1 C1I Paper. - Chronicling America...from the Shoulder of what Jim Fisk brutally w. Jackson, Miss...


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TlIE GflAXD CtZSTJLS IIoTK.L. A-iC-E n. ft'loxravy oa Hie CLarloa. ! Plats NEW- - ADVEKTISEMENTS.

br th Irid- - t-- .Itroe-p- t ioar,the most striking type of tlie jroress of rEafflae Cor Sale A Urrat Kn&mllie contact 'torn Rodlevl Pod iloilett or I Extract from the Washington Correspond- - j



FOBCorn Meal. Wheat Flourlnjr. and Stock Feed,

ence Cincinnati Commercial, 19ts.l EESTOHAT- Dec. 1, 1870. THE LARGE EXGIXE in JIachine Shed atFair, ia bow at depot awaiting re--

brpment. The owners aothoriie aae to sell. jtills eminent Senator fGeneral Schurz), UAprtt jof Attempting to Defnui itaSubeeriLert He reads One Paper with.

Interest, but lias looked into the fate

the are. la the derelopment of palatial hotelenterprises. Xew York h jut tuliered Ina new triumph ia this particular. TheGrand Central Hotel, situated on Broadwaymidway between the np town and downtown hotels, rears its magnificent marble

not oulj a statesman, but a eenueman, ana me valine is l2L2J; cylinder feet; 4U incharriving at cue capital, weut, as 5L me u- -Yoknt in Simpson. Mr. L. A.

xt i authorized to receipt for sub- -

GrOOTQQ Pago i Co.,f. .t.fclirierSU,IIaI timer-- .



Circular Oaw Blills,Gange, Mulay and Sah Saw Mi!!.,GRISTMILLS, TIMBER WHEELS PHIXGLEMACHINES, ae. Dealers in Circular S,Beltinr and Mills supplies trenerallv. ar.d

i banl wheel;' two pumps, rovernor, itumquetUk to pay bis respects to the President. fu,g, whittle, heater with usual stam, waterof one of the Partner and don't lUce it. lie sent in fats card, and General Dent re rally in inand exbaast pipes. Boiler 43 ia. diameter, 8fLflnrs. 4 ft. fir-bo- x. and will stand a tt of

iwiiinsr Apparatus, Mnutters, i;orn.Shelicra, i liur Packer


-- riytifn to TuE Clariox ia S fpHE lUlr restored niucolor, preterite 1 frofront and swallows up almost aa entire turned it with a snub. in li in.1 ne CTarion has not come to this office inblock. Only opened, as It were, on yester ftnt nu 1The Senator was informed, in the curtestmanner possible, that His xeellency was !lbt. to the inch, fardraolie preaaur. The

enirin is worth at the factory, fftJU; the'"w " '"' 1, an 1 itsmil ll ir lied.two weeks. V mean that among it large

w4 i i'e Mitt were ttrl tnlr.mii Knw Mill natrons to the day, it has become already crowded withguests, from everr rart of the country. As

freight to Jackson, coot S'JIO. I will sell, comengaged, ana would be tngaged Uurlug autl C itivi - j II A I

numoer of subscribers, notoneorthera Dasreceived a paper in that time. We are the LorisiAVA cin(;Li:

iuntoiu n.that was leitoi the reception hour. plete as it stands, for$"Jl00 cask, or its equiva-lent in ixry or ninety days acceptance.

tn ilt !y the warns of llieI!nmranJ, f'.ock Growersof the Woiitti, but Iheir fimeL npren i to etrry quarter

yon enter Its magnificent portals, the bril assistant Pos-- t Master and know exactly 1 be slice 01 eoiu shoulder was not gar-nished with any dressing of regrets or re--nation aa an Enzineer and Macfatnist.- - keep me lift i fl'Htl. ,...iwhat we are talkinz about. He nave no 1 I.liant coup dVeU exceed anything yet pro Ad lress until December 10th,

J. L. POWER. moves all d... .. ,..i..f-uin- l he can come well-rcco- auest to call strain It eame as rjaturaiiu-- Ji that the fault is with the Clarion otSce a. ;oi ii.p Riuoe, D'l they ateduced iu this country or the world. Ooe Not23-2- w. Jackson, Miss from Dandrull,from the Shoulder of what Jim Fisk brutally' of II, a .

P" (' irr n" I f' im .1 v I

Now the Clarion has just as much right toC Mi.--- -

mended. nw r,, ati 1 us-- J in EuropeI i

n ii i


manufaetirers arents tor LefTel's celehratejTurbine Water Wheel and every description ofWood Working Machinerv.A QRICCL TL'RA L EXCISES A SPECI

becomes absolutely confuted with the sur and is an ein-- ithe Senator, Asia, Africa and South Amer- -oe conveyed regularly in the mails as any OKIIIA! HOME. other forms of heaj,acceptinz the bacon, bowed nd with!re ica. lo supply the iurtea- -rounding magnificence. It has to be seenc tiif.kx Fikld and Factory. inz J IIlIl I we In, rnl.raIt was a repetition of -- Ksop'a old fable of ALITY Till: LOL N A t urpn E BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Orphans i "i i: II Ae l our M inufaetoi T and added valuable imthe sroat on the shed, makinz ntmseii onen X. Home, will meet at Lauderdale, on Wedr .rs E. O. Wall and A. M. Rafter, ot Car w"lsend for descriptive Catalogues andto be appreciated. The Grand Central bearsacout the same relation to other first-cla- ss

botele at the Great Eastern did to other first

other paper. We are disappointed when wedon't get that paper; we read more of itseditorials than we do of any other paper bntthe Xew York Tribune, we do this in thefirst place because its editorials are spicyand welt written, ia the secoDcL ;we look

provement u tho Milla.sive to the wolf on the eroand. nesday, December 'JUl. This is the semi-a- n- Frioe Lists. . . . tepto-aw&- w y.roll county, are abont to commence the pub- -iAa heretofore. ur Alult will he built of

RIliTOKli:is not a dye, hut ir,!. n final color by sB, i ing tin-Wil-

natural uu sine aiurmat the snub was the snub direct,, witu nnai meeting, and matters of great lmiort- - ctH.tcs tfurr aiiocaa, aeK-etiH- at ll a (Juartws'Vat'.on, at this place, or a crstxuaM Ajrncui class ocean steamers. TVilh between one oce wui come Detore llie toard. It is desirapremeditation and malice aforethought,

there can be no question, for this beuatorupon the Clarion as the best exponent ofnai uncier ug roots uue. v e oc-- ble that every member be present.ral and two hundred rooms more than acy oth Ateils me, and b lauicbs over it, that he taw iv oruer et tlie isoard.Democratic principles in this State, comes- . w , r : I. . -k for the enterprise that favor which er totel on tM continent, the Grand O n-- i ,it i ttbe illustrious Dent, Brigadier General and W. S. WEED, Secretary. C1I

similaiej from r.iUer ,-- i,r !

slatitanrous llsir l r are n ,

e.atie, iftreytr,g il.e vna! .1 ylUe hatr and atUnd of tbrn,.,,,,,.but ou the contrary make vht l


ia t raoce..end f.ir e rm jp1,1-- i containip 1 restiee on Milling sent hy mail free.

