11 FIRST STREET GILROY, CA 95020 ~ ORG … · 2017-08-16 · pac, Bolivia. En dicho lugar, un...


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A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament.

Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are not registered, please complete the information below and place it in the offertory basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ) ______________________ Last Name Husband Wife

Address _____________________________ City _________________ Zip ________ Email: _____________________________ New Parishioner Moving (please remove from parish directory) No Sunday Offertory Envelopes at this time New Phone Number New Address Please send Sunday Offertory envelopes

Daily Masses in the Chapel Misas Diarias en la Capilla

Saturday/Sábado: 8:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Vigil, English) 7:00 PM (Vigil, Español)

Sunday/Domingo: 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Español) 11:00 AM (English) 1:00 PM (Español) 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Español)

Infant Baptism / Bautismos

Marriage / Matrimonio Bride & Groom must begin preparation with the priest a minimum of six months prior to intended date of marriage. Los novios deben comunicarse con el padre por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de su celebración.

July 30, 2017


Monday / Lunes (31) 6:00pm-9:00pm-English RCIA Potluck-Common Room

Tuesday / Martes (01) 5:00-6:30pm-Young Adults Choir Practice-Gym

7:00-8:00pm-Bilingual Perpetual Help Rosary-Chapel 7:00-8:30pm-Sp Teen Choir Practice-Gym

Wednesday / Miércoles (02) 9:00am-12:00noon-Sp Morning Prayer-Chapel

6:30-8:30pm-Sp Weekly Rosary-Chapel 7:00-9:00pm-Sp Choir Practice (1:00pm)-Gym

Thursday / Jueves (03) 6:00-7:00pm-Choir Practice (5:00pm Sat)-Chapel

7:00-9:00pm-Lector Training-Gym

Friday / Viernes (04) 9:00am-5:00pm-First Friday Adoration-Chapel

7:00-8:00pm-Sp Choir Practice (Maranatha)-Chapel 8:00-10pm-Sp Evening Prayer Group-Gym

Saturday / Sábado (05) 10am-Spanish Baptisms-Church

7:00-8:30pm-Choir Practice (Himing Pinoy)-Chapel

Sunday / Domingo (06) 3:00pm-English Baptisms-Church

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

PASTORAL TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Rev. Robert Brocato, Pastor ~ rbrocato@dsj.org Rev. Jose Rubio, Parochial Vicar ~ rubio@dsj.org Rev. Generoso Geronimo, Parochial Vicar ~ ggeronimo@dsj.org Rev. Mr. Pat Allen, Deacon ~ pallen1@dsj.org Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate ~ dbarry@dsj.org Hilda Porcella, Pastoral Associate ~ hporcella@dsj.org Barbara Zarka, Director of Catechetical Ministry ~ bzarka@dsj.org Carlos Barba, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adults ~ Pamela Greteman, School Principal ~ pgreteman@dsj.org David Cox, Social Concerns ~ davidc@stjosephsgilroy.org Debbie Pelliccione, Office Manager ~ dpelliccione@dsj.org Rebeca Aldaz, Administrative Assistant ~ raldaz@dsj.org Emerita Murillo, Religious Education Secretary ~ emurillo@dsj.org

PARISH OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA Closed Sundays & Mondays ~ Tuesday – Friday, 9:00AM – 7:00PM

Saturday, 9:00AM – 1:00PM

OFFICE ADDRESSES & TELEPHONES Parish Office: 408.847.5151 ~ Fax:408.847.4851 ~ 11 First St. Parish School: 408.842.2827 ~ Fax:408.847.7679 ~ 7900 Church St. Catechetical Ministry Office: 408.847.2652 ~ 7950 Church St. St. Joseph’s Family Center: 408.842.6662 ~ 7950 Church St.

