1 The Marketplace Viral Marketing Strategy May 2, 2007 eBay Leslie Drate & Robert Chatwani World...


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The Marketplace

Viral Marketing StrategyMay 2, 2007

eBayLeslie Drate & Robert Chatwani

World of GoodPriya Haji, Matt Levinthal & Siddharth Sanghvi

HaasIris Rave & Jeff Denby


• Project Scope • Executive Summary of Recommendations• Overview of Viral Tactics• Phases I-IV• Tools for Implementation• Key Learnings• Q & A


Project Scope


• eBay and World of Good have partnered to build a new, socially-conscious marketplace, beginning with handcrafted artisan goods from around the world.

• The Marketplace goal is to establish the world’s most prominent values-oriented marketplace that creates measurable economic opportunity for the poor.

Our Challenge

• Develop a viral marketing strategy for The Marketplace to reach early adopters in an authentic and cost-effective manner.



Executive Summary of Recommendations

• Apply grassroots marketing efforts to drive traffic to The Marketplace.

• Develop an Ambassadors Program that engages the most passionate users with special benefits and empowers them with tools to spread the word.

• Organic growth and authenticity are the key pillars for success.

6Overview of Viral Tactics

Phase 2

Users self select to become


Phase 3

The Ambassador Program

Phase 4Spread the word

Phase 1

Drive traffic and induce trial

Pre-Launch Phase

Invite 20-30 LOHAS Thought-Leaders to become Featured

Ambassadors. Invite 1000+ to become Regular


7Phase 1 – Drive Traffic and Induce Trial

Target Consumer Groups:

1) Online LOHAS Thought Leaders

• Online Channels – targeted advertising and PR such as blogs, social websites, online magazines.

• Offline Channels - targeted cultural and green festivals, international and domestic newspapers, magazines, radio.

2) World of Good buyers

• Targeted contact with WOG’s database of buyers through WOG website, e-newsletter, point-of-sale, festivals.

3) Current eBay artisan good buyers

• Targeted launch announcement to top eBay artisan good buyers.


What is an Ambassador?

An Ambassador is a user who is passionate about the mission and values of The Marketplace and wants to share it with others.

The Marketplace engages Ambassadors with special benefits and empowers them with tools to spread the word.

Phase 2 – Users self select to become Ambassadors


Case Example: Method


The Method Advocacy Program



13Key Best Practices from Method Program

Appear Inclusive

• Everyone who applies becomes an Advocate:

• Selected Tier 1 Advocates receive product kits to hand out to friends

• Tier 2 Advocates receive the e-newsletter

Appeal to the Ego

• Advocate photograph and profile on the website• First to try new products


• Short and specific• Acknowledge that Advocates hold the power to spread the word

14Phase 3 – The Ambassador Program

Tier 1: Featured Ambassadors

Selection criteria:

• World traveler

• Women 35-60 yrs old

• Leaders of local community organizations

• Involved with seller organizations

• Online buyers

• Understanding of The Marketplace mission

• Passion and enthusiasm for the marketplace

Tier 2: Ambassadors

All applicants are accepted to become Ambassadors

15Ambassador Benefits

Tier 1: Featured Ambassadors

• Monthly e-newsletter• Free/discounted tickets to green festivals and conferences• First to learn of new products and features and invited to share feedback • Invited to participate in web-casts to meet featured artisans• Opportunity to recommend new artisans• Invited to participate in online chats about related topics•Ability to communicate with other Ambassadors• Invited to write on the blog with password

Tier 2: Ambassadors

Receive monthly e-newsletter

16Featured Ambassadors section on website

• Ability to search Featured Ambassadors by:

– Name

– Countries visited

– Artisan goods segments (jewelry, clothing, etc.)

• Rotating photos of Featured Ambassadors with link to full profile page

• Featured Ambassador login

• Featured Ambassador Profile page:

– Responses to application questions

– Photos from recent travels with link to purchase products from that area on the site

– Encourage Featured Ambassadors to share photos of markets they have recently visited along with stories of their experiences.

17Tools for Ambassadors to spread the word

Tier 1: Featured Ambassadors

• Five coupons for $5 off shipping to pass on to friends with 30-day expiration date.

• Coupons for $5 off shipping during major holiday seasons to share with friends with 30-day expiration date.

Tier 2: Ambassadors

Low cost collateral items such as buttons, stickers and postcards

18Phase 4 – Spread the word

Vehicles for all users to spread the word

• After product purchase, user can send image of product with artisan story to a friend.• Product reviews; Featured Ambassadors reviews will link to their profile.• Artisan videos.• E-postcards with stories and photos of artisans.• Greeting cards to go with gifts purchased on the site. Includes story of an artisan.• E-Gift cards. Includes story of an artisan.• E-greeting cards for special occasions. Includes story of an artisan matched to the

occasion (i.e. mother artisan for Mother’s Day)

Ambassadors use their tools to spread the word



Tools for Implementation

Phase Task How Why When Resources Required


Develop infrastructure and collateral for Ambassador Program and secure intial group of Ambassadors.

World of Good develops relationships with

prospective Ambassadors and invites targeted

individuals to become Featured Ambassadors.