Address,ISAAC KTlMm A (O.,

Cor. Front A John us..JuUSwl'.m ClMCIHMATI, (.

f o ricEiy otwrTts. iw V ' 1 v I tral is tHe colossus of the axe. Iu all thenearer given me trun nug. 1.40111--o far aa the true principles of the Repub-lican Partv are concerned, occupies the

giand keeper of the cara basket, usher incertain trieuds of the Quaker proclivities.. - .

appointments, everything 1 fully up to the ,rtatisicen Who naye ucoennaen it ia a mi-Clie- nt

guarantee to the public that the Field who arexreat lavo-it- es with ins Uceilen-- a me position lu that party that the Clarionmurk for a first-cla-ss New York cl;y hotel uilding Paper.Joes In the lemocratic party. cy, for that they generally dispeuse itii 1The carpets, furpitare. Darlors, linen, andj Factory win 'w ivuv Several yers (two or three) ago when we all ceremony, and do hot therefore annoyhim with pressing the fact that he lacks in

wiry.TilK l.oi'i.i ana ri:i;oti;

RINTOinjK.not only actually ri n, ,U .air an i

the nsiuial I y i.iu, !,.

Vjof Industrial Journals. all the etcetera, are gorgeous. were a subfcriber to trie cianon, it cameTbw is nard. eoBitmct nw. lika mm attfi- -his bearing the common courtesies of clvuThe genial proprietor, Mr. IT. L. Powers, ary tx'K sur, and w aaturar4 with tar awvery Irregularly, some times the package

had been opened and papers abstracted.The F.occational Iwstitctioks at Cli- f ' Z viV;ized lite. Livery and SalcStabloof hotel renown, whose remarkable admin J

1. mi- -nHow pitiful is all this. The Senator calls (arts to it a lutui mi,t Irani v (,., i, ,,We hanoened in Jneksou abont the time,w are. ulcaeoa to learn, irom a va- - oad oa tu ovtaida or ftuM tralMlnga, and. i

tha clapboard, aaw acxiar ihlogfea and flrxxaj to keep ami dun? aod cold. It la aJao aad aton lain by no oiher iMKllil.istrative qualities eminently fit him to pre and thought we would as a mere matter of tha (Hilda, Dot aatiutad,tataadkitarut.I 1 1 I'.NIaltllX.i: A.r:i. rv of source.-- , that both the College, for

rr.'n"niii-n- . and the Institute, for young novlStw&wly. Tin; hoi i.mana i:i :ui itov.vi:i.to pay his respects to the President, and thePresident -- forgetting, or never knowing,probably, that it was not Carl Schurz in the

siJe over this modern Coliseum, and all Li business mention the lactto iiiaj. narKsuaie li mi:M makaa a wa-r- w ana choaD wall. It ooato1 I f J oIt from fS to $30 farconHn to alaa) to aorar IV Inona, MU i:iToi;i:icnumerous corns of assistants, are mot at 1 1 1 homo oa ttaa oataMa. S BamplaiWe did not meet with biui but met bis

partner Pow er. We only knew him by sight,the same way he knew us, and we stated to

ante-roo- but a benator from ansaouri,both under the direction ana nian-t:mc- nt

of K V. Walter Ilillman, are in a daaortptiva circular aaat fraa.tentive, polite, and kind, and apiear to run in addition to it many Heiu!sends out his bijf-nos- ed usher with au iu riiuK underpinned, would respectfully notify rAdiraaa, BOCK KTVEg PAPEft CO, Chicago -the vast establishment with natural ease suit. A the traveling pul.lic and cniiens of Win, -him. the fact that we and others aid not getl'LATATIO

FOR SALE I !TII" PLANTATION" called " Povertj

li'r uro-Piro- tn conuinon ecn Havinghi Or . C. VA1MEM at CO,The fact is that General Grant, irritated.- . his paper, and that packages sometime came na aud icinily, ihat they have purchased thegaotly prrfumad and is migreasitiess and si k . In ,

linen labrir i im' .( ,.,) !

M ii. I eonl ii. ii,) .,iith large increase of students, and system. Already the Southern de-

mentis concentrating at this house, w here to the office which had been broken open at the result or bis bad political manage S3, Stt at S7 Caaup Street. 2S"w Orleaaai entire Liver;, M iM. Sim k and Pioj .tiv,ci.uim iel tbereu itl., ft..tu Mr. W. M ISY,,1 additions are being made every week. ment, is kickinz viciously, fike an old cobnd juiiue papers taken out. It stuck us

oi I uii'li--r in ni 1. 1,tul are icrl'etinir arraniri'tm nia m r.rti nthat his manner w as that of a man who wi h a briar thrust ucder his tail, aud de Hall," hut better known as the Gala place,-- acb uece i the hatural result of the tal- - oueisalmont certain to meet with friendsand acquaintances without the trouble of t ttd y in a ti , i u , , ,the business in a st vh ruual to tin- - d in'au lthouffht another was trrinr pick up a sort cent people have to hurry out of the way or nni)i ci:n ruin:. tha beat aai letnct ion .,,. tki!l and energy for years so unremit-- of the commnnit v. Parties dei t iun an r iLineOut four miles from Clinton, on Bo?ue Chit- -of ac'auaititance with him, so we hurried betake themselves to clubs ana Dnctoats.eoinr around in the search to the other u their line, may relv on thi-i- r i r,u'i t.l ur MANftl'lELl) iih;li:j:1 know that this is a coarse way of puttnrouiriia nu leu mm. 11 i wtr iuou"iii to Creek, is offered for sale. It containst,u,;t employed by Prof. Iiillman and la-...- ri

! their Mississippi Col- - M A SON & HA M L I N and ac?S)mniodHU.n. VV are prepared to hirewe wanted to cultivate him, he was as mucn Miiiiiui,hotels. To enter upon a minute descriptionot this new wonder of the world would be

ting the situation. But when a Presidenttorrets the dignity of his position I am not horses, hueiiea, wntonn and team: and i(k9 80-10- 0 acres, and has oa the tract some ofmi-tak- as if he had burnt his shirt. We

i r.ot only regaining the liberal Sute CAHIXK OltGANHdon't like his looks, and never did. called to remember. And since Urant naafatiguing,froui the Inexhaustibility ofdetail the best cotton growing land in the count rr.nr.';e which it enjoyed before the war. jrot to prancing, rearing, and kicking iu the tor Parlors, Drawinsr-Booin- s. Libraries.Suffice to say, that those who may favor, i, low receiving patronage from Ixuis- - Terms of sale made easy.dirty arena 01 local politics he must expectTIi MtiM'iiKlh ol ! Army.

Note, lrorlrr.For :ilu Id JACKMIN by

M. 1'. Ah iiAmi lit i a , lui it.May i, IhTO wiui

Churches, Sunday Schools, Lodges, etc.the immense establishment with their pat to have a boulder now ami then shied at his. , and we oserve that the Arkansas If not sold, it will be'for rent for neitAccording to the annual report of Gen. executive skullronage, cannot fall to be pleaded with the The most popular and widely used of largeI'i'jti-- t Mste Convention has recently year.Sherman, the followinsr is shown to beirenuioe courtesy extended, and to retain musical instruments. Elegant as Furniture;adopted thf (x.ilejfe as their SUte Itistitu- -

The Great Kaigma.agreeable remembrances of the uniform and suitable fyr secular and sacred mttsie: not rethe present strength of the army :Tlieie. ii.tlnences are destined to makeA thousand euesses have been made at MA.srii;i.D ;iin.iu:i.polite civilities showered upon tbem. The

I). N. BAltHOWS.Jack ;on, Oct. "inf.

