1 Depth-of-Knowledge Levels: What Are They & Why Should I Care? CASAS Summer Conference June,...


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Depth-of-Knowledge Levels: What Are They &

Why Should I Care?

CASAS Summer Conference

June, 2014


Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Consistency

One of 4 criteria of Webb’s alignment system – the Web Alignment Tool (2005)

Related to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives – Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation (1956)


Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels

Dr. Norman Webb (Univ. of Wisconsin), defines four DOK levels:

1. Recall, Reproduction, Recitation

2. Application of Skills / Concepts3. Strategic Thinking4. Extended Thinking

Levels of cognitive processing, not difficulty

Summary of the Four DOK Levels


LEVEL ONE – RECALL & REPRODUCTIONRecall of a fact, information, or procedure

LEVEL TWO – SKILLS & CONCEPTSUse information or conceptual knowledge

LEVEL THREE – STRATEGIC THINKINGReasoning, developing a plan

LEVEL FOUR – EXTENDED THINKINGRequires an investigation, collection of data and analysis of results

Contrasting “Bloom” to “DOK”


• Bloom’s taxonomy level of difficulty is determined by the verb.

• DOK’s level of cognitive demand is determined by the context of how the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.

• What comes after the verb is more important that the verb itself.

SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION“Putting together elements & parts to form a

whole, then making value judgments about the method.”


Requires an investigation; time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem or task.


KNOWLEDGE “The recall of specifics and universals, involving little more than bringing to mind the appropriate


COMPREHENSION“Ability to process knowledge on a low level such that the knowledge can be reproduced or

communicated without a verbatim repetition.”

APPLICATION“The use of abstractions in concrete situations.”

ANALYSIS“The breakdown of a situation into its component parts.”


Recall of a fact, information, or procedure (e.g., What are 3 critical skill cues for the overhand throw?)


Use of information, conceptual knowledge, procedures, two or more steps, etc.


Requires reasoning, developing a plan or sequence of steps; has some complexity; more than one possible answer


How Does DOK Look in the Classroom?

Level Four (Extended Thinking) - Analyze the strategies and effectiveness of George H. W. Bush’s war strategies in the Persian Gulf with the war strategies of George W. Bush in Iraq.


How Does DOK Look in the Classroom?

Level Three (Strategic Thinking) – Hypothesize how President Dwight D. Eisenhower would react to today’s political situation in the Middle



How Does DOK Look in the Classroom?

Level Two (Skill/Concept) – Use the right and left political spectrum to categorize the U.S. presidents of

the 20th and 21st

century according to to

their political standing.


What Does DOK Look Like in the Classroom?

Level One (Recall) – Name the first 16 presidents of the

United States in order.

Who was President of the

United States during the

War between the States?



Beginning at the Beginning:

What DOK is can best be explained by saying what DOK is NOT. DOK is not a verb. DOK is not about the “difficulty” of the

task. DOK is not a grade-level indicator.


Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Consistency

Why are DOKs important to your work? The thinking required for each performance task

must correspond to the cognitive complexity levels of the underlying content standard. Tasks and content standards should reflect about the same levels of thinking.

The new College and Career Readiness Standards and the Common Core State Standards in language arts and mathematics reflect higher-order thinking.


DOK 1 Recall, Reproduction, Recitation

Right-there questions Recall information Identification/recitation of simple facts Use simple skills/abilities Follow a well-known procedure Perform a routine algorithm Apply a simple formula


DOK 1 Recall, Reproduction, Recitation

Describe physical features of an area. Locate points on a grid or number on a number

line. Solve a one-step problem. Calculate, measure, apply a rule. Identify elements of a painting using artistic

terminology. Retrieve information from a table to answer a

question. Define terms (e.g., forms of government,

geographical features).

Final Jeopardy is always a DOK 1!!!



DOK 2Application of Skills / Concepts

Some mental processing beyond a habitual response and/or

Actions require more than one cognitive step. Inter-sentence, think-&-search questions Observe/collect data Classify/organize/compare data Display data in tables, graphs, charts Summarize & infer from information Determine fact/opinion


DOK 2Application of Skills / Concepts

Demonstrate understanding & use of reference materials.

Take notes, outline, summarize. Identify central ideas/supporting details in text. Explain how nutritional choices affect our health. Compare sources of information about a product. Explain the cause-effect of historical events. Describe various styles of music. Make inferences or logical predictions from data. Retrieve information from a table, & use it to solve

a multi-step problem.


DOK 3 Strategic Thinking

Deep understanding, reasoning, planning, using evidence

Complex, abstract cognitive demands Explanations, generalizations, beyond-text

questions Draw & justify conclusions from observations Make inferences across entire passage Make connections between texts Develop logical arguments Compositions of multiple paragraphs

demonstrating focus, development, voice, complex sentence structure, etc.


DOK 3 Strategic Thinking

Design investigation for specific purpose or research question.

Compare multiple sources of consumer information about a product, and recommend a purchase.

Compare/contrast/analyze procedures or solutions.

Formulate an original problem given a situation. Analyze interrelationships among concepts,

issues, problems. Interpret author’s craft to critique a text. Create a monthly budget & analyze results to

explain ways to reduce household expenses.


