


Valdosta Viewpoint News

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Table of ContentsPage 2-6 - Mayor Fretti Is Not Our Friend (Financial Records Included)Page 7 - $1,000 Reward (Stolen Sign)Page 8-9 - Valdosta Children’s Advocacy Center Recieves DonationPage 10 - Mayor John Fretti An Open Blank CheckPage 11 - $5,000 Reward (Damaged Fence & Attempted Burglary)Page 12 - Advice From The Valdosta Daily TimesPPage 13 - Mayor John Fretti Unfriendly To Small BusinessPage 14 - Believing In Family


To the citizens of Valdosta; the picture of the man you see is our Mayor, John Fretti. It has become apparent to some of the citizens of Valdosta that Mayor Fretti is not our friend. Yes, he has lived in Val dosta since 1976, managed a successful transport company, and re ceived several awards related to that experience, but does that really qualify him to be our Mayor? In a series of articles to follow in The Valdosta View Point News we will show the citizens of Valdosta how John Fretti has misused our tax dollars, caused local family owned business to close, and how he has treated some of our citizens at the city council meetings . As a 35yr citizen of Valdosta and a former local business owner I have grown tired of the po-litical officials that are suppose to be here to help us but instead take advantage of us. When our tax dollars are misspent and used for personal reasons by the officials; it not only shows disrespect for the citizens of Valdosta, but also causes our economy to suffer in the long run. With our economy in such limbo, every citizen in Valdosta needs to wake up and pay attention! Pay attention to the of-ficials that have been elected, how they have spent our tax dollars and how they continue to spend our tax dollars. The following documentations will show how some of our tax dollars are being spent. The question I asked myself when reviewing these documents was, “How is this being approved by the City Council? Are they really taking the time to review everything before they issue reimbursement checks?” As a former business owner I know that the IRS requires actual receipts to be turned in when submitting an expense report to verify the expenses. Upon review of the documents there are several receipts missing, actually, almost all receipts are missing. Mayor Fretti is being giving cash advances for trips, along with a credit card and then being reimbursed for the amount of money spent over the cash advance; without any receipts to accom-pany the expense report. The documents provided are actual copies from the city of the expenses Mayor Fretti has been reimbursed for. We urge you to read over these documents carefully and take action when the election comes around next year; Vote Mayor Fretti out of office!! We encourage our readers to let us know your thoughts by email: viewpointnews@yahoo.com or post a comment directly to the website underneath the article you would like the comment to be directed towards. We look forward to hearing from our readers.

Roy E. Taylor Sr.


To the citizens of Valdosta; the picture of the man you see is our Mayor, John Fretti. It has become apparent to some of the citizens of Valdosta that Mayor Fretti is not our friend. Yes, he has lived in Val dosta since 1976, managed a successful transport company, and re ceived several awards related to that experience, but does that really qualify him to be our Mayor? In a series of articles to follow in The Valdosta View Point News we will show the citizens of Valdosta how John Fretti has misused our tax dollars, caused local family owned business to close, and how he has treated some of our citizens at the city council meetings . As a lifelong citizen of Valdosta and a former local business owner I have grown tired of the political officials that are suppose to be here to help us but instead take advantage of us. When our tax dollars are misspent and used for personal reasons by the officials; it not only shows disrespect for the citizens of Valdosta, but also causes our economy to suffer in the long run. With our econo-my in such limbo, every citizen in Valdosta needs to wake up and pay attention! Pay attention to the officials that have been elected, how they have spent our tax dollars and how they continue to spend our tax dollars. The following documentations will show how some of our tax dollars are being spent. The question I asked myself when reviewing these documents was, “How is this being approved by the City Council? Are they really taking the time to review everything before they issue reimbursement checks?” As a former business owner I know that the IRS requires actual receipts to be turned in when submitting an expense report to verify the expenses. Upon review of the documents there are several receipts missing, actually, almost all receipts are missing. Mayor Fretti is being giving cash advances for trips, along with a credit card and then being reimbursed for the amount of money spent over the cash advance; without any receipts to accom-pany the expense report. The documents provided are actual copies from the city of the expenses Mayor Fretti has been reimbursed for. We urge you to read over these documents carefully and take action when the election comes around next year; Vote Mayor Fretti out of office!! We encourage our readers to let us know your thoughts by email: viewpointnews@yahoo.com or post a comment directly to the website underneath the article you would like the comment to be directed towards. We look forward to hearing from our readers.




