1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die. RULES 2. Click ? for question, click the...


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1. You must answer a question correctly to roll the die.


2. Click “?” for question, click the question for the answer.

3. Extra ? Space means you have to answer another question or go back to where you were.

4. Trade Spaces means you can switch places with any other team (or not if you’re in the lead.)


5. Roll Again means you can simply roll again without answering a question.

6. Exact roll is not needed to finish.

A place where a freshwater river empties into the ocean is called ___.


I am very hot during the day and cold at night. I get very little rain. What biome am I?


How is the surface of the ocean different than the water at the deepest part?

The deeper you go, the colder and darker it is. The surface is warmer and gets more light.

Why do you see few plants on the floor of the rainforest?

The canopy blocks much of the sun from reaching the ground.

What biome am I?


An area where waves and tides reach the shore is called the ___.

Intertidal Zone

How are plants in the tundra adapted to growing on ground that is permanently frozen?

They have roots that grow just below the surface, and they grow low to the ground.

I am a bison (buffalo). What biome would you find me in?


I am the land biome with the greatest diversity of life. Which biome am I?

Tropical Rainforest

Which biome would you find permafrost?


I am a biome that has many many evergreen trees like spruce, pine and fir trees.


An area of deep water where most animal and plant organisms live at the surface is the ___.

Open Ocean Zone

Name 4 bodies of freshwater ecosystems.

Lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, swamps, marshes

Which biome?

Tropical Rainforest

What are the 3 ocean zones from the shallowest to the deepest?

Intertidal, Near Shore, Open Ocean

The trees in my biome have needles that have a waxy covering to help them from losing water.


What biome am I?


A region where annual patterns of rainfall, temperature and sunlight are similar throughout is called a ____.

Climate Zone

What biome am I?


What biome am I?


My trees have leaves that often change color and fall off in the winter. What biome am I?

Deciduous Forest

An area of calm water, constant temperatures and much algae growing is called the ___.

Near-shore Zone

I mostly am covered by grasses with long, slender leaves. Large herbivores like elephants or buffalo graze on me. What biome am I?


My waters are usually calm, I help prevent coastal flooding and erosion, and I am one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth. What biome am I?


Where do plants and animals of the desert sometimes get water when it hasn’t rained for a long time?

From dew that forms on plants in the morning.

What biome am I?

Deciduous Forest

What biome am I?


What biome am I?


The END!Study Hard!
