1. NUT BUTTER PACKETS · The Weight Room. Need to Know Dried plums are also laced with...


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A number of companies like Justin's and Nuttzo are now supplying on-the-go single-serving

packets of nut butters such as almond, hazelnut, or peanut. Simply tear open the portion-

controlled packet and suck back the creamy goodness that's rich in healthy fats, protein, and a

number of important minerals. Look for options with the least amount of added sugar.

A number of companies like Justin's And Nuttzo are now supplying On-The-Go Single-Serving

packets of Nut Butters such as Almond, Hazelnut, Or Peanut. Order online if you cannot find

this item locally.

Need to Know

Forget the reduced-fat versions. All they do is replace the healthy fat with not-so-healthy sugar.


Pistachios have an impressive nutritional resumé: laudable amounts of protein, cholesterol-

busting monounsaturated fat, and plenty of fiber and energy-boosting B vitamins. But they're so

tasty that it's easy to inhale several handfuls, which can quickly send your snack time into calorie

overload. After all, a mere ounce delivers about 160 calories. That's why in-shell pistachios are a

near-perfect snack option. Scientists at Eastern Illinois University discovered that the extra work

of shelling pistachios caused people to consume an average of 41 percent fewer calories than

when they snacked on the nuts that were already shelled for them. The extra work (and tender

fingers) of shelling the nuts can put the brakes on mindless overeating.

Need to Know

Pistachios added to common carbohydrate-rich meals, such as rice and pasta, can significantly

reduce the post-meal blood sugar spike.


Nuts like peanuts, cashews, and almonds make for a crunchy way to add more protein and

healthy unsaturated fats to your diet. They pack about 6 grams of protein per 2-ounce serving.

Need to Know

If you're watching your sodium intake, look for packages labelled "unsalted."


With only 4 grams of carbs per ounce, walnuts can help you snack your way through a low-carb

diet, not to mention their lofty levels of mega-healthy omega-3 fatty acids: another good reason

to go nuts for them. When purchasing nuts, opt for salt-free to keep your sodium intake in check.

Need to Know

This crunch bunch also supplies copper, a mineral required for proper energy production in the



These subzero heroes provide a sweet pop in your mouth that helps quell any midday sugar

cravings. Unlike strawberries, grapes don't become rock solid when frozen; they're firm but still

easy to bite into with a creamy consistency, similar to a bite-sized grape Popsicle. Simply spread

whole grapes in a single layer on a baking sheet, freeze until firm, and store in an airtight zip-top


Unlike Strawberries, Grapes Don't Become Rock Solid When Frozen; They're Firm But Still

Easy To Bite Into With A Creamy Consistency.

Need to Know

Try using red grapes, which are higher in body-friendly antioxidants than their green brethren.


Edamame is basically an underripe green soybean. It provides a stellar mix of protein, slow-

digesting carbs, and fat to keep your energy levels steady so you're more likely to hit the gym

than the couch after work. These verdant gems are also jam-packed with a range of important

nutrients like folate, vitamin K, iron, and magnesium. You can find bags of frozen shelled

edamame in the freezer section of most supermarkets and prepare them according to package


Need to Know

If you're concerned about genetically modified foods, splurge for edamame that's certified



Bathroom jokes aside, dried plums (aka prunes) are an ideal nosh when you need a sweet fix or

shot of energy before hitting the weight room. A study in the journal "Appetite" found that

subjects who snacked on dried plums experienced a greater degree of satiety than when they ate

the same number of calories in the form of low-fat cookies. Why? The researchers discovered

that the fiber-rich dried fruit favorably impacts blood sugar and appetite-regulating hormones,

compared to the nutritionally lackluster cookie.

Dried Plums Are An Ideal Nosh When You Need A Sweet Fix Or Shot Of Energy Before Hitting

The Weight Room.

Need to Know

Dried plums are also laced with disease-fighting, muscle-mending antioxidants.


Celery is 95 percent water, so it's no surprise that there's a dearth of carbohydrates, making it a

perfect low-carb snack. Slice and add to salads or simply smear on some nut butter for a snack

that's big on nutrition but low in six-pack killing processed carbs.

