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And Keep it Off Forever

© Level Up Life Coaching.

1. Define your goal weight (and body fat %).

Be specific about how much you would like to weigh. Consult with your doctor

and establish a safe, healthy goal weight for your  height and body type.  One of

the reasons why people gain the weight back after losing it, is because they set

an unrealistic goal that wasn't sustainable in the long-term.

Also realize that weight is not the only measurement of success. It's also

important to set body composition goals and body fat percentage targets.

According to the American Council on Exercise, average body fat for men is

around 18-22% and 26-31% for women. There are many ways in which body fat

percentage is measured, such as with calipers or through the use of

bioelectrical impedance analysis. There is a lot of debate on which method is

most accurate, but what is important is that you choose one method and stick

with it, so that you can consistently measure your change in body fat over time.

2. Get a personalized eating plan and exercise routine.

There is no "one size fits all" diet or exercise program. Each person's body is

different and fitness goals may differ as well. Sometimes people fall into the

trap of using generic diets and workout plans from friends, social media, etc and

this is one of the reasons they fail to get results. Consult with a professional,

and have them formulate an eating plan and exercise regime  tailored to you.

3. Set realistic and healthy weight loss time frames.Setup a timeline for how much weight you would like to lose each week, and a

date by when you will reach your final goal weight. Avoid the temptation to cut

calories too quickly in an attempt to lose weight faster - this will result in losing

muscle and may cause stretch marks. Usually around 0.5kg-1kg (1-2 pounds)

per week is a good guideline. Check with your doctor that your timeline is safe

and realistic.

For informational purposes only and not to be considered as medical advice.

© Level Up Life Coaching.

6. Make friends with like minded people and support eachother.

Become a member of online support groups, eg. on Facebook, and get involved

with other members of your gym, health or sports club. Grow a group of friends

who encourage each other. It helps knowing others who have similar challenges

to your own and to know you aren't alone on your journey. Friends can help

keep you accountable if you skip a workout, and supporting others may inspire

you to be a better example for them too.

Humans are naturally motivated by pain and pleasure. The more reasons and

emotional attachment we have for losing the weight, the more likely we are to

lose it. These can be serious or superficial reasons, eg. maybe your doctor told

you to lose weight for health reasons, maybe a family member or friend

struggled with their weight and you don't want to go down that same road,

or perhaps you're just sick and tired of clothes not fitting you the way you

want. Either way, brainstorm as many reasons as possible as to why you need to

lose weight, and write them down or type them into a note on your phone. Also

list the consequences of NOT achieving your goal, and be sure to read over your

list every time you feel like skipping a workout or meal.

4. Know your why(s) and why nots.

5. Make it a habit and stick to your routine, even when you don'twant to.

There will be times when you lack motivation to exercise or eat healthily. These

are the times that may well be the difference between achieving your fitness

goals, or not. Get into the habit of pushing yourself to eat that meal or do your

workout, especially when you're not in the mood. A useful analogy is that eating

your meals is like taking medicine - you have to do it if you want to get better,

and skipping doses will slow down the process. In the same light, going to gym is

like going to work - unless you're ill, you have to go or the consequences may be

devastating to your career, and eventually the health of your bank balance.

For informational purposes only and not to be considered as medical advice.

© Level Up Life Coaching.

9. Be kind to yourself - setbacks and slip-ups are part of theprocess.

Realize that no matter how dedicated you are, sometimes things will crop up

that are outside of your control, such as an unforeseen emergency that causes

you to skip gym, or a slice of birthday cake from a colleague at work. Be patient

with yourself and trust in the process. Know that temporary setbacks and

occasional slips aren't a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of being human, and

is a normal part of the cycle of change.

10. Hire a coach.

>> Click here to claim your FREE 45-minute“Finally Fit Forever” Coaching Session <<

Having a plan is one thing, but maintaining the motivation, discipline and habit

of sticking to it is something else entirely. This is why having a qualified coach to

support you every step of the way can really give you the edge, not only to help

speed up your results, but also to help you retain them in the long-run.

Studies have linked sleep deprivation and weight gain. It's a lot easier to give in

to junk food cravings or to skip a workout when you are tired and your

judgement is clouded, so be sure to rest enough. Staying hydrated is not only

important from a general health standpoint, but water also helps to flush waste

from the body, plays a role in metabolizing fat, and can even be an appetite


8. Get enough sleep and drink enough water.

There is sometimes a misconception that, if you want to be healthy, certain

foods should be given up forever. This is simply not true! In fact, eating an

"unhealthy" meal every now and then, in moderation, can actually be good for

your frame of mind and your metabolism. One cheat meal per week is a good

rule of thumb, but be sure to schedule it ahead of time and not deviate.

7. Schedule "cheat meals".

For informational purposes only and not to be considered as medical advice.