10 Essential Tools for Transformation


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  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    The Standard American Diet (SAD), which is high in processed foods, sugar,

    and animal products like meat and dairy, is very acidic. These foods not only

    have a direct affect on your physical health (obesity, heart disease, diabetes

    and cancer), but on your emotional and spiritual wellbeing as well.

    When you eat lighter, more alkaline foods such as green vegetables, some

    fruits, nuts and seeds, and whole grains, and drink alkaline water, you raiseyour vibrational frequency and open up both your creative channels and your

    connection to the divine.

    Eating a high quantity of animal products like meat and dairy contributes to

    lower level emotions and thoughts dominating your mind, like worry, anxiety,

    stress, anger and depression. When you transition to a more plant based diet,

    high in raw, living foods, you detoxify your body, your mind and your soul.

    Your thoughts and emotions become more positive and loving, you feel better

    about yourself and typically that translates into being more loving and

    compassionate towards others. You are able to handle stressful situations with

    much more grace and ease when eating a clean, plant based diet.

    Transitioning to a plant based diet high in raw, living foods is a process and it

    takes time, effort and support, but rest assured the benefits are well worth the

    effort. With the help of a coach, you can make the changes gradually, at a

    pace you are comfortable with. For example, I work with my clients in

    individual classes, 6 week sessions and 12 week sessions depending on their


    Sta r t o u t s l o w l y and commit to one or two changes that you know you can

    make before introducing any others. Commit to adding more green vegetables

    into your diet or drinking one green smoothie or green juice per day. Once you

    have mastered that and it has become a part of your daily routine, then choose

    another goal such as adding one large, substantial salad into your day. Or

    perhaps start with the goal of drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day.



  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    As you introduce more nutrient dense, healthy foods into your diet, they start

    to crowd out the less healthy choices until you eventually completely lose

    your desire for them. Amazing how nature works!

    Set yourself up for success! I f y o u t r y t o m a k e t o o m a n y c h an g e s a t o n c e,you a re l i ke l y to end fee l ing l i ke a fa i lu re and re tu rn t o you r o l d w ays .

    Imagine a bucket filled with water. Now add some sand into it and stir it

    around. The water looks all cloudy and agitated. Allow the bucket to sit and be

    still for a few minutes and the sand settles to the bottom, leaving clear water.


    The constant chatter going on in your mind causes you to miss out on what is

    going on in your present life. If your mind is filled with worry or anxiety, you

    are living in the past or future, rather than the present. When you make a habit

    of investing the time to quiet these thoughts and practice being present it

    enables you to think more clearly, be more productive throughout the day, and

    approach your tasks from a place of inner wisdom and mindfulness.

    Consistently quieting your mind will reduce your reaction to stressful situations

    and will eventually cultivate an inner feeling of peace and calm.

    Sta r t o f f sma l l . Commit to five minutes out of your day. Sit quietly, close

    your eyes, focus on your breathing, and just be present in your body, in the

    moment. Once you have mastered the 5 minutes in the morning, add in

    another 5 minutes and continue to do so until you are meditating for 20

    minutes consistently each morning. It takes only 21 days to form a new habit,

    so if you can stick with it for 21 days, it will become part of your daily routine.

    An easy meditation to begin with is to sit comfortably, either in a chair with

    your feet touching the floor or sitting cross-legged on the floor with a straightspine. Close your eyes and place your hands on the tops of your knees. Slowly

    inhale and watch with your minds eye the breath rising from the base of your

    spine, moving gradually upwards, through each chakra, until it reaches the

    crown of your head, then slowly exhale and watch the breath move down the

    back of the spine, from the crown to the base of the spine.

    After taking 3 or 4 breaths like this, keeping your awareness on the breath, add

    in a mantra. On each inhale repeat I belong to love and on each exhale I am

    safe in the universe (or substitute mantras of your own). The mantras will


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    keep your attention focused throughout the meditation, preventing your mind

    from straying. If you do find that thoughts start to enter your mind, just

    acknowledge their presence, release them, and bring your awareness back to

    your breath, your life force.

