1. Our Devices: We support almost all kind of GPS Tracker device on our server. Following are some...


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Vehicle Tracking Management System

Our Devices:

We support almost all kind of GPS Tracker device on our server. Following are some of the popular Vehicle Traking Devices, those are used in Indian and European market.

We also support more than 300 types of Mobiles Phones to track on our server.

Fleet Management System



Real-time Monitoring On-line Tracking with Motion Directions Geo-fencing/Location Alert Send SMS to Get Current Location of Vehicle On

Mobile Shortest Path Finder Nearest Vehicle Finder Stoppage Points Graph and Report Detailed Trip Report Idling Vehicle Report Over-speed Graph and Report Fuel-Monitoring Report

Main Features

Fleet DashboardRepresents the current snap-shot of your entire fleet.



Real-time Monitoring On-line Tracking with Motion Direction


Geo-fencing/Location Alert Mark any location names for which you want an SMS alert when your vehicle reaches there.


Other Reports


Vehicle Control Panel Switch ON/OFF Vehicle Engine Remotely


Viewing Only Stop Points of the Trip Viewing all the points where the vehicle was stopped during the travel on selected date.


Exporting Report in Pdf/Excel/Doc Format.


The Customer will Receive the SMS alert when the vehicle reached the pre-configured location point.

SMS Message : ‘Vehicle No. : <Vehicle Number>, Reached at <address of the location> at <Date Time>, Speed:<Speed of Vehicle>

Geo-fencing/Location Alert


The Customer need to send SMS on Our Service Number to Get the current location of vehicle on Mobile as Text message.

Type RTTS:<Your vehicle Number> and send on Our Mobile Service Number.

The customer will receive the last received location of the vehicle on his/her mobile phone along with the speed and other details.

Get Current Location of Vehicle On Mobile


Shortest Path Finder Enter ‘From Location’ and ‘To location’, shortest route will be displayed on map


Fleet Management SystemDriving directions will be generated


Distance Travel ReportKM - Distance travel, every day in a duration by Vehicle.


Nearest Vehicle Finder Finds all vehicles nearest to the entered location or marked point map


Nearest Vehicle Finder Displays the distance in ascending order from the entered location or marked


Reports – Detailed Trip Report Provides on-line Vehicle Speed, date-time, direction, status (In-Motion, Stop, Dormant)


Reports – Stoppage Report Provides the details of the vehicle stoppage (Vehicle Speed : 0 & Engine : Off)


Reports – Idling VehicleProvides the details of idle time (Vehicle Speed : 0 km/hr and Engine Status : On (Fuel loss) or Vehicle ignition is On (draining Battery)) By analyzing such a report, the Fuel efficiency of the vehicle can be improved.


Reports – Over Speed Report Provides the details of the vehicle over-speed as selected


External Fuel Sensor Our external Fuel fuel sensor for fuel monitoring.


Fuel Monitoring Report in a GensetProvides the Fuel consumption in liters between time.


Fuel Monitoring Report in a Vehicle


Temperature Monitoring Report in a Vehicle


SOS emergency alarm: Under emergency situation, sends an SMS message to the authority mobile number when SOS button is pressed by the user

Voice surveillance: Can monitor the 5m scope sounds around the vehicle

Movement alert: Sends an SMS to start the movement alert function. When a specific vehicle moves, the unit will send the movement alert to all authorized numbers.

Remote control the circuit: Can remote control (cup down or restart) the target circuit by mobile phone or from Internet.

Remote control the oil: Can remote control (cup down or restart) the target oil by mobile phone or from Internet.

Low battery alarm: When Battery is low, the unit will send a periodic alarm

Non-signal alarm: Will send a last message alarm when the unit enters into a blind area.

Other Features


Over speed alarm: Sends an alarm message when the target moves faster than set speed.

Mileage statistics: ACC checking; cutting off power and alarm

Arrival-in-Zone alarm: When a moving entity arrives in a specific zone, intended recipients gets an alarm (e.g., parents will receive an SMS alert before reaching a pick-up point).

Other Features


Contact Us: RealTime Tracking System208, Satyam-1, Amba Business Park, B/H: Trimandir Sankul, Adalaj, Gandhinagar, Gujarat – 382421PH: 079-66740327, Mobile: +91-9574008153, 9574008727

Thank You….
