1 American History County Exam Review The Gilded Age to Present



Progressive Era – Ch. 17 Progressive Movement: Federal gov’t uses power to influence people’s lives –A response to industrial age –Social welfare; moral improvement ; economic reform efficiency Progressive Era Amendments –16, 17, 18, 19 3

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1 American History County Exam Review The Gilded Age to Present Gilded Age Problems/Reforms: The Progressive Movement Ch. 17 Problems Politics graft, corruption, patronage Solutions: Civil Service Test,Pendleton Civil Service Act, Govt regulates business 2 Progressive Era Ch. 17 Progressive Movement: Federal govt uses power to influence peoples lives A response to industrial age Social welfare; moral improvement ; economic reform efficiency Progressive Era Amendments 16, 17, 18, 19 3 Modernization and Industrialization Positive and Negative Effects Pg Positive Faster travel, communication Mass production, cheaper prices American Dream Negatives Gap between rich and poor bigger Robber Barons got rich off the backs of poor working class Age of Inventors! Thomas Edison electricity, phonograph, light bulb 4 Causes of Urban Boom in the late 1800s Pg Key Influence on Urban Population Boom? Immigration reached peak in late 1800s- early 1900s! Cheap work force Skyscrapers, communications, transit 5 Industrial Factories: Conditions and the Muckrakers Conditions Dangerous for workers; long hours, no insurance Exploited women, children Muckrakers: Journalists/photographers who exposed abuses and corruption in industry Upton Sinclair: Most well known muckraker Wrote The Jungle about meatpacking industry 6 Social Gospel Movement Still with us today YMCA, settlement houses, Salvation Army Gospel of Wealth Preached that wealthy men should share their wealth with those in need How did workers fight exploitation? Chief method was strike Strike: a work stoppage 7 8 Populism Pg. 427 Movement of the People Very attractive to struggling farmers and laborers William Jennings Bryan, Populist Candidate Cross of Gold Speech Gold v Silver debate (Wizard of Oz) 9 Child Labor Pg Late 1800s, early 1900s Industrialization increased # of factories # of children working increased too Especially immigrants and migrant workers Children more prone to fatigue, health problems, stunted growth 10 Imperialism and Expansion Pg Reasons/causes for US Expansion Competed w/ Europe for new commercial markets spread cultural superiority White Mans Burden 11 Acquired Territories during Age of Imperialism Acquired Territories Alaska: 1867 by Sec. of State Samuel Seward Hawaii: 1898 annexed by Congress Treaty of Paris, Sp/Am War: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, Guam Panama Canal Zone 12 Spanish American War:Causes and Effects Pg , 556 Causes US economic interest in Cuba Yellow Journalism: USS Maine sinks Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders Saved by Buffalo Soldiers /African American troops Effects: Treaty of Paris Spain out of W. Hemisphere US becomes imperialist power (see previous slide) 13 Teddy Roosevelt and his Foreign Policy Pg. 568 Speak softly and carry a big stick. Gunboat Diplomacy The Great White Fleet Flexing USNs muscles Roosevelt Corollary Added to Monroe Doctrine US would use force to protect economic interests in Latin America 14 WWI: Causes and Effects Causes (pg ) Militarism Nationalism Imperialism System of Alliances TRIGGER! Assassination US officially isolationist until 1917 Effects/Legacy (pg. 609) Devastated Europe for 20 years US lost FEWEST soldiers 55-60,000 Treaty of Versailles 15 16 Warfare in WWI Pg. 582 Trench Warfare Old techniques v. new technology No Mans Land between trenches Technology Machine guns, gas, gas masks, submarines Later: planes, tanks Submarine Warfare Unrestricted sub warfare key to getting US into war 17 Isolationism Pg. 610, After WWI US returns to isolationism FDRs Foreign Policy in 1930s Neutrality Acts: outlawed arms sales to aggressor nations Called on nations to quarantine aggressor nations 18 Senate Debate over Treaty of Versailles Pg Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Suspicious of joint military and economic against