1 Ano Sao Domingo



prova do colegio sao domingos.1º ano médio

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1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

a) A: There’s someone at the door. B: Ok. I go /I‘ll go. b) A: What a beautiful picture! B: I buy / I’ll buy it for you. c) A: What newspaper do you buy? B: I buy / I’ll buy the Times. d) A: The phone is ringing! B: Ok. I answer / I’ll answer it. e) What time do you eat in the evening? B: We have / We will have dinner at about eight. 2. Join the pairs of sentences using the words in parentheses. Make the necessary tense changes. a) She’ll pay me back. She ‘ll get some money. (as soon as) She’ll pay me back as soon as she gets some money. b) I’ll wait here. You’ll get back (until)

c) Give me a call. You’ll hear some news. (when)

d) I’ll do my homework. The TV program will end. (after)

e) She’ll visit friends. She’ll be in São Paulo. (while)

f) I’ll take a shower. I’ll go to work. (before)

3. Complete the sentences with a phrase from the box and make or do in the correct form.

your best up my mind friends a fortune a noise the dishes me a favor a) Are you enjoying life in San Francisco? It’s exciting, but sometimes lonely. It’s hard to make friends in a big city.

b) That was a great dinner. Thanks! You’re welcome. Since I did the cooking, now you can _________________

c) I can’t ______________________ . Should I get the steak or the fish? Get the fish. I’ve heard it’s very good.

d) Have you heard about Joe? He’s rich! He _________________________ in business.

e) Can you ____________________ and pick up some eggs while you’re at the store? Thanks.

f) I’m so nervous about the test! I couldn’t sleep at all last night. Don’t worry. Just ____________________

g) I didn’t _____________________ when I came home last night, but I still woke up the dog.

4. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. a) I promise I’ll go to bed if this TV show ends. b) We arrived in school at eight oçlock this morning. c) We’ll leave as soon you’re ready. d) Can you tell me where is the bus station? e) If it’s too expensive, I want buy it. f) Samsung phones is made in Korea. g) A German chemist was invented aspirin. h) Google is an amazing discovery.


1ºano 3º Trimestre / 2013 Profª.: Maria Lúcia


5. Read about Sharmista’s dreams, and complete the text. Use the Present Simple and the Second Conditional. My name’s Sharmista, and I ________________(live) in Mumbai in India. I’m an office worker, but I

________________ (want) to be a Bollywood movie star! I ________________(live) at home with my family, but if I

was a Bollywood star, I ________________ (have) a big house in the hills outside the city, and I

________________(marry) a handsome Bollywood actor, and we ________________(live) there together with our

three beautiful children!

I usually ________________ (go) to work by bus, but if I ________________ (be) famous, I ________________ (go) in

a big limousine. I ________________ (not drive) it myself. I ________________ (have) a driver!

6. Answer the questions about Sharmista. Use short answers. If Sharmista was a Bollywood movie star, … a) would she live in an apartment? No, she wouldn’t. b) would she get married? c) would she have children? d) would she drive her car herself? 7. Write the sentences with might instead of will+perhaps. a) Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow. b) Perhaps we’ll go to Thailand for our vacation. c) Perhaps I won’t go out tonight. d) Perhaps Dave won’t call me tonight. e) Perhaps I’ll get a video game for my birthday. 8. Faith and Bob are planning a big birthday party. Look at their list of things to do and complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect with yet or already.

Things to do for the party!


reserve the room (√)

Write the invitations (√)

Order the birthday cake (x)

Buy the food (x)


Wrap the gifts (√)

Choose the music (x)

Order the soda (√)

Buy the paper plates and cups (x)


Send the invitations (√)

Decorate the room (x)

a) Faith / the room (uma linha) b) And she / the invitations (uma linha) c) But she / the birthday cake (uma linha) d) Bob / the gifts (uma linha) e) But he / the music (uma linha) f) They / the invitations (uma linha) g) But they / the room (uma linha)

9. Complete the questions. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous. a) Sorry I’m late. _________________________ (wait) long?

b) Haven’t you finished your game of chess yet? How long _________________________(play)?

c) The streets are wet. _________________________(rain)?

d) The children are filthy! What _________________________ (do)?

e) Hi! I’m your neighbor. _________________________ (live) here long?

