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Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 10

Biological Classification

1. The causal organism for African

sleeping sickness is [1989] (a) Trypanosoma cruzi

(b) T. rhodesiense (c) T. tangela

(d) T. gambiense Solution: (d) African sleeping sickness disease also called trypanosomiasis common in Africa is

caused by parasite Trypanosoma

gambiense. The parasite is transmitted by Tse-Tse fly (Glossina palpalis).

2. The vector for sleeping sickness is

[1989] (a) House fly

(b) Tse-Tse fly (c) Sand fly

(d) Fruit fly

Solution: (b) Vector for sleeping sickness is TseTse fly

(Glossina palpalis). The parasite Trypanosoma is transmitted through the

bite of this fly. Tse-tse have been extensively studied because they are

biological vectors of the African

trypanosomiasis, deadly disease which include sleeping sickness in people and

nagana in cattle. Tse-tse have existed in the modern morphological form for at least

34 million years since fossil tse-tse have been recovered from the Florissant Fossil

Beds in Colorado.

3. Trypanosoma belongs to class [1989]

(a) Sarcodina (b) Zooflagellata

(c) Ciliata (d) Sporozoa

Solution: (b) Zooflagellata of Protozoan Protista. They

have flagella and heterotrophic (Parasitic) mode of nutrition.

4. Malaria fever coincides with liberation of

(a) cryptomerozoites (b) metacryptomerozoites

(c) merozoites (d) trophozoites

Solution: (c)

Malarial parasite, (Plasmodium vivax),

Protist of class Sporozoa, digenetic parasite causes malarial fever in human. The

malarial parasite was discovered by Laveran (1880). Sir Ronald Ross (1898)

discovered that Malaria disease is spread by mosquitoes. Its life cycle completes in

two organisms-Primary host, female Anopheles mosquito and man (Intermediate

or Secondary host). It enters into human

blood-through sporozoites. Malarial fever begins with the release of merozoites in the

liver cells, from RBC of human.

5. A bite of Tse-Tse fly may pass to humans

(a) Leishmania donovani

(b) Trypanosoma gambiense (c) Entamoeba histolytica

(d) Plasmodium vivax Solution: (b)

Tse-Tse fly is vector of sleeping sickness disease and it transmits Trypanosoma

gambiense through its bite.

6. The infective stage of malarial

parasite Plasmodium that enters human body is [1989]

(a) merozoite (b) sporozoite

(c) trophozoite (d) minuta form

Solution: (b) The infective stage of Plasmodium that

enters human blood is sporozoite.

7. Lichens indicate SO2 pollution

because they [1989] (a) show association between algae and

fungi (b) grow faster than others

(c) are sensitive to SO2

(d) flourish in SO2 rich environment Solution: (c)

Lichens typically grow in harsh environments in nature, most lichens,

especially epiphytic fruticose species and those containing cyanobacteria, are

sensitive to manufactured pollutants. Hence, they have been widely used as

pollution indicator organisms. Lichens are

symbiotic associations of a fungus with a photosynthetic partner (called a photobiont

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 11

or phycobiont) that can produce food for

the lichen from sunlight.

8. Which one belongs to monera? [1990] (a) Amoeba

(b) Escherichia (c) Gelidium

(d) Spirogyra Solution: (b) Whittaker (1969) divided organisms into

five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. Kingdom Monera

includes all prokaryotes – Mycoplasma, bacteria, actinomycetes, blue-green algae,

archaebacteria, methanogens. Escherichia is bacteria, Amoeba, Gelidium come under

Protista, Spirogyra is algae.

9. The main difference in Gram (+)ve and

Gram (–)ve bacteria resides in their [1990, 2001]

(a) cell wall (b) cell membrane

(c) cytoplasm (d) flagella

Solution: (a) Gram +(ve) and Gram –(ve) bacteria separates on the basis of their cell wall

composition. Christian Gram on the basis of staining behaviour of the cell wall with

Gram‘s stain, grouped bacteria into Gram +ve and Gram –ve type. The bacteria which

retain blue or purple colour after staining are Gram +ve e.g. Bacillus subtilis and

which loses blue colour is Gram –ve e.g. E.

coli. In Gram –ve stain is washed due to high lipid content in the cell wall having

thick wall, Gram +ve has single layered cell wall

10. Genetic information in Paramecium

is contained in [1990]

(a) micronucleus (b) macronucleus

(c) both micronucleus and macronucleus (d) mitochondria

Solution: (a)

11. Which is true about Trypanosoma? [1990]

(a) Polymorphic (b) Monogenetic

(c) Facultative Parasite (d) Non-pathogenic

Solution: (a) Trypanosoma is polymorphic i.e. it exists

in different forms in the successive stages

of its life cycle. These are Leishmania, Leptomonad, Crituidial and trypanosomal


12. Amoebiasis is prevented by [1990] (a) eating balanced food

(b) eating plenty of fruits

(c) drinking boiled water (d) using mosquito nets

Solution: (c) Amoebiasis or amoebic dysentry is caused

by a parasite Entamoeba histolytica present in the upper part of large intestine

of human. It is caused due to ingesting contaminated food or water with cyst

(trophozoite) of Entamoeba. It feeds on

R.B.C of intestinal blood capillaries and damages intestinal mucosa secreting an

enzyme - histolysin.

13. Plasmodium, the malarial parasite, belongs to class [1990]

(a) Sarcodina (b) Ciliata

(c) Sporozoa

(d) Dinophyceae Solution: (c) Plasmodium belongs to class Sporozoa of protozoan profists. It is an endoparasite

lacking any locomotony structure and contractile vacules. It reproduces through

spore formation.

14. A nonphotosynthetic aerobic

nitrogen fixing soil bacterium is [1990, 1994]

(a) Rhizobium (b) Clostridium

(c) Azotobacter (d) Klebsiella

Solution: (c) Azotobacter is free living soil bacteria that are able to pick up dinitrogen from the soil

and fixes it into organic nitrogenous

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material like aminoacid. Clostridium is

anaerobic free living soil N2 fixing bacteria. Rhizobium is symbiotic N2 fixing bacteria.

15. Absorptive heterotrophic nutrition is

exhibited by [1990] (a) Algae

(b) Fungi (c) Bryophytes

(d) Pteridophytes

Solution: (b) Fungi are nutritionally saprophytes, which

grow on dead and decaying matter. They secrete enzyme to the external medium

where digestion takes place and digested food absorbed by the body surface. They

convert complex organic constituents of

dead body into simple soluble forms. That is why Fungi are decomposers.

16. Who discovered Plasmodium in

R.B.C of human beings? [1991] (a) Ronald Ross

(b) Mendel (c) Laveran

(d) Stephens

Solution: (c) Laveran discovered Plasmodium in R.B.C

of human beings and concluded that malaria is caused by Plasmodium vivax. Sir

Ronal Ross (1896) was the first to observe oocytes of Plamodium in female Anopheles.

17. Malignant tertian malarial parasite is


(a) Plasmodium falciparum (b) P. vivax

(c) P. ovale (d) P. malariae

Solution: (a) In human beings different types of malaria

are caused by 4 different species of

Plasmodium. They are: 1. Benign Tertian Malaria – Plasmodium vivax.

2. Malignant (Pernicious or cerebral) Tertian Malaria – Plasmodium falciparum.

3. Quartan Malaria – Plasmodium malariae.

4. Mild Tertian Malaria – Plasmodium ovale.

18. Name the organisms which do not derive energy directly or indirectly from

sun [1991]

(a) Chemosynthetic bacteria

(b) Pathogenic bacteria (c) Symbiotic bacteria

(d) Mould Solution: (a) Chemosynthetic bacteria does not require sunlight as a source of energy directly or

indirectly. The energy for the synthesis of food is obtained by the oxidation of certain

inorganic substances present in the

medium. The chemical energy obtained from oxidation reaction is trapped in ATP

molecules. The ATP is used in CO2 assimilation.