To Organists !quiring tuning, or liable to get out of order.the ( oliee one of the largest in the South Enlisted men, ten c. valry regiments. 9.802

the ingredients of Sozodont, the mostprice of board at this hotel is exceedingly t ive artillery reimnents FIFTY STYLES, at $00, $05, $100, $12o,$ltV), Magic Arnica Lininnwholesome and perfect dental purifier themoderate, ranging from three to four dol Twenty-liv- e infantry regiments 15.4S4 $100, $175, $2 , to $2,000 each.5(0Engineers battalion...TnisBhsr and Uruiinil Tosic of IkoxI'iio-ilior- and Caliauys, known a

Elixir of C'alisaya Bark.world has ever seen. They were all wrong, A. I.01U.FI1I.T . Ki:i SI Pl'Mlars per day, according to location of room iSi-T- he MASON & HAMLIN Organs are0G so, by way of throw ing a light on the sub- - It!'. PARED from Unre I ..e,,,the Acknowledged Standards of Excellence201 JAa the holidays approach, each one ist. iron restores color to trie blood, the traci of Cuimhor I12 j ject, it is now announced that the fiber, or

feed borne. We will continue to carry the lr.S. Mail daily, as usual, lo Carrolxn. andtransport j assetgers. Our IUi as ashCoaches, are in guod coudition, nd we willendeavor to give passengers all the conifurf iuiiir pott er.

We expect this fall lo have on hsnd farmhorse s and mules, lui sule, aud a cheap a canbe furnished in this llMtl'ket. e gtlifcluliteeall our transitrtion to be as represented.

The I'Htroniigo of the public is aoliened.W. C. KSKKIlxiE.JO. F. TOWN 8 EM).

oct 10, lH70-w.in- i.

TKL'ST rALE. ,BV VIRTUE of a deed in Trust, made by

Thomas J. lluliucs, dated the 4tU ilay ifM:iy, iMsi, to secure ceriain notes thereinspeciried, one due Thornhill .V Co., t, r the sumof Ihirty-thre- i; hundred and three '.l-l- il ,1,.lars, dated Jackson, Miss., Februaryand due two years afterdate, with interesttrom ilule at ten per cent, per annum; ulsoamile due Juhii W. Knliiiiscn, for eighteen hun-dred and eight -- seven Ki-H- dollars, datedFebruary l', WA, nu 1 ayiible two years afterdute, with interest from duie at ten per cent,per annum, said .!(., recorded in Deed IlonkNo. T-- paire'J'Hi; al.-- a deed executed by saidHolmes, dated .Oth day of Match, 1"V)mi b.cure note payahlo lo Kuhiusou, btevena ('.

amonjr instruments of the clas, haTing been Clark's Short Voluntaries Chloroilme and Maiinrtie - ,,..!

n ti.!.if ..

I 11

333 inner bark of the Quillava Sapoxabia, the

Ordinance departmentsWest Point detachment -Signal detachmentHospital Stewarts...Ordinance sergents .Permanent and recruiting parties and

recruits not available for assign

renews w aste of the nerve tissue awarded Coin lu u nl .121on the look out for some substantial articleto present to their friends, that w ill not 011I7

bean ornament but a lasting testimonial ia7 5 .Vli:iAI.MSoap Tree of the Valley of the Andes, is 'l lus powerful J'. neit , Fi,FOR THE

I'or Ike lipo or Iteed Oriu.one ot the components 01 mat psericss 11 11 ei cm com poaii ion from !,, ,,., . I illor other highest premiums for Demonul ratedirJ tlie 1 alisaj a given a natural, healthfultone to the digestive organs, thereby curing

In it farious forms, wakeful-re- a,

irfiieral dibiiity, depression of spirits;generally sold, which ale iiiimiiy y, u ,dentrifice.1,010 Superiority, in Europe aud America, includment I cheap inan-- i ial. such h 1 aueid itr,Designed chiefly an Onenin? Voluntarw-- sing the first-cla- ss medal at the

after years, when age and the changes oflife shall have passed o'er us. To persons issearch of such j resents, we would directthem to the well tilled book establishment

'Spalding's Glce," useful and true. which only act upou ihe kiu. dm M:,rinica Eiuiinenl pi neliaies tlnou-l- i h!1iiand KcKponoen, lor delicate ami expreive

General service men on duty 111

bureaus of the war department,armyheadquarters, te

Available icoii.iti at, depotsPA HIS EX rOSITIOX.276 bioob. i.wi ana i bi.Asi.-tu- . Selected ai. sues, muscles, and to I he bum, nill'siAddress 11. V. Pierce, M. D, Buflalo, X.743 arranged by WM. H. CLARKE, author of the at the root ol Ihe (list'ase un.l il.,,. , , mif any a , w u v jinmicianii Aew .Method for Keed Oreans. ' Price, inYand get a . pamphlet on Catarrh free, or reaction m hirh cannot be biom hiof Eyrich & Co., where there is j ust receiv-

ed a fine line of Engli'!i books, handsomely hoards. l.oO. Stnt post-pai- d on receipt oTot;il 34,870

also, the be- -t preventive against fever andj.r.ip. One pint contains the virtues of oneotiti'f of ealisaya, uml one teaspoonful, ajrw" ofiron and jdiosphorus. Manufactur-f- j

only by Caswei.i., IIaari & Co., suc-r?4- rs

to Caswell. Mack & Co- - New York.Sold hy lru?its.

any cither Liniment. In short, im if.scuds sixty cent3 and get Dr. Sage's Catarrh price.including a majority of the most Eminent inAmerica, and many in Europe, have givenCommissioned oflieers. total for all riiriim remedy, is so muillustrated in steel, that are suitable to any oi.

branches of the service. 2.44-1- . This number remedy. $500 reward is ofTered by the pro-

prietor for a case of Catarrh which he canOI.I VUK lI I SO A ..

ItoMlon.teste. I in every Mixtion uf theit needs no further lei mii-- lutclass or condition. Specially worthy t 11 I ,

ion.written opinions that tbeyA - - 1 1 I :nii!t bo reduced to 2 277 before January 1st

ls71. and th num!er of enlisteil must bemention, is an elegantly bound copy of 1. 111,111 i.iiiiiiieni in, C U Co iiC. If. IHTSO A CO, w York.not cure. Sold by druggists.iiriiin h prevalence ol k .1, Idale.l January lNrt, lor the sum of unTennyson's Vivian, handsomely illustraud

K X C EL ALL OTHEIiS.(.Sec, leUiuionial Circular, Sent Free.)

reduced to 30.0UO before July lsttlS71.Oti tho '2oth November the schedule of t hou.":itid and foity-on- o o.J-h- dollars, withMadden Chancev of Weather are a 'r i : i interest !rnm dale at ten percent per annumTIIK ( KASI S OF Till! .ITE1tin' New Orleans & Jackson railroad was New Stvles and Reduced Prices this month.Productive ol Throat Diseases, Coughs, till paid. 1 will proceed loscil at public saleSTATES,so changed that trains now leave tins station An Illustrated Catalogue, with elepant illus A few power loom Weavers, to whom perma to the highest bidder for each in liontofiheColds, &c. There is no more effective relief Cn nilol. i n the c V of J ack sou. on the L!Jd da vis follows: (ioing north; Mail train 2:50 a nent employment will be given.The Census Bureau at "Washington, trations, sent tree. Address MASON A: HAM-LIN OKU AN CO., G90 Iiroadway, New York.orin these diseases to be found, than in the of December, lb.O, to satisfy the aaiue, tho Julhas returns so nearly full and official from Apply at omce, Carondclct corner

by Gustave Dore, a volume of 'J hos. Hood'spoems in game style illustrated by same

artist; gems of French art, and many oth-

ers. For children toy books in great vari-ety and handsomely illustrated besides allthe late publications. Our handsome littlefriend Frauk Young, will take pleasure inshowing the stock and selling you a bill ofgoods.

id Ircinoiit titreet, loston. nuv-Jw- &s worn described lands: houih ' oflowing sect lollm. (nilit.) ; Express train 4 :50 p.m. : Goingsouth; Mail train 12:50 a. m. (night); Ex- - timely use of "Brown's Bronchial Troches."'

