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D.6.3: Report on Validation of

BIMcert Methods and Tools in

terms of Effectiveness, Addressing

Construction Industry Needs and

Future Outlook


BIMcert ©

Ref. Ares(2020)3585435 - 08/07/2020


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

BIMcert Deliverable

Project reference no. 785155

Deliverable no: 6.3

Work Package no: 6

Status Final Version

Version: 2.0

Authors: Dr. Sheryl Lynch; Ms. Mallika Singh and Prof.

William Hynes (FAC)

Reviewers: Gayle Beckett (CITB NI); Dr. Barry McAuley

(TU Dublin); Andrew Hamilton and Eduardo

Rebelo (BMC); and Dijana Likar (IECE)

Date: 30 January 2020; Revised May 2020

Nature: Report

Dissemination level: Public

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 2

Summary of key findings: Phase three testing for D6.3 ............................................................... 6

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8

1.1 Summary of Phase 1 and 2 of WP6 Trials and Testing Events............................................ 11

1.2 Summary of Phase 3 of WP6 Trials and Testing Events ..................................................... 13

2. Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 21

2.1 BIMcert End User Webinars ............................................................................................... 25

2.2 BIMcert Testing Process .................................................................................................... 33

2.3 Evaluation Methods ............................................................................................................ 38

2.4 BIMcert Testing Timeline .................................................................................................... 39

2.5 Evaluation Metrics .............................................................................................................. 41

3. Results .................................................................................................................................... 42

3.1 Key Findings ...................................................................................................................... 43

3.2 Post-Test Questions ........................................................................................................... 45

4. Recommendations – Framework for Effectiveness ................................................................... 61

5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 78

6. Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 80


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Reviewer Revision Requests

Reviewers’ Comments Page Number of Updated Material

1. List of Abbreviations Pg. 3

2. Agenda for each of the webinar Pg. 24

3. Describe the difference between the content of the Trainees Webinar Session 1, Session 2, Session 3.


4 Show in a graph what type of professions participated in the validation (% of students, architects, blue collar workers, contractors, SMEs, etc.)

Pg. 46 and 71


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

List of Abbreviations

BIM Building Information Modelling

WP Work Package

FAC Future Analytics Consulting

IT Information Technology

IECE Institute for Research In Environment, Civil Engineering And Energy

BMC Belfast Metropolitan College

TUD Technological University Dublin

CITB NI Construction Industry Training Board, Northern Ireland

EIHP Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar

IST Instituto Superior Tecnico

M Month

MS Milestone

T Task

BMC Belfast Metropolitan College

3D 3-Dimensional

Approx. Approximately

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

CET Central European Time

CAD Computer-aided Design

HSQE Health, Safety, Quality and Environment

Tech. Technology

CPD Continuing Professional Development

CEO Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Doctor

e.g. Example

i.e. That is

AEC Architectural, Engineering, Construction

PPT PowerPoint Presentation


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Executive Summary

This report summarises, analyses, and concludes the work set out in Work Package 6, Trials, Review

and Testing for the Energy BIMcert H2020 project. This deliverable builds on the findings of D6.1

(Report on End User Workshops and Validation on the BIMcert Concept and Methodology) and D6.2

(Report on End Users Workshops on the BIMcert Models and Tools) and summarises the final results

and findings based on recent trial webinars to showcase and engage with BIMcert Tools, Models, the

BIMcert Training Platform and its Learning Materials for trainees and trainers. Building Information

Modelling (BIM) has been described as one of the ‘10 most promising technologies’ that can act as a

medium for lowering barriers for change and reversing the trend of decreased or stagnated

construction labour productivity in Europe in the recent decades.1 BIM has not only been identified as

a new digital technology that will transform the way that buildings and infrastructures are designed,

built and maintained, but can also be considered a strategic methodology to increase construction

productivity through cost savings, improved construction and exploitation management, improved

environmental performance, enhanced quality, more transparency and collaboration across the

construction industry (ibid.).

In order to evaluate BIMcert’s effectiveness, and address construction industry needs and future

outlook comprehensively, our trials were repeated three times and carried out with three discrete

categories: ‘trainers’, ‘trainees’ and ‘skilled tradespeople’.

Trainers are defined as a person who teaches digital construction skills to people and prepares them

for a job, activity, or project.

Trainees are defined as a person who is learning the skills and knowledge needed for a particular job

or methodology applied to an occupation

Skilled Tradespeople are defined as a worker who specializes in a particular occupation that requires

work experience, on-the-job training, and often formal vocational education, but not necessarily a

bachelor's degree.

Contributing to the trend of escalating disruptive innovations and technological developments in the

construction industry, BIMcert aims to add to existing resources and improve energy efficiency of the

construction industry by providing tools and models to upskill the construction sector and arm workers

with the digital skills to make an impact in the world of digital construction, creating a climate-aware,

environmentally proactive AEC (Architectural/ Engineering/Construction) industry. This H2020 project

aims to create a transparent training model and toolkit enabling and empowering industry to achieve

a greener built environment. The goal is to develop more efficient and relevant training programme

materials that integrate concepts of sustainability and renewables together with practical application

and integration with technology (BIM), as based on real life industry needs and limitations. In

reference to previous feedback on the approach of workshops, the final round of trials and testing

was conducted in the form of ‘online webinars’ to expand reach and make achieving a BIMcert

1 Build Up. (2018). Benefits of BIM and its level of adoption in European countries. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2019].


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

certification an easier, efficient and convenient process. Over the course of October 2019, FAC

coordinated the final rounds of online webinars across various sessions for diversified groups of

attendees to present the e-learning platform and learning materials for their review and feedback

which was delivered with assistance from BMC (Belfast), TUD (Dublin), IECE (Skopje), and EIHP

(Zagreb) where needed.

With the trials completed for both D6.1 and D6.2, in two separate rounds held in Autumn 2018 and

Spring 2019, the aim of D6.3 was to trial new and improved BIMcert models and tools, reflect on

previous end-user feedback on delivery method, levels of engagement and ease of learning, in order

to outline a strategic framework of effectiveness and produce a report on the validation of BIMcert

methods and tools in terms of their effectiveness, addressing construction industry needs and

future outlooks. Additionally, as reiterated in D6.2, a long-term goal of WP6 was to magnify BIM and

BIMcert awareness on a pan-European level, identify supporters of BIM and those hesitant to adopt

the BIMcert praxis. Our current strategy and delivery plan included finding ways to overcome

obstacles to wider and more intensive applications of BIM via the BIMcert Models and Tools as a

sustainability supportive technology of the future.

The work of WP6, through its event organisation, resultant online and offline promotion, specifically

aimed end-user webinars, practitioner/skilled tradespeople interactive pop-up workshops,

subsequent follow-ups and networking, stimulated significant public discourse on BIM upskilling and

sustainable construction. Our stakeholders have continued to provide valuable feedback and opinions

on progress, gaps and improvements that can further be implemented. Valuable to this report was

the methodology of conducting various webinars for diverse audiences which ensured an abundance

of observations and comments on the final tools developed by the consortium. FAC actively

investigated and recorded their crucial inputs and analysed results of various evaluative quantitative

metrics for the development of a Framework of Effectiveness outlined in this D6.3 report.

FAC and consortium partners proactively used social media to disseminate information about the

webinars and recorded any visible response to understand and analyse reach and to continuously

rectify strategies to garner optimum involvement and engagement. For example, Figure 1 displays

1,110 LinkedIn views on a post promoting the ‘Trainers Webinar’ held on Tuesday, 22nd October 2019.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Figure 1 and 2 exemplify how the WP6 end user webinars fulfilled requirements of Task 6.1 and Task

6.2 whilst also directly intersecting with the dissemination and communication work of WP8,

amplifying the overall goal of promoting constructive discourse and consequent actions for the

betterment of the construction and AEC sector in Europe. Figure 2 showcases the 43 Twitter

engagements and 1,138 impressions on a post celebrating the launch of the BIMcert Webinars held in

Technological University Dublin, Ireland on 5th November 2019.

In this testing phase, we wanted to demonstrate to our test groups that we had taken on board their

preferences articulated during the Autumn 2018 and Spring 2019 testing phases for the BIMcert

concept and methodology and illustrate a curriculum utilising the ‘beyond blended’ learning

methodology suggested by them. This report (D6.3) will summarise the methodology for WP6 testing

of the BIMcert models and tools as well as present the key findings of these trials.

Summary of key findings: Phase three testing for D6.3

In all the partner countries involved, BIM has been recognised as a vital and transformative tool to

support sustainable, energy efficient and green construction. BIM is not only a modelling software,

Figure 1: WP6 LinkedIn Views on Trainers Webinar

Flyers (Provided by IST, Lisboa).

Figure 2: WP6 Twitter Analytics and Engagement on

Trainees Webinar Launch Post.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

but also a strategic tool to improve construction management, improve clash detection,

environmental performance, quality analysis, waste management, and further give impetus to

increased collaboration in the construction industry. The intention of these Trials and Testing

Webinars was to raise awareness that BIM is more than modelling and has a crucial advantage of

energy efficient green construction, digitalising skills and enhancing the productivity of the

construction industry in Europe.

Over the course of the trials thus far, the top findings were:

1. 94% of survey participants reported acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency after engaging with the BIMcert training curriculum.2

2. BIMcert clearly responds to an appetite for a bite-sized beyond blended learning with 157% increase in BIMcert trial participation (from Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019)

3. 297 end-users registered on the BIMcert Platform showcasing increased interest and engagement with BIMcert tools

4. Over 80% provide overall positive feedback on the webinars conducted, training platform presented, learning materials developed and the method of delivery.

5. Increased acknowledgement and positive feedback for inclusion of case studies, practical examples, such as a sample of a real-life project.

6. End-users desire explanation of ways of progressing in the learning pathways on the training platform in simpler language with more visual and gamified infographic.

7. End-users desire clearer visualisation of certification paths to be incorporated on the training platform.

8. Improvements required to ensure easier usability of the platform and ease of navigation of the platform.

9. Provide training curriculum in more regional languages

10. Real Energy Efficiency in BIM change must be driven from above (European Parliament Legislature) and stewarded from the ground (Member state mandates and local Action Plans)

Table 1 : Top Webinar Findings Round Three

With an upgraded methodology, the reticence over the IT barrier to blue-collar mobility and upskilling

was, for the most part, circumvented by increased interaction with over 95 skilled tradespeople via

Practitioner Pop Up events managed by FAC. These events involved consortium partners presenting

the e-learning platform on site and demonstrating its access and ease of use on all electronic devices

including laptops, iPads and mobile phones. Findings indicate that the digital skill barrier may be more

generational than educational in nature as many apprentices were comfortable using digital

2 Presented in the ‘Results’ section below.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

technology despite not having bachelor’s degrees whereas some white-collar graduates were actually

more reticent initially.

The following pages delineate the methodology and analyse the results FAC received during and after

the testing process. The ambition is that this document may be used as guidance for future

development of the Energy BIMcert Platform and as a resource for energy efficiency and BIM

researchers and practitioners who want to build, test and develop bite-sized, e-learning material for

BIM upskilling programmes.

1. Introduction

As pointed out in D6.1 and D6.2,3 the objective of Work Package 6 is to test, demonstrate and validate the proposed BIMcert tools, methods and modules aimed at enhancing, enabling and empowering the construction industry. These tools facilitate relevant skills training, which will contribute to a greener, more energy efficient built environment. BIM is currently the best tool available to drive energy efficient design. With improved design and construction when applying BIM, as well as implementation of environmental construction methods and materials, the reduction of about 70% of energy consumption during construction activities can be assumed as additional energy savings. BIMcert aims to provide an enabler to upskill and familiarise with BIM, for greater use and higher energy efficiency in the construction industry. As stated in the proposal, one of the project objectives is confirmation of the following impacts in respect of the energy performance of buildings:

➢ Increased energy savings for at least 10%, in new building projects;

➢ Increased energy savings for at least 20%, in renovation building projects;

➢ Increased generation from renewable sources, in buildings, for at least 13%; and

➢ Reduction of gap between designed and achieved energy performances by at least 10%

D6.2 reflected on the findings of the second round of trials and testing and concluded the following –

(i) some contractors were reluctant to invest in BIM, (ii) participants desired more case studies to

make learning easier, (iii) there appeared to be higher awareness in all test site countries since project

commencement. The BIMcert consortium was cognizant of the previous feedback collected and

responded accordingly with solutions to counter difficulties and skill barriers. We responded by

providing content that offered a clear incentive to invest, added case studies to the BIMcert modules,

and mentioned our research carried out in all five city sites to spread awareness and share knowledge

from Lisbon insights to Skopje observations.

BIMcert, at its conception aimed to provide a training curriculum for upskilling in BIM knowledge. In

the final rounds of trials and testing, the consortium presented the newly developed and launched e-

learning platform with macro training plans which include micro modules. The final BIMcert webinar

trials sample training plan selected titled Training 4 Trainees (also included an initial Training 4

3 D6.1 (Report on End User Workshops and Validation on the BIMcert Concept and Methodology) and D6.2 (Report on End Users Workshops on the BIMcert Models and Tools)


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Trainers webinar with same agenda), addresses varying levels of expertise ranging from intermediate

to advanced learning depending on already existing skills and includes the following modules:

Training Plan for Trainees

1. Training 4 Trainees

2. What is BIM and Digital Construction?

3. BIM Terms and Definitions

4. What are BIM (Maturity) Levels?

5. BIM & Digitalisation Benefits - Overview

6. BIM tools for Low Energy Building Construction

7. Energy System Thinking Key Principles

8. Intro to BIM Implementation – Impacts in Project Delivery – Overview

9. Digital Skills – Accessing Information through the Cloud

10. Digital Skills and Collaboration I – CDE & File Structure

11. Digital Skills and Collaboration II – Access BIM Models

12. Digital Skills and Collaboration III – Review BIM Models

To commence each of our webinars, the introductory BIMcert video4 was played to reiterate the aim

and vision of the project and give the audience insight into the capacity of BIM to transform the

construction industry and our relationship to energy consumption. From previous feedback, it was

understood participants had great interest in the energy efficiency aspect of BIM and desired case

studies and examples to be implemented in the training materials to break down steps easily. As a

result, practical examples and case studies were specifically used during the trials to facilitate ease of

understanding and correlation to real-life examples. As part of Work Package 5, IECE had developed

two live (prototype) case studies to demonstrate energy saving techniques, one of a new building

construction and the other for a reconstruction building project, based on real life projects that

learners have access to, specifically to learn about and practice energy modelling with BIM tools. These

case studies were emphasised in response to the request for them during phase two of the trials and

as a teleological teaching aid. Real life examples facilitate the learning process and help participants

engage with learning materials that project real situations during this phase of trials and testing via

online webinars.

As of May 2019 (reflected in D6.2), we obtained positive feedback on the BIMcert results and

participants had proved that BIMcert was perceived as a positive and viable enabler and facilitator of

BIM upskilling. In terms of awareness, all partner countries continued to promote BIMcert through

various local events, conferences and activities (please see out news section on the website5). To keep

the momentum going, and evidence authentic end user feedback integration, the consortium

strategically upgraded, expanded and diversified the delivery methodology in the final round of testing

4 BIMcert Video produced by FAC and TU Dublin is available on YouTube here: 5 accessed December 2019.


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

and trials and the specificity of the materials to be presented in the final webinars. The webinars were

divided into 4 parts, in accordance to material delivery:

1. Introduction to BIMcert – included presentation of BIMcert aims, introductory video and

scope of the project

2. Preview of the BIMcert Training Platform – included overview on how the training

programme works; curriculum and training pathways; platform usage and navigation

guidance; sample training plans and modules; BIMcert gamification aspect; delivery, tools and


3. Explanation with Practical Examples and Case Studies – included explanation of case studies

which played a crucial role in displaying examples of completed projects and evidence of

successful application of BIM compared to traditional designs. Further, case studies were used

to provide users blended and practical learning in relation to real-life models.

4. Interactive Discussions, Feedback and Conclusion – provided the attendees with the

opportunity to simultaneously register on the platform, enroll on modules, discuss questions

and provide feedback on the usability of the platform, learning materials and inputs on

improvements to incorporate.

Other than the objective of presenting the training curriculum and platform, the crucial aspect of all

the rounds of trials and testing was to indicate to participants that through BIM, the transition from

design to construction and building management will improve the delivery of sustainable energy

efficiency in our built environment. The BIMcert project empowers industry by providing an e-learning

platform with materials required by all identified parties with primary focus on the construction


This report is informed by work carried out by WP4 and WP5, specifically D.4.2 (Training

Methodologies), D4.3 (Pilot Testing Materials and Package of Materials ready for Pilot Testing

Delivery) and D4.4 (Final Package of Materials Available via BIM Collaboration Platform). This report

also engages with WP5, D.5.1, D.5.2, D5.3 (Learning, Evaluation and Testing Materials) and specifically

D.5.7 (Implementation of the Trainers Workshop Outcomes) which delves into the trials and testing

of the BIMcert curriculum that has developed and detailed for all levels of courses and the

methodology for this curriculum. Task 5.4: Development of the evaluation system and materials and

Sub-task: Workshop with potential trainers from across Europe to road-test the evaluation system and

materials, are integral to this report and FAC have liaised closely with IECE on our final reports.

Therefore, D6.3 and D5.7 have a reciprocal, synergistic relationship at this stage of the project (M20),

fully respecting WP7 directions in terms of requirements of the selected accreditation scheme and

awarding institution.

FAC have continuously consulted with the consortium on the preparation of the methodology for

testing and worked particularly closely with Work Packages 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 in collating several

preferred teaching, dissemination and presentation concepts and methodologies and subsequent

models and tools for the project. WP7 team have also been involved in the preparation of training

methods and teaching concepts. The process through which these concepts and associated

methodologies were chosen is illustrated below in figure 3:


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

D6.3 Report on End User

Workshops: Models and


WP2 SOTA: Alignment report and cross check between WP4

and WP2. Intersections on Focus Group content and

feedback for WP6 progress

WP3 Platform Development: Created testing environment for

WP6 as well as producing the BIMcert online platform.

WP4 Concepts and Methodologies: Education

Curriculum & Pedagogical report directly impacts D6.3. Partner

meetings on D4.2 and D4.3 content fed into WP6 trials and

feedback assessment

WP 5 Models and Tools: Ongoing meetings to cross reference

feedback and improve BIMcert content and engagement with

trainers, T5, the case studies and energy efficiency content (D5.3)

WP 7 Accreditation: Incorporation of comments

and suggestions on accreditation bodies and

BIMcert accreditationand CPD models

WP8 Exploitation: Supported dissemination of WP6 Trial


Figure 3: Salient WP Links for D6.3

1.1 Summary of Phase 1 and 2 of WP6 Trials and Testing Events

Phase 1 and 2 were described in D6.2. However, it is important to reiterate the description of

methodology here before delineating the testing methodological framework for D6.3 and the

rationale for updating, diversifying, and improving our approach to this final phase of WP6 Trials.

Figure 3 illustrates the interconnectedness of the work packages along with the interdependencies of

tasks in the process of clarifying the initial BIMcert concepts and methodologies, and the subsequent

presentation and assessment of the methods and tools. Through Work Package 6, the BIMcert project

continues its work in identifying the extent to which the project concepts and tools address

practitioner’s needs, are disseminated to far reaching audience, are plausible to be effective in the


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

shorter and the longer term, and can be implemented in the operating environment in the

construction industry as well as in national policies. By juxtaposing all required characteristics and

the tools’ effectiveness with the requirements with end-users’ desires and feedback with gaps in

national policies, the following results were aimed to be achieved: (i) a description of the feasibility

of the BIMcert tools for the end users (those included in the consortium and external stakeholders)

and (ii) suggestions for end-users on how to implement the tools in their daily practices. The two

tasks led by FAC in WP6 will be used to achieve these results are:

Task 6.1 Workshops with End Users – (M8-M20): Previously, workshops in which the concepts and

methodologies (from WP4) as well as the tools put forward by the project were presented to groups

of end-users, including the consortium end users. Feedback on the content and practical

implementation of the concepts and tools were evoked throughout the life of the project. This task

and its associated workshops were discussed in D6.1 and D6.2 and are built upon in D6.3. This

deliverable (D6.3) discusses the final round of trials carried out in all partner hub cities6 - Skopje,

Zagreb, Dublin, Lisbon, and Belfast - in Autumn/Winter 2019 and delineates the findings in the form

of a ‘Framework for Effectiveness’ from the blended methodology applied for the final phase of trials

and testing.