19. African sleeping sickness is due to


(a) Plasmodium vivax transmitted by Tse tse fly

(b) Trypanosoma lewsii transmitted by Bed Bug

(c) Trypanosoma gambiense transmitted by Glossina palpalis

(d) Entamoeba gingivalis spread by Housefly.

Solution: (c) I. African sleeping sickness disease also called as trypansomiasis common in

western and central parts of African continent. II. The disease is caused by

parasite Trypanosoma gambiense of class zooflagellata. III. The parasite is

transmitted (vector) through bite of Tse-Tse fly (Glossina palpalis). IV. The disease

appears when the causal organism enters

into cerebrospinal fluid of human. V. Trypanosoma is an obligate parasite,

Digenetic and Polymorphic organism.

20. In Amoeba and Paramecium osmoregulation occurs through [1991,


(a) pseudopodia (b) nucleus

(c) contractile vacuole (d) general surface

Solution: (c) Contractile vacuole in Amoeba and

Paramecium maintain the water balance of the cell. This is known as osmoregulation.

21. Bacteria lack alternation of generation because there is [1991, 1992]

(a) neither syngamy nor reduction division

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(b) distinct chromosomes are absent

(c) no conjugation (d) no exchange of genetic material

Solution: (a) In bacteria asexual reproduction through

binary fission is the most common method of multiplication. Sexual reproduction

which comprises of syngamy and meiosis is entirely absent. Hence no gamete formation

takes place. In sexually reproducing

organism alternation of generation occurs.

22. The part of life cycle of malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax, that is

passed in female Anopheles is [1992] (a) sexual cycle

(b) pre-erythrocytic schizogony

(c) exoerythrocytic schizogony (d) post-erythrocytic schizogony

Solution: (a) Plasmodium vivax completes Sexual cycle

or Gamogony in female Anopheles mosquito. Asexual cycle is passed in man


23. Organisms which are indicator of

SO2 pollution of air [1992] (a) Mosses

(b) Lichens (c) Mushrooms

(d) Puffballs Solution: (b) Lichens are composite organisms representing a symbiotic association

between fungus and a algae. It can be

Crustose, Foliose and Fruticose types. They are the pioneer organisms in a new habitat.

Lichens used as indicator of air pollution. It does grow in the environment where

pollution level is high, SO2 is strong air pollutant and lichens are very sensitive to


24. Escherichia coli is used extensively

in biological research as it is [1993] (a) easily cultured

(b) easily available (c) easy to handle

(d) easily multiplied in host Solution: (a) Escherichia coli, lives as a symbiont in

human intestine.

25. Genophore/bacterial genome or

nucleoid is made of [1993] (a) histones and nonhistones

(b) RNA and histones (c) a single double stranded DNA

(d) a single stranded DNA Solution: (c) The bacterial genome/nucleoid is made of single circular double stranded DNA

without histone protein as it is a

prokaryotic organisms. The genome contains some 100 chemical sites or loci.

Each locus contains many genes. E coli contains about 4000 genes.

26. If all ponds and puddles are

destroyed, the organism likely to be

destroyed is [1993] (a) Leishmania

(b) Trypanosoma (c) Ascaris

(d) Plasmodium Solution: (d) Plasmodium transmitted through female Anopheles mosquito to Human and the

most favourite dwelling place for Anopheles

is water or moist places like ponds and puddles.

27. Schizogont stage of Plasmodium

occurs in human cells [1993] (a) Erthrocytes

(b) Liver cells (c) Erythrocytes and liver cells

(d) Erythrocytes, liver cells and spleen cells

Solution: (c) Schizogont or Asexual stage occurs in

human erythrocytes and liver cells.

28. Reverse transcriptase is [1994] (a) RNA dependent RNA polymerase

(b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase

(c) DNA dependent DNA polymerase (d) RNA dependent DNA polymerase

Solution: (d) H. Temin and D. Baltimore (1970)

discovered that tumor viruses contain RNA as genetic material and replicate by

synthesizing complementary DNA. This process is called reverse transcription and

it is carried by an RNA dependent DNA

polymerase called as reverse transcriptase.

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29. Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) genes

are [1994] (a) double stranded RNA

(b) single stranded RNA (c) polyribonucleotides

(d) proteinaceous Solution: (b) All viruses are nucleoprotein (Nucleic acid + Protein) in the structure. The nucleic acid

(DNA and RNA) is genetic material. In a

particular virus either DNA or RNA is genetic material never both are present in a

virus. Hence viruses are: (i) Double stranded DNA or ds DNA - Hepatitis B (ii)

Single stranded DNA or ss DNA - coliphage (iii) Double stranded RNA or ds RNA - Reo

virus, wound Tumor virus (iv) Single

stranded RNA or ss RNA - Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)

30. Organelle/organoid involved in

genetic engineering is [1994] (a) plasmid

(b) mitochondrion (c) golgi apparatus

(d) lomasome

Solution: (a) Besides Nuclear DNA, bacteria possesses

extranuclear DNA (outside the nucleoid region) called as plasmid which can

replicate independently. Due to this property plasmid holds great importance in

genetic engineering. Plasmid can be taken out of bacteria and made to combine with

desired DNA segment. A plasmid carrying

DNA of other organism now it is known as cosmid which can be introduced into any

desired cells. This is the basis of genetic engineering.

31. The term antibiotic was first used by

[1994, 2003]

(a) Flemming (b) Pasteur

(c) Waksman (d) Lister

Solution: (c) The term antibiotics was coined by

Waksman but the first known antibiotic, penicillin was extracted from fungi

Penicillium notatum by A Flemming 1944.

Antibiotics are the chemicals that are produced from the living organisms, used

to kill another living organisms. About

2300 antibiotics discovered so far e.g.

Streptomycin, Tetracycline etc.

32. Temperature tolerance of thermal blue-green algae is due to [1994]

(a) cell wall structure (b) cell organisation

(c) mitochondrial structure (d) homopolar bonds in their proteins

Solution: (d) Some of the blue green algae can tolerate extremes of temperature due to presence of

gelatinous sheath, and compactness of protein molecules in protoplasm.

33. Nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixers are


(a) Azotobacter (b) Pseudomonas

(c) soil fungi (d) blue-green algae

Solution: (a) Azotobacter is nonsymbiotic, free living

nitrogen fixing bacteria.

34. Rickettsiae constitute a group under

[1994] (a) bacteria

(b) viruses (c) independent group between bacteria and

viruses (d) fungi

Solution: (c) Rickettsias are tiny obligate, intracellular

parasites found in blood sucking insects

like lices, mites, ticks. They were first observed by Ricketts 1909 but it was

properly described by Rocha-lime 1916, who named them as Rickettsia. They have

mucopeptide cell wall with DNA as genetic material and are independent entity

produces diseases like Q-fever, typhus etc.

35. Nitrogen fixer soil organisms belong

to [1994] (a) mosses

(b) bacteria (c) green Algae

(d) soil Fungi Solution: (b) Only some bacteria and Blue green algae

(cynobacteria) has capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. • Bacteria:

Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Frankia etc. •

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Bluegreenalgae: Nostoc, Oscillatoria,

Anabaena etc.

36. Protistan genome has [1994] (a) membrane bound nucleoproteins

embedded in cytoplasm (b) free nucleic acid aggregates

(c) gene containing nucleoproteins condensed together in loose mass

(d) nucleoprotein in direct contact with cell

substance Solution: (a) Protistans are eukaryotes and their genetic material is organised in form of nucleus.

DNA is associated with histone protein.

