1) Select the planet you would like your alien to come from and research that planet’s conditions


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1) Select the planet you would like your alien to come from and research that planet’s conditions.

Jupiter is composed of hydrogen with a quarter of its mass being helium. The average temperature of Jupiter is -150°C. The surface has a freezing temperature of -110°C but it’s lower atmosphere is extremely hot and would burn us up in under .5 of a second. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and is 778 million km away. It is said that the planet doesn’t have a solid surface and may have a rocky core. The pressure 1km into the atmosphere can crush you. One Jupiter year takes 4333 earth days.

2) Decide what adaption's your alien will require to live in these conditions.

-My alien’s body would resemble a balloon, because Jupiter has no solid surface there is nothing to stand on so being a balloon resembled body it would just float around the planet, it would look a bit like a jellyfish.

-My alien would be made of helium because a ¼ of Jupiter’s atmosphere is composed of helium so it would always have a breathing source.

-The food source would start from Axel dust, which are chemical dust motes created by the sun in the atmosphere of Jupiter. It’s a sort of nutrient and could feed some life forms.

-With my alien being balloon and jellyfish resembled, my alien could collect water by every night floating through the lower clouds and collecting water and hydrocarbons and then float high during the day and use the sunlight to process them.

-My alien is going to be big too, because Jupiter is such a big planet with being big it can store more food and water sources.

-My alien will have a hard shell that stays hydrated all time because of the water substances from the lower clouds and would help protect my alien from the storms on Jupiter.

-My alien is going to have 8 eyes, one at every side of its head so it could see when a storm was coming and shield itself with it’s shell.

-My alien would have patience having to wait 4333 days a year till Christmas.

-My alien would live somewhere near the surface of Jupiter because that’s the right temperature from some life forms to live.

3) Draw a picture of your alien.

4) Label your drawing, pointing out the features your alien has to help it survive.