Common, or at he Factory. and llie w 'a "I wII, tiw!t' and w 't of n e11 of seel ion (II.) 4 j ofThey po.-sc-ss real merit, aud have provedtwcntv-niii- e 8tatcs, that they may-- be

stated" as follow with almo.--t entire accu Alios Pu Jiihiistoa. Frank Johnston. and olrre-- i train, 3:45 p. m. Xo more Sundav ti etheir eflieaey by a test of many years,having ot sen inn l. mid eo mucn ol Hih ; ot the kmTo Nuvt uad .'rUt llll Jim.trains. and ol t he e ' ot. t he ne! ami of the ne1-- . ofracy : received testimonials from eminent men who JOHNSTON & JOHNSTON. nut desiresr undersigned, a Mtuntiou as nect ion H, an lies uori h ol the Jackson road,13i0.

aeourge harbone r Ery b ,et,stroyed Ihousfinds of y,.),,,,!,!,, f,.,tJ,mules m tl. M, ..!.., , j V H v ,iM,lr.,,1'Sj.l jear.the M?ir A 1, i, a I,,,,,,',,, ,

illy remedy of a II I but ,., , I , I i ,, i ,.,failed to cure in one ample u,,,,,,, n

wauls a. pond and , h ,l ',. Imei, convenient at nil times, , ,

in rrlieying pain. Ihn ,i,,Jei t., ,,"Here, I lo the public a a ncrc u hiKhc umalisin, elo , and accomplish, - em .

the ort cases, whether ihlonic ..iwhere all other iriuvdiea hunt ,,y, ,,,.,nig. Wili Coiiniiiioii will, Mm--.. II i,-l- - a ' Ji,i uinai in C, 11,1.0 o ,, ,

has ever yet bi en reported whe,,. ;not rtlected ill a shortvny tune. i ,,, ,v ,

lv be said, as ii name lu.f oi ir, that n , i

if by Msgic.For sale by all Dnif-im- s.

M nM ll l f. V MM. Ill t ,Anatical i ami Drntc iis,

H. .In ii o i ii i

IiiiiIiIk, ,.

have used tin m. JL Engineer, lie thoroughly umU-rstand- s ind so much ot the w 'i of the 11 w of sectionSixes of the Zokiac. A philosopher eIthe West, grown luto admiration of the Attorneys at Laic and solicitors in004.201 keeping an engine and circular saw in ordt as lie iiol ihol m:i d Jacknon road, contain435.450 Xo !3pcptic. was hroueht up in a large flouring and grist

mill in Illinois. Refers to Cart. D F. Jones.ing l"l. aereH, 11, ore or lor. .111 lieingintownship in 11 u'1- 1, west, in the county olHindi. The t il lo to the same is supposed to be

Chancery.J ACKSO.X, MISS.

w e do not agree to cure you. out Irom a editor V inona Democrat.379.H04112 210110.424

1.057.2S0careful analysis of DOOLEY'3 YEAST

1370.. .. 1.002.! K0... 4s4J.lU... 5.")li.2O0... 12.-UX-

... 1SR0!C

.. .I.IjCMKM)

...2 540.217

...1 COS 100...1.177.:15... 3.13.1S2...1.323 204

good, (tut I convey only llie title veled 111 mePOWDER, we cau safely recommend it as a Tniftce,

1.711 051 1)RACTIfE in all the Courts at Jackson,county, and elsewhere in the



Dickson CoKon Seed.producing nutritious, light, healthy bread, WM. II. AI.UA.

Truxlei1.1.350.420 fcate, in special cases.biscuits, rolls, etc., which can be eaten with074.913107.2'KJ Office removed to South side of Capitolimpunity and relished by the most sensitive Chanrery Court of Wwls County, t Jjixtrit t,street, next uoor to the post-onic- e, aud second1.155 64 flUIE suhscriler offers for sale the above ser.1 October T'-rm- li7l, X'lh day.door ahove Clurion office, front room up stairs.703 0027iti,:m IOV. Z, lOtO-I- I. A thepresent year's product from wed im-

ported from David Dickson, of Sparta, Geor

invalid. These facts we can substantiate,from practical observations, and with theknowledge that no injurious substances

Mat07.04!) I'ur said In JAl liMlN'a A Hal v.

States.Alabama..ArkanstsCalifornia.IlcdawaroFloridaGeorgiaIllinois,IndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMarylandMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriNebraskaNevadaNorth CarolinaOhioOregonSouth CarolinaTennessee .

TexasVirginiaWest VirginiaWisconsin

740.113C. Fkik.v, 1

iI.onz'oU. Matchs, i nl. J

The fe5i'GEu tfEwixu-M-iciiiN-E PatKVT. One of the Singer sewing-machine-paten- ts

expires next Friday, and the refusalto extend is officially announced to-da- y.

The Commissioner of Patents states, how-

ever, that the refusal does not throw tiieright to make the Singer sew es

open to the public as there are a number ofother patents having several years yet torun, which protect the Singer Manufact-uring Company in the exclusive right tomanufacture their machines. Several ofthe existing patents do not expire until 1S77,and one of them, the Commissioner states,covers substantially the same points as theone that expires next Friday. From theNew York Times of Nov. 3.

Mr. Barfield, of this city, is agent for theSinger machine. ?

Habitual CoBMtf pation.

rATCH FREE GIVEN GRATIS to every gia. 1 ne price or seed saved irom t lie nret and2nd pickings will he twodollars and a half per rYnil.whatever enter into the composition of And M

May 'M wOmlive m.ri who will net aa agent the roniplainnnts bill, nmlhushel, or two dollars tor amountsover t weutv T 1 l)y OJietllllin a new, Iiclit, ami lionorahle ou.ines, pav- -DOOLEY'3 YEAST POWDER Grocers bushels. There will be a limited amount above the lull of amendment mid Mii pleinentiiijc)t"0a dv sure. No pil't enterprise. Noeverywhere keep it. Doolky & Brotuir. erein, and iifioti utli lavit filed herein, it ap

Cherry Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayer for in-

structions under w hich sign lie shall be bled,which blistered, and which vomited, andur. kr which he shall take Ayer's Pills for ankUWtion of the liver; also under which signtw wile should commence to take the a

for her ailment. He adds, that heirwily knows how to wean his calves underTaurus, change his pigs In Scorpio, cut hishair in Arie, and soak his feet in Pisce orAfjUarius as their condition requires.

Schoolmasters, start for AVisconsin, andvisit Mr. Ham when you cet there. LowellMy New s.

The following is a list of the schoul aut-

horities for Hinds conniy :

County Superintendent John F. Tuck-er.

DiBKCTOia.Try drove Henry Mayson.Kaymoiiil Thos. Hunter, jr.Clinton T. 1). Jones,.lack-o- n 11. V. fierce.

T'tica .1. ( amphell.Kdtt-ar.- Depot S. W. Osburne.

liumbuir. No nionev wanted in advance. A1. my own wants of seed that have been selectedagain as improved seed, the price of which willbe $4 perbushel. The later pickings, of which

pearing to I lie sat in tact inn ot tbe Court thaiManufacturers, C9 New Street, New York. dress U. Moskoe Kenxeut & Co., l'itthurg. the delendii 11 1, Julian Dluiti'N and Annala. nov.a wjiswira.

. . 780 000..1.1 Si 15.3.. 4H0.037.. s;4 1J0..1 7H3.O00

J05.( tH

.. 41,00O

..1.072.OtO..2.075 40i).. 110 000.. 735 000..1,25.3.320. . S50 000..l.aoa.rjfT.. 417.043..1.052.200

vthere will be a large quantity, can be sold tor Edwards, Ins wile, and Hullie Kibh, James J.How Jluoli Ihtron was Contained



,C7902 022


703 7081.1U0 801


775 881


Itnil i;.lne ,tKi-k- ,

MNTnnj:i: (O

one dollar per DusLel. 1'lensants, Robert 1'ieaniiiis, harnh A. Iliad-lev- .