10. (Unicamp 2009) As tirinhas a seguir são de autoria do cartunista norte-americano Glenn McCoy. a) Para abordar as mulheres que aparecem nas tirinhas, o personagem faz uso de duas perguntas comumente utilizadas em situação semelhante. Que perguntas são essas? b) O que cada uma das mulheres diz para indicar que não está disposta a interagir com ele? 11. (Uece 2007) They felt as if they ________ on thin ice. ( A ) are walking ( B ) have walked ( C ) were walking ( D ) will walk 12. (Uece 2007) I’d have gone to that party if they _______ me. ( A ) have invited ( B ) had invited ( C ) will invite ( D ) are inviting 13. (Ufpb 2007) According to the cartoon, we can correctly complete the sentence "Garfield is, in fact, ___________ the mouse" with the following word:

( A ) hunting ( B ) disturbing ( C ) helping ( D ) feeding ( E ) shaking


MBA PROGRAMS By Stephen Thewlis

If you ___ (I) ___ an international student seeking an MBA, why ___ (II) ___ the United States? Because

American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a leading edge in the business world through top-

of-the-line education, diverse specialized programs, and unparalleled networking opportunities and resources.

There are over a thousand MBA programs in the U.S.A. You will find an array of options to fit just about

any need - from specialized degrees to unique programs geared toward international students.

Most American business schools - regardless of the major focus - will train you in the principles of general

business management, which is a combination of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and statistics, among

other topics. American universities also offer a wealth of specialized MBA programs and classes to 1tailor your

degree. Depending on your intended career goals, you'll find programs that offer a more focused approach,

including business administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, nonprofit

administration, and more. Adapted from Study in the U.S.A.

14. (Mackenzie 2007) The alternative that contains the verbs which complete blanks I and II in their appropriate tense is: ( A ) were - had you considered ( B ) have been - can't you consider ( C ) can be - haven't you considered ( D ) are - should you consider ( E ) will be - don't you consider


MELTDOWN: THE ALPS UNDER PRESSURE (Excerpt 2) "High-altitude regions seem to be more sensitive to the climate warming, and the retreat of glaciers is one sign," says Martin Beniston, a climate specialist at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. "During Roman times it was even warmer than it is now. From Val-d'Isere to Zermatt, people could cross passes where they go glacier skiing now. But today it's the speed of warming that concerns us the most. It's very rapid." How rapid? Scientists estimate that the Alps have lost half their glacier ice in the past century, 20 percent of that since the 1980's; glaciers in Switzerland have lost a fifth of their surface area in the past 15 years. As temperatures rise, so does the snow line. Sooner or later some ski centers will be stranded, and their towns will shrivel away. And rockfalls, only an occasional hazard in earlier times, are increasing, endangering communications towers and radio installations, not to mention the occasional human. "What if there weren't any more skiing?" I asked Karin Thaler, a university student from Oberndorf, near Kitzbühel in Austria. She stared at me, thunderstruck. "That would be horrible," she stammered. "Everyone has something to do with skiing. A winter without tourists? It wouldn't be possible." This is why the owners of the Pitztal ski resort and other sites are paying serious money to wrap their glaciers (some $121,000 a year for the Pitztal Glacier alone). They foresee a day when high-altitude glacier ski areas will be the only ones that can reasonably count on enough snow to stay open. "We're businessmen," said Willi Krueger of the Pitztal resort, which sits above 9,000 feet. "If I were investing, I wouldn't invest in any ski area lower than 5,500 feet." Yet ski areas are still being developed throughout the Alps. And with them come roads, hotels, and ski lifts that can carry 1,800 people an hour. Then there is the problem of snowfall. Global warming is making the snowfall less predictable. Sometimes there's a lot, sometimes too little, and it doesn't always come when you call it. Artificial snow is one of those solutions that just creates more problems. "If a resort wants people skiing in spring, it has to make the snow cover last longer," said Ulrike Petschacher of the World Wildlife Fund in Innsbruck. "But this damages the plants and disturbs the water cycle."

