrenal Rebuilder 6-8 tablets daily Replace DHEA and testosterone if low Check Progesterone levels – converting to cortisol?

Protocols, Cont’d

Cortisol is low all day Water

Weight in pounds ∕ 2 in ounces

Unrefined salt: ½ teaspoonful bid Insomnia agents if sleep a problem Adrenal vitamin support: Super Adrenal Stress Form. 4-5 tablets daily Adrenal Rebuilder 6-8 tablets daily Replace DHEA and testosterone if low Check Progesterone levels – converting to cortisol? Hydrocortisone therapy – taper off as you support Adrenals