37. Entamoeba coli causes [1994]

(a) Pyrrhoea (b) Diarrhoea

(c) Dysentery (d) None

Solution: (d) Pyrrhoea is caused by bacterial infections

along with other factor, Diarrhoea by caused by rotavirus along with many other

factor. Dysentery by Entamoeba histolytica.

38. Protists obtain food as [1994]

(a) photosynthesisers, symbionts and holotrophs

(b) photosynthesisers (c) chemosynthesisers

(d) holotrophs Solution: (a) Members of kingdom Protista have diverse

mode of nutrition. They are photosynthetic, saprophytic parasitic and ingestive. They

are major heterotroph.

39. Protista includes [1994] (a) heterotrophs

(b) chemoheterotrophs

(c) chemoautotrophs (d) all the above

Solution: (d) Kingdom Protista includes flagellates

(euglenophyceae), diatoms, dinoflagellates, slime moulds, sarcodines, ciliates,

sporozoans. They are photosynthetic, chemotrophic, heterotropic in mode of


40. Ustilago caused plant diseases called

smut because [1994] (a) they parasitise cereals

(b) mycelium is back (c) they develop sooty masses of spores

(d) affected parts becomes completely black.

Solution: (d) Smut disease caused by Ustilago species of basidiomycetes fungi. It is characterised by

formation of black coloured chlamydospores or teleutospores called

smut spore due to which the affected part becomes black.

41. Claviceps purpurea is causal

organism of

(a) Smut of Barley (b) Rust of Wheat

(c) Ergot of Rye (d) Powdery Mildew of Pea.

Solution: (c) The fungus that causes the disease ‗Ergot

of Rye‘ is Claviceps purpurea. It contains

many poisonous alkaloids. The hallucinogenic drug LSD is extracted from

this fungi. • Rust of wheat is used by Puccinia graminis. • Powdery Mildew of Pea

is caused by Erysiphae.

42. Decomposers are organisms that [1994]

(a) illaborate chemical substances, causing

death of tissues (b) operate in living body and simplifying

organic substances of cells step by step (c) attack and kill plants as well as animals

(d) operate in relay terms, simplifying step by step the organic constituents of dead

body Solution: (d) Decomposers act on dead bodies

converting complex organic constituents into simple soluble form. They obtain their

energy from dead organisms. Decomposers themselves are organisms (often fungi,

earthworms, or bacteria) that break down

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 16

organic materials to gain nutrients and

energy. Decomposers accelerate the natural process of decomposition. They supply the

required nutrients for other trophic levels. The fungi on the tree are decomposers.

When an organism dies, it leaves behind nutrients that are locked tightly together. A

scavenger might eat the carcass, but its feces would still contain a considerable

amount of unused energy and nutrients.

Decomposers will later induce further breakdown. This last step releases raw

nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium) in a form usable to plants,

which quickly incorporate the chemicals into their own cells. This process greatly

increases the nutrientload of an ecosystem,

in turn allowing for greater biodiversity.

43. Mycorrhiza represents [1994, 2003] (a) antagonism

(b) endemism (c) symbiosis

(d) parasitism Solution: (c) Mycorrhiza is symbiotic association

between fungi and roots of higher plants. Mycorrhiza form wooly covering of fungal

hyphae on the surface and remain in upper layers. It is of two types Ecto and

Endomycorrhiza. In some endomycorrhiza, the fungal hyphae develop some organs

called vesicles within the root cortical cells, such mycorrhizae are called VAM (vesicular

arbuscular mycorrhizae). It is meant for

phosphate nutrition.

44. The plasmid [1995] (a) helps in respiration

(b) genes found inside nucleus (c) is a component of cell wall of bacteria

(d) is the genetic part in addition to DNA in

micro-organisms Solution: (d)

The term ‗plasmid‘ was introduced by Lederberg in 1952 for extragenomic DNA

segment. It is a small circular molecule of DNA found in bacterial cell in addition to

the larger circular bacterial DNA.

45. Which of the following organism

possesses characteristics of both a plant and an animal?

(a) Bacteria

(b) Euglena

(c) Mycoplasma (d) Paramecium

Solution: (b) The Euglena is an organism, which

possesses both the characteristics of plants and animals, as it can move with a flagella

and also contains chlorophyll. Its nutrition is mixotrophic.

46. The function of contractile vacuole, in protozoa, is [1995]

(a) locomotion (b) food digestion

(c) osmoregulation (d) reproduction

Solution: (c) In protozoa, the function of contractile vacuole is the removal of excretory

substances, carbon dioxide etc. It is very essential to regulate water content i.e.,


47. Macro and micronucleus are the characteristic feature of [1995]

(a) Paramecium and Vorticella

(b) Opelina and Nictothisus (c) Hydra and Ballantidium

(d) Vorticella and Nictothirus Solution: (a) The macronucleus lacks nuclear membrane and is formed of

trophochromatin. It regulates the metabolic activities of the body and it is also known

as trophonucleus. The micronucleus has a

definite nuclear membrane and controls the reproductive activities of Paramecium

and Vorticella.

48. Excretion in Amoeba occurs through [1995]

(a) lobopodia

(b) uroid portion (c) plasma membrane

(d) contractile vacuole Solution: (d) The conractile vacuole is supposed to assist excertion in Amoeba, as its watery

contents possess traces of carbon dioxide and urea. The CO2 diffuses directly through


49. The organism, used for alcoholic

fermentation, is [1995]

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 17

(a) Pseudomonas

(b) Penicillium (c) Aspergillus

(d) Saccharomyces Solution: (d) Fermentation refers to the breakdown of organic substances, particularly

carbohydrates, under anaerobic conditions. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for

fermenting carbohydrate. The ethyl alcohol

and carbon dioxide are formed at the end of the process.

50. Which of the following is not

correctly matched? [1995]

(a) root knot disease - Meloidogyne javanica (b) smut of bajra - Tolysporium penicillariae

(c) covered smut of barley - Ustilago nuda (d) late blight of potato - Phytophthora

infestans Solution: (c) Covered smut of barley is caused by Ustilago hordei, not by Ustilago nuda. This

disease is purely externally seed borned.

51. The chemical compounds produced

by the host plants to protect themselves against fungal infection is [1995]

(a) phytotoxin (b) pathogen

(c) phytoalexins (d) hormone

Solution: (c) Phytoalexins are non-specific antibiotic substances produced by plants in response

to infection by a fungus.

52. White rust disease is caused by [1995]

(a) Claviceps

(b) Alternaria (c) Phytophthora

(d) Albugo candida Solution: (d) Albugo candida is an obligate parasite causing white rust on members of family

Cruciferae and other hosts.

53. Azotobacter and Bacillus polymyxa

are the examples of [1996] (a) symbiotic nitrogen-fixers

(b) non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixers

(c) ammonifying bacteria

(d) disease-causing bacteria Solution: (b) Azotobacter and Bacillus polymyxa are the examples of non-symbiotic nitrogenfixers.

54. Sex factor in bacteria is [1996]

(a) Chromosomal replicon (b) F-replicon

(c) RNA

(d) Sex-pilus Solution: (b) Sex-factor or F-factor in bacteria results in high frequency conjugation. It allows

bacteria to produce sex pilus necessary for conjugation.

55. Influenza virus has [1996] (a) DNA

(b) RNA (c) both DNA and RNA

(d) only proteins and no nucleic acids. Solution: (b) Influenza virus is a retrovirus wherein, the genetic material comprises of RNA. There

are three genera of influenza virus,

identified by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein: •

Influenza virus A are the cause of all flu pandemics and are known to infect

humans, other mammals and birds (see also avian influenza). • Influenza virus B

are known to infect humans and seals. • Influenza virus C are known to infect

humans and pigs.