Feast of the Transfiguration August 6, 2017

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 2 Peter 1:16-19 Matthew 17:1-9

Sunday Collection July 23, 2017

Listen to your Dreams

Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Treasures from our Traditions The achievement of the late 1960s and early 1970s in enriching the "euchology" or "words of thanksgiving" available in the Church's prayer is important on many levels. Ecumenically, it means that the Latin Rite now reflects the wealth of the East in having more than one prayer available to the Church. Pastorally, it actually acknowledges the place of the assembly in prayer, which is particularly clear in the Masses with Children. In fact, the traditional prayers of the Eastern Church served as models for our new prayers. In the East, what we call the Eucharistic Prayer is called the anaphora, and there are three main families of anaphora. Each family has a different "recipe" for arranging the usual parts of these prayers. All anaphora have "intercessions" included, but the Churches of Antioch place them toward the end of the prayer, Alexandria prefers them at the beginning before the "Holy, Holy," and Syria puts them at the very end. One branch of the Syrian family is unique in not mentioning the words of Jesus at the Last Supper. The Roman Canon we once prayed exclusively has some connection with the Alexandrian family, but once the signal for creativity was given, all the wealth of every prayer tradition was on the table, and our Sunday Mass has been greatly enriched. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

Compassion If you love the justice of Jesus Christ more than you fear human judgment, then you will seek to do compassion.

--Mechtilde of Magdeburg

Pray If you pray you are sure of saving your soul. If you do not pray you are just as sure to lose your soul.

Decimo Séptimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario

Lecturas para la Próxima Semana

Fiesta de la Transfiguración Agosto 6, 2017

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 2 Pedro 1:16-19

Mateo 17:1-9

Rosarios en Agosto

Escucha Tus Sueños Dios visita a Salomón en un sueño, ¡y el relato bíblico no dice en ninguna parte que Salomón se despertó para tener esta conversación con Dios! Así, todavía en su sueño, Salomón responde a la pregunta de Dios sobre lo que más desea, y Dios le concede en abundancia su pedido de tener sabiduría. En nuestras horas de vigilia, estamos muy distraídos con el trabajo, la casa, la familia, el tráfico, la diver-sión y muchas preocupaciones. Cuando tratamos de pensar en qué es lo que realmente queremos en la vida, nos cuesta un poco imaginar lo que pueda ser. Mas allá en el fondo, moran nuestros verdaderos an-helos, que Dios y el Espíritu Santo conocen. Nuestros sueños, libres de las trabas de las defensas, pue-den guardar la clave de nuestras más hondas necesidades o lo que nos molesta más. Puede que sean el modo que Dios usa para hablarnos. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe Esta semana celebramos la fiesta de la Virgen de Copacabana. Copacabana es la capital de Manco Cá-pac, Bolivia. En dicho lugar, un descendiente de los reyes incas, Francisco Tito Yupanqui buscó esculpir una imagen de la Candelaria. Su primera imagen fue colocada en la iglesia por su párroco, pero llegó un nuevo párroco quien la sacó del templo por tosca y fea. El pobre de Tito viajó a Potosí, Bolivia, donde em-prendió cursos de escultura. Con el tiempo esculpió otra imagen de la Candelaria. Esta vez estudió varias imágenes de María y mandó ofrecer una Misa a la Santísima Trinidad pidiéndole la inspiración necesaria para esculpir una imagen digna de la Virgen. Los años de práctica en su arte, unidos a su devoción, le ayudaron a esculpir una imagen fina y bella que en 1583 fue colocada en su propio santuario. La Virgen de Copacabana tiene uno de los primeros santuarios marianos en América Latina. Curiosamen-te, se celebra el 5 de agosto, día que María hizo nevar en la antigua ciudad de Roma, Italia, para mostrar dónde deseaba tener su primer templo. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Solo Uno Dios nos ama a cada uno como si no existiese nadie más. --San Agustín

Lo Que Se En cuanto a mí, sólo sé que nada sé.

Cada cuarto domingo del mes a la 1:00pm con el Coro de Jóvenes!