    Over time, with a consistent meditation practice, you will find that your sleep

    becomes more restful, your productivity increases, your ability to handle stress

    improves greatly and your creative channels open. I have clients who report

    back to me that meditation has transformed their lives! They are sleeping

    better, being more productive at work, and dealing with interpersonal issues

    from a much calmer place. They have learned through meditation how to

    reprogram how they react in certain situations.

    The ultimate goal of yoga is to quiet the mind and to reach a state of

    enlightenment. Rather lofty goals for a newcomer, but dont let that prevent

    you from embarking on what very well could be a life changing course.

    Most Westerners are initially drawn to yoga for the physical benefits. Who

    doesnt want a yogis body? Strong, flexible, muscles, toned abs, impeccable

    posture and a youthful visage. The secret most seasoned yogis know is that

    even though you may begin a yoga practice to get more flexible and to prevent

    or correct certain physical injuries, what keeps people coming back is the

    emotional, mental and spiritual benefits of the practice.

    In India, yoga is very different that here in the United States. The emphasis is

    more on breathing (pranayama) and the meditative aspects of this ancient

    practice rather than the physical postures. Culturally, we are quite different

    than India and thus, our approach to yoga is quite different as well. We are a

    type A nation and attack our yoga mats as we do our lives, with gusto and

    competitiveness, which explains the rising popularity of gym yoga andsweaty, aggressive styles of yoga such as Bikrim and Hot Yoga.

    The end result is that more and more people are getting introduced to the

    deep, spiritual practice of yoga, just in a round about way. Yoga has a way of

    sucking you in. Once youve walked out of that first yoga class and you feel a

    lightness to your step that has been missing for years, or you feel an inch or

    two taller, you become hooked and want more. Its like a drug. The more you

    experience the high, the more you want it.crave itabsolutely need it in your

    very bones.


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    Thats the way I feel about yoga. My love affair with yoga began in a gym

    when I blindly walked into a yoga class, not knowing anything about it. I

    though it was all mellow stretching and breathing and thought I would give it a

    try. (There was nothing else on the schedule at the gym that morning!). WhatI encountered was far from what I expected. I couldnt even do half of the

    poses, but I walked out of there feeling like a completely different person that

    when I walked in. I was instantly hooked! Flash forward ten years and Im

    now teaching yoga at the very same gym where I was initially introduced to it,

    loving every minute of it and never underestimating the responsibility that goes

    into introducing newcomers to the practice.

    I f you have neve r p rac t i ced yoga , s ta r t s l ow ly and g radua l l y . If you

    cant attend a class at a local gym or yoga studios, find one online or purchase

    a DVD. There are more options than ever today to being your own practice.Even just fifteen minutes upon waking and/or going to bed will make a

    noticeable difference not only in the way you feel physically, but emotionally

    and mentally. You will be able to handle stress easier, sleep better, focus

    better at work or in school, and it will enhance your creativity as well.

    Personally, I look at my life in two distinct segments: before I began practicing

    yoga and after. Yoga completely changed my life and put me on the path to

    where I am now. It continues to grow and enrich my life as I deepen my own

    practice and improve my teaching skills and I look forward to seeing where it

    takes me in the future.

    Deep breathing exercises tend to accompany most styles of yoga and can be

    practiced before and/or after yoga. They are beneficial if done even for a few

    minutes. In moments of extreme stress, stopping and taking a few deep

    breaths can help you to reset and reprogram your reaction to the stressfulsituation.

    Most people tend to take very shallow breaths throughout the day never fully

    allowing oxygen to get to their cells. Your b r ea th i s you r l i f e fo rceyou are

    literally breathing life into your cells. By breathing deeply and fully, you not

    only oxygenate your cells, but can also slow down your heart beat, lower high

    blood pressure and reduce anxiety.


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    Before going to sleep at night, lie flat on your back with your eyes closed

    placing one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Slowly inhale

    through your stomach first, feeling it rise. Once it is full allow the breath to

    enter your chest area, feeling it too rise. Upon completion of a full inhale,

    retain the breath for a few moments and then slowly exhale through the chestcavity first and then the stomach. Retain the exhale before slowly beginning

    the cycle again. Inhale stomach then chestexhale chest then stomach.

    Repeat this cycle several times to reach a deep state of rest and relaxation.