56. In bacterial chromosomes, the

nucleic acid polymers are [1996] (a) linear DNA molecule

(b) circular DNA molecule (c) of two types-DNA and RNA

(d) linear RNA molecule

Solution: (b) Bacterial chromosomes comprise of

circular DNA.

57. Interferons are [1996] (a) antiviral proteins

(b) antibacterial proteins (c) anticancer proteins

(d) complex proteins

Solution: (a)

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Interferons are virus induced proteins

produced by cells infected with viruses. They are antiviral in action.

58. Which one of the following is not

true about lichens? [1996] (a) Their body is composed of both algal

and fungal cells (b) Some form food for reindeers in arctic


(c) Some species can be used as pollution indicators

(d) These grow very fast at the rate of about 2 cm per year

Solution: (d) Lichens are composite dual organisms

formed by the association between a

fungus and a photosynthetic symbiont. The bulk of lichen body is formed of fungus.

59. Mycorrhiza is [1996]

(a) a symbiotic association of plant roots and certain fungi

(b) an association of algae with fungi (c) a fungus parasitising root system of

higher plants

(d) an association of Rhizobium with the roots of lenguminous plants

Solution: (a) Association of algae and fungi is referred to

as lichen. Symbiotic association of Rhizobium with roots of leguminous plants

is referred to as symbiosis. Mycorrhiza is symbiotic association between fungi and

roots of higher plants. The fungal partner of

mycorrhiza obtains food from roots of the higher plant and in return supplies mineral

elements to it.

60. The hereditary material present in the bacterium Escherichia coli is [1997,


(a) single stranded DNA (b) deoxyribose sugar

(c) double stranded DNA (d) single stranded RNA

Solution: (c) In any kind of Bacteria (E.coli) double

stranded DNA is present.

61. The plasmids pesent in the bacterial

cells are [1997] (a) circular double helical DNA molecules

(b) circular double helical RNA molecules

(c) linear double helical DNA molecules

(d) linear double helical RNA molecules. Solution: (a) Plasmids are the extrachromosomal DNA.

62. Which one of the following statements about viruses is correct?

[1997] (a) Viruses possess their own metabolic


(b) Viruses contain either DNA or RNA (c) Viruses are facultative parasites

(d) Viruses are readily killed by antibiotics Solution: (b) Viruses have either DNA or RNA as the genetic material. Viruses having RNA as the

genetic material are known as Retroviruses.

63. Most of the Lichens consist of [1997]

(a) blue-green algae and basidomycetes (b) blue-green algae and ascomycetes

(c) red algae and ascomycetes (d) brown algae and phycomycetes

Solution: (b) The lichen fungus is typically a member of

the Ascomycota rarely a member of the

Basidiomycota. The algal or cyanobacterial cells are photosynthetic, and as in higher

plants they reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide into organic carbon sugars to feed

both symbionts. Both partners gain water and mineral nutrients mainly from the

atmosphere through rain and dust. The fungal partner protects the alga by

retaining water, serving as a larger capture

area for mineral nutrients and, in some cases, provides minerals obtained from the

substratum. If a cyanobacterium is present, as a primary partner or another

symbiont in addition to green alga as in certain tripartite lichens, they can fix

atmospheric nitrogen, complementing the

activities of the green alga.

64. Two bacteria found to be very useful in genetic engineering experiments are

[1998] (a) Escherichia and Agrobacterium

(b) Nitrobacter and Azotobacter (c) Rhizobium and Diplococcus

(d) Nitrosomonas and Klebsiella

Solution: (a) Escherichia and Agrobacterium are both

used as vectors in genetic engineering.

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Nitrobactor converts nitrites to nitrates.

Azotobacter is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria. Nitrosomonas converts ammonia

to nitrite. Rhizobium is a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria living in the root

nodules of leguminous plants Diplococcus pneumoniae causes pneumonia.

65. The main role of bacteria in the

carbon cycle involves [1998]

(a) photosynthesis (b) chemosynthesis

(c) digestion or breakdown of organic compounds

(d) assimilation of nitrogenous compounds Solution: (c) Bacteria acts as decomposers in the

carbon cycle.

66. A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperatures of 100–

105ºC. They belong to [1998] (a) marine archaebacteria

(b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria (c) hot-spring blue-green algae


(d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi Solution: (a) These are archaebacteria which can tolerate high temperature.

67. Transfer of genetic information from

one bacterium to another in the transduction process is through [1998]

(a) Conjugation

(b) Bacteriophages released from the donor bacterial strain

(c) Another bacterium (d) Physical contact between donor and

recipient strain Solution: (b) Transfer of genetic information from one

bacterium to another by physical contact is called conjugation while if it takes place by

some other medium like virus than it is called transduction.

68. Puccinia forms [1998]

(a) uredia and aecia on wheat leaves (b) uredia and telia on wheat leaves

(c) uredia and aecia on barberry leaves

(d) uredia and pycnia on barberry leaves Solution: (b)

Puccinia causes black rust of wheat. It

completes its life cycle in two hostswheat and barberry. Two types of spores are

produced on wheat - uredospores and teleutospores.

69. Which one of the following micro-

organisms is used for production of citric acid in industries?

(a) Penicillium citrinum

(b) Aspergillus niger (c) Rhizopus nigricans

(d) Lactobacillus bulgaris Solution: (b) Aspergillus niger is known as guinea pig of kingdom fungi. The main source of

commercial preparation of citric acid is the

fermentation of sugar with Aspergillus niger.

70. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is

used in the industrial production of [1998]

(a) citric acid

(b) tetracycline (c) ethanol

(d) butanol Solution: (c) Yeast performs alcoholic fermentation because of enzyme ‗Zymase‘. It is used in

the production of ethyl alcohol or ethanol.

71. Due to which of the following

organisms, yield of rice has been increased? [1999]

(a) Anabaena (b) Bacillus popilliae

(c) Sesbania (d) Bacillus polymexa

Solution: (a) Azolla is a freshwater fern harbouring a

bluegreen alga - Anabaena in its leaf

cavities. The alga fixes atmospheric nitrogen and releases nitrogenous

compounds in leaf cavities. This symbiotic system is the main source of algal

biofertilizer in rice fields. When rice paddies

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 20

are flooded in the spring, they can be

inoculated with Azolla, which then quickly multiplies to cover the water, suppressing

weeds. As the plants die, they contribute nitrogen to the rice plants, and as the rice

paddy dries out, the Azolla all eventually die, making an exceptional green manure.

72. Photosynthetic bacteria have

pigments in [1999]

(a) leucoplasts (b) chloroplasts

(c) chromoplasts (d) chromatophores

Solution: (d) Chloroplasts, chromoplasts and

leucoplasts are the types of plastids found

in higher plants. Chloroplasts contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Chromoplasts

contain coloured pigments. Leucoplasts are colourless and store starch granules.

73. In prokaryotes, the genetic material

is [1999] (a) linear DNA with histones

(b) circular DNA with histones

(c) linear DNA without histones (d) circular DNA without histones

Solution: (d) In prokayotes nucleoid consist of double

stranded circular DNA without histone protein.

74. A good green manure in rice fields is


(a) Aspergillus (b) Azolla

(c) Salvinia (d) Mucor

Solution: (b) Aspergillus is a fungus, Mucor is also a

fungus. Azolla harbours blue-green algae

Anabaena which fixes N2, increasing fertility.

75. Enzymes are absent in [2000]

(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Viruses

(c) Algae (d) Fungi

Solution: (b) Enzymes are absent in viruses because they are unable to transmit their nucleic

acid from one host cell to another.

