[10] Features the Network jaNuary - Amazon Web Services · Kardashian’s latest selfie isn’t...


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[10] Features the Network [jaNuary 2015]

Selfies, throwbacks and hashtags, oh my!Instagram has changed the game

when it comes to sharing and editing photos. The app offers 24 different filters that users can choose from to make their photos turn pro. Instagram was introduced in October of 2010, and now has more than 300 million users.

Unlike Facebook or Flickr, Instagram allows users to follow their favorite celebrities to see what they are up to.

Keep in mind that these celebs who are Instagram-ing every second of their lives also have access to

professional hair and makeup, which totally defeats the purpose of a filter.

Chances are, looking at Kim Kardashian’s latest selfie isn’t going to do great things for one’s self esteem.

Despite these high standards that teenage girls face, only 11 percent of 132 surveyed Marian girls said they consistently edit their photos.

“Kelvin is my favorite because I have sunglasses that make everything look like the filter,” senior Julia Tatten said.

Now the question of whether or not photo editing is appropriate has risen. Hashtags such as #nofilter and #beoriginal were created to empower

Instagrammers to not edit their photos.

Freshman Molly Miller is one of the girls at Marian who commonly uses filters. “I use filters because I’m pale in the winter,” Miller said.

To others, adding a filter is never an option. Out of the 132 Marian girls surveyed, 15 percent or 23 girls said that they don’t use Instagram filters.

People don’t need to edit their photos to be beautiful. Lots of Marian girls seem to agree that a filter is unnecessary when posting a picture on social media. More than 71% of surveyed students say that a filter on pictures is unnecessary.

This percentage poses the question of whether or not girls think filters actually are necessary or if they are simply following a social trend.

Marian alum Conner Rensch ‘07 started her own social trend on Monday Jan. 6 when she came to speak to Marian girls. She challenged students to post an Instagram picture with no makeup, no hairstyling and no filter. Join the movement to prove that Marian girls are beautiful without photo editing. Post an all-natural selfie with #Iamenough in the caption and tag Conner (@crensch). Then challenge five friends to do the same.

emilybashus & blairkellner Models identified online. Photo illustration by sarahmullen



Sarah MullenOmaha Marian - A

PhotoIllustrationHeadline out of Intagram filters