:0%unger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-07-05.pdfMr~, Gib~on of totcYtbi Saturday, July 6, b...


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Mr~, Gib~on of totcYtbi Saturday, July 6, b the final date ~rs .. Peterson of , ' t~l' O. K.elley,

which applications for Bankhead \lng In the Ras Ritchey home :~:t!n:~at~~:t!'in bal,l.n,· tlili.tI!U~ , . . . Cl~lck!) tucxemptton cotton certificates wHl week·end. Mr. and Mrs Harvel and Mrs. FI()yd This sellSon ot the,year is usually .Fadden's Flats," which will

~U~. atolle. will over run be leceivel!, County Agent W. W. . Copeland and Hope Cure were Plain· II very 'busy one for farmers, who at the Ritz Theatre ·~h. place. . .. ' Evalill has announced. AU persons Rev. and Mrs M. E. Fairchild were view visitorll Saturday. would ordinarily be harvesting wheat, noon for the free show 8Do,nsonid ~1iY

Workeri .... urled to brin8 hoes, who have jOint interests in a cotton viBito,'s in the Jim Henderson home but dust storms and drought early In the merchants and businesll mep: .·lIt rakel, and .it poulble leveral wlieel· crop should advise the county agent's Friday night. . the wheat growing season erued all Hale Center. The two play anll,'isIi:

. ,barrows. IIffice 01 the fact by July 6 in order prospect/! of a barvest for 193&. With man and a Scotchman who like ·.each . to avoid confu~ion in receiving their Morris Allman of Plainview was 1\ 'out the harvest, however, farmers other so well that they won'tqua1rel

CITY LETS (jON~aACT FOR portion of Ihe exemption certificates, Hai. Center visitor Monday night, have been kept in the fields this wi~yone else! REPAINTING 0)1' WATBR TOWER Evanli'said. . Heatb, Charles McDonald, sprl~g a.nd summe~, battling weeds In addition to Kelloy and' 'Clyde,

Producers who have left surpluB Mr. and Mrs E. M. Adams and Billie Evans of Plainview were and" cultlv~t1ng t~elr crops. Jane DarwelJ, Richard Cromwell and 1984 tax exemption certificates with daughter, Tl'ula Gene, Katberine Hale Center viiUtors Sunday. Fine. ram~, which bav~ brought .~. Betty Furness have leading roles. the cotton office <for the purpose of :im'th and Trulu Maud Jetton attend: ' bout elgbt mcb~s of mOisture to thIS The story of "McFadden's .Flats"

d:t the Waler ~.nk and tower having them reiSSued in 1935 are be· ed church in Pillinview Sunday night Flossie and Florine Barbee were area since tbe first of May, bave brou iii. hud in the East Side section of, ,ot Am:llri~o tor the sum Ing urged to appear on or before P1.ainview visitors Sunday. ght the bes~ rol' .~o.p prospects in New York where Walter c.l{.eJley", Tb.e~.C)ptl'lict. cilia for re- Monday, July 8, for t·he purp)se of Mr. nd MI's. Jack Anderson return. yeal's, . $Id 10 adcHtlo." have brought hIlS fought bis way up ftom hod-¢!lliio . the ~\!k\J\8~de .. nd out, signing agreements to pool the eer· cd home Friday· trom Cqpitan, New Hershel Vedder left 'Tuesday morn. the usu!'1 over-producton o~ weeds, rying to the ownership Of. M~F • .idl!nr!l '

to be treated With a special tiflcateB In.~tel\d 9f having them reo Mexico where they ha.ve been ·visl. illg cnroute to Fort Wortb. farmers repol't. Flats, ·the new model tenements,'-paint approved by public iSBued. ting reilltives. · Another 1I'00d rain~ ranging oir~m Thllt doesn't slOP him and the .Iocal

health officIals. . . 11 producers need extra ceritficates Mrs. S A McCentlra of Graham a quarter to balf an inch of mOlS· Scottish barber from indulging in the Work on the job Will probably start to gin the .1935 crop, the cert:flclltes Mr. nnd Mrs W. D. Harral and son viBlred in the Ras Ritchey home last ture, fell i~ ~uth ~ale county last casual exchange of insults wblch hav.

·In the next \few days. and, for about will be.avlllilible lit the coul\ty agent's were vlJliting her sister at Wayside I week. . Tb~rsday. mght. A. hght shower fell become a part of their life. Kelley'8 *hree' days after It \8 expected !hat office 1ft cllse they lire. poolc<l . . ~:al. ThursdllY. __ Friday mght. young daughter and Clyde'S son are

wlter users ·wlll be put to some shgbt price and purchllso price of surplus __ . The Senior League o( the Method· RUINED COTTON ACREAGE ' rpoa:anntsti,cafleluYdinwc,!tinhedtenadnedr raemgau1'sdemtbeenitr. Inconvenience, as durinr tbe time tbe certificates will be 5 cents per pound. d MEl ist church left MOl)day morning for 'v tl~k Is drained for le-paintlng, wa· P"oducers ne~d only. to plllnt 40 H,~::'d ~~!~ne ~:~~:d ~~s F. r:I, L::' I camp meeting at Ceta canyon. They SUOULD BE DESIGNATED As Kelley becomes more successful ter will bave to be pImped direct Into per cent of .thelr permitted lIcres to g .• l' g d were accompanied by Mrs Silas Mag. he sends his daughter to finishlnr ths milns, and it will not be li~elY receive t.u~ 1 IIl1rythlenti:lf tllX ~x~mp. at Plamvle~s ay. gard; Mrs . Lewis Poer and MI'!!. Lucas To date, the south Hale county to become. a lady. She beconie. tbat the pump can be kept In contmu· tion certificates, Evans said. They returned home Wednesday area has not suffored any losses from so much of a ' Iady that her romance GUS operation for the three dllYs and Mr anli Mrs Robert Borch~rdt and : __. hail or excessive ra~nfaJJ, but .word with Clyde's son is off. llI,hu, . i!fellijJjl- NEW CARRIER TAKES STAR Mrs. J. F. Jackson and falluly m,d Odis Caudle was a Plainview vlsl. comes from Roy .Hlckman, ~Slsta~t When Kellay beoomes linanciaUy

W.ter usera will be' noillie'd"Oi ROUTE BUll,lie Burchl'rdt visited ig. t he Otto tor Friday. In cotton production control 1ft thlA embarflmsed, Clyde secretly furnishes whatever scbedule is let as soon 09 Uorchordt hurne Sunday. county, that should such a loss be money to carry him through. Kel-tbe matter haa been worked out. Monday morning a new mail carrier incurred, fields ' that are partially or ley's daugbter tires of her new as·

delivered tile mail on the star route Dan Lunford I., visiting in the tc,~~~h~I:~e ~:~~;; I:!t L:~:::~dviSi. totally hailed out or destroyed should soriations and returns to the friend. ClITY TO IMPOUND STRAY STOCK southwest of here. The new carrier McMinn home. be stoked off. Information regarding ship and loyalty of the old group.

APPOINTS POUND MASTER is E. L. Landtroup who succeeds Ernit, Mr. anli Mrs. Virgil Winn have such I.osses must be known by l'Ount~ In the final "cenes, the two old ___ • Yates, the carrier fo,' the past y,'ar . Mrs. Jean nie Luper and daughter move,l to P lainview. Il'ommnteemen, he ,explains. Othe codgers are (~rced to admit that their

In answer to numeroUs complaints Mr, Landtroup bid the I·oute in for Juan, uf Denton and Mrs Clinton crops may be planted on the ground enmity hali hiudeli a mutual liking to

;:r:~a~h:t~~~y d::::~gT!:::=;s ~~ fOIll' yeaf9 term. ~~ I~'" t r:;;~!:: :0%: ~:~~:;. in we~~t~I=~:~~:: ~~,~t~;:'~~~:~d:~own ~:I~r:r c:~~~e;8:ut~e~: ~:~.royed hy W~~~e~h:~n~:~:!~ .~:~~:;~ of Mc .

• teps to the nuiaance by order· LA FOY SUMMERS HONORED Faddon'. Flats will be given Saturday ~W1mrnmrommR~~~~~~I~--------~--~---------t-~·~n.~~~ Cw~-~

Itray itock within the city limits, lind Little La Foy Summers was the fam ily visited in the M. E. Ross home goret Houston and Messrs Wayne appointed T. E, Wan as pound master honoree at a birthday party given by Sunday. to enforce the stock law. his ·mother Tuesday afternoon. It was

Brownd and Bob Barnett w .. re in A resolution asking that a monu. Everybody in this whole section III cordially invited to attend the show as a gllest of the merrhonts and busi· ne.A men of Hnle C .. nter. The lIhow i. ..ntirely fr.e, and there are no ,ickets to s<>cur,'· - just come to Hale Center ~oturday afternoon and enjoy " good show If you enjoy the . how, express your appreciotion.o those

Rnwls Sundny. _t be erected on .he Mackenzie "'" -- .... n somewhPl'e in Plainview was pas Animals found loose within the cit, Ibe lads seventh birthliay and a num · Mr. Il nd ·Mrs H L. Dent and dough

' limlt~ will be taken up and Impounded ber of young frienus en!oyed the ter, Jean, w,'r. visiting in the Jim Iud a fee of ,1,00 charged against games played and the delicious re- Henderson home Friday night .

Ellrl Brooks l. spending this week Red Friday at Lubbock during a meet-in Lubbork Ing of 50 Centennial committeerncn

'he owner. Twenty·five cent. per freshments of lemon ad,· and "'lOkie • . IIf the Plains 8r~a. Other memorials 011 the P lains ar. to be asked for .y will also -be charred for the time

the animals are kept In the pound.


The city tax · roll for 1995 was ap· proved by tbe city council at their Haular meeting Tuesday nlaht. The ):011 ehowed a valuation of city taxa· ble property al "92,290.00, a decline

. of $29,100.00 from lalt year's valua· tlon of $421.880.00.

The e1ty tax rate w •• again 8et at 'UO on the ,100 valuation.