Elm 1. Hopkins. .L.I111 W. Ilm k in.IYAV CAI81).South l.at NcnNon, and IVkatIt t'OltU t.M. l'arties ordering seed from a distance canhave tbem forwarded from Summit .

This variety of seed is twenty davflmore forThere is no possible reason why the SouthThouias llo kiiiM, J(, -- Me Hopkins, Ha.li.- - Hop-kins, Jam 1 1 ! n n llobeit Hopkins, PorteiI.ibb, John J. Walker and Maria Walker, Inwife, and W Ilia 111 .Mills, ai o not en liens of t lie

ward than any other variety gives a muchcannot make its own supply of meat. There 1. UKOU .V & larger yield and turns out more lint cotton..1. A. lIROV-- ,

Jackson, Miss. IStaiuof M icai.--s ,id. bill are evei l v lioiwreii- - UJ ILL practice iii all th, ('lid t he u 1 1 on nd , ii u ( ,

Apply to me directly, crto J..N. Atkenson 'lit Im

'III '

is no section of the country which will notproduce the hog. nor does the climate ef-fects prevent its properly killed and perfect

Tf.rrv, Miss. Si Uro. wlvinly.'now TO EFFECT A CEKTAIX AXD I'EK--l lenti theiiol', and reside out of Slid beyondthe limits of s.u I Mute, thai prot'i-h- ol sum-men- s

C.itilio' be lij on Buy of lliciu;thi ret'oie it is nidclcd, that the eaid

WALTER L. CAMPBELL,bum in it, Mis.ly cured. Our agricultural journals, which

AVE OPENED A LAW OFFICE, in theMAXEXT CVZIT.. very rightly cry "more com," should al.--o 1 AH W ' A It Inovl-S-Langloy lltiilding. corner of State andSome occupations of life predispose to Cos- - add, --rai e more hogs, cure your own meat

and save your money." From one ol our 1'uarl Streets, Jackson, Mississippi, and will a 11 is do si'vei a! ly en 'er lu i r 11 p unci here-in, on 01 betore I he ti r"l duyoi the next trimgive strict uttpntion to rn business mstrust- -tiveness. especially those which allow but roit Sam:.

DESIRABLE PLACEed to their cure. Thev will prsctice in all the.1. II. Il l.vt i.t:,

A T T H N i; V A i I, , u .

Allollll, I'll lt 1 V.ot this Court, lo be I, n! ten at tin- court roomthereof, in the c n V of J ac k oii on the thudlittle exercise. Persons who contract this

exchanges we find that the South alonespent $30,000,000, or, counting last year'-- ,

crop of cotton to have averaged $100 perbale, it took 300,000 bales of cotton to pay

rnilE known asX. "Central Nurseries," one mile from JackCourts held in Hinds and the adjoining coun-

ties, and in the State Supreme and United Monday in Jatiuaiy, A. D. WI, and Plea, I, anunfortunate habit of body, under such cirson, Miss., well suited to the production ot swer 01 demur, lo coiiiplHitiatii a said bills, orSiates Courts, at Jackson. a. ii. .. i.yi i:u a ii. in iifor meat alone. rruits. Vegetables or Dairy. Contains fil'tv the several allegalious theiool, will be takencumstances, might possibly be relieved by

changing their sedentary employments for Address A. G. & J. A. Brown, at citherThe truth is, that the corn crop is utterly Anui:.i,i,i m t.,ws.r confeescd ns ioiIh-iu- .

It is luriher ordered, that a copy of this orJackson, or Terry, Mississippi.

novSOmt w&w.neglected, ard, of course, where there is noothers of a more active kind ; but this is by I'rllll-'s- j I'ollll, o.i It ., uu-- .

The l''ffMiit!t Amendment Popu-lation.

The follow ing facts have ben obtained atthe census bureau; a comparison of thecensus of 1800 and 1370 ns to the coloredratio in the states named :

Ninety-fiv- counties of Georgia: 1S00,330.820; 1870. SR)3,lr.

Delaware: WH 21.057; 1S70. 22.220.Kentucky, 13 counties: l8t;0, 13,388; 1870,

12.513.Miryland, one county: 1S00, C,450; 1S70,

5 534.T xas, 21 counties: 1SC0, 21.475; 1S70,

' '27.750.Virginia, 51 counties: 1S00, 272.0SG; 1S70.

258052.Ytyst Virginia, 24 counties: 1SC0, 1,770;

lS7o, 1.347.South Carolina, one ccuntv: ISOO. 13,292;

acres, (twenty enclosed) small dwelling, andgood out-hous- two cisterns, fiueyouug orch-ard and variety of small trims. A huruinmay be bad iu tho place, if early applicationismndeto the undersigned.

JT be published in lh- - W'h.kl i'lahiov. h

I. It. ( II aI.m Kits c.IT A D J IT 5 vj tlblli: publi.Ued 111 tuiid CHyolackson, once a week lor one month, prior to

no means certain. Habitual constipation isa very obstinate disorder. All theso called remedies invariably aggravate it. 1 iL 11 O 1 O Aftoriirij ul

C. ( i mmi:

ii M sh

Jewelry, Etc. The advertisementol Mr. E. A. Tyler, New Orleans, will befmiul in our advertising columns to-da- y, in

liich lie makes mention, with just pride, oftie diploma awarded him st our rM:entstate Fair, lor the best made watch, and thebest made jewelry and silverware. Visitorsto the Staw Fair will remember the superbdisplay made by this house a display which'Onitituted one of the leading attractions oftiie week. The establishment on Canal'treet, is w ell worthy a call from every

visiting New Orleans; and now.

the said Hay hen 11 fixe, lor I hen ai.peai atice.SftUlAb NUlItfc. Owing to removal toMrnnliin Tenn I nffpr snnip hftrrn i n m i n fruit Vnd it is further otdcicd. that lio Cleikolnfl i ... ' ... - . . . .Nothing can be more injurious than the I 01 I 0D SCraDCr. Illlier ana trees, ines, riants,.Kc, rora limited time

ISM I. AH l:., j V A IINov'J.n I

i I t: lacontinued use of strong aperients. They at ' After June 1st, I shall be pleased to fill all or

this Court, do pi i e copies of this order, a misend a copy to eaeli on ol said ,h leinl-aut-

directed and addressed as billows, to-w- i :CULTIVATOR I I. I.ders for nursery stock, from our new estab-lishment Memphis. To Julian Edwards si I Anna Edward-- , h.s

rpillS Scraper scrapes both sides of the drill PhotognphA. J,. 1IAH.11.novll.fwst-wO- t

wile, and l.bb, J inns J. Plea a ri t ,

Robert Piea-ant- s, and A II n ii , .

first irritate, and then finally almost para-lyze the bowels rendering them so torpidthat enormous doses of cathartic medicineshave no effect upon them. A mild aperientcombined wlih a gentle stimulant, is the

I at once, iiiu iiiu notn sides ot tne drillat one operation. Will sweep out the middle i n 11 , a II 0 11 s v . , , I, . m .

at oe operation. Loes its work better thanany single scraper, un De guided in its i. HA DSBHBV. B MAS9EV

1S70. J2.307.

These statistics show but little, if any,incrca.se in the negro population duringthe present decade.

To but I'. 11 k ti- -, J W f ,. 1

ii 0104 H . k n U s. i.- llot,h o - , ,s i ,i H j1:1s, Jaiue.s Hopkin-- , Frank Hopkins, iu,doliert il i kius, Keverull v. at Madieoti slut ion,

I. id;. .111 ciniiu, Alibunia.To Poller ilibb, at Moni'es ville, Liinestoue

true remedy; and a combination in the hap-piest proportion, of these ingredients, is

work with acuracy aud ease, and of light draft.

