11-09-22: Response to VVK: BBotha, DPretorius & CKruger



11-09-22: Response to VVK: BBotha, DPretorius & CKruger

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22 September 2011Barbara BothaWildernessTel: (044) 877 0707Email: bothapw@mweb.co.za

Deon PretoriusGeorgeTel: (082) 612 2343Email: sdpretorius@telkomsa.net

Mrs. Chantal KrugerVolksraad Verkiesing KommissieTel: (012) 803 0712

Mrs. Botha, Ms. Chantal Kruger and Mr. Deon Pretorius,

Your Complaints to the Volksraad Verkiessing Kommissie (VVK): Suspension of my Volksraad Verkiessing Kommissie Voter Registration, pending VVK’s decision regarding Radical Honesty culture eligibility as a culture in future Volkstaat.

I refer to the complaints submitted to Ms. Chantal Kruger by Ms. Barbara Botha and Deon Pretorius. Ms. Kruger acknowledged the complaint stating an intention to eliminate Radical Honesty cultural behaviour from the VVK.

Please herewith suspend my Volksraad Verkiessing Kommissie Voter Registration, pending the VVK’s administrative board or Volksraad’s decision whether Radical Honesty culture shall be eligible as a culture in the VVK’s future Volkstaat.


Lara Johnstone

Lara (Clann/Tribe Name: Johnstone)I (Sovereign or alleged Corporate identity) do not endorse any contract which does not fulfill the four requirements of a lawful, binding contract, namely: (1) Full Disclosure; (2) Equal Consideration; (3) Lawful Clear and Concise Terms and Conditions simply explained; and (4) Signatures of both/all Parties (I also consider corporations to be without legal standing, as they have no mind, body, legs, eyes, emotions; and hence are legal fictions).As a member of Radical Honesty culture I always endorse the resolution of all disagreements and/or misunderstandings in accordance to Radical Honesty cultural practices (i.e. taking responsibility for person to person resolution, as described in Practicing Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton, Ph.D); and am willing to consider the practices of other cultures, who seriously and sincerely consider mine.

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: 19 September 2011 09:28 PMTo: 'PWBotha'Subject: RE: voting

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for call.

As stated: I haven’t a clue; VVK and Paul and Chantell have not let me know of a thing. As I said, perhaps they have lost interest. Perhaps they don’t give a shit anymore whether their children grow up in a kaffir run hellhole. I ain’t got any children; so ain’t my worries. Will help if they can act with honour and reciprocity and if not; why waste time on it?


From: Deon Pretorius [mailto:sdpretorius@telkomsa.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:27 PMTo: 'Hannes van der Merwe'Cc: johanjfourie@webmail.co.za; jmcswan@mweb.co.za; hantie.engel@gmail.com; bothapw@mweb.co.zaSubject: RE: Plakkate

Beste Oom HannesDankie vir die inligting.Ek dink dit is belangrik dat julle hierdie inligting so spoedig moontlik aan al die mense by die verskillende kiespunte kommunikeer sodat die wat kanssien self plakkate kan laat maak en opsit voordat dit te laat is.GroeteDeon PretoriusFrom: Hannes van der Merwe [mailto:havedeem@gmail.com] Sent: 20 September 2011 07:18 AMTo: 'Deon Pretorius'Subject: RE: Plakkate

Deon, Die Verkiesing vind op plaaslike vlak plaas en die fondse wat reeds deur Projek 5M ge-in is kan nie dit bekostig nie om plaaslik van hulp te wees nie. Die fondse word in totaal aangewend vir die saamstel, druk, ens van die stembriewe, kieserslyste en maak van stembusse wat hierdie week nog by alle stempunte afgelewer word. Bowendien is daar reeds uit die staanspoor van elke Kiespunt verwag om selfvoorsienend te wees. Groete.Hannes

From: Deon Pretorius [mailto:sdpretorius@telkomsa.net] Sent: 19 September 2011 08:01 PMTo: 'Hannes van der Merwe'Subject: Plakkate

Dagsê Oom HannesEk wil net weet of julle al weet wanneer ons, ons plakkate gaan kry?Hoor graag van julle.Deon Pretorius

From: Lara [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:48 PMTo: 'Deon Pretorius'; 'Hannes van der Merwe'Cc: 'johanjfourie@webmail.co.za'; 'jmcswan@mweb.co.za'; 'hantie.engel@gmail.com';

'bothapw@mweb.co.za'Subject: RE: Plakkate


I have no idea about “al die mense by die verskillende kiespunte kommunikeer”? Who are you talking about?

You sound less organized than the ANCYL while drunk.

Are you not capable of being more specific?

What the fuck is this: Fucking Monty Python Volkstaat show? If so, why not fucking rename it and say so in crystal clear Afrikaans?


