10 Mistakes




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10 Unexpected Mistakes that Are Preventing You from Getting the Body of Your

DreamsThe whole bodybuilding, fitness & health community is full of myths today and thanks to that people are making a lot of mistakes and preventing themselves from success.

Everything is made to look complicated, so I understand that you may feel overwhelmed.

Most of the times when you seek advice you get two different answers that are completely contrary to each other.

Today I want you to get finally clear about what to do and what you need to avoid.

Today I want to touch on a few of these common mistakes and prevent you from doing them.

So let’s talk about mistakes I see people making over and over again.

...................................Mistake No.1: Not Appreciating Your Health! 3

........................Mistake No.2: Not Focusing on Creating Leverage ! 4

..............................Mistake No.3: Not Setting Your Goals Properly ! 8

.........................................................How to Transform Dreams Into Goals?! 8

.................................................Next Step - Finish the “Success Roadmap”! 9

....................................................................Hot to Make Your Goal Specific! 10

..........................................Summary: How to set up your goals properly?! 11

.........................................Mistake No.4: Not Measuring Progress! 12

....................................................................................How to Track Results! 12

......................Mistake No.5: Letting The Gym Overtake Your Life ! 14

..........................................................................................................Gym Rat! 14

................................................................................Find Your Own Lifestyle! 16

...........................................................................What Do You Really Want?! 17

..............................................Mistake No.6: Falling for Some Famous Diet! 18

.......................................................Mistake No.7: Making Excuses! 19

...........Mistake No.8: Thinking that Supplements are Magic Pills! 20

.......................................................Mistake No.9: Not Getting Help! 23

..............................Mistake No.10: Comparing Yourself to Others ! 26

Mistake No.1: Not Appreciating Your Health I know you have heard it hundred times, but is your health really the most valuable think in your life or at least one of them?

Judging by experience, I think you don’t perceive your health as something really valuable in your life.

Well, guess what you should.


Because health is energy. If you are not healthy, you will have barely enough energy to make it throughout the day. If this is the case, how do you want to build a great looking body? How do you want to get beautiful women into your life?

If you are not healthy you can easily get ill and not be able to live fully and develop yourself in new ways.

If you do not perceive your health as the most important thing, then may get injured while training, because you will lift heavier than you can handle.

By putting your health first, you will have enough energy to do whatever it is you want to do in your life.

Mistake No.2: Not Focusing on Creating Leverage

Would you like to have leverage in your life that only few man possess?

How would you like your life to be?

Ask yourself these questions. It will help you get a clear picture of what it is you trying to accomplish.

Do you have a list of things you want to accomplish, experience, get and give in life?

You should have.

Once you have that you can start on creating leverage for yourself, start improving your lifestyle and live a happy life.

Here comes another important question...

Do you know what areas are the foundation of a successful and happy life?

In my opinion they can be summarized into three major ones:

1. Health & Physical look

2. Social life & Relationships

3. Business & Finances

Of course there are other areas of a successful, fulfilling and happy life, but the ones above are the most important and essential.

You can perceive them as pillars that your life stands on.

If you don’t master these areas first then you are not going to be successful no matter what does it mean to you. Once you

focus on them you will be surprised how much it will change your life.

And only a few guys really have those three areas handled, most of the time the girl is happy if she can find a guy that has at least one of those, occasionally he will have two, but almost never all three.

If you will handle all three of those you will create a tremendous leverage for yourself in your life.

What’s very interesting is that they affect each other. This is why I’m even talking about them in this report.

If you are not healthy, you will barely be able to make it through the day, because your energy will be low.

But once you get that handled you will be able to everything you want to.

Same goes for the look. If you are not in a good shape and you don’t take care of your physical look, then how do you expect having a successful social life and great relationships?

Physical look is important; I think that if you want to improve all of three areas, you should start with the health and fitness - how you look and feel is a crucial. Why? Because people will treat you based on your look, that will affect your social, dating life, your relationships with others, your business relationships and much more.

And yes even your income will improve once you get in shape.

Imagine that you have two people at a job interview, they have both the same qualification, but one looks like a fitness model, the other guy is slightly overweight, his clothes are a bit dirty and just looks terrible in general.

Which one of these two guys will get hired, what do you think? I believe the answer is pretty clear. This is same if you are a business owner and you are establishing new relationships with your joint venture partners.

People judge you based on your looks and make snap judgements about your character and lifestyle in a matter of seconds! There is plenty of research on this.