    Its an unfortunate fact of modern day life that when finances or time gets

    tight, we cut back on those things we deem to be non essential in our life such

    as our gym or yoga membership, massages, pedicures and the like. In

    actuality taking time to care for and nurture yourself is not a luxuryits a

    necessity. You will be a better wife, mother, friend, etc. when you feel nurtured

    and are practicing self-love.

    Get creativecarve out time during your lunch hour, when the kids are

    napping, or before everyone wakes up. Say no to commitments that arent

    going to bring joy into your life and use that time to go for a walk or write in

    your journal instead. Get your morning run in even if the laundry is piled sky

    high. You will be in a better frame of mind to tackle lifes mundane chores if

    youve had the chance to clear your head and get those endorphins going.

    I challenge you to take at least a half hour every day this week to do something

    for yourselfwhatever it is that brings you pleasure. Write it in your daily

    planner and make it a priority. Personally, I plan my yoga and tennis schedule

    for the week before I schedule any client appointments. Those activities take

    priority over my work commitments. If I neglect them, I end up feeling anxiety

    and tension and do a disservice to my clients and family alike since I am not

    fully present when I am with them if I have neglected my own needs. It mayseem selfish to the uninitiated, but my work ends up getting done, and I am

    more productive when I put my own needs first. (Think of the rule on the

    airplane---place the air mask on YOUR face firstTHEN your childs! Keep this

    concept in mind as you go through your week).

    Try it for a week and you will seeyoull not only feel better, but you will be

    better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    Some easy self-care rituals anyone can incorporate into their life:

    A r o m a th e r a p y b a th ssprinkle sea salts and some aromatherapyessential oils into a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. This releasestoxins, relaxes sore, tired muscles and enables you to sleep better.

    Dry b rush ing : before getting into the shower or tub, dry brush yourskin in upward sweeping motions to stimulate the flow of blood,

    remove toxins from your skin and give your lymphatic system a boost.

    Turn off the computer, tv and phone and sit in a comfortable chair witha cup of herbal tea and read a book. Even if it is for only 10

    minutesfeel the tension leave your body with each page you turn.

    Take a w a l kanywhere you happen to be, you can find the time tounplug and walk in nature. Its rejuvenating!

    Self massageschedule and finances dont always allow for a trip tothe spa, but you can always find a few moments to give yourself a

    neck or foot massage. Use a tennis ball under your feet or your back

    to work out knots or just use your hands to relax tight muscles and

    relieve tension.

    Call a friend you havent spoken to in a while who always makes youlaugh. A good be l l y laugh re l ieves tens ion l i ke no t h ing e lse !

    The simple act of practicing gratitude can have a profound effect on your life.

    At first it may be difficult to find things to be grateful for if you are going

    through a challenging time, but gradually you will be able to fill pages with

    things you are grateful for. The ve ry ac t o f be ing g ra te fu l a t t rac ts more

    pos it i ve expe r i ences i n to you r l i f e .

    No matter how dire the circumstances are, there is always someone, someplace

    who is worse off than you. Keep your focus on what IS working and those

    things will begin to expand. Start with basics such as being grateful for the sun

    rising and setting each day, for all the wonders of nature that surround you and

    work in perfect harmony with one another, and go from there. Express

    gratitude for both the good and the bad...be grateful for the nagging feeling of

    angst that brought you here, in search of something more in your life, some

    sort of fulfillment you cant quite put words to yet.


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    Both the positive and negative experiences you have had in your life have

    contributed to making you who you are today and to will help you to discover

    ultimately why you are here. So be grateful for ALL of your life experiences to

    date. Without them, you would not be where you are in your life.

    A g ra t i tu de p ract i ce i s the s imp les t t oo l o f a l l t o beg in w i th . You can

    write your gratitude in a journal, speak it out loud in the shower, or say in

    silently in your head on your walk. Indulge in the ritual of expressing heartfelt

    gratitude and feel your emotions lift and a lightness enter your heart. Notice

    how your outlook becomes more positive and your interactions with others filled

    more with compassion and love.

    Continue this simple practice and watch doors start to open, opportunities

    present themselves to you, and solutions to seemingly insurmountableproblems appear out of nowhere.

