1 2 Today a special guest Has come to say hello He wears a hat that’s red and white And he’s...


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Rosh Hashanah 2009/5770

Shanah Tovah!

Today a special guest

Has come to say hello

He wears a hat that’s red and white

And he’s someone you might


Just who do you think

This visitor could be?

He likes green eggs and lox,

Is it…is it ? Shall we see? 

Yes, it’s Dr. Suess’s friend

The famous “Cat in the Hat.”

Right here at Touro Synagogue

Can you imagine that!  

The Cat in the Hat comes to TOURO SYNAGOGUE

Rosh Hashanah 2009/5770


Welcome, welcome, welcome

to all and everyone.

Today is Rosh Hashanah

And time for fun, fun, fun.


Sit back, relax, enjoy

Get ready for something sweet.

Celebrating this cool holiday with us

is really pretty neat!


Pull out the apples and honey,

Dip them once, twice and more.

You must be sweet all day today,

Don’t be a sour puss – that’s for sure!


In the beginning when there was nothing

God created each thing with care.

Fish, sky, plants, and flowers,

And people with straight and curly hair.


After six long and tiring days

God really needed a rest

From making every creation,

So amazing and certainly the best.            


So each year we stop to remember

The wonderful and happy day

That our world was created by God.

So we come Touro to sing and pray.



In this brand new year God’s given us

Let’s care for our earth and for all.

If we concentrate on being better

Next year we can stand up real tall.


On this holiday of Rosh Hashanah

We celebrate a brand new year,

We commit to being even better;

Let’s give ourselves a cheer.


Tekiah, shevarim, teruah

We will hear the shofar sound

Loud and clear it will fill the building

And the hearts of all around.     

©Touro Synagogue, New Orleans 2009

Shanah Tovah!