Marsh's Cotton Buncher,lor iu n k 1, u ill- - nu,-- 1 i , ,

I ii n s ,, nil k:u I s ii n l siy!,low It I I S.

Can be attached to scraper or made sepaCounty, A l.ibiiin.i.rate; will cut out tne cotton irom eight to six

,4 1 I. V I !,

nd miu.,-- ,

'lied to rillt.l ,.'' tl in .in I, ;

ft. N'"r! i .

To John J. Walker mil Miia W'slker, histeen inches, leaving a hunch as may be desir-ed, from one to four inches.

The Cll I ti ll s Hi' Hijc k II

country, re respect (h inoppoi t u nit y which msv noha si net io ii guarantied

net Pw2in,


wile, at Mobile, Alabama; and to WilliamMills, at .Montgomery. Montgomery county,Alabama: and said Cleik will i.riv rristniie.VInn.li) Cornand Cotton IManier,on each of said r so mailed.Will open centre furrow in place of Shovel tWOpposite Mr. Saunders' Hoarding House Ordered by the Conn.

NAM I EI.plow, and at same time deposit from 12 to 25bushels raw cotton aeed per acre, for manuringpurposes, upon which to bed preparatorv to

near the City Hall. Jack ion. Miss. ionni:i.i..i- - rk. ... aV. CO.6ne Private Carriage for evecial or nov. 10-- w I t.planting; same hopper will sw cotton seed for O1 ders and Public Hacks and Carriages, alplanting. Anotlier liopper accompanies the ways on hand, for any occasion.

t IhUldlthiitici ry ( 'ourtDr. J. B. Massie, lonz known as a skillful

K the holidays are approaching, and assome of our readers will be purchasing suit-M- e

presents to gladden thei friends, weKjtfest that at Tyler's can be found both el-fj- iat

and serviceable articles. Thegentle-ffliul- y

exhibitor at the Sate Fair, Mr. Chas.Pescay, will always be found with Mr.

Tfler, and we recommend our friends tofor him.

A Ciood Thing:.f

The Rev. Mr. Ilackert. of this city, has-- en out a policv of $5000 iu the Piedmontpd Arlington Life Insurance Company.0 better thing could be done by or for the

Jliuistereonseerated to the work of preach-es the Gospel. Not only should provision

Qia,le f,.r such w hile in the flesh, but al-- w

lor ttieir w ives and children when theyno more.

Umler the Jewish dispensation certainand very extensive suburbs were

set apart for the support and main-wau- ce

ot the wives and children of thernests and Levites. By the Mosaic law,we were rendered inalienable, and hencettlsa perpetual provision tor the wid- -

i&nJ cn'ldren of those who ministeredtue alur, and who had no other lot orIsrael.

the ? fn,K W' Mosely, General Agent of

Count ijPlanter for planting corn.The cost of Scraper and Hilling Flows,

of 11 it, I,diy.Veterniary Surgeon, iii Jackson, will always October Trr,ii. 11.',

be found at the stable togire his special atten-tion when needed. KOMIi a 1 AT I.HM J IT:

A i- - i.-- r rrv, i;jjall complete v

r 00The cost of Cotton Chopper, all complete 15 00The cost of Planter, all complete .. 05 00

For further particulars, address the under

grain there can be no pork.

Ancient --lllnen IEeviwited.From the Panama Star and Herald.

By a receut conversation with two Amer-icans who have beea settled for some timeback in the little port of Pinas, to the southof the Bay San Miguel, we are put iu pos-session of certain information. With thatrestless energy so characteristic of the na-tional character, in extending their re-searches back into the interior they came,by a very difficult road, upon the desertedsite ol the celebrated mines of Cana. Thesemines, discovered aud worked by the bpan-iard- s,

have both a mining aud historicalcelebrity. The town and mines were at-tacked aud taken in the year 1702 by a baudof buccaneers. One of the adventurersgave the following account of their ex-ploits to the London Gazette, ot February 8,1702, which said : ''That nine or teu Englishprivateers had attacked the place upon thecontinent (South America) called Tolu.about ten leagues from. Carthagena, whichthey took, plundered, and burned; andthat from theuce they sailed to Caledonia,rowed up the river of Darien. and ingratiat-ing themselves with the Indians, were bythem couducted to the gold mines ot SantaCruz de Cana, near the Santa Maria, and af-ter they had marched nine days they fell inwith an outguard of Spaniards, of whomthey took nine, but the others escaping.gavenotice at the mines of their approach, sothat the richest of the inhabitants lied withtheir money and jewels; that, however, theEnglish took the fort and possessed them-selves of the mines, where about seventynegroes remained, whom they set to workduring the twenty-on- e days they werethere, in which time 'they got about eightypounds i weight in gold, besides severalpieceu of plate, which they found buriedin the ground by the inhabitants, and thatat their return they burnt the town andbrought away the negroes. Alter this, aswe ail know, 'Cana was abandoned and itsmines tilled by order of the Spanish king,but enough ot evidence remains to point outits exact locality. Experienced mineral-ogists would find a great difficulty in trac-ing out the rich veius from whose outcrop-ping the Spaniards derive so much gold.Our American friends say that at their re-cent visit to the place the site of the bousescould be pointed out by the grinding ttouesused for corn or ore. The remains of thefort can yet be traced, but the most cuHousdiscovery they made was that the four or livebrass caunon still lying there were foundfrom tbeir constructions bebreech-loader- s:

they were manufactured in Barcelona, andhad the date of 1641. Thev bcre evidences

No. 1nov.et til. jA MLS T. Ri IKS

ESTATE OF JOHN J. LIUON.signed, rost-otu- ce lsox $, Natcbex, Miss. ONbill,or,, tiins cotnplainants hill ttt.d ami inb--

in I hi" cause, and i t n pi,ea ri ng to I heThe Scraper took Diploma, at State Fair,1870. Several seta of implements alreadv or ili.Mi i inn ot I he c mi rt . that I he ilefen la illsdered for the ens jing year. Any persons hav obn J. Keese, K. J. M- K in lie v, James A . Col- -

letters of Administration onWHEREAS, of Jon J. L100, deceased,was granted to the undersigned, hy the hono-rable Chancery Court, of Hind coiiuty. at the

ring capital wisning to join in tee manufactnre fin, Iiiiia Keese and Laura Keese, are r.nicitizens of the ."Mate of Mississippi, but reside

October term thereof; Now, all persona having ""w.s. -- l'""or these implements, can learu terms by ad-dressing me.

CYRUS MARSH, Jr. claims against said estate, will present themand have the same allowed and registered. oui:n, i. am;, mi ii A .

beyond the limits thereof, so that the processnf this Omrt cannot be severed upon them.The said John It. Keese and K.J. .McKirmcy,and James A.Colin, the two la'ter being

of W. U. Kee.e, dereased, residing atwithin the time allowed by law, or the samewill be forever barred.