Brenda Hodges, Executive Director of the Lowndes County Children’s Advocacy Center accepts a donation from Roy Taylor Sr. and Carolyn Taylor. The LCCAC helps children in the Lowndes County area who have been traumatized by many forms of violence. The LCCAC helps over 400 children in our area. The advocacy center pro-vides physical therapy, counseling services, education, and so much more. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor donated a check for $1000.00 to the LCCAC upon hearing about the great work and services they provide to the chil-dren of Lowndes County. The donation was used for supplies, snacks, and towards operating cost of the center. The center provides such a great service for our community that the Taylors were glad they could help with donation. We encourage everyone to contact The Children’s Advocacy Center and donate. Donations can be in many forms; volunteer work, monetary, food, supplies and so much more. Please contact Brenda Hodges at 229-245-5362, Advocacy Center Phone Number, Brenda’s cell 229-834-5358

Staff ReporterJudy Duda

Page 2

Mayor John Fretti An Open Blank Check





NOTICE!!!!!$5,000.00 Reward for Information leading to the arrest and conviction for person or persons responsible for Attempted Burglary and destruction of Electric Gate located at 5644 Old State Rd Valdosta, Ga.

Please call Please call Roy E. Taylor 229-563-1222 or 229-247-8820.

Advice From The Valdosta Daily TimesValdosta Daily Times

August 22, 2010Listen to the people

The Valdosta Daily TimesVALDOSTA — If Valdosta City Council is not careful, it may have a full-fledged revolution on its hands during the citizens to be heard portions of its meetings.

During recent sessions, citizens have arrived to vent their frustrations regarding the city’s proposed Gateway improvement project. This past week, citizens voiced opposition to the city’s draconian and confounding sign ordinance and uniform land use code.

These folks have valid points.These folks have valid points.

At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet and the state’s finances are floundering on all fronts, Valdosta does not need to pump tax dollars into an overglorified beautification project like the Gateway proposal. The proposal is too broad, costs millions, will interrupt existing business, all with no guarantee it will help these zones prosper.

As for the sign and land-use issues, the truth is it is becoming increasingly diAs for the sign and land-use issues, the truth is it is becoming increasingly difficult to do business within Valdosta’s city limits. National economic issues have raised the degree of difficulty, but the city’s measures compound these difficulties.

Businesses are being asked to jump through ridiculous hoops. So, ridiculous they sound like satire from a Monty Python sketch. These tales are so absurd, they might be funny if they weren’t true.

New businesses face such a gauntlet of ordinances in Valdosta that many teeter on financial ruin before ever opening their doors to the public.

People are fed up, but City Council doesnPeople are fed up, but City Council doesn’t seem to notice. People have become exhausted with offi-cials telling them what’s best for them. City Council should listen to what the citizens want lest they start having Tea Parties that place less emphasis on the federal level and more interest on the city’s prac-tices.

It’s time City Council really listened to the people while letting business mind its own business.

Page 3

Mayor John Fretti Unfriendly to Small Business

Mayor John Fretti is very unfriendly to small business.

He wants to get rid of all signs. We have lost 215 jobs on Ashley Street alone.

So, let’s send John Fretti back to Ohio. They deserve him!

He is very friendly to his exorbitant expense account!

Are the Mayor and City Council Listening?


Believing In FamilyThis is the time of year when everything and everyone goes crazy at some point. We all run around trying to find the perfect gift, the perfect tree, the perfect decorations for the house and the list goes on. Everyone’s to do list seems to get 10 miles longer, as if it wasn’t long enough already. With all the activities, traveling, shopping, parties, and everything else we must do, it seems that we all forget the one thing that should matter to us all, Family.

Anyone that has lost a loved one and every thought, “I wish I had more time”, knows this feeling all too well. Every year, this season, seems to be pushed upon us earlier and earlier by the commercialization of it all. Does anyone ever stop to think about what, this season, should be about? It does not matter if you believe in God, Christ, Buddha, Satan, or what re-ligion or non-religion you choose to be. We should all believe in Family.

Our nation is so caught up in the commercialization of everything till we no longer seem to remember how to be happy on our own. Families were and should still be the focal point of everything we do, not material items or monetary items. When our nation was first devel-oped family was the center of everything that was done. Everybody worked together until greed took over. Isn’t time our nation stopped the greed and started believing in family again?

As this season reaches,” the day,” and what most people seem to believe, the reason for this season, when you are spending all your money on “the perfect gift”, “the perfect tree” or “the perfect decorations” ask yourself way down in your heart, your conscience, or your head “Is this ________ really going to matter in two hours, two days or by the end of the week?” Instead of spending and spending on items that get appreciated for such a small amount of time, take the money for the gifts spend it on gas, airfare, a train ticket, or what-ever means necessary to be with your family.

The greatest gift anyone could receive is the gift of time. Let this holiday season be the start of believing in family again. Go visit the relative in the nursing home, the hospital, the VA facility, or if you are lucky enough, across town. This may be on the only gift that family member receives. Give the gift of time and not only will you bless someone more than you can ever know but you will receive a blessing yourself.