aggression Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations 19 Cultural Changes in the 1920s Urbanization of America Moving from farms to cities Prohibition (18 th Amendment) Outlawed production & sale of alcohol Modernism v. Traditionalism Science/religion clash Scopes Monkey Trial Theory of Evolution v. Creationism Return to fundamentalism belief the Bible is literal, word for word EXAMPLE 1920s Women (Flappers) changing roles, education, work 20 1920s Continued Schools Enrollment up Pop/popular culture News, radio brings common (popular) culture nationwide Sports as entertainment Entertainment & Arts grow Writers of the 1920s The Lost Generation Hemingway, Stein, Fitzgerald Seeking answers to WWI (ala Vietnam) 21 1920s continued Great Migration Harlem Renaissance flowering of Af/Am. Arts Writers Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston Performers Paul Robeson, Lena Horne Jazz Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith KKK & White Supremacy expands to include Af. Americans, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and all who supported them 22 Growth of Big Business and Economic Prosperity Pg Calvin Coolidge: pro business laissez-faire (hands off!) approach Thebusiness ofAmerican people is business. Henry Ford (did NOT invent car!) Made car affordable to masses American Standard of Living Skyrocketed Advertising Hired psychologists Products become household names Wants become needs Superficial Prosperity Overproduction drove down prices, reduced profits Farmers losing $$ as demand fell after WWI People borrowing (buying on margin aka credit) Banks not regulated people lost money businesses 23 24 The Dust Bowl Pg s Destroyed Prairie Grass in Great Plains Drought began 1930s No roots to hold topsoil Dust Bowl Area (hardest hit) Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas 1000s took Route 66 to California Okies nickname for migrants from Oklahoma Remember Dorothea Langes pic of Migrant Mother ? 25 Causes and Effects of the Great Depression Pg. Causes High tariffs War debt policies Crisis in the farm sector easy credit Unequal distribution of income Effects Banks/businesses close Unemployment 25% Lower income = less spending Socialism/communism Beginning of the welfare state Social security Health care Housing, food? People blame Big Business & resented them 26 FDRs New Deal: Support and Criticism Pg , Support Popular with average Americans Democrats Criticisms Liberal Critics New Deal not doing enough Conservative Critics Doing too much Supreme Court Actions Struck down several FDR programs 1937: FDRs Court Packing Plan Social Programs created welfare state How Americans survived? RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM The only thing we have to fear is, FEAR ITSELF! 27 Rise of Dictators pg Factors that led to extremist leadership Versailles Treaty (Germany in particular) Worldwide depression of 1930s Power vacuum left by post WWI instability 28 Causes of WWII Pg Versailles Treaty allowed Extremist leaders rise to power Rise of Nationalism Germany Hitler Italy Mussolini Japan Militarists Spain Franco USSR - Stalin Policy of Appeasement Hitler never appeased Start of WWII Poland invaded Key US Involvement in WWII Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941 Japan attacks US enters war D-Day June 6, 1944 Allied invasion Europe Pacific Theater Island hopping to Japan Hiroshima: Nagasaki: The Holocaust and Nuremberg Trials Pg. 782 & 792 Holocaust (Ch. 24/Section 3) Jewish Genocide Nuremberg Trials (pg. 792) TO HOLD GERMAN LEADERSHIP ACCOUNTABLE! 31 Role of Women & Minorities in USA during WWII Women Went to work in factories Joined military (WAVES, WACS) Minorities Military segregated Tuskegee Airmen, Wind Talkers, Nisei were notable exceptions Americans of Japanese Descent Confined to internment camps due to Executive Order (FDR) 32 33 The Cold War Two Superpowers Emerged from WWII Ch. 26 pg. 806 The Marshall Plan Rebuild Europe Berlin Airlift (pg. 813) June, 1948 thru May, 1949 Cold War continues to play out in South America, Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe 34 Anti-Communist aka Reds Sentiments/Policies USSR State controls businesses No free elections 1 party Communist USA Capitalist /free market Free elections Domino Theory Policy of Containment 35 The Korean War Causes/effects Pg June 25, 1950 North Korea invades Crosses 38 th Parallel Key US comes to aide of SK pushes NK army almost to China Communist China pushes US/SK armies back Effects Stalemate back to 38th Parallel in July, ,000 US deaths, $67 billion spent! 