DOK 4 Extended Thinking

Complexity of cognitive demand often requires extended time & research

Synthesis & application to real world Relate ideas within & among subject areas Design/conduct/critique experimental designs &

investigations Prepare essays & research papers to demonstrate

analysis & synthesis of complex perspectives with fresh applications to life

Addressed in a CLASSROOM situation only!


DOK 4 Extended Thinking

Specify a problem, identify solution paths, solve problem, & report results.

Write & produce an original play. Analyze multiple perspectives within &

across time periods, events, or cultures. Describe contributions from diverse

cultures to life in the U.S. Identify & analyze representative art

works from different periods & cultures.


Not everything that counts can be counted; Not everything that can be counted counts.

Albert Einstein



DOK Caution

The Depth of Knowledge is NOT determined by the verb, but the context in which the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.


Same Verb – 3 DOK Levels DOK 3- Describe a model that you might use to

represent the relationships that exist within the rock cycle. (requires deep understanding of rock cycle and a determination of how best to represent it)

DOK 2- Describe the difference between metamorphic and igneous rocks. (requires cognitive processing to determine the differences in the two rock types)

DOK 1- Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (simple recall)


Remember…• Depth of Knowledge (DOK) is a scale of

cognitive demand. It is not about difficulty level.

• DOK levels can be cumulative. An assessment item/task written to DOK 3 often contains DOK 1 & DOK 2 level “sub-demands.”

• DOK requires looking at the Competency/PI & the assessment item/task – not student work – in order to determine the level. DOK is NOT about the student.

• The context of the standard or test item must be considered to determine the DOK – not just looking at what verb was chosen.


When (making or) inspecting the alignment between a set of content standards and an item on an assessment, it is important that the DOK level of the standard corresponds with that of the item.

•Otherwise, think about the inferences you will drawFrom a student’s performance on the item.

“Alignment’ of Content Standards with Assessment Exercises


DOK levels - NEDP Health

32.3 Indicator

Describe methods for reducing home hazards that cause:

a) falls

b) fires

c) electrical accidents

d) gas leaks

e) poisoning


DOK levels of NEDP Health

32.3 Item

“…, identify three areas that need improvement in making your home safer by marking the “Hazards” column in the Home Safety Chart.”

“…identify and describe what you will do you to reduce these three hazards in your home.”


DOK levels of NEDP Health

36.3 Indicator

Use the USDA Food Pyramid to interpret nutrition information based on a one-day eating plan of 2,000 calories that includes one fast food meal, and one home-cooked meal.


DOK levels of NEDP Health

36.3 Item

“… fill in the blanks in the following sentences with information found on the My Pyramid website.”

“Three examples of foods in the grain group in the food pyramid are _______, _______, and ______.”

“Practice Test” – Assigning DOKs

Try assigning a DOK to these 7 possible classroom activities:



1. Paraphrase Chapter 4 of this book.

2. Write a letter to the editor concerning your view on . . .

3. Use your knowledge of different types of graphs to make and label the results of a poll of your classmates concerning their

favorite sport.

4. Make a timeline of the key events of the U.S. involvement in World War II

5. Think up a new snack food and write an advertisement jingle to promote the product.

6. Develop a menu for a new restaurant using a variety of healthy foods.

7. Identify three literary devices used in this short story and give an example of each.

Summary of the Four DOK Levels


LEVEL ONE – RECALL & REPRODUCTIONRecall of a fact, information, or procedure

LEVEL TWO – SKILLS & CONCEPTSUse information or conceptual knowledge

LEVEL THREE – STRATEGIC THINKINGReasoning, developing a plan

LEVEL FOUR – EXTENDED THINKINGRequires an investigation, collection of data and analysis of results

“Practice Test” – Assign DOKs

Assign a DOK level to each of the following

Grades 7-8 mathematics items.



1. After three games, Stella’s bowling average (mean) was 105.Her first to scores were 112 and 96. What was her third score?

2. Elizabeth dropped a ball from 50 feet off the ground. Eachtime the ball bounced, it rebounded one-half the distance itdropped. What was the height of rebound after the third bounce?

3. The equation 2x + 3y + 7 = 35 represents the total number ofpoints that Frank scored in last night’s game. In this equation,x represents the number of two-point shots he made, and y equalsthe number of three-point baskets he made. If he made 8 two-pointshots, how many three-point baskets did he make?




Summary of the Four DOK Levels


LEVEL ONE – RECALL & REPRODUCTIONRecall of a fact, information, or procedure

LEVEL TWO – SKILLS / CONCEPTSUse information or conceptual knowledge

LEVEL THREE – STRATEGIC THINKINGReasoning, developing a plan

LEVEL FOUR – EXTENDED THINKINGRequires an investigation, collection of data and analysis of results

Excellent Resource

“Webb’s Depth of Knowledge: Transitioning

to the 2014 GED Test” – GED Testing Service

webinar transcript and Powerpoint slides,

2013. Available on GED website.




Michael Beck35 Guion StreetPleasantville, NY 10570

914 – 769- 5235