Knotville, in the Kiate of Teutiesi.ee, andD. X. BARROW'S,Administrator. Louisa Keese and Laura Keese reaidinMrs TT renorts that a

Jackson, Miss., Oct. -- w6t It isFrankfort, in the ."'ate of Kentueky.the " o--', uiost esuinaoie woman 01p"JWist Church, iusured the life ofuimUe V3ake

District.Presiding lilder of the State of Mississippi, Supreme Court. 0 tler

Term, A. D. 1S70, Monday, Nov. 7, 1S70.W "e?n a?nul payment had scarcelv--1befor vi. l7L wns seizeu'''O0n0f thoSC tor ri 1,1 .!..- - ORDERED at this l;rm of this Court, the

the 3rd (Northern) District he

found in llostetter's Stomach Bitters. Thisfamous Stomachic invigorates the whole in-

testinal canal, while quietly removing fromits convolutions all impediments to a freepassage through them. No mere purgativehas this double operation. No ordinarystimulant effects the desired object. Casesof Constipation abandoned as Jjopcless bydistinguished medical men have been curedin a tew week by the Bitters. To thosewho have tried all the medicines of the dis-pensary in vain, we say try this Irresistiblestimulant and aperient. There is no suff-icient reason why constipation should be theconsequence of sedentary habits, llostet-ter's Bitters, by supplying the vigor whichwouhj otherwise be derived from exercise,will in all cases enable the system to per-form its excretory functions regularly andhealthfully.

on Amosg l'litntei-- .

Wixoxa, Nov. 20, 1S70.

Col. J. L Fotcer, Secretary Mississippi FairAssociation:

Dear Sir: I was pleased to see yourcall in ThkClasiox for a Planters' Meetingat Jackson. I am in ' favor of everythingwhich will bring our farmers eloser togeth-er, and cultivate a more spiritamongst them than has hitherto existed.There should be Farmers' and Mechanics'Clubs or Associations, in every county, allworking together for the general good.Wherever such organizations do not exist,let them be at once found and reported toyou, as well as to Col. Capron, Commissionerof Agriculture, at Washington City. Letthose organizations send up one or moredelegates to Jackson, at some specified time,to take into consideration all matters of mu-tual interest, and regulate times for holdingAnnual Fairs, as well as adopting, as Tar aspossible, uniform premium lists. The ad-vantages to be derived from such a courseare suiliciently obvious to every thinkingmind.

The Commissioner of Agriculture sentout this year a catalogue of all AgriculturalAssociations reported from all the States ofthe Uuion, embracing the names of officers,and if dates of Fairs were also reported, ex-hibitors from all sections of the countryceuld readily arrange their routes so as tovisit the various exhibitions without loss oftime, and at much less expense to all con-cerned. These Annual Fairs are becoming,as I have said before, a power in the land,and must result in much good if properlymanaged. . ' '

Hoping that the friends of Industrial pro-gress throughout the State will take thesematters under prompt and earnest consider-ation, I am,

VeryJRespectfully,Your Obedient Servant

A. M. RAFTER,Corresponding Secretary Carroil and Choc-taw Agricultural and Mechanical

Lopez, the w hite man that married a mu-

latto girl in Vicksburg, is a policeman.Herald. '

The Canton Mail says that Sheppard, thelate mayor of Canton, by grace of Alcorn,was found guilty of stealing city funds, bya jury composed of nine colored men andthree whites.

Col. John McGuirk,of Holly Springs,w howas during the first of the war Lieut-Co- l,

of the 17th Mississippi Infantry, andafterwards Colonel of the 3d Cavalry, diedin that place 011 the 13th iast. lieporter.

The Southern Herald says that personswishing to organize Councils of Friends otTemperance, in Amite or adjoining coun-ties, will please address Jas. A. Godfrey,District Vice-Preside- nt, F. of T MississippiState Council, at Liberty, Miss.

In tbs communication from the WinonaFair which was published iu our last week-ly, the following errors were made in thenames ot exhibitors who took premiums:Jlernantlo Murray for Hernando Money ; W.

A. DeJoiner for W. A. DeJouniet; W. JMorrisne for W. J. Morrison ; and J. WLoicry for J. W. Logue.

The Winona Democrat says that tho re-

port which has been going the rounds, thatseven assassinations have been committedin that place is false. There have beenthree assassinations in and near that placeaud one man has been killed in a street light,four in all killed-- We w ill see If the Re-

publican papers that printed the report withso much gusto, will give the correction thesame attention that they did the report.

The Handsboro Democrat says: A gentle-man writing to us on business from Enon,in Perry county, represents the crops inthat county as very poor generally. Hesays there has been considerable fever onLeaf river this fall. The people seem anx-ious for the building of thePaducah, M13sissippi City and Ship Island Railroad,which will connect Perry with the coast.Our correspondent speaks well of the coun-ty officers says they are the best men inthe county. ' '


- - "waded with heinturu."; tonjresiivoTl best mef,i':

taken op, and the eases thereon called on the

J'roj i'tutors of Oi.


MACHINE WORKS,Muuuf I' lurer of tho l'i If l,r ii, I

lluntllloM N v

lorlntli uml Hlnllonnry I nim.Htesm a n I Ilore power Thres'il n i M ,. ,,. .,

Mill ierifi jr s nd Mini H,ir) .fi.'ii, i

t.Ki1f, Pulley. Ill;',is, i'. ,

General Af-cn- i for Mill Fit i, njr Foti.i-i.i- ,

a ud Mrtflluueiy u j., i.Wool Workinir Mseiiinery o ml an. it m )

Latest Impr im iii.Exclusive Afrriitu in ,c . ., i.,r

Lcff.-l- l s Iioul le Tut! me tV:,r l,i,'. cl

ievant IUoshis, and n n ny ,, .., rleadinK arliclis ut Mae.hit.ei y.

At their JSrimA House in .)(i, . ,1 ,

" ash,DPlou county was baJiled"'lemnfs trt IMWrva o , ...... 1st Monday, the 2nd day of January. A. D.

therefore or li e l. thattlie said defenn lantenter iheir appearance herein on or before the3rd Monday, in January neit, at a regularterm of tins Court, to beheld at Ihe courthouse, in thecity of J.vksoti, and jdead,' an-swer or demur to the bill of complainant tiledherein, or the snuie will be t.kin as coulessedas to them. It is further ordered, that a copyof this order be published In the Wm.ki.vClasiov, a new'pi.pcr publislii d in the city olJackson, once a week lor one month, an t alsothat a copy be mailed, oslnjte free paid by theClerk to each of the above - ft tidauts, at theirresj.ee i ive place of a ho le.

Ordere 1 by the tour!.,amli:l IK) NX I'LL.Clerk.

nov. 10--w 4 t.

Ilaa long been d aa tue beat and roe&pnet3akinc Powdiv la nse. PerfncUv pare and healthv.t makaa, at toort notice, delicious Biacaita. Rolfa,

fce. There need be no waate of food prepared wilat, as it ia alarara of the bast quahty We would aaya thoe who have never twed it that a verv fewrials wiU enable them to Baa it, not only with entireMiafactioo, bat with ecouomy.Pat op rcuu. kxt weight, u repreaeatod.Grooers aad Dealera aell it.DOOLEY & BROTHER, Prop's,

69 Now Street,SEW TORE CITY.

1871.iinlo - - oe vaiuaoie lO liecommuBlty. But the cood man de-- A true copy from the minutes.SSl-P'10-

1,no only had he Attest: JAS. M. McKFE,

nov. 18w4t Clerk.? - the rich pro-CS- fi

rede?'Pt,on'I he felt also--

i0Ol!,t)rovldeuce Provided abun--those who were dearer than life.

THE EES l ! !QO TO "llfHEREAS, lettersof administration on theII estate of Thos. T. 8 wann, deceased, were

granted to the undersigned, at the last Octoof being intended for use on board of ship.irom wnica iney naa oeen sent for the de ber termor the Chancery Court (first district, r

of Iliads county, State of Mississippi, now allpersons having claims against the estate ofsaid decedent, are hereby required to exhibitthe same within the time limited by law, or theeame will be barred.




Is kept on huo'l a full assortment ,f r, ,

and other Marhinery with wl.i.-- b i.,ply the Itiverand V irll i , ,,.