The Internwliiute 11. Y. P. I). clos. .Jim "nrtly of N,·w Mexico was a "f the Baptist t'hurch was ent!'rtoined IIn le ,<'nter visitor last week·end. with a wpiner I'oast at the Marion Mrs. L. L. Kyl" and daugh ter Mary. NEW AHt'IVAL Rawls hump Thursday night. A large \V"I'O Plainv iew vis itor. Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Batps and fant· gruup wns present. Mr. and Mrs F. ~. Lot.un of Plain. who orp Rpon.oring it i1y returned the fint of th,' w(,,'k Rev. H. S. W~lIkins and family were view or. the proud pal'en, • •. f '. 6,,".

from a months trip to points in Pen· Mr. and Mrs. Nirk Alley Sr. I<>ft vi , iting in lIale C,·nter Thursday. pound baby boy, born Tuesday .uorn· W. M. S. MEETS

ng lyvania . The tr ip was mad(' o v ('1'. Fl'idny mornin~ for Ft Worth . They ing at 11 o'dock land and took the party through the W('fl' occomponil'd br Mrs K W. Mr. and M ... Alton Cure of East _________ _

f luod area in Kansas. Junes ~:~:;r :~~s ~~:!~ng re latives. in Hal. SI'ENIl 4TH AT HASKELL ~:e::::::I;~o::~~·~~':"8.:~e~U~;e2 ~~ LUBBOCK MAN RtF-('TEII 1I,'v Roafk of PI~inview wos viRi· J . D. Wilson anli James Lowis Mr. and Mrs L 0 Finliley ond fam · The m .. eting "p('n('d by singing

. PRINCIPAL OF HIGH SCHOOL ting i~ lIale Center MundaY· Nicholson spent Sunday with Leilan 'ily left Wednesday pvening to alrend "Am('l'ira," and Mrs . GoorllpU offered

At a meeting of the Board of Trus- Mr. and Mrs J W Steven. were Burgess. " holiday cell'brotion~~~ell. ,"oyer. • #', 1",

Mrs. T V M"Dllnid and Ma.i1da

'tees of the lIale C.'nter I"depend"n, Ploinvi.w visitors Soturdny Mrs. Edd Tl'frell , Mrs. Jark .Iohn- GET BENEFITS .. /::,,~:~o;. :~: i:';;:n;"~i~: ~h'pt"::,e FOURTH PASSED QUIETLY' school district, held JUDI' 20th, t; , C. <on and Hop. CUf(' were Pluinview

HERE Ti",,' of Lubbock wus "II·,·t"d prin"I' Mr. and Mr • . Jim )'l'mond of Tu lia visitors Wednl'Rday Totlll benpflts r!'ceivpd by Hnl. ~l~' ~!~~:~8~'i~~1 r~~::,~~:~o~~n:~i~:: PQI of the High srh",,1 for th,· l'ol1ling W(,"" Hnl.- C~nt.r visitors last w,·ek· county during the r",','nt .oil ero.ion nnd Mr •. Wilhit .. 1",1 in IlmY('r

'!he National Ind .... endence day WIU school year end Miss Martha Borrhardt, Mrs. Min· compaign, when the .. at!· relief com- An interestinll' prohibition pro(lram. lUll another dllv Iif>'. HiIIle Cllnter t,'r At th. som~ meeting, the board al· ni,' Davi . ""d . on and Mrs W O . mitt el' provid"d rarnwr. 10 cent. per was carried nllt, M ... Gilbreath .• Mra I.r.y or tbe dtizen. Some of the ao appointed a cummi.! .. · to ad The Intermediat!' League of the Burchardl and .o~, unli Jane. Jackson ncre for !feed nnd fup l for listing ond ROMY, M .. H B BO'.8, nnd MI'. Sam b,. ' " houo~a remalneo' dosed all the mlltter of repoiring the roof of ~It'lhodist church I.ft Friday for a r!'lurned honll' Friday from a visit re · listing land, has b,·"n announ~ed Smith havil1S leading parts, With a d,¥ olbert r1 .••• ~ a, aow the grade school ~uilding. ' l"am p meeting at Cetn rnnyon. in South Texas. n. bping $17.630.00, orf"rting 176.300 gpneral disru •• inn on the gr~at evila

Several npphcunl s fur h'31'hinK pO~ 1 - - BereR. nf intemp.-.ranrp , lilt, Nell Rountree of Plainview tlons In the local schools appenred be The f"llnwing wpre dinner guest. Virginia Ann PIJI''' and Lillian Stew In Lubbock county. benefits total· Mrs'. Findley. waH wplcoml'd a. a

1IQ Visiting friends In Hale Center fore tho board but nu action was tak· ur Mi"s Gladys Burnett and Uobert ort "p<>nt spent Satunl.ay night with ed $19.0511.711, affecting 1!<O,597 acf(" n<,w m.mbt'r Tuesdayaftomoon. en at this time un filling till' VU<I,"C'" ' Burnett, Sunday, Mi •••• Lucill. POIII. Junelle Ivey ---.----

Mr. and Mra B L . . Lawrtnce Mls_ that exl.t. '. Katherine Brownd. Lou i •• Jones Bnd Jessi. Mae Henderson and Loi. , Mollie Hill, and Oscar H1II spen; Sun At anO(her nwetng held J lily 2nd, M,',." Erne.t !plvis. H. F. Whitacre Horace Simpson was transacting Kiser wer .. Plainview vi-. il"r. Sunday

Dainty rpfr •• hrnenL< 00 punch and rake w."" served with small flags. a~ favors. The room~ werp decurated in red white and blue flower'll da, afternoon In the O. C. Sanden board el<,ru'd I.. M lIukomb ot and Billie Houston business in Amaril lo Wednesday.

. 110m" Levelland 08 grlld,' schoul It· ud .... , Mr. Stoke. nnd Mr. A. E. Jon • • Edd Hammon. was in Mat'ador of Lubbock were vl. itors in the Ra. C. E. DonntU and lon, Raymond, ------- Mr nti MrR K. Yate. are visiting

lpellt tbe week .. Dc1 ta Tul .. , Olda. Trade At Home._. ____ - - in ,alifornio for an extend('d visit. Tuesdny. Ritchey home Sunday.

Th!' Rodety will m,'et a. ;he church July 9at 3 p. m.

Mf" Boyd Arnnld was visiting Mr. Mr, lind M ... MrMennamy are ViR I· Mrs. Laxey Cooper and childr.en are SCIIOOL TRANSPEltS MUST BE Mt'Minn Sunday • ting relatives In Abil(,nl'. visiting her "ist~r Mrs. Horace Simp. MADE DURING THIS MONTH

Mr •. Wilmllgo of Dalhart Is vlsi. Mrs. Bechtold is viBiting In O";;.ton son this week. Mr'll. OIa Legg. county .chool super ling in the Tom Johnson and Ras this week. M,.. W. L. Porter and ifaughter, intendent, advise. that July i8 the Ritch .. y borne Ihls week . Joan, returned bome Friday from a menth in which ochool transfers must

Mr. Ind MI'&; Alvin Lane visited in vl. it to Fort Worth . be made, and urges all who expect to Mr. and MI'!!. Jim ' Henderson were Roaring Springs la9t week-end. transfer from one school district t.o

jn Plainview on business ' Tuosday.Ruth Applewhite spent Saturday anotliel' to aee that the tranlJ1'er" .. Mrs. Alma -Woody and son, Claude, niaht with Marjorie Billington. made prior to August 1"t.

The Methodlat ,intermediate Lea· were visiting In Rawls Tuuday . . JIohnRalood and daurbter,Ru!!l, ·

an.d IOn, Donald, visited Mr. and MI'lI , R . . Lat80n ... 'l\a .day . nl,ht •. 8ett1

gue w.a!f enten.-Ined with a weiner. roast at fho Ar~hur Jonea hOlDe 11011· .,.ynlght. A iar.o fI'Oup WI.pre· leDt. .~" .. ~ •• ~., _, .. pO'"'~. ttturne<l h.om. .wt~b

tl\JI cue, " , Wisoonald tarm ta1l'1.lIIes ..... ho ap .. lal1;e ,hare of the recent Upedl~ou to begtn lire a new It \ the North r'h cine terr1tol'1 draft@C) 'ft lilt or erie"· nDcee for the ~EnA trouble .booter, Eugene Carr.

'uaD.1 or them Inld the project was mIsrepresented. th6t the land Is poor ODd that houII"a II not whlU tbey were led t~ belltve .. woold be. N~ltb, er are medical flervlre, Ichool facllltlcs, seed. dl!lhurMd tor l,lontlng, the ell­mn te aDd prlt"e.tl tor groceries men8' uritlg up to NtJ\'nn~e word-pictures. Thcl'c I, colUlldcfObiu Jettlol1.Y nl8t~nt o~er the dls lrlhutlon or fnrro In nd. And to tOil It fi ll ott. the UtQphlll.8 "'lIut ,uverURlent pUI ror their l\·o rk.

Some yonn!: 'crlmlnnls, nppnnmtly. roll be ntlcqlllllflly lIlt\oAj!'l.lll finly by tbp electrk chulr. til theIr ('flSO It lIetlll& uscle!l:S tn tlllk of ,.,form, OT "nnothn I!hnn(,(>." They ore dIBJlnC'U, 0' the mtth3snflke . ... 18118.

Colll5lder It. hvcnty.t\vc·yenro.fl'd mo· chinlst, cnrt ured In I'(>()rl.a. ..... ho ron· fes'letl to murder whcn the clothing ot' R ,len d ~1I'1 \\'IUI tnAAe(l Infn hlg Inp. "\"1'8. , IIh1 M,'· lit' Rnhhcd, Thl! y onnl! rntlrdrrpr Iwrt It Illnr .... , whIch In .. 11f' monlh 1'('('flrtlNr 1~ Illtfl<'kli 1111 yOUlII:' \'I.·omen. T he elfJ'{'tr lc ('bntr sllo\lJd cure his 101I1IIn(:. .

tn th(' lutp of AIl,l:'lo-Fr('n('h trlenfl· ~hlll And ItnlleM'l 'nndlnlt Ihf'tc 1"01llt>1!I n rift, wide enoolk to let n roAch and rOla drl\'p Illrc)uJ(h. F;nglnnd, dealtoc dll'f!('t1y wtlJl Oermnn:v alit) Hitler. now reJP('tlt the ,,"'rr.n('h IUJ!~f'8t1on of • "c:on!Jullnl h' ,. pa('t,'· whl{'h would eom, Pf'l Rrltuln tn ('ollslIlI Pntn{'Jt bP10re reAdllnr any Imlwrtnnt clllllnmntic ('On-{'IU!l lnI1M.

Thnl nil !:!;: tft IntrrPRt 111.1'1 I,"OlInfr\'. 1\ hl<'h IlC'r"I'f! to t'IIII ~ U1t (!\'e~'hol!J

nn 1':lrl h t""f"rt' IIull,\lll/: WOI'(' Mlt l!,s. fir 1111111::: JT ~ 1. 1,1:' 1:1.1n! 10 tlUI '1111 '101 (,f· (N'II\(' UTI ;.:'I,'.

