1 Our Team: The #PassiveSolarSunday Team Team Members: Joseline, Albin, Tyler, Ryan, Kenna, Dawson...


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• Our Team: The #PassiveSolarSunday Team• Team Members: Joseline, Albin, Tyler, Ryan, Kenna,

Dawson and Joshua (7-person team)• Teacher Advisor : Kimberly Church• School name: Leonard Evans Jr. Middle School• School city/state: McKinney, Texas

Air/Climate Challenge #2xx


PART 1: What’s the environmental issue?According to TXU and Green Mountain Energy, Sunday is the highest energy use

day of the week, when everyone is home, as a family, enjoying the game, doing chores, relaxing.

We saw an opportunity to attack energy waste and help decrease ozone depletion, and came up with an idea that turned into a global movement.

Please watch this short 2-minute video with highlights of what we accomplished:



PART 2: What’s your action plan?

1. In order to tackle energy waste on Sundays, we came up with a catchy phrase to help people remember to shut off a light and open their blinds/curtains, “Passive Solar Sunday.”

1. CAMPUS: We started small, creating signs to advertise at our school, included it on the school website, and in the online newsletter

2. COMMUNITY: We created a partnership with the Estates of McKinney (and their 3 sister properties in 3 other cities), with over 412 units and over 1,000 residents, to advertise Passive Solar Sunday at the complex with signage, flyers and a door-knocking campaign

3. COMMUNITY: We created a partnership with DOMINO’S PIZZA, who put flyers on all the pizza orders that go out on Sundays, to remind citizens to participate.

4. COMMUNITY: We created a partnership with LITTLE CEASER’s PIZZA, BROOKLY’s PIZZA and PALM BEACH TAN, who put up a flyer in the store to encourage people to join our movement on Twitter

5. COMMUNITY: We created a partnership with our local Kroger Signature store, who put up a framed advertisement at their Deli Section to create awareness in the community.

6. COMMUNITY: We tweeted the heck out of the news stations until they gave us a shout out on Twitter, re-tweeted and favorited our movement, on WFAA Channel 8.

7. NATIONWIDE/GLOBAL: We tweeted over 1,000 tweets to celebrities, politicians, universities, organizations, state/national government, companies and regular ‘ole joes, IN SPANISH AND IN ENGLISH to create awareness, and it TOOK OFF!


Our Partnership with the Grand Estates of McKinney Apartment Complex

(and their 3 other sister properties)


Through the Apartment Complexes we:

Created awareness through signageA newsletter was sent out to over 1,000 residentsThe PassiveSolarSunday movement was added to

all “Look & Lease” flyersWe were given permission for a door-knocking



Pizza Says It All: Our Partnership with Domino’s Pizza, Little Ceasar’s and Brooklyn’s Pizza

One of our fastest ways of getting word out to the community was through our pizza flyer campaign. On Sundays, every box of pizza at Domino’s went out with a

“#PassiveSolarSunday” flyer on the box and each had signage that directed the public to join the movement on Twitter. That’s when we really started to see

support on Twitter, and Facebook.


Other Community Partnerships That Advertised and Participated in #PassiveSolarSunday Included:

Kroger Signature StorePalm Beach TanRK Dry Cleaners


Community Project Goes National and even GLOBAL!!!Through our Twitter Account we tweeted over 1,000 tweets and we heard back

from people and organizations with millions of followers from all over the world, who re-tweeted, favorited and messaged us support of our movement…through

these partnerships, our reach was over 251 million people!


We made it Global, via the Spanish Government!!

The Spanish Government re-tweeted our movement, posted by Joseline in Spanish, and it was picked up and favorited by the Pamplona

Planetarium with over 35,000 followers from around Spain. Famous for their “Running of the Bulls,” maybe Pamplona will now be famous for

their “Passive Solar Sundays.”


Notable Support from the National/Global Community for #PassiveSolarSunday

• Princeton University and multiple dorms on their campus

• DoSomething.org

• Marti King Young- screenwriter and producer for “Generation Hero” to be filmed in 2014, and will feature the “Passive Solar Sunday” team on an episode.

• Ad Council

• Student Launcher

• WFAA Channel 8’s Shelly Slater


• Global Green USA

• The City of Las Vegas (that’s a big one!!!!)

• Tigo Guatemala

• Planetarium of Pamplona, Spain

• CEO of Pavegen Energy in London, England


Wynona Judd (verified profile on Twitter) tweets about our movement!!!


Why are we successful in this campaign?Because it’s easy to do, an easy campaign to remember, and nobody is already doing it…

It took multiple community partnershipsgrass-roots campaigns

social mediaand support from a few heavy-weights in the media


We are

From Evans Middle School in McKinney, TX

And we are far from being finished…Twitter: @PassiveSolarSun #PassiveSolarSundayFacebook: Passive Solar SundayInstagram: Passive Solar Sunday
