10 a 5 insider secrets for increasing sales & profits




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© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com

5 Linkedin Expert Insider Secrets For Increasing Sales & Profits

By Dr. Mark D. Yateswww.elinked.eu

Linkedin Expert 5 Insider Secrets #1

#1: Sell yourself first before you try to sell your products & services.

Every person making a buying decision is looking for answers to 4

basic questions from you:

I. Are we getting the right solution?

II. Can the vendor really do it?

III. Is it a fair price?

IV. Will it deliver a good return on our investment?

© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Linkedin Expert 5 Insider Secrets #2

• #2: Increase Your Linkedin Business Contact Network.

1. Join physical attendance networks.

2. Join online business networks.

3. Join social media web sites like Linkedin.

© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Linkedin Expert 5 Insider Secrets #3

#3: Sell More Every Linkedin Expert will tell you that in any business there are only two ways to increase profit.

1: Sell more. 2: Cut costs. Everything you need to sell more

is available via Linkedin

© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Linkedin Expert 5 Insider Secrets #4

#4: Cut CostsIn any business there are only two ways to increase profit.

1: Sell More. 2: Cut Costs. Everything you need to identify

about how to cut costs & sell more is available via Linkedin

© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Linkedin Expert 5 Insider Secrets #5

#5: Identify Complimentary Revenue Generation Streams

Most business owners, CEO’s & MD’s are too busy working in their business instead of on their business.

They fail to recognise or capitalise on many other opportunities for complimentary revenue generation streams.

Lots of complimentary revenue generation schemes can be identified on Linkedin.

© Mark D. Yates. T: UK. 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Contact Us Today

© 2013 Dr. Mark D. Yates. T: UK 0843 155 0008 E: drmarkdyates@aol.com


Contact our UK office todayLink Business Marketing LtdT: UK 0843 155 0008T: UK (0) 151 721 9078E: drmarkdyates@aol.comW: www.elinked.eu

Key Words & Key Phrases Used In This Presentation

To enable clients & customers to find me easily & quickly, I have search engine optimised the following key words & key phrases relevant to me, my Linkedin profile and the professional services I provide .

Linkedin Trainer Independent & Social Media & Business Networking Relevant:linkedin expert, linkedin trainer, linkedin mentor, linkedin experts, linkedin specialist, linkedin instructor, linkedin advisor, linkedin guru, linkedin training, linkedin coach, linkedin consultant, linkedin speaker, business networking, lion, top networker, power networker, business networking specialist, business networking expert, social media specialist, black belt networker, black belt power networker, power networking, social networks, affiliate marketing, network marketing, lead generation, databases, linkedin film production, linkedin writing, linkedin articles, linkedin profile scripts, linkedin videos, linkedin screenplays, linkedin expert business mentor, linkedin specialist business networking, linkedin trainer corporate events, linkedin instructor business support, linkedin coach web site development, linkedin consultant ecommerce, linkedin guru social media, search engine optimisation,

Business Relevant: business, business development director, ceo, business growth specialist, management consultant, business advisor, business consultant, business mentors, business investment, iib, business angels, entrepreneurs, venture capital, Institute for Independent Business International IIB, Linkedin Training & Executive Coaching, management consultant & linkedin instructor, management advisor & linkedin coach, business threat management & linkedin consultant, business crisis management & linkedin trainer, business continuity & linkedin training, corporate consultant & linkedin expert, management consulting & linkedin specialist, linkedin expert article submission, business growth & linkedin instructor specialist articles, iib & linkedin consultant, executive management & linkedin advisor, change management & linkedin trainer, event management & linkedin training, risk management & linkedin coach, public speaking & linkedin expert, public relations & linkedin specialist,

Security Relevant: security, security director, security expert, security consultant, close protection, british american security expert, dr mark d yates, mafia, security consulting, security business mentor, protective service director, executive protection director, close protection instructor, swat instructor, counter terrorism consultant, security directors, business intelligence, security experts, business consultants, security consultants, close protection, bodyguards, business advisors, close protection instructors, bodyguard instructors, counter terrorism, intelligence agencies, close protection advisor, anti mafia task force instructor, counter terrorist advisor, counter kidnap for ransom advisor, corporate travel security advisor, law enforcement trainer, firearms trainer, close quarter battle instructor, use of force instructor, linkedin advisor bodyguard updates, security management & linkedin consultant, physical security & linkedin advisor, security advisor & linkedin expert, security trainer & linkedin guru, corporate security & linkedin advisor, security audits & linkedin trainer, close protection & linkedin guru articles,

© Elinked W: www.elinked.eu