May seem unfair, but this is how it works, so the question is whether you will take an advantage of it or not.

By mastering your physical look and your health first, you will gain incredible leverage that will give you a huge boost in other areas of your life.

See how is your look important?

I would say that probably more than 90% of our western population doesn’t really take care of their look, so imagine what could happen when you do.

And something I left out you should know...

Success leads to more success.

Ever wondered why poor people get poorer and wealthy wealthier?

Once you will have some achievements under your belt, your brain will literally go: “What else can I do?”.

And you will start looking for new challenges and new ways to work on yourself.

Not only that, but when you’ve already succeed in something your brain will believe that YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL, that it is possible for you to achieve your desired goals. Believing in success is important because we often self-sabotage

ourselves thanks to many disbeliefs we have developed in our lives.

Once you master one area it’s easier to master next one, because you will already know the path you have to take to become successful.

Mistake No.3: Not Setting Your Goals Properly

Most of the people don’t set any goals at all, because they don’t think it’s necessary, they think that something will happen anyway. However, what always ends up happening is that something does happen, but those who don’t set up any goals never seem to have the events turning up in their favors.

If you want to achieve something bigger in your life, you can’t go by with only an unclear notion about your future. You gotta brainstorm some specifics, think about what you want, and what will you have in your life once you achieve this goal that’s currently missing.

How to Transform Dreams Into Goals?

Easy - write it down!

If you don’t write what you want and it will be only in your head it will soon disappear due to many distractions you have in your life. Someone will call you or will come to your room and you will forget about it.

Once you set your goals and you can commit to achieving them no matter what, then every action you will take will lead you closer towards your goal.

When you write it down, you realize what your goal is – your brain realizes it and your actions from now will be determined towards achieving this goal.

Once you write it down and you will know exactly what you want, it will be much easier to make decisions, because you will know which one can get you closer towards your goal and which one can’t.

Of course it doesn’t mean that anytime you write something down it will become a reality. You need to take action and put some hard work into achieving.

If you set a goal, wrote it down and nothing happened then you just need to put more time and effort into this then you may have originally anticipated. Or figure out a different plan and strategy.

Next Step - Finish the “Success Roadmap”

Set one major goal, break it down to a couple of small ones - milestones, set an action plan, deadline and you have your success roadmap or success blueprint for your goal.

When you have a strategic plan with specifics like this, it will become way easier to get closer and later achieve your goal.

At the beginning you may not know all the steps necessary to achieve your goal, but that’s okay, knowing where you want to get and where are or where to start is usually enough.

Remember that...

“Next step will light up after you take the previous one.” - Eben Pagan

Hot to Make Your Goal Specific

If you speak to one the guys in the gym who is going there regularly about his goals the answer you will get most of the time will be something like “I want to get bigger”.

Awesome, how will you achieve that kind of goal? How will you know that you have already achieved it?

See how poor that goal is?

Let’s say you want to get in shape because you are interested in feeling a sense of accomplishment, get respect form your male friends and have the confidence to walk up to women and start conversations.

This would be a great start.

What you need to do next is to research what body shape would help you achieve this pretty specific goal.

Now in this case of getting in shape of having more confidence, respect and positive attention you don’t have to do the research, because I have already done it and teach it in my program “The Peak Physique Transformation Blueprint”, but you get the point.

Once you have a goal like that, you need to figure out what are the steps to get things moving.

In the case of the goal above, you would need to find someone who is focusing on it and teaching that part of the fitness.

When you would have that person (keep it just to one expert, getting more mentors would most likely result in getting confusing and contrary advice since everyone giving a slightly

different advice) you would get the systems, books or coaching programs that are relevant to your goals.

In the case of building a body shape that can help you become more successful in social life, be prod of yourself, gain more confidence and become both physically and mentally strong a muscle building workout plan focused on building this body shape would be number one and if you have some fat to lose you (most people do, in other words, if you don’t see your abs, you are this person) should get a sustainable and flexible fat loss plan for yourself as well.

Since you are reading this report and helping guys build a body like that is what I’ve been doing for the past couple of years then I would like to offer you a chance to get this advice from Muscle Pyramid.

If you will, then I have a great news, because in case of the “The Peak Physique Transformation Blueprint” already mentioned above you get both of those plans - muscle building and fat loss, so you don’t have to worry about getting two separate systems that might not work together.

Summary: How to set up your goals properly?