76. A virus can be considered a living organism because it [2000]

(a) responds to touch stimulus (b) respires

(c) reproduces (inside the host) (d) can cause disease

Solution: (c) Virus is an ultra microscopic

nucleoprotein entity which becomes active

only inside a living cell. It resembles living beings due to presence of genetic material

and reproduction.

77. In fungi stored food material is [2000]

(a) glycogen

(b) starch (c) sucrose

(d) glucose Solution: (a)

Glycogen is a glucosan Ohomopolysaccharide which is the major

reserve food of animals, fungi and some bacteria. Starch is also glucosan

homopolysaccharide and is the major

reserve food of plants. Sucrose is formed of one molecule of glucose and one molecule

of fructose.

78. Black rust of wheat is caused by [2000]

(a) Puccinia (b) Mucor

(c) Aspergillus

(d) Rhizopus Solution: (a) Black rust of wheat is caused by Puccinia graminis. The symptoms are seen in stem

or leaf sheath as brownish spot. Yeast helps in ethyl alcohol formation.

79. Industrial production of ethanol from starch is brought about by [2000]

(a) Saccharomyces (b) Lactobacillus

(c) Azotobacter (d) Penicillium

Solution: (a) Lactobacillus is the milk bacteria while

Azotobacter is the free living nitrogen fixing

bacteria and Penicillium is the source of Penicillin.

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 21

80. Interferons are synthesized in

response to (a) Mycoplasma

(b) Bacteria (c) Viruses

(d) Fungi Solution: (c) Interferons are virus induced proteins produced by cells infected with virus.

81. Extra-nuclear inheritance occurs in [2001]

(a) Killer strain in Paramecium (b) Colour blindness

(c) Phenylketonuria (d) Tay sach disease

Solution: (a) Colour blindness follows sex-linked inheritance. Phenylketonuria is an in born

error of metabolism.

82. What is true for cyanobacteria? [2001]

(a) Oxygenic with nitrogenase (b) Oxygenic without nitrogenase

(c) Non-oxygenic with nitrogen

(d) Non-oxygenic without nitrogenase Solution: (a) Cyanobacteria are oxygenic photoautotroph. Many members perform

nitrogen fixation.

83. What is true for archaebacteria? [2001]

(a) All halophiles

(b) All photosynthetic (c) All fossils

(d) Oldest living beings Solution: (d) Archaebacteria are the most ancient and halogenous group of bacteria and are called

living fossils.

84. Cauliflower mosaic virus contains

[2001] (a) ss RNA

(b) ds RNA (c) ds DNA

(d) ss DNA Solution: (c) Cauliflower mosaic virus contains double

stranded DNA.

85. What is true for plasmid? [2001]

(a) Plasmids are widely used in gene

transfer (b) These are found in virus

(c) Plasmid contains gene for vital activities (d) These are main party of chromosome

Solution: (a) Plasmids are small intranuclear circular

DNAs which carry extra chromosomal genes in bacteria.

86. Plant decomposers are [2001] (a) Monera and fungi

(b) Fungi and plants (c) Protista and animalia

(d) Animalia and monera Solution: (a) Plant decomposers are Bacteria (Kingdom

Monera) and Fungi.

87. Adhesive pad of fungi penetrates the host with the help of [2001]

(a) mechanical pressure and enzymes (b) hooks and suckers

(c) softening by enzymes (d) only by mechanical pressure

Solution: (a) The fungal hyphae secrete enzymes which convert insoluble complex food material in

the substratum to the soluble ones. The hyphae wall of intracellular hyphae come in

contact with the host protoplasm and obtain food by direct diffusion.

88. Some bacteria are able to grow in

Streptomycin containing medium due to

(a) natural selection (b) Induced mutation

(c) reproductive isolation (d) genetic drift

Solution: (a) Prevention of mating between two natural

populations of the same or different spaces

due to presence of barriers to interbreeding is called reproductive isolation. Genetic

drift is the random change in the allele number and frequency in a gene pool.

Natural selection is a type of force for evolutionary processes. Here in this case it

allows the growth of only those bacteria which have resistance towards


89. Which bacteria is utilized in gober

gas plant?

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 22

(a) Methanogens

(b) Nitrifying bacteria (c) Ammonifying bacteria

(d) Denitrifying bacteria Solution: (a) Methanobacillus (methanogen) occurs in marshes and also in dung. It produces CH4

gas under anaerobic condition and is utilized in gobar gas plant.

90. In bacteria, plasmid is [2002] (a) extra – chromosomal material

(b) main DNA (c) non-functional DNA

(d) repetitive gene

Solution: (a) Plasmid is attached to mesosome in


91. Which statement is correct for bacterial transduction? [2002]

(a) Transfer of some genes from one bacteria to another bacteria through virus

(b) Transfer of genes from one bacteria to

another bacteria by conjugation (c) Bacteria obtained its DNA directly

(d) Bacteria obtained DNA from other external source

Solution: (a) Transduction experiments were carried out

by Hershey and Chase.

92. Which of the following secretes

toxins during storage conditions of crop plants? [2002]

(a) Aspergillus (b) Penicillium

(c) Fusarium (d) Colletotrichum

Solution: (a) Aspergillus flavus produces carcinogenic fungus toxin (Aflatoxin) during storage

condition of crop plant.

93. Which fungal disease spreads by seed and flowers? [2002]

(a) Loose smut of wheat (b) Corn stunt

(c) Covered smut of barley

(d) Soft rot of potato Solution: (a)

Ustilago causes loose smut of wheat, as a

result the grain and flower get converted into powdered mass.

94. During the formation of bread it

becomes porous due to release of CO2 by the action of

(a) Yeast (b) Bacteria

(c) Virus

(d) Protozoans Solution: (a) Yeast carry out fermentation, releasing CO2 making bread soft and porous. Hence

Saccharomyces is referred to as baker‘s yeast.

95. The chief advantage of encystment to an Amoeba is [2003]

(a) the chance to get rid of accumulated waste products

(b) the ability to survive during adverse physical conditions

(c) the ability to live for sometime without ingesting food

(d) protection from parasites and predators

Solution: (b) Encystment enables the zygote to survive

under adverse or infavourable conditions wherein it lies dormant.

96. Viruses are no more ―alive‖ than

isolated chromosomes because [2003] (a) both require the environment of a cell to


(b) they require both RNA and DNA (c) they both need food molecules

(d) they both require oxygen for respiration Solution: (a) Viruses can live only inside the host cell, using their machinery for its own


97. Chromosomes in a bacterial cell can

be 1 – 3 in number and [2003] (a) can be circular as well as linear within

the same cell (b) are always circular

(c) are always linear (d) can be either circular or linear, but

never both with in the same cell

Solution: (b) Prokaryotes (bacteria) have only circular


Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 23

98. Which one of the following statements about viruses is correct?

[2003] (a) Nucleic acid of viruses is known as

capsid (b) Viruses possess their own metabolic

system (c) All viruses contain both RNA and DNA

(d) Viruses are obligate parasites

Solution: (d) Virus is a nucleoprotein entity which

becomes active only inside a living cells utilizing the latter machinery for

multiplication. Capsid is the protein covering around the genetic material.

99. Tobacco mosaic virus is a tubular filament of size [2003]

(a) 700 × 30 nm (b) 300 × 10 nm

(c) 300 × 5 nm (d) 300 × 20 nm

Solution: (d) Tobacco mosaic virus is 300 nm long and

20 nm in diameter.