    Be grateful every step of the way as you journey through this lifetime.

    Staying in the present moment takes practice. Our natural tendency is to live

    in the past or the future, either recalling or rehashing things that have

    happened to us in the past or spending time anxiously worrying about events

    that have yet to occur in the future.

    By staying in the present moment, you turn off your thinking mind and just let

    life happen. Let it unfold as it is meant to, keeping your trust and faith in God

    and in the process.

    Yoga and meditation help to cultivate the practice of staying present by training

    the mind to stop the chatter and just be still.

    This isnt easy, especially if you are a Type A personality, constantly on the go

    and very task or goal oriented. To sit and just BE seems lazyseems to lack

    motivation and drive. Ironically, the more time you spend being present and

    still, the more productive you end up being. Your mind works more efficiently

    when it has had a chance to settle.

    If you are spending a lot of time worrying, or trying to figure out the solution to

    a problem, you will remain stuck. If you just let go, detach yourself and not

    7 . BE PRESENT

  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    worry about the how to of the situation, the solution will work itself out in

    unexpected ways. You need to have faith in the process and get out of your

    own way.

    Quiet the mind and allow the rest to unfold. There is a divine pan at work thatwe know little to nothing about. The more resistance we give to the changes

    that are happening to and around us, the slower the process of transformation

    becomes. Be open and receptive to receiving all the good the universe has in

    store for you. Stay present .

    Holding onto resentment and anger can ruin the quality of your life. Believe

    me, I know this from experience! Blaming yourself or others for past mistakes

    does not help in the healing process. It only adds to the layers of anger and

    resentment that reside within you. Criticizing or blaming yourself, or another,

    for circumstances or events in your life keeps your energy blocked and prevents

    you from moving forward, from reaching your fullest potential.

    Know that you a re 100% responsib le fo r how you expe r i ence you r l i f e .

    Nobody is holding you back or preventing you from living the life you dream ofexcept YOU.

    That can be a tough pill to swallow. The first time my therapist told me that I

    was taken aback. But, what about, But, he said, But, he did, etc,

    etc. The buts kept spewing out of my mouth. It took hearing his words a few

    times, well maybe more than a few times, for it to finally take root and for me

    to acknowledge deep in my soul that nobody was to blame for me not living up

    to my potentialnobody, except myself that is. And harder yet has been to

    stop all the self-blame, guilt and criticism that has been my go-to behavior for

    as long as I can remember. This pattern was created in early childhood andhas followed me through to present daythe pattern of putting others needs

    before my own, of taking on the role of feeling responsible for how others feel

    and feeling guilty when I dont please them.

    This pattern of self-blame, guilt and criticism represents a roadblock between

    your current state of being and that of your higher selfs fullest potential. If

    you keep blaming yourself or others for mistakes, flaws, imperfections and

    tragic events that have occurred in your life, you will remain stuck.


  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    To we l come pos i t i ve f l ow i n to you r l i f e , you mus t fo rg i ve . Forgive

    yourself. Forgive your spouse. Forgive your parents. Forgive whomever you

    are holding anger and resentment towards. You may need to dig deep to

    discover who that is. You may not even realize just how much anger andresentment resides within you until you start digging. Releasing these feelings

    through practicing forgiveness, meditating and journaling, releases energetic

    blocks in your chakras and deepens your connection to the divine.

    Synchronistic events start to occur more frequently, and flow begins to

    happen in your life.

    We are all spiritual beings, perfect just as we are, unique, divinely created

    individuals loved by God and created in his likeness. Unfortunately, most

    people dont see themselves that way. They see only the imperfections they

    perceive to exist and berate their self, trying to overcome these so called flawsas they strive towards some ideal they believe will make them feel happy and

    fulfilled once reached.

    This attempt is misguided; you are perfect as you are. Forgive yourself for past

    actions and behavior. You did the best you could with the knowledge and

    wisdom that you had at the time. Forgive others for what did or didnt do to

    you in the past. Forgive and move on. Move forward. Know your truth and

    dont compromise. Stay true to yourself always. The universe will respond by

    fully supporting your efforts and bringing the positive flow of abundance into

    your life, but it all starts with forgiveness.