1. Brainstorm your goals

2. Make it as detailed as possible

3. Add a deadline to it (be realistic)

4. Decide on how you will measure the progress

5. Write down why you want to achieve this goal

6. Write down what steps you need to take to achieve your desired goal

Mistake No.4: Not Measuring Progress

How will you know if you are closer to your goal if you are not measuring progress?

You HAVE TO MEASURE your progress. However, you need to have something to measure.

That means, your goal needs to be specific, detailed and measurable.

For example, you may want to up on 2 inches on your shoulders in next couple of months.

It’s specific – you want to build 2 inches bigger arms. And it’s measurable, because you can take photos to see if you are making progress and you can actually measure the numbers as well by using a measuring tape.

By measuring your progress, you will see if you are progressing and you are doing everything right or if on other hand you are doing something wrong.

If what you are doing is working, you will see some results, and then you will know that you on a right track.

May not be as quick as you want it to be, but every movement forward is still progress, keep that in mind!

How to Track Results If you are serious about transforming your physique you need to start tracking body measurements as well as strength measurements. Best way to do is every time when get home from gym, write down how much you have lifted that day, with how many sets and reps.

Every month you should take a photo of your body from different angles to see how you have changed. Another tool is to measure your body parts, which I recommend to do every month as well. If you are not sure how to take these measurements, just google the tutorials, you will find something at youtube for sure.

If you are trying to put on some muscles, be patient, building a solid muscle mass takes months and years not just three weeks like certain people try to convince you.

However, don’t be say, this great news, because if it was easy and quick, everybody would look great and it wouldn’t be so valuable and beneficial for you. And fact is that you can make a huge transformation in just three or four months!

Mistake No.5: Letting The Gym Overtake Your Life

Gym Rat

You know who they are and how they look. These guys are big and bulky and very dedicated to lifting heavy weights. Regardless of fact that they have probably a lot of fat on their abs, they literally run to the bar after a workout to drink an after-work out shake.

Sometimes they start doing power lifting. And they are definitely not afraid of drugs.

Despite the fact that these guys don’t attend any bodybuilding or power lifting competitions they spend hours in the gym every day.

It’s true that you go to the gym to look better, which means having unshakable confidence and great social life, but like with everything you can always overdo it.

Let me tell you a short story. I know a guy who has been asked out by a hot girl, but he cancelled the dat. Wanna know why? Few hours before date he realized that it interfered with his workout routine and meal timing, so he cancelled the date and went to the gym. I’m pretty sure that it was probably the last time he has talked to that girl.

Don’t build your life around gym; make it the other way around. Life first, gym second.

You can build good looking body without spending your life in the gym.

You should not let one area dominate your whole lifestyle. Often what happens is that people become literally obsessed by one thing and it completely overtakes everything in their life.

The point is to look incredibly good and still have other things going on in your life.

I want to show you something.

If you ask a professional bodybuilder how his typical “off season” day looks like, you would get answer like this one:


• Wake-up

• Eat breakfast


• Eat 2nd meal


• Prepare the workout and next meals


• Work Out


• Eat 3rd meal


• Nap for 60 minutes


• Eat 4th meal


• Work Out


• Eat 5th meal


• Hand out with his trainer


• Go to sleep

If that is something you want then please close this report it‘s not for you.

For those who kept reading, I hope you see the obsession here.

Your activities are reduced to sleeping, eating and working out.

What is the point of it?

Life is not about eating, sleeping and lifting for God’s sake.

Find Your Own Lifestyle

Don’t get one part dominate your life find a balance and don’t let other people dictate you what to do either.

You need to find your own lifestyle that fits you the most.

How much of a financial freedom do you want?

How much women do you want in your life?

How good do you want to look?

How much flexibility do you want?

With whom do you want to hang out with?

How will you contribute to the society?

Answering these questions will determine how will your life look like, fitness is only a part of it.

If you try to make fitness your only priority you will fail, either end up unhappy, because you won’t have anything else going on, or you will fail to get in shape, because you won’t be able to follow some strict diet and insane workout plan.

The secret to success, fulfillment and happiness is in balance. It seems to me that if you let one area dominate your life then there’s no fulfillment, something is missing. So find some balance instead.

What Do You Really Want?

Of course it would be very selfish of me if I told you that this thinking is the best and only possible.

You have choices and you are the one that have to make the decision.

What I teach are my beliefs and how I live my life, if that’s not appealing to you and how you want to live your life then that’s fine with me.

If you decide to go on a path of a professional bodybuilder then be it, it’s your life and I wish you the best. But then what I teach is not for you.