(By Erla Zwingle, National Geographic, February 2006.)

15. (Unesp 2007) Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença: If the snow cover_________ longer, it_____________ the plants and _____________ the water cycle. ( A ) lasted ... would damage ... will disturb ( B ) would last ... would damage ... disturb ( C ) lasts ... will damage ... disturb ( D ) will last ... damages ... disturbs ( E ) lasts ... will damage ... disturbed


ROBOT WORKER HITS THE TOWN Office workers, meet the colleague of the future. Asimo, the world's most "human" robot, will start work in May as an office receptionist in Japan. 2Visitors to 4Honda's Wako building will be greeted by Asimo, which can show 1them to meeting rooms and .......... them tea and coffee on a tray. With optical and ultrasonic sensors, 3its makers say, it can recognise people and its surrounding environment, and there are already plans to lease the model out to other users. Six years in development, Asimo is "able to walk in a smooth fashion which 7closely ........... that of a human being", says Honda. It has deliberately been designed to be similar in size to a 10-year-old child, so that it is less likely to intimidate people. 8It is also the fastest robot yet. Its ability to run tirelessly would put many people to shame. Asimo is an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. The robot is 9smaller and 10lighter than earlier prototypes, but tall enough, its makers say, to reach door knobs, operate switches and perform tasks at tables and benches. Honda, which is now .......... its efforts on artificial intelligence, says it is aiming to develop a future version of Asimo that will be able to think for itself. Whether humans will want to work alongside a 6robot 5that might show them up is another matter.

(Adapted from: OWEN, Jonathan, The Independent on Sunday, 30 Apr. 2006.)

16. (Ufrgs 2007) Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence below.

The opposite of SMALLER (ref. 9) and LIGHTER (ref. 10) is respectively _________and ____________.

( A ) littler - easier

( B ) larger - heavier

( C ) larger - easier

( D ) little - heavier

( E ) bigger - greater



How the disaster starts does not matter: 1It could be a plane crashing into the World Trade Center, 5it could be the sea receding rapidly ahead of an advancing tsunami, it could be smoke billowing through a nightclub. Human beings in New York, Sri Lanka and Rhode Island all do the same thing in such situations. They turn to each other. They talk. 15They hang around, trying to arrive at a 10shared understanding of what is happening. 16When we look back on such events with the benefit of hindsight, this apparent inactivity can be horrifying. "Get out now!" we want to scream at those people in the upper stories of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, as 6they 11huddle around trying to understand what caused an explosion in the North Tower at 8:46 on a Tuesday morning in September. 17"You only have 16 minutes before your exit will be cut off," we want to tell them. "Don't try to understand what is happening. Just go." 2Experts who study disasters are slowly coming to realize that rather than try to change human behavior to adapt to building codes and workplace rules, it may be necessary to adapt technology and rules to human behavior. For all the disaster preparations put in place since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the behavior of people confronted with ambiguous new information remains one of the most serious challenges for disaster planners. 18Computer models 12assume that people will flow out of a building like water, emptying through every possible exit. But the reality is far different. People talk. They confer. They go back to their desk. They change their mind. They try to exit the building the way they came in, rather than through the nearest door. Building engineers at the World Trade Center had estimated that escaping people would move at a rate of more than three feet per second. On Sept. 11, 2001, said Jason Averill, an engineer at the National Institute for Standards and Technology who studies human behavior during evacuations, people escaped at only one-fitfh that speed. Although the towers were only one-third to one-half full, the stairwells were at capacity, he said. 3Had the buildings been full, Averill said, about 14,000 people would probably have died. That is because the larger the group, the greater the effort and time needed to build a common understanding of the event and a consensus about a course of action, said sociologist Benigno E. Aguirre of the University of Delaware. If a single person in a group does not want to take an alarm seriously, he or she can 13impede the escape of the entire group. The picture of what happened on Sept. 11 is very different from 14conventional assumptions about crowd behavior, in 7which it is assumed that people would push each other out of the way to save their own lives. In actuality, 4human beings in crisis behave more nobly - and 8this could also be their undoing. 19People reach out not only to build a shared understanding of the event but also to help one another. In so doing, they may delay their own escape. This may be why groups often perish or survive together - people are unwilling to escape if someone they know and care about is left behind. This may be why in fire disasters, Aguirre said, entire families often perish. "The most important factor for human beings is our affinitive behavior," he said. "You love your child and wife and parents; 9that is what makes you human. In conditions of great danger, many people continue to do that. … People will go back into the fire to try to rescue loved ones."