Task 6.2 Framework for Effectiveness – (M10-M20): FAC has commenced Task 6.2 Framework for

Effectiveness and the results of the workshops and webinars conducted in Task 6.1 have provided the

basis for development of a framework to analyse and identify effective intervention strategies,

impacts and advancement afforded by the application of the developed platform and learning

materials. As this framework is a living process, it has been refined throughout the testing phases and

is now ultimately incorporated in this D6.3 Report. In particular, an analysis methodology was used to

provide insight into the effects and potential impacts on the improvement of energy efficient

construction and energy performance knowledge enhancement. Furthermore, an extended timeline

till January 2020 (M21) provided the opportunity for a higher rate of continuous engagement,

segmented webinar sessions and comprehensive feedback.

To achieve the task outlined above, WP6 has already produced the following:

- D6.1: Report on end-user workshop and validation on the BIMcert concept and methodology

in M10 based on the Autumn 2018 phase of Trials and Testing WP6

- D6.2: Report on end user workshop on the BIMcert models and tools in M15 based on the

Spring 2019 phase of Trials and Testing WP6.

Finally, this deliverable D6.3 integrates the findings of the BIMcert final project trial webinars and

brings out a comprehensive Report on validation of BIMcert methods and tools in terms of

effectiveness, addressing construction industry needs and future outlook (due in M20) and will result

in clear directions for completing the final WP4 and WP5 deliverables. In terms of milestones, the

consortium has reached Milestone MS6.1: End user workshops on BIMcert Concepts and

Methodologies and MS6.2: End user workshops on BIMcert Models and Tools. It should also be noted

that the method of testing the sample pilot models and tools has been progressing gradually through

6 This last testing phase went beyond the cities to online webinars and attracted participants outside of these urban hubs as well as other countries such as Greece, Italy, and Hungary.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

the three phases, towards a more blended approach, thereby testing the ratio of blended learning


1.2 Summary of Phase 3 of WP6 Trials and Testing Events In the final phase of Trials and Testing, since the BIMcert Training Platform has been launched, the

testing approach placed crucial importance on assisting end-users to engage with the platform and

study the learning materials created in WP 4 and 5. The objective was to identify the most effective

delivery methods, in terms of learning progress, as well as chronological and financial aspects of

course delivery.

As previously mentioned in D6.2, the goal was to test the models and tools reported in the logically

structured work description of WP5 Developing Training Models and Tools (led by IECE) particularly in

terms of Task 5, the ‘Development of a Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual for the Learning

models and tools application’. In the last two phases of trials, FAC consistently related the T6.1

workshop results back to IECE and indeed the whole consortium through weekly WP6 calls. In this final

trial phase, in order to disseminate the learning materials prepared by IECE, including the ‘Quality

Assurance, Quality Control Manual and Trainer’s Handbook’, FAC separately conducted a ‘Trainers

Webinar’ for evaluation of the specific features for Trainers on the BIMcert Training platform and to

understand their perspective on the learning materials prepared.

Figure 4: Screenshot of the Trainers Webinar conducted October 22, 2019

Continuing from our previous schedule, from August 2019 onwards FAC intensified the weekly WP6

calls to twice a week: every Wednesday and Friday. These meetings included key partners involved in

creating the training materials, designing and populating the online platform with bite sized modules,

training plans and gamified tools of assessment (BMC, IECE, and TU Dublin); gauging industry feedback

and implementing updated ways of engagement (CITB NI); and those involved in dissemination and


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

social media promotion (EIHP and FAC). The group brainstormed newer and more engaging

methodological processes for the final trials, identified content to be used for the trial based on

feedback by end-users on what they wanted, needed and expected from WP2 and WP6 results thus


At the Spring Trials (i.e. the second round of End User Workshops), FAC had presented the following

agenda to participants at workshops covered in all five test sites:

• Demonstrate a sample of the training materials

• Simulate a live version of how to access materials on-line

• Simulate a BIMcert live webinar, including a live session with a tutor

• Facilitate Q&A sessions with demonstrators

Progressively, at the Autumn 2019 Trials (i.e. the final round of End User Workshop/Webinar), FAC

showcased an updated agenda and suite of materials prepared as part of the BIMcert curriculum. At

this final stage, the consortium had the learning materials ready, an online training platform with a

suite of modules as part of the BIMcert curriculum launched and working and had adjusted the

content in relation with the promised learning outcomes of particular modules. WP6 in its final

phase was tasked for trialing the applicability of the training platform and the various modules on it,

and successfully conducted various sessions to bring out a comprehensive review and framework for

effectiveness. This report, additionally, outlines recommendations for effective exploitation and

dissemination of project end-results.

We outlined the following benefits to all webinar participants, who included practitioners from the

entire supply chain of the construction industry:

1. A Curriculum addressing Skill Requirements for the Profile of Users in varying Stages of the

Construction Process

2. Demonstration of Blended Learning methods of BIMcert

3. Bite Sized Micro Accreditation – ideal for nonlinear progression

4. Gamification Progression Element

5. Access to Free Exclusive BIMcert Modules before and after the trial, to enable engagement

and most importantly for feedback to allow us to improve

The following figure presents how BIMcert curriculum considers and addresses RIBA Plan of Work

Stages7 for profile of actors in each stage:

7 ‘The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and using

building projects into a number of key stages. It details the tasks and outputs required at each stage, which may vary or overlap to suit specific project requirements’: (n.d.). RIBA Plan of Work 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2020].


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Considers RIBA Plan of Work


BIMcert curriculum addresses Skills Requirements for the profile of actors in each stage

Figure 5: BIMcert considers RIBA Plan of Work Stages for Profile of Actors in Each Stage

Based on the findings of WP2 and via continuous engagement with WP3, 4, 5 and 7, the methods for

delivery of training appropriate to each target group and to each knowledge gap were defined and

developed to achieve “ready for testing” status. Based on this, the following distinguished sessions

were conducted for differing audience, delivery approaches and material delivery methods:

Trainers Webinar

•Presented the Trainers Features of theBIMcert Platform, along with the QualityAssurance, Quality Control and TrainersHandbook for feedback.

Trainees Webinar

•Presented the BIMcert Platform from a Trainee's point ofview by indicating presence of Training Plans and MicroModules that can be availed, the blended approachundertaken, gamification of experience points,importance of BIM and energy efficiency along with real-life case studies.

Virtual Face-to-Face Sessions

• Provided the opportunity to platform usersto seek clarifications on content andassessments along with discussing doubts onlearning materials with BIMcert experts overa virtual conference call.

Practitioner Pop Ups

•Conducted for skilled tradespeoplewith the aim to familiarise them withBIMcert, its scope, and showcase thetraining platform as a tool forupskilling





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Figure 6: BIMcert Final Trial and Testing Sessions

A flyer for the Trainers Webinar with the Webinar Programme for the D6.3 trials is presented here:

Figure 7: Highlighted Webinar Programme mentioned in Trainers Webinar Flyer

We utilised flexibility of delivery and a beyond blended approach through organising a webinar online

via a web conferencing software ensuring wider reach. This enabled participants to engage with the

BIMcert Platform by registering and enrolling on modules (‘Training 4 Trainers’ and ‘Training 4

Trainees’) simultaneously, via laptops or mobile devices for anytime-anywhere activity. D4.4 (TU

Dublin’s Report on Training Methodologies) presents a final draft of the modules, curriculum, learning

outcomes, and learning paths under development by the BIMcert consortium, some of which were

showcased during the Autumn 2019 Trials and Testing Webinars. The accreditation of these modules

and training plans is being addressed in the ongoing activities of WP7 (BMC) and its collaboration with

TU Dublin on revised deliverables, due in January 2020. We presented this information in the trials as

exemplified by the following selection of slides:


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Navigating through to the BIMcert Platform and how to register as a ‘trainee’ on the BIMcert Platform-

Figure 8: Slide 7, How to Register on the BIMcert Platform

BIMcert incorporation of ‘Beyond Blended’ learning during the trials along with the BIMcert Learning

Outcome model -

Figure 9: Slide 29, Introduction on the BIMcert Curriculum and its Blended Approach Methodology

Models and Tools


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Available Modules on Energy Use in Construction and Building on the BIMcert Platform -

Figure 10: On BIMcert Platform – Modules on BIM and Energy Use in Construction and Building

Opportunity to obtain higher qualifications after completing Macro Training Plans on the BIMcert

Training Platform -

Figure 11: Slide 31, Additional Training Plans to ‘Add up’


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Figure 12: Slide 32, Additional Training Plans to ‘Add up’ in correlation with BIMcert Modules

BIMcert has created modules adaptable to each learner’s needs and career pathways through which

learners can pick the micro accreditation that suit them and their skill requirement. The platform has

established an innovative, hybrid model of content delivery and training style that provides sufficient

opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided learning. The use of segmented course content,

ease of access, advanced delivery and accreditation has genuinely proven to be an innovative circular

approach to delivering training and raising the skill levels for those beyond traditional learning access

routes. Delivery methodologies employed by the BIMcert model of content dissemination include:

1. Problem/Project-Based Learning

2. Interactive Narrative Videos

3. Guided Self-Study

4. Web-Based Lectures/Tutorials

5. Case Studies

6. Gamified 3D Model Assessments (Figure 13)


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Figure 13: Problem Based Learning 3D Assessment Model

Just-in-time or bite sized micro accreditation training modules have been incorporated to increase

ease of learning and pace of qualifying, specifically for professionals who may lack enough time to

complete a full course on Building Information Modelling. Prescribed modules and training plans allow

learners to gain skills required for their own professional needs, combine them to obtain a pre-

established qualification or a unique ‘BIM Passport’ skillset recognized through the BIMcert Platform

and performance badge measured through experience ‘XP’ points. BIMcert provides modules for skill

development useful for every stage of project delivery, even for varying levels of expertise – ranging

from intermediate to advanced learning depending on already existing skills. Furthermore, it provides

employers and companies with BIM certification and a knowledge base for respective compliance.

Most importantly, the key goal of incorporating energy efficiency has been emphasised upon, by

showcasing modules on BIM and Energy Use in Construction and Building such as – (i) Concepts and

Definitions of Energy Use in Buildings, (ii) BIM and Digitalisation Benefits – Sustainability and Energy

Efficiency, (iii) Energy Usage and Wastage in Construction and Operation of Buildings, among others

during the trials and testing final phase. Upskilling in the principles and skills of digital construction

and sustainable energy will produce a workforce with a comprehensive understanding of the

processes involved in BIM Level 2 projects and improve knowledge and skills in sustainable and energy

efficient construction. Users will, additionally, be provided the opportunity to seek clarifications on

content, assessments and learning materials with BIMcert experts over a ‘virtual face-to-face’

conference call (trialed during Autumn/Winter 2019 Trials and Testing Phase).

The following section will outline the methodology for WP6, elaborating on the End User Webinars

for the BIMcert models and tools. Subsequently, the results will be presented and finally, key insights

and recommendations for future exploitation and a framework for effectiveness conclusion will be



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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

2. Methodology

The key objectives for our methodology were: accessibility, diversification and amplification. FAC has

continued to lead Task 6.1, and 6.2, progressing over three phases of workshops in Autumn 2018,

Spring 2019 and finally Autumn 2019. Previously, we conducted trials and testing via face-to-face

presentation-led, collaborative workshops and webinars in five partner cities with varying groups of

people involved in engaging with BIM, from designers and architects to contractors and engineers.

Building on previous feedback by end-users on – quality of content, delivery methods, level of

interaction and engagement – FAC conducted workshops in the form of online Webinars via

‘GoToMeeting’ web conferencing software. The aim of conducting online webinars was two-fold:

1. To reach a larger, diversified audience and increase participation and engagement from

different cities and countries through virtual connectivity

2. To enable participants to simultaneously engage with the newly launched BIMcert platform,

giving them access to all the material beforehand so that the essence of the webinar was more

focused on interaction and discussion about the platform, its usability, its content and training


These webinars were conducted separately for ‘trainers’, ‘trainees’ and ‘skilled tradespeople’ with

groups of people either starting their journey in digital construction or experienced enough to give

feedback on the newly developed and launched BIMcert Training Platform, Tools and Learning

Materials. In that case, these BIMcert End-User Webinars were very informative and successful in

terms of engaging directly with our end-users, disseminating information about the platform, and

discussing issues of the BIMcert models and tools. In order to implement a systemised approach for

efficient results, the following Work Package 6 Trials and Testing Agenda was circulated among

consortium partners.

A point to note is that the Webinars were conducted via GoToMeeting at a common time (GMT) across

all partner cities – Dublin, Belfast, Skopje, Lisbon and Zagreb.

Webinar Details Date Target Audience

1. BIMcert Trainer’s Webinar Tuesday 22nd October

13.00-14.00 (GMT)

14.00-15.00 (CET)

Trainers from Partner Cities

- dry run of system to

approx. 30 participants.

Test log on procedure and

live access to platform

Week to action modifications or issues to be addressed following trainer’s session and testing.


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2. BIMcert Trainee’s Webinar I Tuesday, 5th November

(2 Sessions)

- 12:30-13:30


- 18:00-19:00


Potential Trainees

3. BIMcert Trainee’s Webinar II Tuesday, 19th November

12:30-13:30 GMT

Potential Trainees

4. Virtual Face-to-Face

Sessions I

6th November 2019 Users already registered

and enrolled on the


5. Virtual Face-to-Face Session


13th November 2019 Users already registered

and enrolled on the


6. Virtual Face-to-Face Session


26th November 2019 Users already registered

and enrolled on the


7. Practitioner Pop Up I 3rd October 2019

11:00-13:00 CET

Held in Skopje, Macedonia

with Skilled Tradespeople

8. Practitioner Pop Up II

21st November 2019

14:00-15:00 GMT

Held in Dublin, Ireland with

Skilled Tradespeople

(Electricians) at

Technological University


9. Practitioner Pop Up III 26th November 2019 Held in Belfast, Northern

Ireland with Level 3

Electrical Apprentices

10. Practitioner Pop Up IV 29th November 2019 Held in Belfast, Northern

Ireland with Level 3 Joinery



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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

11. Practitioner Pop Up V 3rd December 2019 Held in Belfast, Northern

Ireland with Level 3 Heating

and Plumbing Apprentices

12. Practitioner Pop Up VI 10th December 2019 Held in Belfast, Northern

Ireland with Trades from

Joinery, Mechanical,

Electrical and Ground

Works; Company Director;

and Foreman/Managers

from P&K McKaigue


13. Practitioner Pop Up VII 18th December 2019 Held in Belfast, Northern

Ireland with Tradespeople;

Quantity Surveyors;

Environmental and Quality

Advisor; Health and Safety

advisors; Site Managers and

BIM Technicians from

Henry Brothers Ltd.

Table 2: WP6 Trials and Testing Agenda and Sessions: for D.6.3 BIMcert Models and Tools

The rationale for differentiating the audience was to conduct separate webinars showcasing different

aspects of the platform that were applicable to segregated group need but also to ensure that end

users received our targeted attention for a programme bespoke to their needs. From late Summer

2019, we adopted a blended approach to disseminating information about the Training Platform and

Learning Material involving email lists from core partners, social media promotion, website promotion

and press releases, publishing 7 BIMcert newsletters with widespread coverage.

Correlated series of webinars were conducted, where feedback from one session was taken into

consideration, applied, resulting in approach rectification for each proceeding webinar. A brief

explanation of all webinar sessions organised is as follows:

1. Trainers Webinar: Conducted webinar with potential trainers from across Europe (incl.

Northern Ireland, Portugal, Macedonia.) to road-test the learning materials, ICT learning

environment, evaluation materials and the Quality Assurance, Quality Control manual and

Trainers Handbook. To exploit the results of the BIMcert project, trainers’ potential impact in

terms of number of students, size of organisation and number of training sessions conducted

can help expose more participants to the training platform and provide opportunity to upskill

using BIMcert. As a result of the trainers’ webinar, additional professional opinion, apart from

the target group encompassed by the program, was exploited.


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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

2. Trainees Webinar: Presented the BIMcert Platform from a Trainee's point of view by

presenting the newly developed BIMcert training curriculum categorised under diversified

training plans and micro modules to avail of. Focus was also laid on the blended approach

methodology applied, gamification of experience points for successive achievements and the

importance of BIM and energy efficiency through real-life case studies. An essential

component of this webinar was gathering feedback and an understanding of the trainee’s

perspective on BIMcert, the training platform, how it would help them and aspects that

require improvement. Trainees were additionally presented with the opportunity to avail of

BIM expert’s assistance through Virtual Face-to-Face Session, organised in the subsequent


3. Virtual Face-to-Face Sessions: Conducted to provide already existing users on the BIMcert

platform with the opportunity to seek clarifications on content and assessments, discuss

doubts on learning materials and examine newer trends with BIMcert experts over a virtual

conference call. Set up to complement the online resources and provide a human touch to the


4. Practitioner Pop-Ups: To present BIMcert to skilled tradespeople, these practitioner pop ups

were conducted with the aim to familiarise them with BIMcert, its scope, and showcase the

training platform as a tool for upskilling. Salient points discussed included - their take on

digitalisation of construction; how BIMcert will help them and provide a curriculum to learn

about BIM from a beginner’s level to further advanced levels; general questions on BIM based

on self-standardising models, among many others.

WP6 practices the digital ethos BIMcert preaches. FAC used the digital environment with increased

frequency as a medium to conduct the trials and testing tasks. In order to give participants a practical

presentation of the BIMcert Training Platform, presenters hosted the trials via the platform, navigating

through the sample modules whilst conducting the webinars. To facilitate standard analysis, FAC

ensured that all webinar sessions had a common agenda, however differentiated delivery of material,

platform features and pace were adapted to cater to different audiences i.e. trainers and trainees. For

instance, in the Trainers Webinar, we intentionally made space for Trainer’s to give their unique

insights and fulfilled the obligation of WP5 tasks with Dijana Likar from IECE elaborating on its work

on the Quality Assurance, Quality Control manual and Trainers Handbook. We sought to understand

a trainer’s perspective and what they would require as teachers. To note, all trainees’ webinars had a

homogeneous webinar schedule and presentation format. The webinar program for both trainers’ and

trainees’ webinars typically lasted 1.5 hours and the agenda is outlined here:

Webinar Agenda

Trainees Webinars Trainers Webinar

1 Introduction Introduction

2 Explanation of Scope of BIMcert, with

Discussion on Curriculum, Courses, Modules

Explanation of Scope of BIMcert, with

Discussion on Curriculum, Courses, Modules


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

3 Preview of Learning Material, Platform, Tools

and Case Studies

Preview of Learning Material, Platform and


4 Interactive Discussion to allow Trainees to have

their say

Preview of Quality Assurance, Quality

Control manual and Trainers Handbook

5 Feedback and Conclusion Interactive Discussion to allow Trainers to

have their say

6. - Feedback and Conclusion

Table 3: Webinar Agenda for Trainers’ and Trainees Webinars

It was established from previous feedback outlined in D6.1 and D6.2 that users preferred elements of

virtual interaction, increased use of videos, presence of a gamification aspects and more practical

examples. The modules that were specifically created to facilitate the webinar showcased all these

required elements, and redirected users to other modules they could undertake within the ‘Training

4 Trainers’ and ‘Training for Trainees’ Training Plans.

2.1 BIMcert End User Webinars

There was great enthusiasm for BIMcert in the previous round of testing and some key insights were

reflected upon in order to exploit this cohort’s input being implemented in the final rounds of trials

and testing such as:

1. The attendance in Lisbon during the Spring 2019 Workshop was lower (10 attendees, even

lower by 8 since Autumn 2018 Workshop) than the other locations due to the timing of the

workshop; so, it was required to explore expansion of the online capacity for partner cities,

especially Lisbon for the final round of testing and offer lunch and evening options to facilitate

attendee schedules and localisation of BIMcert tools;

2. Opt for a later or earlier time during the day, outside of core work hours to attract more

professionals to the workshops scheduled; and

3. Make sure that the workshop can be continued by the in-situ presenter solo in the case of

technology failure.8

The final phase incorporated an updated methodology of reaching a wider audience and promoting

BIMcert, trialling the platform and gathering feedback to be integrated in the Framework for

Effectiveness. The extensive schedule of webinar sessions and details are outlined in the table below:

Webinar Session

Date Participant Details No. of Participants (Total: 315)


8 Successfully carried out for Practitioner Pop in Dublin (November 2019) when site did not have WiFi available.


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Trainers Webinar

October 22nd 13.00-14.00 (GMT)

CAD technician, instructors, architects, engineers, managers. Blue-collar workers were not present.