It I!'I 1'11:11"11. "'I!lntl.f. bv Iklrl s', of. IIt-JIl1N: "Hrltnln 11'1 plnt'lna:: gr('nlN tires!! nn frh'nlllx (,{Hlpru'nllolJ with Of'rm·llJr. ('I"!lf'r NlnsulflllilJna ..... "" tho Urill "' h "/Hllln l "",,, IIllfl II stf'I''I(I)' drift lownrll ('CI·npt'rllt lon with thl' UliltetJ

wu. has boon no t ome I"(>!JC4MI ' to ""th o\h~r New Deal "lit. link dOOI e.daL ('Oil be lio doubt.

SUl,X"lnctiy. Mr. Roosenlt hils d~· InfLnded that cougre., 'enat't • tox law that \\'1Ii r1ch1, uctordlng 10 catlmate, 8Omettlln= like $1.000.000,000 anouaUy. It I, dcs.IJrned to place UU! oo .. ,Ie!t dratn on the rl~lI. ,,'hethtor tbey he rich torpomtloflR (If rl('h Indlvldl'Ull& In term!!, HIt' h.'sldent obsorwcc1 that U WAIl • pru{.-r.lm to tns: "sbtUe wealth" nnd Inl'rml5e pnrt.'tmslng J)Owornf those The RClmbllcan nMlonnl N)mmltte~ not bl(!!:l1J1'd with thi s world'8 gQnIIs. Is slttltlg ylrLunl1y It81C4'T' III Its eas1

onT~~~h:~;n~~!b~n~~~: ~~::(1C t~~~ Roo.~l1el' ~~tl.:. b~;~~t n~:: . tnx('s m1l81 0pNnte jointly If they are on a Hoole leDge ot SUv~m! to RU('t't'f!d nt 011. It nn Indh1<lnnl eourt dnrf910D.8 All' r

of w('nHh wnnts to n,old llirculfy hrnlvy hili demalld fOr co~l1tllUtlllRl reYI!I()D IlIhcritnneo luxt.'II . he htl8 onl, to gh'C 15 not beIng .Unwed to ,ne. EVI!I'f. ft\l'fl1 hl!:l prolleT1.\' herore h Is t1 Mt1l. In wllp.l'e around \\'11811In: (o n. nnvoneliU Ihe n~w IlOQ!W\'l'lt propOlml. thOSl" who of tho Npw D ('nl nrc t}lttklol: tlttP.tnp3 J'(I('J'lh'e tlWtit' ,elfts would hn\'(! to Ilny 10 k('l'p tbot Issue nllve. Tllf'lr ctnlm II tHX npon Ih('m ns they \voulll on 1111, Is thnt Air. Uoogcveh put hlms~U Oil, . otllt"r Inl'uml'. Thp .... Is a question fill I~lltka l book wben he otrm'(>(1 c:rltlclsro to Itt conlltlttlHonnllty bur mnny able of the Supremo court, a to-nrdlnllte l:lwy('l'fI bl-lIevc tho gift tnx wUl tile hrnnc h of the a'overnmcmt. Ttll"),' Irt 8uAIlllncd by the SlIpremp court. determined to keep hlru on thllt h.Qo~

The lI(\(!ond phase of lhft new tllx l1 tlte,. mD. bill boollt~ mlrs of tnxcfJ on Inoom{lM. It '8 Interestln~ to Mre bow Mf. At p1'C8ent, til t'! Intllyhlunl with an In- Roosevelt. obfJel"'t'lllg tt bud rM('UOll to (!Orne or $1.000,000 Is tuP.' at e:rfJ('tl,5' bls Inlllol lltatements eoneornlnj! tbe the snm~ rllip B~ tht'! Indl vtdual bu ln" NRA de<'lsJon. hftS mAintained ~ncntO an In{'ome of $."'.000,000. Of ("OUtf:(.. on tho point Bin('(!. rt 111 f'Qun l1y !o. thp $.'i.OOO.OOO In('ome f'(l)'fII mort" totAl terefltlnl1 to note how Slime of hifl maJn. tax hnt I'he poInt Ifil the r nte Is lh(' ~IO~'M ond n",",sere hn\'p' krpl tht' lSlluP AAmf' n~ on tlw snm lll"r InCit/Iit'. Ur Mhhln!l: till 'IfOr(' a nd lhp!"e thrllll::: hout Roose\'r!t prOilOll r 1l thnt the rote ~h(lUlll Iht' ('mlntry. f;uch niron n!! ~n:ltm' ht, I:'rtl.lhll1.lly IlIl'rl"rtlo1NI llb4u' $ i,OOO.ml Holtlnllon of Arlmnsm~, Iwn:l ll' fUft. jtl ~t nl! It III J:1'o cluut('d t'r.('lm thp 1011'(' 1\1 J(lri!.\' I~nd('r . IIntl f;eflllt~r lIJnlf'~ ot lnc'1l ml' In :\:f1:1~ I'r to 01011" rt'(,p lvilll:' ~oulh Curollrlll. prlllmhly til .. I'rul . $1.000.0(1) IItll1llully. 1'hrorI'M(,I'IIl" to bt' Q"nt'A rlns .. st frlt'nd In th" ~(>nat('. IIUlp OIIPI\~1tIOIl 1n Ihlll pnrl ll'ulnr \(1'111 L1 nvl' 101111(1 1JIW'lwlwll IlIh'I.'· ,, ~Inl! ITltlril In the hili nHhou~·h It I~ DIIlnrn l to Ihp fl,lnnl!' 1011(' IIml lnngllu,:i' n'l. dl(\ Ih" ('1'pC'{'t Ihot ntt('mpli will h{l marie '''Tf>1; \ljptlt In that nlf'lIlnrllhlp Ilrl'~~ ('flh' fit 1I.1I(>r Ihat 811gJ,!'t'tt!lon Rlllf'f' r1H'r9 ft'N'n('t". }';\'ery nUll'r udllljnl~tr:ttiort ,~ Il. lK"hnnl of E'conmni(' thn\l~ht whldl hnB done the ,,;UI](' thIng.

!:~~!~I tht~t ~~-::::I' cn.;n;.".;,;."'"",,"'.,;;';.." E~"':-!!l'E':'-=".,'".J'."~~";';.;~,";;,.:;::,w~:;;- -hr1nt1n~ Il. rt't11l'n tn flIt" Int!Ivllll1s1 nf n OIIII<)m'l1le Are tip-rv lll!: hi kf'(llt Ih'.' elr..e InfJ::e enoll~h for Ihp :O\'l'rnmcnt IIUP!II llln h .. rnl'1' Ihl' I'flunln·. ~~IV tp I ~ke Ihe bulk nf Ihnl In~·omf'. Ih' ul nJl!,OO('fIf'itl frnnkl:v R"" Inl'fnl R[

'l'hP. third mnjor ttfOm In thl' r'rf'!ll l · t1u ' nnl)ltrtnnlt }· thl'Y MY Ih r ,'rt'.'Ild, nl d('llt's pro;:- r.tm pr'\1\' l df'~ fllr :1 ~n"ln· pro\' lIl"t! Ih l'm. alt"d tn't nn 1fl('(l101' ~ ur ('nrr\lonl!llln~ III til(' lIIt'nllwlllll'~ nR !l llll! 111\1>\1' . I h~ ('nrllOrnll ll J1!J now IIr" l:l'\f~' III lit" Hf'l'lI hll l"!l1I nnJlflnnl I'ulfllllll!"" I III~ Tnl,. of I:\ ~, 11Pr N'1I1 nf !l1I'lr Twl In hl"l'11 tl nt n!'! l1t'X1 In nnlll :n::: 1'111' ,.,,~ ('('0111(' \\'llUlf'\, ,~r It 1Il :1\ tI,. ~'r H"i'''(' Il ln "n III l'l r\·! I1,::.! til 111111'1 n fin ' l' n"1'1

;';I~I flr~;~ :~:': tl~II;111 :.l~ "~~l1: I\~I .rl I:~,I:I~;:;'~':~ : 11, : ~ III'~;;n II" 1'1:~~11(;:1';~/:'~:' ~: 1/111~ r~ ~ II ,1 ~': II ;~; tllln \o\ lin ... 0111\' In ,:. IlI'r 1'1"111 1111" Ih·ll. l'rl,Ir!" m Ul' \\"'11 In ~lat"r II I ~t l~ t"~ 1111 lht' !'llll ilul nr It ... N'rtlllr.I!!"II!ol In .. r 111' lnwlU'l'. flh<1 R l'pl't''''''l' nl'I ' ' II,,', ('rl'lI ll('. tllt'\· ,~ !I\lh1f'('lt'lt III n J:r.l'h,ll 1011 /,' 0111,1. In,nl ('hatl"ml'fl (If Til" ""n. l.v hl,;:-hl'r ru ll' Ilflt11 II Il 'ft !If I r.'l.~ h IItllrllli l'III1~N'lH: lo lI!lI,-oltlll1lt1 l'I' ~'1f1Ie DPpllpd Illl th eo 111 f"{lInl 'jit (If til,. Illr;.:('~f R('ltut, lk:tnK liN" " nyll1/!, HIlII tht' 1((I11!11"> 4"01"fIo rntlnn .... C~'rtnl n m01Il ll"1I11"1111 IIr n'lr "'I'ltnfllllon 18 Iwlng' nll"""11 \(> rlnll!Jlfh'nllunfl \\','r(' nlT"1"I'11 In Ihlll w:lmlt' r w"hout 1.'1lld~ or nlldwr unll orfinnl'('t\nn 110 Ih"t ~IIlP Inll'II nr t'flr· Ifillt n ,::nlo1l'l) rhtlnl'f' to cnln l ftlp<lrlll~t JlOrntinnfl m", not he t-<J lllltl'!h'li to 1m)' rf'8ulIA If! 1t .. 11l~ whnlly '\\'! I ~tP, 1 hl 't"9I1M'

UK' mu:clmtlm rnt t'. - rtf ,ltP Inn(.t\vltly of t.hr'!lf' I~ " Mm·

mil I(,(~A. (;om;illerahll(" (lhtt!u1'lolon I.. hl' lnt:

hrnrd IIl1'':;!' IIIISA t'flnf'emlnj!' I'll' 11I'f1"1JoI

sl l Y fnr ",,'J Il lll! 111'\\' h ll\uol '1I f" Ih'J 1I 1I 'IPIiAI orl!lIni llUl loll 11,,,1 I!~ hl'.ld· quorrrr!l Mv own ('l1n\11 ""11 .~ tri ll ! ~Ir ,·;.'I,·1'4'r I .. f1nf' In :.') I"""n' 'lin;:, III' " nil raP"11 to \\'In nu' ' ''''I II knt ~' I" Illl' !W'\'I'rnl fll (' I : lln~ In I to< ' 1: 1' 1' 1 1~' "1'1111 IlIIn)' n ll.1 hllM nrt'nll "" "II ~ ~" M ltu r ll\' d<l :11't11. lnJ,: hUIlI A. ]'1;"111,, r :-;,',1 III"r IInstl n ;!1J n(lr iCI'IU"f'f; I' llIl r .,. I' .. ,. 1(.11 hll lt 1(1'( tit" ..... l1r1d lInn ' 1\ 1111 I""" l!t!rlt! III IHlIth'p nr II "" nr T"'II.t'('j' I;~

:~~III;~~Y n:;~~~n,lll;q t~l~n "~:m ~~kf'd' II flW nln Ihp It cpuhlll'nnPl ant1 flw W'" Ill'nl "!',lnl(Ulon jt1' lle rolly f''fJJI''l't I".w­,I'RI Mr. 1(001['\'('11 rllr rl"-"I+" 11(1 11 III J!1;i4t \101("11 ' .1" lIt)' 18 "ho,,"11 III tbt (Inrly 1f'8(lpr8h tp' . . .