Need to Know

Celery is a good way to obtain an extra dose of vitamin K, which can bolster bone strength.


Bob Dylan famously sang, "Everybody must get stoned." If he was referring to eating the stone-

fruit apricots as a lower-sugar option (about 8 grams per two fruits), then good on you Mr.

Zimmerman. Enjoy as an out-of-hand snack, or slice and add to yogurt, oatmeal, and even salad

for natural sweetness.

Need to Know

The orange-tinged flesh of the apricot is a tipoff that it contains high amounts of beta-carotene,

an antioxidant that has been linked to improved brain functioning.


Among berries, strawberries supply the least amount of sugar—about 11 grams per cup—making

them a great option for helping satisfy a sweet tooth. If you're concerned about possible pesticide

exposure, opt for strawberries labelled "organic."

Need to Know

Strawberries are a stellar source of vitamin C, which may help regular gym-goers avoid coming

down with the sniffles.


These jack-o'-lantern castoffs are a surprising source of whole-food protein, with about 7 grams

in a crunchy serving. Of note, none of their carbohydrates (5 grams per ounce) are sugar, making

them an even better way to elevate protein content in salads, oatmeal, yogurt, or cottage cheese.

Need to Know

You can turn to pumpkin seeds for a source of testosterone-boosting zinc.


Good for more than bloody marys, ye olde tomato juice has less than half the sugar found in

orange juice: about 10 grams of carbs per serving. Besides, don't we all need more veggies in our

diets? Lower-sodium options are now available to help reduce the risk for water-retention. Be

sure that what you're drinking is 100 percent vegetable juice and not a blend made with sugary

fruit juices and sweeteners.

Need to Know

In a study published in "Nutrition Journal," athletes who sipped antioxidant-rich tomato juice had

less post-exercise inflammation than those who didn't, which could speed up recovery.


If you're on the hunt for a snack that's nearly pure muscle-friendly protein, look no further than

the take-anywhere pouches of fish like salmon and tuna found in the canned fish aisle of most

supermarkets. Simply cut open the top and fork up the protein-packed meat to keep muscle

growth in full force all day long. Try the single-serve wild albacore tuna pouches from Wild

Planet. This forward-thinking company packs only sustainably sourced tuna meat that's loaded

with more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than the competition.

Need to Know

Tuna is a great source of selenium, an antioxidant that may help to prevent heart disease, cancer,

and vision loss.


Not just for breakfast, the white orbs possess an abundance of branched-chain amino acids,

which are the most anabolic amino acids in the body. This makes the humble egg a muscle-

building power snack to grab hold of. Boil up a carton's worth of inexpensive eggs and stash

them in your office fridge for times when you feel tempted by the vending machine.

Need to Know

Look for omega-3 enriched eggs, which contain 5 times as much omega-3 as conventional eggs.


In recent years, Greek yogurt has gone from an obscure item in the dairy aisle to a cultured rock

star. It's made by straining away the liquid, so deliciously thick Greek-style yogurts contain

twice as much protein as regular versions, supplying about 23 grams of protein in each cup

serving. You'll also reap the rewards of gut-friendly probiotic bacteria and bone-building


Greek Yogurt Has Gone From An Obscure Item In The Dairy Aisle To A Cultured Rock Star.

Need to Know

Plain Greek yogurt can contain up to three times less sugar than flavored types.


Greek yogurt isn't the only smart choice on the dairy aisle. Traditional Icelandic yogurt, called

skyr, typically has even more protein than its Mediterranean counterpart (about 15-20 grams per

serving) and a praise-worthy creamy texture that makes it feel more like dessert than a healthy

snack. Like Greek yogurt, it's made by straining away the excess liquid, leaving behind the ultra-

thick yogurt that's laced with gut-friendly probiotic bacteria.

Need to Know

To sidestep the added sugars that can blow up your physique, opt for plain versions of skyr. For a

touch of natural sweetness, stir in some berries.