12 Dublin, Ireland Belfast, Northern Ireland Lisbon, Portugal Thessaloniki, Greece Zagreb, Croatia Aveiro, Portugal Lourosa, Portugal Porto, Portugal Skopje, Macedonia

Trainees Webinar Session 1

November 5th 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT)

Engineers, BIM Instructors, Project Managers, Production Managers, Project Coordinators, BIM Team Coordinators, Designers, lecturers, technicians, trainees, quality and environment advisor, quantity surveyors, planners, architects, managers.

45 Oeiras, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal Varazdin, Croatia Skopje, Macedonia Warsaw, Poland Dublin, Ireland Aberdeen, United Kingdom Galway, Ireland Northern Ireland Monaghan, Ireland Athens, Greece

Trainees Webinar Session 2

November 5th 18:00 – 19:00 (GMT)

Technicians, Engineers, Architects, HVAC Designer, BIM consultants, Project Architects, Students, Contracts Manager, building Services Engineer, HSQE Advisor, Architectural Tech & BIM Coordinator, Students from Technological University Dublin

33 (15 Online + 18 Students at Technological University Dublin)

Maia, Portugal Zagreb, Croatia Skopje, Macedonia Pavia, Italy Dublin, Ireland Athens, Greece Montenegro Northern Ireland Limerick, Ireland Milan, Italy Galway, Ireland Grenoble, France

Trainees Webinar Session 3

November 19th 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT)

SHEQ Managers, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs (FINKI – UKIM, Skopje), Civil Engineers, Student, Bid Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Contracts Manager

12 United Kingdom Skopje, Macedonia Kozani, Greece Athenry, Ireland Thessaloniki, Greece Northern Ireland


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Webinar Session

Date Participant Details No. of Participants (Total: 315)


Virtual Face-to-Face Sessions

November 6th 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT) November 13th 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT) November 26th 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT) December 3rd 12:30 – 13:30 (GMT)

Specifically for users enrolled on the platform


Webinar Session

Date Participant Details No. of Participants (Total: 315)


Practitioner Pop-Up

October 3rd 13:00 – 14:00 CET

Skilled Practitioners based in Skopje, Macedonia

17 Skopje, Macedonia

Practitioner Pop-Up

November 21st 14:00 – 15:00 GMT

Electricians based in Dublin, Ireland & Trades Students at Technological University Dublin

29 Dublin, Ireland

Practitioner Pop-Up

November 26th Level 3 Electrical Apprentices


Belfast, Northern Ireland

November 29th Level 3 Joinery Apprentices


December 3rd Level 3 Heating and Plumbing Apprentices


December 10th Company Director, Site Foremen/Managers, Trades from Joinery, Mechanical, Electrical and Ground Work from P&K McKaigue Contractors



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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

December 18th Quantity Surveyors, Environmental and Quality Advisor, Health and Safety advisors, Site Managers and BIM Technicians from Henry Brothers Ltd.


Webinar Session

Date Participant Details No. of Participants (Total: 315)


BIM Training with Element of BIMcert

October 7th

HCI Construction Company

7 Lisbon, Portugal

October 14th HCI Construction Company


October 16th and 17th

Cluster AEC 24

October 19th

Post-Graduation at New University of Lisbon: Architects and Engineers


November 8th National Water Company


November 22nd ACA Construction Company


November 25th and 26th

Various organizations


Table 4: Participant Information: Final Round Testing for D.6.3 BIMcert Models and Tools

As illustrated above, the BIMcert team made a concerted effort to reach a diverse audience and

amplify our participation rates to reach 203 attendees for the webinars alone, resulting in an 157%

participation increase. To ensure an extensive expanse of BIMcert in the construction supply chain,

the consortium opted to conduct a series of interrelated workshops for end-users to engage with the

platform continuously and provide targeted, detailed feedback on varying trial measures. Through

multiple sessions, the final round of trials ensured higher participation and reach, along with meeting

its goal of continuing to implement a blended style of learning in order to build on feedback collected

at every session and rectify approaches moving forward.

Based on the above table, Trainers and Trainees Webinars included groups of people from an array of

professional backgrounds such as architects, civil engineers, lecturers, project managers, production

managers, quantity surveyors, BIM project coordinators, planners, CAD technicians, quality and

environment advisors, safety, health environment and quality assurance managers, students among

many others. The consortium was adamant to reach ‘blue collar workers’ so Practitioner Pop Ups were


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

conducted for skilled tradespeople including electricians, electrical, heating, joinery, and plumbing

apprentices among others.

We revised the previous methodology and decided to address a specific feedback input on the delivery

of information mentioned in D6.2, where the user requested a ‘flipped classroom approach’ stating

‘information should be provided prior to the workshop and should also be publicly available’. As

indicated in D4.19 (Rolling Matrix of Concepts), a ‘flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a

type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by introducing the

learning material before class, with the time in the classroom being used to deepen understanding

through discussions’ (TU Dublin, 2018, p.6).

Participants who signed up for the events were directed towards the BIMcert Training Platform so

that they could register and enroll for the modules and training plans being tested prior to the

webinar. The aim of giving access to users prior to the webinars was to help them familiarise

themselves with the platform and go through modules specifically created to facilitate the webinars,

e.g. ‘Training 4 Trainers’ and ‘Training for Trainees’ and enroll for additional modules comprising larger

training plan. As a result of this process, the platform has 297 registered users who have access to the

‘Training 4 Trainees’ Training Plan including a suite of 12 modules, contributing to the upskilling metric

aimed to be achieved by the BIMcert consortium.

Furthermore, Belfast Metropolitan College are delivering content from the BIMcert curriculum and

training, along with testing the online materials, to students at Belfast Metropolitan College

comprising two different cohorts of students. These ‘spin out’ BMC events, when combined with the

Trainers, Trainees Webinars and Practitioner Pop Ups increase the Autumn 2019 upskilling figure

even further. We will continue to adopt this spin out approach, increasing our online reach and IRL

upskilling in order to increase this figure in every test site.

Autumn 2018 Workshop Attendees

Spring 2019 Workshop Attendees

Autumn 2019 Session Attendees

End User Engagement Increase

% participation Increase10

79 140 203 (297 platform registrations)

63 157

Autumn 2018 Workshop Follow-Up Survey Respondents

Spring 2019 Workshop Follow-Up Survey Respondents

Autumn 2019 Session Attendees Follow-Up Survey Respondents

End User Engagement Increase

% participation increase

23 80 97 17 321

Table 5: BIMcert End User Workshop Participation Increase.

Building on the previous report D6.2, the above table outlines the number of workshop and total

webinar participants along with the feedback survey figures proving that the reach of BIMcert is

9 Work Package 4 – Deliverable 4.1 Rolling Matrix of Concepts (TU Dublin, 2018) 10 Participant % increase was calculated from Autumn 2018 results to Autumn 2019 results.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

escalating steadily. In the final round of trials and testing, all previous feedback on desired delivery

method, level of engagement and learning material was taken into consideration and effective

solutions were applied to meet end-user expectations and needs.

A total number of 203 attendees participated in the final round of testing showcasing a higher level of

online participation since the launch of the BIMcert training platform. That’s an end user engagement

increase of 63 people, up by 45% since the last round (140 participants) in Spring 2019. An overall end-

user engagement increase from Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019 has been 157%11. Additionally, the

newly launched BIMcert Platform showcased in October, has garnered a total of 297 registered users

reflecting on its rapid dissemination in a short period of time.

Responses of feedback for this final trial and testing round were recorded through several evaluation

methods ranging from actual responses to feedback questionnaires and qualitative discussions to the

number of sign ups on the BIMcert Eventbrite event page illustrating audience reach and interest.

With an improved approach and changed methodology of showcasing the BIMcert tangible results,

the attendance for each of these online sessions reflect increased and active engagement and


Figure 14 : BIMcert End User Attendance for Separate Trial Sessions.

With increasing attendance, the potential impact of reach was taken into consideration specifically

for trainers. Trainers, as part of demographic questions on the BIMcert training platform, were asked

to provide the following information, to help calculate their reach:

- How many trainees do you train per year?

- What is the size of your organisation? (For dissemination within an organisation)

- What kind of construction business does your company work in? (To measure sectoral reach

- public sector, private sector, retrofit, repairs and maintenance, design/consultancy,

contractor, university, training, others please specify)

11 This percentage excludes the increased platform user registration numeric.


Trainers Webinar


Trainees Webinar


Virtual Face-to-Face Sessions


Practitioner Pop Ups


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

By identifying the number of trainees trained per year gives the consortium a conducive number of

potential users that can be exposed to the BIMcert training curriculum and training platform.

FAC can also verify that the quality of responses has improved even further in the final round of trials

as the test cohort have continued the BIM journey with us, upskilling themselves through the content

delivery that the BIMcert platform provides along with the project’s awareness-raising consequences

of the project tasks and objectives. This increase may also be a result of the consortium’s upgraded,

expanded and diversified methodology used to present the BIMcert training platform and modules;

the type of questions asked; our approach to asking them, and the mode of disseminating our message

to the wider public before, during and after the webinars.

The types of participant based on their job title/role is captured by the word cloud below:

Figure 15: Word Cloud of Participants based on their job title/role12

The chart below in Figure 16 illustrates the percentage breakdown per city and gives an overlook of

the country participation in the final round of testing:

12 World Cloud generated by feeding amalgamated notes from workshops via (accessed December 2019).


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Figure 16: Webinar Attendees: Country % (Other Countries Include – Poland, Romania, Italy, France,


Figure 17: Infographic of ‘REACH’ Achieved

At the beginning of the project, specific challenges were identified which were subsequently

addressed throughout the lifespan of the project. The Framework for Effectiveness was based on


Northern Ireland 35%



Croatia 3%





Northern Ireland







Architects, CAD Technicians, Engineers, Project Managers,

Electrical Apprentices, Joinery Apprentices, Heating and

Plumbing Apprentices, Mechanical and Ground Work

Trades, Lecturers, SHEQ Manager, Quality and Environment Advisors

Translation, Skill level adapted for BIM Maturity, via focused Work Practice for each partner city. Work Culture, Standardisation, Legislation accounted for.

•Managers, MiddleManagers, Executives,Skilled Tradespeople,Students, BIM TeamCoordinators, Lecturers

•Ireland, Northern Ireland, Macedonia, Portugal, Croatia, United Kingdom. Other Countries Include –Albania, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Nigeria, Italy, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovenia, UAE Geographic

ReachSkill Level

Industry Vocations



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

important aspects of ‘Reach’ of BIMcert tools through trials and testing which enabled identification

of key stakeholder perspectives and viewpoints. We categorised our reach (as illustrated in Figure 17)

under the following 4 categories:

Geographic Reach: In terms of Geographic Demographics, the BIMcert Training Platform’s reach went

beyond the borders of Europe to countries such as United Arab Emirates, Russian Federation, Canada,

Nigeria among many others. This indicates that the widespread exploitation of BIMcert through an

‘online’ training platform promises a global outreach and presents scope for high exposure.

Skill Levels: Through our trials, FAC made a concerted effort to incorporate viewpoints of all skill levels

within the construction supply chain. Alienated tradespeople, apprentices, practitioners along with

executives from private and public sector, senior managers, middle managers, project coordinators,

lecturers etc. were all invited to participate in the webinars and workshops held throughout the entire

lifecycle of trials and testing. Their valuable inputs on relevance of BIM and BIMcert key exploitable

results were paramount for the consortium to organise subsequent action plans.

Industry Vocations: Diversification in the industry vocations ranging from architects, engineers,

project managers to electrical apprentices, joinery and groundwork tradespeople, along with quality

and environment advisors ensured rich feedback from participants. Their diverse outlooks were taken

into consideration while preparing recommendations for effectiveness of the BIMcert tools


Localisation: This aspect included the effort of the consortium to comprehend local perspectives and

translate those to more generalisable valuable outputs relevant for all diverse vocations, skill levels

and participants from varying geographic expanses. Localisation was applied in terms of – (i) linguistic

localisation for translation of materials to local languages of the partner cities; (ii) localisation for

different BIM maturity levels; (iii) localisation for diverse work practices and cultures varying across

partner cities; and (iv) localisation as per standardisation, as this aspect drastically differs from urban

to rural environments as well as from country to country. Localisation also ensured high quality of rich

feedback from diverse standpoints. The essence behind this concept of localisation was to make our

BIMcert Training Platform with the learning materials as useful and valuable for all end-users.

The next section outlines the BIMcert Testing Process throughout the entire trials and testing lifecycle

of the BIMcert project.

2.2 BIMcert Testing Process

The BIMcert Testing framework consists of a six-phase-process with a consistent testing cohort, which

is illustrated in the following figure.


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Figure 18: BIMcert Testing Process

Stakeholders and end users in each country independently went through the BIMcert material relating

to models and tools. As stated in D6.1 and D6.2, Phase 1 established the conception of the BIMcert

project, methodology, and proposed outputs through five separate introductory workshops covering

five European areas: Macedonia, Croatia, the Republic of Ireland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.

These workshops were held by the BIMcert representative consortium members between May and

September 2018. The workshops introduced stakeholders to the ideation of BIMcert and its proposed

outputs as well as to local and international consortium members and contact points.

Phase 2 demonstrated the beginning of trials and testing of the BIMcert concepts and methodology

and were carried out during October and November 2018 via live webinars across the five partner

countries. Qualitative and quantitative results were gathered during the webinar through notetaking

and after it through feedback questionnaire sent out after the end of phase 2. The mixed methodology

applied during workshops ensured immediate responses and discourse to be recorded later giving

participants time to reflect on the content and provide a detailed and comprehensive feedback via an

online feedback survey (conducted through Survey Monkey). The data gathered by the evaluation

questionnaire was analysed and formed the bases for phase 3.

•On Site Kick Off Workshops

•Dublin; Lisbon; Belfast; Zagreb; SkopjePhase 1

On Site Kick Off Workshop

•First Round Testing: the BIMcert Focus Group Workshops via Webinars and questionnaire with end users from the five test cities

Phase 2

First Round of Testing Concepts and Methodology

•Face to face workshops to test Models and Tools

•BIMcert content will be demonstrated and feedback recorded for each of the five locations

•Feedback incorporated into D6.2 due 31/05/19

Phase 4

Second round of Testing: Face to Face Workshops

•Review and report - feedback to learning concepts & materials - D6.1 submitted 15/12/18

•Content amendment and restuctring

Phase 3

Incorporation of First Round Results

•Third Round of testing to evaluate methods and tools

•Testing of improved package of learning materials Phase 5

Third Round of Testing: Validation

•Final report D6.3 due 30/01/2020 on validation of BIMcert methods and tools

• Development of a framework to analyse and identify effective interventions strategies, impacts and advancement afforded by the application of the developed tooling.

Phase 6: Framework for Effectiveness










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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Phase 3 consisted of debriefing web meetings for the individual test sites, aiming to capture informal

information regarding the user experiences during the application of the BIMcert tools as well as

noting possible need for optimisation of delivery. The results of the evaluation questionnaire analysis

and the information gathered during the web meetings fed into phase 4.

Phase 4 included the second round of testing followed by a second evaluation questionnaire. In this

phase, the BIMcert toolkit was amended based on the feedback of end-users. Considering the project

obligation to confirm declared energy performance indicators, this phase is also examined acceptance

and recognition of BIM as a powerful tool for achieving green construction and energy efficiency

improvement targets. Therefore, an energy efficiency module presentation and demonstration video

were included in the workshop’s agendas. In this phase, results of the evaluation of achieved upskilling

of the pilot group, provided by on-line testing were taken into consideration as a specific

measurement of appropriateness of the training models and tools applied. For testing purposes, a

combination of learning outcomes of the selected learning modules were also applied, This phase was

conducted via the project web page and then via the developed BIMcert learning platform, which

included gamification as a method for motivation and at the same time a method of monitoring and

measuring the progress of learners.

After consideration of feedback and implementation of amendments, the Phase 5 and final round of

trailing and testing of updated learning materials, newly launched BIMcert platform, and improvised

gamification aspects of the training was conducted in Autumn 2019. After the end of Phase 5, end

users’ feedback was gathered and analysed through a number of evaluation methods and collated

through different benchmarks. All these metrics contributed to the development of the Framework

for Effectiveness and recommendation for advancement of BIMcert toolkit and exploitable results.

Phase 6 operated in tandem with Phase 5. This report informs a framework to analyse and identify

effective intervention strategies, impacts and advancement afforded by the application of the

developed tooling based on the discussion of the results of the evaluation methods completed in

phase 5.

Material Showcased in Phase 5 Final Rounds of Trials and Testing:

A central focus of the webinars was the demonstration of the curriculum developed and the training

platform launched. This was achieved through four demonstrations of the training platform developed

along with the trials sample modules themselves. Below, you can see a flyer that was adapted and

used to promote all webinars. The flyer demonstrates the effort made to promote the webinars on

partner networks and on the BIMcert social media platforms and intersects with WP8 dissemination

workplan, doubling as project dissemination material.


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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Figure 19: BIMcert Promotional Flyer for Trainees Webinar

The aim of the webinars was to give participants a first-hand experience of using the training platform,

where they could access the BIMcert Training Materials in the form of modules and training plans. The

BIMcert Training Platform provides login portals for ‘Trainees’ and ‘Trainers’.

Figure 20: Screenshot of BIMcert Training Platform


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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

End users had access to a list training plans that consist of several bite-sized modules providing micro

accreditations. After registering on the platform, users could access these modules after their

enrolment was validated by the BIMcert consortium members.

Figure 21: Screenshot of BIMcert Training Plans

The ‘Training 4 Trainees’ Training Plan included 12 sample modules for registered trainees. These

modules cater the needs of all skill levels of expertise, ranging from intermediate to advanced. This

sample training plan gave users a perspective on how BIMcert’s curriculum aims to provide modules

that meet AEC needs; help them navigate through the e-learning platform and training materials; and

give them a first-hand experience of the gamified blended learning approach applied:

1. Training 4 Trainees: In this webinar module, learners learnt the following - how the training

programme works; how it was developed to meet user needs, ranging from various roles in

the AEC industry; provide understanding of the curriculum and option of choosing training

suited for varying skill levels; how the e-platform works and to navigate training materials;

about the different blended methods of delivery/ teaching and assessment.