All old r.ole uhout th(" 1\I1If' rll !!' t,. h ~'

jU81 ('tHnl' 10 1I';1;~O!f" :,t n;';II~ rl;;'I~ '::: P,.ophe:;ic lUut' I ~RII' h:loI " ... '~

Wdrd'. bllrl~ -unlll'r IhI' nvnln llt'h,. .. t a >0111

'I"'n~ .(OIJrt de<'iltioft ltuldln;: ~11 .\ cod.- un('Orlln:ltulloll41, 1'bl' Itnry In 'tJl~ the Ilft tentinc Of t kf' dt·! I::n

rho 111u~ 5-:811(1 all To Iln1t{l('[ 11 alld

."'~Olb'9I1i .. '<1.. or tblt 11'1'

"'.haatom Emp.lr." UklQu. So,lal Flh"

Alto OIl Frh1.y aho Saturday

the Rita ·"m pn"nt the op.nl.,irf1ieU:y ~;;;;;;;5i=~;i:n:::; l chaPttr Gf t.hl new terlal picture, :'" "Th. Phantom Empire," which hat

been bal1ed a, the most excitinK' and ori,.lnal Itrial pict.ure ever produced. St.r of "The Phantom Empire" is Oen. Autrey. the famous "Slnrin& Cowboyll of ecreen, radio and record t.me. Supportinl' him ue Frankie

~=~~~~~~~~==(I:D~:a:,;,~o,; the leadinl juYenile of the BetlY King , Ross. the . I'Jrl trick rider,

or , on the ground. HAlRCUT in the ond deep In 'he benvel,

V· l • the earth are 811 eonts1.ned n the plot lSlt ot this creat serial picture. Starting

, TAP P , S in a typical Western !ettinr, the pic'

BARBER SHOP lure tak .. one plunging 20,000 feel

;~~~~~~~~~~=Jinto the: depths of the ('arth to the

Mr, Producer


Cream, EiiS, and Chickens

w. pa, 111,- Pr\ao a' aU n ...

Panhandle ProAuce I. II. l.UCAII

loet city of "M urania", bUried tor centuries but 600 years ahead ot the

The Plainview S!mitarium and Cfuric PLAINVIEW, TEXAS

TbortlUihly equipped tor the examiaatiun and treatm,.' of me4ieaJ arid petient8. Department. ioclutle X.ray. Pedi.tric8. Obttetrtca, Out.1

Eye-Ear-Nu,e and Throal"


Milford Fruin Gara~

Cream Producers R -t Hale Center IBLL YOUR CULL! l I"" Alw


Plains Cooperative, COOL AND COMFORTABLE

f", .. tII.:]~~~~- ~lnc~~. ~==~~IU ___ A_du_l_ts_2_U_ff.!..--=-_· ,.;;Ch_ll..;,.c:lr_·en..;,.·_- l_O..;,.¢:...-__

18" 0 fnt.. Friday &: Saturday ~ights Only

~ A Double Treat--;=;;;:=;:::==~Ii TIIu:£:~c::r= WAY Zane Grey's


.~~w,~ Sunset Pass -=-.::::.= tr .. II~==::Pb:.n:. :lOl==~1U WITH RANDOLPH SCOTT, KATHLEE BUMKE. NOAH BEERY

... ...... II ~ Thrilling Stol'Y of The Wl'st From The "'V • Pen of The West's Greatest Writer .,/, •• 1., $ And

Offiee...., Go. GET YOLJR ~...... WELDING 1M _ .. ' " DONE RIGHT

Sanitarium" CliniI: iII.I.T.~ .

I"'...,. ... c.o_ Dr. I. T. ____

&,., Ear, 11_ eM TUMI Dr. II. Co 0._ ~ .. ., <lWIU-. Dr. I. P. a.­QIIIlnII ....... DI.P ......... &,., Ea., 11_ alii TUM! DI.I ........ ' .....,

Dr ... C .... a-u~

,Dr. I. P. JI_ ... ~ .... , ... ~


Let Us Dolt T wr aulA... J. Appreciated

"Suffered Beyond ..words"

l~f ~~ANlOM fM~IRf The Fi rst Installmellt Of The Most Thrill·

illg Alld SpeC'lIll'ulor Seria l Pil'llll'e EVt'r Made

-1'U 's-HI~"fT\, »onp CARTOON AND PARA"UU;~'I' \'ARIETY


Here Comes The Sh.wboat! GET ABOARD FOR -A-l\IRRR-V-­


aing Cro.by, W. C. Field., Joan Bennett IN THE MUSICAL SENSATION


Shop At Our Store You'll Find

Plenty of Bargains.

Right Price Grocery Hale Center

May tag Washers - Hardware Terms Batteries

The Ritz Theatre HALE CENTER


m At No Increase In Prices

Each Friday allll Stlturday, Starting This Week. III A.lditioll To The Full Length, Re. gukr Program, Will Be Shown A Thrilling Installment Of

loOlt6)d at btr .. U he bud never paued uno otber. the IeeU her befure, . altbuugb he gne no UHt.rudoD"'lI tor .ale, 80d slgn of ftndlng iii: chan:e In t)er. But were iolUK to live ... 1.lthout • there was soooethlll£' actullily oollutltuJ OD, the 1. ... 18 Catol rancb .. nd In 61'11I1's fnce DOW. IIOmethlnlt dllcJ· mRke It PDY. pllned. !lplrltuallzt'd. - soweth lll l for It was a ll too oowllderlPg 1 Why. the which l'bil this mornlug round the mere mllue MurchiIOP hAd heeD Ol:!8 "'onl "noble." SUruehnw be felt 8 blur which to conjUN! (or ft a;enerntioDt O\'er ttlIJ eyE" and a certrliO dry thick· and tor Y~IlMr ever)·bod.J hud told eT· Delf.! lo bls tbrol1t. us she ~illall. with erybod,. else thai they tuld bt."ell ··coln .. 1111 her old r eadlnes8 and eallne-IUI. the lug" mODtl)'. that thel' had "acndL"" fomUle;r prt.pnrtttluM. UUl t they wt"1"t' " mode" nr It I

"ur COtll"Sf' yon ntl .... er saw nny The Mur('hisnns and the Chll)P& wit_

IibYsI GII\L$J Rend the Grape .Nut!' tu1 Jo. an9UleJ'

eolumn ot thts popcr aDd learn bow to Jn1n tbe DJu,y Dean WiDner. and win valuable free prl ~es.-A4v.

Lonl.1t ·Pho.n. Call Mad.· 'l'he longef!t te lephone {'all ever

made WRIt recentts put throu~b by t he pf)~t oOice at Sytlne .. N, S. W, (t eo.n,H:>cted a 8ubscrlber In Rock· ' ngh.nm, un Australlnn city, With . Callfonlltl, by WR,i' or l,oncJon. loMl dlst:\nl."<!. it Is COlll11tJted, lIbo\lt 10,000 mile... _

tl~Yc!~ ::::e 80U~~.t!th~~::r:: IWHlwleht.'S ~ lllI:e fhll'l.Il. MII,,-!»' •. bpcaulI0 their r~I"8 to New York and tbelr ta.llh· I InTentetJ them. When l1ude :;11111 ,,'na IOllable altltl"tlunl "'Itb Snn l"rnI1CUI(.'tt only a ' lIttle bo1. be tllld my shlter and aU r lingaml;!1 Tbls wae .8 lUlIlbll Ariel. _ ." tor tbem. Bur ... eun\l3h, "'l'bey 8&1 that

Stab, Itab, Itab at ber beart. Ser Artbur Murchison Could bave beett "olce wenl on. . lent to Jiilt'" Ulippel'lyllle aJd. DOl

"Ue RDd mv wiater Arlr-I \lAUI"I to ask without ",ttstactlou.

and were Quite InrGe. It Itcbeil and burned and at night woUld Uch fIG badly I would Icratcl1, and tbe pIm­ples flnall,. turne4 Into . orupttOIl&

i:li :t:;;t1iJii~5ir;;~;:;'1 J.b face wnj dtstlguretl for ~he time ~eJDg: 1 looked •• It I hod Ib, ~~t.~Q'~;;;:~~# uu!nBle& I ' ~ -; . .. ""l'ben J rt!ad abont CUtteura SotD

for 'heannlY: a80dwh!ht'A. and t tlaed "Wb,t d'you ,Ullpote will happeD t4 to IDllke t hern tbb war-()I;l\'Uc4 ham, Van, Gall'"

began tfJ build Il lod JeflY. and ('bP.e8e. and anytblnR ". v.:"'- thinking, He wat worllPS a l "\!" ~ """lOU. iLll rett·8nd· ..... hlte elM I had-all toJretfler.~ the New JeTIK"1 pilUlt, the lut. l

tbl! cnrDPr or th~ Phil 8p('nl hiM Sat ·

and SundBYI ('Ieurtm: tlIt, ... ,tjrtl,,,,, prden at tho Olher Hil le

c:bopplnl: flnwn mol.l)' "Irt 8t.arv~ lind .:;ftlmlltK1

aIr. Hunllhlne 1l00d~ the been robbed or It for

tbe rUStY maru M tM ,!Des on the ahnbby paint.

