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It’s in the air Initials Elementary Pollute It

Take a Breath Whatever!










How do plants help provide us with clean air?

Plants breathe in Carbon dioxide (CO2) and out Oxygen (O2). Plants filter the air for us and provide us

with the oxygen we need to breathe.

True: Since buildings are built tight and energy efficient pollutants can

become trapped inside.

True or False? Air inside buildings or homes

can be harmful for you breath.

CARS: 60% of our air pollution comes from the cars we drive.

Which causes more air pollution cars or factories?

Measures wind speed.

What does an anemometer do?

What does the ozone layer do?

The ozone layer is found in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) and it filters out harmful ultraviolet rays

What does AQ stand for?

Air Quality

Daily DoubleDaily Double

What does AQI stand for?

Hint: An AQI is like a weather forecast that we check to see how much air

pollution is expected today.

Air Quality Index

What does IAQ stand for?

Hint: With IAQ you are concerned with mold, radon, and second hand smoke

Indoor Air Quality

What do the initials EPA stand for?

Hint: This is the government agency that protects human health

and the environment.

Environmental Protection Agency

If I told you that the wind was blowing 25mph, what does the

mph stand for?

Miles per hour

What element is most common in the air we breathe?


78% Nitrogen 20.8% Oxygen 1% other stuff 0.2% Carbon Dioxide

What is the chemical that we need to breathe from the air?

Oxygen (O2)

What molecule in the stratosphere protects us from

the sun?



What naturally occurring radioactive gas is found

underground that can leak into your house and cause health


C = Carbon and O = Oxygen

dioxide means 2 oxygen atoms per molecule

When talking about greenhouse gasses, what do the C and O

stand for in CO2?

Daily DoubleDaily Double

On warm sunny days, this pollutant can be a health hazard

in Wichita.(Hint: in the stratosphere it’s good, in the

troposphere it’s bad)


What term do we use for the phenomenon where CO2, methane, and other gases

trap more than normal amounts of heat inside the earth’s atmosphere.

Global Warming

C - because you breathe more air into your lungs when you’re

playing hard

Dirty air can be most dangerous when…a) You are asleep

b) You are in schoolc) You are playing hard outdoors

What are 2 ways we can reduce ozone in the air we breathe?

Walk or ride a bike to school.

Remind parents to turn off the car while waiting.

Turn off lights and unplug things

Burning fossil fuels: automobiles, power plants, refineries

How does ozone get into the troposphere (ground level)?

We call this “bad ozone.”

Air is inhaled through the mouth and nose. The air travels to the

lungs and goes through a network of branches. The

oxygen is absorbed into the blood stream and travels to all

parts of the body.

All humans need to breathe air. How does air get into our bodies?

TRUE - CO sticks to red blood cells preventing them from carrying Oxygen to your body

True or False: Carbon monoxide is harmful

for humans to breathe?

Children, older adults, those with asthma or other heart or

lung diseases

What groups of people might be more sensitive to air pollution than others?

No! The greenhouse

effect keeps the earth at livable temperatures

Would it be healthy for humans to totally get rid of the earth’s

greenhouse effect?

Humans breathe in this layer of the atmosphere.


Patrick the starfish!

What is the name of Sponge Bob’s best-friend? And what

is he?


What is Tony Hawk’s occupation?


What is the Kansas State Tree?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

What is the name of the 4th Harry Potter Book?

What type of fish is Nemo?

Clown Fish