36 McCarthyism Senator McCarthy Went on witch hunt to find alleged communists in US Ruined many people McCarthyism has come to mean accusing people recklessly without reason McCarthy Era compares to Red Scare of 1920s 37 Berlin Crisis Brain Drain Best and brightest fleeing East Germany through Berlin East Germans build wall to keep them from leaving JFK does not give in to Soviet pressure 38 US Cuban Policy Pg Fidel Castro, Feb Declared communist Welcomed Soviet aide Bay of Pigs, April 1961 Disastrous attempt to invade Cuba Cuban Missile, Oct (map p. 881) U2 spy planes/satellites reveal Cuban missile sites Navy blockades island; Khrushchev withdraws nukes Trade Embargo Trying to get Cuba to change leadership Still hasnt worked ! 39 The Vietnam War Causes Pg Vietnam French driven out by US feared the Domino Theory 1950s/60s, sends military advisors thru JFK Practiced Containment Tonkin Gulf Incident LBJ calls for actual military engagement with North Vietnamese communists & Viet Cong 40 Vietnam War: Effects/Legacy Pg. 967 Draft abolished 26 th Amendment to Constitution added Gave 18 year olds the right to VOTE! War Powers Act inform Congress w/i 48 hrs. of deploying troops when war not yet declared with max. 90 day deployment Altered American view of foreign policy Vietnam Syndrome we now pause and consider risks Contributed to general cynicism re government & political leaders that still persists today. 41 42 Late 1940s Early 1950s -Baby Boomers after WWII -Growth of suburbs -Music changes? Rock n Roll -Conformity -TV -McCarthyism 43 Civil Rights Acts & Supreme Court Actions re: Civil Rights Pg Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Overturns separate but equal Civil Rights Act 1963 Prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, gender. Lyndon Johnsons GREAT SOCIETY Similar to Progressive Era, 1890s-1900s Using federal govt to extend Civil Rights Civil Disobedience (sit ins, marches) Had great impact Desegregation slower in Southern states 44 Entitlement/Title IX etc. Pg Entitlement programs provide guaranteed benefits to particular groups. Title IX no discrimination based on gender in educational activities i.e. athletics. 26 th Amendment 18 yr. olds got the right to vote 45 Watergate Scandal Break-in at DNH Democratic Natl Headquarters Perpetrated by Republicans wanting Dems secrets for upcoming 72 election Caught, arrested Nixon knew, participated in cover- up On articles of impeachment approved Nixon resigns August 9, Reagans Domestic and Defense Programs Pg Domestic: downsizes and tax cuts Deep cuts in social programs Supply-side Economics Lower taxes = more savings = more investment = more productivity = increase supply = lower prices Taxes cut by 25% over 3 years! Defense Military spending doubled SDI/Strategic Defense Initiative aka Star Wars Cost trillions of $$; abject failure National Debt doubled in his first term 47 Persian Gulf War Causes/effects Pg Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein Iraqi troops invade disputed area claimed by Kuwait Headed to oil fields of Saudi Arabia SA + Kuwait = of world oil reserves Congress, UN, George Bush I organize invasion (Operation Desert Storm) Liberation of Kuwait successful 48 Global Economy Pg Trade essential to US prosperity world economic and political stability NAFTA/North American Free Trade Agreement Bring Mexico into the free- trade zone already formed by US and Canada Federal Deficit Cut in half under Clinton 49 The Election of 2000 Pg Too close to call in Florida Less than 500 votes separated Gore and Bush Gore wins popular vote, loses in Electoral College Supreme Court Disallows recount in Florida 50 The Events & Effects of Pg World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 hit by al Qaida terrorists Pentagon in D.C. hit by 3 rd airplane 4 th airplane crashed in Pa. field Headed for White House Civilian passengers overpowered hijackers 51