2. What are BIM (Maturity) Levels?: This short micro-training module showcased includes a

breakdown of the BIM Maturity Levels in terms of what they are, what they mean and what

they involve.

3. BIM Terms & Definitions: This module provided users with knowledge of some essential and

basic key terms to allow progress in users’ BIM journey.

4. Digital Skills & Collaboration II-Access BIM models: As traditional project information

becomes digitalised and embedded into BIM models, it becomes fundamental to know and

use digital tools to access BIM models and the data they contain. This module presented

allows users to learn the required digital skills and understand their applicability.


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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

2.4 Evaluation Methods

Figure 22: Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods Used

Building on the initial phases of the BIMcert Testing Process, combined evaluation methods (as

illustrated in Figure 21) and metrics were deployed for the final phase for effective analysis of results.

These methods include the following:

Webinar Eventbrite Sign Ups: After assessment of previously gathered feedback from end-users (D6.1

and D6.2) who desired higher level of virtual interaction and engagement on the platform, online

webinars were orchestrated in the final phase of testing. To record interest and demographic

information of participants, ‘Eventbrite’13 events were set up giving participants the opportunity to

sign up and confirm their attendance. With an upgraded methodology of conducting virtual webinars,

‘sign ups’ are being considered as evaluation methods because they reflect interest and display

eagerness among end users to learn more about BIMcert, the training platform and how BIMcert can

equip them.

Online Platform Registrations: The Eventbrite invitation clearly signposted the aim of the webinar and

redirected users to the BIMcert Training Platform. As mentioned above (under Introduction), signees

were sent instructions on how to register on the platform and enrol on the selected modules being


Eventbrite Sign Ups

Online Platform Registrations

Online Platform Module


Evaluation Questionnaire


Website and Social Media Impressions

and Hits

Qualitative Feedback during


Virtual Face-to-Face Webinar Questions

and Feedback

Practitioner Pop-Up Questions and



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

presented in the webinar. In regard to that, users who registered on the platform as a result of being

sent instruction emails from FAC and the information dissemination through the event page were

keen on engaging with the BIMcert learning materials, and training plans in order to upskill themselves

in BIM.

Online Platform Module Enrolments: Furthermore, along with registration on the BIMcert training

platform, enrolments mark as crucial engagement activities displaying a user’s desire and readiness

to upskill using the BIMcert training curriculum prepared. As a clear reflection of engagement on the

platform, online platform module or training plan enrolments will be considered as evaluation

methods in this final report on the overall outlook of the success of BIMcert.

Evaluation Questionnaire Feedback: Evaluation questionnaires were sent out to all participants via

emails after the completion of each session conducted. These were primarily to gather feedback for

users about their experience during this final round of operational testing, engagement with the

platform, understanding of learning material, delivery of information, technicality levels of the training

curriculum and assessment approaches used.

Website and Social Media Impressions and Hits: With greater social media engagement and traction,

website and social media impressions and hits are considered as verification of increased reach and


Qualitative Feedback through interaction during Webinars: Previous feedback reflected on the

importance of higher engagement and interactive discussion during workshops. Phase 4 introduced

Kahoot with the rationale to enable an interactive assessment component and simulate the

gamification aspect of the platform and assess engagement with participants present in the

workshops. In Phase 5, as the medium of exchange became virtual itself, feedback and discussions

section of the webinars became crucial for interaction and to give participants the opportunity to voice

their opinions. Due to this reasoning, key discussions as qualitative data is being considered as an

essential evaluation method for this framework of effectiveness and for improvements of the next

phases of BIMcert.

Virtual Face-to-Face Webinar Questions and Feedback: Like the rationale mentioned above, the

Virtual Face-to-Face Questions and Feedback reinforced the idea of interactive discussions, one-to-

one engagement and the consortium’s effort to give the opportunity to users to reach out. Qualitative

data collected through these sessions provide the consortium with alternative designs and plans to

amend the way the information is delivered or focus on the difficulty levels of modules provided. It

assists in gathering a macro understanding on the working of the BIMcert Training Platform.

Practitioner Pop Up Questions and Feedback: Practitioner Pop Ups were specifically conducted with

skilled tradespeople to involve them in the final rounds of trials and testing for BIMcert which aims to

reach the entire supply chain of the construction industry. Their perspective has been crucial for the

continuous improvement of the training curriculum, models and tools developed. In the final phase of

trials, through practitioner pop ups, the consortium presented to them the e-learning platform.


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

2.5 BIMcert Testing Timeline

The intended timeline for the BIMcert Testing process is shown in the figure below, with shades of

green indicating actions completed as of May and January 2020.


Action Deliverable Start End

End User Workshops 1 - Concepts and


10/10/2018 13/11/2018

Report on End User Workshops 1 D.6.1 31/10/2018 30/12/2018

Preparation for program operational


01/12/2018 31/01/2019

End User Workshops 2 - Models and


05/02/2019 08/04/2019

Evaluation of End User Workshops 2 08/04/2019 08/05/2019

Review and Report – feedback to

concepts and materials

D6.2 08/05/2019 30/05/2019

Workplan for improving package of

learning and development of

improved package

15/05/2019 01/07/2019

Testing of improved package of


01/07/2019 15/08/2019

Preparation for second evaluation

phase (End User Workshops 3)

01/08/2019 22/10/2019

End User Workshops 3 – validation of

learning methods and Tools

22/10/2019 30/11/2019

Review and Report – feedback to final


30/11/2019 30/12/2019

Final report on validation of BIMcert

methods and tools

D.6.3 10/10/2019 30/01/2020

Table 6: BIMcert Testing Process Timeline

The BIMcert Testing process started in M8 (October 2018) and will finish in M21, December 2019.

Precise dates for workshops and webinars were set in coordination with the appropriate partners and

were eventually concluded in November 2019. This report summarises and concludes the results of

the overall BIMcert Testing process as deliverable D6.3 as the Framework for Effectiveness, due by the

30th January 2020. The phased approach of testing enabled collection of feedback along with

rectification and advancements regarding learning materials and delivery.


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

2.6 Evaluation Metrics

Over the phases of the trials, BIMcert project’s value has been recognised and reinforced by the 146%

increase in participation and an 321% increase in survey responses. Building on previously conducted

workshops, FAC continued to apply a mixed methodology approach along with incorporating various

aspects of a flipped classroom by providing participants with instructions and materials prior to the

webinar for deeper understanding during the session.

The purpose of D6.3 is to present end-user feedback on BIMcert concepts, methodology, learning

material and delivery method and provide recommendations for effectiveness of the BIMcert tools

addressing construction industry needs and future outlooks. In order to collate our upskilling metric,

quantitative and qualitative responses were measured and analysed based on end-user engagement

with the Training for Trainees Training Plan on the BIMcert Platform.

Quantitative feedback questionnaires were sent to webinar participants and platform users. These

questions were developed on varying scales to clearly indicate the degree of end-user satisfaction

contributing to thorough analysis. The following evaluation metrics scales enabled comprehensive

understanding of user’s perspectives: (i) Yes and No answers; (ii) 5-point scales ranging from Strongly

Agreed to Strongly Disagreed; (iii) 5-point scales ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied; (iv)

5-Star Rating Scale; and (v) Open-ended long answers.

Furthermore, to gain qualitative understanding, FAC coordinated each webinar and facilitated

discussions with BIM and Energy experts from the consortium (specifically Barry McAuley from TU

Dublin, Andrew Hamilton and Eduardo Rebelo from BMC and Dijana Likar for IECE). In addition to the

presentation of BIMcert models and tools during the trial sessions, FAC led a guided discussion to

extract end users’ perspectives on the proposed content. The following questions were addressed

during the evaluation of the BIMcert materials:

1. What are your thoughts on the BIMcert training platform?

2. Are the modules and training plans suitable for your professional upskilling?

3. Does the BIMcert training platform and curriculum presented meet your expectations?

4. Does our approach on starting training with a first step tool that will deliver basic BIM

concepts and benefits to the learner diagnose your current knowledge and suggest an

appropriate training pathway in accordance to your profile?

5. Does BIMcert curriculum cover an area of interest/need to your role in the industry?

6. Suggestions and feedback on how to further improve our approach, methods and tools?

We have summarised the responses recorded during webinar sessions via feedback discussions,

feedback questionnaire responses and the salient points raised as a consequence of asking the above

questions in the ‘Results’ section below and in more detail in the ‘Appendices’ of this report. Going

forward, the consortium will continue to consult the latest metrics collated by FAC and use this in our

exploitations and commercialisation action plans.


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

3. Results

Evaluation of the usability includes the user experience on the platform as well as linkages between

the modules and accreditation processes of BIMcert. These insights illustrated the usefulness of the

proposed module content, the BIMcert training platform presented and associated accreditations for

partners or end-users as well as the consistency between these project outcomes. There was a

consensus that the BIMcert models and tools were impressive and would be useful. Also, the majority

of participants would like to engage with the training curriculum and have registered on the platform

(297 users as of January 2020).

It was evident from the key findings of the Spring trials that there was a clear appetite from end users

for ‘real life’ case studies being included in the material and the desire to have clear direction on

energy efficiency, standardisation and certification. The team responded to this feedback resulting

in the launch of the BIMcert training platform incorporating these methodological and concept

elements along with a new and improved suite of modules. The following word cloud, generated by

FAC blending all the webinar notes (from October 2019 to December 2019) together, illustrates the

key words evoked by the trials collectively.

Figure 23: Word Cloud: BIMcert Webinar Notes14

14 World Cloud generated by feeding amalgamated notes from workshops via

(accessed December 2019).


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

3.1 Key Findings

FAC facilitated internal post-trial evaluation sessions and produced a summary of key findings from the final rounds of trials and testing. Subsequent to sharing these with WP 5 lead IECE, specifically Dijana Likar, the following findings emerged:

Over the course of the trials thus far, the top findings were:

1. 94% of survey participants reported acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency after engaging with the BIMcert training curriculum.

2. BIMcert clearly responds to an appetite for a bite-sized beyond blended learning with 157% increase in BIMcert trial participation (from Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019)

3. 297 end-users registered on the BIMcert Platform showcasing increased interest and engagement with BIMcert tools

4. Over 80% provide overall positive feedback on the webinars conducted, training platform presented, learning materials developed and the method of delivery.

5. Increased acknowledgement and positive feedback for inclusion of case studies, practical examples, such as a sample of a real-life project.

6. End-users desire explanation of ways of progressing in the learning pathways on the training platform in simpler language with more visual and gamified infographic.

7. End-users desire clearer visualisation of certification paths to be incorporated on the training platform.

8. Improvements required to ensure easier usability of the platform and ease of navigation of the platform.

9. Provide training curriculum in more regional languages

10. Real Energy Efficiency in BIM change must be driven from above (European Parliament Legislature) and stewarded from the ground (Member state mandates and local Action Plans)

Table 7 : Top Webinar Findings Round Three.

Positively reinforcing the aim of the project, top findings present end-user interest in BIM upskilling

via BIMcert and importantly point out ways of improvement. Presented below is a comparative

analysis on improvements and key findings from trials conducted in Autumn 2018, Spring 2019 and

Autumn 2019:


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Trials on Concepts and Methodology (Autumn 2018)

Trials on Models and Tools (Spring 2019)

Trials on Models and Tools (Autumn 2019)


BIM awareness and skill

varies hugely from

country to country;

Awareness has raised since

the last round of workshops,

but reported skill level

remains comparably static;

Awareness has raised (297

users) registrations on the

platform) over the course of

round 1, 2 and 3 of the

workshops, but reported skill

level remains comparably


2. Some Contractors are

reluctant to invest in BIM

(Need for evidence-based

case studies of BIM cost


Contractors still reported to

be reluctant. Case studies

requested more explicitly;

must be included in models

and tools to exemplify real-

life applications of BIM;

There was more motivation to

engage and this was

supported by providing case

studies on the BIMcert

Platform and discussing them

during the webinars;

3. There is a reluctance to

engage with IT as a

medium for learning;

There is still some reticence

but our demonstration of

how this IT works and will be

integrated into the

curriculum has allayed some

fears and an IT Upskill

module has been added to

the BIMcert curriculum;

The Digital Skills module was

added to the Platform and

fears of digital learning were

not reported to the same

extent. However, targeted

blue collar/Practitioner Pop-

Ups with a digital skills feature

were conducted for site


4. The BIM supply chain is

congested (mostly

confined to white-collar

workers); and

BIM supply chain is still

congested; big factor in

preventing uptake and

upskilling; and

BIM supply chain is still

congested; big factor in

preventing uptake and

upskilling; and

5. BIMcert is seen as a

positive and viable

enabler/facilitator of BIM


BIMcert is seen as a positive

and viable enabler/facilitator

of BIM upskilling if clearly

mapped to certification and


BIMcert realised as the

platform is seen as a positive

and viable enabler/facilitator

of BIM upskilling and this is

mapped to CPD and standards.

Table 8 : Top 5 Workshop Findings Rounds One, Two and Three.


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

As the consortium is continuously improving its outputs, this feedback was discussed with all partners and tool developers (BMC, IECE and IST specifically) as soon as it was compiled and will be reflected in the outlined framework for effectiveness. The prompt research feedback loop is tantamount to the efficiency of WP6 and ensures FAC is providing timely assistance and support to the advancement of the BIMcert models and tools. The following figure showcases the ‘platform users demographic’ validating increased outreach of BIMcert as an enabler of BIM upskilling:

Figure 24: Platform User Demographic (Other Countries include – Albania, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Finland, Nigeria, Italy, Russian Federation, Romania, Slovenia & Venezuela)

3.2 Post-Test Questions

Progressing from the first and second round of trials, FAC upgraded, expanded and utilised a

diversified mixed methodology approach to the final round of trials to give participants an opportunity

to experience the BIMcert webinars where we demonstrated content from our curriculum on the

Training Platform created, and gave users the opportunity to engage with it prior to the session and

simultaneously through the webinar. The idea was to facilitate conversation around the training

curriculum displayed on the training platform followed up with an opportunity to complete an online

survey. A link to Survey Monkey was distributed to all 203 workshop participants; 40 responded via

survey monkey and other provided quantitative and qualitative feedback post workshops, which

provided the consortium with invaluable insight into our test group’s perspective on the BIMcert

models and tools. Both qualitative and quantitative feedback was collected from skilled tradespeople.

The following table outlines the segregated quantitative feedback survey responses:


Others 5%


Croatia 3%





Macedonia 5%

The Netherlands 1%

India 1%

Portugal 10%










The Netherlands




BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Trainers (Survey Monkey) Trainees (Survey Monkey) Skilled Tradespeople (Through Workshops)

10 30 57

Table 9: Segregated Quantitative Feedback Responses

The following pie-chart outlines the professional composition of participants of the Trainers and

Trainees webinars that provided validation through engaging with the Survey Monkey Feedback

Questionnaire circulated after each session:

Figure 25: Composition of Participants that facilitated Validation of BIMcert Tools and Materials

Additionally, evaluation methods including qualitative discussions, platform registrations and

enrolments among others, were also taken into consideration during results analysis and preparation

of framework for effectiveness. In this final trial, demographic information was collected via the

BIMcert Platform Registrations, which has 297 users.

The following section outlines the survey responses from the questionnaire distributed to trainees.

Results are showcased on the basis of the segregated sections of the questionnaire, namely – (i)

Questions on the Webinar; (ii) Questions on Unit Content, Structure & Delivery Method of the Training

Platform; (iii) Questions on Assessment Models and Materials on the Training Platform; (iv) Other

Important Questions on Training Platform and Usage Experience.

Designer (Architect/Engin…




BIM Execution Specialist


Facility Manager3%


Bid Manager



Architect Msc3%

Assitant Estimator3%

BIM coordinator3%

Project Manager3%




Execution Specialist

Facility Manager


Bid Manager

Construction Contractor

Architect Msc

Assitant Estimator


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Trainee Survey Questionnaire

Questions on the Webinar:

Q3. Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?

In the final trial, we sent out information about the agenda of the webinar along with additional

information on how to enrol on the platform prior to the session in order to make understanding the

webinars and training platform easier. There was a 100% acknowledgement about the content of the

training, with a lecturer from North Macedonia reiterating that ‘it was clear and sound’.

Q4. Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination provide you with clear impressions about the

BIMcert programme aims, structure and content?

With majority of ‘Yes’ responses (96.43%) and 3.57% No, the methodology of conducting a webinar has

proven to be suffice in order to promote the newly launched platform and give users a live-action

Yes No








Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?


Yes No








Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination provide you with clear impressions about the

BIMcert programme aims, structure and content?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

opportunity to engage on the platform while the BIMcert experts were presenting information on the


Q5. Did the webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert?

The primary aim of the webinars conducted was to expose participants to the newly launched training

platform and the training curriculum developed to enable BIM upskilling. With a 96.55% Yes, it is

understood that the webinar was an ideal mode of dissemination. However, to counter the 3.45% No,

the consortium will improve dissemination by more clarity and specificity of information delivered.

Q6. Was the information delivery sequence easy to follow?

With 82.76% positive feedback, it was understood that the information delivery sequence was easy to

follow. However, as the methodology of a flipped classroom was applied, it could be seen that some

users had difficulty during the webinar in navigating through the dashboard and confusion based on

Yes No








Did the webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert?


Yes No







Was the information delivery sequence easy to follow?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

the direction of the webinar. According to a technician from Ireland, the dashboard was ‘difficult to

follow, the direction was not along a path but back and forth’. A Construction Contractor from

Northern Ireland stated, ‘I found the dashboard particularly difficult to navigate, very unresponsive

and not clear’. Going forward, the consortium will make sure that the platform has a linear pathway

established along with easier layout to make the dashboard more user-friendly, clear and navigable. In

terms of the flipped classroom methodology, a Designer (Architect/Engineer) from Macedonia

suggested, ‘I would say "yes-and-no" since it was easy for me, because I registered on the platform

and I looked upon all the information before the webinar session (as suggested in FAC’s e-mail)...but,

if I didn't I would have lost track even in the beginning. I think that if one is not familiar with the

information and the structure of the platform, it would be confusing to follow the changing display

information as you click and switch different tabs and menus.’ The basic take from this feedback is to

improve usability of the platform to make it more easily accessible by users.

Q7. Was there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the webinar?

Reflecting on previous feedback, it was crucial to the consortium to maintain an interactive discussion

for comprehensive feedback which was incorporated in the upgraded methodology. 28.57% Strongly

Agreed; 53.57% Agreed; and 17.86% were Neutral on if they felt that there was sufficient opportunity

to participate in discussions, reinforcing that the extra measure to give users opportunity to discuss

their opinions and doubts was positive. A Construction Contractor from Northern Ireland suggested

‘Yes but perhaps the webinar would have been more usual halfway through the course when we

had more questions. We were very new to it at the start and although we were able to follow

everything as you went through it, it wasn't as easy when I went to do it’. To address this, the

consortium conducted Virtual Face-to-Face sessions specifically to clear clarifications and doubts.

Moving forward, these sessions will be conducted between longer intervals giving users enough time

to engage with the modules and training plans.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agreenor Disagree

Disagree StronglyDisagree








Was there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the Webinar?



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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q8. How was the duration of the Webinar?

Crucial to understanding the effectiveness of the webinars conducted, it was important to gather

feedback on the idealness of the duration. 79.31% respondents suggested that the webinars were

‘neither short nor long’; 13.79% considered them ‘long’; and 6.9% considered them ‘too long’. The

following was additionally suggested by a Construction Contractor from Northern Ireland - ‘Broken up

into segments would have gave us time to go do it and come back with our progress/ problems’

Going forward, the consortium have discussed a roll out of webinar support schedules that will trial a

‘bite-sized’, segmented methodology thereby circumventing any concerns over the webinar being too

long. Below, feedback from section 2 of the questionnaire is addressed.