The tteet rell wtrh lurilt crBll h@3 In the hot Jaotlar, Bunsiline. anll IU1 1)f'081!1 .erosa the pumplUi I:rU!is and ~."bena., bU8be& Lt.ht Atnmmt'(1 (lrhtly toto the cUnloe room. aad Into tbe odOwnlt.t.Ut ajtt1n& fOOID. when- l:J(lItb bad laJa mutt.erln&: 00 II I,hlll t\ctnoor .atteraooD. The old bOUH IMwmf'd sha~ btw tllut aver .. till, ttullllUaUl\& DD-4nII1~ aod let It .... rood to ban 'tbt ,real oUa OD tile we .. tern Iide of • prdeD espoaed In all their tW· ,..art beiluC" aDd to obUtt'nJt~ tbt'J old patbi 'f1U11 Ibel, botUIi!l borl1era. and roll tbrtuntd aDd raked I!!Ilrlh

Flet mild. 8w~t·teWIM!'~ luok wen' beard:' . klDt.lly to (he little buy. 1!L'r Itklllt'u l "f thougllt he \\'ftl .broad'" handlt wenl un I lieln A' 1111> !)I)t 100tf. " He wtllJ-":ltb-;'uoUler boy. Or'" Irlmmlng crua~ pf'Casllll the Hlled Will!!· Kolf1~. MI;&. CbIP!.' told Edltb-" h.lv~ ot thl) Sllndwlchel t~l't her. A vause. Gall 8l!.w "'uller's boOk de­

h~f>(' It ther~ are tiny tlf ( hQliV paper vurtmeDl. fJnd the ra~hlonl1bl e. white­na)lk:lmi on thAt sllt' l'. I'hll." 1:11)\"",,"42 &Ira. UhIVl) p lI Ul!loK to patJ'OntEC

II.:!e looked up, t'UUifht her brotber'1I Gr~~ee.l~tt~Il~:1tt~ l~e~~t:r:~I;:), :=~ "What III It, Phil?" ~hlJ said. with n chuekle. "Sothlng!" (' 1111 laid. "Kvcry penny. he bad ,""me trum hl..l II the ahtM o( tb~ shining dum. aur· SIPllf8dlflr." Unit added, ··and lr lir.

rmm,lt!t.l b)' teBdu~r,. &i'rlh~ 1=1:1."I:!lwry . Murebhtou· r ea lly 1& down and out, Vaa hurt lIf'r \4'h@u she and I'hll. Sam. Lily. win ha .... e It hllrt.! tlmel" and the clllldren res('ht>(1 It I\t II gl""". ~"'rob' 11 t ile bt!SI thIng that ('ould IDI: nooDtide-U the IOll:lIt or It burt b81'1>80 to him ~'. Lily uplned bearti.ca. ber~ Ahe ,aye III) Aig n. Phil noted tlla,t b .. The)' talked ot other thing ... but her tbk .. k dAril: el'eln~l''' w~re Wf't. a nd the), a'wI)". ("ftm@ boclr: 10 tbe Murchl, ber e)let rtnKed talntly with umber, IOn (,lIure. lJu.U,. emc:leotb' .• he Bl't Ollt about Ihe Tbe ~tar"h da)" grew " e r1 hot a, preparlal of the lundulOD . he and the· dam: there wlla hO wlod. LU,'. Uly wurwurlua a. (bey DIad!! coft'ee tbree Uttle bo11 litter luoch crept 1010 &011 toa.ted Uttle .. unlet un Iharp.- the abade near the Iron'n.up .. , and eoeeS allek.a. la110' "blbln, . paotlOI. and fretting,

AM""rw.""e tbe dllldl'llD du, aDd tbelr faeu lIulhed aod wee with heaL ~----"m'~,"-;;~;"'r.;r ..... _ .. _+'"!O!""'-~ tbe ~nM!k • .ad &belt elden +-__ ~c-U",/-_'D'I., 0.11 be.an

arrouped . tbelW!M!'h'n 00 the Iblocle, to teU them & ator, .

'l'be beavUl nms~ ... d r,,11III::" 1l1l1O' way, PIIttt'Jd. f"l1 tn 1:"1"0'01 o'lHIII'" mitAfia to tbe r"",und. ;O;,'U,,,,I/II.'>I t"lll, men got blllCh·1t la It. al'lOl h~,l ,,, 1..­belped oat. with Ilon tlll~ 111,,1 1llIll:ht .. r

.. ·fbt!1 • ..., .baPlJy. ·· Ij,,11 !h,·Il~h!. ~, ..... tOI PbU crow YOIIII;l:t.r. "ull",lrr mono contented t!JW'ery b'''lr. Tlltl' ,lhu ... ~'llta bit old bunae. wVR!ht1r·twuh·n wHhuul &Ild wltbiD .. wu bdytl'D to bltn. I J I,.. paler oow tban ahd had beton. (rer .I"R-­dar IbapeJee. · b0lJ1 alread, rouo,lIne out tow&r'd motherhood alealn. ht"ITI In bel' .tubby lItU", t'UwmOD W It,u·r hand tM W, of ~If. tor Phil fie had D\!Iu·r bee» ImblUo"a, IIrtCI"n, ur In a bUill· Ileu • .,: wllat other mt!JD did. wht tbe nallhbonl meant, 11t:n IQed nothlnr to Pbll

"'fbe, _.,. hll"P)', nd J m1l1tO'1 .0011 It. S •• wUl IU:lrry Iwr~ In (,lip.. pel'8"\'1Ue. JufJI: lUI I'bll hilI'! "n~' rtl "" U alwa.J1 ~ (rit·ud&. AlJd 'W\"ht'11 I "1'1111 I'll ro a.lll. I'll lind Illy IlUr1 " r ,1 \" lnll:. .... '

"Bor until J gn, t UHlflt ItII,1 h' (b ... l,. bapptat!lS. NobodY-lI"j),I(i)' " 'JIM t· , .ulrer, If tb .. r¥.·. An)" WII1 wI! : ..

It Ln~ bud ~"I!'r tHlIl"yell I iall. Ih .. did DOt aOOOI hpr Uti"' Wly· ...... fnl'I.·' .. lack of eultuN wal nothing - 1.1111 nnet (bf.HlKt'J[ ot It. Lily·. Uttle air. aad gneel u MrL I'hll l.aw ... nt ..... paaeed QDlIottt"Ut1. LIlI 0"11\11.1 Ito to! th., 1DO"Yle "Itb 1-bll, lit thtl" !'nIl "t thn JoDi'. buQ' day; mertl Wltlt DU IWL-")81 tlo. 1D 1M'Ilng tbe cbtldr ... n wllb ~."atl. tor.O&tl,"'u at . llome AOYWrI)'. and til .. cblldNIII .dored btu.

sr.e ,peIU a _et .. arch e,enl .. . putlftl 'P.leturel In bflr camera boot. fara.&Dl" PQt'S backward, HDPnnl ... lAIt .pr will o1'lr me IIlt!f! prt.nt&.

Arltl.- about ten, a '.I ryllko Uttle with riqJI!tI. I:l:dh~· 10 ber

tau,hlul arid boldine b'- 0&111.'

talt1ns: ot CJlppen"lIIe .traln aad "wen. once tbere . ere three .little l"UppeN1"lIIe tolk.. bo, .. Jutt the ago ot 10U and Mllee

Ull h.d the .1OI.'t:UUar qoaUt,. bot un· aDd Daon1. Wolfe. Their aamet! "eN ~u. 1 10 womell at !lvr alt.rt. keen Hammy, Jamm,. and Sammr-Uammf. [,-pt". or ~Itll& ablfo 10 wftke I!',en tbe J~unJnY. anti ~amm)' lo'ormaldebyde." m .. s! ('1I8ual .:oull"' Itll"r"lIt1n~ . Wbat "They W1!nl relullolll of Ibe Immortal ah., did n"l h~nrelf kou1\· ahl)ul the old f"mily'" fl81:t'd I'hll 10 the pSUMe. hl8 !'a'willt'" 10 1 " ..... 1I. hf'r III1·rht!r uod hi'lIrt twal q uil'k"llln~ nail bftd tnlll'n

:I~~:,':,\I;~:~ ~,:r ~1 '~I'~ nl~I:'~r:~III>IlI:1~,~'r t;;~ II) .. ~~~:;III~.~~,~~h ~~::~ ;!~:~. rll:;:I~: ;

1;:111 111'110'''.,,\ fll.,·,II.b,,·d tH lu'r IIl'!- 'Hllj),'d 1I IIttiP. '·'1110')" we,... MOIIIC.·. ! rh" Th.')· \\"r,' IIrv"r ~ ' ·IIi<J'lh'u RJly \'l)litlrPIl" 1<01 ·\ 111~IH'lIl1:h 'I,,"~ .1,·»11 "ltl, wur'lo·n~. "(Ih, Munl('11 lIIurrll-'"ll lhf>n?" lIl) tu .-rll"1J. f" ' l'hi. ,·rlnl.'s, Ill.·. filld d"tl!h tlUI !(I .. r" "'1'I1i lIou(UcthlllK \t1 th ... .1","lb. 10 11..- Jl't ... rnl 111('lun'" Lily V'llll t .... t abuut IlwUt. that t,aU round IUtulluujlllbl.1 f!'lJl ,·n.lnln~.

~uld 301~. l·t't·v~1 ." 1.111 would reo ('oIiOL "Illw.,. feit tbat Jim Cannll "".1 tb,'re the fIIcht l\~II" Wblt@ wall klli.m ----(Jf kn~. .ulllI'thlnQ: .bout It IInywal-· uld ah., uted 10 ,,0 (0 the l"'Ollnrvobl. .

" Ua had , uoe o'er to ,8t· " cup of Y"'" rblll ·. fl'ol.ll LluJe Uuna . .

··Sbe aA)·a 'Uu lUU •. ~ 1011 tta~'e

Jl "I"'t .... ,)f Ihat ~1'al yoUe tn yOW" plfK"'e ba)C. )H.' \\'-ttl..,r"

"311, ,,1!.Iu·t haft! hM dollwlI orr tor rm.lf nllthr.. !o!h .. tll""1' ~. UI) with tll .. ll .. ~~n tu Ullly .heD lh"l .11111.

··.-\rIlJ 11 101 ll'lI li41"1"', ture lu~r bnlr - IJrall1 ."1l'J _to .. JUM {"I,"Nt \I Hkl! It

.... " ... ' Inl),'ll . "\t"11 yarn IIn' l !!Ihe 1lOlI)'. It ... ... , II"'UI t .. ,..tIl Ilrl.a him tf> III. d'-Ath··

- n ... , &il1 w II ...... I lid 30tall 11"1.~nnt)r

..",u d l lnl( h" "~p. '1.I"~r cropln, OD Ihe bed. lad 11ol"1 -- slle .... u~un& tlD1 minute then ··-Pal.&y MI'. 'no ,OU wallt J'l.Iur tII« bh,d,th'lTn 8th·t. Pal· l t'S: 1If' Ift1'. ·1 durn know "'lie", I 'm

, .. Inll, II.,. .• md I'd Ju.t a. IOOD h .... e

WI 'lick In m,. hllond!'" . ,rUIn aow. wlu'ID Ibe ,..."e" .,t ber

own toul wert! runultl, .,. low. UIJ"a a'ream l;Jr ('otrW'en;atluD bIll Itt u •• : It aoothed OaU, It dinned II", trum too ('ODIC.nt a C'OntllcuplllUon of tb.e cbrll: ('urrl'nt of ber own IUft.

