1 I n t u i t C o n f i d e n t i a l QBES-Compatible Applications for Certified Payroll & AIA...


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1I n t u i t C o n f i d e n t i a l

QBES-Compatible Applications for Certified Payroll & AIA Billing

Solutions Introduction

Presentation Date: December 12, 2006

Contact Information:Nancy Smyth CQA, President

Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc.Phone: (888) 348-2877

Email: sales@sunburstss.com

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Target Market Profile

• Business Types/Key Industries 2.6 Million total contractors 50% or 1.3 Million have PC’s QuickBooks is category leader

360,000 QuickBooks users▫ 26% use QuickBooks CE▫ 63% use QuickBooks Pro▫ 11% use QuickBooks Basic

150K using a competitive software package

Total Construction Companies:808,000

Total with 1-499 Employees: 620,551

Total with 500+ Employees: 187,449

Performing work on “Public Works” projects is applicable to 15 – 30% of the overall construction industry, however,

contractors in all segments can be involved.

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• Critical Mid-Market Customer Needs Addressed?Provides contractors with the ability to generate mandated:

in order to be paid in a timely fashion, and comply with Federal and/or State Prevailing Wage Reporting laws and/or AIA Billing requirements.

• Key Requirements for the Right Solution? Contractors are performing work on Federal and/or State funded construction projects and are subject to Federal or State Prevailing Wage reporting requirements.

Contractor could also be required to submit percentage of completion contract billings using standard AIA (American Institute of Architects) format.

Solving Customer Needs

• Save time on contract compliance.• Create accurate, timely, legible reports.• Eliminate transposition errors.• Stop entering the same data twice.• Get paid faster.

• Utilize existing QuickBooks data.• Affordability.• Ease of use.• Simplifies critical areas of the business.• Anyone in the office can generate billings.

• Certified Payroll Reports• Statements of Compliance• “No Work Performed” Payrolls• EEOC/Manning Reports

• Union/Bona-fide Plan Benefit reports

and/or • AIA G-702/G-703 Billings• Various Lien Waivers & Releases

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Target Customer Profile

• Business Size (employees, annual revenue)

•Organizational Characteristics: Multiple Job/Project locations, which must be tracked individually.

• Typical Business Management Solutions DeployedTypically the contractor would be completing these reports using:

• Pen and paper• Excel spreadsheets• “Fillable” .pdf forms• Standalone programs such as PEM, Top Floor Store, AIA Software, etc.

• Competing products such as CertPay Wizard or Quantum

• 1+ Million in Annual Revenue• 0 - 499 employees• 4 or more jobs requiring weekly certified payroll reports and/or monthly AIA Billings• Jobs can last from one month to several years.

This means duplicate data entry, transposition errors, and in some cases hiring someone specifically for the task.

These methods would involve generating multiple QuickBooks reports and duplicate data entry.

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Solution Overview • Key Features & Functionality

• Choose Federal and/or State specific certified payroll reports by job• Multiple Federal and State specific EEOC Reports• Standard or Custom-Designed Benefit Reports• Handles multiple reporting and non-reporting jobs and Work/Trade Classifications (shop time which is non-reporting and actual time on the jobsite)• Print Plain Paper or AIA Original G-702 Contractor Application for Payment and G-703 Continuation Sheet and G-702 CMa Construction Managers and Advisors edition and G-703 Continuation Sheet• Print several other plain paper formats including, Retainage Applications, Billing Sheets, and Numerous Contract Documents

• Competitive Advantages & Brand Attributes

• All the hard work is being done for you • Utilizes existing QuickBooks data from: Employee Records, Job Records, Time Tracking, Paycheck Detail, Estimates, and Progress Invoices to quickly solve what many think is a complex reporting requirement.• Time savings is a huge advantage, especially for multiple jobs.• Affordably priced• QuickBooks integration since October, 2000 – market leader.• Designed specifically for QuickBooks users by a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor.

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•QuickBooks Enterprise Integration Overview

• End-User PricingProducts are licensed to a company as follows:

• Certified Payroll Solution: $375.00 via electronic download of program and .pdf manual• Construction Application for Payment Solution: $195.00 via electronic download of program and .pdf manual

See Order Page for complete pricing details, including multi-product discounts.

Solution Overview

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Solution Demonstration

Certified Payroll Solution

Certified Payroll Report

Statement of Compliance

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Solution Demonstration

Construction Application for Payment Solution

G-702 – Application for Payment

G-703 – Continuation Sheet

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Resources Available

Available Marketing, Sales and Support Resources:– Whitepapers providing an overview of Certified Payroll Reporting and/or AIA Billing Requirements.– Software Training Demonstrations– Complete QuickBooks Integration Demonstrations for Certified Payroll Solution and Construction Application for Payment Solution– Articles detailing where information comes from– Educational Resources including Whitepapers – State-by-State listing of Certified Payroll Reporting Form requirements– Marketing and Sales Collateral– Case Studies & Articles– Product Reviews– System Requirements– Technical Support Resources– Free 30-Day Trials– Other: Full-sized .pdf’s of reports

Dedicated support page for Enterprise Solutions Providers, ProAdvisors, and Accountants at www.sunburstss.com

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Key Contacts

• Primary Contact Name and Contact Info for Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc.

– Partner Management:– Sales & Marketing: Nancy Smyth, CQA – Technical Support: sales@sunburstss.com

(802) 339-4352

• Primary Web Site Reference http://www.sunburstss.com