Adapted from the Washington Post Monday, September 11, 2006; Page A02

17. (Puc-rio 2007) “Had the buildings been full,... about 14,000 people would probably have died." (ref. 3) means the same as: ( A ) The buildings had been full of 14,000 dead people. ( B ) Fourteen thousand people died because the buildings were full. ( C ) Though the buildings were full, about 14,000 people didn't die. ( D ) Had the buildings been filled with 14,000 people, no one would have died. ( E ) About fourteen thousand people could have been killed if the buildings had been full. 18. (Puc-rio 2007) In "It could be a plane crashing into the World Trade Center" (ref. 1), "could" can be correctly substituted by:

( A ) might. ( B ) must. ( C ) had to. ( D ) shall. ( E ) ought to. 19. (Mackenzie 2006) Nikita Khrushchev states that: ( A ) If you don't vote, you wouldn't have a say in the future of your country. ( B ) Would you get married if you had been in love? ( C ) George might have become an architect if he went to school. ( D ) If she was traveling far, she always flies.


1. a) ‘ll go

b) ‘ll buy c) buy d) ‘ll answer e) have 2. b) I’ll wait here until you get back.

c) Give me a call when you hear some news. d) I’ll do my homework after the TV program ends. e) She will visit my friends while she is in São Paulo. f) I’ll take a shower before I go to work. 3. b) do the dishes

c) make up my mind d) made a fortune e) do me a favor f) do your best g) make a noise 4. a) I promise I’ll go to bed when/as soon as this TV show ends.

b) We arrived at school at eight oçlock this morning. c) We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready. d) Can you tell me where the bus station is? e) If it’s too expensive, I won’t buy it. f) Samsung phones are made in Korea. g) A German chemist invented aspirin. h) Google is an amazing invention. 5. live / want / live / would have / would marry / would live / go / were / would go / wouldn’t drive / would have

6. b) Yes, she would. c) Yes, she would. d) No, she wouldn’t.

7. b) We might go to Thailand for our vacation.

c) I might not go out tonight. d) Dave might not call me tonight. e) I might get a video game for my birthday. 8. a) Faith has already reserved the room

b) And she has already written the invitations. c) But she hasn’t ordered the birthday cake yet. d) Bob has already wrapped the gifts. e) But he hasn’t chosen the music yet. f) They have already sent the invitations. g) But they haven’t decorated the room yet. 9. a) Have you been waiting long?

b) How long have you been playing? c) Has it been raining? d) What have they been doing? e) Have you been living here long? 10. a) Na primeira tirinha o personagem pergunta: "Este lugar está vazio?". Na segunda tirinha ele pergunta: "Já não a vi em algum

lugar anteriormente?" b) A primeira responde que o lugar dela também ficará vago se ele se sentar ali. A segunda mulher diz que esta é a razão pela qual

ela deixou de ir lá. 11. C 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. E 18. A 19. E