It wu .11 relli. aU bumaa; u.1I ... roDscloua of a IUU. Will ot pleuu,.. _Me IDtlc1paUOD wbto LlI1 10( tDto • n.rratl-.e velu.

And of C'Ourw the,. ... ..I .. ..,. pl4!fttJ to tal): abOut · III ·CUpperi"lu.. Ttaan WU "w., •• In, U 4lil:ddeDt.

"llonlcll Ul:nrh-d a IO(!w ln!:-ollll'lllne

-1)11'" M id i·hll. A look 01 pear.e ca Ultt In to hili killil, .... orlll~ eyea. lJe St'ttled l.Ial'k. ~ tj o ahead '" be aald.

The hot Iprln" IUD Dellt (JOWl) upon tlw! IlHpphire w"tel'Jl of t be dam, bUI ,,·Ilere lbe ct't'e\ widened and Ipread at Ita mouth tht1 Mhade of the redwoodl r.,II, and Ihero WIUI greeoDHI ud t'oolnea&. Unl,. Ihe dtBlI"ondl81 were DIO"t.na 1.0 tbe r ra~raDt Mart"b world; Ihent WAI tw duUtI ID Uae ltollan blue of the II"Y. no a"lnllh ot U.b to tbfI d8m, I

Up o. the "urroundlnl rlng of the I ft ullrcUan hili" ~ he IIlu wua .ulI bloom- I In.::. In ',li lt! hlut! plumes: the InElnza· nllu Itrtmk(>l.l the IIII'·", lt. with creamy ; Ihll's; even ttl", tUIY t rf'Mi bore .ro ld l·1l 11,.,,- A 1J1 1l t'juy twrtmmoo Ilk •• bulit't Ihrnt!JCh till' IIl r. QlId n·1I1 "one.. 1'h(·o 81it'1I('@. IU\l lil" rlll \llp-rlVI'It'-rlpple .. r the wutt.'r thlll u("('f~ntulltOO (h& 111· I.-nc.,. ODC'ft lUoru IUlIl l.u.U·. I low. rl('h, h .... It .. t!D. fOl~ btrK luulna the new ebroukleJI of tilt' tp~ormftldfthydea. Uut 01) Forwaldtthydt! "tur y b.", e Yer .r· tw-ted (Jail ooror ... qllite u tble 00. dill Tbl, Wall /:I"W. Th lt wu creac loll.

• m.m .... or d.lvotH' to Juppl, lac. ell . n.O to "ad. th tol1, ..... Uora 9It '.to (OUDU_ 00110'_ .~ (01\1111<104 '

and Ointment and eeot for a tree tlompJe. I cot great relultl. ~ 1 bolllbt more, Bod 1 used onl, twlJ cakes ot (JuUcuro. Soa)) and OD. box of QuUcl1tA Ointment .. nd thtli prnft,lcs were comllletely ' gonc." (Slgoed) MIM UI\fIll8 M1chelaeD,

W~~~g~8~f~t::~i 25e' and. liOe. . Talcum 25c. Sold e\'erywhore. One anwple eacb troo. Ad~ro.l!I: ·'Cuti­-cura Laboratories. Dtwpt, n. MAl­(len, 'Mas!J."-Adv.

LOWER' COST PER TO'N MlfE ~ . ~' ,. 1


QUiSTION No.1-''Will the non-sllid tread give me the greate .. tnlction and protection again" .lcidding?"

ANSWER-Th. poten'*' construction feature of. two extra layers of Gum­Dipped cord. under the treod makes it pO$.ible for Firestone to use a Wider, RoHer headwitb higher shoulders, that puis more rubber on th. road. Thi., combined with the scientific non·skid design, give. greatest non·skid .olety and traellon ev.er known.

QUESnON No. I-"Is the tire body protected 'againll dellructive internal heat, the chief caUle of premature tire failure?"

ANSWER-Every cord in Firestone nres b soaked and .alurated In pure,liquid

rubber by the potenteclQ"m.-Dipping process. This process" not us.d in any oth.r tire, soaks .. ~ cotton card, and insulat.s ev.ry stfOnd, preventing InteiiiiitfiTi:ilOllanGlliat, giving eilfIQ . .tr.'ngth, lang.r lif.,· gr.ater d.pendabllity.

QUEmON No. 3-''Wi1l the tread give me long wear at today'. higher speeds?"

ANSWER-A new and tougher fread compound de veloped by Firestone give. you longer wear at lower cost per mile, even at today'. higher speed ..

Call on the Firestone Service Stan or FirestOne Tire Dealer in your community today. Let him ~11 you about thc exclusive construction features of Firestone TruCk ~d

Bus Tire. which will give you lower operating co"ts and g r .e ate r safety.

wn·s tl') .be.the. (Jc!l,'mr pl~thQ t.hIllCO pCODl~. Ind abc W4. confhl~nc that Qod would lomenow tftY. ·him· troll1 the hand or tbe ( rucl king.

2. HI li preservaUoZ) .(,....9, .), While bill mollier had faith , I!he did not Jgno~ tllO l'IMIM!f" b ile 01 mean8. IJer_ lJap, tbe atory, ot ho.w Nonb olltl hl8 Olln1Jy ",''C re !In,ed 811ggcsted the ex­pedtent ot the ark . of bu)ru8he8.

The "Ir ish ChAIn" quut ('il.ll be tO~lOd In almost p.\'cr)' collection. 11 1111 qui lt mal;eJ'S will make n t lenst one ot thcl!(' HlllI nlc elU)lo nntterns. I Bingle. dooble, or trlvle Iri sh Cllftln lin s one. ·two. or three blocks In th~ chnln. Tho bnck~round Is "hlte and tbo 1IIlllllfr8 8f e 1\ solid blue. r.::d. o r otller dnrk rutted colon to gh ·e ,"on. trnlJt. The squnrcs 1n till!:! 4Iullt ·m elumfC- H~ Inches \itthout fmlun, "lid tht·y nre nppltqnc.1 on two tilt­fer{'lIt nlne-Int'h blodul: (mo chO<"kt'(t. tbe (lther wit h n /:lflUuro In each (,orner. T hese ore Jl ijl;orn hici l nH(·rnl1t'~I.v to ~I\le nhQ"'e errect. SCH'1l !).Jneh hlot'ks lire tlsetl nerOl:lS

3. IUs etlucot1op (VY. 0,:10). MnRea was etluco fc(l ~r,8t I,lt his . moUUlr·,. lme:e, He ro Ids mlnll was .oiled 'wltb Ilte" WorO ot 9o~ ~nd ~cttunlnted with tbe JtID'itrh hopes ·nn6 prOfl'peele, fie WI. turther etlucatM at t1l e Egypthm court wtlOre ho Jletn ule nCllUniJlled

"I!~ ~\stl:i l~~18~~31 :~:::~g~gf\?!~n;l:: W to,l nnd nino h lol'ks on Rldt.'. WUh"

:n~II;~\~i-t;le8~~~:~eh~~~'~e~yU:;"'t~,~,': I::'~I~:~~ : 6 ·ln('h t,Ot'll(,f qnllt will Jll£!armn' nil'

22), Moscs wns obliged to tnko his ffigbt l rom Egypt ot the n~e ot torty )"eurs. . beCII.11Se be flrcmntun! ly nt'

rn".hltln fI .. :O;I,,- :\n IIlI!I!"\!r Is It simply II tll:cli,I ' ," ~S~:~;II ~ I ~:~~I I~nb~n~ 1~~I~I:I~tl l:~h!~ ~I:~I~~·~~: ~, , :~I I~h~II:k 1>~'r7~~nl~'n~,.,~' :~;thl':I~~~~I~I~~ Pllt,·III·:-I nlld hIO<'k ..... lllnst he n"ClI rlllp,

. tompled to enter upon his work 08 (lte deJlf(!ret of hla I}eOple fA cUl -7 :~). Wltlle in &.'\'110. GOl1 tnnsht him and quaUfied hIm tot bl8, .work. Durlne 01, · lime of reJectl.,n be accnrod • bride lrom lllnong tho Gentiles. JtIJUW <2I1'I&t, bll Irelle 8nUl1pe, wblle a"", In the pl~(O of reJt!(:Ut)D by bls brethl'Cn, hI I;ottlnl' a brlde. hie ChUf~b.

1\'I:!IlYi"II ha'·I· !'IIIton 'l l the Ih'lclofSllks l hll llnllll.11'f to '};~I:tJ:: ~~ltg~s(]~n::~~l!t~~u 3:\ pOI'ulnr

Ar~'I~~I~ l~e\~h~ISt{'I~~~!~flrll.',~,llontl,.,."n,kl·k~ eol tor nl1lt Ilrlut f> d, v~r K lon tirE' shuwu qlli ltH IIhHWII In hoo!.; No .. :.!3. wIJI<.'h In thl'Sl' IJ tlll"lly !lhnnitlnl-(I el'tll·,'1:t111 will h(' mnlll'd to you nrwn rf'c(!lrr of

IIhnntlHl I-(S In vI'rBntll" well\'t'ft. Tilt· f llr KlrcllllOlIII tlUldfWr wcar, while 1'IJ l it> rontA. ('Ilttlng rhorts. tn ll~ rtl t'. I lik llr)p.1l1 ('Insely I'(>AAmh~ IIl1f't. fOX · th" 80ftflr IYPf>H of priMA fl \"t'ry SUPI)!" tions lind vnlunhle Infnrlllll llnll tor Nlpt Ihnt Ih('y hnl'!' more IUfltf' r. hut light J< hllnlun.c II bNn.u: 118ftd. St 'f' t in! quilt milkers will be .tmUJd In this hOlnx m illie of silk Ih~Y' hnve the nnt· elT('(" lIrn modf>l t(l the rl lCht In the 11· . booh. urul elulJtlt'lty ot Allk: no(l t heretnre ure IU At r n llllll . Jt 18 mntle of a gnoenlsh . AfIOJn;SR- HOltF. CllAfl'T 00 .• ensler to keen (relth And unrnmplell. yellow 811k AIUl.ntun~ . w ith ft f!; hllnttln~ DEI'T. D., NlnNpputh ,Dml St. Loul~ Then too. th t· new Alii l1n""8 hllvt' Itll' ('O'lnl In fl rnll ICe und red reJ:lmen lnl Aw' .. ~I. . I .oul !'! , MCl. , lronl onlong the GentllC'8,

