1 Development of Electronic Reporting Tools for IPPC Directive and WI Directive Workshop –...


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Development of Electronic Reporting Tools for IPPC Directive and WI Directive

Workshop – Objective and next steps

Tuesday 3rd March 2009Meeting room 0A, DG ENV, Avenue de Beaulieu, Brussels

Ian Skinner


2. Objective of the workshop



1. Background to the project

2. Relationship with other Reporting tools

3. Hosting the tools

4. Implementation of the tools

5. Mechanism for support


Background to the project

• For DG Environment; will run from Dec 08 to March 10

• Include development of 3 electronic reporting tools:1. Implementation of IPPC Directive

2. IPPC limit values and best available techniques (Q7 of IPPC)

3. Implementation of WI Directive

• Reporting on period 2006 to 2008 (by end of Sep 09)• Assessment of implementation of SE Directive (2005-2007)

• Involving AEA and VITO:– AEA responsible for overall project management and reporting

– VITO for restructuring of questionnaire, standardised answers

– AEA for development of IT tools


Why develop electronic tools?

• General approach:– Enable better comparison and analysis

– Reduce administrative burden for Member States

• Additionally, chosen approach:– Restructures questionnaires (groups questions) into more logical order

– Improves speed of reporting process by use of pre-filled answers and standardised answers

– Maximises use of standardised answers to make subsequent analysis easier and more efficient

– Use of EEA Reportnet as host ensures consistency with other tools

– Focuses attention on 2 sectors and key environmental impacts (IPPC question 7 on BAT/ELV)


“Development” of tools includes…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format

2. Technical specification of reporting tools

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools


Progress so far…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format

2. Technical specification of reporting tools

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools


Progress so far…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format• We will present this by tool in Sessions One to Three

2. Technical specification of reporting tools– We will demonstrate each tool in Sessions One to Three

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools


Relationship with other reporting tools

• IRIS - Industrial emissions Reporting Information System– Developed under an earlier service contract– Provides summary of information reported by MS on

implementation of the IPPC Directive (2003-2005)– Summary information (from IRIS) in new reporting tool (pre-filled)– Project will enable migration of reported data (2006-08) to IRIS

(to be carried out in a separate project)

• EPER/E-PRTR– Tool and its documentation to be used as guidance (where

appropriate) in this project– Link to E-PRTR (e.g. E-PRTR code) will be made for facility-

specific data in tool 2 (IPPC ELV/BAT reporting)


Hosting the tools

• Tools to be hosted by EEA on Reportnet…

• … so tools being developed to be:– Consistent with EEA IT policy– Consistent with SEIS principles


Implementation of tools…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format

2. Technical specification of reporting tools

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools (by early June)


Mechanism for support

• Tools will go online in early June• Support will be provided throughout reporting period on:

– Using Reportnet – Answering the questions (technically)– Answering the questions (IT elements)– Technical issues, e.g. if tool does not work properly

• Email addresses already set up for this purpose• Guidance on filling in the online questionnaires will be

provided, which will also set out the support mechanism


Aim of this workshop

• To inform you about the project• To present the work-in-progress• To enable you to comment and ask questions• To demonstrate how the tool might operate in practice• To ensure that we can take on board your concerns

(where possible) in the development of the tools• To communicate to you about the next steps in the



Format of remainder of this workshop

• Presentation of reportnet by EEA

• One Session per tool, i.e.1. Implementation of IPPC Directive

2. IPPC limit values and best available techniques (Q7 of IPPC)

3. Implementation of WI Directive

• Each session will include:– Overview of approach taken

– Examples in relation to specific questions

– Demonstration of what each tool might look like

• Communication of the next steps in the project


Any questions?


3. Reportnet (EEA)


10. Next Steps and consultation with Member States


“Development” of tools includes…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format

2. Technical specification of reporting tools

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools


Next steps in tool development…

1. Transposition of questionnaires to reporting tool format

2. Technical specification of reporting tools

3. Workshop with Member States

4. Development of tools (based on agreed specification)

5. Testing of tools (by Member States)

6. Finalisation of tools


Next steps (timings)

10 March: Deadline for MS comments on tools

30 April to 15 May: MS testing of the tools; distribution of draft guidance documentation for comment

Early June: Distribution of final guidance document

Early June to September: Tools available for online reporting