From: Deon Pretorius [mailto:sdpretorius@telkomsa.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:14 PMTo: johanjfourie@webmail.co.za; jmcswan@mweb.co.za; hantie.engel@gmail.com; bothapw@mweb.co.za; 'Cor & Suzette'Subject: FW: BOSBERAAD / DR. ADRIAN ROGERS 1931/ FINANCIAL CRISIS/ AGE CURE

From: Lida Strydom [mailto:redakteur@orania.co.za] Sent: 20 September 2011 10:18 AMTo: Deon PretoriusSubject: Fw: BOSBERAAD / DR. ADRIAN ROGERS 1931/ FINANCIAL CRISIS/ AGE CURE

Daardie 2de paragraaf is so waar - om te geniet en so aan…

=======================================================================What a profound short little paragraph that says it all "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one

person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The

government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. ~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 =======================================================================The Financial Crisis Analyzed In One Sentence ;"The problems we face today are because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living." =====================================================================

Die meisie slaag matriek goed en haar bejaarde ouers van die plaas, skraap hulle laaste geld bymekaar om hulle begaafde dogter verder te laat studeer in wetenskappe aan die beste universiteit in Amerika. Drie jaar gaan verby toe sy weer eendag bel, met die nuus dat sy haar eerstegraad geslaag het, en dat sy vir hulle die produk wat sy uitgevind het, gaan stuur uit dankbaarheid dat hulle hul laaste ou geldjies gegee het om haar telaat leer. As hulle elke week elkeen 'n teelepel van die goed drink is hulle gewaarborg dat hulle gou-gou jonger sal wees, en met elke drinkslag daarnasteeds jonger sal word. So gemaak so gedaan... en 'n paar maande gaan verby en die dogter besluit om die vakansie huis toe te gaan aangesien sy baieverlang. Op die plaas aangekom, skrik sy amper om te sien hoe jonk en mooi haar ma geword het, daar waar sy die stoep vee. Haar ma was skaars dertig, pragtiggebou en soos in die outyd, met die oulikste kleintjie op haar rug vasgebind "Hallo Ma!!" skree sy, "maar Ma het jonk geword! Waar is Pa?" "Anner storiedaai" sê haar ma. "Die derde aand wat ons daai goed van jou drink , raak jou Pa toe so suurgat dat ek baie gouer as hy jonger geword het dat hy daaibottel gryp en hom heeltemal uitsuip!" " Nou waar is Pa dan nou?" Ma: "Gmmmf! Hier sit hy op my rug!!!"

From: Lara [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: 20 September 2011 06:42 PMTo: 'Deon Pretorius'; johanjfourie@webmail.co.za; hantie.engel@gmail.com; bothapw@mweb.co.za; 'Cor & Suzette'Subject: RE: BOSBERAAD / DR. ADRIAN ROGERS 1931/ FINANCIAL CRISIS/ AGE CURE

Well I don’t pay any taxes; and you appear to be impossible of speaking clearly.

So when you decide that you can find yourself a goddamn fucking spine, and string together a clear sentence. Contact me.

Till then.

Enjoy your Klipdrift with your ape.


From: Deon Pretorius [mailto:sdpretorius@telkomsa.net] Sent: 20 September 2011 09:59 PMTo: johanjfourie@webmail.co.za; hantie.engel@gmail.com; bothapw@mweb.co.zaSubject: FW: BOSBERAAD / DR. ADRIAN ROGERS 1931/ FINANCIAL CRISIS/ AGE CURE

Jammer julle. Lyk my een van die registrasiebeamptes het dit verloor.Ek sal maar nie weer met haar kommunikeer nie, lyk my ek maak haar baie kwaad en sy verstaan nie mooi nie.GroeteDeon Pretorius

On 2011/09/21 12:30 PM, PWBotha wrote: Hello Chantal

Ek weet julle is baie besig, maar ek neem die vrymoedigheid om die onderstaande briewe aan jou deur te stuur. Die gedrag van een van die registrasiebeamptes is onaanvaar. My raad aan Mnr Pretorius is om die persoon te ignorer. Die persoon is nie ‘n aanwins nie.

From: Chantal Kruger [mailto:info@vvk.co.za] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:19 PMTo: PWBotha; Lara JohnstoneSubject: Re: FW: voting

Goeiedag Barbara en Lara,

1. Lara jou e-pos is uiters ongeskik en onvanpas. Ek en Paul doen alles in ons vermoëns om hierdie verkiesing gehou te kry - wat my kinders aanbetref - ek het 'n maand laas tyd met hulle spandeer, in die bed en bad gesit en vir hulle kosgekook - juis om hulle in beter omstandigehede te kry - NIE DAT EK DIT ENIGSINS AAN JOU HOEF TE VERDUIDELIK NIE!!!!! Ons is besig om alles te reël - ons het dus vir Deon Pretorius gevra om dinge vir ons te behartig op George - as ons jou nie gekontak het nie, is dit omdat ons nasionaal 140 stempunte moes reël en net eenvoudig nie by almal kon uitkom nie. Ek kom nou vir die eerste keer in seker 'n week by e-posse uit - ek het nog GEEN korrespondensie en of oproepe van jou ontvang om die stemdag-reëlings te bespreek nie......