"teV. For snrthiri(t in the above Inn- - n i r

Deacnpiie Circulars, Price Li-tt- , i" ...ito-- l see them at

hT. I)L'L-- Mo-or HAMILTON. 0

Au23m Si Rules Norlb of Cu. ,iu,-i-

JAMES A. HORN,Administrator.

Jackson, Miss., Nov. 11, 1670. tiw.

j. Huesiioo tor tne pioua and thouKht--

0!,. ?J-- l"ongrogation to consider wheth-Wntwif?!,a- nd

children of their haveProvided for in this or any oSer way .

had the pleasure yesterdaj of afromtwo gallant offi- -

r ' ArSi'le Smith' the Army),ommojore Carter of the Navy, Both

rJ s- Service to identify themselvestte Confederate cause.

Davis was iu JacksonwTUrs on Sabbath en rottte tyr Vicks-- 6

the guest of Mrs". Tarpley. Ilis pres-t"- 0

to but few of his friends,tfk !llIe,i themselves of the opportunityus. ' lng their respecU. He wiU return th

LinilEBI Ll'MBi:it! ILMI1EII!H. OEATITT. DR B. P. ATKINS ..a rt-v- ADMINISTIIATOi: '.S No I K 11.GRAVITY ATKINS.The Commercial Atheneum of the South,

Corner Camp and Common St.E W O K L E A 8, W, A.

BROOKIIAVEN, MI&S.,Iaa am favctnrers of IJest

the 'h day of Aufusi, AOy in the ullica vf itia (

Chancery Court of Jlin la Coum v,llistrict, letters of Admin isi r a i ,

taieofJ II. Duniuii, laie of i J

1' I'M!( ik i

I r the IU I fl i.er,..ii;V i.

fTXHlS ia a chartered institntion, a full coursesiness College in all it,' department. YELLOW PINE LUMBER,. Hanks and Stores are connected and u'mAmmOral! .Length. Fiftyperfect

business regularly transacted.

fense or the place against Indiana. Thelocality, thogh wooded, is cool and healthy,being 6,000 feet above the sea. Randomspecimens of the ore gave $90 to the ton, andthe surface washings could, with improvedmethods be made very profitable. In thesurrounding woods are the remains of an-cient plantations of paita, cacao and plain-tai-n

trees.The buecaneers, according to "Davis1 ex-

pedition to the gold mines of Darien," wentthrough the greatest hardship in order toarrive at them from the Atlantic. We areindebted to our American friends for thesuggestion of an easier approach and abrauch of industry for the Isthmus whichthere is no reason for neglecting any longer.

The aggregate length of road ot the At-lantic, Mississippi and Ohio Company, nowcompleted to Bristol, and stocked. Is fourhundred and twenty-eig- ht miles, and sup-plies an all-ra- il connection between the wa-ters ot the Atlantic, at Norfolk, with thoseof the Mississippi, at Memphis, (with sideconnections with New Orleans, Mobile, At-lanta, Nashville, etc.) When com pit ted,this line will be fivehundred miles in length-O-f

this consolidated road Gen. Mahone wasrecently chosen President. . t . , .. 4


, GFTTINQ MARBLED.Essats rom Tbcao Max, on Social viia,

and the propriety er impropriety of petti n rMarried; wita sanitary help for those wko feiunfitted for matrimonial haPpiness. Snt fresia ralel enrelnpea. Address IIOWAKD AS-SOCIATION, Box P, Pfciladelp aia, PaC .

district, deceased, were ?! u' i I.,according law. And 1

noi ice lo all prison haying c1,u.,! estate, to nave Hum ir. i,

VZTOkdzrb Pkojiitlt Fixxcd. at lowest a" i, m m m

I hy1 th week and has accepted anI &idJt,l0oa 40 1)6 the --?ue,t of oar cWstin-- 1

ku!wusinn' Hon.T. J. Wharton.. it I .... a imarket prices sept27 w4m

and presented for t" nieni. I.

Scholarships issued by Sonle's College aregood in 40ce-operat- ire Colleges. This advan-tage ia not enjoyed and cannot be extended byany other College in the State.

Fifty --one Premiums, Gold and Silver raed- --- l. T,;l 1 1 vi- - . j

1. i ;n oetter heaitn than w have reqoireil by laiforever barred.THE " WALLISW TIE.for ten years.

- a r n . . . w tbib, iiiuiuu, iiuDuiuieairirai ana moneyorisea. for tbe best kent books. ht rractieal 1 f cot tne best fcnrlish iron. mut ana

Clinton, Mis., R..-- ,! a, l''.'-l-penmanship, beet Telegraph beet XT. P""y adjusted. 'meehanUsaf drawing, Enifel eomposi- - 4J.,." rded at Louisiana State Fair,

in IS O.First Preminm awarded

Lm and TJis Cacse. Sir, all over thisland ot ours there are men like Lee not asgreat, not as symmetrical in the develop-ment of character, or as grand in the pro-portions which they have reached, but who,like him, are sleeping upon memories that

Mngnlar Coincidence.The striking resemblance in personal and

public character between Washington andLee is not the only circumstance that asso-ciates tbem together in the memory ot theircountrymen. The Leesburg Washingtonmentions these additional coincidences :That both were bora in Westmore-land ponnty, Virginia; that each majrv-rie- d

a Cnstis ; that each was a prominent, ifindeed each was not in many respects themost prominent, figure in a great historicalAmerican war; and each has a Marshallfor his historian Chief Juatice Marshallhaving ben the biographer of Washington,and Col. Charles Marshall, his relative, hav-ing beeu aaaigncd the task of writing thebiorarbyoi Le.

at Georgia StateFair. OcLober. 1670.

mi niI7viiiiii: t (' ' i

CH nl See the be.' a- ' '

Bswing Mschin now i '

bob oy a student, sc., attest the superiormerits of Soule's Collet.

for College Jouraal containing fall infor-natio- n

address,GEO. SOCLE.

OctoberJ6-l- m. - . ,

IV. A hLP X VI --.COCarondelet street. New Orleans. La

.Mott' General Agent of theHi n? ife Insurance Company, has

apTelWer ,torJr of Mr. Muh'a new1H "'n- - will at once fit up the room

Propriate atyle, a. the State head-54- Tof the spteudld company he soTy repreaenta. --

'f ihi 1 r

1UQtrojraiitcn,)jeij . bow

GkindOkr EunrL of Cool aud t imeMeal In Fort I.

tllOHKHT PRrMii-M-a awarded at nrinie-roti-s

"tatr FaIRm. North ami Hotith. In tbp lastTwEiTT Va.A-f"f'a- lIy the IiuliausStare Fair of Ii7-'- "C3.

Mill mosm. I . 1'iraa. and IltLTiMOtor Mills of all kliwls

For circulars tid Kedu.-- d I'rh-s- List ad-dre- .-;

U. DUIU KY CtJLKMAN,I. O. LVix J acti.ry and Ofhce,

2i'o. 203 Tchoupitoulas i ret.Ju'ew Oi les.nl.

arenoiy as aeatn, and who. am last all re October m.

proaches, appeal to the future and toth . ns'i ' v I ' j , ' ' - ." . i e . i j .nilMHtl C.l It It I A KSL, BIQ. a.s-f-c r, SAUWl.l. I ) itrtbun l or history, when she shall rentier

her fl al Judgement of that struggle, andthe pe pie irbo embarked ia that atrur zle.

eY,JDr.Filiaer. - - . ...

UlKa,SADDL.KS and U ARXEaei. and I tTfOIT'T HUET A HOUSE'S BACK- - ma,!a at (IfI'll

all took lat premium, at the Fair. - At I if -

h O. D. &ID?&Y3? I C3.E.6Idwstyaw