If, Mo.le. Called '0 o,nve,. Hla ::~n:~:f('~to:h~:~I~:\.:I\::~I\~)~':e ('~~;I~:;; HtrlIIl>K. In ('lnsc n slflmpf'd nrldrf'p.!lt'(l

People (gxod 3 :1·14). III'US:lot ('4"llnrs whlt-h urI" lin \'flJ: llhlh III ~l~ ::: ~'~:~I~'I,f'I~~r!n::. th~t:n:I~;~:~:('~~ ::~o'~nr~~~I111~~::~ Ii\·hen wJ'l lIlIg 1. The I.onj 8po"ke from th e burn- Ih ls 81llnml·r. Thl'Y n lllil MImI' III IInlll f> prrtrl" r IIUIINIIiI th lln Ih lll IIhm~r nnd _____ _

Ing b\l~h ( VV. 1.(J). It WI1S wh ile " ('f'P" I·ery Mmnr l lU,uINII I ~ tlr prlnlj,l. '1'111' Int· 'I nl n l~' \\'·:IIf'. Whllr nil mousSI'lI ni'M Inlt the nn('l. of hl~ lat lwr-In·hlw In the Il' r fn,·or h"I'1 1'1 11 1118 nlhl ~f>"lIIl·tr l .. urI' It"l \\";I~ l la hlf>. 8um .. '·f>r.,' new n'r. dl'1K'rt Ih llt the I A.Jrd i1 l'pt'HH'd 10 I I rf·lIlm"l1t~ . Ill ... It'chnlrju .. r:.!Ih-all .v 'I i f. " I"n" JII ~ ' PII! fill t ilt> IIm rl",t h ll "!"' 1' h.,l'u Moses III t ile burn ing 1HIM h , which lIym · I [I·,,·nl f r u lI! 1111 11 1I.~I'd on 1'11 1.; npl"'!I

bollzed till! 1111h'Htrut'tihle people of I For I! l'orl S hilI !!. ·111"111'11 mill el:l.l"lllIlI'

Gut ll (I~(!S Nlmmlss lone d (\' 11. 7. 10). i :111111~: II~;'~; ~'II;I:,~~ I::~H~:;:;t~II;::;:: ;p~:~,~r~: tn Ihlll comOl18slon God ehnw(lfl hlJ i dnln J: thi n:: .. \lltlt It thl !'!h alld 1.:" ItW { 8rtlve Inl£'re8( III hili ppople. HI' 118· MIS rh:ht In wi th liIe spl rll of 1i11 1U1IJ,' r liurcd ~hll l' !I fhut he ho d l!IN.' n thelf ~ulf'IY.

affllclloo nnd hellrd Ihelr ('r),. It \\'11.5 Slik Ilm'n 18 j"l llr tlcullHly to be' 1'(lm · I ~t1r-1'Jmft~

blrnf!(> lt In tl plh'cr tlte people. ('l' ld~flt 11"1 thr t\tfl plf'Ce RuH to I h ~

8. ~I o!\etl' ohJ~'"t I Gtls remover! I,.,. , l r rt In the plc· I lI rf'. w hl .. h hll !/. 0 hln .. I.; 11.14J. to'our ohJcctlons w('rf> ntrt>r" II, • tlklr t /In.1 R In ,·k,' I·ldollt'r (If wll l l(> Kllk PIIcb 'me or wb l th GOII roN und re. 11111' 11 . A I'fllkll ,Inl !l lI k nscot IIJ \\ om mo'e, l. . wl l h It.

B. I'NSOllZlIIlIl\\'nrlhlnC!I§ h'. 11). h. 'fhe dlUkuUy 01 the people to tlml"r stun" ~ l u~l'l:f f'('la I J nll ,~ hlfl 10 Grill (rv. 13, 141. ('. l'llhr lll't un 1lH' purl nr the Ilt'l,p ll' 11 : 1). d . 1.1Il"!, lIr 1'1,)· I]UI'IIl'(' (I : W) .

Th.· I·f> r ~' nl!m""!,·1' IWO plr .. " !1 rnrt ~

,t r>'''~ ' ·'·lIlr r,·,1 In II,,' C"rnll1 ' I " fa"h \"1,,'01 "f II C""I , \ , ·Hlr .n .. 1 ~1 !1 ; 11110'11 Th,' 11 '· ' .'r,ll. '10 1.["11 1. ', 1 ,..I,ln .111 .. " ~ f"r 11"'· I ''''' . "1"1 ... I "jl I~ 1"" ·I ~ , ·,1 ;,11 ,1 lIa ." 1I11.·r· 11111 .. PI" 1 ; ' · I ~ . willi 111·,1 \I'· ~ " r 1" '11 rl 1,,11 (,,"! .. II ",I 11 w)'I,' 11:1:1, 111·.1 I,,' :~ JlI " ~'·I ' I

i~l. F ~I:I:e~.:~t:l~tl~I~I\:~71:;~ (> (I-: ); n(\ . 11I 1!J"t:·I~'I';' r~::\II I;: II' '';';:;; : : l~rw ' ' \\ h ldl I~ ~ ,' 1:! :~ 1 :1\;). Thu t'ulmlnnllnt: b l\m· \\ lI ii I1 I'JlHrI'nl III II,,' 1:"\\ mudl' It- n. tl ,-.·I, . .! t hl1' dl'1I1h lit Ihe Hr~ t·lwrn. Tllf'rft III till' p"l'lIlnrll y or ~Ill; ~ II ;I III III'::" r"r

~~II~~;UI~~~;.~'r~t \\~~ ~ ~! !~le O~~~~d h~::: :~ · I ··· ;il::~:s ':;~.;:r III"I: : ·:II~ ;;;~·:;.,t (' \~;;:I\ ' ~~: ;;::; not rmuul. TIlI R IR ty piclll or , It II' ("um· ins: dllY or I :od'" \vrntll· whf>n /t Il who lire nut rrl'tl n.: under Ihe Alludow or Chrlst'!! Illnrul I!hnl1 perlAh. .

2. .At I h(> li e d :;;(, ll ( Exolt 14:1~1). J1 .. mtJlI,.1 tn .m (llthor tilde h I,' mOIlI! · 1 .. ln!', tlu' n ell sen 10 fronl. ~nd IIl1r· t!UN h.,· til .. 1·::::-y!It!flnll t rul!) 1/11' fI'u r. Ood 1III,'rl'''Hl'd. I'nll h llll;:' tht' I s r .u' !I I" ~ ! to t'r',,~ dr.1' II hml. I

IV. ,h! Glvinlil 0.' the La"" (1':'''0..1. ; 10·:: 11 .

1. 'J" hl' 1·,I'I"\· nllnt I'rl}I I'·'~ I'd (dl. I~I) . Thl" I ~ !lll' hri: l lI ll i ll l-( I)r till' I hi''' · ' a'titk 1..1111:, 1"111. Tim tun l threlll):" it · 1I0!11.'l! I'r"I ''''''''\1 to Ihe 11t'''lllt· tllllt lO ll '

('{"'HIlIllI ll " r their ohetl ll'm 'e he woUhl . OOnstl tul,· I tWIII hiM lK'<' u lln r lle\Jpl ft ' In, ~" i ). Tn fbll tlle l't"lOlll,! hl'Drlll), : leipOIl!l(' ,1. t'li otul:lnJ; tlll:~mS*! I\'t'1I 10 I (lb4!,. him (I" . S) . I

I~ ~~I~~ ·;:;1111~e~~nh:~~e tlt~II;~~~~ I ~~I~ :~IIl~~~IO~~::=n~~d IC~~:~ ; "Wlrd. I

l ' ·11l' ~ I lI tllt fltJ tlr MO S4" .... Dr R('("j OMlt1'} l. al\'M (I·b ... 2 J .21). Ttlelllll !ltll·8

r~~"r;'(:I1 I/t' 1I1~~ilU(~ :1'i.~~;·;1 ] }r~ :

l'tOPl'rt)" 1:.!1·3;t·::l:m): d. (~ooJuJ:n l ' ldulll' (~:: : HI, ",: e. MlsC"CllalH!olt l t;. I :'=I : H~,; f. Riot Hm~ or Jehovnh ~.;d~1DJ . ~ I:. l'eraooal pltlt)" (!!8:

lit. 'fhe N)vflnftnt rlU.1ne-ft (l'11od. 201" !be ben tho 1n", hid been dul, aet fortll,

peopl. \verts aDl)i1 to actept feduced

Tb'~~'n';';"",C;_;; lbeD

": 1, .. 1"1:11 1,1" PI~lI",,~ .~,· (1 fllr 1l"1I Slll lh lllly. T ill')" {·"IU P In pl:dn \,·!'n\·f> lI . 1\1 1<11 In I I· I"·!! 11 11 10 ,letl!'uffl l'itll,l'lwy I«'1(·(· (llor I j.atl .. rlllll :!::-I. 11h' Inttl'r IITI'~·lng Ir1'f'~ I Kt ·

11011' \\"1 ,..11 Ulll·t· .'·"Ii gl !lnllt:le Iht'm. Silk l,run i1r luth 1M nl l>O n w8shllhlc- I

ruhrl!' 11Inl 11 h" ln!! enl hnRlllstkllil y I

lIIK'd In I.Il' tler· t),lle acUff nnd SPUClato~ "RP"rflm"lrn"r..---~-------. -

A r(> ,· lnl l nt Inte r r>81 In UH' l(lv('l\· \\!lshnh le ~l1 k <1 1111111", k IIml Milk J!I~ . (IUlt rll>! III III ",. nn!t·i1. J-:ntl rJl I~· ",'14' pul · I If-rIiS Uri' 11\/11 111 11 11' Ih lll 81·Zl R" II . sln·s:-I· I Inlt 1·!'I'.· .. ln l l.,· rlf\·f'r nnllt h" nl 1Il"llr". ; 111111 a lI\'rh ' ~ IIf !'p" r ls l'aUt'rns 14 11 10\1 111 1: ~ ,1I (f"rf>nl j!1I11 11·:'l.