100. Lichens are well known

combination of an alga and a fungus where fungus has [2004]

(a) a saprophytic relationship with the alga (b) an epiphytic relationship with the alga

(c) a parasitic relationship with the alga (d) a symbiotic relationship with the alga

Solution: (d) Lichens are composite dual organisms formed by symbiotic association between a

fungus and alga. A saprophyte is an organism feeding on dead, decaying organic

matter. Epiphyte is a plant growing over another plant. Parasites live inside their


101. Which one of the following pairs is

not correctly matched? [2004] (a) Streptomyces - Antibiotic

(b) Serratia - Drug addiction (c) Spirulina - Single cell protein

(d) Rhizobium - Biofertilizer Solution: (b) Rhizobium is a symbotic nitrogen fixing

bacteria. Streptomyces is source for streptomycin. Spirulina is a rich source of

vitamin B1 and proteins.

102. Which of the following statements is not true for retroviruses? [2004]

(a) DNA is not present at any stage in the life cycle of retroviruses

(b) Retroviruses carry gene for RNAdependent DNA polymerase

(c) The genetic material in mature retroviruses is RNA

(d) Retroviruses are causative agents for

certain kinds of cancer in man Solution: (a) Retroviruses have RNA as the genetic material and hence they exhibit reverse

transcription whereby DNA is synthesized on RNA template. They have reverse

transcriptase as the enzyme.

103. The most thoroughly studied fact

of the known bacteria-plant interactions is the [2004]

(a) cyanobacterial symbiosis with some aquatic ferns

(b) gall formation on certain angiosperms by Agrobacterium

(c) nodulation of Sesbania stems by

nitrogen fixing bacteria (d) plant growth stimulation by

phosphatesolubilising bacteria Solution: (b) This phenomenon has been successfully used in genetic engineering to produce

disease resistant varieties of plants.

104. Viruses that infect bacteria,

multiply and cause their lysis, are called [2004]

(a) lysozymes (b) lipolytic

(c) lytic (d) lysogenic

Solution: (c) Viruses that get integrated with the bacterial host genome are called lysogenic.

Virus which transmit its DNA into bacterial cell and divide within bacterial cell causing

breakdown of bacterial cell wall are called lytic virus. Lysozymes are present in the

lipolytic enzymes catalyses breakdown of fats (Lipids).

105. Auxopores and hormocysts are formed, respectively, by: [2005]

(a) Some diatoms and several cyanobacteria

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 24

(b) Some cyanobacteria and diatoms

(c) Several cyanobacteria and several diatoms

(d) Several diatoms and a few cyanobacteria.

Solution: (d) Binary fission in diatoms reduces the size

of most daughters which is corrected through the development of auxospores. In

some filamentous cyanobacterial forms

unisexual reproduction occurs by hormogonia (hormocysts). They are

identified by presence of biconcave (one disk or separation disc between two

adjacent cells e.g. Oscillatoria).

106. All of the following statements

concerning the Actinomycetes filamentous soil bacterium Frankia are

correct except that Frankia: [2005] (a) Can induce root nodules on many plant

species (b) Cannot fix nitrogen in the free-living

state. (c) Forms specialized vesicles in which the

nitrogenase is protected from oxygen by a

chemical barrier involving triterpene hopanoids

(d) Like Rhizobium, it usually infects its host plant through root hair deformation

and stimulates cell proliferation in the host‘s cortex

Solution: (b) Frankia, is a nitrogen fixing mycelial

bacterium which is associated

symbiotically (and not free living) with the root nodules of several non legume plants.

107. For retting of jute the fermenting

microbe used is [2005] (a) Methophilic bacteria

(b) Butyric acid bacteria

(c) Helicobactor pylori (d) Streptococcus lactin

Solution: (b) Butyric acid bacteria, Clostridium

butylicum causes the retting of fibres. Retting is a stage in the manufacturing of

vegetable fibers, especially the bast fibers. It is the process of submerging plant stems

such as flax, jute, hemp or kenaf in water,

and soaking them for a period of time to loosen the fibers from the other

components of the stem. Retting can also

be done by letting the cut crop stand in the

fields in the wet fall, called ―dew retting‖. Bacterial action attacks pectin and lignin,

freeing the cellulose fibres. The stems are then removed and washed and subject to

mechanical processing to remove the soft tissue and then dried so that all that

remains are the fibres.The process is caused by Closteridium butylicum.

108. There exists a close association between the alga and the fungus within a

lichen. The fungus [2005] (a) provides protection, anchorage and

absorption for the alga (b) provides food for the alga

(c) fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the

alga (d) releases oxygen for the alga

Solution: (a) Lichens (coined by Theophrastus) are

composite or dual organisms which are formed by a fungus partner or mycobiont

(mostly ascomycetes) and an algal partner (mostly blue green algae). Fungus forms the

body of lichen as well as its attaching and

absorbing structures. Algae performs photosynthesis and provides food to the


109. Which antibiotic inhibits interaction between RNA and mRNA

during bacterial protein synthesis? [2006]

(a) Neomycin

(b) Streptomycin (c) Tetracycline

(d) Erythromycin Solution: (a) Neomycin is the antibiotic which inhibit the translation of bacterial cell so that it

can not affect the host cell.

110. Which of the following statements

regarding cilia is not correct? [2006] (a) Cilia are hair-like cellular appendages

(b) Microtubules of cilia are composed of tubulin

(c) Cilia contain an outer ring of nine doublet microtubules surrounding two

single microtubules

(d) The organized beating of cilia is controlled by fluxes of Ca2+ across the


Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 25

Solution: (a) Eukaryotic cilia are made up of tubulin protein. Cilia have a core of 2 microtubules

and around there are 9 doublet microtubules. These are not at all hair like


111. The thalloid body of a slime mould (Myxomycetes) is known as [2006]

(a) plasmodium

(b) fruiting body (c) mycelium

(d) protonema Solution: (a) The thalloid body of slime moulds is made up of multinucleated cell which lacks septa

in between and hence it is a multinucleated

single celled mass called plasmodium.

112. Which of the following environmental conditions are essential

for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread? A. Temperature of about 25°C

B. Temperature of about 5° C C. Relative humidity of about 5% D. Relative

humidity of about 95% E. A shady place

F. A brightly illuminated place Choose the answer from the following options:

[2006] (a) A, D and E only

(b) B, D and E only (c) B, C and F only

(d) A, C and E only Solution: (a) Mucor is a fungus and most of the fungi

require the optimum temperature of about 15-30ºC, good moisture content in

atmosphere and not very dark and not very lightened place. So the Mucor requires a

temperature of about 25ºC, humidity about 95% and a shady place to grow fully.

113. The causative agent of mad-cow disease is a

(a) Prion (b) Worm

(c) Bacterium (d) Virus

Solution: (a) Mad cow disease is actually Bovine

Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE. In this

disease cattles in Britain got their brain become spongy & ultimately gradual

degradation of nervous system. It is caused

by some virus like but nucleic acid devoid

proteinaceous particles called prions (proteinaceous infectious particle).

114. Which one of the following

statements about mycoplasma is wrong? [2007]

(a) They are pleomorphic (b) They are sensitive to penicillin

(c) They cause diseases in plants

(d) They are also called PPLO. Solution: (b) While working at the Rockefeller Institute, Brown reported isolation of a PPLO from

human arthritic joint tissue in 1938. In 1949, Diennes reported to the 7th

International Rheumatology Congress the

isolation of PPLO from the genitourinary tracts of men afflicted with arthritis. In

discussing the significance of this observation, Brown reported successful

treatment of arthritic patients in 1949 with a new antibiotic called aureomycin (Clark,


115. Which pair of the following belongs

to Basidiomycetes [2007] (a) puffballs and Claviceps

(b) peziza and stink borns (c) Morchella and mushrooms

(d) birds nest fungi and puffballs. Solution: (d) The class Basidiomycetes includes those members that produce their basidia and

basidiospores on or in a basidiocarp.

116. Ergot of rye is caused by a species

of [2007] (a) uncimula

(b) ustilago (c) claviceps

(d) phytophthora.