On Unit Content, Structure and Delivery Method of the Training Platform:

Q9 to Q28 were highly pertinent to the subject matter of this report, the models and tools. These

include specific questions on Unit Content, Structure & Delivery Method of the Training Platform with

various scaled responses. The full list of questions is in Appendix 2 and the most salient answers in

terms of building a framework for effectiveness are illustrated below:

Q11 Were the learning objectives clearly stated?

Q14 Did the BIMcert method used make content clearer and easier to understand?

Q19 BIMcert provides a Virtual Face-to-Face session for trainees which enables you to log on and avail

of trainer’s assistance on your training programme via video link to a trained BIMcert lecturer. Rate

the effectiveness of this trainer’s assistance feature.

Q20 Would you recommend some additional content to be included in the present learning courses?

(unless it is not covered in other learning outcomes)

Q23 Did the delivery method assist your learning?

Too Short Short Neither Shortnor Long

Long Too Long











How was the duration of the webinar?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q9. Were the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?

With a 100% Yes, this result positively reinforces the consortium’s effort to upgrade the delivery

method with more practical examples, videos and case studies. As a major component of the feedback

in the previous trials, simplified and straight forward information delivery was adopted for the users

ease of comprehension.

Q10. Are you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert Platform?

Results display an overall positive feedback on the satisfaction with content delivery on the BIMcert

Platform. Comments from the feedback suggested that the dashboard still needs to incorporate easier

navigability. Moving forward, the tool developers will provide easier pathways for users to navigate

through training plans and modules.

Yes No








Were the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?


Very Satisfied Satisfied NeitherSatisfied norDissatisfied

Dissatisfied VeryDissatisfied









Are you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert platform?



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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q12. Did the learning objectives and content correlate?

With a 100% Yes, users positively recognise the relevance of BIMcert Training Curriculum with specific

learning objective correlated with learning content. This outlining with make it easier for users to

identify concepts correlated with modules to undertake.

Q13. Did you find the learning objectives and topic content relevant and applicable for your

professional roles and work duties?

The aim of BIMcert is to provide the construction supply chain with a training curriculum to help upskill

in BIM. With 87.50% Yes and 8.33% No - Results of this question indicate the high flexibility of the

training materials produced that are applicable to a suite of professional roles and work duties. This

gives impetus to high exploitation of key results that will generate better results and returns in the next

stages of this project. Comments suggested that some users believed that it wasn’t so because BIM

isn’t as widespread yet, however complimented BIMcert for having modules for all skill levels:

Yes No








Did the learning objectives and learning content correlate?


Yes No







Did you find the learning objectives and topic content relevant and applicable for your

professional role and work duties?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

A Construction Contractor from Northern Ireland stated, ‘Yes and no, we ourselves don't have the

system installed’. Further, a BID Manager from Northern Ireland also commented ‘Not at this

moment as I am a BID Manager but I do believe going forward all projects that you have to pre-qual

for while have questions designed in them in regards to the use of BIM and CDEs’. Evident from this

feedback is that incentives and support to install BIM software perhaps via grants would assuage the

leap to implement BIM and utilise BIMcert for the relevant upskilling.

Q15. Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical application?

The results indicate an overwhelmingly positive feedback. However, to address the concerns of those

unsatisfied, the consortium will populate the platform with more gamified elements, case studies and

3D-assessments for users in order to promote more practical learning. As suggested by a Construction

Contractor from Northern Ireland ‘interactive videos are preferred over PowerPoints and generic

videos’. Having already considered this multimedia tool, the Digital Skill Modules have interactive

videos embedded as part of the curriculum and assessments.

Q16. How would you rate the technical level of the content? (out of 5 stars)

Yes No







Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical

application? If no, please specify the gaps and recommend improvements.



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q17. Did you find the content suitable for your learning and knowledge development?

As illustrated above, there was a 100% acknowledgment as to if the content was suitable for

participants learning and development. This gives impetus to increased exploitation of the BIMcert

training curriculum developed as a means of BIM upskilling, which was predominantly the end-goal of

the BIMcert project.

Q18. How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency, after

engaging with this BIMcert Training Curriculum?












How would you rate the technical level of the content?

Weighted Average

Yes No








Did you find the content suitable for your learning and knowledge development?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Further, as energy efficiency is a core aspect of the BIMcert project and training curriculum, it was

essential for the consortium to garner feedback on how participants gauged their personal rate of

knowledge acquired for BIM and Energy Efficiency after engaging with the BIMcert Training Curriculum.

The trial sample training plan includes the module ‘Energy Systems Thinking Key Principles’. In terms of

that, 12.50% responded that they acquired ‘a great deal’ of knowledge; 33.33% acquired ‘a lot’ of

knowledge; 41.67% acquired ‘a moderate amount’; 8.33% acquired ‘a little’ knowledge; and 4.17%

acquired ‘none at all’. The consortium has a strategy to roll out 20% more energy efficient-specific

learning outcomes and training plans on Energy Efficiency in the exploitation phase of BIMcert.

Q21. Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools (for instance videos with integrated

questions and gamified assessments) assisted your learning experience?

A great deal A lot A moderateamount

A little None at all







How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency, after engaging with this BIMcert training










Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools (for instance, videos with

integrated questions and gamified assessments) assisted your learning …

Weighted Average


BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q22. Were you satisfied with the presentation of practical examples to help with your learning and


As pointed out in previous feedback, users desired more practical examples and case studies to be

incorporated to assist learning. The general user feedback was predominantly positive; for example,

16.67% of respondents were ‘very satisfied’, 66.67% were ‘satisfied’, 12.50% were ‘neither satisfied

nor dissatisfied’, and 4.17% were ‘dissatisfied’. In order to mitigate dissatisfaction, the upcoming

courses have more interactive and engaging videos incorporated with increasing gamified


Q24. Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding?

Q25. Are the training materials provided at the correct level for your needs and understanding?

Very Satisfied Satisfied NeitherSatisfied norDissatisfied

Dissatisfied VeryDissatisfied


Were you satisfied with the presentation of practical examples to help with your

learning and development?


Yes No








Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

With predominantly positive responses in terms of correct level of materials provided and the delivery

approach of using videos for easier learning and development, the BIMcert Training Platform and its

tools are suitable for effective end-user learning and development.

Q26. Are the BIMcert training materials provided helpful for your learning and skills improvement?

Q27. Does the training platform provide enough opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agreenor Disagree

Disagree StronglyDisagree








Are the training materials provided at the correct level for your needs and



Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agreenor Disagree

Disagree StronglyDisagree






Are the BIMcert training materials provided helpful for your learning and skills




BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q28. Which additional learning model/tool would you recommend for application in BIMcert?

During this testing phase, a respondent from Greece suggested ‘discussions, forums and interaction’

would be ideal. Going forward, a BIMcert Forum or social media plug-in could be developed. Based on

feedback from the previous round of trials, we had already scheduled and were undertaking Virtual

Face-to-Face sessions with the motive to provide users with a space to have interactive discussions with

BIM and Energy experts. This will be implemented in the coming phases as well. Other comments

included the following suggestions – ‘a support/help chat and more interactive videos’ (stated by a

Construction Contractor from Northern Ireland); ‘more practical exercises’ (BID Manager from

Northern Ireland); ‘translate to other languages’ (stated by a Technician from Portugal); ‘COBie and

CDE applications15’ (stated by a civil engineering lecturer from Northern Ireland).

As evident in the above Unit Content, Structure and Delivery Method of the Training Platform

questions, participant feedback on BIMcert models and tools were overwhelmingly positive with

insightful, easily actionable constructive feedback, mainly around user interface, multimedia

methodology, relevance and appropriateness for workplace development (CPD), and practical

examples. Below illustrates pertinent feedback on assessment models and materials.

On Assessment Models and Materials on the Training Platform:

Q29 to Q35 included the following specific questions on Assessment Models and Materials on the

Training Platform’s various scaled responses:

29. Did the assessment cover information from the course content?

15 COBie is the Construction-Operation Building Information Exchange schema that provides an open framework for the exchange and delivery of construction handover information and CDE is a Common Data Environment as cited in McCormack, M., McAuley, B. and Hore. A.V. (2013) The application of COBie to Increase the Functionality of Existing Facilities Management Software, Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2013, University of Salford, April 8th -10th 2013

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agreenor Disagree

Disagree StronglyDisagree







Does the training platform provide enough opportunity for practical exercise and self-

guided learning?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

30. Was the online assessment completion time sufficient?

32. Did the questions measure the knowledge acquired?

33. Would you recommend some other questions to be included in the assessment?

Q31. Was the online assessment process clear and easy to follow?

Q34. Would you recommend some other methods of assessment as more effective?

Q35. Is the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you?

Yes No







Was the online assessment process clear and easy to follow?


Yes No







Would you recommend some other methods of assessments as more




BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Overall, there was a predominantly positive feedback for the online assessment models presented on

the BIMcert Platform. An Assistant Estimator from Northern Ireland provided comments for

improvement – ‘Perhaps, shorter tests on shorter segments of each section. Also, the questions were

too long winded. More concise questions would be easier understood.’ Further, a Technician from

Portugal suggested that assessments should be ‘translated to other languages.

The next section presents insights other significant questions on the training platform and usage experience. Other Important Questions on Training Platform and Usage Experience: Q36 to Q56 provide excellent insight on other specific important questions on the training platform and usage experience which is detailed below:

Q37 Was the registration process simple and straightforward?

Q38 Were instructions for selection of learning plans and modules clear?

Q40 Was the download time for online material acceptable?

Q42 Did the BIMcert training platform meet your expectations?

Q45 Did the training modules you selected enhance your understanding of Digital Construction?

Q47 Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable construction and

energy efficiency, in your work/profession?

Q48 How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools and knowledge acquired during the training in

the future?

Q49 What existing BIMcert course would you take next? (Comment) (e.g.: BIM Maturity Levels,

Digital Skills & Collaboration II - Access BIM Models, BIM Terms and Definitions)

Q53 Do you consider yourself upskilled (in terms of acquiring additional skills and understanding

of BIM) as a result of engaging with the BIMcert platform?

Very satisfied Satisfied Neithersatisfied nordissatisfied

Dissatisfied Verydissatisfied


Is the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q55 Will you continue to improve your acquired skills in further BIMcert Training?

Q36. Was the website layout clear and easy to follow?

Comments from the feedback survey suggested that the training platform website was ‘very confusing

at the start’ and ‘not clear or easy to follow. Pathways too long’. Considering this as crucial

constructive criticism, the consortium aims to improve the usability of the website with easier

navigation and lesser intricacy.

Q39. Was the range of materials provided correct and balanced?

With an absolute 100% Yes response, end-users acknowledge the learning materials suitable for all

skill levels and BIM maturity levels.

Yes No







Was the website layout clear and easy to follow?


Yes No








Was the range of materials provided correct and balanced?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q41. How was the duration of the training for learning module you had selected?

The core concept of bite-sized micro accredited modules is to provide users with shorter modules in

order to balance BIM upskilling through BIMcert along with professional responsibilities. 12.50%

considered the modules ‘short’; 68.75% ‘the right length of duration’; 12.50% ‘long’; and 6.25% ‘too

long’. This indicates that in the beta phase of the BIMcert platform, end-users find the bite-sized

modules to be appropriate for their learning and upskilling.

Q43. Would you recommend this training to other members of your company/institution and


With a predominantly positive response, for example, 37.50% ‘Very likely’ and 56.25% ‘Likely’, the

overall success of the BIMcert training can gauged by participants recommending this training to

Too Short Short Right Length ofDuration

Long Too Long










How was the duration of the training for the learning module you had selected?


Very Likely Likely Neither Likelynor Unlikely

Unlikely Very Unlikely








Would you recommend this training to other members of your company/institution and




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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

others. Further, the potential impact of trainers can also be calculated by their overall reach. In that

regard, this directs positive reinforcement of the upgraded methods applied in the final round of trials

and testing. To improve further, an Assistant Estimator from Northern Ireland suggested ‘to

streamline the registration and access process’.

Q44. Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your

work/professional role?

With a 100% Yes, the BIMcert training proves to be relevant to the construction supply chain and an

essential medium of BIM upskilling for professionals.

Q46. Did the BIMcert training modules you had selected enhance your understanding on how

these skills can improve energy efficiency of building and sustainable construction processes?

(Specifically of the building renovation and new construction)

Yes No








Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your

work/professional role?


Yes No







Did the BIMcert training modules you had selected enhance your understanding on

how these skills can improve energy efficiency of building and sustainable

construction processes? (Specifically of …



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Q48. How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools that were presented at the webinar in the


The above responses positively reinforce the BIMcert Training Platform as measure of BIM upskilling

along with enhancing end-users’ understanding on how these skills can improve energy efficiency of

building and sustainable construction processes.

Q50. What suggestions would you have to improve BIMcert and the training programme?

A respondent from Greece suggested that users should be provided with ‘clear explanations for the

learning paths to learners’. Further, there were repeated requests from a Technician from Portugal

to ‘translate into other languages, like Portuguese’, and a user from Ireland suggested that the

platform should incorporate the following - ‘ability to start where you left off from the last login

would be nice addition’.

Q51. What do you find most valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

The same respondent from Greece acknowledged that ‘I like that the learner has the choice to find

his learning path’, positively reinforcing the BIMcert approach of blended learning and the option of

starting modules based on skill expertise.

It was considered ‘simple and easy to understand’ according to a Technician from Portugal and

‘coherent’ according to a Designer (Architect/Engineer) from Lisbon. Essentially, the BID Manager

from Northern Ireland complimented the idea of ‘different uses at different levels’ for varying levels

of expertise and different professional backgrounds.

Positive feedback from the Assistant Estimator from Northern Ireland included appreciation about

the main aim of BIM upskilling of ‘potential to add value to employers and clients’. A user from

Ireland praised that the BIMcert training platform provides modules for varying levels of expertise and

Very Likely Likely Neither Likelynor Unlikely

Unlikely Very unlikely








How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools that were presented at the webinar in the




BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

stated that it is valuable ‘that it starts from the basics’. Comments also suggested that the training

platform is a valuable tool for increasing ‘professional networks’.

Q52. What did you find least valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Understanding what was least valuable for users is crucial tool for constructive criticism that can be

incorporated and amended subsequently. Comments suggested that users faced ‘platform technical

issues’; were ‘unlikely to retain all information covered by each individual standard’; and wanted to

still understand how the training platform ‘will benefit the entire project team’. A Designer

(Architect/Engineer) from Portugal stated ‘Extent of each module. Sometimes are difficult to do in

just one single session’. Moving forward, the consortium is working on making all the technical

glitches and improving the modules based on user requirements.

Q54. Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the BIMcert training program?

A user from Ireland acknowledged the work and commitment of the consortium by exclaiming ‘keep

up the good work’. This encouragement positively bolsters the consortiums’ effort towards reaching

the goals prescribed by the BIMcert project, and most importantly strengthens dedication.

Q56. Are you satisfied with the BIMcert experience?

An overall satisfaction indicated above positively validates BIMcert as a successful tool in providing

users with a user-friendly platform to upskill in BIM.

Furthermore, feedback on the Platform technical usability is outlined in Work Package 3 Deliverable

3.4 (BIMcert Management Report Outlining Full Software Management Tools and Implementation).

Very satisfied Satisfied NeitherSatisfied orDissatisfied

Dissatisfied VeryDissatisfied










Are you satisfied with the BIMcert experience?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

The Platform usability questionnaire consisted of a group of eleven questions selected from the ISO

9241 standard from the International Organization for Standardization, covering ergonomics of human-

computer interaction. The core results indicated positive feedback for all the fundamental aspects

necessary for proper interface construction. These include design, functionality, easiness of use,

learnability and satisfaction.

Feedback Questionnaire – Trainers

Feedback from the Trainers Webinar (separately collated for the platform and learning materials) was

comprehensively analysed and incorporated in Work Package 5 Deliverable 5.7 Implementation of

Workshop Outcomes by IECE. Feedback from trainers presented their outlook regarding the quality,

usefulness and viability of the BIMcert training platform, training materials and the method of

delivery. An overall feedback concluded that the trainers found the platform and curriculum of high

quality and appropriate for BIM upskilling. FAC facilitated collection of feedback responses and

compiled the results for IECE. Results from this survey are included in Appendix 2.

The following include some sample responses from the feedback survey illustrating a trainer’s

perspective on the BIMcert tools and models:

Q9. Will you participate in the BIMcert Trials via the platform, in the next four weeks?

Results indicated a 100% acknowledgement from trainers as to their guaranteed participation in the

final rounds of trials. This reflects interest of professional lecturers and trainers to contribute to the

BIMcert Training Curriculum and Learning Materials prepared by IECE through their constructive

feedback and expert advice.

Q10. Will you invite your colleagues to participate in the trials as well?

Yes No








Will you participate in the BIMcert Trials via the platform, in the next four weeks?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Additionally, it was significant to see that trainers were interesting in inviting their colleagues to

participate in the BIMcert trials as well as this positively reinforces the value of BIMcert and its key

exploitable outputs.

Q17. Was the content of the learning courses relevant and applicable for your professional role and

work duties?

Q20. Was the structure and sequence of training components appropriate for the target audience?

Yes No








Will you invite your colleagues to participate in the trials as well?


Yes No








Was the content of the learning courses relevant and applicable for your

professional role and work duties?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

The above responses indicate the absolute relevance of the BIMcert training curriculum, the platform

and learning materials with a 100% Yes, for professional lecturers and BIM trainers. Trainers were

asked to clarify if the learning materials were appropriate for the target audience (in terms of skill

levels) chosen by the BIMcert consortium to which they positively agreed. These results suggest the

increased effectiveness of BIMcert tools as medium of BIM upskilling for the construction industry.

Comments by a Project Manager from Northern Ireland suggested that ‘some areas could be filtered

with focus on the anticipated outcome’, which will be taken into consideration by the consortium.

Q21. Were the learning objectives appropriate for different professional roles and different skills

entry levels?

Q25. Are the training materials provided at the correct level for beginners in the field of BIM?

Yes No








Was the structure and sequence of training components appropriate for target



Yes No







Were the learning objective appropriate for different professional roles and different

skills entry levels?



BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Along with predominantly positive feedback, there was an indication of minor dissatisfaction with the

level of training material provided. Results indicated that the training materials required adaptation

for beginner’s level of learning and BIM upskilling. A Project Manager from Northern Ireland indicated

‘The current training materials would be sufficient for managers, directors and possible foremen,

definitely not beginners who would miss the objective completely’.16To address the criticism, the

BIMcert Platform includes Training Plans and Modules for all BIM Maturity Levels, including

introductory modules on ‘What is BIM and Digital Construction?’, ‘BIM Terms and Definitions’, and

‘What are BIM Maturity Levels?’ – directly addressing this concern. These modules (after the trainer’s

webinar session was conducted) were trialled for trainees and skilled tradespeople who appreciated

the diversity of training plans and modules for all skill levels.

The next section illustrates the results from the Practitioner Pop-Ups conducted to incorporate

perspectives of skilled tradespeople and their outlook on BIM upskilling and the BIMcert Training


16 Modules for Beginner Levels were trialled at the subsequent sessions conducted for Trainees and Skilled Tradespeople.

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agreenor Disagree

Disagree StronglyDisagree







Are the training materials provided at the correct level for beginners in the field of




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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

Feedback from Skilled Tradespeople

As part of the feedback session of the Practitioner Pop Ups conducted across Dublin, Belfast and

Macedonia, skilled tradespeople provided the consortium with the following responses on the specific

questionnaire distributed to them (as hard copies, attached in Appendix 3).