If on the other hand, you want to have unique, happy, fulfilling lifestyle that is compounded from many areas - you are in killer shape, but have it balanced with good job or business and amazing social life then the Muscle Pyramid systems will help you with that.

Mistake No.6: Falling for Some Famous Diet

There is so many myths around us that it’s really hard not to fall for some of them, the worst of them are the fad diets.

People always search for the best diet. I will make this one simple for you. Do you want to know what the best diet is? It's the one that is based on caloric restrictions and works best for you. That's the only one that will help you lose weight and maintain it for the rest of your life. Why? Because, you can lose fat only by restricting energy intake (measured in calories), so your body is forced to tap into it’s energy stores - body fat, for us men, usually around waist.

But fat loss fad diets aren’t the only famous diets guys fall victim to.

Lots of guys think that they can build big muscles just by eating more protein. Well, not really, this helps sell more supplements and protein rich food, but in reality once you start eating your way to bigger muscles you will eat more than you burn, thus you end up gaining fat instead of losing it.

If your goal is lean muscle gain, you will have to focus on working out and not eating. Or do you REALLY (when you give it some serious thought) believe that you will get bigger muscles by eating more protein? I can assure you that it will never happen. Never ever. The secret is in the workout, not in the food. With this being said you obviously still need some protein to build the muscles, just not as much as is advertised.

Mistake No.7: Making Excuses

There is a reason why the vast majority of population is living a boring, average, unhappy, unsuccessful life. It’s called excuse.

I don’t work out, because I don’t have the time.

I don’t go to the gym, because I’m shy.

I can’t lose fat, I have slow metabolism and bad genetics.

I don’t have any money, because I’m not lucky.

These are all just bullshit excuses nothing more.

You are a creator of the success in your life, no one or nothing else!

I seen people with several kids and several jobs get in killer shape, I’ve seen people with serious injuries overcome them and build a great body and great businesses. I personally know two introverts that are dating Czech models (I’m from Czech Republic if you don’t know it yet), hell Steve Jobs build one of the most influential company in modern history from scratch despite his bad financial and health situation.

If you don’t have something in your life, it’s probably because you haven’t worked hard enough to get it and are just making excuses.

If you can be honest with yourself enough to admit it (a few really can) you can overcome your excuses and get closer to your goals.

Just be honest and take a closer look and see where you are making excuses that really are just excuses nothing more.

Mistake No.8: Thinking that Supplements are Magic Pills

It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or if you lifting weights for 10 years you probably take some supplements. Am I right?

Just make a list of all things you put into your mouth that you buy in the supplement store. Do you take Creatine? Protein powders, gainers or BCAA?

What about vitamins, there are essential, aren’t they? And the list goes on. Everything is critical for your muscle growth, fat loss and health of course.

Ask yourself these questions:

How much do you pay for supplements every month?

Is it 100 bucks, 200 bucks, or even more?

What do you get in return?

Do you really get results?

According to Natural Products Foundation the supplement industry contributes to the US economy by more than 60 Billion dollars. I don’t think that anybody can even imagine how much money is that.

Just think for a while, how much money they make just by packaging a couple ingredients.

If you still think that supplements are magic pills that will give you 30 pounds of muscles, look at that number again.

If you look at the claims you could easily end up thinking that they are promoting some drugs like steroids. Well, they are not; they promote simple things like protein and creatine.

Supplements are marketed like steroids and promoted by spokespeople who are often times on steroids. This is something that you won’t probably find in the bodybuilding & fitness magazines, guess why...

On the cover you will find some unnaturally big muscular guy saying: “Buy this and you will look like me in 6 weeks”. Sure you will.

Example would be Christian Boeving.

In the Movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster he was asked what he thinks about people that buy the supplements he promotes:

“If they choose to think that that supplement is the only thing I take to look like that, then so be it, they should be smarter than that.”

(you can google this)

All Pro Bodybuilders and majority of fitness models take drugs and even after the pictures is shot it goes to the editor who spends hours editing it.

Just for fun, here are some other quotes form the movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster:

“I would say that about 80 – 90% I see in magazines is hogwash”

“There are a lot of techniques that I can use to completely manipulate the body.”

“Some before and after pictures can be shot in a same day, I’ve actually done it”

I think you get the picture.

If this scared you a little bit and now you are worrying if it’s even possible to gain muscles naturally, than I can assure you that it certainly is.