Solution: (c) Ergot of Rye is a plant disease that is

caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. The so-called ergot that replaces the grain

of the rye is a dark, purplish sclerotium, from which the sexual stage, of the life

cycle will form after over wintering.

117. Which one of the following is a

slime mould? [2007] (a) Physarum

(b) Thiobacillus

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 26

(c) Anabaena

(d) Rhizopus Solution: (a) Physarum polycephalum belongs to phylum Amoebozoa, infraphylum

Mycetozoa, and class Myxogastrea. P. polycephalum, often referred to as the

―many-headed slime,‖ is a slime mold that inhabits shady, cool, moist areas, such as

decaying leaves and logs.

118. Which one of the following is linked

to the discovery of Bordeaux mixture as a popular fungicide? [2008]

(a) Bacterial leaf blight of rice (b) Downy mildew of grapes

(c) Loose smut of wheat

(d) Black rust of wheat Solution: (b) Downy mildew of grapes disesase is linked to the discovery of Bordeux mixture as a

popular fungicide. Bordeux mixture was discovered by Millardet in France in 1882.

Bordeux mixture is prepared by dissolving 40g. of copper sulphate and 40 g of calcium

hydroxide in 5 litres of water. Bordeux

mixture is used primarily as a fungicide, it was first used to control downy mildew

disease of grape-vine caused by a fungus, Plasmopara viticola. The first pesticide to

be used commercially was bordeux mixture.

119. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is

caused by a species of [2008]

(a) Xanthomonas (b) Pseudomonas

(c) Alternaria (d) Erwinia

Solution: (a) Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a

species of Xanthomonas. Mature rice plant

infected by these bacteria, lesion begins as water soaked stripes on the leaf blades and

eventually would increase in length and width becoming yellow to grayish-white

until the entire leaf dries up.

120. In the light of recent classification of living organisms into three domains

of life (bacteria, archaea and eukarya),

which one of the following statements is true about archaea? [2008]

(a) Archaea resemble eukarya in all

respects (b) Archaea have some novel features that

are absent in other prokaryotes and eukaryotes

(c) Archaea completely differ from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

(d) Archaea completely differ from prokaryotes.

Solution: (b) A domain of prokaryotic organisms containing the archaebacteria including the

methanogens, which produce methane; the thermoacidophilic bacteria, which live in

extremely hot and acidic environments, & the halophilic bacteria, which can only

function at high salt concentrations are

abundant in the world‘s oceans.

121. Thermococcus, Methanococcus and Methanobacterium exemplify: [2008]

(a) Archaebacteria that contain protein homologous to eukaryotic core histones

(b) Archaebacteria that lack any histones resembling those found in eukaryotes but

whose DNA is negatively supercoiled

(c) Bacteria whose DNA is relaxed or positively supercoiled but which have a

cytoskeleton as well as mitochondria (d) Bacteria that contain a cytoskeleton and

ribosomes Solution: (a) Thermococcus, Methanococcus and Methano bacterium exemplify

archaebacteria that contain protein

homologous to eukaryotic core histones.

122. Which one is the wrong pairing for the disease and its causal organism?

[2009] (a) Black rust of wheat - Puccinia graminis

(b) Loose smut of wheat - Ustilago nuda

(c) Root-knot of vegetables - Meloidogyne sp (d) Late blight of potato - Alternaria solani

Solution: (d) Late blight is caused by the fungus Phy-

tophthora infestans. Late blight appears on potato or tomato leaves as pale green,

water-soaked spots, often beginning at leaftips or edges. The circular or irregular

leaf lesions are often surrounded by a pale

yellowishgreen border that merges with healthy tissue. Lesions enlarge rapidly and

turn dark brown to purplish-black. During

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 27

periods of high humidity and leaf wetness,

a cottony, white mold growth is usually visible on lower leaf surfaces at the edges of

lesions. In dry weather, infected leaf tissues quickly dry up and the white mold growth

disappears. Infected areas on stems appear brown to black and entire veins may be

killed in a short time when moist weather persists.

123. Phylogenetic system of classification is based on: [2009]

(a) morphological features (b) chemical constituents

(c) floral characters (d) evolutionary relationships

Solution: (d) Phylogenetic system of classification is based on evolutionary relationships. This

phylogenetic classification system names only clades-groups of organisms that are all

descended from a common ancestor. Under a system of phylogenetic classification, we

could name any clade on this tree. For example, the Testudines, Squamata,

Archosauria, and Crocodylomorpha all

form clades.

124. Mannitol is the stored food in: [2009]

(a) Porphyra (b) Fucus

(c) Gracillaria (d) Chara

Solution: (b) Mannitol is a food stored in Fucus. Fucus is a genus of brown alga in the class

Phaeophyceae to be found in the intertidal zones of rocky seashores almost everywhere

in the world. Primary chemical constituents of this plant include mucilage, algin,

mannitol, betacarotene, zeaxanthin, iodine,

bromine, potassium, volatile oils, and many other minerals.

125. Single-celled eukaryotes are

included in: (a) Protista

(b) Fungi (c) Archaea

(d) Monera

Solution: (a) Single celled eukaryotes are included in

protista. Protista includes all unicellular

and colonial eukaryotes except green and

red algae. It is also known as kingdom of unicellular eukaryotes.

126. Ringworm in humans is caused by:

[2010] (a) Bacteria

(b) Fungi (c) Nematodes

(d) Viruses

Solution: (b) Ring worm is a fungal disease caused by

the dermatophyte fungi species of microsporum, trichophyton and


127. Membrane-bound organelles are

absent in: [2010] (a) Saccharomyces

(b) Streptococcus (c) Chlamydomonas

(d) Plasmodium Solution: (b) Membrane bound organelles are absent in Streptococcus. Streptococcus is a

bacterium that is included under kingdom

Monera. Monerans are prokaryotes which lack membrane bound organelles like

mitochondria, E.R, Golgi etc. Saccharomyces, Chlamydomonas and

Plasmodium are eukaryotes that have membrane bound organelles.

128. Virus envelope is known as: [2010]

(a) Capsid

(b) Virion (c) Nucleoprotein

(d) Core Solution: (a) Virus envelope is known as capsid. The capsid is composed of protein subunits

called capsomere.

129. Which one of the following is not a

biofertilizer? [2011] (a) Agrobacterium

(b) Rhizobium (c) Nostoc

(d) Mycorrhiza Solution: (a) Agrobacterium is a soil borne pathogen

responsible for affecting many higher species of plant. But Rhizobium, Nostoc

and Mycorrhiza are biofertilizers.

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 28

130. Ethanol is commercially produced through a particular species of: [2011]

(a) Saccharomyces (b) Clostridium

(c) Trichoderma (d) Aspergillus

Solution: (a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commercially

used to produce ethanol. S. cerevisiae is a

yeast which helps in alcoholic fermentation in which sugars such as glucose, fructose

and sucrose are converted into cellular energy and produce ethanol.

131. Which one of the following

organisms is not an example of

eukaryotic cells? [2011] (a) Paramecium caudatum

(b) Escherichia coli (c) Euglena viridis

(d) Amoeba proteus Solution: (b) E. coli is a prokaryotic celled gram negative bacterium.

132. Archegoniophore is present in: [2011]

(a) Marchantia (b) Chara

(c) Adiantum (d) Funaria

Solution: (a) Archegoniophore is the female sex organ of

bryophytes (Marchantia) and pteridophytes.

Its neck region is made up of 4-6 vertical rows of cells.

133. In eubacteria, a cellular component

that resembles eukaryotic cells is: [2011] (a) plasma membrane

(b) nucleus

(c) ribosomes (d) cell wall

Solution: (a) Eubacteria are prokaryotic but eubacteria

are enclosed by plasma membrane like eukaryotic cells.