To engage early adopters and generate momentum for The Marketplace and

the Ambassador Program prior to public launch.

May - September 2007

World of Good staff, $750 for shipping coupons,

$1,300 for collateral for Ambassadors

Phase 1

Raise awareness of The Marketplace among target consumer groups through

online and offline channels.

Online and offline venues described in Haas recommendations.

Drive traffic and induce trial.

Q4 2007 and beyond as deemed necessary.

$300,000 for advertising in all channels, $12,500 for registration and collateral for events, Program Staff

Phase 2Users self select to

become Ambassadors.Users complete online

Ambassador application.

Users are inspired by mission and purpose of

The Marketplace and want to share it with others.

Ongoing None

Phase 3

Review Ambassador applications, divide into two

tiers and provide Ambassadors with tools to

spread the word.

Refer to criteria outlined in Haas recommendations.

Engage and empower the most passionate buyers to

spread the word.Ongoing IT and Program Staff

Phase 4

Continue to engage Ambassdors with special

benefits and empower Ambassadors with tools to

spread the word.

Refer to benefits and tools in Haas recommendations.

To keep momentum of The Marketplace going and

continually increase traffic, trial and repeat purchases.


$287,000 for tools to spread the word (i.e.

artisan videos, greeting cards, holiday shipping coupons), $20,000 for


Project Task List & Timeline


Tools for Implementation


$5 Shipping Coupons 750 Collateral for Ambassadors 1,300

Total Pre-Launch Costs 2,050

Post-Launch (first 12 months)

$5 Holiday Shipping Coupons 25,000 $5 Shipping Coupons 25,000 Advertising - Offline 150,000 Advertising - Online 150,000 Artisan Videos 12,000 Collateral for Ambassadors 110,300 Collateral for Events 10,000 Greeting Cards 250,000 Product Development of Ambassador Site 60,000 Registration for Events 2,500 Staff (1.5 full-time employees) 150,000 Web-Casts 20,000

Total Post-Launch Costs (first 12 months) 964,800


Project Budget


Tools for Implementation

Key Metric Categories

Advertising Artisan Videos# Media mentions # Artisan Videos forwarded# Blog mentionsAdvertising-induced trial Coupons

# Coupons redeemed (holiday and regular)Ambassadors# Featured Amabassadors Collateral & Events# Regular Ambassadors Event-induced trial (measured immediately post-event)# Ambassador visits to site# Ambassador purchases Greeting Cards/E-Postcards/E-Gift CardsAverage dollar amount of Ambassador purchases # Cards sent in each categoryAmbassador-induced trialVisitor conversion to Ambassadors through other Ambassadors Web-Casts

Web-cast attendance

23Key Learnings

Team: Iris & Jeff

• Viral marketing best practices

• Synergies of corporate partnerships

• Deep understanding of LOHAS consumer

eBay & World of Good

• Actionable viral marketing program

• Fresh perspective on The Marketplace


A viral marketing strategy needs to be well planned but cannot be forced – it needs to be authentic and organic with a strong hook that induces trial and inspires the user to spread the word.


25What about Poaching?

1) These are the most likely users

2) These are the most likely people to become Ambassadors

- Already avid eBay users

- Already purchase artisan goods

3) Best conduit to spread the word and have high credibility

- Have unique story to tell about experience related to eBay

4) If the marketplace is a superior site to find artisan goods, these users will migrate to The Marketplace anyway.

- Why not harness this potential early and kick-start the viral marketing?

5) These users are unlikely to substitute artisan goods for other products on eBay

26Messaging Example for Artisan Marketplace

Imagine sustaining cultures, traditions and environmental conditions while empowering women, providing children with a childhood and people around the world with a sense of dignity. We believe authenticity and integrity is the key to The Marketplace’s success. We depend on positive word-of-mouth to spread our message of hope. It's the most time-honored, low-tech marketing known to humankind. And we love it that way.

We’re building a socially conscious marketplace anchored in ethically sourced artisan goods and would like for you to be a part of it. So, if you're one of those people who jumps at the chance to tell others about the amazing work of artisans around the world, we want you!

Simply fill out and submit the form. We'll use it when we select new Ambassadors. Your voice is what makes us heard and your passion has the power to change the world!

27Ambassador Application

Become an Ambassador today:

Why have you chosen to spread hope?

What organizations are you involved with?

What kind of Artisan goods do you love the most?

Tell us about the most amazing place where you have traveled

The following information will not be published and will only be used within The Artisan Marketplace


Key question is what motivates a user to connect with the mission/purpose of the marketplace.

Where do you live?Why have you chosen to ___________? (insert tagline related to the mission of the marketplace, such as: “fight against dirty” from Method)What organizations are you involved with?Job title/organization?Do you travel? If so, to what countries?What types of artisan goods do you love the most?A question that relates to how much time spent online?

Below all questionsAddress, city, state, zip, email (note: we will not share your info, only used internally by marketplace)Upload a photo of yourself and your favorite marketplaceWhere did you hear about becoming an Ambassador (have dropdown list and space for Other)

- A friend gave me a trail kit- A friend told me about becoming an Ambassador- The marketplace website- Other _____________________

Appendix A – Possible Questions for the Ambassador Application
