1. As the suns was setting Mum finally got some sleep ... page… · spellings and the next weeks...


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Answers: 1. As the suns was setting, an owl began to stir from its sleep. 2. With a mighty roar, the lion leapt onto a rock and scared all

the visitors at the zoo. 3. In the dark cave, there lived a ferocious dragon. 4. In the summer of 2012, the London Olympic Games took

place. 5. After a tiring night, Mum finally got some sleep. 6. Nervously and anxiously, George sat his maths test. 7. By the lamppost, Lucy stood waiting for the deer to appear. 8. Into her cauldron, the witch threw many horrid ingredients. 9. After the football, match Rhianna went to the fish and chip

shop with her Dad. 10. With a huge smile on his face, Peter received the gold medal

for diving.

1. Through the forest, the dinosaur stomped and roared a mighty roar.

2. Like a firework, the fairy flew.

3. Under the tree, he stood and waited.

4. Throughout the day, the ballerina was practising her dance moves.

5. After completing the race, Jasmine felt tired.

6. Every morning, John went for a swim.



Friday 19th June 2020

LO: To use paragraphs, headings and sub-headings to aid presentation.

What is a Paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences within a piece of writing which is

written about the same idea or topic.

Paragraphs are often separated by missing a line between them.

What is a Paragraph? Paragraphs are used to show when a writer has changed time, place or

argument. When they do this, they will start a new paragraph.

In a non-fiction text, we usually see a subheading before each paragraph, telling us what it will be about.

Why Do We Use Paragraphs? Why do you think we use paragraphs in a piece of writing?

Mind map your ideas as a group.

To show the author has changed time, place or argument.

To organise what is being explained in a

text. To make the text easier to


To group ideas together.

To explain or describe an

idea in detail.


Sorting Ideas in Topics Can you read the sentences below and group them into sentences

which talk about the same idea or topic?

Castles are a type of home that were built to protect the people inside.

Everything about a castle was made that way to keep the people inside safe.

People who lived in castles included royalty, noble people and soldiers.

Castles could be very crowded places to live because there were a lot of people inside.

Famous castles include Windsor Castle, Dover Castle and Kenilworth Castle.

You can still visit many castles today. Why not take a tour?

Sorting Ideas in Topics Can you read the sentences below and group them into sentences

which talk about the same idea or topic?

Castles are a type of home that were built to protect the people inside.

Everything about a castle was made that way to keep the people inside safe.

People who lived in castles included royalty, noble people and soldiers.

Castles could be very crowded places to live because there were a lot of people inside.

Famous castles you can visit include Windsor Castle, Dover Castle and Kenilworth Castle.

You can still visit many castles today. Why not take a tour?

These two sentences are about castles as


These two sentences are about the people who lived in castles.

These two sentences are about castles you

can visit.


Sub-headings are used to show what a paragraph will tell us about.

Headings are used to show what a page will tell us about.

What are headings?

What are sub-headings?

The heading is the main title of a text.

A sub-heading is a heading for a paragraph or a group of paragraphs in a text.


Headings and sub-headings are usually capitalised.

They do not need to be read from beginning to end.

They are helpful because they help the reader to find the information they need, quickly.

They can be read when skimming or scanning a text.

Here’s an example:

Read each paragraph and in your book write down what each paragraph is about (try be quite specific, don’t just write ‘insects’). A. This paragraph is about__________________.

On the next page, you will see some statements about teeth. I would like you to group the relevant sentences together to form a small paragraph (they are only small). You are to write them out in your book, remembering to miss a line to show a new paragraph and also write a relevant sub-heading above each e.g molars. You should end up with a short information text about teeth in your book, written neatly in paragraphs and each paragraph should have a sub-heading. Use this task to practise your neat handwriting!

Unlike your heart or brain, your teeth weren't ready to work form the day you were born.

Very occasionally, babies have the beginnings of their first teeth when they are born, but teeth don’t usually become visible until babies are about 6 to 12 months.

Canines are pointy in shape.

Humans have 8 incisors altogether; 4 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw.

We have 4 canine teeth, one in each quarter of the mouth, on either side of the incisors.

Canines are used for tearing and ripping food.

Incisors are used for biting and cutting food.

Incisors are shovel-shaped.

Humans have 8 molars, two in each quarter of the mouth. They are at the back of the mouth behind the premolars.

Molars are large and flat and used for grinding food.

Extension: draw a diagram to go at the end of your information text.

If you have time at the end of this lesson spend some time practising your spellings using look, say, cover, write, check or ask someone else to test you on them.

This is the Year 3 and 4 spelling list. Children should be able to spell these by the end of Year 4. You could do your own spelling test with some of these or maybe create a game with them to help you learn them. Your weekly spellings may include some of these.

I will put a set of spellings up each week that you can learn at home. It will have the previous weeks spellings and the next weeks spellings (you only get 5 new ones each week, recapping the 5 from the previous week). Spend about 10 minutes at the beginning/end of every SPAG lesson to learn this weeks spelling using look, say, cover, write and check. If you are able to, ask someone to test you on these spellings at home.

This weeks spellings











New spellings Words with the prefix ‘dis’ creating a negative meaning.

Prefix ‘un’ meaning not or to do the opposite.