134. Compared with the gametophytes

of the bryophytes the gametophytes of

vascular plant are [2011] (a) smaller but have larger sex organs

(b) larger but have smaller sex organs

(c) larger and have larger sex organs

(d) smaller and have smaller sex organs Solution: (a) The gametophyte of bryophytes are smaller but have large sex organs.

135. The gametophyte is not an

independent, free living generation in: [2011]

(a) Polytrichum

(b) Adiantum (c) Marchantia

(d) Pinus Solution: (d) Gametophyte is not an independent free living generation in Pinus.

136. Organisms called methanogens are most abundant in a: [2011]

(a) sulphur rock (b) cattle yard

(c) polluted stream (d) hot spring

Solution: (b) Methanogens are archaebacteria abundant

in cattle yard and paddy fields.

137. Which one of the following pairs is

wrongly matched while the remaining three are correct? [2011M]

(a) Penicillium - Conidia (b) Water hyacinth - Runner

(c) Bryophyllum - Leaf buds (d) Agave - Bulbils

Solution: (b) Water hyacinth is a free floating perennial plant, can grow to a height of 3 feet.

138. Consider the following four

statements whether they are correct or wrong? (A) The sporophyte in liverworts

is more elaborate than that in mosses (B)

Salvinia is heterosporous (C) The life cycle in all seed-bearing plants is

diplontic (D) In Pinus male and female cones are borne on different trees

[2011M] (a) Statements (A) and (C)

(b) Statements (A) and (D) (c) Statements (B) and (C)

(d) Statements (A) and (B)

Solution: (b) (A) Sporophyte is more developed in

mosses rather than liverwort. (B) Pinus is

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 29

monoecious in which male & female cones

are borne on different branches.

139. Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a significant

step toward evolution of seed habit because: [2011M]

(a) female gametophyte is free and gets dispersed like seeds

(b) female gametophyte lacks archaegonia

(c) megaspores possess endosperm and embryo surrounded by seed coat

(d) embryo develops in female gametophyte which is retained on parent sporophyte.

Solution: (d)

140. Compared with the gametophytes of the bryophytes the gametophytes of

vascular plant are [2011] (a) smaller but have larger sex organs

(b) larger but have smaller sex organs (c) larger and have larger sex organs

(d) smaller and have smaller sex organs Solution: (a) The gametophyte of bryophytes are smaller

but have large sex organs.

141. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from

milk and in production of antibiotics are the ones categorised as: [2012]

(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Archaebacteria

(c) Chemosynthetic autotrophs

(d) Heterotrophic bacteria Solution: (d) The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in

production of antibiotics are the heterotrophic bacteria. Lactobacillis

bacteria convert milk into curd.

142. The cyanobacteria are also referred

to as [2012] (a) protists

(b) golden algae (c) Slime moulds

(d) blue green algae Solution: (d) Cyanobacteria are also referred as blue

green algae, they perform oxygenic photosynthesis. They are most successful

autotrophic organisms on earth which one

found in all types of environment - fresh

water, sea water, salt marshes, moist rocks, tree trunks, moist soils, hot springs,

frozen waters.

143. Which statement is wrong for viruses [2012]

(a) All are parasites (b) All of them have helical symmetry

(c) They have ability to synthesize nucleic

acids and proteins (d) Antibiotics have no effect on them

Solution: (b) All the viruses are obligate parasite i.e.

they remain inert outside the host cell. They have ability to syntheize nucleic acids

and proteins by using host cellular

machinery (ribosomes, tRNAs, aminoacids, energy). Three shapes are found in viruses

helical (elongate body e.g. T.M.V) cuboidal (short broad body with rhombic rounded,

polyhedral shape e.g. Poliomyelitis virus) and binal (with birth cuboidal and helical

parts e.g. many bacteriophages like T2). Antibiotics have no effect on them, antiviral

drugs can only kill them.

144. Which one single organism or the

pair of organisms is correctly assigned to its taxonomic group [2012]

(a) Paramoecium and Plasmodium belong to the same kingdom as that of Penicillium

(b) Lichen is a composite organism formed from the symbiotic association of an algae

and a protozoan

(c) Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus

(d) Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of protista

Solution: (c) Saccharomyces cervisiae is a yeast used in

making bread (Baker‘s yeast) and

commercial production of ethanol. Paramoecium & Plasmodium are of animal

kingdom while pencillium is a fungi. Lichen is composite organism formed from the

symbiotic association of an algae and a fungus. Nostoc & Anabaena are examples

of kingdom monera.

145. How many organisms in the list

given below are autotrophs? Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara,

Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter,

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 30

Streptomyces, Saccharomyces,

Trypanosomes, Porphyra, Wolffia [2012M]

(a) Four (b) Five

(c) Six (d) Three

Solution: (c) Autotrophs are those organisms that are

able to make energy-containing organic

molecules from inorganic raw material by using basic sunlight. Nostoc, Chara,

Porphyra and Wolffia are photoautotrophs while Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are


146. In the five-kingdom classification,

Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in [2012M]

(a) protista (b) algae

(c) plantae (d) monera

Solution: (b) Chlamydomonas & Chlorella have been

included in algae. Algae are chlorophyllus,

thalloid avascular plants with no cellular differentiation. Algae belong to thallophyta

of plant kingdom.

147. Which one of the following sets of items in the options 1 - 4 are correctly

categorized with one exception in it? Items- Category- Exception [2012M]

(a) UAA, UAG, UGA -Stop codons -UAG

(b) Kangaroo, Koala, Wombat -Australian marsupials -Wombat

(c) Plasmodium, Cuscuta, Trypanosoma -Protozoan parasites- Cuscuta

(d) Typhoid, Pneumonia, Diphtheria -Bacterial diseases -Diphtheria

Solution: (c) UAG is also a stop codon. Wombats are also Australian marsupials. They are short-

legged, muscular quadrupeds, approximately 1 metre (40 in) in length

with a short, stubby tail. Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease caused by the

bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Cuscuta, or Dodder plant, is not a

protozoan. It is a parasitic vine that wraps

around other plants for nourishment.

148. Which of the following are likely to

be present in deep sea water? [NEET 2013]

(a) Eubacteria (b) Blue-green algae

(c) Saprophytic fungi (d) Archaebacteria

Solution: (d) Archaebactera live in some of the most

harsh habitats such as extreme salty areas

(halophiles), hot springs (thermoacidophiles) and marshy areas

(methanogens) and in deep sea water.

149. Which one of the following is true for fungi? [NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) They are phagotrophs

(b) They lack a rigid cell wall (c) They are heterotrophs

(d) They lack nuclear membrane Solution: (c)

Fungi lack chlorophyll, hence, they do not prepare their food by photosynthesis. They

can grow where organic material is available. So, they are heterotrophs that

acquire their nutrient by absorption and

store in the form of glycogen.

150. Specialized cellsfor fixing atmospheric nitrogen in Nostoc are

[NEET Kar. 2013] (a) Akinetes

(b) Heterocysts (c) Hormogonia

(d) Nodules

Solution: (b) Heterocysts are large sized, thick-walled

specialised cells which occur in terminal, intercalary or lateral position in

filamentous cyanobacteria, e.g., Nostoc. They have enzyme nitrogenase and

specialised to perform biological nitrogen


151. Satellite RNAs are present in some [NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) Plant viruses (b) Viroids

(c) Prions (d) Bacteriophages

Solution: (a) Plant viruses often contain parasites of their own, referred to as satellites. Satellite

RNAs are dependent on their associated

Topicwise Solved Previous Year Qs 31

(helper) virus for both replication and

encapsidation. Example—Tobacco Necrosis Virus (TNV). Viroids are infectious agents

smaller than viruses. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect the bacteria. A prion is

an infectious agent that is composed primarily of protein. : 3