Table 10: Practioner Pop-Up Questionnaire

17 Out of 57 recorded results from Skilled Tradespeople, 40 participants undertook this questionnaire; The other 17 Skilled Tradespeople from Macedonia filled out a similar survey presented in local language (attached in Appendix 3).

Questions Yes17 No

Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with? 39 1

Did this practitioner pop-up, as a mode of dissemination, provide you with clear impressions

about the BIMcert program aims, structure and content? 40

Was the delivery sequence easy to follow? 37 3

Did you find the learning objectives and topic content relevant and applicable for your

professional role and work duties? 35 5

Did you find the content suitable for your learning and knowledge development? 38 2

Is the content technicality suitable for you? 36 4

Was the content presented more clearly because of a presenter assistance? 38 2

Will you recommend your colleagues to participate as well? 37 3

Did the content of learning units satisfy your needs for knowledge in the field? If no, please

specify the gaps. 39 1

Was the content of the learning units relevant and applicable for your professional role and

work duties? 36 4

Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding? 34 6

Are you likely to use the BIMcert tools and knowledge acquired during the training in the

future? 37 3

Do you think BIMcert will enhance your understanding of Digital Construction? 39 1

Did the BIMcert training platform meet your expectations? (Yes/No) 38 2

Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable construction and

energy efficiency, in your work/profession? 36 4

Does the training provide sufficient opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided

learning? 39 1

Additional Open-Ended Question - Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the

BIMcert training program?


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

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A Construction Contractor from Northern Ireland, who attended the Practitioner Pop Up, commented

‘We’re all enjoying the experience! It’s very good, user friendly and engaging. Def learning a lot

about BIM which is the whole point. The videos, assessments and games make the info stick’.

Data from the Practitioner Pop-Up is not homogenous like that collected by Survey Monkey due to

the diverse work and linguistic environments of the practitioner Pop-ups. However, it was crucial to

understand diverse viewpoints because they directly feed into the localisation aspect of BIMcert tools

and training curriculum.

A breakdown of the composition of feedback responses gives an excellence insight into the

differentiated opinions of various professional backgrounds. The following pie-chart outlines the

composition of Practitioner Pop-up feedback:

Figure 26: Composition of Practitioner Pop-up Feedback

Construction Site Workers

(formwork carpenters,

reinforcement workers, …

Electrical Apprentices24%

Joinery Apprenctices16%

Heating and Plumbing Apprentices


Director of P&K McKaigue …

Construction Site


Project Administra

tor and Assistance


Site Manager2%

Site Foreman2%

Ground Worker2%

Plant Operative2%


Electricians 3%

Construction Project Manager


Contracts Manager2%

Construction Site Workers (formworkcarpenters, reinforcement workers,façade workers)Electrical Apprentices

Joinery Apprenctices

Heating and Plumbing Apprentices

Managing Director of P&K McKaigueContractors

Construction Site Engineers

Project Administrator and Assistance

Site Manager

Site Foreman

Ground Worker

Plant Operative



Construction Project Manager

Contracts Manager


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To conclude, there is a predominantly positive response on the webinars, the usability of the platform,

learning materials, and delivery of information. We have included the negative feedback with the

ambition to address the concerns expressed by participants and reflect on them by incorporating

recommendations as part of the Framework for Effectiveness. All phases of trials and testing feedback

have been pivotal measures in recording constructive criticism that have helped the consortium

proactively upgrade and improve applied methodology, as well have positively reinforced the

consortium’s effort and commitment.

The next section on Recommendations outlines a Framework for Effectiveness based on the combined

analysis of evaluation methods.

5. Recommendations – Framework for Effectiveness

In undertaking Task 6.2, Framework for Effectiveness, the results of all the rounds of trials and testing

were analysed and helped provide the basis for the development of recommendations that identify

key intervention strategies, impacts and advancements afforded by the application of the BIMcert

tools. Evaluation of each phase of trials led to an upgrading and expansion of methodology in the

subsequent phases, assuring end-users that their outlook was taken into consideration. For the

consortium, this feedback comprised crucial constructive criticism ensuring quality control of the

developed BIMcert tools and models.

Results from all trials provided insights into the effects and potential impacts on the improvement of

energy efficient construction and energy performance knowledge enhancement. The BIMcert Training

Platform itself has proven to be an energy performance knowledge enhancement tool for the entire

construction supply chain to employ and utilise. As mentioned earlier, this framework for

effectiveness was a living process, being refined throughout the testing phases.

Even though the discussion on the future of BIM implementation is an ongoing dialogue, it can be

noted through the results of Work Package 6 Trials that the BIMcert Training Platform has proven to

be a consequential instrument for BIM upskilling and energy performance knowledge enhancement

catering to the needs of the entire construction supply chain, ranging from senior managers to skilled

tradespeople in the blue-collar sector.

FAC led a panel discussion at the BIMcert Final Conference (January 22, 2020) titled ‘What’s next for

BIM in Construction?’. The panel comprised the following esteemed speakers:

(i) Mr. Gordon Sutherland, Head of Sector, EASME European Commission;

(ii) Ms Maja-Marija Nahod, Deputy Minister for Construction and Energy Efficiency Croatia;

(iii) Mr. Paul Surin, Associate Partner IBM GBS UKI Centre of Competence;

(iv) Mr. Vlatko Ivanov, CEO Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia;

(v) Dr. James Harty, Copenhagen School pf Design and Technology; and

(vi) Mr. Gervase Cunningham, Course Director of Quantity Surveying, Ulster University.


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Figure 27: Panel discussion led by FAC’s Dr. Sheryl Lynch and Ms. Mallika Singh at the BIMcert Final

Conference, January 22, 2020

The core of the framework for effectiveness is the provision of recommendations for the application

of the BIMcert Training Platform in an industry that is still slowly and steadily transitioning towards

more digitalised construction. As we had a hugely prestigious composition of experts at our disposal

at the conference, we took the opportunity to present our key recommendations and take on board

their feedback, strengthening the basis and rationale of the recommendations outlined in this report.

Subsequent to presenting FAC’s WP6 methodology and key outputs, we presented the following and

opened the floor to comments:


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Figure 28: PPT slide for Recommendations for Effectiveness, FAC, BIMcert Final Conference, January

22, 2020.

As Ms Maja-Marija Nahod, Deputy Minister for Construction and Energy Efficiency Croatia, rightly

pointed out ‘BIM is the revolution and evolution for the whole industry’, the Framework for

Effectiveness outlined below aims to provide multipurpose key standpoints for the effective use of

BIM and the BIMcert Project outputs:

1. Incentivise Energy Efficiency

The core idea behind this recommendation is that by incentivising Energy Efficiency through either

monetary benefits or prestige value, BIM will automatically become an essential tool for the

construction supply chain. It is essential to recognise the asset that BIM represents to the construction

industry through energy and resource efficiency.

Energy efficiency can be incentivised through pre-qualification criteria for contracts, tenders, and

questionnaires; through monetary grants, subsidies and scholarships for organisations using BIM or

reaching an energy-saving unit limit which directly encourages the entire sector to benefit from these

advances; and through awards to highlight the prestige of adopting BIM for energy and resource

efficiency. Public procurement can incentivise energy efficiency by scoring applications and hiring


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clients who embed energy efficient and BIM applications into their contracts. Norway has set out

multiple directives to incentivise energy efficiency through the following initiatives:

Directive 2002/91/EC has been fully implemented in Norway since 2010. Energy performance

requirements for new buildings were revised in 2010 and most recently in 2015, coming to full effect as

of 1 January 2017. By the end of 2016, approximately 650,000 EPCs had been issued. Most of these

concern houses and apartments, while 24,000 concern non‐residential buildings. In 2016, the state-

owned energy administration Enova18 took over as operator of the EPC scheme. An evaluation of the

scheme is ongoing and may lead to changes in 2017. […]

A first suggestion and a roadmap for the work towards a NZEB definition including necessary

assessments was delivered from the Norwegian Building Authority to the responsible ministry in March

2017. There are also financial and technical support schemes available through a government-financed

agency. Plans for renovating the existing building stock towards NZEB are not applicable in Norway. But

through Enova, grants are given to renovation projects, capacity building, etc. Many research projects

are also working towards cost-efficient renovation methods. In 2017, the Parliament approved a

proposal to prohibit the use of fossil oil for heating in all buildings from 2020. […] Directive 2012/27/EU

(EED) is not implemented in Norway, and thus national renovation plans are not applicable. However,

there is a political intention to incorporate the directive into the EEA Agreement with necessary


Incentivisation would be a powerful tool directly contributing to sustainable quality buildings and

construction. Further, to supplement incentivisation, the BIMcert training platform can be exploited

to strategically upskill workers in BIM rapidly through bite-sized modules and training plans.

2. Utilise BIMcert i.e. adopt BIMcert Concepts and Methodology

The BIMcert project has delivered more than it promised where the consortium has put a lot of work

into implementing the correct methodology of blended learning and conceptualising a valuable

training curriculum. The pivotal idea would be to utilise this methodology tailored to local

environments (addressed in section 2.1). The project output not only comprises of a BIM upskilling

training curriculum but has provided the construction sector with a Training Platform itself, with bite-

sized micro-accredited modules within training plans. This methodology of incorporating bite-sized

micro accreditations was especially targeted for professionals who may have time restrictions to

commit to a full BIM course. The logic for these micro-modules is to make learning and upskilling

easier for professionals who will have the opportunity to choose modules based on their personal

preferences, varying level of expertise (ranging from intermediate to advanced learning depending on

already existing skills), levels of increasing complexities of skills required and time constraint.

According to Ms Maja-Marija Nahod, Deputy Minister for Construction and Energy Efficiency

Croatia, individual initiatives such as BIMcert are essentially strategic methods of raising awareness

and recognising the importance of BIM for stakeholders and to present to them what is available in

the market to exploit for better productivity and profits. Further, BIMcert has proven to be an energy

efficiency and performance knowledge enhancement tool with modules such as – BIM tools for Low

Energy Building Construction, Energy System Thinking Key Principles, Concepts and Definitions of

18 Enova. (n.d.). About Enova | Enova. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jan. 2020]. 19 (2020). Implementation of the EPBD in Norway - [online] Available at:

outcomes/outcomes-2015-2018/book-2018/countries/norway [Accessed 30 Jan. 2020].


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Energy Use in Buildings, Overview of Climate Change and EU Policy, and Energy Usage and Wastage in

Construction and Operations of Buildings – for users to undertake and utilise. The project successfully

achieved its end goal of contributing to a more digitalised and greener construction industry by

providing end-users with viable, relevant and effective training curriculum and platform to upskill in

BIM, and ready for implementation and exploitation.

3. Standardise BIM Curriculum

This recommendation aims to enhance the mobility of the BIM curriculum across Europe and

eventually across other continents. The core aim would be to introduce a pan-European BIM passport,

to make accreditations as mobile for professionals moving and working across members states within

and beyond Europe. A guideline for Continued Professional Development (CPD) vocational mobility

would be useful and convenient for professionals to easily upskill in BIM. Through our trials and

testing, understanding localised approaches and perspectives played a pivotal role in the

establishment of this recommendation to standardise the BIM curriculum. This aspect included the

effort of the consortium to comprehend local perspectives and translate those to more generalisable

valuable outputs relevant for all diverse vocations, skill levels and participants from varying geographic

expanses. Regarding that, standardising and harmonising BIM training and learning curriculum will

ensure widespread reach of BIM, higher accessibility to end-users, and a homogenised, advanced

construction industry with elevated synchronisation of approaches across member states, within and

beyond Europe.

Through the BIMcert trials and testing, it can be confirmed that an ‘online’ or virtual medium of

delivery, with an aspect of face-to-face interaction is an appropriate means of training delivery,

guaranteeing widespread global reach.

Crucial to the success of this recommendation is collaboration between the construction industry,

government and academia. Standardisation relies on cooperative partnership between key

stakeholders, according to Gervase Cunningham, Course Director of Quantity Surveying, Ulster

University. It can be understood that collaboration between all parties in the supply chain will be

essential to roll out standardised training curriculum and will contribute to a knowledge exchange and

alliance between key stakeholders and partners across the construction industry.

4. Mandate BIM Locally

For greater implementation of BIM in the construction industry, it will be crucial to mandate BIM

locally in member states. The concept of BIM knowledge exchange and utilisation trickling down in

the form of a top-bottom approach will guarantee encouragement to implement BIM approaches

locally. According to Mr. Vlatko Ivanov, CEO Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia, agreement of the

legislative bodies is paramount for implementation of BIM technologies locally, especially in the case

of Macedonia (partner city of BIMcert). The reasoning behind this is that if the legislative openly

encourages BIM usage, then only will the companies be at an advantage to invest in these

technologies, profit from them and contribute further. Therefore, according to him ‘standardisation

and local legislative mandate’ is indispensable for BIM implementation.


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According to Mr. Gordon Sutherland, Head of Sector, EASME European Commission, ‘everything in

the building sector is a national competence with regulations always set at the national level’. Earlier

that day in his address titled ‘The Importance of the Energy Performance Buildings Directive’, he noted

the importance of national budget agency i.e. the Commission is only 1% of the GDP, whereas 99% of

the contribution should originate from individual member states. The Netherlands and United

Kingdom have already embedded BIM in the construction sector as the government with 36% of

British architects and 56% of Dutch architects using BIM for optimisation of their business processes20.

A pan-European mandate by the European BIM task group will be strong enough to legislate national

roll outs. Content of the national mandate can be developed in accordance to a standardised mandate

presented in form of a guideline, as the first step. Localisation via National Action Plans can be based

on pan-European standards. Recognising BIM as a reliable tool for development at the legislative level

is pivotal for mandating it. According to Ms Maja-Marija Nahod, Deputy Minister for Construction

and Energy Efficiency Croatia, BIM can facilitate the industry as well as ease public administration.

She suggested development of very specific and elaborative general national guidelines (according to

country level of BIM maturity) in each country to adjust themselves to a standard of specific

established conditions. These will be based on a common definition of ‘level of development’ that

varies across countries.

However, it is important to note that independent initiative such as BIMcert are very essential to

promote BIM implementation and raise awareness and understanding of BIM. The Platform provides

a tool of upskilling easily and speedily for professionals to catch up with the digital revolution of this


5. Facilitate BIM Upskilling

Facilitating BIM upskilling by taking into consideration the BIMcert key exploitable outputs

supplemented by the previous four recommendations can be used so that professionals have a dual

benefit of skills transferability in terms of digital skills transformation and BIM upskilling together.

Furthermore, this directly contributes to the European Commission’s Digital Agenda21 for Europe

which aims to upskills workers and citizens with digital skills. By investing in BIM, we’re symbiotically

doing that. Dr. James Harty, Copenhagen School pf Design and Technology, stated that a key concern

to address is the advancement of the Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Mixed Reality which has

transformed and digitalised the world today but allowing users to ‘using the phone, looking through

a screen, and seeing what a party is proposing to build, or watch a proposal change as per

requirements of a client, or even change the outlook of the building with a touch - that it takes so

much of the object out of it, and the most importantly, this change can happen overnight’. This outlook

precisely becomes instrumental in implementation of BIM technologies to adjust to the existing digital


Furthermore, the market itself can facilitate BIM upskilling. With collaboration between stakeholders

of the construction supply chain, BIM upskilling can be promoted as tool for increased productivity

and profit of the construction industry. As Ms Maja-Marija Nahod, Deputy Minister for Construction

20 Editor, T. (2016). UK and Netherlands are at the Forefront of BIM in Europe. [online] The BIM Hub. Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2020]. 21 (2019). Digital Agenda for Europe | Fact Sheets on the European Union | European Parliament.

[online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2020].


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and Energy Efficiency Croatia rightly said it will be momentous ‘to be one in the market, not first to

the market’.

A key enabler to facilitate BIM upskilling is to make training curriculums like BIMcert digestible for

local audience. National skills agendas that is set locally should also include comparable skills which

are recognised across boundaries. According to Gordon Sutherland, Head of Sector, EASME European

Commission, ‘we don’t all need to know absolutely everything, but we need to pick up the elements

of knowledge that are relevant and can be used to facilitate BIM upskilling’. The key notion is to

facilitate BIM upskilling within the broader agenda of digital skills to really ride the wave of the

complete transition of digitalisation of society. These skills include transferable skills cutting across


6. Conclusion

This final report on the Work Package 6 Trials and Testing of the BIMcert Tools and Models has

outlined the testing methodology over the 20 months of the project (particularly, the final round of

trials conducted in Autumn 2019), analysed the rich feedback assimilated as a result of the trials and

provided a summary of the findings that directly contribute to the recommendations outlined in the

framework for effectiveness. The recommendations are based on our analysis of industry

requirements, expectations and response towards the final project output.

WP6 achieved an end-user engagement increase of 124 people, up by 157% since the first round of

trials (79 participants) in Autumn 2018. There were 97 responses to the Autumn Webinars follow-up

surveys, up by 74 responses since Autumn 2018, a 321% increase in respondents. With the launch of

the BIMcert Training Platform, there are 297 registered users (as of January 2020). 95 skilled

tradespeople provided their valuable inputs on their outlook on BIM and positively acknowledged the

use of the BIMcert Platform for BIM upskilling.

After the conclusion of the final round of trials, the BIMcert partners discussed the findings based on

the following aspects – (i) approach of conducting webinars as a medium of dissemination and other

sessions conducted for increased interaction; (ii) response to the training platform and curriculum; (iii)

response to the concept of bite-sized micro modules and gamified learning; (iv) response to beyond

blended delivery methodology; and (v) overall assessment of the viability and relevance of the BIMcert


Building on the previous reports, D6.1 and D6.2, this report outlines crucial recommendations based

on the feedback and discussions on how to increase effectiveness of BIMcert in the future for the

construction sector. In order to enrich the BIMcert tools and models developed and enforce the

project outputs for increased high quality exposure and exploitation, the following recommendations

were suggested: (i) incentive energy efficiency; (ii) utilise BIMcert; (iii) standardise BIM curriculum; (iv)

mandate BIM locally; and (v) facilitate BIM upskilling. The success of BIMcert can be measured by its

reach and upskilling metric which has proven to be global and diverse. The platform provides for BIM

upskilling for varying levels of expertise and in energy performance knowledge enhancement directly

contributing to the transition to greener construction approaches as promised.


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Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

To conclude, the prescribed framework for effectiveness gives impetus to BIMcert as a medium of

facilitation, upskilling and utilisation of BIM in the construction industry. Facilitating BIM upskilling can

be recognised as an instrument contributing to the European Green Deal,22 by ensuring that

construction work life cycle and costing analysis have a sustainable growth agenda for the future,

along with using digital technologies. Therefore, promoting transferable skills via BIMcert is crucial

both for the construction sector, professional digital transformation, and safeguarding a sustainable

future for Europe.

22 European Commission - European Commission. (n.d.). European Green Deal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Jan. 2020].


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

7. Bibliography

1. Balasubramanian, S and Shukla, V (2017) Green supply chain management Supply Chain

Management: An International Journal, Volume 22, Number, 58–81,59

2. Build Up. (2018). Benefits of BIM and its level of adoption in European countries. [online]

Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2019].

3. BIMcert Video produced by FAC and TU Dublin is available on YouTube here:

4. BIMcert. (2019). BIMcert | Construction Skills – Energy Efficiency – Regulating Supply Chains –

Tackling Climate Change. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Nov.


5. Editor, T. (2016). UK and Netherlands are at the Forefront of BIM in Europe. [online] The BIM

Hub. Available at:

of-bim-in-euro/#.XjHLozL7SCh [Accessed 23 Jan. 2020].

6. (2016). AGREEMENT ON THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA. [online] Available at:

agreement/Main%20Text%20of%20the%20Agreement/EEAagreement.pdf [Accessed 30 Jan.


7. Enova. (n.d.). About Enova | Enova. [online] Available at:

enova/ [Accessed 30 Jan. 2020].