You just need a proper workout, dedication and patience.

Mistake No.9: Not Getting Help

For some reason this happens with guys more than girls. I don’t really get why so many guys are afraid of asking for help. Do you want to achieve your goal or not? A smart man knows that he cannot do everything on his own and sometimes (okay maybe more than sometimes) he needs other people to help him, this is how it works.

Here’s a big secret: NO ONE can become successful on his own!

So how is all of this related to fitness?

When you know your goal and purpose, you can set a plan and figure out the strategy. In the case of building muscle, we call that plan a workout.

So like we discussed earlier, first of all you should get and follow a quality and professionally designed workout plan that’s structured in a way to help you achieve your goals and build a specific body shape you are after.

You can get some random, free plan, but it will probably have sloppy structure and won’t get you where you want to.

Workout is one of the most essential things in your path of building a killer body or how I like to call it sometimes - A Peak Physique.

You will not succeed if you try to design the workout by yourself without any knowledge and experience of what muscle groups you should focus on, how many sets and reps you should do, how much rest you should have in between sets, what tempo is the best, what’s the balance between pulling and pushing exercises and other similar key points.

So many guys fail, because they don’t get a proper workout, so don’t underestimate this one. If you are a fan of Muscle Pyramid then I suggest that you try “The Peak Physique Transformation Blueprint”.

The second thing is your fat loss plan. I’m not going to talk about fat loss itself right now, but I want you to know that fat loss plan needs to be simple, without bunch of rules, and it also has to be flexible and sustainable.

If it has bunch of of must follow rules, it’s just too much complicated and you will end up overwhelmed. Fat loss is simple, so don’t overcomplicate things.

It also needs to be flexible, because there are events like weddings or Saturday barbecues or Friday nights out where you will drink and eat a lot and if your diet plan doesn’t account for that, you will not succeed. Food and social eating is a big part of our culture, so we need to bare this in mind when creating our fat loss plans. If you follow some diet that tells you not to eat pork, but you will attend a family social eating event where you can only get pork, what will you do? This wouldn’t be very flexible, which is the reason why diets fail over and over again - not flexible enough.

And your diet plan also needs to be sustainable. It’s true that you can go extreme for a while if you are interested in losing weight quickly however that’s not something you can do for a long time. So, experiment a little bit a find the sweet spot that suit your lifestyle the best and the plan you can follow for long enough to get to your goal - this means finding how many meals per days works best for you, how long do you want to fast every week, how many calories you will consume, what type of food will be best for you and your goals and stuff like that.

Try different things and judge by results, you are your own experiment.

“I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.” - Madonna

Mistake No.10: Comparing Yourself to Others

This is like almost hardwired in our brains. We have the need to constantly compare ourselves to other people. We compare wealth, social status, looks, everything. If we are better, we will get a little ego boost, if we are not we will get frustrated and sometimes even depressed.

Problem is that no matter what you do and who you are, there’s always somebody who is better than you. So it’s just a matter of time until you find somebody who looks better, makes more money or gets more women.

And as a result you will feel bad about yourself and frustrated that you don’t have the same amount of success. I bet that sounds very familiar to you. Hell, some emotionally unstable individuals commit suicide or kill others because of this very thing, so it’s not something that should be treated lightly.

So what can you do to avoid comparing yourself to others and never feel frustrated about this again?

It’s quite easy actually

I learned a very simple technique that prevents me from getting depressed because of other people’s successes and avoid envying them their better skills or achievements.


I only compare my results with myself. If I’m doing better now than I was 5 months ago, then that’s called progress and it doesn’t matter how’s the guy over doing, I don’t care. If I’m not doing better, then I will search for the problem that’s behind my stagnation or plateau and I will do everything in my power to correct this.

Let’s say you are improving your look. What I want you to do is this. If you see somebody who looks better than you, just say to yourself: “This is how I want to look in 2 years.” And leave it there, don’t compare yourself to this person, just take this as an inspiration to what you would like to look like and compare your results only with your other own results.

So if from now on you take monthly pictures with your iPhone, then that’s what you should compare your photos to, not to the guy on a cover of a fitness magazine.

Make sense?

I hope this report has served you well. If you use the information provided in this valuable report then you will get much closer to your goals than ever before.

Watch your inbox for more both free and premium advice.

If you haven’t yet, then please send me your thoughts on this report at support@musclepyramid.com


Vaclav Gregor

Founder, Muscle Pyramidhttp://www.musclepyramid.com/