1 Prof. Marie-Christine Janssens Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Catholic University Leuven...


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Prof. Marie-Christine Janssens

Centre for Intellectual Property RightsCatholic University Leuven - Belgium

WIPO-UNIDO National Seminar on Managing Intellectual Property of SMEs

Minsk, 23-25 January 2007

Prof. Marie-Christine Janssens

Centre for Intellectual Property RightsCatholic University Leuven - Belgium

WIPO-UNIDO National Seminar on Managing Intellectual Property of SMEs

Minsk, 23-25 January 2007

Protection for databases


International contextInternational context

Berne (1908-1948) : article 2(5) Berne (1908-1948) : article 2(5)

Collections of literary or artistic works such as encyclopaedias

and anthologies which, by reason of the selection and

arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations

shall be protected as such, without prejudice to the

copyright in each of the works forming part of such collections.

Collections of literary or artistic works such as encyclopaedias

and anthologies which, by reason of the selection and

arrangement of their contents, constitute intellectual creations

shall be protected as such, without prejudice to the

copyright in each of the works forming part of such collections.


Copyright works in databaseCopyright works in database

Copyright database (collection)Copyright database (collection)


International contextInternational context

TRIPS (1994) : art. 10.2 TRIPS (1994) : art. 10.2

Compilations of data or other material, whether in machine readable or other form, which by reason of the selection

or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations shall be

protected as such.

Such protection, which shall not extend to the data or material itself, shall be without prejudice to any copyright subsisting in data or material itself

Compilations of data or other material, whether in machine readable or other form, which by reason of the selection

or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations shall be

protected as such.

Such protection, which shall not extend to the data or material itself, shall be without prejudice to any copyright subsisting in data or material itself


Cf. Copyright Act Belarus 1998/2003Cf. Copyright Act Belarus 1998/2003

Закон Республики Беларусь об авторском праве и

смежных правах.

Закон Республики Беларусь об авторском праве и

смежных правах.


Статья 7. Произведения, являющиеся объектами авторского права

1. Объектами авторского права являются:литературные произведения

(включая компьютерные программы и базы данных) 3. (…)Базы данных или компиляции иных материалов в любой форме, представляющие собой по подбору и расположению материалов результат интеллектуального творчества, охраняются как таковые. Такая охрана не распространяется непосредственно на сами данные или материалы и действует без ущерба какому-либо авторскому праву, к сфере распространения которого относятся такие данные или материалы.

Статья 7. Произведения, являющиеся объектами авторского права

1. Объектами авторского права являются:литературные произведения

(включая компьютерные программы и базы данных) 3. (…)Базы данных или компиляции иных материалов в любой форме, представляющие собой по подбору и расположению материалов результат интеллектуального творчества, охраняются как таковые. Такая охрана не распространяется непосредственно на сами данные или материалы и действует без ущерба какому-либо авторскому праву, к сфере распространения которого относятся такие данные или материалы.


Situation in EU (prior to 1996)Situation in EU (prior to 1996)

I. Berne Convention (1908-1948)Protection for collections of literary or artistic

works (art. 2.5)

II. Protection for databases containing non-protected materials (TRIPS & WCT) differences between member states (sweat of the

brow v. originality)

III. Protection for non-original databasesUnfair competition law Legislation (Scandinavian countries,


I. Berne Convention (1908-1948)Protection for collections of literary or artistic

works (art. 2.5)

II. Protection for databases containing non-protected materials (TRIPS & WCT) differences between member states (sweat of the

brow v. originality)

III. Protection for non-original databasesUnfair competition law Legislation (Scandinavian countries,





Call for stronger protectionCall for stronger protection

advent of the information society importance : analogue v. digital environment

have become motor of E-commerce

software-technology necessary tools necessary tools to manage information storage, processing, providing access

information = value

advent of the information society importance : analogue v. digital environment

have become motor of E-commerce

software-technology necessary tools necessary tools to manage information storage, processing, providing access

information = value


LES Scandinavia Conference ‘98

Trend in common Increased IP awareness

Trend in common Increased IP awareness

Knowledge and Intellectual Property

are replacing

Capital, Buildings and Machinery as the

Most Important Company Assets

Knowledge and Intellectual Property

are replacing

Capital, Buildings and Machinery as the

Most Important Company Assets


Call for stronger protectionCall for stronger protection advent of the information society

importance : analogue v. digital environment have become motor of E-commerce

software-technology necessary tools necessary tools to manage information storage, processing, providing access

information = value

advent of the information society importance : analogue v. digital environment

have become motor of E-commerce

software-technology necessary tools necessary tools to manage information storage, processing, providing access

information = value

protect “investment” (v. originality)protect “investment” (v. originality)


33Copyright & European Legislation

Copyright & European Legislation

Computer programs (1991)

Rental & Lending right and

neighbouring rights (1992)

Cable and satellite (1993)

Term of protection (1993)

Databases (1996)

Information society (2001)

Resale right (2001)

Computer programs (1991)

Rental & Lending right and

neighbouring rights (1992)

Cable and satellite (1993)

Term of protection (1993)

Databases (1996)

Information society (2001)

Resale right (2001)

Harmonisation copyright protection

Harmonisation copyright protection







1 Jan. 1998 two-tier protection scheme

1 Jan. 1998 two-tier protection scheme

Sui generis right Sui generis right

Databasecontent(le contenu)

Databasestructure(le contenant)


Scope of applicationScope of application

Definition article 1 D.Definition article 1 D.