8. Enshassi, A., Ayash, A. and Mohamed, S. (2018) Factors driving contractors to implement

energy management strategies in construction projects, Journal of Financial, Management of

Property and Construction, Vol. 23 Issue: 3, pp.295-311

9. (2020). Implementation of the EPBD in Norway - [online] Available at:

[Accessed 30 Jan. 2020].

10. (2019). Digital Agenda for Europe | Fact Sheets on the European Union |

European Parliament. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 23 Jan. 2020].


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

11. European Commission - European Commission. (n.d.). European Green Deal. [online] Available

at: [Accessed 23 Jan.



THE COUNCIL of 16 December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings. [online] Available

at: https://eur- [Accessed 30

Jan. 2020].


THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, [online] Available at: https://eur- [Accessed 30 Jan. 2020].

14. (n.d.). Word Cloud Generator. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2019].

15. Lindseth, L. (2016), EPC in the Nordic Countries: EPC Nordic, TemaNord, Nordic Council of

Ministers, Copenhagen K,

16. McAuley, B., Behan, A., McCormack, P., Hamilton, A., Rebelo, E., Neilson, B., Beckett, G., Costa,

A.A., Carreira, P., Likar, D., Taneva-Veshoska, A., Lynch, S., Hynes, W. and Borkovic, T. (2019)

Delivering Energy Savings for the Supply Chain Through Building Information Modelling as a

Result of the Horizon2020 Energy BIMcert Project, Proceedings of the International SEEDS

Conference 2019: Growing Sustainability -Natural Capital and Society in the Built

Environment, Leeds, 11-12thSeptember, pp 1-11.

17. (n.d.). RIBA Plan of Work 2013. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2020].

18. Work Package 3 Deliverable 3.4 BIMcert Management Report Outlining Full Software

Management Tools and Implementation by Instituto Superior Tecnico

19. Work Package 4 Deliverable 4.4 Final package of materials available via BIM Collaboration

platform by Technological University Dublin

20. Work Package 5 Deliverable 5.7 Implementation of Workshop Outcomes by Institute for

Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy

21. Work Package 6 Deliverable 6.1: Report on end-user workshop and validation on the

BIMcert by Future Analytics Consulting


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Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

22. Work Package 6 Deliverable 6.2: Report on end user workshop on the BIMcert models and

tools by Future Analytics Consulting

23. World Economic Forum, (2018), An Action Plan to Accelerate Building Information Modeling

(BIM) Adoption, Shaping the Future of Construction, World Economic Forum

8. Appendices

Appendix 1: Webinar Presentation November 5, 2019

Appendix 2: BIMcert Questionnaires

1. Preview 2. Registration Questions on BIMcert Training Platform 3. Trainers Questionnaire via Survey Monkey (WP5) 4. Trainees Questionnaire via Survey Monkey 5. Trainers Questionnaire on Platform – Answers 6. Practitioner Pop-Up Questionnaire

Appendix 3: Practitioner Pop-Up Answer Sheets

1. Skilled Tradespeople Summed Responses – Skopje, Macedonia 2. Electrical Apprentices – Belfast, Northern Ireland 3. Heating and Plumbing Apprentices – Belfast, Northern Ireland 4. Level 3 Joinery Apprentices – Belfast, Northern Ireland 5. Company Director, Site Foremen/Managers, Trades from Joinery, Mechanical, Electrical and

Groundwork from P&K McKaigue Contractors – Belfast, Northern Ireland

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APPENDIX 1 - Webinar Presentation

November 5, 2019

BIMcert Welcomes all Trainees to this Webinar

Bite-size & Blended Approach


How to Register

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1- go to BIMcert website

2- register


In “outcomes”

select link “BIMcert training platform”

BIMcert REGISTER PROCESSBIMcert Platform Registration


BIMcert REGISTER PROCESSBIMcert Platform Registration

Select “TRAINEE”

BIMcert REGISTER PROCESSBIMcert Platform Registration



*see trainee’s standards

BIMcert REGISTER PROCESSBIMcert Platform Registration

Once you receive approval email

Login using new USERNAME and PASSWORD



BIM ( Digital Construction) skills are required as enabling tools to ultimately make the AEC industry more efficient and achieve energy targetsBIMcert curriculum is a holistic approach toBIM, in order to create those skills from the ground up:


BIM skills for the all supply chain and stakeholders (from blue collars to higher management)

BIM to allow Industry to collaborate better, be more efficient, less wasteful and achieve the energy target.

















Based on 3 Pillars






Image Source:

Considers RIBA Plan of Work Stages

Curriculum addresses skills Requirements for the profileof actors in each stage




Micro training plan novices

Micro & Macro Training Plans (Intermediate to Advanced )

Micro training plan Intermediate


Micro training plan novices THEORY BASE PRACTICAL











Micro training plan Intermediate




Micro & Macro Training Plans (Intermediate to Advanced )



Micro & Macro training plans proficient




Starting point EQF level 3


Education Qualifications


Industry BIM Skills

BIM Maturity Stages/Levels

& BIM Dimensions



Not a linear progression

Bite sized micro accreditation

With “gamification” progression element

Modules are adaptable to each learners needs and career pathwaysLeaners can pick the micro accreditations that suit them

Several micro accreditations ( covering specific knowledge and skills)

Flexibility to build your own

personalised skillset

Allows learner to gain skills required for their own professional needs , combine them to obtain either pre-established qualification or an unique “BIM Passport” skillset recognised via BIMCert

Possibility of bespoke pathwaystailored to learner’s specific needs and profile


or Training

plan badging


or Training

plan badging


or Training

Plan badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Leaning Outcome/ content #A1.1

Leaning Outcome/ content #A1.1

Leaning Outcome/ content #A1.3

Leaning Outcome/ content #A1.4

LO #A2.1

LO #A2.2

LO #A2.3

LO #A2.4

LO #A3.4

LO #A3.4

LO #A3.4

LO #A3.4

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Micro Accreditation badging

Unit A1

Unit A2

Unit A3


Lerner can progress for higher qualifications with an “add up “ method



Microtraining plan

Micro training plan

Macrotraining plan


add up

Microtraining plan

Micro training plan



Micro training plan

Microtraining plan


Micro training plan

add up

Microtraining plan

Micro training plan



Micro training plan

Microtraining plan

Micro training plan






Curriculum Units broken down into stand alone micro size bites in e-platform – mapping Learning Outcomes

Methodology -Beyond blended

BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

APPENDIX 2: BIMcert Questionnaires

1. Preview 2. Registration Questions on BIMcert Training

Platform 3. Trainers Questionnaire via Survey Monkey

(WP5) 4. Trainees Questionnaire via Survey Monkey 5. Trainers Questionnaire on Platform - Answers 6. Practitioner Pop-Up Questionnaire

Platform Registration Questions

Registration Questions

Common to Trainers and Trainees

1. Please provide your name and surname.

2. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Other

3. What is your age range?

a. 18-24

b. 25-34

c. 35-44

d. 45-54

e. 55-64

f. 65+

4. Please provide your email.

5. Please provide your phone number. (Optional)

6. What country do you work in?

7. What is the name of your company?

8. What is your job title/role?

a. Designer (Architect/Engineer)

b. Construction Contractor

c. Technician

d. Site Worker

e. Public Administration

f. Lecturer

g. Student

h. Facility Manager

i. Client (Investor)

j. Other (please specify)

Questions only for Trainers

9. What are your training qualifications?

10. What is your field of study?

11. How many trainees do you train per year?

Questions only for Trainees

12. What type of construction business does your company work in?

a. Public Sector

b. Private Sector

c. Retrofit

d. Repair and Maintenance

e. Design (Consultancy)

f. Contractor

g. University

h. Other (please specify)

13. What is the size of your organisation?

a. Less than 5 people

b. 5-10 people

c. 10-20 people

d. 20-50 people

e. 50-100 people

f. 100-250 people

g. 250+ people

14. What is the average number of construction projects you engage with per year?

a. 0-10

b. 10-50

c. 50-100

d. 100-250

e. 250+

15. Please specify the type of projects you are engaged in per year. If possible, please mention their size as well

(example of sizes – up to 1000m2, 1000-8000m2, 8000-50000m2, >50000m2)

a. New Construction

b. Renovation

c. Retrofitting

d. Others (please specify)

e. Size Option (Comment Box)

Trainers Survey Questionnaire – On Platform

Questions Scales

Questions on the Webinar

1. Please provide your email address.

2. What country do you work/study in?

3. Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?


4. Was the content suitable in technical aspects for the target audience? Yes/No

5. How would you rate the technical level of the content? 5-point scale

6. Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination, provide you with clear impressions about the BIMcert program aims, structure and content?


7. Did the webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert? Yes/No

8. Was there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the Webinar?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

9. Will you participate in the BIMcert Trials via the platform, in the next four weeks?


10. Will you invite your colleagues to participate in the trials as well? Yes/No

11. Were the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?


Questions on the Unit Content, Structure and Delivery Method

12. Are you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert platform? 5-point scale ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied

13. Were the learning objectives clearly stated? Yes/No

14. Were the learning objectives and learning content correlated? Yes/No

15. Did the BIMcert method used make content clearer and easier to understand?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

16. Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical application? If no, please specify the gaps and recommend improvements.


17. Was the content of the learning courses relevant and applicable for your professional role and work duties?


18. Would you recommend some additional content to be included in the present learning outcomes? (unless it is not covered in other learning units/ outcomes)?


19. How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency, after engaging with BIMcert training curriculum?

5-point scale ranging from A great deal to None at All

20. Was the structure and sequence of training components appropriate for target audience?


21. Were the learning pathways appropriate for different professional roles and different skills entry level?

Yes/ No

22. Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools assisted your learning experience?

5 Star Rating Scale

23. Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical application?

24. Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding? Yes/No

25. Are the training materials provided at the correct level for beginners in the field of BIM?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

26. Does the training provide enough opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided learning?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

27. Which additional learning models/tool would you recommend for application in BIMcert? (Long Answer)

Long Answer

On Assessment Models and Materials on the Training Platform

28. Did the assessment cover information from the course content? Yes-please specify/No

29. Was the online assessment completion time sufficient? Yes-please specify/No

30. Was the online assessment process clear and easy to follow? Yes-please specify/No

31. Did the questions measure the knowledge acquired? Yes-please specify/No

32. Would you recommend some other questions to be included in the assessment?

Yes-please specify/No

33. Would you recommend some other methods of assessment as more effective?

Yes-please specify/No

34. Is the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you? 5-point scale ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied

Other Important Questions on Training Platform and Usage Experience

35. Was the platform layout clear and easy to follow? Yes/No

36. Was the registration process simple and straightforward? Yes/No

37. Were instructions for selection of learning plans and modules clear? Yes/No

38. Was the range of materials provided correct and balanced? Yes/No

39. Was the download time for online material acceptable? Yes/No

40. Did the assessment cover information from the course content?

41. How was the duration of the training for the learning pathways you had selected?

Too Short – Too Long

42. Did the training meet your expectation? Yes/No

43. Would you recommend this training to other members of your company and collaborators?


44. Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your work/professional role?


45. Did the training modules you had selected improve your knowledge in the area of Digital Construction?


46. Did the BIMcert training modules you selected enhance your understanding of how these skills can improve energy efficiency of buildings and sustainable construction processes? (Specifically of the building renovation and new construction)


47. Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable construction and energy efficiency, in your work/profession?


48. How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools and knowledge acquired during the training in the future?

5-point scale ranging from Very Likely to Very Unlikely

49. What BIMcert course would you take next? Comment

50. What suggestion would you give to improve the BIMcert training programme?


51. What did you find least valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Open Ended Long Answers

52. What did you find most valuable about the BIMcert training program? Open Ended Long Answers

53. Do you consider yourself upskilled as a result of engaging with the BIMcert platform?


54. Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the BIMcert training program?

Open Ended Long Answers

55. Will you continue to improve the acquired skills in further BIMcert training?


56. Are you satisfied with the BIMcert experience? 5-point scale ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied

Platform Feedback

57. I enjoyed using the e-learning platform. Please rate the following statements from the 5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

58. The e-learning platform is pleasant to use.

59. The e-learning platform has all the functionality I expected.

60. The information provided by the system (graphical or not) is effective at helping to perform tasks.

61. The e-learning platform is easy to use.

62. It is easy to find the information I need.

63. The e-learning platform is generally easy to use.

64. It is easy to learn how to use the e-learning platform.

65. The information provided by the e-learning platform is easy to learn.

66. I feel comfortable using the e-learning platform.

67. I can fulfil my task effectively.

68. I am generally satisfied with the outcomes of my tasks.

Trainers Survey Questionnaire – On Learning Materials

Questions Scales

On QA & QC Manual

1. Was the content provided in the Manual clear and sufficient? Yes/No

2. Would you need additional information? (Yes- please specify/ No)

3. Does the QA & QC procedure provide a firm process of quality maintenance of the BIMcert programme?


4. Does it allow you to engage as a BIMcert trainer or training centre? (Yes- please specify/ No)

5. Would you recommend improvements of the presented QA & QC system?

(Yes- please specify/ No)

On Handbook for Trainers

6. Was the content provided in the Handbook clear and sufficient? Yes/No

7. Would you need additional information? (Yes- please specify/ No)

8. Do the procedures presented in the Handbook provide high quality of the BIMcert program?


9. Does it allow you to engage as a BIMcert trainer or training centre? Yes/No

10. Would you recommend improvements for the presented Handbook? (Yes- please specify/ No)

On ICT Manual

11. Was the content provided in the Manual clear and sufficient? Yes/No

12. Would you need additional information? (Yes- please specify/ No)

13. Does the QA & QC procedure provide a firm process of quality maintenance of the BIMcert programme?


Trainees Survey Questionnaire

Questions Scales

Questions on the Webinar

1. Please provide your email address.

2. What country do you work/study in?

3. Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?


4. Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination, provide you with clear impressions about the BIMcert program aims, structure and content?


5. Did the Webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert? (Yes/No) Yes/No

6. Was the information delivery sequence easy to follow? (Yes/No) Yes/No

7. Was there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the Webinar?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

8. How was the duration of the webinar? 5-point scale ranging from Too Short to Too Long

On Unit Content and Structure, Delivery Method of the Training Platform

9. Were the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?


10. Are you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert platform? 5-point Scale

11. Were the learning objectives clearly stated? Yes/No

12. Did the learning objectives and learning content correlate? Yes/No

13. Did you find the learning objectives and topic content relevant and applicable for your professional role and work duties?


14. Did the BIMcert method used make content clearer and easier to understand?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

15. Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical application?


16. How would you rate the technical level of the content?

17. Did you find the content suitable for your learning and knowledge development?


18. How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency, after engaging with this BIMcert training curriculum and platform?

5-point Scale

19. Would you prefer a trainer’s assistance (in the form of face-to-face lectures, explanations and question and answer sessions) instead or in addition to the online learning material?

Trainer’s assistance instead/ Trainer’s assistance in addition

20. Would you recommend some additional content to be included in the present learning courses? (unless it is not covered in other learning outcomes)

Yes, please specify/ No

21. Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools (e.g., videos with integrated questions and gamified assessments) assisted your learning experience?

5 Star Rating Scale

22. Did the delivery method assist your learning? 5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

23. Were you satisfied with the presentation of practical examples to help with your learning and development?


24. Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding? Yes/No

25. Are the training materials provided at the correct level for your needs and understanding?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

26. Are the BIMcert training materials provided helpful for your learning and skill improvement?

5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree

27. Does the training provide sufficient opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided learning?


28. Which additional learning model/tool would you recommend for application in BIMcert?

Open-Ended Long Answer

On Assessment Models and Materials on the Training Platform

29. Did the assessment cover information from the course content? Yes-please specify/No

30. Was the online assessment completion time sufficient? Yes-please specify/No

31. Was the online assessment process clear and easy to follow? Yes-please specify/No

32. Did the questions measure the knowledge acquired? Yes-please specify/No

33. Would you recommend some other questions to be included in the assessment?

Yes-please specify/No

34. Would you recommend some other methods of assessment as more effective?

Yes-please specify/No

35. Is the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you? 5-point scale ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied

Other Important Questions on Training Platform and Usage Experience

36. Was the platform layout clear and easy to follow? Yes/No

37. Was the registration process simple and straightforward? Yes/No

38. Were instructions for selection of learning plans and modules clear? Yes/No

39. Was the range of materials provided correct and balanced? Yes/No

40. Was the download time for online material acceptable? Yes/No

41. How was the duration of the training for the learning module you had selected?

Too Short – Too Long

42. Did the BIMcert training platform meet your expectations? Yes/No

43. Would you recommend BIMcert to other members of your company/institution and collaborators?


44. Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your work/professional role?


45. Did the training modules you selected enhance your understanding of Digital Construction?


46. Did the BIMcert training modules you selected enhance your understanding of how these skills can improve energy efficiency of buildings and sustainable construction processes? (Specifically of the building renovation and new construction)


47. Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable construction and energy efficiency, in your work/profession?


48. How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools and knowledge acquired during the training in the future?

5-point scale ranging from Very Likely to Very Unlikely

49. What existing BIMcert course would you take next? (e.g.: BIM Maturity Levels, Digital Skills & Collaboration II - Access BIM Models, BIM Terms and Definitions)


50. What suggestions would have to improve the BIMcert training programme?

Open Ended Long Answers

51. What did you find most valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Open Ended Long Answers

52. What did you find least valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Open Ended Long Answers

53. Do you consider yourself upskilled (in terms of acquiring additional skills and understanding of BIM) as a result of engaging with the BIMcert platform?

Open Ended Long Answers

54. Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the BIMcert training program?

Open Ended Long Answers

55. Will you continue to improve your acquired skills in further BIMcert Training?


56. Are you satisfied with the BIMcert experience? 5-point scale ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied

Platform Feedback

57. I enjoyed using the e-learning platform. Please rate the following statements from the 5-point scale ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.

58. The e-learning platform is pleasant to use.

59. The e-learning platform has all the functionality I expected.

60. The information provided by the system (graphical or not) is effective at helping to perform tasks.

61. The e-learning platform is easy to use.

62. It is easy to find the information I need.

63. The e-learning platform is generally easy to use.

64. It is easy to learn how to use the e-learning platform.

65. The information provided by the e-learning platform is easy to learn.

66. I feel comfortable using the e-learning platform.

67. I can fulfil my task effectively.

68. I am generally satisfied with the outcomes of my tasks.

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWhat country do you work in?

Answered 10

Skipped 0

RespondentsResponse Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 25 2019 11:55 PMportugal

2 Nov 19 2019 11:36 AMGreece

3 Nov 01 2019 05:49 PMGreece

4 Oct 31 2019 01:40 PMNorthern Ireland

5 Oct 24 2019 06:00 AMNorth Macedonia

6 Oct 23 2019 07:29 AMCroatia

7 Oct 23 2019 06:59 AMCroatia

8 Oct 22 2019 02:27 PMPortugal

9 Oct 22 2019 02:21 PMNorthern Ireland

10 Oct 22 2019 01:52 PMPortugal

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 10

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response Date Add Comments Tags


Oct 22 2019

02:21 PM

Yes I did understand the

content, however, this could've

been a little better streamlined

within the presentation


Yes No








Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the content suitable in technical aspects for the target audience?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 10

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response Date Add Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:21 PMThe technical content aspect is suitable,

although a better focus on the 'bigger picture'

would be beneficial


Yes No








Was the content suitable in technical aspects for the target audience?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersHow would you rate the technical level of the content?




star 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 22.22% 2 55.56% 5 22.22% 2 9 4

Add Comment 0

Answered 9

Skipped 1

1 2 3 4 5












How would you rate the technical level of the content?

