11 Reason A Franchisor Should Choose SLAM



In Franchising like all business, success online has little to do with the tools and a lot with how you use them. Partnering with the right team will help you to win the online race and stay ahead of your competition.

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11 Reasons a Franchisor Should Partner with SLAM

Are you REALLY in the race?

1. Your online racing team

To compete in the race you need an expert racing team that know about high performance. A winning team produces winning results.

SLAM Marketing is one of the only Internet Strategy Companies that specialises in franchising and multi-store operations

2.Franchising specialists

3. Over 22 years of experienceA franchisor who saw a real need for his knowledge in the franchising sector, Shaun Le Cornu is now the CEO of SLAM Marketing with over 22 years of retailing, franchising and Internet experience.

As featured in the book BBQ to BoardroomClick on link

4. Stay ahead of the competition In order to stay ahead

of the competition you need a partner with a finger permanently on the Internet pulse.

5. Great people do great workBy partnering with SLAM, franchisors gain

access to our team of Internet specialists, hand selected from hundreds of candidates as the best in their field.

We are also a Google Adwords Certified Partner, employing the services of Google Adwords Certified Individuals.

6. Using the right tools for the job

Our skill set of Franchising, Internet and Retailing make us ideal partners. We know exactly what tools are needed and how to use them to drive sales and brand messages both online and in store correctly and cost effectively.

7. We understand the mechanics Not only do we pick the right tools but we understand the mechanics

behind them that unlocks their full potential so that we can deliver outstanding online performance that our competitors can’t.

Click on the case studies below

8. Outsourcing makes financial sense

It’s more cost effective for you to only pay for the services you use. Outsourcing of non-core service saves thousands of dollars in training, poor performance, sick leave, unproductivity, holiday pay and superannuation.

Working with one company to handle your online strategy creates consistencies and

efficiencies that translate into a far stronger overall brand performance.

9. Improved Brand Performance

10. Save and make you money

Working with an Internet Strategy company is like working with an accounting firm.

The BIG difference is an Internet strategy company will save and make you money.

11. Some of the brands we have worked with