A collection of works, data or other materialsA collection of works, data or other materials


Non- protectedNon- protected

Bare facts‘raw’ information

Bare facts‘raw’ information

A collection of works, data or other materialsA collection of works, data or other materials

texts, sounds, images, numbers, factstexts, sounds, images, numbers, factsmeteorological data, bibliographic data, photographs,DNA seq., photo's of housesmeteorological data, bibliographic data, photographs,DNA seq., photo's of houses

Scope of applicationScope of application

That are independentThat are independent

A collection of works, data or other materials which are independent

A collection of works, data or other materials which are independent

Telephone directory, business directory,URL listings, newspaper clippings, records of births, stock market quotations, trademark registers, tissue banks

Telephone directory, business directory,URL listings, newspaper clippings, records of births, stock market quotations, trademark registers, tissue banks

Scope of applicationScope of application



A collection of works, data or other materials

which are independent arranged in a systematic OR methodical

way individually accessible (in whatever way)

A collection of works, data or other materials

which are independent arranged in a systematic OR methodical

way individually accessible (in whatever way)


What is a ‘Database’? (Examples)What is a ‘Database’? (Examples)

Telephone directory

Real estate database

TV program listings

Bibliographic database

Medical lexicon

Ticketing information

Online job ads

Exhibition catalogues

Telephone directory

Real estate database

TV program listings

Bibliographic database

Medical lexicon

Ticketing information

Online job ads

Exhibition catalogues


Exclusion clauses(‘as a rule’)

Exclusion clauses(‘as a rule’)

Computer programmes

Musical compilations no substantial investment

Recording of audiovisual … works as suchNot independent

Computer programmes

Musical compilations no substantial investment

Recording of audiovisual … works as suchNot independent


Definition Database in BelarusDefinition Database in Belarus

Статья 4. Основные понятиябаза данных – компиляция материалов, данных, информации, по подбору и расположению материалов представляющая результат творческого труда; понятие базы данных не распространяется на компьютерную программу, с помощью которой может осуществляться электронный доступ к материалам базы данных

Статья 4. Основные понятиябаза данных – компиляция материалов, данных, информации, по подбору и расположению материалов представляющая результат творческого труда; понятие базы данных не распространяется на компьютерную программу, с помощью которой может осуществляться электронный доступ к материалам базы данных

Object of protectionObject of protection

CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right


intellectual activitystamp of personality

Selection or arrangementof contents (structure)

Investmentsubstantial ‘obtaining,

verifying, presenting’

nature : of any kindmoney, time, effort, energy




Qualitatitive Qualitatitive


Term of protectionTerm of protection

CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right

Death of author

+70 years

Completion of database

+15 years


Beneficiary of protectionBeneficiary of protection

CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right

Making a (multimedia)databaseMaking a (multimedia)database

Producer information and instruction

designersscriptwriterssoftware developersgraphical designersaudiovisual technicians

contribution client subcontractors

Producer information and instruction

designersscriptwriterssoftware developersgraphical designersaudiovisual technicians

contribution client subcontractors


Beneficiary of protectionBeneficiary of protection

CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right


natural person(s)employees ? national law


natural person(s)employees ? national law

Maker (producer)

natural/legal person initiative & risk investment

Maker (producer)

natural/legal person initiative & risk investment

Restricted actsRestricted acts

CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right

Economic rights (+)

reproduction public communication distribution

Economic rights (+)

reproduction public communication distribution

by any means and in any form

by any means and in any form

Economic rights


Economic rights


whole or substantial partwhole or substantial part



CopyrightCopyright Sui generis right Sui generis right

•Acts by lawful user•private purposes (but)•teaching & research•public/judicial/ administrative•traditional exceptions

• Acts by lawful user•Private purposes•teaching & research•public/judicial/ administrative


12 December 2005

First evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC

12 December 2005

First evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC


Vague terms to define ‘sui generis rights’ have caused considerable legal uncertainty

Scope of sui generis right was severely curtailed by ECJECJ’s concern (?) new right (

NOT : investment in creation of data’ (comes precariously close to protecting basic information)

BUT only for ‘obtaining, verification or presentation of content’

Economic impact = unprovenEmpirical evidence doubts on the usefulness of the

rightEU database production in 2004 fell to pre-Directive

levels !

Vague terms to define ‘sui generis rights’ have caused considerable legal uncertainty

Scope of sui generis right was severely curtailed by ECJECJ’s concern (?) new right (

NOT : investment in creation of data’ (comes precariously close to protecting basic information)

BUT only for ‘obtaining, verification or presentation of content’

Economic impact = unprovenEmpirical evidence doubts on the usefulness of the

rightEU database production in 2004 fell to pre-Directive

levels !



Three policy optionsRepeal the sui generis rightAmend the sui generis provisionsMaintain the status quo

Three policy optionsRepeal the sui generis rightAmend the sui generis provisionsMaintain the status quo




Copyrighted subject matter