La siguiente Misa es el 27 de agosto en la Iglesia.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 30, 2017

Liturgy 408.847.5151 or dbarry@dsj.org

Young Adults

(6940 Chestnut St.) Next Gathering:

Follow us @smpyouth

Contact Rose at 847-5151 or by email dbarry@dsj.org for more information about any of these items.

Stewardship: the new TimeTreasureTalent Time is such a valuable and limited resource. Today’s busy schedules often preclude us

from doing something good for us or even something we want to do. Many of us push aside our prayer life, even though it will help us become better Christians and better people. Most of us build weekly Mass into our schedules, but that might be the end of our spiritual development. Others attend daily Mass as well, especially during Lent. Now, attend and be present are two different things. When we attend we may have an aura of obligation and “just have to get this done and go on to my life.” When we are present, we have an aura of joy, peace, and “wouldn’t be anywhere else!” That presence can become ministry. With a little courage and training and formation, we can serve our brothers and sisters at Mass and enhance their experience and our own. We can offer our selves and our time as hospitality ministers, helping people to feel welcome at our Mass,; as choir members, helping to lead the Main Choir (all of us) in song; as lectors, delivering the Word of God in all its power to our parish family; as communion ministers, sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with others. That’s just at Mass! We could go out from Mass and serve at the Lord’s Table, Saint Joseph Family Center, Rebekah’s, or at many other places that need people power. When we do that, when we serve others, then we ARE the Body of Christ for others.

Please prayerfully consider how you can be a good steward of our world, its people, and our parish.

Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate

High School Students Praise and Adoration Night!

Wednesday, August 2nd Follow us on Instagram for more details

and permission slip instructions @smpyouth

Middle School Students Tie Dye Party! Monday, July 31st

Follow us on Instagram for more details and permission slip instructions @smpyouth

St. Mary School Office: 408.842.2827 Religious Education: 408.847.2652

Weekend Liturgy Questions/Comments 7/30/17

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 12, 2017

Religious Education

Summer meal time family discussion: Have each person at the table quickly answer these

questions: What are you grateful for? What do you want to ask God for? What are you sorry for today? Whom did you help? Good topics to focus on for each of us; even Mom and Dad!! Enjoy!! We look forward to seeing you and your family at Mass every weekend and of course seeing your children in September!! Are Sacramental Preparation Year II families remembering to sign-in at Mass each week? Registration Forms are now available in the Religious Education Office. Please call the Religious Education Office if you have questions. Our phone number is 408.847.2652.

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 30, 2017

St. Mary School—Simply the Best!

St. Mary School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basic of race, color, national and ethnic origin, age, gender or disability in the admission of students, the

administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Summer Office Hours July 10-August 11:

Tuesday & Thursday from 9:00am-12:00noon Regular office hours resume Monday, August 14th

Please note that the summer hours are subject to change due to construction/renovations.

The Call!!!! It is this time of year, after our classes have ended, that I come to my community and ask for you to prayerfully consider working with me in Religious Education and become a Catechist!!! If you believe that Holy Spirit is calling you to share your faith with our children, please call me, Barbara, in the Religious Education Office at 408.847.2652.

Summer “Calm” at St. Mary School

Prayers for the Sick Oremos por los Enfermos

Masses for the Week An offering to the work of the Parish has been made in memory of, or on behalf of, these persons who are hereby included in the special prayers of our community at our daily Masses this week.

Felipe Chavez † Jose Martinez †

Living and Deceased Members of Saint Mary Catholic Ladies Nick Milias (A) †

Dolores Reynoso †

In Thanksgiving Jimmy Martinez †

Frank Segreto † Carmen Saucedo †

Living and Deceased Members of Italian Catholic Federation Anthony Taormino † Juana Gallardo † Aurora Aguilar Gabino Francisco

Leila C. Arias (B) † Thomas Gutierrez, Jr. (B) †

(A) A



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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 12, 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 30, 2017


Help Wanted

St. Mary Parish Gilroy


Bulletin Editors: Rebeca Aldaz,

Debbie Pelliccione & Rose Barry


Bulletin: July 30, 2017