\\·II~h!lIIl .· !lllk (" ' ''I'f>!! no\\" :-111"\1" 1111': an' '· 11) (\" 110"<1 h.I' IIlZIlI ~ IZlI! 11111,' I'nl 1"rl1 ~ I II \·11· 1<1 ... ,I"rs "11 IIJ.:h! I.: r"u lI,l~

~ I"' I\ lilt.: urlkl .. " Il r ~I ".rl!l "'I"il"" ,,rL I .11 ,·11 u~ 1l"lf 1" 1')01. I.n l" m:ll l"t •. I,,·a,·h nrll!'n'll n~ ulII I 1>0 UII A..: III 111,' n ·n III,,· 111 :11 11 1,1" l' I:lln \1 a ~ !J:lhlt· si lk ,"1"1'1""" I II" .\" un· lII:ldl' In 1\·I-III :II I" r. ' ,1 "llln · I\:II~ I I.IIII 'S '111h I'mhr.oj, I" rI·d '''''1 10·

J.:r: llll!l I'll t ill ' .. '·tl rr. I " '~ "' II ur )<11, ,·\1'.


T II I'fI' IIrfl " II ,I I "I4~ 1 "1,,~11'1 11 11 i'~ (l ~ I II ~ ,; , I " I , , ' , . .I f1 .1 " r" r II J :" If', I \\ II r I I r" I ".

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ra il Woolen Card Civel Two New' C:;roups of Colon

'f lw r"l1 llll1r ,·,Illl" h nf II,,· II": l-, fnll . \\ " ,,11' 11 ,'/1 rd. J1"I"'rl1~· 1I 11:" 4" .... I"rs In I WO'"II' II fllhrlt' . hn ll 'Iut hf>l'lI ri>1" UAt"! I til 1111" nllt'rll ·of the UMl"nda i lCIIl, It WIl!:! 1 nn l\<' "I,,". ~ 1 hy ~Inrl!nn·t Ihl.,·rhm Hnrk''. 1I11InllJ.!'ln~ fll N't'fnr In mhtltl on ro hnR1(' 1 IIlllItif>'. Ihl' card tOlltu lns Iwo ('olnr ~ r(lllllil du-a.lj::tHUf'11 .. " "(Cuitlques" and '''(,()lI('hdOWIi "nd Sk i Color .. "

"he . flrNI·IIDDl£li1 rolle(!t1on e-nnlll'. f)I 1181)1' IllIstcla nnd rich lutumn tOilet ftlpecloli.)' . lIulta-hte tot • . 1\11. el,U,lren'. ,(,lie ''f/iu,h,: •• , ..

Lack. Glamo.r A mtl ll w1l" Is "II\'r rl'\-lIy h:lrflllf'R~··

1s ll', IZI!I' l"(' ~l il ll-: I .. ulllf'r IIIl· /).

railroad tli& progre~sC?~;:::e can The was ' ery raprll. stores, tWO , aar-cea, two Colorado.

h frt of tb Grea~ The business lIection of our town to·dae barber .hop' and beaut)' d' 'd It' 'I' " , ' ' It is in the'south. contains about S4 bUliness hOllses. We one moclern up-to-date t:anor. IVl ua'" ,1'lP p aDning SerViCes;, , ' ,

H.ale County. about have a drllg 810re that-any of the lar- and a Chevrolet aales room. ing , marked' road maps, literature, i~m.II'. f~ LubhQek. geF'towns would be proud ot. The~e telephone system is owned and p, A'D~, ,G"ETT' " hotel and cottage camp directories, l".~.ti~'f(" settled by Zack are eight auvice stations where aas, I ted by the Southwestern Telepholle - 1 f If' FREE ,~. " ttt'.l1t, litl.;~ji;.thj, :tfl'lt settlers on tlH .. ll and repairs lII.ybe purchased atl Company, Taxas Utilities furnilh;t and other he p u in ormatton , '. ,

' .• -, ~,' : " , - , , ::; ~':r:,lt:a!OwI:ra.~~!~~:;aj,;~: ' Blaek.puth $~Op Just come in and tell us where you plan to West Tex.., Ga. Company, The P.tt~ t!::::::~!:!~~!:~!111 go, and we will secure this wonderful free

McCormick-Deering , $«mi.Deep Furroil! Drill :Fa ' Planting 'WilterW~eat

IOteel brldlle·type main frame to

_, turrow pain driU i. aD hold the teedinll mechanl!<tlt In

prolWf atillnmnl for lonll drill

''lBip UIl eoltatruction. It ana- life. Allie bOlLeS, lear yoke

wen the aeedi. of wheal pow· bearinra. and di. .. beannlra are,

:u:!u~:r::I~~c~ef~!n::~:I':. 1$1. service, people. St,blliine all of thlt ALWAYS BARGAINS AT ALWAYS GLAD TO GIVE yoU-~::8 1::: .h~:!~:~urflr;i~: ,SMITH VARIETY SERVICE AT HOME OR ABROAD B.ank bouts I capital of $26,OQO GENER A'L TIRES AND'T' U, BE"S' 'deposits amountin; to $126.000. . DO YOU 'NEED n;

The dwelling section II lIIado up of HOES, . Conoco Gas arid Gerl1'1 PrOcessed Oil about 125 resIdences that Ire scatter- FILES Mobil Gas And Oil ed over a larae area. ' PLOWBOLT8

There are a number of Industries SPRINKLERS M M C ~ that rna,. be successfully carried on. FLY SPQ.AY orema' D' O· t~.r " , o. However, farming Is the cblef OI!- We Have A Nice A.sortmenl

:~~~O:ro;!~b, cotlonand wheat tlle Ther: Are Alwau Barl.ina At Plymouth And Chrysler Aients Stock raising remains one of the Our 'Store , Phone 45 .

leading industrie.. Cattle, hoas and I jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~~~ii~~iiiiiiii=~~~~=ii;iiiiii;~iiiif sheep are the chief products. Many I J of the farmers ' adopt the plan ot m.~keting their feed through their UVt!3tock.

r-:cxt to farming, dairyine ' Is the chief industry. Each farmer keeps I herd at purebred milk Cows and •

A MODIRM GAS 'RAIGS Smartly ~tyled, with oven control, Insulated oven and mIlD)' other COIl'

venlencefealures thn~ malte ~OI),ltIna and baking a real pleaaure. WW cool! la..I balte for a family of fpur at 'l cost of - '


ot chickens, The crUIII, butler, and elas provlcle him with a steady income and he does not worry about meeting notes and mortgages. The farmers have adopted the "live at WIST TEXAS GAS COMP AMY home plan." They raise excellent asr. dens and many of the products are Good Gas with Dependable Service

r-___ -..; ......... ;ro..-.~-....""".__.a;""""~--.:.-.q .. u1~~~P~p~:.::d~w:i.::th=-::A-le~~~~~~Il·- -t;D~::~:::!~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;:~~~ii~~r!--lie lubricatloi fittinp, Two

.ian avaUabl_12 and 16 diilD

TIle ,eft ill tile dollble nan

type. Th. all-Heel, ruat-n.itlt­

ill. boppu co_biD wltll tile

witb to·lnch apa.c:lnllL

See WI about Ibis new Mc­

l·ormick.Deerin. drill before

you do Jour seedin ••

'Center I~plemeDt Co.

The roads leldllig W our town hive r~ently been worked Ind Ire in aood condition, A highway to Plainview Is now under construction. This will be one of the best roads In the State wh~n it Is completed,

Petersburg haa an excellent school .ystem. A new high school buildinll costinlr about $60,000 wal completed m 1927, The ('Itisenl of Peter.burll believe in educatin, their children Through the hard work of the auper· I'icors Jsck D, Weater and E, E, Han· cock, and the co-opera ton of tbe teach

:=~~~~~i!iiiiiiiiiii:ii=iiiiiiiiiiiiii~il ~rs, our school now haa 20 units 01 affiliation. There are 10 pachers em-ployed a~~ perhaps the areatest need m our school now is another teacber

There afe six organised churches in our town, inclUdinll Baptist, Funda­mentalist BapUat, Methoclllt, Presby· ,erian and two Christian churches.

Perhaps ·,he veat.st mat"rlal ad­vantage Of our country I tbe water and the water supply, The water is the best 111 the State of Teilas. It is freP from Ir~m ... Ind ia euily obtam· ~d r..., it is unly about 76 feet below the ('artll' •• urf""e, irrigation is mak, inlr rapid prolrl'US In th terrlt<>'y .urrounding Petersburlr About 16 pumps ha ve tw .. n installed within ,h. last alx month., The land can be watete'd . for about' $2 per acre, This Is the onl)' surceuful way to combat tbe drouth ,hot has gripped the for tbe lut ~t'vel'l.l ~e.ara.

The pt'Opl" of Peter.burl, In the dall, lYead of bUllneu, always have tlnle , fOf re<:reaUo\l, and Imllllernent Pfttellbul1f has all 8:reellent nine-hole rolf COUl"llP and orie of the best golf

on tb. Soulb PlailIJ, Plane are now beill, fomied to enter I tealll, in the South Plal1lJ Baaeball Lea

The hl,b adlqol wltll Ita u· coadI.. a1WI,. piociUcea rood

( ,


The Fullest Benefits From Electric Service Depend on You'

[n.;uQ~r'Q IH~m a portod hll.J

• whh n ... wor ... "" d1lucuh(ga an In

. Y': :-lt~'y .l,~·.·11 th01we have b:;,on ctllt to ··c.:I:ty on" ·'n OUI oper

al' ~n oj tl'lG:u propert1"'I. W. cW:o

f1aj t!~:.1 the mora19 of cw OJQan1·

IQUcn hat. under .evir,. Ilr •••

and In mati\, COlli Wlwart"""d Q\laeb, been <>bl, 19 maintain lb, Ylgotwa atnRIQth that MI alwaya ~e4,IL

Did you ever slop to reollze how Irnportanl you are? Hava you evor cOllsidered the filet thai the larqes! bemelil from tt,a u:e 01 o lec lric sar,vlce Is .the Increasod use of it? Conv;nce yourselt that the mere Ilick 01 a switch puts at your imrnecilale disposal a supply of dapenciabla en;rqy that m$CUl/l mor.con­venience, more comfort, and more happiness. This depends on you .

This compcnw has the responsIbility for fwnlshln9 electric service at rates which are reaianabJ., M consumer ne$ds lor added service IUIUU.d, fQt. reducUons have always been made, On. of the DlOIt' advanta'i/eous steps In thIs direction WQI ma VW'/.

recently by Ihls company, The-introdUCllon of <Jia "ultlm~e" rata tar residenUallerv1ee 11 «very'CliNd­beneft! 10 YOU In thaI at no 1nct«:lH 10 .... Ct-m . , larql)l' use ,of aleetrl= HlV1e» a.~~ 'Ihlt" ponda on' YOIL ' . ' ' . ' ,' .' I

'OW'.lniJ " .