Weighted Average

BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 90.00% 9

No 10.00% 1

Add Comments 3

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 31 2019 01:40 PMDifficult to keep pace with the subject

2 Oct 22 2019 02:21 PM

3 Oct 22 2019 01:52 PMits clear


Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination

provide you with clear impressions about the

BIMcert programme aims, structure and content?

Although this could be better by

incorporating a 'Case Study'

showcasing the bigger picture and

impact of BIMcert

Yes No







Did the webinar, as a mode of dissemination provide you with clear

impressions about the BIMcert programme aims, structure and content?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert?

Answer Choices

Yes 90.00% 9

No 10.00% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:21 PM


The webinar did signpost the BIMcert content, however,

the content via the log in was inaccessible! Perhaps this

could be tested before going live

Yes No












Did the webinar clearly signpost the content of BIMcert?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the Webinar?

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 10.00% 1

Agree 40.00% 4

Neither Agree nor Disagree50.00% 5

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:21 PM


Instead of covering a section and moving onto

the next speaker, an opportunity should be

given to the participants to ask questions after

each section to 1. ensure everyone is following,

2. identify any issues, 3. sound on the trainer

webinar was very problematic specifically at the

video and when Eduardo was providing his

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly









Was there sufficient opportunity for interactive participation during the



BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWill you participate in the BIMcert Trials via the platform, in the next four weeks?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 10

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 10

Skipped 0


Yes No








Will you participate in the BIMcert Trials via the platform, in the next four weeks?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWill you invite your colleagues to participate in the trails as well?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 10

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 10

Skipped 0

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Nov 25 2019 11:55 PMMy colleague professor for design studio I


Yes No








Will you invite your colleagues to participate in the trails as well?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWere the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 10

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 10

Skipped 0


Yes No








Were the BIMcert courses, modules and learning objectives clearly explained?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersAre you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert platform?

Answer Choices

Very Satisfied 14.29% 1

Satisfied 71.43% 5

Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 14.29% 1

Dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Very Dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither

Satisfied nor


Dissatisfied Very











Are you satisfied with the content delivery on the BIMcert platform?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWere the learning outcomes clearly stated?

Answer Choices

Yes 85.71% 6

No 14.29% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Yes No











Were the learning outcomes clearly stated?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWere the learning objectives and learning content correlated?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 7

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Yes No








Were the learning objectives and learning content correlated?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the BIMcert method used make content clearer and easier to understand?

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 0.00% 0

Agree 71.43% 5

Neither Agree nor Disagree 28.57% 2

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly











Did the BIMcert method used make content clearer and easier to understand?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the BIMcert tools presented

provide a good mix of theory and

practical application? If no, please

specify the gaps and recommend


Answer Choices

Yes 85.71% 6

No 14.29% 1

If no, please specify the gaps and

recommend improvements. 1

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response DateIf no, please specify the gaps and recommend improvements.Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:33 PMUse of case studies would

bridge the gap more easily

for the



Yes No











Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical

application? If no, please specify the gaps and recommend improvements.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 7

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Was the content of the learning courses

relevant and applicable for your professional

role and work duties?

Yes No








Was the content of the learning courses relevant and applicable for your

professional role and work duties?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 57.14% 4

No 42.86% 3

If yes, please specify gaps

and recommendations. 3

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response Date If yes, please specify gaps and recommendations. Tags

1 Oct 24 2019 06:05 AM

More study cases, real examples and experiences

from engineers.

2 Oct 22 2019 02:33 PM

Case study or talk through an example to better

demonstrate the anticipated learning outcome

3 Oct 22 2019 01:54 PMTranslate for other languages, like portuguese


Would you recommend some additional content to be included in the present

learning outcomes? (Unless it is not covered in other learning outcomes)

Yes No








Would you recommend some additional content to be included in the present learning outcomes? (Unless it is not covered in other learning outcomes)


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

A great deal 14.29% 1

A lot 0.00% 0

A moderate amount 57.14% 4

A little 28.57% 2

None at all 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy

Efficiency , after engaging with BIMcert training curriculum?

A great deal A lot A moderate


A little None at all








How would you rate your level of acquired knowledge for BIM and Energy Efficiency , after engaging with BIMcert

training curriculum?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 7

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:33 PM


Was the structure and sequence of training components appropriate for

target audience?

Although some areas could be filtered with focus on the

anticipated outcome

Yes No








Was the structure and sequence of training components appropriate for

target audience?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWere the learning objective appropriate for different professional roles and different skills entry levels?

Answer Choices

Yes 85.71% 6

No 14.29% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:33 PM


The platform pitch was extremely

high and therefore missed capturing

the overall impact of BIMcert, a

simple overview and example would

cover this

Yes No











Were the learning objective appropriate for different professional roles and

different skills entry levels?


Were the learning objective appropriate for different professional roles and different skills entry levels?

BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Total Weighted



0.00% 0 14.29% 1 28.57% 2 42.86% 3 14.29% 1 7 3.57

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools assisted your

learning experience?

1 2 3 4 5











Rate the extent to which mixed training models and tools assisted your learning


Weighted Average

BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 7

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical application?

Yes No








Did the BIMcert tools presented provide a good mix of theory and practical



BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 7

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:33 PMHowever, sound issues comprised the video experience


Yes No








Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 14.29% 1

Agree 28.57% 2

Neither Agree nor Disagree 42.86% 3

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 14.29% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 7

Skipped 3

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019

02:33 PM


The current training materials would be sufficient for

managers, directors and possible foremen, definitely not

beginners who would miss the objective completely

Are the training materials provided at the correct level for beginners in the field of BIM?

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly













Are the training materials provided at the correct level for beginners in the field of



BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 14.29% 1

Agree 14.29% 1

Neither Agree nor Disagree 57.14% 4

Disagree 14.29% 1

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 7

Skipped 3


Does the training provide enough opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly









Does the training provide enough opportunity for practical exercise and self-

guided learning?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answered 3

Skipped 7

Respondents Response


Responses Tags

1 Nov 25 2019

11:59 PM

2 Oct 22 2019

02:33 PM

3 Oct 22 2019

01:54 PM


Which additional learning methods and tools would you recommend for application

in BIMcert?

non complex simulation of project or process

situations to be completed

Demonstrate examples of this learning method

and tools in the workplace, as the current pitch

is somewhat high and is missing on site


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the assessment cover information from the course content?

Answer Choices

Yes 83.33% 5

No 16.67% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 6

Skipped 4


Yes No











Did the assessment cover information from the course content?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the online assessment completion time sufficient?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 6

No 0.00% 0

Answered 6

Skipped 4


Yes No








Was the online assessment completion time sufficient?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the online assessment process clear and easy to follow?

Answer Choices

Yes 83.33% 5

No 16.67% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 6

Skipped 4


Yes No











Was the online assessment process clear and easy to follow?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the questions measure the knowledge acquired?

Answer Choices

Yes 83.33% 5

No 16.67% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 6

Skipped 4

Respondents Response Date Add Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:35 PM


Not really this could be better


Yes No











Did the questions measure the knowledge acquired?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWould you recommend some other questions to be included in the assessment?

Answer Choices

Yes 33.33% 2

No 66.67% 4

If yes, please specify recommendations. 1

Answered 6

Skipped 4

Respondents Response


If yes, please specify recommendations.


1 Oct 22 2019 02:35 PM

Provide examples, real life scenarios

that AEC, site operatives can relate to,

then ask the relevant question(s)


Yes No










Would you recommend some other questions to be included in the



BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWould you recommend some other methods of assessments as more effective?

Answer Choices

Yes 16.67% 1

No 83.33% 5

If yes, please specify recommendations. 0

Answered 6

Skipped 4


Yes No











Would you recommend some other methods of assessments as more



BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersIs the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you?

Answer Choices

Very satisfied 16.67% 1

Satisfied 50.00% 3

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 33.33% 2

Dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Very dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 6

Skipped 4


Very satisfied Satisfied Neither

satisfied nor


Dissatisfied Very









Is the online assessment approach satisfactory and suitable for you?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers Was the website layout clear and easy to follow?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 5

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 5

Skipped 5

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM


When accessible and operational this was clear and easy,

however, this should be robustly tested before including

within the 'live webinar'

Yes No








Was the website layout clear and easy to follow?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the registration process simple and straightforward?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 5

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 1

Answered 5

Skipped 5

Respondents Response Date Add Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM

Fairly straightforward,

however, several emails

prior to the webinar

commencing lead to



Yes No








Was the registration process simple and straightforward?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWere instructions for selection of learning plans and modules clear?

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No











Were instructions for selection of learning plans and modules clear?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the range of materials provided correct and balanced?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 5

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No








Was the range of materials provided correct and balanced?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWas the download time for online material acceptable?

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No











Was the download time for online material acceptable?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the assessment cover information from the course content?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 5

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No








Did the assessment cover information from the course content?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersHow was the duration of the training for the learning pathway you had selected?

Answer Choices

Too Short 0.00% 0

Short 0.00% 0

Right Length of Duration 40.00% 2

Long 40.00% 2

Too Long 20.00% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 5

Skipped 5

Respondents Response Date Add Comments Tags

1 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PMThe learning

pathway, should be

delivered in a clear,

concise format


Too Short Short Right Length

of Duration

Long Too Long











How was the duration of the training for the learning pathway you had selected?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDid the training meet your expectations?

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No











Did the training meet your expectations?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Very Likely 40.00% 2

Likely 40.00% 2

Neither Likely nor Unlikely 20.00% 1

Unlikely 0.00% 0

Very Unlikely 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Would you recommend this training to other members of your company and


Very Likely Likely Neither Likely

nor Unlikely

Unlikely Very Unlikely











Would you recommend this training to other members of your company and



BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 1

Answered 5

Skipped 5

Respondents Response DateAdd Comments Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AMas far as I go in my training, not yet completely


Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your

work/professional role?

Yes No











Will the training experience, knowledge and skills acquired be useful in your

work/professional role?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Did the training modules you had selected improve your knowledge in

the area of Digital Construction?

Yes No











Did the training modules you had selected improve your knowledge in the

area of Digital Construction?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Did the BIMcert training modules you had selected enhance your understanding

on how these skills can improve energy efficiency of building and sustainable

construction processes? (Specifically of the building renovation and new


Yes No







Did the BIMcert training modules you had selected enhance your understanding on

how these skills can improve energy efficiency of building and sustainable

construction processes? (Specifically of the building renovation and new H


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable

construction and energy efficiency in your work/profession?

Yes No











Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable

construction and energy efficiency in your work/profession?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Very Likely 40.00% 2

Likely 40.00% 2

Neither Likely nor Unlikely 20.00% 1

Unlikely 0.00% 0

Very unlikely 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools that were

presented at the workshop in the future?

Very Likely Likely Neither Likely

nor Unlikely

Unlikely Very unlikely











How likely are you to use the BIMcert tools that were presented at the

workshop in the future?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWhat BIMcert course would you take next?

Answered 4

Skipped 6

Respondents Response Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AMBIM READY

2 Oct 23 2019 07:06 AMdidnt decided yet

3 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM

4 Oct 22 2019 01:59 PMWhat is BIM & digital construction?

Given the introductory BIM training needs of the construction sector,

the level of training demonstrated is somewhat high, with better

insight through real life experiences and case study's this would

easily rectify the training presented today and would help with

preparation for the webinars scheduled with Trainees

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWhat suggestions would you have to improve BIMcert and the training programme?

Answered 4

Skipped 6

RespondentsResponse Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AMfor the time being, none

2 Oct 23 2019 07:06 AMnone at this time

3 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM

4 Oct 22 2019 01:59 PMTranslate for other languages like portuguese

Better insight through real life construction site

experiences and case study's this would help in

preparation for the webinars scheduled with Trainees

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWhat did you find most valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Answered 4

Skipped 6

RespondentsResponse Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AMthe relation between input theory and output (quiz)

2 Oct 23 2019 07:06 AMlots of modules, easy of access

3 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM

4 Oct 22 2019 01:59 PMto format the BIM information in all levels

BIMcert overview at the beginning, the intended impact

and how to get involved

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWhat did you find least valuable about BIMcert and the training programme?

Answered 4

Skipped 6

Respondents Response Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AM

2 Oct 23 2019 07:06 AMdont know

3 Oct 22 2019 02:46 PM

4 Oct 22 2019 01:59 PMnothing

some PPT would need images to illustrate. if not you

loose rithme and attention

lack of focus on 'real life scenarios'

lack of the overall impact of BIMcert in the long run -

should be a focus

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersDo you consider yourself upskilled as a result of engaging with the BIMcert platform?

Answer Choices

Yes 80.00% 4

No 20.00% 1

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No











Do you consider yourself upskilled as a result of engaging with the BIMcert



BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answered 3

Skipped 7

RespondentsResponse Date Responses Tags

1 Nov 26 2019 12:07 AMno

2 Oct 23 2019 07:06 AMno

3 Oct 22 2019 01:59 PMGreat work

Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the BIMcert

training programme?

BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersWill you continue to improve the acquired skills in further BIMcert training?

Answer Choices

Yes 100.00% 5

No 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Yes No








Will you continue to improve the acquired skills in further BIMcert training?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersAre you satisfied with the BIMcert experience?

Answer Choices

Very satisfied 20.00% 1

Satisfied 60.00% 3

Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 20.00% 1

Dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Very dissatisfied 0.00% 0

Add Comments 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Very satisfied Satisfied Neither

Satisfied or


Dissatisfied Very










Are you satisfied with the BIMcert experience?


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersI enjoyed using the e-learning platform.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










I enjoyed using the e-learning platform.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersThe e-learning is pleasant to use.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










The e-learning is pleasant to use.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersThe e-learning platform has all the functionality I expected

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 40.00% 2

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 20.00% 1

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly












The e-learning platform has all the functionality I expected


BIMcert Feedback Survey For Trainers

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 0.00% 0

Agree 100.00% 5

Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


The information provided by the system (graphical or not) is

effective at helping to perform tasks.



Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly









The information provided by the system (graphical or not) is effective at helping to

perform tasks.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersThe e-learning platform is easy to use.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










The e-learning platform is easy to use.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersIt is easy to find the information I need.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 20.00% 1

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










It is easy to find the information I need.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersThe e-learning platform is generally easy to use.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










The e-learning platform is generally easy to use.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersIt is easy to learn how to use the e-learning platform.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 40.00% 2

Agree 40.00% 2

Neither Agree nor Disagree 20.00% 1

Disagree 0.00% 0

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly












It is easy to learn how to use the e-learning platform.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersThe information provided by the e-learning platform is easy to learn.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 25.00% 1

Agree 50.00% 2

Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

Disagree 25.00% 1

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 4

Skipped 6


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly









The information provided by the e-learning platform is easy to learn.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersI feel comfortable using the e-learning platform.

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

Disagree 20.00% 1

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










I feel comfortable using the e-learning platform.


BIMcert Feedback Survey For TrainersI can fulfill my task effectively

Answer Choices

Strongly Agree 20.00% 1

Agree 60.00% 3

Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

Disagree 20.00% 1

Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

Answered 5

Skipped 5


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree

nor Disagree

Disagree Strongly










I can fulfill my task effectively



Survey Questionnaire for Practitioner Pop-Ups

Questions Yes No

1. Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged


2. Did this practitioner pop-up, as a mode of dissemination, provide you with clear impressions about the BIMcert program aims, structure and content?

3. Was the delivery sequence easy to follow?

4. Did you find the learning objectives and topic content relevant and applicable for your professional role and work duties?

5. Did you find the content suitable for your learning and knowledge development?

6. Is the content technicality suitable for you?

7. Was the content presented more clearly because of a presenter assistance?

8. Will you recommend your colleagues to participate as well?

9. Did the content of learning units satisfy your needs for knowledge in

the field? If no, please specify the gaps.

10. Was the content of the learning units relevant and applicable for your

professional role and work duties?

11. Did the use of videos facilitate easier learning and understanding?

12. Are you likely to use the BIMcert tools and knowledge acquired during the training in the future?

13. Do you think BIMcert will enhance your understanding of Digital Construction?

14. Did the BIMcert training platform meet your expectations? (Yes/No)

15. Will you be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in sustainable construction and energy efficiency, in your work/profession?

16. Does the training provide sufficient opportunity for practical exercise and self-guided learning?

17. Additional Open Ended Question – Do you have any other comments you would like to add about the BIMcert training program? (Open Ended Long Answers)

BIMcert © Construction skills - Energy efficiency - Regulating supply chain - Tackling climate change Tel: +44 028 9026 5276 www.

Deliverable 6.3 Report on Validation of BIMcert Methods and Tools in terms of

Effectiveness Addressing Construction Needs and Future Outlook

APPENDIX 3: Practitioner Pop-Up Answer Sheets

1. Skilled Tradespeople Summed Responses – Skopje, Macedonia

2. Electrical Apprentices – Belfast, Northern Ireland 3. Heating and Plumbing Apprentices – Belfast,

Northern Ireland 4. Level 3 Joinery Apprentices – Belfast, Northern

Ireland 5. Company Director, Site Foremen/Managers, Trades

from Joinery, Mechanical, Electrical and Groundwork from P&K McKaigue Contractors – Belfast, Northern Ireland


BIMcert анкетен прашалник за повратни информации од


Работилница на BIMcert со компанија - изведувач на градежни

работи од Македонија

Скопје, 03.10.2019

1. Дали ја разбравте содржината на обуката BIMcert во која бевте ангажирани? (17

Да/ 0 Не) Did you understand the content of the BIMcert training you engaged with?

(17 Yes/ 0 No)

2. Дали содржината беше соодветна од технички аспект за вашата професија? (17

Да/0 Не) Was the content appropriate in technical aspects for your professional role?

(17 Yes/ 0 No)

3. Дали редоследот на предавање на наставната единица беше лесен за следење?

(17Да/0Не) Was the delivery sequence easy to follow? (17Yes/0No)

4. Дали содржината беше премногу техничка или тешка за разбирање? (0Да/17Не)

за следење + соодветна Was the content too technical or difficult to understand? (0 Yes/17 No)

5. Дали работилницата ви овозможи јасни впечатоци во врска со целите,

структурата и содржината на програмата BIMcert? (Да/Не) Did the webinar provide

you with clear impressions about the BIMcert program aims, structure and content?


6. Дали ќе учествувате во BIMcert програмата преку Интернет платформата, која ќе

биде активна од крајот на октомври? (17 Да/0 Не) Will you participate in the

BIMcert trails via the platform, in the next four weeks? (17 Yes/0 No)

7. Дали би им препорачале на вашите колеги да учествуваат? 17 Да/ 0 Не Will you

recommend your colleagues to participate as well? (17 Yes/0 No)


8. Дали содржината на наставните единици ги задоволи вашите потреби за

познавањето на областа? Доколку не, ве молиме наведете ги празнините. (16

Да/1 Не) Did the content of learning units satisfy your needs for knowledge in the

field? If no, please specify the gaps. (16 Yes/ 1 No)

9. Дали содржината на наставните единици беше релевантна и применлива за

вашата професионална улога и работни задачи? (15Да/ 2 Не) Was the content of

the learning units relevant and applicable for your professional role and work duties?

(15 Yes/ 2 No)

10. Дали би препорачале да бидат додадени некои дополнителни содржини во

сегашните наставни единици? (1 Да – ве молиме објаснете/16 Не ) Would you

recommend some additional content to be included in the present learning units?

(unless it is not covered in other learning units/ outcomes)? (1 Yes – please specify/

16 No)

11. Дали би препорачале дополнителни наставни методи (видеа, презентации,

практична работа и слично)? (11 Да / 6 Не) Would you recommend additional

training methods (videos, presentations, practical work, etc.)? 11 Yes / 6 No

12. Дали со примена на предавање од предавач наставната содржина ви е појасна?

(17 Да / 0 Не) Was the content presented more clearly because of a presenter

assistance? (17 Yes / 0No)