    Try th i s s imp le fo rg i veness med i ta t i on . Sit comfortably with your eyes

    closed and your spine straight. Bring your awareness to the base of your spine.

    As you slowly inhale, watch the breath move from the base of your spine

    upwards until you reach the crown of your head. As you are inhaling repeat the

    mantra I forgive myself. Once you reach the crown of your head slowly begin

    to exhale, watching the breath move from the crown of your head down the

    back of your spine until you again reach the base of the spine. Repeat the

    mantra I love myself as you exhale. Continue to repeat this cycle of inhaling

    and exhaling mindfully while repeating those two mantras for ten to fifteenminutes.

    Even if you dont fully believe the mantra in the beginning, the words and

    intention will have an impact. You will feel more peaceful afterwards. This

    simple yet powerful exercise can be applied towards another person whom you

    wish to practice forgiveness towards as well.

  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    Da i l y j ou rna l i ng i s a way o f re l eas ing unexp ressed emot i ons . Your

    journal is a place to write any thoughts or feelings you are experiencing,

    without fear of judgment or ridicule. This is not a place to worry about

    sentence structure or grammar, or what someone else will think about you

    when they read it. It is a place to work out your inner struggles. Oftentimes

    just putting the words on paper has a therapeutic effect. I consider it talk

    therapy. The very act of getting the words out of you can have a healing effect

    on your psyche.

    Keep your journal safe so you can write freely, without holding back. Whether

    you write with pen to paper or on a computer doesnt matter. The best times

    of day to journal is immediately upon waking, directly after meditating or right

    before going to sleep at night.

    Journal about anything you are feeling, regardless of whether you deem it to be

    petty or insignificant. If you are feeling something, it is never insignificant.

    Dont even go back and re-read what you wrote. Just write. Get the words

    out. Your journal is a safe outlet, free from criticism with no right or wrong

    answers. If you are fearful that the words will be read, then rip the pages out

    after youve written themyou will have still received the benefit of having

    written them. Regular journaling helps to manage and reduce the stress in

    your life by allowing you to release pent up emotion, which leads to resentment

    and anger if kept inside.

    Buy yourself a beautiful journal and pen, and set aside a special spot in the

    house or outside that is your journaling place. Just stepping into that space will

    begin to get the emotions and words flowing out of you. You will begin to know

    your true self and what your higher self desires by writing from your heart.

    Be ing ou ts i de i n na tu re connec ts you w i th the d i v i ne . I say my prayers

    of gratitude as I am walking my dogs, breathing the fresh air deeply into my

    lungs. Practice being present when you are outside in naturequiet your mind

    and bring your awareness to the wonder of what exists around you. Observe

    the trees swaying gently in the breeze, smell the fragrance of the flowers that



  • 7/29/2019 10 Essential Tools for Transformation


    Copy r igh t 2 0 1 2 Car o l Ga lan t y , Add r ess: P.O. Box 1 0 5 1 ,East Quogue, NY 119 42

    Tel: 631-235-3816 Email: carol@GetSomeZen.com www.getsomezen.com

    are blooming and hear the sounds of the birds, or just tune in and listen to the


    Whenever possible, remove your shoes and walk barefoot, grounding yourself,

    connecting to the living pulse of the earth, or sit with your spine against thetrunk of a tree. Slow down and really connect with the divine force of nature

    and know that we are all one consciousness, connected to every other human

    being on this planet and connected to the planet Earth herself.

    Feel free to combine many of these toolswrite in your journal as you sit under

    a tree; say your prayers of gratitude as you walk through the woods; turn your

    yoga practice into a moving meditation; do deep breathing exercises as you get

    a pedicure.

    Be creativemake it your own. Stress exists in everyones life.There is no

    way to completely eliminate it, but you CAN learn to manage and reduce it.

    Two people can experience the exact same stressful situation, but choose to

    react to it in completely different ways. One can react calmly and under control

    and the other can explode in anger and rage and feel extreme anxiety.

    Your l i f e w i l l t r ans fo rm once you adop t these too l s.

    The choice is yours! Are you willing to do what it takes to live the life you
