1 Ch. 14 Sec. 3 The Growth of Towns. 2 The Rights of Townspeople As towns grew, townspeople no...


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Ch. 14 Sec. 3

The Growth of Towns


The Rights of Townspeople

As towns grew, townspeople no longer fit into the manorial system

They were makers & traders of goods, not farmers

Manor lords, however still controlled the towns


Some towns gained the right to self-gov’t peacefully; others resorted to violence

In time, European townspeople gained four basic rights: freedom, exemption, town justice, & commercial privileges

First, anyone who lived in a town for a year & a day became free, including serfs


Second, townspeople were exempt from having to work on the manor

Third, towns had their own courtsFourth, townspeople could sell

goods freely in the town market & charge outside traders a fee


GuildsEach town had a merchant guild, an

association of merchants & workers created to protect their rights to trade & to help out members & their families

In time, skilled workers formed craft guilds, which set standards for working conditions

Each guild had members from a single craft such as weaving


The guilds took care of ill members & controlled the training of boys & men in their craft

First, a boy served as an apprentice – his parents paid a master worker to house, feed, clothe, & train the boy for several years

Then he became a journeymen, a skilled worker who was paid wages by a master


If the journeyman made a masterpiece – a piece of work worthy of a master – then he became a guild member & opened his own shop


Medieval TownsIn time, guild members became the

middle class – a class of skilled workers between the upper class of nobles & lower class of poor & unskilled workers

The middle class favored kings over nobles bcuz kings provided stable gov’ts that protected trade, business, & property


Towns offered serfs a chance to improve their lives; they could learn a craft or become traders & move into the middle class

Some serfs escaped their manors; others were pushed off as farming methods changed

Serfs who stayed on the manors sold their crops at town markets & paid their lords w/ $ rather than labor


The Black Death

Most cities had fewer than 2,000 people

Since cities had little land, houses were built several stories high; each story extended out beyond the one below it

At their tops, houses almost touched over the street


Cities were exciting places, but they were also dark, unsafe, dirty, & unhealthy; waste was dumped into open gutters, & disease spread quickly

Beginning in 1347, a terrible plague called the Black Death swept throughout Europe

It spread along trade routes, entering ports on trading ships


Black rats on the ships carried the disease; it spread to people by bites from fleas on the rats

Entire villages and towns were wiped out

By some estimates, 25 million people died in Europe w/in four years – about one-third of the pop.


The Black Death shook people’s faith, & the church lost power; the upper class also lost power

Workers, now in short supply, demanded higher wages; in some countries peasants started uprisings