2. Barbara, jammer dat jy hierdie korrespondensie moes sien - ons hoop in die vervolg om hierdie gedrag uit te skakel. Laat weet my gerus of daar nog enige navrae is wat betref die verkiesing.


From: Lara [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 3:13 PMTo: 'Chantal Kruger'; 'PWBotha'Cc: Andre Alkema - Afrik OndDir. (andrealkema@hotmail.com); Barend Kruger - Boerevryheid Jeug (barend@boerevryheidjeug.com); Ben Geldenhuys (ben@hvo.co.za); Henri Le Riche - Praag.UK (henri.leriche@gmail.com); Jan Lamprecht - AfricanCrisis (janafc@telkomsa.net); James Kemp -Orania (oraniabeweging@orania.co.za); Juan van Zyl - Rage Investigations (juanprestige@gmail.com); 'Mike Smith'; Andries Breytenbach (andries.breytenbach@gmail.com); AWB (mtp@telkomsa.net)Subject: RE: FW: voting


If my culture of radical honesty is not welcome in your volkstaat; not a problem. I shall withdraw my application immediately. Please let me know and I shall do so immediately.

Don’t fucking lie. I did contact you by telephone and by email to find out about the elections! When they were etc. You never wrote back.

By all means kiss Barbara’s ass; I don’t do PR management EVER.

So let me know and I shall withdraw my nomination from the VVK, if you are not going to endorse me to practice my culture.

You two faced fucking bitch! If you want a PC arsekissing PR management volkstaat; by all means go ahead. I shall withdraw my registration. I shall still support you for your volkstaat; but I am not interested in living in volkstaat of verkrampte PC gatkruipers!

There is one man and one man only in this fucked up country who has appreciated my honesty: JUAN VAN ZYL!

So make up your mind Mevrou Tweefoken gesig!

Lara Johnstone

From: Lara [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 3:26 PMTo: 'PWBotha'Cc: 'Andre Alkema - Afrik OndDir.'; 'Barend Kruger - Boerevryheid Jeug'; 'Ben Geldenhuys'; 'Henri Le Riche - Praag.UK'; 'Jan Lamprecht - AfricanCrisis'; 'James Kemp - Orania'; 'Juan van Zyl - Rage Investigations'; 'Mike Smith'; 'Andries Breytenbach'; 'AWB'Subject: FW: FW: voting

Ms. Barbara Botha,

I shall provide you and the VVK with my response to your two faced gutless coward letter to the VVK; including me and my family’s withdrawal of our registration applications.


Lara Johnstone

From: juan van zyl [mailto:juanprestige@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 5:32 PMTo: jmcswan@mweb.co.za; Chantal Kruger; PWBotha; Andre Alkema - Afrik OndDir.; Barend Kruger - Boerevryheid Jeug; Ben Geldenhuys; Henri Le Riche - Praag.UK; Jan Lamprecht - AfricanCrisis; James Kemp - Orania; Mike Smith; Andries Breytenbach; AWBSubject: Re: FW: voting

Goeie DagEk is in die posisie geplaas oor my begrips vermoee en hoogstaande integriteit. Ek is die direkteur van North Wind Investigations, wie hul beywer om plaasmoordenaars te arresteer (in konteks van daad)Ek ken Lara Johnstone vir 'n lang tyd en haar integriteit is boverdenking. Honesty the password. Ek eerder haar akkommodeur as vriendvoor vyand. Sy het in haar korrespondensie raak stellings gemaak en myprofessionele advies, sy is in 'n wen situasie en u kan met haarsamewerking meer vermag as die Suid @Afrilaanse regering. Nodeloos omdie PC @fIGHTERS te identifiseer; op rekord Barend Strydom is &nslapgat en 'n ene Deon Pretorious wie nie waarvan hy praat.Goeie advies, julle gooi mense weg wat 'n konstruktiewe bydrae kanmaak. Een en elk se ego se fokken moer en onthou ek sal een wees watbeskerming bied. Kry fokken eensgesindheid en werksaam of kak in diehek ! Ek bied dat VVK 'N ONPARTYDIGE STOEL VAT, HUL WERK DOEN EN NIEFOKKEN KLIPPE GOOIJUAN VAN ZYL (ULTRA REGS)

--Sent from my mobile device

Juan Van ZylCell: +27(0) 79 336 3943Fax +27(0) 86 525 7416