Not just for your kid's lunchbox, string cheese is a convenient way to help bolster your intake of

protein with little carbohydrate cost. Stash a bag in your fridge for when the munchies strike, but

consider choosing reduced-fat versions to keep the snack calories more in your favor. If you're

looking to gain mass, however, the extra calories that full-fat string cheese provides can help in

your pursuit of glance-stealing size.

Need to Know

As with regular cheese, the stringy version offers up good amounts of bone-strengthening


18. MILK (2%)

Moo juice remains a reliable source of top-notch protein with a biological value just shy of that

found in an egg. But why try to chug watery, flavorless skim milk when you can still enjoy the

richer taste of 2 percent without breaking the fat bank? Besides, the extra fat will help you absorb

the fat-soluble nutrients like vitamin D present in the great white.

Need to Know

Studies show that cows raised using organic farming methods produce milk richer in a range of

nutrients, including body-friendly omega fats.


This curd-riddled cheese product is laced with casein protein—about 28 grams in a cup. Casein

is a slow-digesting protein that supplies your growing muscles with a steady supply of vital

amino acids. Think of it as the MVP of snack time, especially before bedtime.

This Curd-Riddled Cheese Product Is Laced With Casein Protein—About 28 Grams In A Cup.

Need to Know

Cottage cheese is notoriously high in sodium, but you can now compare nutrition labels to find

brands that contain less.


We're not jerking you around when we say jerky is one lean, mean snack option that's good for

more than just road trips. With a surprising 10:1 protein-to-fat ratio for most brands, going all

paleo and gnawing on jerky between meals is a perfect way to show your muscles some love.

You can't go wrong with the brand Krave, which has delicious jerky flavors such as chipotle or

pineapple orange and eschews any sketchy preservatives like MSG.

Need to Know

Beyond beef, also look out for buffalo, pork, turkey, venison, and even salmon jerky options.


If you need a nibble that feels a bit indulgent, look no further than dark chocolate. Dark

chocolate—the stuff with at least 60 percent cocoa content—has been linked to reduced heart

disease risk and even lower body fat numbers in people who nibble on it more often. The

polyphenol antioxidants in chocolate may favorably influence metabolism.

Need to Know

Because dark chocolate has a more intense flavor than the sugar-laden milk varieties, you'll be

satisfied with less (say about 1-ounce).


Looking for convenient, delicious protein on the go? There's a wide selection of protein bars

available today that provide ample protein (depending on the brand). Don't just glance at the

protein numbers; if you're watching your calories, check the fat and carbohydrate grams to

ensure you're not just eating a protein-laced candy bar.

Need to Know

Keep a few in your gym bag and at work to ensure you won't reach for the wrong kinds of foods

when the munchies strike.


Crispy kale chips are surprisingly tasty (seriously!) and have the benefit of being made with one

of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. When a snack attack strikes, you'll also reap the

benefit of sending about 30 percent less starchy carbs into your body compared to potato-based

chips. Look for bags such as Rhythm Superfoods in health food shops and an increasing number

of larger supermarkets.

Crispy Kale Chips Are Surprisingly Tasty (Seriously!) And Have The Benefit Of Being Made

With One Of The Most Nutrient-Dense Foods On The Planet.

Need to Know

This green giant contains a surfeit of vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A.


If you're jonesin' for crunchy chips, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better option than the ones

made with protein-rich black beans. They pack about 4 grams of protein per ounce.

Need to Know

For a high-protein nibble while watching the big game, try making a dip with Greek yogurt and

using bean chips as a delivery vessel to your mouth.


Homemade protein shakes are always preferred, but if you want a quick shot of protein in liquid

form you can pick up bottles of premade smoothie drinks such as Bolthouse Farms. With about

16 grams per cup, they're the next best thing to making your own.

Need to Know

Make sure the drink you choose contains a source of protein in the ingredient list such as whey

protein and not just fruit, which can quickly send you into a sugary overload.


Frozen Greek yogurt is frosty and creamy like ice cream, but with the benefit of containing about

twice as much high-quality protein—about 12 grams per cup.

Need to Know

Compare brands and look for those with the lowest sugar levels. Some brands actually list fruit

before sugar in the ingredient list. Go figure.